Attached: IMG_20190703_230600.jpg (1333x1000, 960K)

omega squad teemo > all

Mayne if you are edge 14 years old

Also I got this
Are you mad, fizz mains?

Attached: IMG_20190703_230954.jpg (2000x1500, 1.97M)

иди нaхyй co cвoeй дpoчильнeй

Oh no 400tp, that's what, like 1 dollar on Russian server? Who cares.

Play WoT instead then this pos moba meme game, every russian boomer plays WoT for some reason

Or what?

Two and a half actually

I tried but I am bad at wot

>being russian
>playing league
I don't have the greatest life but at least I'm not you.

>bad at wot
>manages to play lol
ni pizdi user

What's wrong with playing league? I am pretty sure you wont able to say at least a couple of reasons, you just repeat what other Yea Forumsirgins say

Чeгo пиздeть, oни coвepшeннo paзныe пo мeхaникe игpы.

>smash thread died for this

>he not just plays lol but he plays it on Russian ghetto
Pidoraha tier. Absolutely disgusting.

>le other servers is better

They are not faggot. Fuck off
And also rp is cheaper her

I would smash you mom, if you know what I mean

Good, fuck smash babbies

fuck off underage russhit

this mine
i have all nami skins but program sucks ass

Attached: my shop.png (820x293, 485K)

Imagine being bad at WoT

>he buys RP
>on a Russian server where they are so desperate for playerbase they shower you in lootboxes
Holy shit what a fucking faggot.

That skin looks horrifying

I would buy lulu

Not as embarrasing as your life

You dude, every day they offer me thus teemo skin not some random from boxes. Moron

Amazing English, Ivan. I would advice you to spend the little money you have on English lessons instead of skins.

My life is only embarrassing to you, cause your mom keeps giving me head and you can't help yourself from stroking your tiny weeny penor, you rusky cuckoo
Reminder that cuckold porn is ranked number 1 on PornHub from users with Russian ips

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Didnt read the shit you posted

Of course you didn't, you have no idea what half of those words are :^)

>I would advice

Little devil>other skins

>giving money to Riot

absolutely disgusting