Have any of you sold your steam account?

Have any of you sold your steam account?

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Hell I don't even use steam

Yes I sold a low # steam ID account to a streamer. He got VAC banned with it 2 years later and abandoned it so I took it back through support.


i didnt, i abandoned mine and made a new one to leave all the fucking trannies, furries and pedophiles that surfaced from what i used to call my friendlist
weeded out ONE person that wasnt fucked in the head and a true bro and added them on the new one

Why not just delete all the retards?
I deleted over 100 people I traded with in TF2.

So do you not know about the block function or are you just retarded?

How do you sell your steam account?

You are a god.

no but some russian faggot hacked mine for a day once

3rd party website
it's not worth it most of the time

No, but I also haven't used it in a good while.

I have an account with almost 400 games, lots of shit though, that I'd like to seel but I don't trust any website.
I'd sell it to a friend given the chance, I just want to get rid of this fucking backlog.

Yes, after I started using EGS

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seething trannies

The streamers name was foddertv if that means anything to you guys. I recall seeing him mentioned here a while ago.

You know in your heart that doesn't really count as getting rid of a backlog.

It does for me, I only feel obligued to beat a game if I have paid for it.
Same goes for movies, books and TV shows.

If I got it for free, I have no problem dropping it.

You can't sell it, read the TOS.

I can't sell mines because my FFXIV account is tied to it.

So you were a dumb fuck and gave out your email to a scam site? Its ok, it happens to millions of equally dumb fucks on a daily basis.

I have a GOG account with over 1000 games (ex-employee) that I'd like to sell.

Even has preorders for Vampire Bloodlines 2 in it.

Anyone want it?

sell it to a piracy site owner like fitgirl

I don't think fitgirl would reply to me or buy my account tbqh.

I'll get rid of this shit for 200 dollars even. I just want it gone, and to get some symbolic money for it.

I literally don't give a shit about the TOS.
I paid for it and I can do whatever I want whit it.

No but I'm offering one out of sheer desperation, I wouldn't part with it if I had a choice and it's seeming more and more like an impossibility, but even as a longshot who knows, maybe some richfag really wants it for some reason some day. Only offers I've had were scammers so far so not getting my hopes up but I already did the legwork so it's (just barely) worth the effort to keep trying anyway. I wouldn't really recommend it though.

weak bait

Why you spent money on that account

No, I would charge the exact same amount of everything I paid for over the years though. Thankfully Steam keeps track of every purchase made and it is probably something like $1600 over 15 years.

Why in the hell are you even in this thread, let alone posting?

nope, no clue how it happened. got it back within a day and hasnt happened since.

some guy gave me his. then I gave it to a zoomer to use and he got scammed out of it or hacked or something

I have an acount with around 400 games that I'd sell for 150 bucks in a heartbeat.
I got most of the games trading with russians for dirt cheap.


you can lmao
never personally bought or sold an account but traded a lot of them, literally 0 things stopping me from doing it

I fucking hate steam.
I have some games bought before the fucking TOS update, retail games activated through their shitty DRM that now turn my retail purchase into a fucking subcription.

God, this shit is terrible.

That implies you pay for DRM

You can permanently delete Steam accounts now.

just let go user. my backlog is three games that I don't feel like playing and probably never will. there's a better life to be had. just let go.

why not?

i forgot the password to my old steam account and never wrote it down, and now i can never access it again.

if there was some way, i have a few good games from steam, but not a lot.