Define soul

Define soul

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Other urls found in this thread:

Soul: old thing that I like

Soulless: new thing that I don't

a game made to be entertaining by people good at entertaining, from the visuals to the gameplay
NOT a game made to milk cash from the consumer, low effort gameplay, or shitty derivative graphics

game i like = soul
game i no like = no soul

Smash 4 = SOULLES
Smash Ultimate = SOUL

Passion project.

The creator's passion being evident despite limitations

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It's easy OP, just look at the Crash & Spyro remakes. The old games have soul, the new ones don't. It's because the old games were made by people who put their heart into the games, hence the presence of soul. The remakes are made by sweaty indians who are just in it for the money. Hence, the lack of soul.

SOUL: Made by a passionate team of developers where a lot of small details can be found in the game which are only placed there because of the love of the game they were making.
SOULLESS: made by mindless drones ordered by a team of executives only to make money.

Soul is just another word for nostalgia.


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First experiencing it at a young age and continuing to see it so it becomes the norm to you. Thus new things are soulless because you don't have experience with them.

SOUL = I am nostalgic / i played it in my childhood

>Actual definition of soul
A reddit buzzword.

>Reddit's definition of soul
Old things that look nice.

Nostalgia is memory of beauty

It isn't, but a lot of people use it as such, yeah.

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Soul = Passion first
Soulless = Profit first

strong art direction that clearly communicate unifying design concepts while minimizing elements that disrupt the theme.

Engaging gameplay that expresses its innovation (often including its still unironed wrinkles). Rare cases of soul like SMW world innovated with such tight controls that its always fun to operate, few margins that can be improved through technology (although things like camera and framerate are examples of places where you can)

when people say soul doesn't exist i think they're lying to themselves and they know it. Only people with souls can identify souls.

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A game created with passion and a vision instead of being focus tested and wider audienced into oblivion

Harder but not impossible to find in the modern gen.

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meant sm64 oops

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A game from the developer's heart with little to no corporate or playtester meddling, so nothing Nintendo.




Reddit answer, not all soulful games are fun or even good and in fact the developer worrying about their target audience's tastes is minus soul.

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Federation Force was a passion project.


The lack of soullessness


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>tries to explain a meaningless buzzword with a bunch of meaningless buzzwords

Soul is made by people for people.

>good, cool, great, nice
>bad, lame, awful, boring

>angry that they're just a soulless remake of an older sibling

Yes and the passion was money

I still don’t like killing the dog.

Soul means the game in question was being made because the team wanted to, not needed to for money.

unit lost

Soul is defined by it's absence, just as up defines down and in defines out.

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any suda51 game

Nostalgia fag

They're both nice and don't need to be in competition with one another.

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No, actually, it was a game that the Prime series director was really interested in making for about 10 years, but never had a shot to do so because he was always being put on other projects, or because Nintendo wasn't interested in pursuing his ideas.

when it first started I always thought they meant the distinction between how games would use restraints and player imagination to it's advantage to create a memorable experience vs showing what everything is at face value without any imagination.
what it's become is literally "Old thing I like good, new thing I dont like bad".

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>2D sprites in 3D games bad

I love this effect. You can't change my mind.


sounds about right

First is a fun little throwback to a particular era, and an element that a player could conceivably miss, as it's included only in the postgame. You'll probably only go in there three times at most.
Second is a part of the game that the developers had to put in there as it's the hub for the entire game. Its layout is designed with practicality in mind, because you'll be visiting it well over a dozen times.

And both work for their own needs.

this game was soulless

making 2 player adventure a secret instead of a feature
not even having it in the game

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Soul can't be defined, soul is the definition.

A game can have soul and still end up being shit.

Depends on the use, SM64 used it in a lazy way and it looks like shit

Spyro is GARBAGE and SOULLESS stupid furryscaly

It started with people complaining about modern remakes failing to capture the style and atmosphere (=soul) of the original games, sometimes rightfully so, but of course it just turned into some retarded "nostalgia vs anything new XDDD" hilarious meme.

Something creatively unique despite the limitations of the creator.

go look up this sonic fangame called Robo Blast 2 you'll cream your pants

Has the footprint of the passionate few individuals that worked on the game vs the turbo bloated mess of most modern games where your contribution to the game doesn't stand out.

It was a way for pasty nerd kids to ironically talk about video games like they were old boomer black men talking about jazz music.

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So Soul is trivial? Sounds about right to me.

imagine seething this hard because your shit game got called out for being shit

>black appropriation of the word GOOD
>white appropriation of the word BAD

your mom is soulless.

It is a nice thing to have, but a soulless game can still end up being good if the devs are competent.

Soul: Opposite of Soulless
Soulless: Opposite of Soul

SOUL: A masterpiece of the arts. What is full of lifelike quality; vibrant and fine tuned. Needs no more changes, as it is great the way it is.

SOULLESS: Cheap, fake, braindead, crooked, weird, ugly looking "high quality" counterfeit crap that rips off SOUL while doing a poor job at it. Lacks any sort of life and creative talent compared to SOUL.

Pic related. The last time we ever saw the real Big Boss was in Peace Walker. After that, he was replaced with a SOULLESS copycat in Ground Zeroes that had none of the visual traits of Big Boss and Solid Snake.

>B-b-b-but you play as the real Big boss in ground zeroes you dumb faggot!!!!111
Say that all you want. I've seen that argument a couple of times, but it doesn't change the fact that the MC in Ground Zeroes is not the real Big Boss once again but rather a fat, ugly, horrid, disgusted, greasy looking phony hobo piece of shit wearing Big Boss' MSF sneaking suit that doesn't even have the classic Snake voice from the one and only David Hayter.

I hate Kojima so much.

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Soul = original
Souless = remake

I didn't say that nigger I was just making the reality pungently clear.


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I just started playing this shit again


Stupid trigger meme similar to "unpopular" opinion threads. Post a thing followed by another thing that is in some way objectively better than the first thing and watch as baited responses fly in. The prime example is SMB1-3 vs All-Stars, that one works particularly well on /vr/.

Proper: A feeling of genuine care put to a project, usually by a smaller intimate team, rather than a profit driven game with a large amount of workers going through the motions

Common Usage: This old thing I liked, this new thing ain't it

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But left actually looks worse, you moron.

I just did. Sexy as fuck even though I don't care much for Sonic. I also loved Segas old spritework in their arcade games like Outrun. If you haven't, seeing it in motion is beautiful.

I fucking love old 2D racing games that try to look 3D. Anything from Pole Position to F-Zero is fun to look at.

Soul = Old
Soulless = New

But seriously, when I think about soul, I think about a game having its own identity rather than just copying from other games. Pokemon sword and shield's menus look soulless because they're just all minimalist and white. Even SM, with it's ugly splashes of colour over HP, still looked better because at least it had soul instead of just being minimal for the sake of going modern.

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soulless = tending towards consumerism
soul = tending towards art

low poly count models +
simple yet colorful environments/textures +
10/10 soundtrack + fun = SOUL

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>people praise SM64
>only ever talk about the first 1/3 of the game


Nah I see people praise later levels all the time, stop making shit up.

Soul can only come from a labor of love.
Soulless happens when something is manufactured purely for profit.

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Some user defined it as:
Soul is using imagination and creativity to transcend technical limitations . Soulless is using graphics or technical prowess to transcend a lack of imagination or creativity.
Or some shit like that

Basically , but if you wanna go with a alternative take for the sake of argument.

>Soul: Designed around artistic vision and concepts pushing boundaries, a Drawing on a blank slate of paper.
>Soulless: No vision, recycled concepts played safe for mass appeal, a Drawing that was clearly traced from another work.

Soul: interesting and original
Souless: bland cash grab

Nostalgia faggotry, especially towards games that aged like milk.

you can't define soul faggot, you can only feel it.

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A game oozing with passion and love from their creators. Someone WANTED to make this.
Buy product please. It good. It new. It has new thing. A company wants you to buy this.

>You are exploring through an offbeat and secret path that leads you to a secret area where you can fish on the sand instead of water
>You find a skeleton with a fishing rod in the middle of the desert, when you use the fishing rod on that spot of sand, it allows you to fish on it instead of just canceling the action.
>A villager tells you she heard rumors about a fish that swims on sand near X area.
>As you upgrade your cooking and fishing skills, you will eventually need to hunt for a sand-fish to master it
>You hit the desert area, every area has 5 fishes types including one special one, the special fish of this area is an easy to find sand swimming fish
>The guards won't stop saying how you can acquire sand-fish by going to the desert oasis, even though the first time you heard it added "hunt for the sandfish" to your quest objectives
>Same as above, but its "Collect sandfish here" with a tracker on the map HUD
>Explore the new desert area in this exciting new DLC! Discover new exciting things like the camel mount, the cactus outfit and... oh! A fish out of water? Yes! You may hunt for the mysterious and unknown SandFish (tm)

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It has never only been about making things unclear about what they are and leaving things to imagination.

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Can New games have soul?


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Soul means originality and novelty, flaws and all.

Usually early/first games in a series feel new and have a lot of personality to them including maybe a couple missteps that get homogenized and polished to a sheen with contemporary design trends with later installments, making them like every other game. I'm not saying "all flaws must be maintained", I'm saying in pursuing the ideal experience you shouldn't go all the way make it like everything else that's commonplace.

Here's an example of homogenization. Consider the following SNES platformers.
>Super Mario World
>Kirby Super Star
>Donkey Kong Country
>Yoshi's Island
They all look VERY visually distinct from one another. Anyone can tell the personalities and feels of the game apart at a glance.

Now consider these 3DS games:
>New Super Mario Bros. 2
>Kirby Triple Deluxe
>Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
>Yoshi's New Island
Even though graphical capabilities have advanced, they look a lot more like each other than their SNES versions. If you played these four different games and your mom looks at what you were playing four different times, she would probably think it's the same game with a different character. I'm not speaking to the quality of these games, just the fewer number of defining charming quirks especially compared to their predecessors. That's what people are referring to when talking about soul.

You forgot:
>in the sequel to the original game where you found the dead fisherman and sand fish, you can put in your memory card that contains a save from said game
>using the memory card your ancestor from the previous game mentions the legend of the sand fish and how only legends can attempt to fish one
>completely optional, but if you catch one, you get a medal in the post game of the first game

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Are some of these examples real?
I am pretty sure the first one is from Rune Factory 4 and both moderates are Fantasy Life.

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love it or hate it Undertale is extremely soulful

you're right, it is the very soul of reddit

Imagine unironically thinking its just "NEW GOOD OLD BAD"

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None of these definitions of "soul" are actual definitions, they are tautologies and begging the question.

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some things can't be autistically broken down.
It can be described in vague terms well enough for most people to get what it means, but if you don't understand it intuitively you probably never will.

Cannot think of a more SOULFUL game than this

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This image will never not be hilarious. It's such a cool pose, Samus is totally in control, but she was firing on a couple of small fauna that she no doubt could have sidestepped. The majority of Metroid's enemies being small fauna really knocks it down a peg.

DKCR had some pretty soulful levels though

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One big reason why "OLD BAD NEW GOOD" actually holds true is because the type of person producing content changed. The case used to be that only the most dedicated and passionate nerds were making art, games, models, CGI etc, and they drew inspiration from decades and centuries of media before them.

However nowadays the average e.g. 3D modeler is a soulless pajeet who took a course in Maya because it was a job in demand and there was money to be made and hasn't interacted with any sort of art or media in his life before. Even western artists are normies deriving from previous derivations, so you have the case of the original Spyro game being inspired by children's fairy tales but its remake being inspired by Shrek, a parody and subversion of fairy tales.

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DKCR and TF are probably two of the most soulful games of the past 15 years,

Thats two different games.

Nice selfie.

Adding unique elements to the game that enhances the overall feel of the game.

Had to be done for a lot of games that were limited to the current hardware.

Soul is when a game exceeds the sum of its parts because each component is perfectly tuned to compliment each other in a harmonious, timeless experience.

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soul = sincerity imho
sonic games like adventure, shadow, unleashed where there's no self awareness and le meta cringe are soul
games like sonic colors and mania are soulless, they exist only because of meta context and are pandering garbage.
the new contra game is soul because it's completely different from other contra games and was made without thinking about pandering to le retro gamers.
games like smash bros ultimate and breath of the wild are also soulless because they are ugly

good transition

>games like[...]mania are soulless, they exist only because of meta context and are pandering garbage.
>soul = sincerity imho

The only names I forgot are baby Poliwhirl and Big Goldeen. Did pretty good, but I almost forgot Dragonaire

Brawl = Soul
Ultimate = Souless
Smash 4 = Hollow

>spared no effort and made everything in 3D
Nigger what? Look at Spyro's wings, those are just 2D sprites. The gems are all pre-rendered too.

Wrong on both fronts, educate yourself before attempting to talk shit you don't know about retard

Both 4 and Ultimate are completely soulless.
Smash 64 was hollow.

Fuck you, Odyssey has soul.

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Attention to detail
Passion from developers to their game

64= Hollow
Melee= Soul
Brawl = Some Soul
4 and Ultimate = Soulless

When did "soul" come to mean "fucking atrocious"? The gen 1 sprites only look the way they do because GameFreak's artists at the time were amateurs with less skill than the average DeviantArt pixel artist

Explain how it's wrong

Someone explain why this image makes so much sense?

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you had me up until you shit talked Mania. That shit was the definition of soul in a modern context.

I gotchu pham

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Melee was a result of extreme crunch to quickly cash out on the IP on GameCube
Brawl is much more soulful as really can't get any more of Sakurai's soul than subspace
Wii U is extremely sterile, and with how Sakurai refused the proper single player mode, the least passionate of all
Ultimate despite being based largely on Wii U softened up on these aspects, and regained the lost soul
Proper ranking from most to least soulful
Wii U

Art design is what creates the soul.

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The new DKCs had a very specific lack of soul to them but the gameplay was still well done so it was able to overcome the lack of soul to some extent. I don't know why but Retro just had a tough time putting soul into the DKC series despite it being clear that they knew how to make it a good game. They just never comprehended what animal buddies and different Kongs added to the game. Just look at Cranky's house in the first DKC. Filled to the brim with detail and always interesting to look at.

On the other hand, they injected plenty of soul into the Metroid Prime series. All those little research scans you could find. It really felt like you were in the suit. 3 sucked though. They didn't seem to know what they wanted to do there and the Wii waggle seriously fucked with it.

left has a unique look and everyone is happy and having a good time
middle is too fucking busy
right looks like some shitty photoshoped garbage

Mario Kart 64 wasn't that good, desu

unless unity man makes them

We're talking about soul here and not if it was the best of the series or not.

Sonic Adventure 1 manages to have soul despite it being pretty shitty gameplay wise.

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You can define anything retard. You're literally no better than an SJW if you think life revolves around your fucking feelings. What you're experiencing is a lack of full understanding as to why you would say something has soul and due to the lack of understanding, you lack the necessary words to describe it leading you to believe that because you're retarded (my perspective) but always right anyway (your perspective), that it simply cannot be defined when the truth of the matter is that YOU can't simply define it.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that people who operate on feelings are those that are able to sense things but are too dumb to define them and thus act inappropriately when confronted with those things (whatever that may be).

this actually scared the fuck out of me because I'm using auto-hover

games released the same year in the same genre can having varying amounts of soul, age has little to do with it.

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also the middle and left picture looks like they were trying to give an impression of how the game is played while the Mario Kart 7 picture feels like a generic afterthought. Plus the white makes it look sterile and boring

Japanese game have QUALITY, but never SOUL.

>he hasn't played Ape Escape

Spiral Mountain is so colourful.
I just know that if we get a remake that it's going to look so washed out and soulless.


Did the creator put their SOUL into the game? It's pretty easy to tell if the people making the game were driven to make the game for more than just a paycheck. Having soul doesn't mean the game is good or bad. Come on OP stop asking rhetorical questions.

Are there examples of old games with no soul? Movie games? Cash grabs?

Sonic Mania is a soulless game that tricks people into thinking its a soulful one.

Soul: A game with personality and charm oozing from every corner. Something that tells you the developers had fun developing a game, even if it's not the best.
Soulless: A game made to cash in on a license, movie or name brand and is made within a short time frame and left at that. Any license-based game or most of EA's shit.

I get why people think it's a meme and then I realized why people keep using soulless for games today.

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Doesn't make sense but okay.

I bought it a couple of weeks ago and it's utter trash. It's a game for toddlers. Unironically SM64 had more challenge. Literally it's the same korok shit from BotW without the exploration.

It is actually you who is operating on feelings here. Your feeling is that all things should be easily definable. Things that are more intuitive than logically understood will therefore cause you to lash out if you don't immediately get them.

Games you played when you were 15

Soul means vibrant colors. MOdern games can look so fucking washed out

Soul = games from the heart made by a passionate team of developers for the purpose of making a fun game for people to enjoy
Soulless = games designed by committee or by massive focus groups to sell as many copies as possible

Example of Soul
>Ocarina of Time
>Skies of Arcadia
>Mario Sunshine
>GTA San Andreas
>Chrono Trigger
>Fallout 2

Examples of Soulless
>Call of Duty
>Dark Souls 2
>Sony movie games
>90% of Ubisoft shit

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did somebody said soul?

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>soul = sincerity imho
>Sonic Mania is soulless
The game made by Sonic heads that made free Sonic romhacks in their spare time, that got so good at it that Sega put them, fans, in charge of an official game, is soulless.
>Soul = sincertiy imho
>Sonic Mania is soulless
Pick one you tremendous retard.

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That's something you lose after visiting this board for the first time.

There are licensed games with soul

Time Crisis 2 ... Soul

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What is the game on the left?

I'm not the same person retard. Sonic Mania is soulless and Sega giving some romhackers the reigns that think they understood what made the original 3 games so special is just more cynical and shows how bad of a company Sega is now more than anything. Majority of stages aren't even original, its just pure nostalgia bait.

Soul: prerendered backgrounds
Soulless: no prerendered backgrounds

>Nintendo game

I'm honestly surprised at how many people will talk about how the hate for modern entertainment is just a bunch of contrarians, while also acknowledging the fact that entertainment industries have replaced people who care about their work with creatively bankrupt marketers and worker drones.
seems like big time cognitive dissonance to me.

Prove to me that soul isn't just a fucking synonym for nostalgia. Name one
One single game before the fifth generation of consoles without "soul"

SOUL is when you try to express something important to you through limited means.

Literally unironically this.

Any Nintendo game

Dark Souls 2 has more soul than shit like 3 or Sekiro.

Buzzwords vs buzzwords

here you go f a m

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subspace is ultimate soul

Kirby's Adventure. Extremely overproduced graphics and music. Structure and gameplay that think they're being clever, but are really banal and needlessly complicated. In general, tries too hard, especially in being "cute", even though it is backed by a very skilled development team.

Left is more mysterious and dreamlike. The way that egg is in focus is really unique and weird.
By shading the mountain and redrawing it in a perspective they made it more mundane and generic.

>Captain Falcon beating up Primids on the fleet while Fire Field plays in the background
Just thinking about it makes me tear up.

A game made for something more than money

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Literally Super Mario Bros 2. Think about it.

majorly underrated post

I think you've got me there. I don't know if anyone could look at this and see a soul.

>the middle part is a rug and not an ornament
you're killing me Nintendo

7th Saga
Ecco the Dolphin
X-Men on Sega Genesis
Secret of Evermore


Any examples? I know a few but the burden of proof is on you.

Lost levels or repurposed doki doki panic?

First tell me how that would demonstrate your premise

Both actually. Lost Levels is basically a complete rehash and even NA knew that so they completely took the soul out of Doki Doki to bank off Mario. Soulless on both accounts.

Mickey's Wild Adventure

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Zoomers will never understand what "soul" is and thats really sad

Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Spider-Man 2

ultimate at least has some soul
see: k.rool

Plok was pure unfiltered soul though, you plebeian.

I can understand that, but I do think many of the enemies and elements that made the jump from doki doki to mario have made fun and endearing additions to the cast.

Explain soul.

Pandering will always negate soul

Goldeneye 64 had soul, but it wasn't made with a rushed schedule unlike most movie tie-ins

Soul is just uniqueness obtained by taking artistic risks

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stay mad ashelyfag

No retard. That's just you playing into exactly what I told you you were. You always think you're right no matter how wrong you are and thus exclude any other possibility because you've already decided they're wrong despite heavy evidence to the contrary.

Even love has been defined as a bunch of chemical reactions in the brain. I still think that word needs more definition to be properly defined but the point there is something that was deemed undefinable by a bunch of monkeys chimping out like you were proven wrong. Your statement has no more merit than those who said we could never fly or we would never reach the moon.

I don't feel everything is easily definable. In fact, I never even used the word easy. You just imposed your own beliefs onto my words and came out with a different meaning all together because you're not listening to the logic or the words being used. You're trying to make reality fit your feeling on the subject.

Soul is something made from the heart regardless of how good it looks. All sequels are soulless.

Soulless is a le good/better graphics look at me cashgrab bullshit.

>Pandering will always negate soul

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Pandering to waifufags is even more soulless

The word soul is not a buzzword, retard.

Designed by one person
Designed by a committee

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You have shit taste. Secret of Evermore was filled with soul.

>using nuDoom as an example

fucking same

Shaq Fu. One of the worst most soulless games of the era. Pure cash grab.

the impression that the developers gave a shit and had a vision, that every element of the game wasn't dictated by focus groups and disconnected executives

>what it actually means
The amount of time, passion, creativity, and energy that went into making a game. Works that feel like they have "soul" feel like pieces of art, stemming directly from the creative conscious of the developers of the game. A game with soul may have a very unique artstyle, a revolutionary gameplay premise, an amazing story, or just a very consistent and concise overall world and design, making it a unique experience. A game with soul is likely at least one individual's favorite game. If you see a game 10 years later listed in a "best games of all time" chart, it likely has soul.

On the contrary, a soulless game is a game that was designed with marketing first. It was not meant to be a work of art, the design and concept of the game comes from suits as a marketing firm trying to make a game that appeals to as many people as possible. Anytime a big game comes around as a huge fad (Call of Duty, League of Legends, Fortnite), there are always going to be hundreds of hundreds of soulless copies, and the original will likely also end up soulless through updates/sequels designed to churn profit. While these games are likable for a while, they are usually not anybody's favorite game other than the utmost of casuals.

>how Yea Forumstards use it


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The entire Soul vs. Soulless dichotomy exists because it’s nostalgia towards an era where video games were more experimental and were made with genuine passion and effort. People screaming soulless at everything is just their recognization that video games are as far away as possible from that era

Yea Forums's dick sucking of banjo.

There are actually so many shitty, soulless games of the bygone era, it's just that nobody remembers them, because for a game to be remembered 20+ years later it needs to have soul.

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Toy Story 2

You are making up positions that you believe I have to fit your own feelings. You are not arguing with me, but yourself. This is textbook projection.

>A monk asked Joshu, an aged boomer, "Has this game soul?"
>Joshu answered, "Mu."

To realize the nature of Soul one has to pass through the barrier of the boomers. Enlightenment always comes after the road of thinking is blocked. If you do not pass the barrier of the boomers or if your thinking road is not blocked, whatever you think, whatever you do, is like a tangling ghost. You may ask: What is a barrier of a boomer? This one word, Mu, is it.
This is the barrier of Soul. If you pass through it you will see Joshu face to face. Then you can work hand in hand with the whole line of boomers. Is this not a pleasant thing to do?
If you want to pass this barrier, you must work through every bone in your body, through ever pore in your skin, filled with this question: What is Mu? and carry it day and night. Do not believe it is the common negative symbol meaning nothing. It is not nothingness, the opposite of existence. If you really want to pass this barrier, you should feel like drinking a hot iron ball that you can neither swallow nor spit out.
Then your previous lesser knowledge disappears. As a fruit ripening in season, your subjectivity and objectivity naturally become one. It is like a dumb man who has had a dream. He knows about it but cannot tell it.
When he enters this condition his ego-shell is crushed and he can shake the heaven and move the earth. He is like a great warrior with a sharp sword. If an e-girl stands in his way, he will cut her down; if a zoomer offers him any obstacle, he will kill him; and he will be free in this way of Soul and the Soulless. I will tell you how to do this with this koan:
Just concentrate your whole energy into this Mu, and do not allow any discontinuation. When you enter this Mu and there is no discontinuation, your attainment will be as a can of Monster cracking open and refreshing the entire boomiverse.

>Has a game any soul?
>This is the most serious question of all.
>If you say yes or no,
>You lose your own soul.

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That was one that came to mind when I said that, and one I played. Way better than I thought.


I would but your zoomer brain couldn't comprehend it.

the fuck are you on about nigger, both games were made by japanese salarymen

You cannot say doom eternal has no soul with a straight face.

Noticeable passion for the work because the people enjoyed making it
Lack of corporate overlord scrubbing to make it cast the widest appeal possible

Like FLCL compared to its 2 sequels

I talk to a lot of zoomers, I think they will come to understand soul better than any of us eventually, but maybe that's just my love of bright children and my desire to see each generation grow into something greater than the last talking.

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You're right, of course. But I wanted to see what examples people would suggest, and who would pipe up in defense of something they had fond memories for. I, personally, think plok is an empty shell with some nice music, but it's really subjective in a lot of cases.

The new Dooms are legitimately good, slick experiences, but they are not examples of soul. The visual design of those games and particularly the monsters is far too vanilla-modern

And the original stages have soul, as well as the great music remixes.

the monster design in 2016 was bad but in eternal? nigga?

Attached: file.png (1200x683, 767K)

These, and I usually add "shoestring budget" or "limited technology" on top of it.

The most soulful games come from a time when game devs didn't have millions of dollars and motion capture technology as their disposal. Just look at movies and the usage of practical effects vs cgi; soul vs soulless.

You are a master bullshitter. I wonder if you have even picked up a textbook before because so far your responses have been literal bullshit with no substance.

When you are detecting "soul" in a game, what you are actually reacting to is the presence of authenticity and the absence of ego in the developers. A soulful game can not be made by drones who went through the art academy meat grinder and learned how to design space marines and spikey glowing demons. A soulful game has to be totally original, it can not exhibit any influence from concurrent trends and popular visual styles. That is not to say that they must be novel; the charm of SM64 is not that the textures or models are groundbreakingly original, but simply that they were created by a team of people simply trying to make nice environments, as simple as that.

Soul is antipodal to ego

Going to the soul mines, you guys want anything?

Fuck off nostalgiafag.

Firstly, why do you assume newer games can't have teams of devoted, passionate people to work on them just because the technology is better? Games like Breath of the Wild, Dark Souls, The Witcher 3, Mario Odyssey, etc (inb4 bUt tHoSe GaMeS aRe bAd!, fuck off contrarian) clearly had so much time and effort and work put into them, and a lot of special care in getting the little details right.

Having unlimited resources does not have anything to do with the amount of personal time and energy and soul that goes into a game.

Even if you do want to make that argument, then you are completely ignoring the indie realm, which actually does have very limited resources to create games and amazing games have come out of the indie realm in the past years.

good argument

>A soulful game has to be totally original, it can not exhibit any influence from concurrent trends and popular visual styles.

Literally nothing created by mankind in the past several thousand years has been completely original.

Pic unrelated btw.

Literally boomer wojak

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What a fucking faggot. I seriously hope no one grows/grew up to be like this retarded pussy.

I have a soul, robots do not

I'm flattered, but I'm just calling a spade a spade. I can empathize with the autistic desire to pin down and disassemble every concept imaginable but it just doesn't always work and yelling retard at everyone who understands this fact won't make it go away.

Keep reading, I don't mean that it is totally novel. That's of course impossible. I mean that it is a purely genuine effort made by a human being to create something that works and is good, unclouded by facile trends
Plok's music was fucking nuts for a SNES

Enjoy your brown tranny dystopia I guess

>They just never comprehended what animal buddies and different Kongs added to the game
Yeah, this is definitely true. The animal buddies feel criminally under-utilized in the Retro DKC games.

>I talk to a lot of zoomers
fuck off with these fucking youtube memes

It was always a rug. Walk over it in SM64 and listen to the difference in the sound compared to the tile.


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wrong bay bro

Attached: bay.jpg (480x360, 38K)

youtube memes?

>game needs characters to be good
>gameplay isn't enough

I think I've played it when I was little

user doesn't like being proven wrong so he picks out the only bad part of soul

Thread should have ended here.

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>soulless games started popping up once Sony joined the market
makes sense

what the actual fuck

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How did they fuck that up, I didn't watch it.

No, they need characters to be soulful, no one is denying SM64's gameplay quality, but the game looks soulless

Tim was a cursed soul. Forever working on the music of games that would never become popular.

Different production studios and writers

Does this make most nes games soulless?

To me, a lot of soul boils down to art direction and whether it feels like a passion project.

A lot of stuff that seems soulless is comparable to your typical cash grab family movie. It doesn't look bad per se, but the art direction and product overall are just by the numbers, e.g. your typical illumination movie, so it doesn't compare to Disney's Snow White or whatever. If the game's art direction reminds you of one of those movies you hate, that's enough for your brain to make the connection.

In some of these cases, it's just that it's harder to make a beautiful picture in 3D. In some of them, it's that smooth lines don't have the same feel as sharp pixels. Sometimes it's the way the visuals let your mind fill in the blanks.

The sort of art style or aesthetic you like is subjective though, and the context plays a part in that. The only difference between a film from the 80's using top 10 music of the time and a movie released now doing the same thing is that you don't like the music that's popular now compared to then. Or maybe it's the other way round and you're sick of hearing ABBA and would rather hear something new. And yes, sometimes you like something because it's from your childhood.

Soul's not just a buzzword or nostalgia, but it's not entirely logical either.


I'd disagree on DKCR, it's peak 3D cartoon (though I don't like the cutscenes). Ironically, highest highs it reaches are in the silhouette levels (though they're only higher because the rest of the game isn't, if the entire game was silhouette stages, then it wouldn't be as cool as it is now).

Attached: 1556023546555.png (166x131, 25K)

Does this make games that created new genres that don't have characters soulless?


A part of humans regarded as immaterial, immortal, separable from the body at death, capable of moral judgement, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.

This part of a human when disembodied after death.

What even is soul? Is soul just good story? Why play a video game if you can just read a book, since a lot more books have soul.


Is racing with ryan soul?

probably most atari games

Soul is something that someone clearly enjoyed making. You can see little things in it, things that you can imagine a couple guys sitting around drinking and prefacing with "you know what we should do?" The resulting game doesn't even have to be good. A game can be bad and full of soul. A game can control like absolute dog shit and be so full of soul you keep playing it. A game can be shallow, broken, and but it's realized. They knew what they wanted to do.
Soulless is listening to everything someone says they think makes a good game and making just that. Literally that, and adding nothing else. No personality.

Modern games can have soul. For example, the scotsman VA in CS:GO is a treasure. The guy is a generic rank and file soldier with a thick accent and preposterous barks and he already has a lot more soul than the soldiers in Battlefield. If they had any character that quotable, then bingo bango bongo, bish bash bosh, they would have some soul, but they don't.

my nig

I've never even fucking played it.

holyshit the returns was bad, i tought nintendo could make good platformers but bullshit.only the forest section was okay, rest was utter garbage.

Very cool user! But what is the name of the fucking game on the left!?!?

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I bet you also whine that abstract painting is bullshit and could be done by 5 year olds

it comes down to good use of colors and conveying meaning with as little as possible rendering/drawing.

Attached: soul.jpg (1278x1511, 458K)

left most is more salient. The color range and contrast is greater. And composition is better since it follows a pattern. wario + mario up front, and between them Bowser and that bitch. The others are too chaotic. Moreover, the white sky in 7 is just bad.

People have no clue about art direction itt. I guess its the zoomers.

ever played super metroid my little zoomer?

Artistic Intent / Quantity(0.1/Publisher Intent) = SOUL

I did played and finished it, but best levels were the first ones, later one are not that good and oh god the last levels were just unispired shit, music is kino tho.

far right v the rest

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for me it's when they put a lot of love,care, and attention into their game
see pic related for an example it's oozing with SOUL

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especially the audio engineering

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ITT: fortnite zoomers unable to cope with that they are playing objective garbage by shitting on art

Developed by Nintendo


Something we lack.

is what we see when we fill the cracks between graphical limitations
Those common threads about misunderstood sprites? That's us filling in the blanks with our imaginations about what the enemy is 'supposed' to look like
As graphics improve in quality there's less to creatively interpret and there's less to personally interpret about the designs

In reality, it has nothing to do with the amount of effort or creativity put in by a developer.
is entirely perceived by the viewer and doesn't actually exist within the game

Nostalgia, and

>Breath of the Wild, Dark Souls, The Witcher 3, Mario Odyssey
Objectively do not have soul. Fuck off zoomer.

It's a simple concept to grasp, really

Attached: DcnsUE5W0AACs-R.jpg (1600x815, 363K)

You know how the Simpsons were fully hand drawn back in the day instead of those shitty cal-art "efficient" animation techniques they use now?

That's what soul is.

Dark Souls is oozing with soul. The other three not so much even though I like some of them

Look yourself into the eyes. See? Yep, that is soulless.

........and thread.
Pack it up folks.

>I would but I wanna sound cool without actually knowing what this fake term is
Kill yourself or explain yourself, user.


I know it when I see it.

The thread will continue you silly user

It will...

that's easy. it's the marriage of style and gameplay into a package that exceeds its mechanization. like every squaresoft game from 1996 to 2000.

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System23 emulation being complete never ever

Attached: Definitive proof that video games are still dead.png (1280x480, 25K)

Modern games can have soul. The Uncharted series has a shit ton of soul, even 4.

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that's literally soulless.

Soul - Game created with passion and talent
Soulless - Cynical cash grab with no passion involved

Soul is by its nature undefinable. It's not an objective observation but rather a feeling. A feeling that words cannot describe.

Yea Forums might hate it but WW is the epitome of soul

Attached: 71A2F003-CD43-40BD-AD20-EC79771F7933.jpg (1276x929, 182K)


Both are soulless but the right moreso

>All these spergs accepting nothing short of formalized mathematical proof of the concept of soul to not dismiss it entirely.
I knew we were all autistic here but god damn

Whoops autocorrect !

Dunno, I haven't read Plato yet


You think you can step into the mind of the creator just by the nature of their work? You know absolutely nothing. You attribute qualities you value to things you value without any evidence.

People do this also when they see someone attractive: they attribute positive characteristics to them like "trust-worthy" or "honest" even though they know absolutely nothing about their personality.

You have no idea what the mindset was of the people that created these things and to pretend like you do is utter foolishness.

How do you know the right is soulless? It's not even out yet.

I think the problem with the soul/soulless meme is that everyone just conflates it with visual style. You can very easily tell when a game was made with passion and a strong creative vision versus when it was made by committee and for the sole purpose of making money with a by-the-numbers production. I think that's what soul is, and it just so happens that those games tend to have strong or at least consistent and often unique visual design.

Clear and coherent artistic vision

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Actually in this case the result is the only thing that matters, if you go through painstaking effort just to make something that looks like the usual cookie cutter shit, it's still soulless and you were wasting your time.

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Soul defines itself. It is plainly visible. It's like asking me to define the color red.


Reminds me of how the unreal store assets looked good in the first game I saw them in but became associated only with shitty games and laziness the more I saw them, eventually leaving them incapable of producing a positive reaction in me regardless of whether or not they were technically impressive.

>implying it's old good new bad
For all its flaws, RDR2 was an extremely soulful game in a lot of aspects.

Anyone that denies soul doesn't pay attention during the credits.

Attached: soul.jpg (2125x1196, 106K)

poor Jin

this guy gets it

For me, it's Wang Dong.


It is and it can

is dune2k considered soulless?

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>no argument


Based. The music was God's gift to the world

On Yea Forums
Soul = art direction I like
Soulless = art direction I dont like

>reddit trying to take ownership of Yea Forums memes with reverse meta shitposting
impressive, but you'll have to try harder than that

Attached: 4d.jpg (804x486, 37K)


this but unironically

>Check MAME again after 5 years hoping they improved compatibility
>All they did was add shitty 80's fruit machine game compatibility

Guess I'll have to visit japan one day to properly play new light gun games.

Attached: I can't belive sakuya is fucking dead.png (537x434, 297K)

Wrong definition, good passion don't mean shit if creators are talentless.

Get this soullet out of here

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>s-soulfags are just nostalgafags
>when pic related came out just 2 years ago and is packed to the brim with soul

Attached: fb-share[1].jpg (1200x630, 317K)

A game with soul does not need to be a good game

I too, would like to know WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT GAME ON THE LEFT!?

It kind of already did in smash, however they were reusing assets.

Attached: 1200px-SSBUTwitterBanjo&Kazooie3.jpg (1200x675, 201K)

It's literally just Gaur Plains with Banjo's hut pasted in, how little of a fuck did the team give about including them?

Someone edited it to be a little more saturated like the original a couple weeks ago. Not ideal but sticks out more like OG Spiral Mountain.

Attached: 1561195552085.png (1200x677, 1.71M)

Absolute brainlet take
>"I-it doesn't have soul because of reused zones!"
>Despite all the zones being reworked
>Despite a lot of them having all-new gimmicks
>Despite them including mechanics from worse zones that Mania did better
>Despite every single act having a boss
>On top of that perfect sprite work
>On top of the brand new animations
>On top of the new music
>On top of the original zones that kicked ass too
>And the best special stage in Sonic history
I could go on. Some shit was lame pandering like "DUDE METAL SONIC" where the fight drags on for ages for no good reason, and I say that as a massive CD fan. But as a whole package, Mania was nothing but soul.

Odyssey had soul
Most mario games do, even fuckin hotel mario which was a terrible game, but it had soul.

Attached: +.gif (369x267, 1.81M)

What is
>sticker star
>half the Mario partys
>half the Mario karts
>3D land
>3D world

game I was exposed to as an impressionable child = SOUL
game I was exposed to as a jaded adult = SOULLESS

Nothing soulful about shitty 2D sprites trying to be retro. Underfurries need to neck themselves.

Odyssey had some soul but it was still missing a lot of the finer details that 64 had and you can tell it was made by newer blood at Nintendo by the way that it lacked cohesion or a consistent art style. Some things about it feel amateurish and that's its own kind of soul but next game I'd appreciate something more focused and polished

The closest thing to an objective definition that I can think of is an appreciation for smaller, unnecessary touches. An example of this is in Wind Waker and Twilight Princess where Link's eyes looking towards things of interest if you idle long enough. Unnecessary, but still cool. Most shitposters use it like

Hylics was peak soul, prove me wrong

Attached: hylics dynamite animation.gif (500x375, 1.37M)

Yes. And this is just the title screen.

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I'm copying and pasting what this user said in his thread a couple of days ago. Here it is:

>I just played this level again, 23 years after the first time and... it made me feel that feeling again. All of the flashy graphical bullshit in modern gaming, all of the gimmicks employed to try and hold our attention, all of the new genres springing up trying to fulfill that new itch...

>Nothing compares to the way this made me feel. Being in an enclosed box room looking out into an infinitely cloudy sky, surrounded by fish in this massive, mysterious aquarium, while serene music plays as I guide Mario to drift through coins and just gaze into the infinite blue...

>What was your one moment of feel in vidya, Yea Forums? No, doesn't have to be right in the feels or tfw. Any feel will do, so long as it genuinely, truly made you feel something you didn't expect a "children's toy".

Spyro was to me what Mario 64 was to this user. It's one of the only game series that I can go back to every once in a while and still feel that same child-like wonder that I had years ago. Unlike say modern Mario games (with the exception of Odyssey because at least that game is on the right track to being soulful), the levels feel like their own unique worlds with their own unique inhabitants and wildlife instead of feeling like generic obstacle courses. The skyboxes that consisted of nothing but endless voids with a few mountains or two moons, along with the eerie, but peaceful music, can really get your imagination going on what lies beyond these levels.

Attached: 1561531939478.png (640x448, 497K)

Captain Comic 2

"Soul" implies humanity. Basically before the advent of unreal engine (and the digusting platic look that comes with it) devs had to create all assets from scratch. They worked really, really hard to create something unique. And you HAD to be passionate about gaming to work that hard, it wasn't only about the money. Nowadays Steam is jock full Indie shit that all look the same, they all play the same (just look at the amount of dungeon crawlers) because they've either used Unreal or RPG maker or some other thing where assets and stages are generated by a soulless, not CREATED by a soulful human.

So what is soul you ask? This is soul:

Attached: IMG_6805.jpg (3264x2448, 1.92M)

Empty but I was a kid with an imagination when it came out so it had soul.
Also depends on the age of the shitposter

>zoomers unironically born without souls

Since the dawn of man such a phenomena hasn't existed, but here we are today.

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No, fuck off. Spyro is a game that only a child that never played mario64 can enjoy. I went back to it and holy shit it is terrible. I stopped and just kept the good memories I had of it, from a time where I had no N64 and Spyro was the first 3d platform game I ever played.

No. Gen V pokédex is the only one with SOUL along with Gen I.

Your experience isn't universal. I had both systems as a kid and enjoy both games today.

Attached: IMG_20190610_230444.jpg (3264x2448, 2.12M)

I played Mario 64 first, thanks to my neighbor and my uncle having a 64. I was going to the store to buy a 64 when I stopped by a demo booth with a Spyro demo. It was fast, I didn't have to replay the same levels and it was so visually interesting, with a variety of music, sound and great visual direction that wasn't just GREEN GRASS LEVEL, GREY FORT LEVEL, WHITE SNOW LEVEL.
In the end, I got a PS1 and I thank god for that. I could enjoy Sony at its peak and jump to PC and the good Nintendo consoles (read: handhelds) when Sony went to shit with the PS3. I also skipped the bullet of getting the 64, which is like an entry drug into hivemind mentality with its extremely small library. I can't believe I was this close to being an user who makes threads like "what are the good games of this console?" instead of asking for specific niches and genres, an user who unironically thinks anything before or after SM64 and OOT is bad, an user who doesn't think Banjo was a slow slog of a game with too much focus on shitty toilette humor and that Conker was that but even worse and user who religiously watches YouTubers who just spout the same opinions I already have.
Every day I wake up thanking God I am not a 64 kid.

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Spyro year of the dragon is frankly better than Mario 64. 64 is a great game and obviously a classic but highly overrated, mainly due to the fact that it was the first 3D platformer.

Attached: Spyro-DS3.png (1000x434, 466K)

No doubt. Soul is incindental to other qualities like goodness, effort and abilities, I meant that there are people who can't produce anything soulful no matter how hard they try.

>I also skipped the bullet of getting the 64, which is like an entry drug into hivemind mentality with its extremely small library
My brother (born in 2004) is like this, his first console was a DS, then a Wii U, then he got a 3DS and now a Switch. He absolutely refuses to play any game that doesn't have "Nintendo's seal of approval", all of the YouTubers he watches are Nintendo cultists. I don't know what is with Nintendo that creates such a rabid following. Me, I grew up with the PS1, and I have balanced taste, I enjoy Mario Kart and Smash as much as anybody but that doesn't stop me from playing strategy games on the PC or whatever. I don't know what will become of my brother

>anons ITT saying that Spyro is better than Mario 64
based and truthpilled

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Spyro was skybox kino afterall

Attached: 1530237847973.jpg (1626x1522, 237K)

>The sun is changed on each skybox, growing larger if it is near the horizon
>Each full moon is made unique, they aren't just copypasted
>No two levels in the original game have the same skybox
UGH! Why can't it copy the pure SOUL of Mario 64 and copypaste the same sun and sunrays? BAKA!

Attached: owMSFSn.png (1039x780, 473K)

soul refers to something that has a lot of work and care put into it, making sure the result it the best possible. soulless is the opposite, something lazy and generic.

but retards doesn't understand this and think it's old = good, new = bad

This guy is a brainlet who can't understand it.

Attached: 1551298811968.png (784x744, 1.05M)

Brawl had the most soul out of any other smash game

Sometimes not even "a lot of work", there are a lot of things that add to the sense of soul that don't actually need much development at all but instead they need devs who care and who can see the opportunity to add flavor to their product.

Imagine being proud of wasting the talent you used to have

>became a generic airbrushed Korean
Digital art was a mistake.

Holy shit user you better watch out the boomers are coming for youhave a dose to protect yourself

Attached: Daily_Dose.jpg (500x4460, 837K)

shut the fuck up you faggot hipster

Pre-rendered? How so?
If you're under the impression that they're animated 2D sprites you'd be wrong.

This is objectively true

soul is a synonym of boomer which is a synonym of based

soul = based

because it's true. the original spyro trilogy are probably the best 3D platformers period.

This legit hurts. Could be worse though. Could be RCDart

just finished it, great vidya.
although i still don't understand all the mumbo jumbo

Attached: before and after.png (648x409, 228K)

Jesus fucking christ