This is Yumi, also known as Sayaka in Japan. She's the first playable female in a mainline Ape Escape game...

This is Yumi, also known as Sayaka in Japan. She's the first playable female in a mainline Ape Escape game. Say something about her!

Attached: AE3.jpg (960x487, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Good transformations

Give me a C!


helga is better

Attached: 1547565967507.jpg (1835x2048, 423K)

Give me a U!

rape by packs of niggers




Screw Go Nagai.


Nice bratty

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n word (the nigger word)

GIVE ME A Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






to this day i still can believe they make her so puffy.

Thats the reason why there are so many lewd images of her

i liked her in the video without the skirt

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show me her butt

Soft and puffy

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good lord, the things I'd do to her...

C u n n y

Yea Forums no we're not the loli board.


Yea Forums is a lolicon board

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I never understood localizations that rename their Japanese characters but then just give them other Japanese names anyway.

Yea Forums is for tomboy with long hair, wearing sun dress with slight tan that also your childhood friend and you both haven't meet for 10 years and back then you guys are practically just two boys playing together.

>Lolita was written by Vladimir Nabokov
>Yea Forumsladimir

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There was one character in a Fire Emblem game that got renamed Harold to Arthur for no particular reason

>4th grade

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have sex incel pedo

>blush marks on fucking eyes
Going a little overboard there.

Dilate, tranny

Now kiss

this is why Ape Escape is dead, isn't it?
I hate you pedo fucks.


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You all don't even care about the game.

What a cute and dare I say, funny character.

such a big bute for such a little grill

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I don't think some Jap's scribbles and occasional threads on Yea Forums is enough to kill a game series.

blessed cunny
this one goes out for all the true cunnyseurs

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>this is why Ape Escape is dead, isn't it?
Didn't kill Mega Man, so unlikely.

I can't even Imagine the smell

No, Knack is what killed ape escape

But i do, in fact, i've got some things to say

>1's ost is extremely comfy
>2's Gotcha box= Gacha box
>3's true final boss is the most anticlimatic thing i've ever done in a videogame
>the plot went full retard from 2 onwards
>the anime looks awful
>the cartoon is so bad it's good

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god I want to thighfuck her in those clothes

>replace japanese name with japanese name
For what purpose?


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Just fapped but now I'm hard again. Damn, little girls are just too powerful.

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why is it so puffy

What so great about them?

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I wish I could tattoo that post to your forehead

>1's ost is extremely comfy
True, lots of synthy drum and bass with those classic 90s sounds that are too cheesy for today.
My favorite as a kid, it's the piano for sure.

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very healthy

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>Golden Sun protag is Robin in Japan, Isaac in American and Hans in EU
>3 normal sounding Western names

ew, tattoos are ugly

This Girls is so healthy.

you guys are a bunch of fucking disgusting pedos

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pedo website

Attached: yes.png (201x201, 27K)

I have seen that image way too Many times in Twitter.

reminder, its a paraphilia. so telling people how disgusting they are to your normie sentiments has the opposite effect you're intending

le epic pedo dogwhistle

back to twitter nigger

t. Disgusting feminist

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um wtf guys post more healthy girls

It's great isn't it

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Kill yourself, christcuck.

She have good doujins?

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WTF I love female protagonists now


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cringe. back to /pol/ you go.



/pol/ is the most anti-pedo board on the internet, why would a pedo go there?

Great job showing how you're not pedophiles, fellas.
Proud of you.

Hey there's a line between that and a molester and only resetera crosses it. We admire

So why is it wrong to fuck a 10 year old girl if they are objectively the sexiest?

>Normalfag appears
>Give them so Many (you)
Why this keep hapening?

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Stop it you gigantic faggots my niece is over and I’m hard.

yeah haha..

I only like old women.

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problem, roastie?

Make a Ilya/Kuro thread and /pol/ will reveal their true nature, it has happened many times before.

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Tell your niece it hurts and she needs to kiss it to make you feel better

Those are some fine looking mature ladies.

More like onaholes.

This is a cup not a kid.

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Can we see her pantsu!!!??

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Why do you care so much?

What indeed

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Yes she have spats

>long hair
Such A combination should not exist.

But user that’s illegal.


Imagine Ape Escape remake on RE Engine

Blessed thread

Might as well fuck other men, you little faggot.
girl with boyish charm = ok
girl that's everything boy but without dick = for closeted faggot


a tomboy will still have a feminine body. just like little boys typically have effeminate bodies/features. If you werne't so petrified of being seen as the flaming homosexual you are, you could appreciate this.

She's ugly