Rate my gamer fuel

Rate my gamer fuel

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How do you fuck up this hard?

Looking good. You cooked this yourself?
Would have been 10/10 if you replaced the rice with a salad or some greens, wouldn't like it with this dish personally

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Use a spoon retard.

>europoor cousine

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Rice is great tho


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Too many carbs and oil in the fryup, but 7/10 because it could actually be tasty and you're not lazy enough not to cook

would fucking devour this to be honest

>American cousine

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>american delicatessen

Attached: le_big_mac.webm (542x496, 1.74M)

There's nothing wrong with the indvidual ingredients, it's just the combination of shit on the plate that completely rapes everything.
The ketchup is the worst offender.

civilized people only eat one side dish per meal, fatso

Wont make it past 40/10. Well done OP.

That's salsa not ketchup

I love rice but it's overkill with pasta and gnocchi.

Are you pinoy?


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what are the ball things, and are those squid? Would eat.

is that fucking ketchup?

That better be sriracha and not ketchup!

Those are beans not pasta

I'm not trying to be mean, but why do you have two starches AND rice? Isn't that a bit much?

I'm also not a fan of the ketchup. Why pour it on top of the meat? Just put it to the side to dip, please. I don't like ketchup myself, but don't be an animal.

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I actually can't imagine what that tastes like.

OP here it's:

potato balls
Breaded beans

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0/10 for not using the sausage as a straw


>made with real cheese

uhm.. what does it mean? Dont they know cheese in America?

Fucking gisdusting


this but with crepes

Seems delicious OP.

Attached: Mc Fries.png (380x380, 131K)

not even OP and I can tell that's salsa, you fucking blind retards
looks good OP

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looks more like tomato salsa than ketchup

I have no picture but my favorite g4mer fuel is fried chicken. Its actually easy as fuck to do it yourself with starch and egg white. Plus rice on the side.
Hope you anons are cooking your rice well, it's shit when not done properly.

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Even if that's the case, why dip on the top? The chance that he's going to leave it lying there long enough for the proteins to suck up the flavor is really small, he's likely about to eat it.

Just seems unnecessary.

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>Sauceless rice

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Why not just full plate of beans n meat

You must really like carbs

chicken>fish>pork>>>>>>>>>>red meat

you can't argue with this

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I could have gone my whole life without knowing this was a thing.

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They use all kinds of retarded canned foam cheese and processed cheeses
I don't understand why, maybe it's cheaper and lasts longer?
Whatever the reason is, it's not worth it.

>think hes making bigmac pancakes at first
>then a bigmac omelette
>but no, finally realize its bigmac coldstone

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>Caaaaaaaaaaaaarbs and some chicken
Any particular reason?

>rest of it

top kek the state of America. In Europe theres only French and Italian cheeses.

found the spic

>It’s a “neets that are too scared to boil water or heat anything outside of a hot pocket talk about cooking” thread

>he needs sauce for rice
lmao pleb

Are you brazilian?

>you need sauce for rice!!

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>He doesn't WANT sauce with his rice

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I eat one pan chicken and veggies like 4 times a week. I am the NEET master chef.

Being from Denmark, pork, fish and red meat are typically what I eat. Hard to separate them into better or not though.

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This except fish is only good eaten raw.

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>acting kicks in the second her eyes stop ensuring the dipping

its staged

>chicken above anything else
Chicken is the worst kind of meat. Literal tasteless pleb-nigger tier food.

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>Made with REAL CHEESE
Well done Chip McBurger, you're a big boy now!
The absolute fucking state lmao

>American cousine

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McDonald's is fucking disgusting, I've tried one last month and it tasted like boiled plastic.

Fish is the best

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>he's so plebeian he can't make a good chicken dish

Nah, lots of people like sweet sauces on chicken, look at orange and sweet and sour chicken, super popular. This is just an easy way of getting there. Not a good way, mind you, but easy. I can see people doing it.

Please stop.

europoor meals

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How many spics are infesting this place?

what's your favorite dish Yea Forums?
for me, It's pasta

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brat ass>>>>>>>>>>>>>chicken>fish>pork>>>>>>>>>>red meat

>knife right next to him
>uses a chopper

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McDonalds here in europe seems to taste exponentially better than in America. I tried McDonalds once in America and it was disgusting, didn't even finish my plate.
Also this.

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why he tossed a perfect piece of pork?

I can but chicken on its own has no taste. You need to add spices yourself to give it any kind of flavour. There's nothing distinctive about it.
I use turkeymeat instead these days for my chicken dishes.

Go get your daily Mc, goblino.

Almost agreed, for me it's
Salmon > Chicken > Pork > Beef > most other red meats > most other fishes
Not him but I'm a Fin and I genuinely like pork way more than beef

plain, non-spiced beef tastes like iron flavored cardboard, it's like half of the good taste from beef comes from how you prepare it, where as pork fillets, strips and bacon are always good even if you have no spices.

It's a matter of taste, I guess, no amount of LE EXPENSIVE STEAK will make you right.

Kind of like how lobsters used to be treated as something disgusting yet now they're supposed to be high class and god tier flavor.
Ribs used to be called "waste" too, and poor people enjoyed them until rich fags noticed how tasty they are and now ribs are suddenly more expensive than what they ever were over 50 years ago.

yes goy eat more sugars

Why didn't you just make a fried rice out of those ingredients?

red meat>fish>chicken>>>>pork

Are they trying to start a war? this kind of food gore is equivalent of american pizza VS italian pizza

What the fuck is a "plate" of McDonalds?
McDonalds isn't even considered high cousine anyway.

This should be illegal


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Sushi. Bonus if it's made with red tuna.

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what show is this

>americans think pasta is sugar

>no green veg

>ctrl+f cousine
Is this a new meme or something ?

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I mean my tray, you get me.
But it's really a thing, food in America seems to have less taste compared to european food.

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I dunno all of the listed gamer fuel takes a lot of time to make. A toasted baguette with charcuterie takes like 3 minutes and its easy as fuck to eat with 1 hand.

>keep consuming sugars goy

>all those carbs


>american living in germany cuisine

Attached: Fat.webm (1052x592, 2.43M)

I'm sure burgers have figured out a way of using corn in their pasta
It's still so baffling to me to see how sweet the american white bread is

Anyone got that webm of a german cooking show in which a fat lady puts chocolate and shit on top of her lasagne while preparing it

Cheese products in America only have to contain 51% of actual cheese to be labelled as ''cheese''.

I don't know what a tray of McDonalds is either? You mean you actually ate inside a McDonalds?

Anyone rating chicken as the best meat is a subhuman mutt/nigger.

That's just how it is. American businesses no matter what is all about cutting costs to bare minimum. So cheap replacements or even artificial ingredients or some shit will always be used where available. That's why most of the food here is like that.

Even everywhere else seems to use real sugar in their sodas where we use fake shit.

Pasta is not a dish, retard

What the fuck? Does it continue after the vinegar or is that it?

does pasta come with sugar in your shithole muttland?

bet it tastes like sex

lasagne, hot curry or soba salad
I can't pick out of those three, they're all top tier

>European education

Exactly what I expected from “beans on toast” land

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If you mean greasy and oily, then you're right.

>he still doesn't know carbs are sugars.

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who is this muscle girl?

>entire chocolate bars
>300g cheese(?) slices
>tomato sauce

what the fuck is she even making? and also, that amount of food would feed a man for a week or two

why are Americans so obsessed with this?

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That’s my wife, what of it?

I'm genuinely confused, is this a joke?

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Eat more soba salad!

Attached: soba salad.jpg (999x1500, 557K)

>forgetting dutch

Kraft invented fake cheese, competitors wanted it to be labelled "embalmed cheese" and lost so they invented the "real dairy" logo to slap on products, implying that products without it are fake

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Okay I get the rice but are the other three foods all potato? What are they?

>all those carbs
Hello obesity.

kek many thanks

please god have mercy on our souls

Why do Americans hate dark meat but love white meat? It's a huge thing for restaurants to only serve white meat and the ones that serve dark meat have it much cheaper. We even export more of it than we eat.

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farmer subsidies

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please lads

>at work
>see this thread
>almost lunch time
>suddenly I want Mac and Cheese
>for some reason there is no takeout Mac and cheese

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don't try to use big words if you don't understand them

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Soba salad is light, fresh and good for you!

Attached: soba salad citrus.jpg (600x900, 57K)

Americans have no taste.
You should've figured this out by now.

Name a single 1 (ONE) American original dish
bet you can't

Attached: meat the gaben.webm (1920x1080, 2.78M)

I've recently discovered that kangaroo is surprisingly tasty, the only problem is that it's hard to come by.

>move to Mexico
>They don't eat pasta like I do, they just splash some cream on it, dice some ham and call that shit a meal
>they mash beans and call them "fried"
>they add chile to a tomato paste and call that a sauce
>they add fucking cinnamon to chocolate

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Because third worlders are flooding in to our country and they don't understand food.

Remove the pasta and it's sold.

Pulled pork?

divorce her rn

im american

>read the ingredients of a bag of macaroni
>2.5% sugar

you're retarded

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Noodles & Company bruh

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No KFC near you?

My mouf says yes but my chest says HNNNNGGGGG!!!!!

I twitched, my god people actually eat this shit?

Fried butter bars
I bet you feel dumb now huh.

I thought Masaokis was a parody. If you guys are unfamiliar with that name don't google it.

America already is 3rd world so don't pretend like it makes a difference.

It wouldn't be much of a soba salad without the soba!

Attached: rainbow soba.jpg (600x906, 188K)


You're beyond saving.

Your body is weeping for vitamins

That looks like medieval peasant food

This is an American website. Spic are allowed, encouraged even.

most animals are pretty delicious desu

>mac and cheese
>mac & cheese
What's the difference?

ok, the only legit answer so far

this one is so obvious kek

That's because it's an old recipe from farmers.

aka "a German"

orgiinal as in what? Only native american cuisine would count, because I'm pretty sure your faggot ass will claim that some of the shit after the colony doesn't count because muh yurop

Is eating breakfast like a king a actual thing you should do or is it a shitty meme?
While I don't dislike breakfast, when I wake up, I'm not really in the mood for a big meal. I'd prefer a big lunch or dinner.

All grains have basic sugars in them retard. But white flour has even more than whole grain

>/fit/cel autist fatso afraid of carbs

whats that?
rice, chicken and?

I live in Leafland and we don't have Mac and cheese at KFC or Noodle and Company

>carbs are bad
>carbs are sugars
>carbs are jew conspiracy
nah, you're the one beyond saving

>raw meat
Fucking disgusting

mac & cheese taste better

I'm vegetarian
i'm not kidding and if you reply your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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Yes, it was invented in america by the people who migrated there.

Just move around, fatass, and you can eat what you want

>it just keeps piling up
>and then the chocolate
good lord what does she think she's making there?

just google maps mac and cheese, it shouldn't be far

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and? did a /fit/cel told you not to consume grains because the Jews are ebil?

> Fish > Pork > Red meat >>>>>>>>> chicken
I unironically can't even stomach chicken unless it's cooked until dry but more power to you user

Breakfast is a meme and skipping it is healthy

Please let this be true I hate the cunt and want all her money

>keep consuming sugars goy

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You're supposed to eat to break your overnight fast. Keeps your body clock in check. It's good, even if it's something light.

>cherry picking bottom of the barrel food stamp meals.

>Jack shilling his show again

This. Skipping breakfast is the best thing you can do for your health. It's a useless meal. Have some coffee and fast until dinner.

the only thing i can identify on that plate is the rice

13/10 would eat

>Have some water poisoned by drugs and starve until dinner

It seems people here don’t know there are different types of carbs. Or maybe they don’t know how the body deals with them.

Fasting is good for you, not a problem at all as long as you do 2 things:
1) eat enough food when it is time to eat
2) don't workout, run, or do any kind of intense physical activity on a completely empty stomach

why are /fit/cels so retarded? It's because of their virginity?

>Yorkshire tea
>lots of butter
tasty world domination fuel tbqh

it´s fake german reality tv. that fat whale appeared in a couple of different programms. Her most known character is called Dominique


>tomato salsa
Is this a joke?
What's supposed to be the difference?

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Give it back, rajesh

ashstually there's no evidence supporting any of these claims. Studies suggest that eating breakfast is neither good or bad, so do whatever you feel like.

Someone please post the Doritos one.

What the fuck is this supposed to be?

Wow, this breakfastlet is seething. Water fasting is good for your body. You're probably eating too much already unless you're a professional athlete or work construction all day.

AHAHAHA amerilard BTFO

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ill use your wiener as a straw
milky milkky faggot, i know where you live

Drop the fries fatass

>Why yes I only eat American food. How could you tell?

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I actually do work construction all day long but I do not eat breakfast as I wake up at 0500 and have to be at work 0600, so I pretty much always skip breakfast unless it's a quick sandwich or some shit like that.
I just hate coffee and am bewildered at these "Do not talk to me until I've been drugged up by caffeine" people. That shit should be banned.

Uh, you are aware we have real cheese right? I hope this is bait and the obsessed aren't truly this braindead.

Looks like an old episode of Gaki no Tsukai.

Boeuf bourguignon.

No, that'll only get you "processed cheese product."

Boiled eggs. A full fucking bowl.

Live in Wisconsin. Can confirm America has real cheese. Thanks and bye.

I just drink a glass of water with lemon squeezed in to rehydrate and then eat a hard boiled egg. Big lunch and small dinner

my néger

>E-eat the eggs...

>Japanese tastebuds too weak to enjoy fine American dining

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Falafel pita sandwich

>America has real cheese
Yeah, chernobyl yellow cheese that never melts.

Based as FUCK. Do not fall for the breakfast kabals lies.

On a scale of average American to morbidly obese, how fat are you?


>Forgetting danish

>that webm

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>theres no evidence that intermittent fasting does any good
Fuck off retard

You're a Finn and you don't put Zander above Salmon? What a disgrace.

Shut up, let the morons have their breast while I get cheap thighs.

>being such a purist you're against caffeine

come on bro

I can't hate her

if I were a girl I'd exploit pathetic men like this too

A new form of an old industry
Get with the times, grandad

>Covering yo shit in sauce cause it tastes like crap
Stop eating shit dude

>spaghetti and chicken nuggets
This isn't a thing.

I get that but what's the dish even supposed to be ?

gaki no tsukai absolutely tasty ep 8 nabe

And this isn't a biohazard because...
Srsly she's giving out samples of chlamydia.

I remember falling in love with this picture back in like 2012

Yeah same but I still hate her.

I wonder how hard she hit the wall

Don't lie user, I know you like cock more

I wish I could get paid to wash my ass. Women really should appreciate what they have.

people actually paid for this, it is completely out of stock

i have never wished harder for a plague to take this planet once more

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the ultimate italien experience

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>tfw your favorite meal is annoying to eat while gaming

Attached: Garlic-Parmesan-Wings-SpendWithPennies-24.jpg (700x1050, 69K)

Pasta Aglio Olio, Palabok (flip dish look is up), chicken pesto pasta and anything in a decent boodle fight pic related

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you can't make this shit up

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> forgetting all the English and Welsh ones
Typical continentalcuck

>main a burger
how comes true patriotic americans dont protest this?

Is it normal if I want to puke now?

for me its the mcdouble.

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it's understandable, but still shows that you're a bit of a pussy.

I sure will, you don't have to tell me anything.

>it is completely out of stock
>it actually is
holy shit

Attached: ss+(2019-07-03+at+06.39.55).jpg (746x832, 79K)

people really eat this


Only places that have it are 4 star restaurants with fancy cheeses.

fucking bigot

Gamer fuel.

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Man, i'd drink a whole bottle of Gazpacho right now.

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why do you have three starches and two of them are potatoes?

It's a great souvenir

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>mfw visiting that website

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this shit looks disgusting

Mi renegrío


Wow, you've never been to the biggest fast food restaurant chain in the world, so hardcore, amazing

how did you know? you stalking me

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Cioppino or any kind of seafood stew really

Fish is elder god tier.

comfy old man, enjoy the chil chils

I am provably white.

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>the link is fucking real

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>thread about food
>devolves into shit flinging between Europeans and Americans

Every fucking time. Why do you guys do this? Granted, shitposting is to be expected in a blatantly off topic thread, but it's always this very specific kind of shitposting.

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Stop eating fried food.

i love those frozen veggie bags.

You are fat aren't you? Rice, at least doesn't require any sauces to be good.

i was gonna say hamburgers, but a nice chicken wrap is hard to beat

Check it out, I made this for $4 all from shit from family dollar

Attached: 20190607_173929.jpg (4032x3024, 3.35M)

Is that hot sauce or ketchup?

And what are those two things on the top half of the plate?

>sentimental purposes

Everyone loves a good meaty cock

I know right?
>3kg bag for 4 bucks
>throw it in a boiling electric kettle for 3 minutes and serve

Skyline is fucking dope, only thing I miss about Ohio

>I made this for $4 all from shit from family dollar
Yeah, we can tell. It looks fucking dreadful.

Imagine being poor.

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All I know how to cook is omelette, on the plus side where I work uses fresh food, and often there will be cooked free food for me

Do they grow on trees or grounded ?

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I never said plain rice was bad, nor do i think very sauced up rice is bad. It all just depends dorks.

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What's in it?

blackbean+chicken stirfry?
stirfry is the bachelor go-to

Another cheapo meal

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No, youre a member of the alt right now

>that 600 calorie cookie

>spics unironically eat shit like this

-1 for ketchup drenched chips
+1 for
another +1 for giant cookie and

Mobs in the tropical biomes have a low chance of dropping them

nothing wrong with her. just getting money out of retards and basedbois


Is that a giant fucking cookie?

Rice, black beans, canned chicken, and a corn okra and tomato mix

American's a bizarre, they literally come from people who colonized the world for spices and/or known to have great food (Spanish, Italian, French, Chinks) yet they've inherited the blandest British taste for food. They also bastardize any cuisine they get their hands on

In all likelihood she's selling regular tap water and just saying she bathed in it.

It's just stir-fry, you sheltered idiot


Attached: cunnypass.png (1200x700, 310K)

Nothing in your post is expensive

You posted this for the desktop, so just go ahead and upload it.

It's my life fuel

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I'm aware of that, retard. That still doesn't change the fact that it looks like shit.


yeah imagine being poor and eating fast food kek, why dont you stop being poor user?

Do you like pudgy cute and funny because you give them 700+ cal cookies?

> the food of the motherland.

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r8 my dinner last night

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>fat and poor
Every single time.


Rate my Southern NJ snack

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Did it come back up ?

Burger was $17
Fries were $5
Boneless wings were $15
Cookie was $8

I don't think you are though, considering that this is how stir fry fucking looks all the goddamn time