Sony may be trying to buy Remedy

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remedy getting thrown around companies like a ragdoll. an eager cumslut for a AA budget

Well, they do make cinematic TPS games, so they'd be right at home with Sony

Please for the love of god done let them.

It's weird that Sony would want even more shootan devs rather than snag some melee action devs considering KH3, GoW2018, and Nier's successes, but either way being bought by Sony would probably do Remedy good t.b.h.

Fugg no! go away!

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Well there goes Remedy. They surely won't refuse such an offer.

>rumor was remedy and platinum
>remedy news getting weight to it
>platinum will be next
God I can't wait for the meltdown.

would be bad desu.
remedy is best when they are free to do as they please.
if sony buys remedy they'll be forced to keep making same things over and over and never innovate like they usually do.
remedy is an innovation study that tests out new things,mechanics,concepts and ideas.
they are one of those game studios that actually suffer more when they they end up being buyed out.

Nintendo and MS do that. Sony let's their devs do anything they want. Every dev under sony would improve the industry.

>No PC version
>Improve the industry
Fuck off, snoyboy

Remedy is many things but innovative really isn't one of them. Sony's got Ueda's three games, Gravity Rush, and I'd say God of War 2018 is more innovative (even though Yea Forums can't look past the 'cinematic over the shoulder' thing and see how the game does things with the combat that even Kamiya, Itsuno, and Itagaki haven't thought of) than Remedy's work between MP1 and Control.

Don't worry, they're just beta testing, right?


remedy didn't make a good game since mp2

Well. They should not. Remedy had one good game. Max Payne. That is 20 years ago.

Never ever

Microsoft would be pretty pissed, I'd imagine they'd try to outbid them, especially considering how many devs they've scooped up already.

Max Payne 2 was more recent than that.

I'm surprised MS didn't buy them first desu

They can decline right? They are tired of ms

Quantum Break flopped is why.

I also heard bungie. Everything else is baseless. But those 3 would be big. 2 MS former partners and 1 former shitendo

Well remedy does the cinematic games Sony wants so that's pretty much a given

is Sony fucking stupid? Why the fuck do they want another narrative-driven stylish pretentious Studio?

if they had any brains they focus on trying to get a studio that can do cartoony Platformers or party games to try and take that market from Nintendo.

as long as it is not a japanese studio they can do what they want.

>is Sony fucking stupid? Why the fuck do they want another narrative-driven stylish pretentious Studio?
Because the ones that Sony does print money and they want more studios printing that money? how is that stupid?

Name them.
I hope they scoop up a bunch and I'll know how butthurt you are clenching your switch

the only thing thats never ever is you getting a bloodborne sequel

Remedy hasn't made a good game since Max Payne 2. Alan Wake was a massive disappointment what we were shown in 2005 or 2006 E3.

Gears for Breakfast is the first one that comes to mind but they're way too damn small and inexperienced to function with Sony and a big budget. But it's not like they couldn't just make Insomniac to make more Ratchet games.

Oh god, I can see it now

>PSX 2020
>Sony Presents
>Max Jane

Ehm... do you (or Remedy) know that Max Payne is no longer their IP...right ?

already disproven sony cuck

Sony could really use another studio for story-driven third person action games.

>Remedy games will never again be playable with a mouse
I'll kill someone

>Alan Wake was a massive disappointment what we were shown in 2005 or 2006 E3.
that doesn't mean it wasn't good on its own merit. I paid no attention to the marketing, played it years after it released, and totally loved it.

actual reliable insiders have weighed in on this as well as analysts and they've all said its not happening. remedy is also a publicly traded company and has several shareholders which sony would have to convince every single one to give over 100% of their shares. we would have known about this potential acquisition ages ago if sony really is buying remedy because anything that happens to remedy has to be public. at best they're making a game for sony but nothing more.

and if anyone buys platinum its nintendo. platinum have already called the ps5 shit and the switch amazing so everyone can see where their allegiances lie.

>implying Platinum would tie themselves to a single company after the clusterfuck that was Scalebound with Microsoft

>Nintendo and MS do that. Sony let's their devs do anything they want.
nigger what? quantum break was microsoft letting remedy do anything they wanted and it turned out to be a disappointment. even control looks boring as shit.

Remedy hasn't made a good game since MP2 and that was like 15 years ago. Sony would be better off investing in another studio.

If Bend + huge budget = Big success, a Sony Remedy game couldn't do worse.


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>called the ps5 shit

when did they do that?

Remedy games have that weird AA quality that I can't put my finger on. Honestly it doesn't seem to me like they fit into Sony's roster, especially now that they want all their exclusives to be hall of fame material.

Remedy bought the alan wake IP from microsoft and can now release it on other consoles.

Good. Let them buy this shit, a perfect match as both inky do movies.

How many aquisitions rumors has it been now ? Insomniac, Take-Two, Bluepoint, From Software, Quantic Dream, Supermassive, Housemarque, now this ?
Sony ain't acquiring shit, they would rahter stike deals with third-parties to get exclusives just like they do with FFVII Remake and Spider-Man. It's less risky and costly than having a bunch of studios to maintain

fuck my retarded fingers

no they've always owned the alan wake ip. microsoft has never owned it they only published it but now that license expired so it returns to remedy for free. it means they can make a remaster and make it fully multiplat if they wanted to.
microsoft still gets right of refusal for an alan wake sequel though.

Why you put all those shitty games in OP and exclude their best game Alan Wake?

They've tried to buy Insomniac in the past but they want to stay independant. Bluepoint would make sense, they seem to be hiring a lot of people. Housemarque could happen, they are small and could be build up which woul fit in with their strategy of organic growth. The rest of those are not gonna happen. Sony is also building new studios like in San Diego for example.

Bluepoint would be a real bummer for me. There is so much third party stuff worth revisiting that would suddenly become off-limits. Meanwhile pretty much everything worth remaking from Playstation's catalog has already been done.

>san diego
The San Diego studio has been doing the baseball games for over a decade now, it fucking sucks everyone gave up doing them so you have to rely on sony now.
Or konami if you live in nippon

Bluepoint seems to be done with remasters after the next one though.

No, not the MLB - The Show guys. A new one. Guys from ND seem to be working with them on something.

PS4 has keyboard and mouse support

The new studio is called Visual Arts or something.

>playing anything but pew pews with M/Kb

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It takes more skill to use a gamepad. Just put some practice in and you'll eventually git gud.

Likely a reaction to Microsoft's buying spree but even more likely a bid to once again make the next gen argument about exclusives.

I bet less developers than ever before are willing to sign exclusivity deals, so the two companies are taking the first-party approach.

Seething. They said the architecture was too developer friendly and prefer being forced to downscale their work.

Ms doesn't own them retard.

this isn't even about "git gud" but mkb being simply better in anything where you aim and shoot

Don't Rockstar still owe Sony something? Giving them the licence for one Max Payne game wouldn't be too much to ask no?

They can be made, and they'll be exclusive too.
>MGS remake PS5 launch title
Would be based.

>MGS remake
who needs that shit

That was all on Microsoft though, Sony would give them as much time as they wanted to actually make a game.

I understand why you would say that if you aren't very good at using a gamepad, but as someone who plays TPS on both pad and M&KB I think both are great. And pad has the benefit of rumble which pushes it over M&KB imo.

>RE2 remake
who needs that shit

Pc kiddies only play early access, mobile , mobas, csgo, pubg trash anyway. Stop complaining tranny

MGS1 has barely aged at all, unlike RE2. Not to mention, we already got back to Shadow Moses in MGS4, not to mention there already is a remake.

From what I remember they didn't they said the next gen consoles were more the same as the last generation. In other words they weren't that impressed.

2 was shit, worse story and 100x easier combat

>more damage sponge gameplay

Why can't they go back to Max Payne 1/2 quality?

Its easier. Nothing else. Pc kiddies can only play essy modes it looks like. Thats why all of those fags have to use cheats in mp games

>buy rights back
>become slave to another publisher

God damn Remedy is one of the biggest retards in game development

maximum pain on gog, when?

Everyone is a slave to the publishers. They are the ones with the money to finance anything but 2D indie trash. Devs can't pull tens of millions of dollars out of their ass.

4D Chess by Sony.

Meanwhile Microsoft will spend another gen bragging about how they are making 60 games and still updating Sea of Thieves & State of Decay.

Yoshida did visit their studios a little while ago.

and better