Tacodemon gets eaten by Pacodemon.
food puns?
More like cuckodemon xDD
So you're just going to dump the same pictures as last time? What are you trying to accomplish?
This thread has no lackodemons
I honestly don't know why I find the cacodemon to be so damn cute.
10/10 would devour
is round and looks squishy
Imagine having a cute lil' Caco as a pet, flying around your house and pooping on your floor.
>dat archville hidden in the back
Round characters are endearing.
>a secret is revealed!
>tfw you prefers Doom Slayer's first armor
Part of me hopes there will be a way to wear different armor for aesthetic purposes. Mostly because I can see that as a method of DLC bullshit.
Template if anyone wants to make more edits
>naked snakedemon
Square characters are pretty good too, simple character designs are more appealing then anything overly designed such as anything from a modern final fantasy game.
But cacodemons are fairly detailed but are still endearing despite being ugly demons. I always like that their mouths were blue. Good color complements on the cacodemon.
Fuck. I remember first playing Doom 3 a few months after it came out and the cacodemon model was so fucking bad it was distracting.
What about Doom 4 Caco?
true the caco does have good colour theory going for it, the only real issue is the fact it was ripped off a dnd monster.
it needed it's own projectile sprite rather then re-using the imps fireball, but at least it isn't just an invisible pinky or a brown paint baron of hell.
>Nailed designs like the Revenant and Hellknight,mancubus,maledict, and the CHOMP CHOMP BRUISER
>But gave us that cacodemon,pinky and imp
Honestly? They almost look comical. Even in game they just kinda laze around in the air. When they're not attacking they just look aloof. Look at the picture. They have this sort of listlessness to them.
The Wraiths were pretty neat too.
Aren't you forgetting someone?
That’s why they have rapid fire in Eternal.
Shit. I meant this pic.
> chewmpions
>not chompions
you're lame user.
can't say I'm a fan of the flesh hanging off of it's bottom, kinda looks like tiny raptor hands.
>doom 3 revenant
I don't even fucking know how they managed to make a skeleton kinda fat
but they did it
I don't think the design is bad. They can look dopey and cute.
what an ugly model.
I thin those are hands.
Those are their arms. They have those little arms. It's stupid and cute.
I need more spoiler gif memes.
The translucent skin I thought was neat
huh really? seems weird to do that when you already have that with the pain elementals but I guess that's kinda cool
I honestly thought they did have t-rex hands hanging off the bottom. Like they didn't make it to pain elemental yet
64’s Cacos has arms too.
>"uh, what's up guys"
I really need to play more doom then.
Trust me, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by playing more.
Reminds me of a peasant in a cheap leather cap
Does this count? only played Doom like once. No bully pls
Plagiarized demon
Which online quake game do the most people play? Arena Live or Champions?
Fat tits and fat ass.
Doom 3 Pinky is amazing.
Imp is ok. It's not like imps had any really cool looking version in any of Doom games.
>spikey ape
>zombie spider-man
>generic Halo tier alien insectoid man
I'd say that Doom 3 imp is the least garbage of them.
still great will touch myself later
I used to have legitimate nightmares about the doom 3 pinky, something about a very angry, very fast, very durable walking mouth with no eyes is sort of terrifying to me.
There was a chaingunner one, but I don't think I have it saved. I think I might have the Plutonia pic though.
Is this a real wad? I wanna play this shit
I've played 2016 and doom 1 I guess I can play doom 2 some time and I definitely want to check out some wads I heard tnt and pluntona or whatever it's called are pretty bullshit.
They're detailed but it's the good kind of detail that adds to the major design aspects. You can simplify the cacodemon to a red ball with horns, green eye and blue mouth. Those are the important things that make a cacodemon. Everything else, like the bumpy, boil like texture doesn't take away from it.
It’s real. It’s /pol/.wad the cacos are jew heads and Pinkies are Shreks.
Shotgunners and Chaingunners as far as the eye can see.
Pretty good joke wad
I love Doom to hell and back but it's amazing how id didn't face all sort of lawsuits, whether it's the music or something like this.
I guess the guys who made dnd were pretty flattered or they didn't care about a relatively obscure monster.
Everybody loves Doom, they wouldn't sue.
>the imps are niggers throwing basketballs
Holy shit. From what I played so far the map isn't that bad either.
>about a relatively obscure monster.
Considering how much Doom exploded in popularity back when it first released, this isn't the kind of thing they'd ignore. I can only guess the id lawyer who changed the original metal songs just enough to avoid a lawsuit also had a say in this.
sounds pretty nuts
>hitscans can snipe you from a mile away
>you try to do the same thing and you'd miss
fucking bullshit.
Anyone getting Eternal on release?
I think people dislike the Doom4 caco because it's missing the mischievous whimsical charm. It looks almost sad when it should look like it's enjoying itself even though it's kind of a bumbling fool. Like that one lone fat bully that even the real bullies laugh at but he doesn't care and keeps being an ass towards everyone. Including the other bullies.
Well, you have to aim. They just activate attack and then it's RNG.
I was pretty hype when they first announced it in 2018 but now I'm not so sure. I think they're going off the deep end with turning Doom into some sort of arcade like game. That intro to Eternal in 2018 was perfect. Then they showed more in E3 and my hype died down.
I feel bad for you if some idiot made you think that's what a taco is made of
good think the chain gun has that weird bullet snipe trick.
How the fuck do you reach the exit in e2m4: deimos lab I can fucking see the exit but I can't reach it because it is too high up above the blood? Floor
Cookie prefers it up the ass.
I already preordered the collectors edition.
Doom is my favorite game. What does that say about me?
Don't you hear the music? You're never getting out of there.
Can the chinks hurry up and make a cacodemon knockoff plushie?
I don't want to give money to Bethesda.
it says
Eh one more
Tru fact
there's a switch in the left corner
as long as your target is on the same height as you you actually have a massive advantage over them
Not anymore. For every good decision I've seen from Eternal there's a bad decision I can't get behind. I'll probably wait a while before spending any money on it.
Considering just like the previous game it's something you have to play before you can tell if it's good I might as well.
Just buy one off of ebay dude
VERY good thread guys!
It's not a trick. It's the thing that makes the chaingun objectively superior compared to the pistol, rendering the pistol entirely useless and therefore making Doom a sub-perfect game
It unironically was a different time
Nowadays it feels like every industry became trigger-happy with lawsuits (see Ion Maiden)
me on the right
True but to an extent, it was already a concern. The start of Commander Keen came from id replicating a Mario level as a prototype, which they called Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement as a joke.
>gif ends as he's about to punch the screen
Wrong, the pistol is the drive to find a weapon. Sees only minimal use but that minimal use is all it is for.
>unmovable force
>(see Ion Maiden)
I deliberately live under a very comfy rock so care to elaborate?
ah found it
I was starting to think the faces on the wall were the icon of sin I had heard about and was about to blow all my ammo on it
I'm fucked with shipping to Spain
I'm really not sure about the dash myself
Being at 1% health is the drive to find some health. That doesn't mean that being at 1% health is a good thing.
Kinda funny since Doom originally was supposed to be more arcady. Soulspheres were originally just the 1-up pickup from Wolf3D etc.
Some ambulance-chaser contacted Iron Maiden about there being a video game called Ion Maiden in the hopes that the band would hire him to sue the developers for misspelling a medieval torture device.
>I died and was reincarnated as a cacodemon
I'd unironically watch this anime
Iron Maiden is suing the devs of Ion Maiden because of the name.
Despite the fact that iron maiden is already a concept outside of the band. I'm guessing the band's lawyer just wanted to do something. Hopefully the band drops the lawsuit.
Metallica had a similar thing where the band's lawyer decided to sue a Metallica cover band. Then the actual Metallica boys found out, canceled the lawsuit and hung out with the cover band.
Maybe you can customize the HUD a bit?
wew we need to go back to the medieval ages, when people knew their place
Or the giant Mario-like pickups, or the life system, or the mobile HUD design, or etc. The E3 footage honestly destroyed my hype.
Dagodemon :D :D :D
Nice nutsack, fatass.
I don't think they needed to be contacted given they have a long history of lawsuits
I'm sure they will fix the hud given how much everybody hated it
Doubt it. They already said they "believe" the new HUD is somehow necessary. They've also said that there will be third person cutscenes, again because they "believe" it's a good thing.
Because that's what I wanted out of Doom. Despite the fact that one of the biggest praises I've ever had for '16 was how they kept the 1st person and minimal cutscenes, while also showing Doomguy's personality through small camera movements and two hands alone, they decide to add fucking 3rd person cutscenes.
My bet is that this is because of streaming. They want to pretend like this is good design despite the fact that they're designing this so that it's playable on a small screen, aka mobile design.
The buff imp qt is better.
And I don't think the band spends every waking moment looking for obscure shit whose name coincides with something of theirs. If smells of some opportunistic shit by someone trying to make a buck. The only reason a band these days would want to insist on something changing their name is search engine optimization, and Iron Maiden the band has been solidified onto the top of that term since search engines were invented. They would gain nothing from a cease and desist. But some asshole lawyer would gladly try to get paid to send those letters.
artsy demon
Trying to find the interview I saw but they've already come out to defend it.
Copyright was a mistake.
Just played Rage 1 and its much more fun than Rage 2 and Doom 2016. What the fuck is id doing?
I dont know why but im starting to like Taco posting
Rib n dear XD
Spduro spent so much time on Yea Forums that now he prizes grilled ribs and a comely maiden by his side above all. He has truly became an American.
Thanks for your shit opinion you can go back to plebbit now
dog bless ameriga breedom isnt bree XDDD
Basically Martin is pretending like Doom '16 or Eternal are these super fast paced games where you need stuff to be as absurdly big and SHINY as possible.
What's funny, actually pretty fucking sad, is that the HUD is actually more difficult to understand at a glance than the '16 counterpart.
No shit. It's one of the few laws that left reason behind ages ago and now it's only enforced "because that's the law" with nobody ever actually thinking about how any of it makes sense. For example you are literally not allowed to depict the real world as the setting of your fiction if you don't pay every party responsible for producing everything that exists in the real world for using their creations in your commercial product. The only reason why movies can have cars in them is that at some point someone paid to buy a car and that car ended up in the movie. You can't build that from scratch for cheap or 3d model it from scratch for free.
Copyright in its current form is the legislation of jealousy. If I can't profit from something that you're profiting from, you should not be able to profit from it even if you not profiting from it has no benefit to me and you profiting from it has no adverse effect on me. It's like communism. If person A can achieve something that person B can't, A should be brought down to B's level even though it doesn't help B.
Blame Disney. They fucked any reason copyright might've once had just to keep Mickey under wraps.
Can someone shop spurdo's face on the cacodemon and make a gagodenon :DDD? I don't have photoshop handy.
Fuck mappers that do this shit.
I don't know if you noticed, but leddit loves doom 2016.
>enter big empty room with bfg and pile of ammo in the middle
>"oh fug XD"
>suddenly the screams of 1 thousand revenants as they instantly teleport on top of you
They look like that green blob piece of shit from Ghostbusters. It's the dangly arms.
What were they thinking when they designed cacodemon's back?
demon pussy and anus
>mfw 2000 lbs of pussy and ass
Put Hampion down!
Caco's bite so by logic they can eat, have a diet and poop.
Lads, The caco plush is the only videogame related merch I've ever wanted to own.
I know, it's too obvious.
Imp girls are for sexual abuse.
Don't defile this Christian thread
>Posts cute pictures of literal demons
just go masterbate already nigga
like shit man why the fuck you getting off in this thread instead of e621 or whatever furry bullshit you're into
The fact that there aren't any SFM models of her and Impy makes my blood boil.
Be the change you want to see in the world user.
i like cacodemons stupid smile
Astral dreadnought.
More cacos pls
No, cacos suck.
Shut the fuck up.
Anyone got the Marge Cacodemon pic?
Would Cacos get along with Octas?
Since Gothic 3 I have an ironclad rule of not buying games on release.
>modders admitted that the only way to remove stutter is to rewrite it from scratch
At least the environments look amazing even today. Still sorry to hear that
not a gif but still
>Fucking demons
What would Doom A. Guy think?
Fuck this fucking flying fucks. They gave me some extra terrible nightmares when I was young.
>spawns two Lost Souls at once
>D64 Lost Souls are extra aggressive compared to D1/2 Lost Souls
play DooM
>can't just run next to it and punch it to death because it damages you if you're in the way of a lost soul spawning
Literally Hitler
I'm more of a baroness man myself.
How do I set up classic UI with doomguy face with doom explorer?