the maturity level of super smash bros players
The maturity level of super smash bros players
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Who fucking cares?
>trolls bullied
>meanwhile it was because of a video that spotlighted her in the first place
g8 gb8 m8
literally all of Yea Forums since they bullied this innocent loli
>15 year old tranny
Isn't illegal for her to have social media without parents consent if you're under 18?
Or is that no longer a thing?
That fucking voice
I don't even need to see a picture to know that the "she" is a tranny. You can always tell when they go out of the way to say "she and "her" unnecessarily
>she feels forced to
yeah so nobody's fault but herself lmao. Also stop pretending a 15 year old is suddenly a toddler.
please dont bully her guys, this is eerily similar to Etika, and we saw how that turned out
when was that ever a thing?
Social media age requirement is 13 now user
you answered your own question my big brained fellow
>Isn't illegal for her to have social media without parents consent if you're under 18?
>Or is that no longer a thing?
It was never a thing.
remember when Yea Forums made jessi slaughter cry and her dad said he called the cyber police?
why is everyone on Yea Forums such a moralfag now
It used to be standard
Say it with me
Twitter screencaps should be banned
gotta datamine the kids so that you have dirt on them incase they ever get into politics
this post is twitteresque
pls ban urself
I remember something like that happened with brawl. Some kid came out of nowhere and beat a top player and was literally harassed in the streets by smash autists.
Read the thread you retarded nostalgiaboomer
I have never heard of this person but I'm 10000% sure we are talking about a tranny here
This is something your parents told you so you'd stop asking.
Jessi slaughter turned out to be a shitty whore that looked like was doing drugs
time moves forward
we grew up
we had sex
parents shouldn’t allow their children to become trans at the age of 15, jesus
there is literally nothing wrong with playing Smash
Probably harassed because they still bathe.
Smash players being based and putting a tranny in their place.
You never used MySpace?
>we had sex
Well you know what they say, you are what you eat
People play a party game for babies competitively? What the fuck
parents shouldn’t allow their children to become trans at the age of 15 desu
Explain this to a non smashfag because i actually shower every day
parents didn't make kids trans lol they are just born like that
yeah, in the 6th grade. dont recall anyone trying to stop me
>tfw know an underage tranny smash player that isn't this person
but you had to lie about your age right?
Hey look, a /pol/ hugbox thread
Consequences were never the same
>I competed a highly-competitive environment and received trash talk from someone I was competing with, how could this happen to me?
Sometimes you need a little fire to put a flame out.
bully him
for one fuck trannies and fuck twitter and fuck whoever bocchi is and fuck you OP
but also fuck smash basedbois, they need to get a bath ASAP and also KILL themselves
>Video spotlighting her from Zero
>No experience in public interaction
>Wonder why it goes badly
Some people aren't designed for public interaction and having such a persona. It's why Notch is still a neckbeard, despite having gained such prestige. He's not gone through the mill of PR training, etc. that most celebrities and public figures have. It's the same reason all the streamers are depressed constantly
She's an old hag.
What you never used MySpace, You know its fun right?
Im not supposed to give my opinion but give it a try and then you can tell me if its good or not.
Not convinced yet i'll cut you a deal, its avalible for free and thats a great price
did you stay at home sick on free sex day lol. We all had sex lol. with ur mom
Video Games and Anime cause people to become trans and faggots, it happens all the time. It's no shocker that these people are over-represented in these spheres.
Go back to ResetEra
i'm 25 now i don't remember
pretty much everyone at school had one though, wasnt a big deal
Not him but I was ill that day
However I did have sex later with the nurse on penis inspection day
Dare I say........based?
Age regulation for social media was never a "standard" despite some select sites opting to confirm your age before entry, which incidentally still didn't make it fucking illegal otherwise half of MySpace's userbase would've been locked up at this point. Stop saying silly shit
>expecting maturity out of a group of adults who compete over a game made for young children
thats just Myspaces rule, it isn't a law
If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Only semi-niggers and perma virgins play smash. Vidya thots exclusively pretend to stream games and play mobile garbage.
I wonder what she smells like, hehe
It was always 13.
Your parents probably told you it was 18 so they had a degree of separation with your autismo ass.
>tfw skipped PID
It's not fucking fair.
dude beats top tier smah player
dude thinks he's a chick
internet explains dude's a dude
dude quit smash, not calling himself a chick
Shouldn't she be in the kitchen though?
Good. 15 year olds should focus on their education so that they don't turn out like us.
parents shouldn’t allow their children to become smashfags desu
No, men don't belong there.
Read I knew there was a certain age you had to be. Just couldn't remember what age it was. I think Twitter banned people who signed up before they were a certain age
Generally it goes like this: Resetera tranny makes a moralfag post, everyone gets pissed and responds to it, then because of this it stays at the top so you constantly see moralfag posts.
>she quit
>other people are cowards
I don't get it.
It's a fucking male you god damn morons
Lmao since when do modern parents actually parent?
more like the skin thickness of teenage ""girls"". if you have a presence on the internet people will tell you to kill yourself, why are people now coddled to believe this is abnormal?
>>penis inspection day
Is that a meme?
more like fail
>Online bullying
Who the hell bullied Etika?
This triggers the /pol/flakes.
>isabelle is a trans icon
Good for her? Smash community is trash, why would you want to be in a cesspool filled with manchildren? I already have Yea Forums for that
he will be right back at it tomorrow under the same name. You're retarded if you think this tranny freak doesn't thrive on attention of any sort.
His brain
>a literal bitch is a trans icon
I'm going to make you trans now
That comment almost seems like satire. Why is Isabelle a trans icon? Why did he just say "trans rights" at the end?
>what is grooming
>lying about your age on the fucking internet
that's standard operating procedure
next thing you'll tell me is you didn't look at porn because the box asking if you were 18 popped up and you answered honestly
I'm grooming you right now
groomed the FUCK out, enjoy your new trans life
If you think that being trans is in any way sexual, you are shit.
This fad needs to stop.
It's been 13 since Myspace sweety
Kill all trannies.
trans people are usually lonely autistic men who hate their life and end up pink pilled thinking life will suddenly be better and people will like them if they become a girl
It doesnt work and they kill themselves eventually
I did that for Yea Forums so now I'm forever a 2014 newfag instead of when I found this for the first time in like 2008 or so
o the ironing
>"professional" gaymers lose to a 15 year old that spends hours in school daily
what a joke
no faggot, it's a mental illness, it doesn't happen that easily, you need more than a few escapist thoughts for you to become a tranny
>Beat some faggot snake abuser
>Send stinky smashfags into a frothing rage
Why do ultimatefags worship their top players who play cancerous shit? Anytime Hungrybox loses it's like christmas comes early for meleefags.
Trannies have no creativity, so they just take and pollute other characters, instead of making their own characters.
>kids were definitely not steered and groomed a certain way
>for them to be interested in certain aspect that the parents set them to
Competitive smash players can't use soap or deodorant since they banned item useage.
It's tough but that's what it takes to be at high level.
I change my online handle constantly whenever I say something embarrassing because I have crippling social anxiety and depression.
I don't see what the big deal is.
if it wasn't, trannies wouldn't be trannies in the first place
gender is inherently sexual
no It hasn't
Hmmmm yes. I'm thinking this is based
Trying too hard to be part of the FGC, this is the same reason most TOs refused to ban or at least limit Bayo in some way.
>it doesn't happen that easily
You didn't have penis inspection day in elementary school?
I think we had it in 3rd grade at my school
This is a good Isabelle guide though
>trannies at 15
What the fuck you can't get even get a tattoo at that age.
is this a burger thing
>Isabelle mains
>Appropriates an anime character's name for it's tag
>Can't even fucking pronounce the name correctly
>15 year old trannies
When is the reset?
If you're going to transition, then it's best to do it as a teenager.
sure is but
I would rather be a tranny than a dirty, disgusting snake player.
Yeah, it's to make sure everyone is cut.
>Yea Forums
Yea Forums is not the entirety of Yea Forums you fucking retard, or do you think /o/ was in on it too?
>You didn't have penis inspection day in elementary school?
No, never. How is it, or what they do to you? I can't imagine why they would do that.
It's probably best to not do it at all and just do what low test guys used to do: dress in drag in private and accept being a low test twink
What's up with fightan games and THEM
Is it the same kind of autism as GDQ?
The kids a faggot but he's saying Bocchi right
Last I checked Yea Forums is still Yea Forums2.0
It's bo as in botch, not bo as in boat.
We are talking about a mental illness that makes people suffer and drives them into suicide. You need way more issues than being your average socially awkward lonely weeb to become a tranny.
>40% of fags were molested as kids
>just a coincidence
yet parents are allowed to choose anything else for their kids
>all those fucking anime posters on the walls
I bet the people cleaning up the site and taking the body away were laughing under their breath the whole time at this faggot.
It's pronounced botch-ee, not boat-chee
>not being a high test guy and dress in drag in public
Go away
Thread should have ended here, why the fuck there is so much posts
>that voice
Why do mentally ill feel such attraction to nintendo?
>Fucking nick dropping redpills
>smash ultate sold something like 15 million
My god, the future will have countless tranny smashfags. It is already over.
voice gets better after a few sec. skip to mid of the video it's just another geek.
pretty sure thats just his nasally american teenager voice making it sound wrong
They made it legal so the social media giants could collect and sell user data on impressionable teens.
Yea, both speedrunning and fighting games are extremely repetative. Autists love that shit.
>What's up with fightan games and THEM
smash isn't a fighting game.
Quit being a retard
Just look at the Japanese spelling and you're going to realize that she's pronouncing it wrong
reddit invasion is not a joke, and in 2018/2019 we had resetera invasion.
I can only hope that s/he gets on hormones and avoids being a hon.
I mean, it sounds pretty clearly like Boachy to me. The only reason it annoyed me is because if this tranny fuck had actually watched the anime, they would know for certain it's not pronounced that way because they could audibly hear how the name is pronounced. The only way you'd think otherwise is if you hadn't seen the anime, and just visually saw the name, which is a telltale sign that this tranny fuck is a fucking poser.
Thanks user, had a laugh after i checked it out again.
>Caring this much over proper pronounciation
Unironically have sex.
Got excited a woman might actually be good at smash.
Sad thing is that "she" watched the anime. Her twitter page is filled with it which makes it just plain obvious that we are dealing with a mentally ill weeb
We nerds were literally bullied by society since we were kids. No one cried for us. Why would we cry for her now?
>Jessie Slaughter
this is how you lose all credibility and can only be seen as a huge faggot
>>tfw know an underage tranny smash player that isn't this person
Or a person at all.
It's a tranny.
It's hilariou-
The less people on social media the better the world as a whole will be.
>I'm disabled and currently trying to get a proper diagnosis
Disabled or "disabled"?
Humanity won't be safe until the entirety of the internet is wiped out.
casual reminder that ally would've won if he played based mario instead of snake
supergirlkels is the best sonic by far
/o/ was the fucking ringleader, you newfaggot retarded shiteating cocksucker. fuck off
Remember when she was just a dumb kid getting trolled for making dumb videos?
God, the 2010s have ruined humanity.
You know girls aren't actually good at video games.
That would be a good excuse to then bring in internet 2.0, none of the javascript shit and only people like in the early 90s have access to it.
or sports...
>15 year old tranny
the times they are 'a changin'
Girls rather fuck Chad than try to git gud at video games.
Never. Enjoy clown world or move to Eastern europe.
Mid 20s at best.
sounds like girls have the right idea
the point of no return is long past gone. we are on the endgame now and its a bad one
I play with one that's pretty good at Siege and PUBG.
She plays nothing else that's multiplayer though, and has anger issues.
This is their time now. Instead of being an awkward white male teenager, they can become a tranny by cutting of their micro penis!
Slaughter... lived a hard life...
Smash isn't a fightan game user
It's a Nintendo game
Isn't this what you wanted Yea Forums, cute young boys dressed in skirts? he's starting young so he might """"pass""""
Looks like the consequences were truly never the same.
>clown world
That's the most stupid forced meme that I've ever seen. Also America is not the world.
>my pronouns are they/them
Why the fuck am I triggered so easily, and it works every fucking time ? KILL ALL GAYS
Yea Forums is no more i guess.
except the fighting comunity SCORNS smashtendies. they are still autistic but now GDQ levels of mental illness
Kek, you know it's a tranny because no woman would ever play smash.
>n-no my type of degeneracy is different
>makes this a banner
trapfags get the rope too
>I used t be internet famous
Its so sad bros
shhhh you will summon all the trapfaggots and their mental gymnastics
whoa seriously?
and here i thought they were bullying "her" for having a trucker's voice
>america america america
>i don't know of any of my country's shortcomings because everything is america's fault
Did you fuck her yet, user?
holy shit what happened
I bet Nakosuke is behind this.
That being bullied by Yea Forums was the least of her problems.
Principally, her father (yes, the CONSEQUENCES guy) apparently abused and raped her, and after he died she was pretty much on her own.
I'm a (cis) woman and I play Smash. Competitively, too.
Please be in London
Is he okay?
This isn't funny at all, this bitch's life got absolutely destroyed, what the fuck even happened to her?
Of course you do faggot.
We grew up.
>Literal kid beats several major FGC pros in actual fighting games
>Gets respect and some innocent banter, it's the FGC pros who get mocked for losing to a fucking child
>Literal kid beats a Smash pro
>Gets e-bullied relentlessly because they hate feeling reminded that children can beat them at the children's game
Nah, the tranny totally deserved it. Hopefully, it becomes part of the 40%.
kill yourself
Extreme parental issues, basically.
You mean shota, right?
The whole "the world is changing and I feel confused/left behind" bit is such a fucking boomer sentiment that it's weird seeing it parroted by people younger than me.
no he's a clout martyr
I don't believe that shit for a second, she spent her time online shit stirring and lying, are we honestly meant to believe she was abused by her dad, that went so far as to make a fool out of himself to try to protect his daughter from internet bullies?
I don't believe it, chick is an attentionwhore and the internet busted her balls for that, she still is one
A wheelchair though?
I'd trade their maturity level for a higher deodorant level any day
It wasn't the fact that he was young though. There's been plenty of young Smash players winning or doing well in majors, the one who pops into mind for me being Wizzrobe. It was because he's a tranny.
It's always a tranny, ALWAYS.
Why is USA such a clown town?
Damn, he looks like THIS?
Nah, they bullied it cause it wasn't human. Trannies aren't people.
>we had sex
lol no you didn't
Grow a spine bitch. The world isn't a safe space
>fawning over a tranny
Smashfags are even more pathetic than Sonicfags at this point.
absolutely based
>can audibly hear the controller
Why do people think this is acceptable?
>are we honestly meant to believe she was abused by her dad, that went so far as to make a fool out of himself to try to protect his daughter from internet bullies?
Not taking sides but these things are not mutually exclusive.
when it's the only place that matters, it kind of is the whole world
The Belle player is a tranny and that was the problem. Comments were nothing buy "good at Smash, shit at being woman" etc.
To be fair they would've "bullied" anyone irregardless of age.
terms of service isn't law you dumb fucking idiot
Hopefully the bully the rest of the trannies out of Smashboards too. That place is overrun.
u jelly of his legs?
Kill yourselves.
And I hope she kills herself too.
>that fucking crispy half baked male voice
I was expecting some cute girl, not a faggot.
Glad to see nothing of value was lost.
Oh he will
What a faggot combo
white "men" baka desu senpai
No. I'm also not fooled by filters like you are, dumbass.
Based FGC
>these are the jackasses shitting up Smashboards
I hope they all die.
Holy shit do unironic Stevefags actually exist?
Yeah, that's definitely happening alright.
Notch is rich and doesn't have to pretend to be cucked anymore
Considering that she's "trying to get a proper diagnosis", it's possible that she's not physically disabled but wants to be. But who knows.
>wants a tranny to kill himself
>plays into his delusions
what game are you playing?
We're all humans, stop the hate you BIGOTS!
>nintendo manchildren do dumb shit
Also I cared much less when I found out it was a trans hole
Nobody would bully an actual cute girl out of a community of sweaty unwashed virgins, they'd just flood them with requests for feet pictures instead.
This. Smashburb is an annoying 29 year old furfaggot also. You can't step one foot without his homosexual commentary on any site he's on.
Doesn't matter, it's at EVO as a main event so it's part of the FGC. Get over yourself, being pedantic about labelling shit is Grade A Autism.
what do you think his feets smell like? haha
But all best chefs are men?
That thing isn't attractive. Stop posting it you filthy degenerate. It literally looks like a man in drag.
>they'd just flood them with requests for feet pictures instead.
which would bully them out of the community
be it girl or faux-girl, they're getting pushed out by massive unwanted attention
What's wrong with being a bigot anyway?
Shmorky is that you
>that jaw
he, you and all other men in drags will never pass
No, because mine look like that when I shave them.
a man in drag puts in more effort
that's just a rat faced douche
I know but I'm gonna do it and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Forget about that, it's an underage to begin with. Imagine being a tranny lover and a pedophile on top of that.
wtf i like trannies now
They actually wouldn't. There's a legit cute girl on Smashboards who posts regularly (won't give out her username), and everyone kisses ass to her all the time. Especially all the "respected community members" like StrongBad and Warchamp, it's fucking pathetic. They even made her a mod. She stopped posting pictures of herself ages ago though.
>implying there is a distinction
/cgl/ is full of jealous bitches user, they do that shit all the time.
That chick's got a dick, homie.
>even the dog is fat as fuck
Y’all mad a tranny’s miles better than you?
You miring this jaw?
Niggers. Regardless, who fucking cares about some smashtranny.
Show me one without the filters
>that landwhale with the black baby
>no black man anywhere in the picture
You're in dire need of some dilation my friend.
This shit is why esports sucks ass
FGC and peripherals are supposed to be a meritocracy, chasing someone out because they slaughtered your sacred cow is fundamentally against the principles of the community. I bet 99% of the fucks don’t even compete, but are “””fans””” of Ally.
Damn. Nuke America.
>there's only one girl who's "passable"
>all the men are atrocious
>the dude in the Pink Floyd shirt looks like he's regretting every minute of it and wants to end his life.
I bet you are fat.
You’re in dire need of some gud
Bro, the fact that you have a "crush" on this thing is beyond sad. I'd say have sex, but considering you're resorting you talking an ugly underage tranny, it's clear you're too far gone to even be able to do that.
Every time, every fucking time this picture is posted there's someone pointing out the fact that the dog is fucking fat
>implying I can
I am just posting shit from the twitter of the tranny. I am done anyway.
idk what the fuck you're talking about. I'm just celebrating a tranny got bullied out of the community, and am hope its contemplating suicide.
Evo isn't an FGC event for years it's just stinkycon with some actual fighting game side events
No. I remember some shitty kid shit talking an entire website and saying some really edgy shit.
Turns out she was a huge whore already at 10 and some dude fucked her in her house and took pictures to post on Yea Forums. Then the consequences were never the same after she killed her dad out of stress and she kept doing cam shows even after going on the news saying she was cyber bullied and after her mom banned the internet. The attention stopped but the shows continued, and by shows I mean nudity and masturbation literally up to this day. Along the way she fell for the tumblr memes and became a fat "boy" who sat on a wheelchair but still deep throated hair brushes for her friends on skype.
Jessi was a disgusting piece of shit from day one and you should not ever feel bad for her. Everything she did and everything that happened to her was entirely her own doing. It's not a case of a child being cyber bullied. It's a case of a nasty attention whore AND real whore who fed off attention and drove her parents insane until her dad's heart exploded and yet STILL would not change her lifestyle to this very day
i would certainly SMASH that tranny's tight ass
if you catch my drift
Relax bro, I am straight as an arrow.
So if 40% of trannies blow their brains out would thatean eventually all trannies will blow their brains out?
What's the half-life of a tranny anyways?
Same shit. If you’re good it shouldn’t matter.
I'm just glad you were falseflagging, mate
The only real tragedy is that it's not 100%
>popping off
why do you save these, ironically or not, just no.
My country is not a mentally ill country like America, so it is impossible for me to relate.
>all this chin hiding
This is like the tranny version of the Myspace angle.
Shut the fuck up no you didn't.
You really got to be mentally ill to enjoy this garbage
So where's the video of the match?
>in 2000 + 19
I'm surprised
surprised that enough people like Ally to be stupid over twitter about him losing a match
>that fucking voice
I see why it was bullied now. Makes perfect sense.
so basically what they do to everyone but im supposed to care because its a girl i guess?
Cats can be service animals?
>no pro player/e-celeb making a statement about this
Smash is just disgusting.
I'm a moefag but even for me bocchi is too retarded
I hope responses like this only fuel the constant need of isolating our hobbies.
ahh those were the good ol' days.
it's bottom of the barrel "entertainment" targeted at society rejected otakus that are scared of real women, what did you expect
I do now thanks to you
She will become Venom Bocchi.
People still expect any measure of civility or maturity from the FGC? Why?
The FGC is generally a bunch of cliquey assholes and aggressive hoodrat thundercunts, and the only difference between mainstream FGC and the Smash community is that Smash has a lot more brats and autists.
There's a good reason the FGC has failed for over a decade to come up with even a handful of good players that aren't complete trash heaps on camera. They want so desperately to build "sports personalities" but the community actively trashes people who behave like a sports personality would.
Doesn't help that a good chunk of the "influencers" in the FGC are former or current drug runners.
dyke on bottom left
>backwards hat
>camo shorts
>plugs in ears
>converse shoes
holy fuck why do they all dress the same way?
Eventually the smashies will be so stinky the FGC will collectively give up playing nice to them and we can split again like it always should have been.
So you know what, keep it up, more of this.
>hahahaha remember when we ebic 4channers destroyed a girls life for fun? damn we were so rad xD
Fuck off.
Oh wait. It’s a tranny.
Call yourself whatever but you can’t deny genetics.
>ebil Yea Forums hackers are responsible for a whore being a whore
Wait, that's a female? It just looks like a fat guy.
she ins't a trans just because she has a male voice, you retard
he has dick, so it's a trans
>we lost a memer who was chasing after that money
>please don't bully
fuck off
Is because he has a penis you troglodyte.
I wonder if the girl on his/her left is making up a face or if it's just the current visage of any average American.
Here is a broad question, but why do fighting games attract the amount of homosexual/tranny/degenerate audience that it does? I wonder if any of it is latent homosexuality - not so much the attraction to males as it is fear of females.
Smash is exceptionally rife with it, but I was curious to read opinions on this.
fuck off tranny
games aimed at autistic mentally ill manchildren attract autistic mentally ill manchildren
americans be like
>17 year olds are not mature enough to consent to have sex
>15 year olds are mature enough to be on hormone therapy and have a cock cut off
I think more than FGC, it is Nintendo games that gathers the most amount of homos/trannies/furries and other degenerate people. Smash, Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Splatoon, Animal Crossing etc all filled with those.
seething pedofag
see, I live in a civilized county and our aoc is 15yo here
you are a cucked legalist
Holy yikes just as cringe as those faggots speedonvhs adamantium and jimmy