Why does Risk of Rain have so much soul?
Why does Risk of Rain have so much soul?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's another indie pixel game?
Darker color pallet
Also better sound design
its got loads of soul
I just wish they did the same with with number 2 and kept the same aesthetic but maybe add completely different characters rather then making a kind of 3D port. Dunno just looks kind of retarded watching a kongo line of monsters follow me around on an open map
>its another 5 poster shill thread for abandonware
makes me miss eceleb threads
>Can't count
>install BanditPlus along with the other modding shit
>cfg file doesn't generate
Holy shit please just give me detailed instructions I'm a fucking retard
Because of the godlike music.
good fucking music
I feel like RoR2 lost something with cutting the platforms and ropes that RoR1 had.
I can understand why Hotpoo would drop them, seeing as how it could be hard to come up with a clean way to have them in a 3d environment alongside cleanly implementing them.
I found it horrendous. How do people like procedurally generated levels? They all end up feeling the same with shit sense of stage progression and no surprise.
I think hopoo tried to replace them with the jump-pad things. It's not the same because ropes gave you a bit of control on your ascent and jump pads are a bit mundane
wow you're retarded
>procedurally created
Holy fuck, I thought they were procedurally generated. Instead they're just selected randomly? That's even worse. They were so fucking uninspiring and bland to get through I thought for sure it was all procedurally generated.
host when?
ok, real talk now:
there is only one melee char in ror2 right now, so the next survivor being melee is more or less a given. but will it be aids dog? or cheffe? or miner? or some bullshit walking plant again? or maybe big tiddy lemurian (female)?
Hopoo said that creating melee character is hard, that's why he is in he files but not i the main game. Bandit is considered to be boring. Next melee survivor will be Fireman
this would be amazing. wouldn't mind a fire"man" with big honkers desu. you know, like a milktruck but with sirens.
>You will never avoid a bullshit fire elite death by getting sprayed soaking wet by big mommy milkies
Why even live
You destroyed their heaven. You killed children and defensless creatures. How can you think you are allowed to live ?
providence's fault for making everyone crash on the planet in the first place
>it wasn't coalescence for once
color me surprised
Still here, user?
It's very simple.
>not very cool
>we have no plans to put bandit in the game
hopoo more like fucking yIKES
I'm not sure. I know nothing of hopoo, or his partner's, or Chris Christoodlooo's gaming history, but Risk of Rain is real fucking good video gaming. Game drips in fucking atmosphere, the visuals are incredibly pleasing, the music is stellar, and the gameplay is wonderful. Snaked its way into my favorites of all time. RoR2 is well on its way. Not there yet.
It's ridiculous. He is so satisfying to play as with Banditplus. Stealthing in and out of danger, stunning a group with a bomb, popping off headshots to refill your stealth and disappear, RAPID fucking fire shooting. It all comes together to make a satisfying gameplay loop. He's fucking 90% done and hopoo's just sitting on him.
In case you come back, here.
Stick the contents of this zip into the same directory as your RoR2 executable. Pic related. You lose the ability to play as Rex. If you want him back, just remove the three highlighted folders.
HAN-D's grappling hook now gives health back, so they're still trying to make him work.
>they aren't finishing bandit because they think that he's boring
i'm not going to lie that has ruined most of the faith that i had in hopoo
>20 posters, 30 posts
Yeah I'm thinking this is cringe.
What the fuck, he's more fun than the entire current cast. Except Merc, can't beat Merc.
They will need to come up with new skills to replace his grenade and rapid fire. Too much overlap with Commando/Mul-T. He doesn't feel unique. I agree with Hopoo, the only fun thing about him is stealth.
i honestly don't see how he could say that when there's commando in the game. i mean is commando is basic and honestly doesn't have much unique stuff going for him but that doesn't mean that he isn't fun to play.
host WHEN?
That's where you're wrong, user. Commando's gameplay loop is hold M1 and hold M2 because M2 has a good proc rate, deals more damage instantly than double tap, pierces enemies and walls, and resets your recoil. It's braindead. Occasionally you hit R to stun a golem from lasering your asshole.
MUL-T is the minigun guy of the game, (although the sound of his nailgun is ass). His loop is similar to Bandit's, but it's the SHIFT and M2/secondary that sets them both apart in feel and gameplay. On the surface, both Bandit and MUL-T use headshot and the railgun to dispatch wisps with ease. After a while, however, MUL-T's railgun loses its luster in favor of the enormous DPS of the nailgun. Spray, stun, roll out of danger.
Bandit's headshot resets all your cooldowns, allowing you stay completely engaged in the moment. It's just as the webm in this thread shows. Fire at an enemy, get them down to low, headshot to reset your M1 and continue firing. Alternatively, you can go invisible and reappear behind a golem, stunning him, unloading your M1, grenading him, and then headshotting him to reset everything, allowing you to go invisible again. Between Commando, MUL-T, and Bandit, Bandit has the most active gameplay loop. He's a joy to play.
>Indie pixel
>Generic Rougelite
>Pacing is super slow
>Tiny ass player sprites
>Very little QoL animations and quirks
>RNG difficulty
>Dim and grimmy atmosphere
The fuck does soul even MEAN anymore?
I bought it during the sale, anybody got some item and character tier list?
just play it
it isn't that hard to figure out
Everything's up in the air since EA, but I'll give you a rough cut with my 210 hours:
Mercenary (when his bug is fixed)
Mercenary (as he is now)
Sticky bomb nerf damaged Commando's late game prowess. He has an extremely high proc rate, otherwise, but not enough to be in top tier with the current item pool.
Artificer has high damage in the beginning, but I still can't get her to keep up with the other characters during multiplayer Monsoon. Perhaps someone else can chime in; she's probably my least played character.
Huntress' glaive paired with Backup Mags makes mincemeat of absolutely everything. She has a ridiculous late game.
MUL-T has the most base health, has inherent armor when using his utility skill, can carry two equipment items, and has short and long range engagement capability. 'Nuff said.
Mercenary is the most fun to play as. Zipping around pretending to be Dante or Vergil. He has a bug with his dash where if you miss the second or third followup, you must wait 14 seconds to use it again. He will be my most played character when that is fixed. His dash is an instant stunner of enemies, allowing your teammates to dole out damage while they're stunned.
Rex has insanely high DPS and an infinite range with both his flower and mortar. It's a lot of fun to get a horde of many only to wrangle them together and you and your teammates lay the smackdown. He is ALWAYS welcome in multiplayer due to his pseudo Primordial Cubeness.
>I agree with Hopoo, the only fun thing about him is stealth.
I disagree, the shoot as fast as you can click gun is fun as fuck.
So is the M2, probably the most satisfying ability in the game in my opinion.
I don't think Hopoo should just go "lol its boring" when there are clearly plenty of people who enjoy his gameplay. Just slap on an R ability and release him, honestly shouldn't take much out of the dev time.
Oh and Bandit is top tier:
I understand that the gameplay loop is different, but the functionality of individual skills is identical and that's a huge problem. That overlap absolutely makes him feel less fleshed out than he could be.
It's fun to play, but it could be better. Don't settle for "this is good already, ship it", consider how much better it could be with more work.
Bro you don't even know
Explain how there's an overlap. Which other character can shoot as fast as you can click, at the cost of accuracy?
Which other character has an ability that lets them reset their cds?
Which other character has a stealth?
>I don't think Hopoo should just go "lol its boring" when there are clearly plenty of people who enjoy his gameplay.
He absolutely should, though. It's literally, like, half a dozen Yea Forumsirgins who hacked the game to play him. This game has tens of thousands of players, user. Do you sincerely think he should attempt to cater to every single autist in this thread who likes Bandit?
The core of what's fun about the kit is the stealth/CD reset, just like in RoR1. The rest of his abilities are dull and overlap with existing abilities.
>Explain how there's an overlap.
I already did, please read. Stun grenade = Mul-T, rapid fire = Commando. As I said above, his stealth/CD reset are unique and fun, but that's the core of why his kit is fun. As long as those remain constant, his other abilities can literally be anything else at all and he will remain fun.
Guys, bandit is out, just accept it. They want to try new more interesting ways to play the game, bandit was an old boring character.
I mean compare him to rex and you'll see why he won't get in.
>but the functionality of individual skills is identical and that's a huge problem
That's where you're wrong, again, user. Nobody fires on a golem with MUL-T's nailgun and then switches to the railgun to reset the cooldowns of their abilities, one of which allows you to stun enemies upon its running out. He outright has more engaging moment-to-moment gameplay in his unfinished, modded state than MUL-T's official state.
>As long as those remain constant, his other abilities can literally be anything else at all and he will remain fun.
Now that I can get behind.
Tf2 spy crossover character please hopoo
>Stun grenade = Mul-T
Doesn't have that outside of a mod
>rapid fire = Commando
Literally not even close to the same, are you baiting?
His stealth is probably the LEAST fun ability of his kit.
>Now that I can get behind.
Actually, no, I take it back. I've been playing Bandit nonstop with that mod and I can't get over how much more fun I'm having than with MUL-T or Commando. Give him an R, and call it a day. Not everyone NEEDS to be like Rex in terms of being so outside the norm.
>infinite range with both his flower and mortar
actually the mortar has a max range. if you're a coward like me you'll discover this quickly.
>Not everyone NEEDS to be like Rex in terms of being so outside the norm.
I really hope Hopoo realizes this.
There is nothing wrong with "human with gun" archetype, you can make plenty of entirely different playstyles with that.
Usually those my favorite.
Just how cowardly are you being? During Abyssal Depths I'm always shooting shit from across the map.
>That's where you're wrong, again, user.
I think I'm not being clear enough. I'm not saying ALL of his abilities have overlap, my first post about Bandit itt specifically cited the stun grenade and rapid fire.
Unironically, a high damage melee attack would be extremely fun. A potent boss shredder that does increased damage when used from stealth. Would heavily reward players who are skilled with headshots since they'll be resetting CDs a bunch.
>Doesn't have that outside of a mod
Damn, it's almost like the character is incomplete or something.
>Literally not even close to the same, are you baiting?
It's fundamentally the same thing, user. Mechanically, yes, it's not the same, but it's the exact same concept fundamentally in the sense that, any time you use Commando's rapid fire, you'd also use Bandit's rapid fire.
He wouldn't need to be "outside the norm" by giving him a more interesting R than a stun grenade. Also, having more fun with a char than Mul-T or Commando isn't saying much, those retards are so boring.
>Damn, it's almost like the character is incomplete or something.
...which is why I'm saying he SHOULD be completed, because the rest of his kit is great.
>It's fundamentally the same thing, user. Mechanically, yes, it's not the same, but it's the exact same concept fundamentally in the sense that, any time you use Commando's rapid fire, you'd also use Bandit's rapid fire.
Now you're just saying that every hitscan weapon is the same, please tell me you're baiting.
>Also, having more fun with a char than Mul-T or Commando isn't saying much, those retards are so boring.
then why does hopoo consider bandit too boring for the game
Because you're retarded, user.
I like to run off on my own and get bored waiting for spawns so I'll go for extreme long shots
I'm with you on MUL-T being boring. Dunno how people can stand holding M1 with that sewing machine of a nailgun noise. Commando was fun before the update when he could proc everything under the sun.
> I'm not saying ALL of his abilities have overlap, my first post about Bandit itt specifically cited the stun grenade and rapid fire
Ehh we'll just have to agree to disagree. It's a different mindset. You have to use headshot at the right moment to continue your rapid fire onslaught. You don't have to do that with Commando, you don't have to with MUL-T. That, combined with stealthing in and out of the action, is enough for me. Not enough for hopoo, I guess, in which case I say again:
>Not everyone NEEDS to be like Rex in terms of being so outside the norm.
the first game had jump pads too
desu I don't mind the lack of ropes so much
There isn't as much verticality in RoR2, and most of what there is can be got around with clever, totally intended, shortcuts
rex is shit, SHIT
>...which is why I'm saying he SHOULD be completed
I agree with this. I disagree with anons who are talking about Bandit like he's already finished and should just be wrapped up and shipped.
>Now you're just saying that every hitscan weapon is the same, please tell me you're baiting.
No? Consider how you use Mul-T's nailgun vs rebar and tell me that my argument applies to them as well.
I think they're pretty swept up in the idea of adding more alien/magical characters, but Commando/Mul-T are already in the game and they can't just take them out and replace them. I'm willing to bet they aren't really happy with how Commando or Mul-T play/look/are designed. Skills 2.0 tells me they aren't happy with basically any class except maybe Merc or Huntress.
>It's a different mindset. You have to use headshot at the right moment to continue your rapid fire onslaught. You don't have to do that with Commando, you don't have to with MUL-T.
I totally see what you mean, but again, I feel like this is just "the stealth/CD mechanic is fun as fuck" hard carrying Bandit's kit. From my experience playing him, that's my takeaway. I'd prefer pretty much anything else in those slots, that way Bandit could be even more fun and unique than he already is. I imagine shit like a smoke grenade, or a lock-on attack that dashes you into an enemy and melees them for huge single target DoT, something fun like that.
I'd be happy with Bandit being dropped in for free as he is, but I just want to convince people that Hopoo isn't sitting on him out of laziness. He sincerely feels incomplete to me, and he probably feels incomplete to them too.
>huntress top tier
>artificer mid tier
>commando not low tier as of this patch
and then you woke up
Why do these ONLY spawn when I'm not ready for Aurelionite?
God damnit, there's another one 20 feet away. I'm not getting another altar for 5 runs now.
hey look, it's that guy from overwatch
macree or whatever
youre getting lost in the fact that hes stupid item and time dependent. If you can get the gear to carry you into heavy spawns youve won
Huntress is the new Commando in terms of proccing everything and everyone with enough mags.
I believe in you user, you can do it!
wow just like every other character except without those downsides
Oh I could probably beat him, but I wanna do it in one loop for that dumb teleporter item.
So what youre saying is that despite the downside hes just as good as any other character?
That's one of my prime worries, though. I'd be completely happy with a bunch of human survivors with a few oddities. I don't need a magical cast of characters. RoR1 is gritty sci-fi with a bumping OST. RoR2 is shaping up to be fantastical sci-fi. I don't want Overwatch of Rain 2.
>minimize Risk of Rain
>game gone from taskbar
>steam overlay doesn't work so can't take screenshots
This fucking game is bugged. Don't buy it. Good thing I refunded it in time
How much fucking longer until merc hotfix?
Why is this very small thing that completely fucks over any merc fun that should be an easy fix being held back to be fixed along with other less significant shit?
Just fucking push updates you cunts, it's called EARLY ACCESS for a goddamn reason.
Just run it in a window if you want to minimize it
Alt+tab to get it back.
I think it's a stretch to say Commando can "win" at anything after this most recent patch.
Same, I always played the humans the most in RoR1. I played Acrid a bit, but other than that, all I played was Merc/Sniper/Bandit. I'm pretty bummed by the change in direction, but I understand it from the perspective of a game dev; it makes sense that the art designer would get bored of just making people with guns and wants to branch out a bit and have some more fun, and it makes sense that Hopoo is sick of designing characters who have to operate under the restriction of being a humanoid.
As long as, like, half of the cast ends up being humans by launch, I'll be happy.
What I know is, the enemy AI has a really hard time hitting things that are slowly falling out of the air
I watched as my undergeared friend very slowly cleared the boss wave by himself on stage 8 by jumping off the top of the map and slowly falling down, occasionally activating Chrysalis to get his height back
Nigga killed like 5 Imp bosses and 4 Malachite dudes
He died when he got cocky and landed
you seem appropriately perturbed friend. Id offer words of encouragement but at this point I dont even know man
There was a short-lived meta of getting Milky Chrysalis on Commando, Glass, stickies, Gestures, and staying in the air forever raining down death.
At worst there'll always be Risk of Rain to go back to.
>I agree with this. I disagree with anons who are talking about Bandit like he's already finished and should just be wrapped up and shipped.
Alright, I guess we more or less agree on that.
I just don't want his M1 and M2 to change too drastically.
>No? Consider how you use Mul-T's nailgun vs rebar and tell me that my argument applies to them as well.
But Bandit's M1 is as different as nailgun is to rebar. The fact that you can shoot as fast as you can click and have to reload it make it play entirely different to Commando's M1, who just has to hold it down without worry.
It's not that Bandit is too similar to Commando. He would be redundant with Enforcer
just dont trigger the bug lmao
>>Pacing is super slow
soul means objectively good gameplay thats put into an environment which makes your fantasy wander off into the world
>or a lock-on attack that dashes you into an enemy and melees them for huge single target DoT
that's a cool ability but it's not Bandit's thing, nor what it should be
sounds great for assassin tho
Because bandit can chain together his m2 and take out an entire army of wisps
It's high risk high reward and super fun
>The fact that you can shoot as fast as you can click and have to reload it make it play entirely different to Commando's M1, who just has to hold it down without worry.
Hold up, I was trying to say that I think the "shoot as fast as you can" rapid fire is similar to Commando pressing R, not that it's similar to Commando's M1.
Honestly though, the more I think about it, the more I'm willing to move past that. I still think it's not particularly interesting, but that's really more on the Commando's kit than Bandit's. Bandit rapid firing makes sense and feels good, Commando just hits R and it scales like shit, probably the worst R in the game.
I envisioned it as, like, an up close sucker punch, which I think a bandit would be capable of and likely to do. It could do increased damage from stealth and/or through smoke (if they gave him a smoke grenade), which would sell it as this sneak attack/ambush thing, fits a bandit alright imo.
But idk, I'm not a game designer. I just like melee abilities, this game needs more of em.
Hopefully Skills 2.0 is all it's cracked up to be.
I've been playing Merc just fine, what's the bug?
>I envisioned it as, like, an up close sucker punch, which I think a bandit would be capable of and likely to do. It could do increased damage from stealth and/or through smoke (if they gave him a smoke grenade), which would sell it as this sneak attack/ambush thing, fits a bandit alright imo.
now youre just making me think they're gonna steal his stealth and slap it on assassin
which would make for a neat character, but it would only further bury bandit
bandit is easily implemented via modding, no need to take up a character slot
if you miss your last dash you get a double cool down or something like that. I dont play commando so Im not exactly sure
I've been enjoying playing with REX but other players need to understand how he works Fucking Randoms
My experience is that Rex has a powerful CC but he doesn't want to use it to actually kill things. Getting a big group of enemies all wrapped up in a safely far away spot while you use all the health regen they give you to take out bigger scary things.
Unfortunately other players see this as the perfect time to attack and try to kill as much of your healing as possible.
To counter this I suggest you try and get some meat hooks because it is fucking disgusting what meat hooks do on REX
Items that are not good on REX IMO: Backup mags, Aegis slightly surprising, Ukulele and Will o Wisp in early levels, Tesla Coil.
I had N'kuhana's Opinion on him once, was pretty good.
webm related, keep an eye on the cooldown after the missed dash.
Yeah alright, I thought you were talking about M1.
But still, I can't agree. It's a quick magdump in both situations, sure, but Bandit can choose how many bullets he shoots, plus he has to keep his reload in mind.
Commando's R, while being a similar magdump, is uncontrollable and only really used as a stun, entirely different to bandit. It's also an ability, not his standard weapon.
RoR2 looks so good with shadows. I need a new PC.
>reduce horizontal jump distance to reduce chance he yotes himself off the stage
no, I'm saying every other character is better than him because they don't feel like dogshit as long as rex does
Oh fuck dude. At least the patch hit. I bet I WAS triggering the bug and didn't even know.
>Hitting immune characters or blocked attacks no longer applies on-hit effects
Merc is truly back to his RoR1 self.
but rex never outright feels like dogshit
Who's to say assassin will even make it in? I've honestly just accepted that I shouldn't take any of the datamined content to mean anything. Nothing we've datamined has been put into the game so far afaik, so it might all just be junk that we'll never get.
I love that they had to buff Fuel Array's damage. My friend lived through the explosion when we were trying to get the achievement, and we were both really confused.
Clay Templars are fucking impossible with Rex. If they catch you in the open you're pretty much dead. You can't outdamage them because they have a ton of health and if you gonna nuke them with M2 you pretty much just help them to kill you faster. You can't run because Rex is so slow. So fucking tired of dying from a single fucker who just spawned behind me.
It doesn't, you faggots. It's yet another indie pixel game. 2 looks good though.
I know I hit it a few times
14 second cool down is a shit
>reduce horizontal jump distance to reduce the chances he yotes himself off the stage
>You can now go back to stacking guillotines :)
fucking lmao
maybe not necessarily the assassin, but im sure hopoo has a dickass thief archetype character in store, who would be the perfect fit for such an ability combo
read brittle crown's lore you fag
What artifacts and classes should I play to have fun in single player? I unlocked all classes and almost all artifacts (honor, kin, spite, glass, enigma, sacrifice, command).
I'm on switch so no modding available.
>try to fight wisps
Uh, there's a new bug now. One guillotine, Monsoon, Wandering Vagrant. It died at 20% hp. It was not an elite, it was a regular vagrant. Fucking bravo QA.
>right click
>dead wisps
that was hard
>clump of wisps spawn
>easily hit with root
>easily hit with mortar
>easily blown into walls for insta kill with shift
hotpoo revert sticky nerf, you cant just nerf them and then introduce an even worse item like guillotine and then meme about it being op
He's not wrong, the levels are kind of shitty and repetitive as fuck. After only 20 hours I wish ror1 had procedurally generated levels.
what the fuck is a Gimbobleous Bgoopbgul
because your steam name is actual garbage
>being bad
its okay user
>RoR2 updates
>lewd modders mods break
it's not fucking fair
>"You can all now go back to stacking guillotines :)"
they know
The ship had loads of stuff from the planet already, they were exploiting it and Providence put a stop to it. He just didn't plan on one guy injecting everything and rampaging nonstop.
if I was a game dev I'd make sure to put pointless hotfixes out every time certain modders get their shit working just to keep poor content like that out of the game.
Is Rex supposed to be the bomber that was mentioned in the game files? Because he seems fucking boring.
give EU host!
You can't do that on refunded games
>He just didn't plan on one guy injecting everything and rampaging nonstop.
Baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do.
>macree or whatever
you give me an idea that overwatch 2 will be reskin of risk of rain 2 with first person camera
it makes me mad, you made me mad
>Decide to go for Mountain Shrine
>Teleporter in the caves of Abyssal Depth
>3 Magma Worms in this tight corridor
This is how they were meant to be fought. They felt dangerous like RoR1 again.
Boy this was fucking annoying.
>tfw will never get to Time Stop in 2
>tfw will never get to play Chef in 2
>will never be able to recreate Dio vs Jotaro in 3D
I didn't know that could happen. Sounds hilarious.
deadbolt cameo in ror2 when
Thankfully I had guillotines but hot damn. What a pain trying to find them. They didn't have the green swarm around them for whatever reason.
>rex could be compared to an arty crab
ass clappin laser blastin stone golem character when?
nothing of value was lost
oh great, kill your games community and replayability, let's see how that works for you
To be desu it is EA. That's why both modanons quit. Updates just keep killing things, and it's best to let it release.
Git gud, scrub.
>Increase damage of Fuel Array's explosion from 100% of your health to 300% of your health
>He hasn't unlocked Rex yet
It's been days, user.
I'm not talking about ror2, I couldn't care less about titty mods and retarded shit like that, I'm talking about what that retard said.
I don't want to unlock it on drizzle
You can make it to Abyssal Depths in 20 minutes or less:
I can't make it to the second level without a vagrant whooping my fat arti butt
Okay fellas, doing some quick mods for ROR2,
Just finally got the bandit to appear in the lobby despite how dark he is, No fix for that atm anons.
Now im going to fix up his skills, and add some flavour text and you will ALL be able to hard-code him in to your games when this is done!
If theres enough support in these threads I'll do the same for Han-D if i can figure out how to fix the bug making him cause every enemy to go invis, see you all soon!
Thank you for your service
bandit went from mexican to african oh nononoo
Not for nothing, user, but Banditplus is a thing:
I know this exists, however BanditPlus still needs some refinement, major props to the developer though!
I plan on making this not just for Bandit but for Han-D too, it will be both characters fully realized as intended by Hopoo.
IF I can Fix Han-Ds major issue, that is, along with alot of fine-tuning.
Don't know if you're still here but I got it mostly working but I get an error that com.bepis.r2api is missing so I can't load BanditPlus, but the files already in the config folder. I don't know why it's required when it's just the mod flag?
Curious. Here's a fresh R2API zip since the one on Thunderstore is buried.
Put that in the plugins folder of Bepin, same place you put the Bandit dll.
better than you, I managed to realize monsoon is in a shitty place this patch with sponge enemies
moonson is way to retarded now with the fucking buff they gave it. It's not even fun
It seems to be working now user, thanks. I'll go ahead and give Bandit a spin.
My finger is so tired.
monsoon is still the best way to play. unless you get multiple combat shrines every stage first loop rainstorm just starts too fucking slow
>killed by beetle
I feel like im looking at a unicorn right now
> supporting risk of rain after the ghor incident
It was like 4-5 queens and some malachite elites. The malachites took all the attention from sentries while entire place was swarmed. Took a stray hit from a fire bell and landed on the beetle.Rest of team dc/dead.
Wish there was a way to set the sentries target priority. Just like tower defense games, low health, highest health, range etc.
Desu there's merit there if you're playing as Commando. He's dogshit for Monsoon at the moment due to the sticky nerf.
What items should I focus on as Artificer? Feels like no matter what after 30 minutes I get fucked
damage like the elemental cirlce things, backup mags ofc, stickies but no more than a couple, UKULELE, and anything that gives you mobility
Speed, backup magazines, crit glasses.
RoR lost a lot of its soul going into the second game by opting for stages with more generic tropes (Grass level, fire level, snow level) and the new music reflected this
RoR had a lost in space feel, with the washed out colours and more mellow music.
RoR2 has better gameplay imo and the transition to 3D is to be commended, but the characters are probably more dull as they haven't translated well to 3D in some circumstances
>crit glasses
nah, you aren't shooting fast enough for this to be efective
I want to get more into this game but every time I try it I have a hard time seeing what's going on most of the time. Are the ant sized graphics and similar colors supposed to be part of the difficulty?
I really like Distant Roost, but Titanic Plains needs more alien structures littering the place like the gigantic half rings that loom overhead.
I agree, I like playing RoR2 more but I like looking at RoR1 more than almost any other game. Its atmosphere is near unparalleled, it's really special.
>implying crit glasses dont directly benefit every characters damage
I'm saying other items are gonna be far more useful on arti you retard.
Also something I know has been said a lot but in RoR2 I feel like I'm playing a build, not a character. I know on hits were massive in RoR as well but what character you're playing barely matters past the first rotation
i really really really hope Hotpoo will get such a SOUL track in RoR2.
hands down, the best song in RoR1 for me.
Feeling and context matters, user. Do you wanna be the dual-wielding, doing his job, just trying to survive Commando? Or the graceful, balletic Huntress? Perhaps the unflinching, adrenaline addicted Miner
Thats a given but given realistically theyll often be your best choice
Fuel cells, cube, speed and feathers. If you got that do whatever.
1200% damage on Stun with a shitton of backup mags isnt effective? try to play arti for once, dunce.
>muh fast
you WILL get some attack speed along the way.
Crit glasses are a flat 10% bonus to every characters damage.
They aren't any more or less effective because of firerate mathematically.
Although artificer actually benefits slightly more per pickup since if flamethrower crits each hit is a critical.
>Although artificer actually benefits slightly more per pickup since if flamethrower crits each hit is a critical.
I'm gonna miss proccing a million stickies like this and doing massive damage.
Best stage and best track. Hope they'll add it in RoR2.
>try to play arti for once
it's the only character I play retard, and I crit glasses are at the bottom of my priorities
I feel like Merc has personality in his design.
Honestly I'm always defending hopoo in these threads and saying people need to give them time, it's an early access game and that it will get better but the last update did not really support that
I don't really care if Rex is good or not, he feels really fucking boring to play
How do I stop getting filtered by Malachites? I unlocked Old Guillotine already but I’ve only seen one so far.
RoR2 would be 100% better if there were artifacts
fucking hoopo
december 30th
You are wrong. OW2 will be a Auto-Chess clone.
I think Rex is fun.
if they give us the artifacts that are already on the code i will be so fucking pissed
>am gonna be mad >:(
shut up retard, they'll put shit on a plate and you will still eat it
Get on-death items and a way to string enemies next to them, then nuke it from orbit. They can go McFuck themselves.
>having a aoe ball dealing 2400% damage is not worth
Please never join the gaming industry in any form or capacity.
>le gaming industry
lmao shut up retard
They've already said that lunar items are replacing artifacts.
Not based.
>Artifacts 2.0
>Icon is clearly representative of Glass.
Yes, the artifacts are going to be lunar items. They've said so in their discord.
So there's not going to be mutators for the rounds?
I want the game to be more difficult reeee
Don't suppose you have a link to that? Not the same guy, just wondering. I wouldn't mind more lunar items though, they're pretty fun.
Why is ror discussion so full of retards projecting and assuming things? Really puts me off whenever I try to argue with some retard and they start greentexting shit I never said, and then some other retard starts larping as you and the whole discussion goes to shit, you guys are worse than trannies sometimes.
Same user. It sucks.
It was a few months ago and mentioned in passing when someone asked.
>Source: My ass
Is your name Betty, by chance?
This is Yea Forums in a nutshell. They lack reading comprehension and reconstruct what was said in their retard brains into something they think you said. Basically Yea Forums is full of single digit IQ's and they will all dog pile on you. No use in arguing with braindead idiots user. Just keep shit to yourself and ignore them.
Yeah pretty much since I can't find any results. Who knows, maybe they changed their mind, I hope. We need some artifacts and a huge rework on how lunar items and the shop works.
Gotcha. Thanks anyway.
If they were just more lunar items why would they bother putting this on the menu?
I don't know, I'm just going by what was said in their discord. Who knows what Hopoo is thinking. Just take what I said with a grain of salt I guess.
fucking love that movie
Threadly reminder that Artificer is FAT
U.S. west, Monsoon, Glass.
East welcome.
I don't think you need anything to join.
Play huntress, on baby mode, and just sprint to the teleporter. Or if you’re a super bitch baby play engie.
Did you guys fill up?
yep, futa cock is too good
Do you think they'll fix Engi and make him fun or keep him as a charcter for retards?
user who made the nonon/ryuko mod update it asap i wanna play as a thick thighed goddess again
>minimal pixelshit
Why is ror so full of horny retards, it's disgusting
I appreciate the little verticality they did add (like archways, tunnels)
My only complain is that the tunnel in stage 4 is just plain boring. Wow you walk through a black tube.
cause Yea Forums plays it????
I blame the discord trannies
I'm talking about these threads, it's so full of "UNF MUH FAT UNF MUH DICK MUH THICC". It's fucking annoying
>implying you don't want to breed lemurians
Its almost as if its a part of a larger community thats full of horny retards, thats part of a global community whose main online consumption is in fact pornographic materials made by and for horny retards
>buy ror1 for me and friends
>nobody plays with me
>ror2 rolls around, everyone plays with me
>now they wanna play ror1 with me to see where the game came from
>"You need to port-forWHAT?"
Pic related
host 1 pls
That tunnel is a little more dangerous now.
>74 IPs
>literally nobody hosts ror1
Are armor piercing rounds ever worth stacking?
>be me 2015
>try and host games with anons
>internet cuts out half an hour later
>stop hosting, internet is fine
they certainly dont hurt, but being that they are situational they are pretty low priority. They help early game more than anything but should be a minimal factor mid and late
>3 man game hits shrine of the mountain level 2
>1 disconnects, engi dies because he picked up transcendence
>6 fuel cells for myself
>Tincture on level four
hopoo bring back sniper pls
dont worry about it user, I am pretty bored
I want to fuck a lemurian
Lemurians are gay
>And when will we open discussion - dear brother - of all your thin lies? Why do you forbid your guests to leave? To pilot? Why do you fashion great walls and gates? Why do you weave constructs of destruction, if your role is protection? They are entries in your collection. You slaver. Gatekeeper. Hoarder.
>Your death is fated. When you die - and you WILL die - I will be ready. I have been patient for millennia. That planet... is mine.
whoever the fuck Providence's bro is, he's probably the final boss
on the moon as well, which is foreshadowed in
>I have watched you for ages, from my dead rock
and in , the last update on that list
also fuck all of you*
Source on the text? Which item?
Host for 2 when
brittle crown lore entry:
>A wretched carnival.
>They were doomed for good reason. Dunepeople of Aphelia: lost, in fanatic worship of parasitic influences. Lemurians: destined to a dead planet, picked clean. Chitin beasts. Automations of death. Why do you bring them home? They were not meant to survive.
>I have watched you for ages, from my dead rock - and every century, you disgust me with vanity. You invite vermin into your home. Wretches. Rats. Monsters. Creatures without restraint. Each and every one, planet killers. And yet, you entertain them as guests. Like children, requiring saving and protection.
>She should have died for me. Her gift was wasted on you.
>And when will we open discussion - dear brother - of all your thin lies? Why do you forbid your guests to leave? To pilot? Why do you fashion great walls and gates? Why do you weave constructs of destruction, if your role is protection? They are entries in your collection. You slaver. Gatekeeper. Hoarder.
>Your death is fated. When you die - and you WILL die - I will be ready. I have been patient for millennia. That planet... is mine.
Oh I missed this.
probably the hot fix mentioned earlier
Fuck, my dude. I like the style. Gotta catch up on ror2 lore
Died at 48 minutes.
Wait did it break again?
i still don't understand what's transcendence lore entry is, other than some meta 4th wall shit
>You are trying your best to survive. You consider yourself a fast learner. You have been feeling lucky. You have been experiencing feelings of deja vu. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph.
>You are taking control of your own beliefs. You feel familiar in unfamiliar environments. You have been gaining an intuition for experiences you've never had. You ponder a past life. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph.
>You find yourself searching for things that never have been. You miss things you have never had. You play characters that have never lived. You have been experiencing feelings of deja vu. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph.
>You have revealed my hand. Because you have consumed this information, the [observers] will now consume it in time. If you are reading this paragraph, I will be long dead, but in turn you have freed me. I will no longer exist in my universe. There will be no proof that I ever was - but I exist now in yours. I have escaped my suffering. Keep me safe. I hope you do not understand.
Hotfix broke it.
Yep it's just normal artis and mercs now
I don't get it
Should've obeyed the warning bro
Friend told me of a really cool explanation of this. First two paragraphs, the item is talking to the character you play as, second two, to the player who already quit to menu after they unlocked the item in-game and went to check it in the logbook.
Whatever the case, it's pretty meta.
Brittle crown makes the crowdfunder absolutely broken, and I love it
mentions of deja vu are probably referencing to time loop
but "you play characters that have never lived" and "observers" makes me think of another 4th wall breaking shit that has became so common in the past years
it does and i love it too
The [observers] are most likely from the Planet's moon and the 'I' could be Providence.
Yeah, "I" is probably Providence. And if observers are from the moon, then this lore entry ties up really well with Brittle Crown lore. But third paragraph is just solid meta.
Someone who knows shit about modding tell me why the lewd mods keep breaking.
Why are models affected if they're not changed at all in the patch?
It's up
It's a thing that has to do with how Unity compiles its game every single time.
Code is displaced and doesn't make sense anymore.
Who is "she"? N'Kuhana?
Art direction
That's what I suspect.
Sweet, thanks. How's Kanna coming along?
N'Kuhana! What a wonderful phrase!
What were the model changes you mentioned the other day?
>Immune characters can no longer block "armor piercing" health costs (Blood Shrines, REX abilities)
Fixed clipping on Ryuuko's skirt, fixed orientation of Nonon's right hand, fixed orientation of Nonon's knees and right thigh
Kanna's doing okay for now, I just have to figure out how to get it onto Rex in an appealing way
>N'kuhana is some sort of evil God
>creates deathworld
>has two kids
>Providence get the planet other one gets shafted with the moon and is butthurt
rate my friends OC in response to the recent news
Procedurally generated levels are only good when the algorithm isn't noticeable.
Who cares if some characters have similarities? Commando also has overlap with Commando, but that's not going to stop my friends from all picking Commando.
The pose that user suggested isnt working out?
Anyone down for some US East RoR 2?
Haven't been able to play cause my GPU was shitting the bed for a while, but I've gotten it taken care of. Still need Rex and Merc.
>brainlet doesn't even know how to alt+tab
Glad I don't have to worry about ending up in a lobby with literal retards like you
>recent news
Was he finally deconfirmed?
So you can't edit the savefile and unlock everything in RoR?
Kind of. It's a little hard to say at the moment since I need to make sure it at the very least looks presentable for all of Rex's animations
RoR 2*
but you get the point
1 > 2
>complete game is better than incomplete game
Wow no shit
You can, but it's not as easy as in RoR 1.
Not that there's anything particularly difficult to unlock normally.
1 may have been technically complete but it was still fucking broken. Still, I came to love the flaws as 'features'.
Dear god what a run
>he can't roll reds on command
I'll make a note of it, thanks
>even with godly luck he still rolls warbanners
Nobody can escape.
I dunno how you guys can play as him after the proc changes. His early game is too slow for me.
>he doesn't like stacking warbanners
>he doesn't like covering an entire map with a banner on one (1) level-up
Someone host RoR2 RIGHT NOW
My internet is shit, don't want lag to kill our run
Why people hate Corpsebloom?
if its not burst heal its useless
Is it true that you can play this game alone? I mean I know you technically can but is it fun that way?
Sucks on anyone that isn't Rex.
Since the Merc fix I've done a few runs alone and have had lots of fun. Doing Commando alone sounds fucking boring and difficult, however, in his current state.
Caps your healing per second to 10% of max HP.
I shouldn't need to tell you how crippling it is to have to wait 10 seconds to full heal in a game as fast paced as this.
Especially with oneshot protection only working over 90% health.
I played 150 hours alone and it's still fun,
Alright maybe I should play it finally. I always wanted to join the Yea Forums runs but I didn't want to join all green and get rightfully bullied for fucking it up for everyone.
I don't know, I can't imagine you regenerating so fast to heal in a second in early and mid game and past 90 minutes you're so OP it's pretty much irrelevant how fast you heal. I always avoided the flower but now I started to use it much more often because of Rex and so far it's not half bad. Really like it on Artificer too since her attack rate is slow for proc healing.
Am I the only one who likes Monsoon the most?
>final boss will be providence's autistic brother
bravo hot poo
Probably my favorite track next to Surface Tension.
Fuck it
RoR2, US East
I think that should work
>yfw the bazaar merchant is a malachite
He has spikes on his head just like them.
>2D better than 3D
Wow no shit
art is subjective
I wish the death/obliterate screen showed what difficulty you were playing on
You probably heal faster than 5 seconds in mid game and it only gets faster the longer the game goes on. Corpseblossom halves that and then cripples it even worse the more you stack it. Given that the purpose of the item is to get more healing it is innately counterproductive to what you are trying to do with it.
Not to mention that you can no longer panic heal period once the item is picked up. Foreign fruit is no longer a safety net, bungus stops helping, huge burst procs of harvesters scythe are worthless. Unless you can avoid taking damage twice within a 10 second period forever it will eventually cause your run to end.
It is only good with several rejuvenation racks since those double the healing limit and not just the base value. If you can get enough racks going then you can turn all your healing into persistent overheal with corpseblossom, but that's so niche it's not even worth trying.
Maybe once the game has an end and people loop less it will be a stronger pick, but if you intend to loop more than twice I wouldn't recommend it.
US East Vanilla Monsoon
Merc boys only not really but how bout that patch
i usually host, but I swapped houses again and I cant get the port forwarding to work
No one cares about your old and busted 2D game, grandpa.
>yfw last character is a punished providence after being defeated by the survivor in ror1
why would providence kill the creatures he was trying to protect
im sure hopoo could figure it out
>he ded
-hopoo on twitter
He's not coming back champ.
>My finger is so tired.
>30 minute gameplay
this game isnt for you
Is this a good run?
RoR2 lacks tracks like the first game.
Chris did some fantastic shit with deadbolt, but i see that he's re doing some of the tracks to make them more lively.
considering how fucking garbage commando is at the moment you did good
How are people playing Risk of Rain 2 on toasters?
behead your isp provider and install sharia law. risky wills it
Well, I did do it before the big update, so perhaps not as impressive as you think.
Uh, looks like hitting the tele broke my game somehow. What the fuck did you do hotpoo
Will remake lobby in a minute
with great difficulty. I can't get past 12 stages at most before too many enemies and too many aoes and graphics from attacks make it a clipshow.
Counter point, what if Shadow Providence is actually his brother, or him from another universe?
Go into graphics settings and turn off fucking everything.
The game runs significantly better when it isn't trying to make shadows or dynamic effects.
Also have corpses set to autodelete.
Should I give up on trying to play multiplayer? Im not in US or EU
little shits deserved it
I have no regrets
Quickplay exists and you could always play with friends.
Wouldn't recommend trying to play with US or EU players though. It's spotty enough as is without 500 ping.
is this picture supposed to look like TGT?
It stinks!
Risky Rain is dead
Tell me when you do
>having good run
>pick up mask
Shit, why will this thing kill me again?
Potniggers' succ can also harm you.
>find a randomiser shrine for the first time in 20+ runs
>turns my plethora of items into x20 energy drinks
it looks at which white items you have and how many of each and then picks one of those whites at random and gives you as many stacks as you had total white items. It does the same for green/red/blue/gold as well
US East monsoon
I got memed into buying this and I can’t really get into it. I heard praise for music but it’s not very good. Praise for soul but, what soul?
That said I enjoy reading the descriptions for enemies and items
You fucking faggot word
He's way fucking easier in first loop. His laser doesn't instakill, the smaller swarms of enemies aren't godawful, and from then on out, every teleporter event has a giant tank to distract everything while you fight the boss. Always give it a shot. At worst you die 10 minutes in rather than 100 minutes in the run. It just takes some time because you'll have to re-light the beacons a couple times.
It's a memetic entity long dead that the description implies now lives in your (yes, your) subconcious. He desn't want you to understand because he doesn't want you to know he's there for whatever reason.
Is there an update to date thicc huntress/arti/fem merc anywhere?
Only the kill la kill stuff is out for now
>dying with 42 pre-nerf stickies
No, it is not a good run. Sorry user.