Like I'm playing a game while watching a podcast or a "Let's play" while maybe also listening to music. I'm also depressed as fuck and try to escape reality.
Anyone knows those feels?
Like I'm playing a game while watching a podcast or a "Let's play" while maybe also listening to music. I'm also depressed as fuck and try to escape reality.
Anyone knows those feels?
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It's hard for me to play games unless I'm under the influence of caffeine, alcohol, or some other illicit drug UNLESS it's a really, really, really good game. Only DMC5 has met that criteria for me in recent years.
I can never concentrate. Fuck this brain.
Help me get out of this hell aaaaaaaaaa
>game has lots of side quest
learn a new skill
They only way I manage to calm my brain down is by physically exhausting my body, but then I still can't concentrate because I'm, you know, exhausted.
I mean i got ADHD and I can focus on vidya. More mentally demand games that require reading or higher levels of thought or focus usually has me pause any podcast i'm listening to so I don't fuck up. ADHD isn't really a lack of attention more so the distribution of it goes everywhere.
Never asked to be born. Atleast give me a peaceful death
Guys, I kinda wanna try meth once.
you will fuck your brain 10x worse than it is now
Eating while fucking and playing better than cocaine CONFIRMED
Masturbating if you are in the right mood and you are relaxed after atleast nofap for 5 days trumps everything
I live a different kind of feel and SSRIs don't help me, I've tried 2 different ones so far. I waste 3h of my daily life on rituals that are purely in my head.
what games are you playing where you have this problem? I can usually churn out 4 hours in a row in Total war while listening to podcasts without having any trouble concentrating.
Hey how old are you? How long have you been doing this?
My little brother used to suffer from OCD during puberty and a few years after that,
but it subsided significantly when he hit his early twenties.
If video game already causes addiction, then you're just going to destroy your life further with meth.
I'm 23, started at 19, most likely genetic as my mother has it too
>Baseline 100
He..hehe..hehehe. I mean that's how it should be right, like every person is absolutely joyful about their life and it doesn't like a burden at all to them. For example my life is so good that I wa-... I can't do it anymore bros. I just can't. Carry on without me.
its amazing that you're self-aware and still can't help but do it
Usually new games I havent played before. I play the same games since years. I like to play multiplayer only as it fits perfectly with listening to music while listening to a podcast.
Diffirent guy here, I started to do these rituals and have forced thoughts at around 20 years old, it used to be 1-3 hours per day. Now at 33 it's down to maybe 30 minutes, it got easier but also you figure out ways to "cheat" it. For example when checking if the oven is on I tell myself "I'll check it just once and walk straight away, and if I'm not sure I'll come back". It's much easier to resist the urge when you are already in other room, than trying to be absolutely sure before leaving the room.
>its amazing that you're self-aware and still can't help but do it
"Welcome" in the world of mental illnesses
i have a lot of experience with mental illness
including my dad being diagnosed with schizophrenia
its still interesting every time
Who else here /hotbrain/?
haha yes. i know that feel
different ocd user here
the best way to describe the feeling is like a literal mental itch
I know it's stupid, I know it wastes time, I hate myself every second I waste doing but god fucking damn it I cannot ignore it and doing it calms me down immensely, at least until something else pops up a few minutes later
it fucking sucks nigger ass and I want to shotgun my brain to hopefully blow apart whatever piece causes it
If I'm left alone with my thoughts for more than 10 minutes I remember something that makes me want to kill myself
adhd user here, recently started 10mg ritalin and its been helpful but you really need to be careful not to let yourself slip or you might focus on the wrong thing. when you are focused on the right thing though its quite incredible what you can do
I recommend people with attention problems to talk to a psychiatrist, it could very well be quite helpful
has therapy helped at all user
Damn pretty much 100% this. My mind is like a 15ft Monster that you have to satisfy or entertain so it doesn't remember in how much misery you actually are and went through or else it will tear you apart.
I've never tried going to therapy
>"can't concentrate while playing vidya"
>watches something and listens to music all at the same time while playing
I'm no expert or anything but I think I found your problem
why would you not user
you know you have a problem
you know the creator of that condition said it was bullshit? your basically just stupid fucks who can't concentrate lol
there's a lot of things I could go to therapy or a doctor for, but doing that takes more motivation than I have and it also would make me feel like I have to commit to unfucking my entire life and I really don't have the motivation for that
>the creator of that condition
someone invented ADHD?
You can't concentrate because the brain virtually can't do 2 things well at the same time.
Try to limit your activities to things you can actually concentrate on.
Schedule your activities.
May sound illogical but I need more input or stimulation so my brain is satisfied. If I were to only play the game itself I'd get bored and lose focus.
the diagnosis yes
I always have something on in the background, not only while playing vidya.
I really need to get myself tested for adhd. Also I have an exam tomorrow and am wasting my time on here. fml
>creator of that condition
Your brain is trying to tell you to do something more fulfilling with your time. Escapism only leads to misery. You have to face reality, no matter how painful it is.
i understand your feelings
take it one step at a time bro
Your body releases dopamine for every bit of 'feel good' you get.
Masturbate? Dopamine. Let out a fart or a burp? Dopamine. Tasted some good food? Dopamine.
Basically everytime you feel something as good, your body releases dopamine.
This is why I smoke weed, it slows my brain down enough to where I don't think about dumb shit like that 24/7, like I do when sober
It may be a crutch but I've stopped caring, I'm sick of being tormented by my own mind
>Boomer image taken from Facebook is proof
>mfw on amphetamine every day
user, no one ever asked to be born.
You'll have a long time to be dead, so make the most of your time alive, and strive to be happy.
>Your brain is trying to tell you to do something more fulfilling with your time. Escapism only leads to misery. You have to face reality, no matter how painful it is.
Those are bad words, leave me alone
if i don't play games or watch some anime or tv shows all i can think about is suicide\
at least i don't have ocd
if its fictitious that means its a creation
Try not playing shitty games faggot
I can't. I am incapable of it.
>tfw sex while on amphetamines
>try to do something mentally tasking
>brain hits a wall quickly
>feels like it's on fire
Not OP but I think he meant his baseline dopamine levels are not 100 but rather in a constant negative state
>You have to face reality, no matter how painful it is.
Alright lets stop the activity that keeps me still alive and step into reality, can't be that ba-............ahhhhh take me be back
>tfw normal sex becomes boring
Don't fall for the memes, bros.
This has nothing to do with vidya so this thread will probably get 404'd but I wanna give you my story in the hopes that it may be helpful.
I first started showing symptoms of anxiety very early into my development. When I was 4, if my mother was out of the house I would get intrusive thoughts that she will die or get in a car crash or something. Then when I was 6 I started showing signs of OCD. I would wash my hands to the point that they became cracked and really sore. From the ages of about 9-17 my symptoms became progressively worse. I started SSRI's when I was 13 but they never really did much. I also tried psychotherapists but the mental health facilities in Ireland are dismal. If you don't have health insurance (which I don't) you are on a 2 year waiting list to see an overworked and unenthusiastic therapist. When I was 16 my OCD became so bad that I would spend from 7pm until 11pm doing rituals. My OCD was rooted in the fear that if I didn't do it, I would die in my sleep. It got to the point that I had a breakdown and was hospitalized a day because I had a panic attack and nearly passed out. After this I was put on 10mg of Escitalopram and started looking into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Philosophy myself. One night when I was 17, I just decided to say fuck it, I was fed up. If I die, I die. So I went to bed without doing any rituals. To my surprise, I woke up. And I did this for a few more days and surprise surprise, nothing happened. From looking into Stoicism and CBT, I have sort of tamed my mind. I still sometimes do "rituals" when I am anxious, but they are not intrusive and only take about 3 minutes every night. My friends don't even know that I have OCD.
The only advice I can give is that you need to make the journey of progress yourself. No one can do it for you. Only through torment and self development was I able to overcome it. I just turned 21 and am only now starting to become social and live my life.
Concentration can be learned, you just need to exercise it basically.
You sound like a fucking zoomer
Advice fucking ruined. You're preaching to 30+ year olds that have been stuck in this rut for ages.
"Book of reasons to live is empty"
Don't you see it? You get to write down your own reasons to live and not because of some societal reasons that you had no control over in the slightest. Don't let others dictate what "to live for" and what not. Stay tough brother. I'll see you on the other end.
This is why porn games are fucking great when done right
Thanks user, you give me hope
>You get to write down your own reasons to live
And i have none. I'm just too pussy to off myself.
ADHD brain has a more powerful aura.
Your brain isn't telling you that. Capitalist society has conditioned you to believe the only happy person is a productive one. The happiest people in the world are those damn monks living in mountains because they were never brainwashed into thinking getting a slip of paper with bigger numbers on it than other people makes you a more valuable person.
You guys should unironically watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. If you pay attention to the actual theme and meaning of the show, it is a character study that tries to tell the viewer that indulging in escapism will only bring more hardship. We need others to survive. Shutting ourselves off in imaginary worlds will not ease our suffering, only momentarily distract ourselves from it. This video does a good job of explaining it.
bro you are the equivalent of someone who used the windows repair button to fix a computer problem and it worked for you, but we need to enter the mariana trench of google to semi fix our computer problem. So dont tell us how to fix a problem.
It is never too late to make a change. Every day brings the opportunity. You are alive. And while you are alive, you will always have the chance of new experiences. Small steps every day man.
Absolutely blessed post, hope you anons are doing ok in life
So the only option is either to step into purgatory and experience suffering 24/7, or going into a coma where you don't suffer?
Guess what I'm gonna choose
I am not trying to come across as preachy, I am just hoping that people who are in a situation similar to myself can find solace in the fact that in can in fact get better. I am under no illusions that I do not understand exactly what you are going through. No one can. Only you truly know. As I said, the journey to a better state of mind is one that we have to make on our own. No one can do it for us. I over-simplified my story as I am limited by character count. If you truly wanted to know all the details, I would have to write a small novel.
I do not appreciate you trivializing my struggle. I afford you the courtesy of letting you know that I will never know what you are going through. To play a tit for tat game of "whose life is worse" is immature and gets us nowhere.
We all must come upon our own epiphanies in order to move forward in life. For me, I had to hit my rock bottom and build myself up. It is not easy, I never claimed it to be. I am just sharing my experience in the hopes that someone can relate to it.
I wish you the best of luck man.
>work day
>constantly doing something productive, mind is always stimulated, end the day feeling like I've done something worthwhile
>day off
>struggle to find something worth spending my valuable time-off on, spend the day counting the hours and end it feeling like I've wasted my day and did nothing worthwhile
On one hand, I'm happy that I enjoy my work days. On the other, my days off are the most miserable out of all of them, and I fucking miss being able to spend hours upon hours playing vidya care-free
>enjoy my work days
That's the pinnacle "first-world problem" of wagecucking. gtfo
That's what I keep telling people who say "life is meaningless". I wouldn't want to live a meaning forced onto me by others.
Existence gives you the opportunity to experience joy, love, fulfillment. Yet it also gives you the oppurtuinity to feel pain, torment and loss. The other alternative is to cease to exist.
I cannot tell you what choice to make. That is up to yourself. The main character Shinji decided that he deserves to exist in this world. And that he is okay with being alone if it means he can have the chance at happiness and connection. For him, and for me, that is a better alternative to non-existence in a pool of LCL.
As I said in my previous posts, no one can make these choices for you. We all must take this journey on our own.
>To play a tit for tat game of "whose life is worse" is immature and gets us nowhere.
Depends on your definition of "nowhere" because it's still relevant. If you were in a war and your limbs got torn off, wake up in the middle of the soaking wet due to PTSD, have no one to take care of you, you don't walk up to the librarian and expect a good solution to your situation. That person is nowhere near in the same realm of hardships as you. It's almost like talking to a kid about adult topics.
If I dont have a drink or background music while playing games, my performance is absolutely terrible.
based optimisticbro
this lmao
Do you ever sleep?
All those bars are relative to your personal baseline dumbass.
Do you want me to give you pity or sympathy? Let us say, for arguments sake, you have had the worst, most tormented and tragic life in the history of humankind. What can I do for you that will make it better? Nothing. My pity or sympathy does not give you fulfillment or meaning. You can choose to make the most of your life, or you can choose to wallow in self pity and despair. I cannot do anything for you.
You must yourself take your own journey and come to your own conclusions.
I take it when I wake up. It more or less wears off by the time I go to bed
I don't recall saying that something fulfilling is equal to something that is also productive to society. I actually agree with you that if something brings you fulfillment, that is good. My point is that for people such as OP and myself, when I try and play video games, my brain screams at me to do something else. Go to the gym, read a book or simply go for a walk. My brain is wired in such a way that it does not view gaming as fulfilling. I suspect that a lot of people operate under the same mindset. Hence, why I said that escapism and running away from reality will bring no fulfillment, in most cases. If you find fulfillment and happiness in escapism, that is good for you and I am happy for you. But for me, escapism only deepens my despair.
I used to need music or background noise from a TV or radio but that has diminished since years ago.
Now, I struggle finding captivating games that can hold my interest. I used to be a fanatic when it came to playing new games. The feeling of 'owning' a game, rushing home to open and play.
DMC5 was the last game that met my subdued hype. The only other game or genre to do this is fighting games when you and your opponent are going back and forth winning and losing games.
This is a discussion board. I don't want pity. On the flip side it seems like you expected standing ovations for your neither here or there sucess story. I just replied that in order to give advice your experience spectrum should meet with the problems of the people you advice is directed towards. You wouldn't give advice for a fistfight if you never been in an actual fight yourself, would you?
I just made it clear to you.
>come to your own conclusions.
I do and did.
You are attributing motivations to me that I did not have. You are fighting with an imagined version of myself. You have already made a caricature of me and attributed motivations to it. All I can do is be honest and tell you my actual motivations. I was not bragging or looking for praise. I was simply sharing my experience in the hopes that someone in a similar situation may see it and come to the conclusion that there is a way out of it.
If one only takes advice from people who have been in their exact situation, they will never get any. This is due to the fact that everyone has their own unique experience. The best one can hope for is to find an experience somewhat similar to their own and take something away from it. I do not know you, or what you have been through. I can never give you advice that will truly match your experience or state of mind. I never claimed for this to be the case. Do not attribute motivations to me and then attack me for it.
Shut up you sophomoric cunt, I'll give you some fuckin opportunities to experience shit. Seriously, take one step back from the keyboard and realize that you just recommended fucking NGE to someone struggling to cope with everyday life. You recommended a fucking casually popular anime to a man who hates living. The one who needs to re-examine his life is you.
I was recommending it as it is a character study that deals with depression, abandonment and existentialism. The plot of the show is unimportant. The themes, however, are. It was created by someone who dealt with depression and attempted suicide. His conclusion was that indulging in escapism and running away only deepens misery.
As I said to another poster, I cannot do anything for you. If you want to feel sorry for yourself and wallow in self pity, go ahead.
The problem is you recommended it at all, m8. This is not fucking high school we can do better than this.
I was just sharing a 30 minute video as it is accessible and easy to digest. I can recommend some reading material if that satisfies your big brained intellectual mind? My personal recommendations would be:
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations, Seneca - Letters From A Stoic, Plato - The Republic, Julius Evola - Revolt Against The Modern World
You can continue to be a hostile and lash out at those who attempt to offer any advice, but hopefully others will be more receptive.
I can listen to some music while playing esp. when the game's own music has worn out its welcome but not really. Are you memeing with that picture? Because it might equally be a case of not playing something you find truly engaging.