Get to New Vegas

>get to New Vegas
>almost immediately get approached by all three factions wanting me to work for them
Wow, amazing storytelling. That’s not forced at all.

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Wow, amazing insight. That's not reaching for something to complain about at all.

Yeah man it‘s not like you are carrying the thing that could turn the tide of the war or that you proved yourself by tracking and killing benny, being the first on in the lucky 38 in hundreds of years and being a renown long time courier.
No man they want you just because shitty plot man.

Not for House considering the starting premise is you carrying out the job he hired you to do under incredible circumstance. Similarly, the Yes Man storyline opens up as a very natural concequence of your pursuit of Benny.

You getting all the attention from House and opening up the Lucky 38 where nobody has been inside since the War (or ever had a private meeting with House), as well as the circumstances of your arrival in NV mark you as someone of unique interest and capability. For the NCR you appear as a capable mercenary, someone they can hire to get done the work their overextended army can't.

Caesar's private invite is really the only one thats a stretch but even then you're the only one that has the opportunity to undermine House in the way Caesar requires (via the Chip and your access to House himself).

It's a bit video-gamey but the logic is there. Your character has to be special in some way and compared to the glowstick of destiny chosen one plots of most protags, the Courier really isn't that incredible or amazing.

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>Walk into the Lucky38, literally one of the most well-protected places in the wasteland that no living person has gone into
>Faction leaders want to know what the fuck is up
Seems pretty reasonable to me.

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Renown long time courier? You’re basically just a no name trying to get back a chip that the NCR isn’t even aware exists

Wrong, you won't get approached by NCR and Legion until you get into Lucky 38.
Mr. House invites you because you were supposed to deliver Platinum Chip so it makes sense that he would invite you in after what happened to you.

I feel really stupid, but I was always confused why there is a dialogue option when talking to the legion messenger, asking why you are seeing them a second time. What was the first time? He doesn’t appear in the game before inviting you to fortification hill

It's Vulpes Inculta. The guy that burns down the town, Nipton. With the coyote pelt on his head.

If we trust the bearbull man of lonesome road you‘ve been all through the NCR and supporting the Divide through couriering until that faithful enclave package came through

I thought Benny went into the Lucky 38.

hmm think its time for me to install new vegas

If you take all of the Courier's optional dialogue, your character is very experienced and very well travelled.

Even if you don't, Lonesome Road canonizes that the Courier was hired by the NCR several times to deliver packages and scout out the Death Valley/ Divide region and basically led to the NCR "discovering" it and annexing the town due to your unintentional scouting.

I'm pretty sure the Courier can deny that though, so it may just be optional canon.

>he thinks any character with amnesia is a blank slate

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That's Vulpes. You saw him last time in full legion armor. His disguise worked.

>"Look at this stupid thing in Bethesda Fallout"
>"Look at this stupid thing in Obsidian Fallout"
>*paragraphs of damage control, deflection and excuses*
I'm not even saying NV isn't a better game but be more fair and consistent. You faggots are brainwashed by fucking youtubers

House doesn’t approach you until you reach New Vegas, and the Legion/NCR don’t approach you until after you deal with Benny.
Assuming you don’t speedrun past the deathclaws that could take you 10-15 hours to get to that point

Oh, duh

I'll take False Equivalences for 100.

>something is actually bad in Bethesda Fallouts
>something actually isn’t bad in New Vegas and is just contrarians looking for anything to bitch about
>be shocked and cry when people naturally defend something that is easily defendable

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Gonna ask this here, can I still do the NCR questline if I just kill the boomers? Or does this lock you out of NCR line? I just hate doing that boomer quest

If you kill Vuples in nipton youll get a new frumentarii approaching you in vegas. Likewise, if you skip nipton and go straight to new vegas and kill vulpes after he invites you to cottonwood, a new frumentarii will approach you at nipton

N-n-not fair!

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That's because the retarded shit in Beth Fallout that people mock can't be easily explained with a paragraph whilst the stuff people complain about New Vegas easily can.

I believe so. You are working for Crocker, who is a lot more chill than colonel Moore. Strictly speaking, the NCR shouldnt care if you kill them. In fact, them being dead is better because NCR wants their munitions, not their fire support like house

>something is actually bad in Bethesda Fallout
Here's your problem. Bethesda Fallout could have all the reason in the world behind a seemingly stupid part of it but none of you would ever accept that under any circumstances. If the OP argument was leveled at a Beth Fallout everybody would just jump into the hate circlejerk even if the scenario was justified in-game. It's hypocritical


read more carefully next time user

Nice, gonna try this. The wiki page doesn’t even show it as an option

>could have
Sorry I don’t deal in hypotheticals. Come back with something grounded in reality

No he just dicked that Followers chick into wiretapping it.

Not him, but you have outed yourself as to arguing from a tribal group perspective to take down the new vegas "tribe", simply as a response to the perceived support they have here.

Its not too indifferent to football gangs, and it means that theres no point in discussing the actual content with you because the content was never the point, the disruption of the enemy tribe is.

>reach the end of FO3
>tell a ghoul who is contractually obligated to do as you say to go into the radioactive chamber
>lol no xD
How is that not clearly more flawed than what the OP mentioned for instance?

what that user said. why are you even playing the game? you might as well quit now and uninstall.

>Bethesda Fallout could have all the reason in the world behind a seemingly stupid part of it

Here's the clincher though, they don't. You're making a false argument. Yes, if my bathtub had wheels, an engine and a steering wheel it'd be a car, so what? It doesn't, so it's not a car. Yes, there could be a huge well detailed logical explanation behind the retarded shit in Bethesda Fallouts, there COULD be, but there isn't. You're claiming people are hypocrites over a hypothetical that countless, thousands upon thousands of these threads over the years has proven doesn't exist.

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Hi, I see that you are disappointed in Fallout™: New Vegas. You should try Fallout™ 76™, I play it all the time and it's by far the best game in the franchise!

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You have the fucking platinum chip retard
Plus there are ganeplay reasons, new vegas is meant to be the turning point from which you have to choose a faction

Imagine playing a game to nitpick for a (you) on Yea Forums

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>point out how boring and bad new vegas is
>fanboys mass reply to me telling me how bethesdrone I am and how deep and complex the dialogue and story is in the game
this is maximum cringe tier

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Epic dab zoomie go wash your dads car for vbuk money

>too pussy to directly reply and just cries about his strawmen

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>Make poorly thought criticism of a game
>people explain why its not really valid

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is this what passes for bait these days? yikerz

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I'm 31 and your game is fucking awful

it's literally what happens

>no no that doesnt count!!!!!!!!! Y-you're cringe

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Congratulations op you fell for the meme. You now know everything after FO2 is an abomination not even worth playing.

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unironically this

This is not Twitter, go back
To where you belong.
I don't even like NV that much, but you are retarded

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FO2 is a reddit meme game loaded down with shitty humor/references and forced builds. I'd go so far as to say Fallout was never good if FO1 didn't have its merits

Jesus Christ no wonder you don't enjoy anything

FO1 is the best game but FO2 is the most fun.

>Tfw like every Fallout including 3 and 4
I didn't like 4 as much because I do like at least some story and roleplaying but the world, aesthetic and crazy lore of Fallout is what I come for. If it's superficially Fallout it passes and I don't care about your deep politics or postmodern pseud themes or pragmatism

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>FO2 is a reddit meme game loaded down with shitty humor/references

You're repeating a meme argument you've seen others make. Either that or you're a minmaxing cretin who plays the game with maxed out luck and whines about weird shit happening.

>see this shit in Yea Forums every time FO2 is discussed
>actually play the game
>it doesn't actually have memes everywhere
>find out later it's because you need to have specific builds to generate more random encounters

Ok this is what I don’t get
>kill Benny and get the platinum chip
>go kill house
>tell yes man I killed house and yes man sets himself up in the lucky 38
>shows me the presentation where the securibots get updated with new weapons even if I haven’t taken the chip to fortification hill
How did the bots get updated without taking the chip to the bunker?

They were prototypes of the updated firmware

Because the reason you need to take the Chip to the Bunker is that House's network didn't extend there. The bunker wasn't a special activation code or whatever for the chip, it was just a huge storage of securitrons but it was just about out of reach of House's sensors post-war, hence why he can't disable the security systems when he guides you in there.

The chip upgrades the Vegas securitrons the moment House/Yes Man has it because it contains the capability to upgrade them in itself, it just needs to be wired into a local securitron network.

The chip upgrades the bots. The Bunker is just a storage facility.

thanks for proving my point you pathetic retards

Post your couriers.

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and yet you still haven't provided a single argument in this thread since the OP where a crop of people have provided counter-arguments.

I see, that makes a lot of sense, thanks.

You actually proved ours. You're just a mad fag with no valid criticism. Seethe harder.

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I already said it you dumb blind retards
the game is awful, full of bland dialogues and boring characters, wich you fanatics always argue they're super deep and interesting
too little gunplay to compensate the lack of entertainment in the game
fallout3, being a bad game, was better than new vegas
don't write thousands of paragraphs telling me how deep and complex the characters are because I'm not going to read again your retarded opinions

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Cannibals out

>fallout3, being a bad game, was better than new vegas
stopped reading there. everything you just tried to claim about NV was objectively worse in 3. The writing because of the huge amounts of retconning, the gunplay which didn't even have ADS in an FPS because their engine is garbage, and the characters were the shallowest in any CRPG I've ever played. On all these charges at the very least, NV is obviously superior.

>woman under favourite edibles

user, I don't know how to explain but that's not what that means.

Is this some kind of meme?

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both are boring but fo3 has a lot more gunplay, so it's superior

So no actual argument just "It's bad because it is, what's bad? all of it, its' all bad. Don't @ me".

I think you'd be at better home on twitter.

>so what if I'm being intellectually dishonest, just let me suck off NV, okay?

>terminator incarnate is walking the wasteland
>expects noone to assess just how dangerous he is and who is he working for
Nope. Also, you dont get "almost immediately" approached by major factions. You have to do some leveling and legwork (mainly) before that happens.

>still hasn't posted an actual argument

You're also throwing stones in glasses houses considering the false equivalency you made earlier in the thread.

so you're the stupid retard of the thread who will see every argument as "it's just bad" right?

>give me a REAL answer
Fellate a shotgun

A nigger with taste

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>but fo3 has a lot more gunplay
This is absolutely wrong, retard. No ADS, less calibers, less ammo types, no ammo crafting, less unique weapons
Stop pretending to be stupid.


My nigga
Why would you pick Maria out of an handgun?

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Because you didn't really give any actual arguments or specific examples, you just said "it's boring" with no elaboration, which is basically just countered by someone else saying "No it isn't boring" because that's about equally as valid.

Why is the dialogue bland and boring? What is it that you think is poorly written or why do you think it fails to engage?

>this sucks
>that sucks
>fuck that too
>and this is shit
These aren't arguments, they're complaints with no criticism.

Why would it be? I basically tried to make a "canon"/trailerboy default build.

Fast rate of fire, cheap ammo, decent damage and thematically fitting/ ironic

Jesus christ how fucking new are you? Yea Forums has hated 3 and loved NV for well over half a decade.

FO4 is objectively a better game than FO3.

I'm getting tired of your retarded mental gymnastics
everytime I waste my fucking time with you you always come with
>give arguments
>no I didn't, I'll explain
if you can't understand what boredom means you're probably legit retarded
dialogues that aren't entertaining, stories that are fucking stupid, some dialogues feel like a cringy 14 year old wrote them
and this is the last post I waste my time with
enjoy your shitty game you buttblasted fanboys

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What ab this?

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>>give arguments
This didn't happen.
>>no I didn't, I'll explain
This didn't happen.


The only person writing shit whos 14 is you pal considering you think "Its boring" is an argument. You didn't even bother to try and explain what part of it is boring.

I can give you an example if trying to understand this is making your head throb. I didn't like Pillars of Eternity in part because I found the setting and dialogue boring/unengaging. The reason I found it boring was because it is trying to be its own medieval fantasy setting but doesn't really do anything unique that sets it apart from other similar settings so it just feels like off-brand content of what you already are familiar with and so I dont feel the need to engage with the lore. The dialogue is boring because it's straight off the bat jargon heavy and assumes the player is already heavily invested in the world and lore rather than bringing them in slowly as an outsider.

Do you see how actually explaining shit makes it into an argument vs just me saying "Pillars is shit because its boring AF lmao get fucked"

OP might be baiting but there's a little bit of truth in what he says. All the factions (as well as the developers) treat the Courier like he's the chosen one. But in reality he's just some mailman that by sheer luck alone managed to survive a bullet in the head. Then everyone acts like tracking Benny is some remarkable event that could have only been achieved by a demigod. But the very fist person you ask about Benny outright tells you that he's probably heading to New Vegas and considering his attire and manner of speech it's not difficult to deduce that. Even the journey from Goodsprings to the Strip is not difficult you're just following the highway which is frequently taken by merchants, there's no more danger than what is usual for an employee of the Mojave Express. But despite all of that House, the NCR and Caesar treat you like you're far more important than you really are.

>get to New Vegas
>FalloutNV.exe has stopped working

>But despite all of that House, the NCR and Caesar treat you like you're far more important than you really are.

I don't really think so, by the end sure but you've already proven yourself by that point. When they start to meet with you they just treat you as a driven and capable person who's caused a stir on the Strip, which is about right. House is actually quite apprehensive towards you in your initial employment which is why you hear a lot of players complaining about House being a condescending dick to you, but thats only at the start of your work with him.

Crocker basically just treats you like a useful mercenary for the initial job of contacting the Boomers which isn't that amazingly special. You manage to pull that off which is quite the feat so the respect goes up.

The only one that is kinda weirdly in reverance to you is Caesar, I will give you that one. But NCR/House/Yes Man don't really treat you as much more special than what your actions compared to normal wastelanders set you out as.

>When you finally raid the armory in the Sierra Madre casino, get your hands on a hunting shotgun and come back to the lobby full of ghost people to use it on
That was fantastic.

>play new vegas
>almost immediatly raped by all thre factions, enslaved and used as the Caesar Legion's dogs cumdumpster
Wow, amazing mod guys.

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Victor approaches you as soon as you leave the strip
The NCR trooper approaches you when you leave lucky 38
The legion guy approaches you after leaving the tops

So it’s all pretty quick in succession

When I did that particular """"canon""" trailerCourier build I exclusively used the DLC weapons in their DLCs but didn't use them outside of that.

That being said, the .45 auto pistol is based.

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You just have bad taste lmao sorry

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You've made a bunch of statements without a single argument, good job retard.

felt weirdly like resident evil

Everything in Nv is so well connected and integrated in the overarcing plots.

Not a single RPG I played ever came close to being so interwoven. It's got it's flaws sure, but it's a masterpiece all the same. The sense of scale, eye for details and player freedom is simply unmatched by anything else I've played.

And it'll never ever get remastered because Bethesda won't stand for it. I'm still pissed they didn't learn jack shit from obsidians work and even went the complete opposite direction. They created the most bland, streamlined experience with fallout 4 in response.

Don't get me wrong, fallout 4 had some cool things and I wouldn't even call it a bad game, but it was all flash and no substance in comparison.

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>play New Vegas
>get into a cuckold relationship with Cass
Was that really necessary for gameplay balance, Mr. Sawyer?


I think a good point to make about the interconnectedness is about how relevant the map is to both the lore and gameplay. So in the lore we're told that the I-15 is super important but its been blocked up and its causing major trade route/troop movement issues, but as the player you actually feel this, having to do the massive u bend around the I-95 and the physical barrier of the deathclaw infestation. Characters are displaced and an entire settlement, the I88 trading post, exists only because of it. If you actually take the time to clear it, the map becomes much more easily traversible and you experience the convenience that the NCR and carvan companies were frustrated with losing.

That it did.

It’s weird how Crocker immediately just sends you to the boomers. I was expecting more of an intro to the NCR.

the only romance you had with Cass was the one you projected onto her

Why do I even bother, I'm not even the same guy
>companion wheel is ripped straight from a mod that was available before it was official that NV is even in the making
>same with the survival mode
>same with ammo types although I understand they come from the older Fallouts
>crafting system is also literally ripped from mods, down to recipes
>same with ironsights
>unfinished main story
>instead of finishing the mainstory they made several DLCs which were all lackluster in their own right
>the only improvement skill-check wise from F3 is that they're everywhere and there's no downside not choosing
>small guns is still vastly superior to everything else
>bugs out of the wazoo, was less stable than Fallout 3, bugs which can't all be attributed to the shitty engine because it's literally the same engine as F3
>the reason for the plethora of bugs is that Obsidian failed to make milestones and meet deadlines so Bbethesda decided to do minimal bugtesting to uphold the release date
>even the smallest non-content is a location now so there's no sense of wonder in exploring the Wasteland, just a checkpoint list
>branching quests are nice but still underwhelming as outcomes are more often than not just a line of dialogue
>smaller factions like Boomers are useless and never used again after completing quests worth 15 minutes
>cowboy theme is overused and silly, yet Bethesda gets jumped for the overused 50s theme more on par with F1
>Legion is just fucking dumb as hell on so many fronts
>tribals which were already retarded in F2 came back and became major plotpoints
>vaults are lackluster
>exploration in general is lackluster, everything is picked clean yet still not rebuilt
I could list more but you'll just ignore it or twist my points to suck Obsidian's cock anyway.

I feel like you get enough introduction to the NCR before then. The NCR troopers stationed at Primm and the Mojave Outpost do a pretty good job of it. You get hit with their organization style, their incompetence, their issues as a nation and tidbits of lore about back in Cali as well as lots of carvan related stuff.

>Cass is an old slutty roastie who cucks the courier
>Brothel of seal bitch is a lesbo.


>that dialogue line where she teases the player with her key to his chastity cage
Umm Sawyer?

You'll have to try harder for my (you)

Yeah one of the things that bugged me about the Commonwealth was its lack of basic cohesion. I'm not specifically talking from a narrative standpoint, either; the world of Fallout 4 feels so removed from everything else it might as well exist in its own fishbowl since the player is rarely given indication of a living world outside the Boston area (until Far Harbor and Nuka World.)

If not for the BoS, Power Armor and Super Mutants it might as well have been a different game entirely.

>>companion wheel is ripped straight from a mod that was available before it was official that NV is even in the making
>>same with the survival mode
>>same with ammo types although I understand they come from the older Fallouts
>>crafting system is also literally ripped from mods, down to recipes
>>same with ironsights

I don't understand how this is meant to be bad? Considering they were all objective improvements on the gameplay, taking improvements from ones that the community felt they needed to do themselves and making them standard in the next game seems like good practice even if not giving them credit might be a bit scummy but thats a bit more grey.

>>unfinished main story
Yeah this is legit, its regrettable the Legion didn't get more content but lets not pretend it was like MGSV level where it was hugely detrimental or it felt empty.

>>instead of finishing the mainstory they made several DLCs which were all lackluster in their own right
I disagree, I think the DLCs are actually one of the strongest parts of the game.

>>the only improvement skill-check wise from F3 is that they're everywhere and there's no downside not choosing
Them being everywhere is an improvement and they are far more relevant. Speech is overpowered but in a non-tabletop setting where you can savescum theres no real way around that.

>>bugs out of the wazoo, was less stable than Fallout 3, bugs which can't all be attributed to the shitty engine because it's literally the same engine as F3

>>even the smallest non-content is a location now so there's no sense of wonder in exploring the Wasteland, just a checkpoint list
Don't really understand this one. I enjoyed exploring the Mojave more than the Capital.


shut up avellone

Yeah if you go with guns like i did, the game is way, way too easy on normal. You just easily cleave everyone.

>>smaller factions like Boomers are useless and never used again after completing quests worth 15 minutes
They're directly intwined with the main story and the setting and they add lots of flavour and character. Far better than stuff like the Capital Wasteland superheroes or the Republic of Dave. Don't really get this as it's adding lots of quest content thats interesting and is actually tied with the world and story.

>cowboy theme is overused and silly, yet Bethesda gets jumped for the overused 50s theme more on par with F1
Bethesda only really gets the 50s theme wrong with 4 where everything looks like a Pixar adaption of the Jetsons. They got it right in 3.

>Legion is just fucking dumb as hell on so many fronts
Disagree. They're superficially strange and gonzo but their actual lore is quite engaging imo and the tribal aspect of Fallout is one of the cooler aspects of the setting.

>>tribals which were already retarded in F2 came back and became major plotpoints
see above. I disagree. I really like tribals.

>>vaults are lackluster
Vault 11 and Vault 22 are two of the best in the series. 34 is a decent dungeon with loot at the end and 19 is just a random hiding spot for a quest. They're better than 3 or 4's.

>House wanted you at the Strip
>NCR sends a random soldier as a messenger
>Caesar sends an infiltrator who approaches you in a disguise

Literally all three of them are understandable. Especially since Caesar approaches you last after you've dealt with The Tops as though Vulpes was watching to see if something important enough to approach you was actually going on.

The Mark of Caesar and Caesar believing your account of what happened in the bunker are the actual retarded things in the Main Quest.

While I can respect that you engaged with me, most of your counterpoints are subjective feelings. It's no secret most if not all of my points are subjective too, they, in my opinion, address the shortcomings of the game. I'm not denying that NV certainly improved upon 3 in nearly all aspects but New Vegas is by no means a gold standard or anything even near flawless, certainly not the a degree people on here praise it.

>tribals which were already retarded in F2 came back and became major plotpoints

What? What's wrong with tribal societies emerging from the wreckage of the Old World? No formal education system and the fact that not everyone who survived the bombs survived in a Vault (like Randel in HH) makes it plausible that the generations born after the bombs would start to culturally change since they have no reference point for civilisation.

Little Lamplight in 3 should have been more Lord of the Flies than generic village with kids.

This, these fuckers improved on the game, this isn't the Bethesda™ way. How the fuck are you supposed enjoy a game if you DON'T have to spend 2 hours on nexus to get a new mechanic?

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>certainly not the a degree people on here praise it

Zoomers have been shitting on New Vegas for years now.

Where's that 3x3 parody picture where it's 9 actually good games like Vegas and Persona 3 but the picture says they're all actually shit and people pretend to like them?

I agree with a few of the shortcomings that you listed like the fact that the game had unfinished aspects and was bugged out the ass to unacceptable degrees at release but I think stuff like disliking the tribal part of Fallout is just up to preferred taste/flavour in the setting.

I do agree speech is overpowered but like I said I don't think there's really a good way around that in a vidya setting where a percentile roll can't be permanent like in a /tg/ game.

I also forgot to say that tribals being interesting doesn't make them any less retarded.

In Fallout 2 you start as a descendant of the Vault Dweller. Don't tell me it's feasable to degenerate that much as a society within 80 years.

They charged you for mods you retard, Obsidian stripped them straight from the Nexus and faggots like you even defend them. Do you defend horse armor too?

>but New Vegas is by no means a gold standard or anything even near flawless

I would actually disagree and say that it is pretty close to being a gold standard for RPGs in terms of character choice and dialogue in the modern/post-infinity engine era. I can't think of a post-2004 RPG that reaches the same level of player choice/freedom and interactivity that Vegas does. Most of the staple "RPGS" of this era have been very limited in player choice, stuff like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Witcher etc by comparison.

Veronica would be much more likeable if she weren't always such in your face overly-liberal womanchild. I get that she's supposed to be the black sheep of the Mojave chapter which is why they keep sending her out, but she should at least act like a Brotherhood Scribe. I can't help but feel annoyed by her.

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I don’t think speech is overpowered, I think of you dump most things into speech you should be able to solve most situations without combat

>Don't tell me it's feasable to degenerate that much as a society within 80 years.

I think it's feasible. In the case of Arroyo since they were mixing with tribals that had developed since the days of the war and were deliberately trying to be isolationist nature-based survivalists.

>Obsidian stripped them straight from the Nexus and faggots like you even defend them
Wtf are you talking about
(different person btw)

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>Obsidian stripped them straight from the Nexus and faggots like you even defend them.

What were they supposed to do? Just ignore blatant and extremely popular fixes/improvements to the game? "Damn, we got beat to the punch by our own community. Better not include major quality of life improvements that would be welcomed by all and an immediately required mod if we didn't anyway."

Obsidian employed fallout modders anyway.

Obsidian started working on New Vegas in like January of 2009, two months after Fallout 3 was released. Those fucking mods didn't exist yet.

Unironically this

NV is the best and only good game of the Fallout franchise. F1 and F2 are straight up reddit garbage and F3 is even worse - a Betheshit game

How are F1, F2 and Tactics a reddit gabage? Did you even play them?

remind me again, why are there no horses in Fallout? why would they of all things go extinct

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caesar did nothing wrong

>Bethesda Fallout could have all the reason in the world behind a seemingly stupid part
They could, but most of the time they fucking dont "Its too complex for you to understand" and sometimes there is and its "I walked across the united states on my own, despite the massive amounts of radiaton, hostile creatures and near constant hurricanes plaguing the midwest and turned into a tree."

>F1 and F2 are straight up reddit garbage
You one of those "everything I don't like REDDIT" kinda fellas

I obviously didn't mean that literally so calm down. What I meant is that you can't credit Obsidian for QoL changes that already existed when NV came out, with Obsidian's output most times being worse than what mods had to offer for F3.

>you are carrying the thing that could turn the tide of the war
>proved yourself by tracking and killing benny
>being the first on in the lucky 38 in hundreds of years
This. Eat dick, OP. All three factions have a good reason to approach to you at the time they did.

Because it feels like a fucking reddit nerd who gets gifted gold every day for his comments wrote it. The cheap jokes, the annoying sarcasm, the soi induced dialogue. Every second i spent reading it was like reading the reddit comment sections

The story in both games is identical and extremely simplistic. "Bro, you're our last hope. Go retrieve this shit" while a bigger threat is looming in the background that you have to confront.

The gameplay is garbage. You don't have any choices. You have to start optimally and with gun points, eventually switching to lasers unless you want to gimp yourself.

All of the characters are cardboard cutouts. Still, they are better games than 3, but i'd imagine eating shit would be more enjoying than to play that mind-numbingly boring piece of trash

this does not answer my question

people actually talking about fnv vs when someone makes fun of fnv

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>all of the mainline fallout games, new vegas, and tactics are pretty good
>constant falseflag threads anyway
this board fucking sucks

>nuke the NCR
>start working with them 5 min later

Well, you got some (you)s out of me.
However, your bitching is invalid. What you wrote - heavily applies to F3 and F4. Hardly ever to F1, F2, and F:T.
Go have your hissyfit somewhere else.

>point out how boring and bad new vegas is
This is your opinion, though. I could say Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are boring and New Vegas isn't, and that would get us nowhere.

Can you get liked by the NCR with only a few side quests? The main quest with them doesn’t seem to do shit for NCR fame

I dont know how they would have integrated them into the first game without having to make it an option for you to travel on one.
3D Fallout engines could have probably handeled horses and its not like having them be a thing in the East would have been the biggest plothole in the Bethesda franchise.

I wish winning in the casinos was still viable with 1 luck

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>the water chip which is crucial to our survival has broken
>let's send only one guy to find a replacement even though we have no idea what's out there

They'd sent two people out before. Mind you, one died and the other ghoulified and never returned.


I find it a fun way to build the story is to think of why your particular character was sent. If you build someone smart it's because "if anyone can do it, it's this kid", if you make a brainlet vault dweller then it's because "worst case scenario we at least get rid of this retard". Also keep in mind that the overseer plans on kicking you out once you get the chip in order to keep the vault isolated, the more people he sends out the harder it's gonna be to deal with that afterward.

>Don't tell me it's feasable to degenerate that much as a society within 80 years.

The Vault Dweller was exiled and founded Arroyo with a handful of other dwellers and other migrants from the wastes. They were a tucked-away village where industrial tech wasn't readily available and so herbalism and other shit would have taken its place.

Not to mention 80 years could be as much as 4 generations in a low life expectancy environment like the Wasteland. When the Vault exiles got older would they have really fought to prevent the new generations from developing their own worldviews and traditions?

I RP'd as a totally normal, unremarkable dude who liked to daydream a lot in the Vault and is basically living out his daydream fantasies of being a comic-book style hero out in the Wasteland and truly living for the first time.

I like to think that the Overseer picked him because he was relatively smart and competent but so unremarkable that there wouldn't be uproar or accusations of bad policy if he didn't come back as there would be with more notable Vault members. Of course this ironically backfires in that the Vault Dweller becomes an honest to god hero out in the Wastes and inspires love/attention in the Vault which leads to his final decision.

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The selection was random, the Overseer picked a crop of potential candidates and they all drew straws. It's canon.


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>let's send out one vault dweller at a time instead of sending a whole group
>you build someone smart it's because "if anyone can do it, it's this kid"
More the reason to send with you bodyguards as you are extremely valuable.
>you make a brainlet vault dweller then it's because "worst case scenario we at least get rid of this retard
Worst case scenario is we all die because of the water chip or we have to go outside in the wasteland
>Also keep in mind that the overseer plans on kicking you out once you get the chip in order to keep the vault isolated, the more people he sends out the harder it's gonna be to deal with that afterwards.
The overseer sounds like a retard. How come nobody has replaced him yet?
>The selection was random, the Overseer picked a crop of potential candidates and they all drew straws
>drawing lots for such an important mission instead of choosing those with great merits
Yep he's a total retard


user the Vault 13 residents overthrew him and killed him when they discovered what had been going on, they tell you this in Fallout 2. You should play it.

>they tell you this in Fallout 2.
do they? I thought it was just fallout bible stuff, where can I find that info in game?

>I will give no argument just insults and crying
>Ha, I win because you replied

Pretty sure its in the Vault 13 control room.

Character name should be edge

I meant how come he hasn't been replaced by the beginning of f1. No one questioned his brilliant idea to send one person at a time to find the water chip? Or his other brilliant scheme to chose the guys for the mission based on chance instead of merit? His plans are so retarded I think it's safe to assume he has also made retarded decisions before the problem with the water chip started.

Have sex

I agree with you but House does approach you in the form of Victor before you reach the strip.

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They're a bunch of meek people who have been conditioned to be obedient and scared of the outside world from birth.

Fact: all Fallout games are enjoyable.

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Except Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

I enjoyed 3 on 4 albeit on lesser levels than the others

Fallout 3 is enjoyable if you haven't played NV. or have TTW installed

4 is enjoyable but to a lesser extent of its predecessors, and requires dedicated mental gymnastics for any kind of roleplaying experience.

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4 is a game where you loot and shoot
it's a fallout mod for borderlands

3 is enjoyable in a Skyrim "turn your brain off" sort of way. It's neat.

4 is neat for the first few hours but the game is so devoid of meaningful content that it becomes mind numbing. The Kill-Loot-Return loop just gets so tiring that it undermines the actually good wasteland level design because its so fucking boring. The settlements are an exercise in laziness and triviality and the quests are a joke.

76 looks pretty and the West Virginia map is neat as is some of the new gear design but I don't even need to explain where that game goes wrong on the enjoyment factor.

>play FO76 since buddies keep telling its fixed
>it still has the same exact bugs and issues since launch
>only difference is that it has MOAR CONTENT in the form of infinite quests

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The only actually probably i can think if that NV has is there is no actual advantage to joining the legion that outweighs being hunted down by the NCR even if you are on good terms with them.
Man fuck NCR MPs i just want to walk around the strip.


I think the flaws in NV’s storytelling are inherent, and this goes for every flaw that NV’s has, in Bethesds’s shit engine technology and generally everything Obsidian were mandated by Bethesda to use by Bethesda. I don’t blame Obsidian for it, they were given tools made of fossilized dogshit and still made something great out of it IMO.

NV desperately needed a map section East of the Colorado. More Legion camps, a few towns that were under Legion control but were largely left alone. A tribe in the midst of being subjugated.

3 is harder than NV though

>nuke Japan
>start working with them like 5 mins later
Who wrote this shit?

Never found that what with level scaling.

>nuke everyone
>start working with everyone again
Bitch I'm Oprah Winfrey.

>nuke X
>somehow they know it was you
Literally fucking how?

I enjoyed 4 as an open world action game but I was ultimately dissapointed because I expected an open world roleplaying game akin to the previous games.

Fallout 2 had the worst writing out of the main series. Yes, worse than Fallout 3.

>filled with retarded nerd memes on a scale that is worse than Borderlands. You can rest assured that for the entirety of your playthrough they're quoting some fucking 80s movie about every five minutes.
>filled with "twists" that seem like a 15-year-old fallout 1 fanfic writer came up with them (bro what if there were talking deathclaws, bro what if shady sands became a major force and TANDI was the president and they worshipped the vault dweller, bro what if the vault dweller started a village and now they're retarded tribals (despite him starting the village like 50 years ago) and they too worship him and the holy vault 13, bro what if vaults were actually evil social experiments, bro what if the final boss was a SUPER MUTANT in POWER ARMOR...)
>entire cities are basically just big fucking jokes (san francisco, new reno) and they're entirely inconsistent with each other, essentially acting exactly as "theme parks" like people accuse Bethesda's Fallout settlements doing (check out the gangster town, the mutant town, the 1984 town, etc.)
>the bad guy's motivation is literally "we want to purge everyone because they're mutants because they've been exposed to radiation" (???). It's fucking worse than Fallout 3's where the motivation is just confusing and doesn't make sense, here it's just plain fucking stupid.
>why the fuck is there an enclave tanker in San Francisco?

And so on.

Same I was unironically hyped since whilst I knew it wouldn't be Vegas tier I was hoping for a Skyrim tier comfy immersion sim with some fallout meets blade runner elements due to the commonwealth being hyped up as being a tech haven.

Then the game out and it wasn't even as good as skyrim and the voiced protag killed any sense of immersion. Useless game.

It's a metaphor, comrade. You can run, but you can't hide from your crimes. Same reason if you kill someone from a faction even if he's in the "middle of nowhere," they'll still find out it was you.

I find the super mutants in general harder enemies than the humans in NV. It felt like you ha to scrounge for supplies a bit more

>acting exactly as "theme parks" like people accuse Bethesda's Fallout settlements doing (check out the gangster town, the mutant town, the 1984 town, etc.)

The Fallout 2 towns do have strong themeing but they aren't theme parks for the sole reason that they have actual relevance to eachother and place in the setting. If you actually played Fallout 2 you'd know there is a power-struggle subplot between NCR, Vault City and Reno. Stuff like the Big Circle, Redding, Broken Hills caravans etc all serve to connect the towns and give them placement. The Theme Park issue of Fallout 3 is that they're extremely strongly themed like the 2 towns (but even moreso) but also exist basically in a vaccuum. The towns in Fallout 2 don't.

engine limitations

I don't get all the Bethesdrones that keep showing up both in Fallout threads and Elder Scrolls threads to keep shilling that Daggerfall, Morrowind, NV and Fallout 1-2 are complete garbage whilst saying there is nothing wrong with Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Skyrim, etc.

I literally have no problem with someone who can enjoy Fallout 3-4 and Skyrim and treat it like what it is, a decent action game with decent enough visuals, mechanics and quests.

But trying to justify it and claim it to be better than games that actually try immerse you into an RPG world with choices is kinda fucking dumb. Fallout NV is definitely inferior to Fallout 1 + 2, but it is a stark improvement from Fallout 3's abysmal bullshit that it pulls as well as retconning most of the cooler ideas that were planned from Fallout 1 + 2 (like Europe still being a thing but being locked in a Civil War whilst the US is burning in Atomic Fire, now instead in Bethesda's timeline it's implied Europe also got nuked by China...for some reason). NV at least tries to replicate what Fallout 1 + 2 gave us, even if unsuccessfully. But the inherent problem with 3 and 4 is how they don't bother with what made Fallout an RPG to begin with and instead try to capture what the general public thinks Fallout is rather than it should be.

The same problem with post Oblivion Elder Scrolls. Skyrim has a lot of potential as a storyline but it is trapped in poor decisions and ideas that ultimately give it the same problems that Fallout 3 and 4 have. But every single time I see these random Bethesdrone shills flock threads and insist "the new games are not bad, old game bad. Buy new game". It's a shame because if they could forward that same criticism to the developers of these games, then maybe we'd have a good game in our hands if they listened to the critiques. But nope, gotta keep shilling and shilling for your bosses and for the company.

Inherently yes they are all enjoyable except for 76.

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Except we can. When you look at the pressure they were put under. They were expected to make a game bigger and better then Fallout 3, in less times, with less money, woth an engine they had never worked with before, compared to when bethesda did it it was with more time, larger budget, larger team, and a familiar engine. All things considered New Vegas came out amazingly, and had bethesda not purposefully been trying to sabotage them (75 metacritic score debacle) and had given then a respectable amount of time to make the game, not halo 2 tier speed rushing (although still an amazing game in its own right) it couldve been the gold standard. Your argument here lacks nuance but do feel free to try again and maybe actually play the game

Avellone wrote Cass, not Sawyer

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how do we feel about 4's approach to Power Armor?

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Why would you ever work for anyone other than yourself?

>badly paced story is the fault of the engine, not the writer
Imagine being this fucking braindead lmao

Sounds to me like you put a ton of stock in the lore, I think 3 is better than NV because it’s atmosphere is better, more interesting interiors and exploration. I wouldn’t say NV is a start improvement, just that it focuses on choice way more, which is great, but F3 is still better in some ways.

play fallout 3

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It would be the best in series were it not for fusion cores and the fact that you get one within 10 minutes of starting the game

Fuck everything that doesn't completely negate shit weapons like in originals.

I say fuck them all and go to the DLCs. Elijah and Ulysses stories running through them are a better campaign anyways.

I think its one of the better decisions in fallout 4.
It's makes power armor feel like more than just a metal armor +1. 4's way of just shitting it on you in the first quest, requiring no training and eating fusion cores instead of making it a mid to late game rewards sucks balls tho.

That's more of an issue with the damage calculation in general though

"Power armor training" was a Fallout 3 crutch because they couldn't keep you away from good endgame armor during the early game because they wanted to make the Brotherhood a major faction. There's no reason it should exist.

im going to go with a no on that one

You must be pretty terrible at the game because I remember taking on the first group of Super Mutants in 3 with just the starting 10mm and only having a problem because one of them has a rocket launcher. Trying the same with the basic Mutants at Black Mountain is a lot harder

I don't like the idea of the frames. The suits should just be the models, kinda like Iron Man armor. Not a blank canvas wire-frame.

The fusion cores are also dumb.

Other than that, an improvement.

Quests being easily accessible and easy to encounter in an open world game such as this is quite simply good game design.

Not even that, user, but gosh is this image crine as fuck

Atmosphere and exploration is one thing, but I'd say from an actual WRPG perspective, Fallout NV does things better. If you look at things from an exploration standpoint, then indeed Fallout 3 is a better game, I just feel that NV improved on the roleplaying aspect that was sorely missing form Fallout 3 and is what made Fallout iconic to begin with.

If Bethesda weren't stubborn and they actually worked together hand in hand with Obsidian (before Obsidian went to shit) then maybe we could've gotten the ideal Fallout game, but as it stands now that's impossible either way because most of the good writers from Obsidian left and all we're left with is SJWs who entered in after it became popular to like NV and hate 3. That still doesn't stop NV from being the better RPG than 3, but it's true that 3 does things like atmosphere and exploration far better than NV.

The retcon about Europe was just a minor nitpick of mine, I just like worldbuilding, and the idea behind Fallout Recourse Wars before it was cut sounded pretty cool. Europe fighting with the Middle East over recourses and being stuck in this never ending war whilst the US was nuked just sort of expanded on the whole "new world old world" themes that Fallout explores. Especially since the very old world is kinda ignoring the new world in favour of other pastures. It just seemed interesting and Bethesda just kinda ignores it in favour of cool looking schizo-tech and Androids and AI.

Worst fucking bait I ever heard of. The talking Deathclaws were retarded but none of the other shit you mention were actually bad things. The only bad things were the weird pop culture references but everything else from a writing standpoint was an improvement from Fallout 1

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The engine can't handle them.

Even Chris Avellone thinks 2's writing sucked and he's one of the ones responsible for it

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Not that user, but that image reminds me of old Yea Forums. Not sure how you'd think it's cringe since it's actually referencing a real Tarot card instead of just making up a random card to mock the other users. It would be cringe if it was some random non-sequitor honestly.

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>The talking Deathclaws were retarded but none of the other shit you mention were actually bad things.
I'm sorry but if you think San Francisco was an example of good writing you probably suffer from undiagnosed brain damage

I wouldn’t say I had a PROBLEM, it’s still pretty easy, but the mutants in 3 definitely take more hits to go down than most of the people you fight in NV. The super mutants also mostly carry hunting rifles which are just ok. Normal difficulty in 3 feels pretty normal, but in NV it feels a lot easier

...You do realise that Tweet was a sarcastic reply right?

It wasn't (I forgot to address that point). I'd argue it was the weakest part of the game along with the pop culture references. But to say the writing is worse than Fallout "Kill yourself Mr President" 3 is retarded. It's inferior to 1 definitely but to say it's worse than 3 is dumb. Or to say it's the worst game (that award goes to the Brotherhood of Steel PS2 game) is dumb.

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The constant need for repair and micro-managing parts was a pain in the ass, but being in the armour felt great.

>you get one within 10 minutes of starting the game
And why is that a bad thing? It's a rusty piece of shit that you can only use for 5 minutes.

shit dude, you have like 1 Perception

So how about the fact that the Enclave are genocidal freaks for no good reason or that Arroyo makes zero sense at all or the fact that there's a goddamn ghost in the Den etc.

It's a fucking dumpster fire.

Starting NV again, with all the DLC, and it’s weird how it gives you a bunch of helpful items as soon as the game starts. Makes me feel like I’m cheating

>it's sarcastic despite being completely right
Yeah, Avellone isn't the type to shit on something he's worked on because he's a bitter, out of work freelancer

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most people just sell them.

>people didn't want to join it because misogyny, not because it had basically no questline or story or benefit at all for joining
what a jackass

I haven’t done come fly with me a single time. I always just kill manny and skip it or used the confirmed bachelor check. Seems like everyone complains about that quest, it sounds really annoying

the way it feels is great but they give it too early.
You should get your first power armor while on a quest to a raider camp and it's a raider power armor. later you go on a quest with Preston to a factory where you get a T-45 mid way through the game. Then you have to find the other models of power armor in hard dungeons.

I stash them in a box to get the pure experience.

>So how about the fact that the Enclave are genocidal freaks for no good reason
Explain the Teutonic Knights in history then. Look at pic related. Most of the Enclave are absolute braindeads just like the old Crusader Orders after the initial Crusades were finished. They are brainwashed to kill because of a paranoid old man who has no experience of mutation nor radiation and automatically assumes "radiation" bad. It's pure incompetence with a fanatical leader telling them to go kill things because he's the authority and because radiation bad. Even today people don't understand radiation, my parents used to believe looking at the computer could give you radiation poisoning. People don't educate themselves on this, so to have someone uneducated up top lead everyone into genocide is something that has happened in history time and again. Therefore it's represented as still being possible with the Enclave. it's a depiction of extremism.

>or that Arroyo makes zero sense at all
What part of it?

>that there's a goddamn ghost in the Den
You are seriously questioning Ghosts when every single Fallout has fucking Space Aliens?

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>But to say the writing is worse than Fallout "Kill yourself Mr President" 3 is retarded.
Let's not pretend classic Fallouts didn't have these kinds of moments. Hell, let's just take a moment to remember Garl the Khan leader from 1:

>What do you want?
>I want you to set the girl free.
>What makes you think I have her?
>I know.
>Hmmm. Well, then. What do you offer for her release?
>I represent a threat you don't even understand. Do you really want to risk our wrath.
>Hmmm. For some reason, I believe you. You may take the girl, but do not return unless you seek our wrath.

Truly masterful dialogue 10/10

>in a game known for going to great lengths for good storytelling and dialogue mechanics in a way that most games don't

There are 1000 other shitty games you could pull an OP for. Why choose a good game?

Daily reminder that it's wrong to criticize New Vegas.
NEVER address it's problems, anyone who says NV has any kind of flaw in it is a bethestard troll redditor just here to stir shit up, because NO ONE and I mean NO ONE can think anything outside of what we know.

Criticize Fallout 3 and the evil Bethesda for ruining the series forever.
Can you believe the bastards tried to get Obsidian to make all future Fallout games after NV?

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>gray morality
>you get good karma for killing centurions

I think the idea of frames can be reworked for balance. For instance: A broken frame can only use jury-rigged raider armor, but can be repaired and upgraded to support military models. X-01 could require Enclave blueprints to function properly, etc.

Do you? I don't think you get morality for killing Legion NPCs, user. Maybe named ones or in certain zones/quests? Does your affiliation matter?

I'm doing a Brotherhood of Steel playthrough right now (I know lol) and I don't recall getting karma for killing Legion guys.

nobody needed paragraphs, everyone explained the reason in a sentence or 2, it's completely valid. Go cry somewhere else retard

Only the ones at hoover dam

>Daily remindering a 9 year old game to defend Bethesda, the company that shat out FO4 and FO76

user, I understand you have a hateboner for a golden calf and that's frustrating but never defend Bethesda again.

Yeah, it was fun to play through once but it has close to zero replay value.

>The Khan Leader
Oh don't fucking get me wrong. I won't say that Fallout 1 didn't have it's flaws. I hated that fucking Khan leader and the rescuing Tandi mission and anyone that calls it "pleb filter" can shove a cactus up their arse. The ways you could approach that quest where terrible. You can use speech but you don't get any armour and either way it's piss easy and not worth it at all and if you try to fight them to get armour which is more rewarding, you get yourself killed because you're underleveled even if you killed every enemy you encountered (and trying to level up to grind wasn't an option because you had a time limit) and even if you had a pure strength character and brought Ian with you, he just made things worse by getting himself killed through sheer retardation of his AI. The Khan Leader quest was one of the worst parts of Fallout 1. But the difference between that and Fallout 3 was that at least the speech was for a basic first encounter in the game and wasn't late in the game against one of the prime antagonists, and the fact you can do the same thing to Autumn is just as stupid.

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Yea Forums still has fnv threads that don't revolve around bethesdrones shitposting. it's a decade old game.

>I think 3 is better than NV because it’s atmosphere is better

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Fuck you, bethestard, Todd's cock is looking a bit dry, get back to sucking it.

Bethesda ruined EVERYTHING when they built upon existing lore on the other half of the country, fucking retards think that the BOS can be three dimensional, The BOS are the bad guys and that's FUCKING FINAL.

Look at NV, this is how you make a game.
It's got TWO morally "grey" endings, you side with the leader and convince him to lift the lockdown, OR you can side with the guy who wants to overthrow him and have him lift the lockdown.

There's even a sidequest where both leaders refuse any and all outside help and kill anyone who your companion tries to join!

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youre right nv has worse writing than fo3 ever did I apologize for the years of Yea Forums mocking bethesda's writing and RPGs please forgive user

>You have to start optimally and with gun points, eventually switching to lasers unless you want to gimp yourself.
It's just a single player game user there's no need to autistically min max

I only watch clothes and sneakers reviews on YouTube and my first Fallout game was 3. Proven wrong since before you were born.

Well, you tried

>this shit again

Obsidian is making better and greater things without you, Look at Tranny and Pillars, these games are LOVED BY ALL!

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>3 factions fighting over a key point in the post apocalyptic world
>wow why do they want help from unaffiliated people

>not breezing through the khan camp by using your BB gun or alien pistol
Do you even lucc?

FO4 is a better RPG than anything obsidishit ever shat out and all the exact same writers who worked on fnv and prior games worked on tranny and pillars nobody left obsidian after fnv we all know this

>power armor
Its suposed to be a heavy, mechanically-assisted exoskeleton suit, not an actual mechanised frame. Ever saw MCRN or Terran's power armor from Expanse? That is what power armor in Fallout is supposed to be.
Also, its supposed to completely negate anything smaller than 5.56 and most of melee weapons are supposed to be ineffective against it.
All 4 managed was wow factor.

>sucking bethesda's cock this hard
Name ONE flaw in NV

pro tip: You can't because there are none

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>Name ONE flaw in NV
It has worse atmopshere than FO3

Cringe. Just say "I have shit taste" if you want (you)'s so badly.

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Gonna need sauce on that pic.

If they did they wouldn't get shat on so hard, you're a retard.

I actually liked it more than FO3 or Skyrim because at least the combat wasn't terrible

>It has worse atmopshere than FO3
NV has GREAT atmosphere, fucking bethestard.

NV has worse atmosphere which is what matters the most in an RPG you fucking obsidiot

I love NV and I can name some flaws
>buggy as fuck
>poor stability
>blatantly unfinished
>many ill placed invisible walls on hills that I can easily climb otherwise

Still, 9 out 10, it has soul.

Like Kim Possible porn is hard to find

I love how this is the one meme argument that keeps getting repeated ad nauseum by FO3fags and it STILL doesn't hold water even after all this time.
I've yet to hear any of these dipshits actually explain in detail why the """exploration""" of FO3 is superior to NV.

>STILL doesn't hold water

I've joined legion several times lel

>Why are people disagreeing with someone's blatantly incorrect assertion that can be proven false with a sub-paragraph amount of text.

What OP asserted literally does not happen. You are invited to the fours factions at different points in the game, and can choose to join them at different points afterwards. On top of that all four have legitimate reasons to be interested I. Courier 6.

Based retard.

>butthurt bethestard seething
You just know this is some fallout 3 or fallout 4 fanboy
post the image that compares the questlines

It's Vulpes Inculta. The man who ordered Nipton to be razed and its populace to be slaughtered. He wore a Coyote skin on his head when you saw him first, amidst the crosses and pyres.

You're invited to 3 of them when visiting House and to the last one when you go investigate Benny's suite, which is probably right after.

>enter Strip
>House immediately invites you to talk to him
>leave Lucky 38
>NCR immediately invites you to talk to their Ambassador
>leave The Tops after confronting Benny
>Legion immediately invites you to talk to Caesar
>enter Benny's room and find Yes-Man at any time
>Yes-Man immediately offers to work for you

By "different points in the game" you mean, "one after the other, on the Strip, the central point of Vegas"?

>NV has worse atmosphere which is what matters the most in an RPG you fucking obsidiot
Not an argument, bethestard.
NV's brown and orange is 300000000x better than whatever Fallout 3 has.

>buggy as fuck
Bethesda's fault, not Obsidian's, so that's not an argument.
>poor stability
Game runs fine with mods.
>blatantly unfinished
Fuck you, todd.
New Vegas is finished, it has everything it needs and Obsidian didn't want to add a single extra thing, it's a miracle they were able to put out four incredible expansions that add endless hours of content to fully immerse yourself in.

What does Fallout 3 have? Le wacky aliens and an empty swamp.
>many ill placed invisible walls on hills that I can easily climb otherwise
Never seen these, you're lying, bethestard.

Preach it brother.

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>>enter Strip
>>House immediately invites you to talk to him
You don't have to go there
>>leave Lucky 38
>>NCR immediately invites you to talk to their Ambassador
Again, you don't have to go there
>>leave The Tops after confronting Benny
>>Legion immediately invites you to talk to Caesar
Again, you didn't have to go there
>>enter Benny's room and find Yes-Man at any time
>>Yes-Man immediately offers to work for you
AGAIN, you didn't have to fucking go there
>By "different points in the game" you mean, "one after the other, on the Strip, the central point of Vegas"?
No they're all at different points if you just don't fucking go to the places it tells you to.

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Never tried a Luck playthrough, maybe I should.

While on the subject, any fucking Mod that fixes Ian's stupid AI

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You have enough of an intro, the outpost and helping to fix its problems like killing the ants and investigating nipton, boulder city and your choices about fixing that place and whatever else your courier did at that point.

NV is one of my favorite games of all time, but I agree that this part was handled pretty poorly. It would've been a lot better had they figured out a way to at the very least spread it out so that you didn't have a situation with all three factions asking you to come talk to them basically back to back.

Mods are not an excuse for vanilla releases of games you brainlet. Also, I said I LOVE THIS FUCKING GAME OMG and gave it an honest 9 out 10 and you call me a "betjhestard"?

Go FUCK yourself you meme addicted, brainless fucking waste of life. People as stupid as you should be killed.

The bugs being the fault of one dev or another doesn't mean the bugs don't exist and aren't part of New Vegas and aren't flaws with the game. You dumbass.

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You're reaching so badly I'm embarrassed people like you come to this website

It's buggy as fuck

>mods are not an excuse for vanilla releases of games you brainlet
Face it, your first vibeo gaem is shit and was made for retards like you, Fallout 3 fucking ruined the series.
>Go FUCK yourself you meme addicted, brainless fucking waste of life. People as stupid as you should be killed.
Quit talking to yourself out loud, bethescuck.

Bethesda caused it, not Obsidian, it was Bethesda's job to test the game and iron out bugs, so it's not an argument, bethesdrone.

>I'm "reaching" when I tell the truth
Go play some more skyrim, the grownups are talking.

Because of bethesda.

Try again, drone.

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I never mentioned Fallout 3. I'm quite literally a New Vegas fanboy just letting you know the game has bugs and isn't perfect. Are you mentally ill, user? I dislike Bethesda and hate them for ruining Fallout with Fallout 4 and FO76.

Again, are you mentally ill?

Okay, but that user said the game has bugs, which is true. He also said bugs are flaws, which is true.

He never mentioned Obisidan or Bethesda. He literally just told you a true statement and you immediately began strawmanning him with Bethesda insults. It's illogical and not how normal conversations work.

>being so mad he couldn't differentiate between the fans and the haters, and blaming entirely on the bethesda fanboys boogieman
Course he is

Fuck off, todd.

>Okay, but that user said the game has bugs, which is true. He also said bugs are flaws, which is true.
And the bugs are Bethesda's fault, but with all the bethesda dick riding, you'd never be able to notice that.

Try again, retard. name ONE flaw with NV.
>He literally just told you a true statement and-
No it was an ad-hominem, he left out serval facts on purpose to make it look right.

bethesdrones are the only ones who cry about NV, because even nine years later, it's still better than whatever bethesda can squeeze out of their ass.

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In 3 I just felt like I was scrounging around buildings more and they were denser with neat details and environmental storytelling. I also think 3’s world is an interesting combination of bleak and serene. I love NV atmosphere too but a lot of it kind of feels like a normal desert. I don’t think it’s that ridiculous for someone to say they prefer F3.

Might as well ask here, what are the recommended levels for 4’s dlc?

>Flaws aren't there because Bethesda
No, the flaws are still in the game and I don't really care if it's because Bethesda or not.

Also, since I know you're an Obsidian fanboy shitposter, is Bethesda why Alpha Protocol is a buggy piece of shit as well?

I swear I've seen this prose bait typing before, if you are who I think you are, salute

>name ONE flaw with NV.
the entirety of lonesome road

Most of the companions in New Vegas are crap anyways. Veronica, Arcade, and Cass are mouthy reddit characters that act like retards. Lily, ED-E, and Boone are boring because they basically beat the game for you.

The only good ones are Rex and Raul.

>No, the flaws are still in the game and I don't really care if it's because Bethesda or not.
Blaming Obsidian for Bethesda's sabotage is not an argument for why you think NV is "shit", obsidrone.
>is Bethesda why Alpha Protocol is a buggy piece of shit as well?
No, that's sega.

>the entirety of lonesome road
Not an argument, bethestard.

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Maybe complain about it being SJW trash faggot, like how the only person who can see there's something wrong with the brotherhood is the stronk quirky dyke who gets put down by the white Male elder.

>>point out how boring and bad new vegas is
Where did you do that?

>replaying NV for the first time since it came out
>not only is it still great, it's better since I've learned to appreciate the dialogue and rpg aspects more instead of just shooting things in the head
I don't even think i ever did the Caesars legion branch, and some of the sidequests are completely blacked out for me.

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Arcade at least adheres to his faction philosophy, even if he acknowledges its shortcomings. He's got snark, but he's nowhere near as in your face about it.

Veronica on the other hand is too far removed from both BoS and wasteland life to seem at all like a believable or well-rounded character, she feels more like somebody's original character. She's a square peg in a round hole.

Modded Gamebryo games are a hell of a drug

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Too bad 95% of the story ones are written by ESL pajeets who give up.

>mfw I download a bunch of bodymods and costumes
>talk to a random npc
>suddenly 30 different ways of saying "Hello!" that all lead to a different mod's scenes

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The terrible writing of half of these mods is an instant boner killer for me, along with a lot of the dumb shit they include.

It doesn't help that most people's idea of what makes an attractive character is some horrifying plastic bimbo type who speaks like teenage boy's idea of porn dialogue.

I just want a game with good writing that lets me tie up cute girls.

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Trying to get 50 sex mods to play nice is just way more trouble than it's worth.

Plus they make the game crash constantly.

That's precisely why I want a dedicated game for it.

Attached: modding skyrim.webm (666x374, 2.88M)

Is there any mod that adds sprint in a fair and balanced way?

Define "fair and balanced"

>that webm
for what purpose

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>Bethesda's fault
Oh fuck right off. Obsidian are known for releasing buggy, unfinished products. Not every time it happens is due entirely to the publisher. Sure they likely don't help, but overall it's just as much due Obsidians incompetence as it is the publisher every time.
>Mods will fix it
Same attitude normalfags have about Bethesda shit.
>didn't want to add a single extra thing
That's why they recorded all that dialogue for a post game New Vegas right?
NV is a solid 8/10 but I don't understand brainlet fanboys treating it like the holy grail of RPGs when both 1 and 2 were better.

How do you roleplay a female character supporting the legion?

It's not in anyway in your best interest unless you got them sex mods.

How do you guys get to play these games? I played NV back in the day on PS3 but everytime I try to play on PC I get caught installing mods and by the time I'm done I don't even want to play it anymore.

Only install a minimal number of mods.
For NV I only use the content restoration mods.

>Not for House
Victor insists you visit him straight away, when you enter the Strip.
No, fuck off, you didn't know who hired you, you were working for the Mojave Express. It's part of the reason the Platinum Chip is a mystery until you get to the Strip.

Cant outrun deathclaws kind of fair and balanced

Is there any sex mods worth using?

you still can't outrun them even with sprint

Well I'll have a look at this solid project one since looking more into it you can adjust the speed and AP drain of the sprint.

>It's another "BethesdaNigger falseflags a obsidiot to make them look bad" episode

who could've guessed factions in a warring hellscape would be reaching out for new troops?

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I'm so tired of of Bethesda employees coming here trying to defend their shit company and games

brain damage
caesar's mary sue daughter

Solid Project is probably your best bet, shame the creator took it off Nexus though. Though you could always dig up a dropbox from one of the goons on R*ddit

The same way you roleplay anyone joining the Legion: they think Caesar is going to win and they want what he's paying

Women don't magically give a shit about the suffering of other women

Yeah, I had a look and found a reddit page called mod piracy that had it, thanks anyway fren.

>I always just kill manny and skip it or used the confirmed bachelor check.
There's also a note you can get from his terminal, in his hotel room. It counts as evidence with Swank, too.

This thread got me to get off my ass and finally start the game instead of trying to mod like a madman then uninstall, anyone have any tips and advice for a first playthrough?

>Women don't magically give a shit about the suffering of other women

Yeah, but there's no reason to expect Caesar wouldn't do the same to you.

You should play first time vanilla, anyways.
Just b urself. Unironically. Have fun.

There's no reason to believe he would, either. If you follow Benny's route you already know the Legion has raiding parties in the Mojave, one that even captured a female Ranger while killing all the others, so why would he send a personal invitation to one of the most dangerous people in the wasteland just to turn around and try to enslave them?

Actually, scratch that. You only find out the worst of what the Legion does to women when you're already in the Fort and by then you're on your way to talking to Caesar in person. By the time you've actually spoken to the asshole, it's clear nothing bad is going to happen as long as you keep him happy.

>bethesdrone false flagging

I'm no woman, but I would think it's just way too much of a risk.

Although I always play Legion when I have my sex mods installed. Nothing like being a mind-broken sex-slave trying to ensure all women get to share my "pleasure."

I hope you made the right choice and exterminated all of the White Legs instead of running away from Zion like a pussy, you wouldn't want to disappoint Randall Clark, would you?

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Save manually often, turn off the buggy broken autosave shit, don't take the Wild Wasteland trait first time, play the DLC in release order as it was intended, go hardcore mode to make things not a total snorefest, try to actually stick with a roleplay instead of answering "how I think I would if I was in that situation". Don't level more than two weapon skills. Use INT as a dump stat to get more skill points per level up, don't waste perk picks on VATS shit, exp gain, or shit like the Explorer perk. Use them to strengthen your build and protect any weaknesses.

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Exterminate white legs, but calm Joshua down is the best ending.

First time I played HH I led the tribes out, and it just felt wrong afterwards running around Zion and the White Legs have the run of the place.

>turn the Sorrows into murderous savages that are eventually destroyed by the Dead Horses
>not disappointing Randall Clark

I murdered them all, including salt upon wounds. I did let him die on his feet, since while I had no intention of letting him live, I did that more for Graham.

Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes.

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>How do you roleplay a female character supporting the legion?
Be evil.

Too much of an ADHD zoomer to realize why they approached you.

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>I tell them to be kind to each other and modest. I tell them never to hurt each other but that if someone else comes along and tries to hurt them to strike back with righteous anger. Stuff like that. I sign every note "The Father", because well, just because.
Randall would view it as justified.

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>That's precisely why I want a dedicated game for it

What is Honey Select

>but overall it's just as much due Obsidians incompetence as it is the publisher every time

New Vegas was actually rushed though. They had what, 18 months? Even with the reuse of assets, that's not a lot of time.

>wanting to romance the old drunk roastie that has literally slept with ever soldier in the NCR
The only canon romance Courier has is with Red Lucy

As it is, New Vegas doesn't re-use that many assets

Is it worth installing sex mods? I want to impregnate chicks across the Mojave and eventually see my kids pop out of them before impergnating them again

It's so anger inducing, I can't not watch that webm every time.

>getting the shit ending
Talking down Joshua or killing Salts Upon Wounds yourself will make it so the Dead Horses and Sorrows don't become enemies

If you can handle the game crashing every 20-30 minutes yeah it's pretty fun.

Being a courier in the wasteland must be a pretty tough job considering any bandit or junkie can wait on the side of the road to ambush you with couple of shots.

How the fuck do you get Dreary ENB to work on the DLCs? works fine in the Mojave, but it has that dark morning bug in the DLC locations like HH even with the esp fix. I don't have any form of lighting mods either

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Yeah cause he wants his chip back and thinks you'll get it once you start your revenge quest.

Here's a file of the latest version of Solid Project before the author became a faggot and took it off because Nexus wouldn't let him host his stupid patreon link and isn't from R*ddit Project V18-63239-18-1549489023.7z

It's awful. Literally the only thing I like about FO4's Power Armor is how bulky it looks, but: 1) That isn't an "approach", and 2) Even then it looks goofy as fuck because of the huge ass-legs.


never gets old

what a fag

Worst part of the game was adding this perk and only having the one dialogue choice with it.

Are there mods that add more Sneering Imperialist choices?

What about it makes it crash so often? I've had games where I was at the plugin limit and didn't get many crashes.

Complete garbage. It's supposed to be power armor, not a fucking mech suit. It also doesn't have nearly enough in the way of damage mitigation, nor does it have any meaningful presence since you get it in the start of the game. It's also powered by fusion cores and not built in microfusion packs. An absolute travesty of design, easily the second worst decision Bethesda made in Fallout 4.

I think it's just how the mods interact with each other.
That or I suck at modding these games.

Do you anons use the pre order packs at all or do you disable them? I don't like using them since they just dump them on you at the start of the game.

Depends on the character Im making, sometimes I spawn them specific items based on what story I come up for them.

>"You look like you belong in a battle mech game. This is Fallout 2. Perhaps you opened the wrong folder on your hard drive?"

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Remove the frames idea and just make it a full suit that you can still upgrade, make durability have a bit more hp and not completely blow the piece off, just be much more ineffective. Remove fusion cores and don't give you a suit so quickly.

Isn't there a mod that makes not drop on you and instead just put it somewhere?

That's Jsawyer

>Clear Vipers from Bonnie Springs
>2 weeks later...
>Compass is going batshit with enemy signs
>"Huh these raiders sure respawn fa-"
>The town is overrun by Cazadors

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>defends the nylon bag company

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4 is okay as a loot shooter, 76 probably would be even better as a loot shooter too if it wasn't broken dogshit.

Though the invite is kind of dumb plotwise, the way Caesar tells you how stupid you are for coming more than makes up for it, and makes it actually a good part of the story imo

All I want is someone's mod list that is all about guns and armor. I tried twice modding FO4 to be atleast gunporn but I fuck up. Meanwhile, I can mod NV with 200+ mods just fine with little to no FPS drop

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>it's another ebin gunslinger target who oneshots you from a million miles away with a plain ass revolver

Jsawyer does but not sure about ultimate. Even then would you still use them much? They're alright for the start but that's about it.


>all those fanboy replies
fucking lmao

Why is it called New Vegas when the achivement was that House preserved the original Vegas

Mercenaries Grenade Rifle is pretty godlike for the early game. Let's you take out Giant Scorps or the Feral Reavers at that one location west of Nipton.

Did you not pay attention to the story? There's a very big reason that they approached you.

Based zoomer with the iq level of 19

Yeah, you can deny the whole thing and the game will keep it ambiguous on if it was really you or not.

Because Vegas is more than a city, it was a self contained culture of sin and debauchery built on the back of gambling. He recreated Vegas the gambling town, not some city in the remains of Las Vegas

Did you some how miss the deathclaws and the bugs

Avellone wrote Cass

yes man offers to help you because hes fucking yes man you dumb shit

It looks cool but that's about it.

Fusion cores are dumb, swapping out parts is dumb (also useless, since a new suit is just a direct upgrade), getting a suit immediately is dumb, etc. etc.

that dude approached me while i was in Nellis Airforce base

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>graphics that look worse than a PS2 game with a orange only color pallette (or in Fallout 3's case, green shit)
>gunplay that is somehow worse than games from the 90's in a first/third person SHOOTER hybrid
>V.A.T.S. takes too long to load is not helping the fact that the gunplay is shit and not even the mode that aims for you is good
>music so generic and repetitive your only choice is to listen to the same 3 meme songs (Big Iron, Jingle Jangle, etc.)
>literally a wasteland: auto-moving across the desert from A to B and waiting 5 minutes is not fun nor is it gameplay
>main quest is just going to the Strip after jumping through hoops (the lab quests were the worst with having to retrieve 2 objects and kill the monsters in the basement)
Yup, FUCK New Vegas and FUCK gaming, alright.

suck a fat one, Pete

imagine being a 31 year old zoomer like this fag.

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the best in the series, but the cores duration is bullshit, and the armor itself doesn't negate damage (why the fuck they changed the DR%, it was perfectly flawless, a fucking .38 doing more than a scratch? and the fact that in vanilla the armor durability is very low, even with mods is low.

other than that, a very nice improvement, in 76 they are way more durable and effective, and even better, rarer, I hated how in 4 you get a full set of T-45 with a fusion core ready to use.

This is not true, the NCR and Legion people run up to you immediately after leaving the Tops no matter what you do. Beelining straight there without speaking to a soul or entering any other area still results in the same thing

Attached: Fallout - New Vegas Screenshot 2019.05.31 - (1920x1080, 2.46M)

>clothes and sneakers reviews
nig/faggot detected

House and Yes Man were fine at that point, but Caesar and NCR were a bit abrupt.
The legion admiring your survival and tracking of Benny prompting them approaching is great, but they should approach outside of Vegas (After a bit of time passed and people heard of your exploits)
The NCR should approach only after you went into the Lucky 38 for a while, because it's in their political interest to get in contact with someone that's "In" with the heart of New Vegas.

It could all still be around the same time, but just spaced out some more so it isn't just "WELCOME TO ACT 2"

THIS is insightful commentary on a games plot, peek Yea Forums posting, and thus receives my upvote. (unironically)

everyone says NV is a more refined FO3, but in some ways, I feel the opposite. NV actually LOOKS worse than FO3 in my opinion, maybe its because the game uses brighter lighting so it doesn't hide the textures as well, but it feels like everything looks a bit more simple and primitive. Not only that, but yes I notice that VATS feels sloppier than 3 too and sometimes doesnt load properly, and the world design is noticably worse where it feels like you are just walking in more or less straight lines across empty desert.

>not because it had basically no questline or story or benefit at all for joining
Player isn't aware of this unless they join them.
Veni Vidi Vici has the lowest percentage on steam because everyone you talk to in Legion is a jackass.

Because its time to move on user... Its the whole point

Adding to my previous point: I don't give a shit about the story or dialogue in NV, in fact, talking to people in NV/3 is the worst because then you realize that they are all recycled talking and bobbing animations and that you're talking to the third copy of another NPC you saw back in Goodsprings. I don't understand what the appeal of NV is, it's just a clunky piece of shit game.

>calls what he said obvious
>then says he's reaching

Then thats your personal onion man

>Oh, just in case, we forgive you for fucking over everything we had planned.
Why is New Vegas afraid to make you fail?

Fear of alienating FO3 audience.

You've got a friend in my, user. FNV is it's own kind of shite, just like all the Fallout games.

>tfw was in that thread
What a wild ride that was.

If you think that when people say "atmosphere" they mean the color of the sky, then you're retarded. They mean the feeling of walking through the ruins of DC, being able to see the devastation. The Feeling of Sheer terror in the tunnels for the first time, etc. New Vegas's Worldspace is shit, and doesn't get on that same visceral layer that F3's did. The only place that matches in New Vegas is walking into Nelson for the first time, and it never really reappears.

So, is the reason why KOTR 2 was rushed Bethesda or Sega, too? Or was that a certain "We sucked so bad at making Fallouts that we went bankrupt" company you seem to love so much?


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>can lock yourself out of any number of quests by killing people
>can fail several more by doing the wrong thing


why not?

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Hands down the best-looking in the series, but I wish 4 didn't have use it as such a huge selling point. Still looks good ported to other games.

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To a certain extent. I've still to this day never been able to finish Fallout 4 all the way through because the game constantly reminds me how limited it is and eventually it just gets depressing. Its like a cardboard cut out, from the front it looks right but once you actually peek around the corner you see how soulless it really is.

The game is at its best when you mod it to hell and back and ignore the main quest entirely so that you're not constantly reminded who your character is and what he should feel and be doing.

The Lone Wanderer is mad cute Makes me want to play the game

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One of the only things FO4 objectively did better than the other games. Still gay how they gift wrap you a full set of it in one of the first quests in the game. People who use the power core argument are retarded, they don't regulate you at all. You can find them all over the damn place, and if you've got half decent charisma money is no object so you can buy them pretty easily.

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>they're not a restriction they're just completely pointless
That isn't better

I didn't claim it was.

Why did nobody save the part where he tries to sell the baby at mick and ralphs, decides to use one baby to repair another then blasts it into the sky with a shitload of mines.

>doesn't deal in hypotheticals
>that leaves only absolutes

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life finds a way

Based as fuck

Where's the courier?

wow incredible. It's not like you've entered the fortress of the chairman of the strip. A place where noone has been seen entering for 200 years

In the Stealth Suit

>Do you defend horse armor too?
user your argument only makes sense if in skyrim horse armor was a vanilla machanic. Improving your game isn't a crime, obsidian didn't up the price by 5.99 for the added expense of adding iron sites.

I liked it, but fusion cores lasting so pathetically long was a dumb idea ment to make the game more loot and shooty cause you need to keep recharging them. Power armor should be overpowered, it's an end game item, or at least should be.

It's not even a developed criticism. He just mentioned something about the game and then sarcastically denounced it like it was a big problem.

Do YOU think it's a terrible thing that you meet important characters and receive leads to important quests in the game's central and most important area? If so, fucking why?

>end-game item
>when you fucking get it 10 minutes into the game

You literally fail multiple quests once you lock yourself into one of the 4 factions.

Considering you can kill every NPC in the game except for Yes Man, i'd say no.