Tam Tam chads represent
Samurai Shodown
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I hope this shits more fun to play than it is to watch. Cuz yikes
It's not. We already dropped it at our locals.
Samurai Shodown was always more tactical than spectacular to look. I dont like too much the DBFZ or BlazeBlue style of super flashy shit all the time
>plebs getting filtered by 60000000 IQ samsho
Just as keikaku.
But i actually want this specific samsho to die because it looks like garbage.
I'll only be happy when the entire community gives up and goes back to 2 and V special.
You're only allowed to play the games that i like you fucking brainlets, get it trough your thick skull.
Samsho is extremely low IQ, 1D chess tier. It's a tarded-up ST.
Make sure to spam this in every single nu samsho thread.
You'll either make them spiteful and play this series more, or/and trigger their fragile ego and they'll go back to the older games.
Either way i'll profit from your autism.
All Samsho is is nu-ST.
Then it's too complex for you.
What the fuck even is ST
Its one of the few fighting games where button mashing is very punished. By that measure alone, Tekken and Street Fighter are more low IQ friendly
Super Street Fighter II Turbo, the title people roleplaying as oldfags use as nerd cred.
I feel like Samsho could be summed up as
"Nothing is safe, unless you're Galford".
Why the fuck would anyone compare samsho to SF in any way?
The two games have essentially nothing in common.
>SFV tries to be nu-ST
>Fails spectacularly
>SamSho ends up as nu-ST
>Actually winning people over
It's anecdotal, but a lot of the people I play with say it's a funner game to get into because you don't have block strings that last hours on end or have to memorize a ton of moves/frame data like Tekken.
People are complaining about Tam Tam, Genjuro and Yoshitora, but can't wait till a 200 iq Galford steals EVO
Like it should be in a game where the characters are fighting with edged weapons, but i get that Sam Sho is not the cup of tea for many people used to more combo heavy type of games.
It's just someone stirring shit, /fgg/ is asshurt because of SFV and lashing at other games
oh i kind of agree, i've been playing Yashamaru and having a lot of fun because none of his shit is safe, but his rewards are really high for landing stuff.
My only real complaints about the game's gameplay are things like how the Lightning Blade mechanic can bring the game to a standstill since you pretty much have to stop all your offense to avoid getting killed. Also i guess rage feels a little weird, like spamming WFT has no penalty aside from the moves themselves being kind of unsafe, but a couple of characters have safer WFTs that can just be straight up spammed at range.
Spamming the safer WFT is part of the series, before Kyoshiro ate the nerf in this game he could use his to chip out the opponent
ah well I guess that's how they balanced Yashamaru having no good special moves. his WFT can chip someone out from fullscreen, at least i think it does chip damage.
Anyway it can be punished full screen by Galford's WFT and Issen
Here's your (You)
imagine the smell
Tam is too beautiful bros