>The bad guys were actually the good guys all along
The bad guys were actually the good guys all along
Spec Ops: The Line.
imagine caring about politics
don't reply to me I know I'm right
>if the ebil nazis aren’t beaten then they will kill all non-white people!!
Ok retard point me to a racist party or facist member of Congress or Senate oh wait
Antifa are actually pretty based not gonna lie. Conservatives just cry on twitter while antifa beat them up in the streets now lmao
They aren't just morally equivalent, they're they same thing.
Literally all of them
k, I'll bite
"you care more about civility than people's lives"
is this implying that antifa's (or the people they're virtue signaling to) lives are in danger?
Where have you been? Antifa got their shit pushed in so hard they barely show up now. They aren't even good at being brown shirts, despite being so dedicated to doing so.
all niggers should be culled
cute black girls can be kept as sex slaves, there are not that many of them anyway
Grow thicker skin lmao
>>also cuckseritives
That describes the left more accurately.
But also
>being a literal brainlet
please just end yourself
right can't meme
Shut up Bobbeh
>threaten to do bad shit to people if they get an ounce of power, which they wont because they're very easily able to be pointed out and marginalized
>ACTUALLY do bad shit to anyone around them and will do way worse of they get an ounce of power, but they anonymize so they can just continue profiting off of the system they profess to hate
0 antifa were injured
0 antifa were killed
1 white woman was killed
again, are antifa's lives in danger? what specifically is threatening them, or the people they're virtue signaling to?
The entire GOP. Are you kidding? They're the Confederacy in an elephant costume.
Being asshurt isn't an argument, reddit.
how is this video games?
>morally equivalent
I don't think anybody said that.
Im your little candy man
>shut up and support my LARPing! im assaulting people, destroying property, and trashing businesses to save teh world!!!!!
I fucking love watching antifa get beaten. its fucking pathetic we've only killed one
"the left" is not one person you moron. Or more likely, you clumsy russian hatemonger.
stop using MUH NAZIS as an excuse to run around and fucking punch people you anarkiddie fucks
Neo Nazis spring up due to the times, college students and radicals put them in their place. I don't see the problem. Any town stupid enough to give Klan members and Neo Nazis a voice should expect backlash.
Back in the day, when Klan members went around on college campuses, they were almost beaten to death. People didn't hide their faces back then.
I do care about civility and not acting like an absolute monkey with no regards for others yes.
I wish Wolfenstein 2 knew that. Maybe the game would’ve been more tolerable.
No shit, retard. It's called generalizing.
Not sure if bait or retarded.
I love how Russia has consistently been the bogeyman of politics since the end of WW2.
It's unamerican to let fascists parade in the streets.
But they do now. Guess deep down they know what they're doing is wrong and they fear retribution.
Violence against opressors and and genocide planners is justified.
Nice bait, but it's true, turns out 'nazis' were actually the good guys, telling people to go to the gym and don't do drugs
When will games start to reflect this?
Actually, it is pretty American. First amendment and all that.
One counter-protester was killed and 19 counter-protesters were injured. They were protesting the Unite The Right rally, which means they are anti-fascist.
>Communists being the judge of what is deemed "American" and not
>twisting definitions to their straining point, if not outright inverting them
The left sure loves to do this.
Talk shit get hit
>the union party that freed slaves is the confederacy
What kind of mental gymnastics allows someone to delude themselves like this.
reminder this faggot commie died of brain swelling
When one of the people you antifa guys beat up end up dying you're going to get thrown to the wolves by the msm for being too toxic for even them to defend.
Just like the alt-right. It's only a matter of time.
I suggest you tone down the amount of brain hemorrhages you dish out.
>don't do drugs
You know the Nazis were on crystal meth throughout WWII, right? That's how they maintained the blitz. All of them were addicts by the middle of the war.
>being a literal brainlet
please just end yourself
Swing stick get hit seems more reasonable:
>noo why am I being beaten, I only advocate literal genocide
>it's unfair buhuu
Them commies should start praying when the "Nazis" actually start fighting back.
Where are the video games?
hell yea
Just needed to reply to you to tell you that you're right
>Fascists are policing the streets in portland, creating traffic jams, failing to direct traffic, and trying to beat up the people who force their way through
Oh wait, that's antifa
>the GOP were the ones to free slaves
What kind of mental gymnastics allows someone to delude themselves like this.
ethnic cleansing =/= genocide
Extremely based
Are we pretending Antifa are the good guys now?
Because last time I checked bashing people in the head with bike locks isn't okay.
Don't reply to me disgusting american.
doesn't a lack of civility affect people's lives directly?
like getting smashed in the head with a crowbar for example?
Oh please. Antifa is mostly scrawny college-aged dorks that hide behind masks and use their numerical advantage to pick on various individuals who can't exactly win a 50-on-1 confrontation. Every time one of them gets exposed or arrested (as we just saw in Portland), they're always like age 18-24 and living with mommy and daddy and are just weak white boys.
Sums up the left pretty well, just change the second line to "why won't they use my pronouns?"
Not everyone who disagrees with you advocates for literal genocide you retard. You've literally brainwashed yourself.
so all protestors were antifa? why were they not dressed accordingly? how does antifa differentiate between antifa and non-antifa?
just recently there was a story about how an antifa thug had his mask pulled off during a clash, and when he ran back to his group they attacked him because they thought he was a conservative or a nazi or not a thug or whatever the dress code protects against
again, 0 antifa injured, 0 antifa killed
all semantics aside, a white guy killed a white woman
>fooled by labels.
Mitch McConnell's GOP would never free any slaves.
the republicans 200 years ago are not the same as the ones now you tard.
>wanting video games on the video games board
Newfags out.
a little brain damage never hurt nobody