Based Tim is funding the gaming industry from the haters.
Based Tim is funding the gaming industry from the haters
Fund me a new remote Tim you piece of shit
Wonder what he'll do when the next big thing comes out and all the 12 year olds jump ship and stop playing Fortnite.
It'll be an epic games store exclusive.
How about not making exclusives?
Creepy wanker
China has been generous.
Isnt auto chess the new thing?
They need to just cancel Shenmue III at this point. The first two games are two of my favorite games of all time, but I'd rather the series stay dead than have to download EGS.
Crowdfunding is stupid but then issuing refunds is still shitty because it basically means the devs got an interest free loan
He is a puppet for the chink machine, the same as journos
>usury is good
This but unironically.
You want better contracts, crowdfunders would need to act as investors not consumers for that . Sadly that's unrealistic.
>Create a problem
>Throw money at it
>"See? I fixed the problem"
Based retarded Tim.
Lol'd out loud. Thanks.
>When future games go Epic-exclusive
Have we reached a point where this doesn't provoke a response from people yet? Because starting your PR apology with the line that "we're definitely going to be taking more games away in the future" sounds like a bad idea.
Just play it on PS4 and avoid the Chinkware.
Is this what it's like when you have zero foresight and strategy but unlimited money?
The foresight is invest now to create enough pull with exclusives to create customers to cash in later. Operating initially at a loss for growth is widely accepted.
How about you just don't buy up exclusivity for crowdfunden games you retard?
Just fund future games yourself and nobody has a problem.
I know Tim lurks here btw.
>auto chess
I thought this was a joke like Garfield Kart and thar rat game
Just pirate or play it on a console
absolutely bro tier
What do you think he's doing right now lol, he's not trying to set up a self-sustaining online shop for nothing.
>Hey guys Tim here, we will refund you if you backed Shenmue III on Kickstarter under the assumption it would be on Steam afterall
>EU law would have forced Deep Silver to do so anyways but I am the good guy I swear
>cause an issue
>propose to be willing to fund refunds to dissatisfied / betrayed backers
>basically, does the bare minimum he can to "save face" (doesn't really save anyone's face, though, least of all his own)
>"Based Tim!"
No words can describe the hatered I feel.
This is literally the equivalent of a man shitting repeatedly in your pool, and you calling him out for it.
The man then promises to scoop the poop out of the pool for free because he's such a fucking nice guy, isn't he?
..but that doesn't really solve the problem of your pool being unavailable for a month or two, and the fact that this could have been prevented by not allowing this faggot to shit in your pool in the first place, and in the end, all you got was what you had, but nothing reimburses the time you lost when your pool was ruined.
who even cares about Shenmue when Yakuza (the vastly superior game) exists?
>I know Tim lurks here btw.
Hi! it's me, Tim!
Can I interest you in a free game?
all you have to do is install Epic Store launcher so I can have your personal data and boost the user amount in our statistics, both which make me and my yellow friends more money and information than that shi- *cough* great indie game I gave you ever will!
Haha, Steam sucks by the way!
It is, but chinks and other 3rd worlders love it.
You know these threads would go over much better if you didn't include a picture of the dude's face next to every post. He looks like a barely-human homunculus. Just looking at him is truly unsettling
>This is literally the equivalent of a man shitting repeatedly in your pool, and you calling him out for it.
>The man then promises to scoop the poop out of the pool for free because he's such a fucking nice guy, isn't he?
>..but that doesn't really solve the problem of your pool being unavailable for a month or two, and the fact that this could have been prevented by not allowing this faggot to shit in your pool in the first place, and in the end, all you got was what you had, but nothing reimburses the time you lost when your pool was ruined.
I will spread a rumour that Tim actually did this in high school
This one had me laughing out loud for a few minutes
First time he's backpedalling. Beginning of the end?
why do I need to crowdfund the game if epic is just gonna pay for it instead?
People like his face, almost every Tim thread gets 500 replies my dude :)
We're at the part of the movie where the antagonist realizes how finite his resources are right before he's bled himself dry
His claim that he'll stop trying to make the EGS store competitive if Steam starts giving more money to developers makes no logical sense.
Also his claim that he's simply doing it for the developers sounds pretty hypocritical when he makes his own developers work crazy hours.
why do you think he's trying to force EGS to be a success
That's a very good question. Maybe crowdfunding isn't needed anymore?
God, the number of people that say how much they love Shenmue, but putting it on the EGS is a step too far. I wish I could just drown all of you in buckets of your own vomit and shit. It's a fucking storefront. A shit one, yes, but it's not the worst fucking thing in the world.
>But muh info
If you've ever used an Apple, Amazon or Google product or service, your info is already out there.
Havent we gone through this same song and dance already?
Hes lied about other shit, why should I believe him now?
>lol why should you care that a crowsourced game, a financial model based solely on trust, is changing the deal before release
How them boots tasting faggot?
Tim has altered the deal. Pray he does not alter it further.
Fuck 'em. There is no way Yu could've completed the game with six million. It would have been fucking awful.
>want to crowdfund games
>Tim does it for us
>want to support indies
>Tim does it for us
>want to buy the latest AAA games
>go on lads, this one's on me
>meanwhile Valve has a shitty card game, VR memes and autochess
>create the problem
>say you'll continue to do that problem in the future
>but throw money at this one to fix it
Why is ANYONE praising him for this is beyond me.
Name one good dev with integrity that went to the epic store.
Yes he sure is based refunding people since the European laws would have fucked the shenmue devs for not giving refunds.
>next time i take a shit i'll flush the toilet after
>want to crowdfund games
>Tim does it for us
No he doesn't
Paying for an already nigh release ready game is not funding it, it's just bibery to have monopoly on it until the game is old and faded to obscurity
>want to support indies
>Tim does it for us
only by taking a smaller cut, and also only the select few, because unlike Steam, Tim doesnt let everyone sell on his shitty barebones store, (while Valve actively GIVES FREE money to some VR devs with no strings attached, and not even telling them to release on steam or anything
Just like boomers jumped ship from pokemon?
Toddposting is miles superior
The fact he DIDN’T see this incurring backlash given how people react to Epic-exclusivity as it is demonstrates extreme detachment.
Definitely an example of putting up a sign after the kid got run over.
>create a problem
>create a solution which ignores the original problem
>try to take credit for solving the problem you created
Tim's brain gets smaller whenever he posts.
I don’t actually know who this is. Sounds like he’s Fortnight Guy and I’m over the age of 18 so I’m guessing, here.
But isn’t this definitely a good thing?
No, most people would just preffer the get the game they want in the promised platform.
does anyone here genuinely like epic games or do you just hate valve?
So not only do I get my money back, Tim has to pay me, and Yu Suzuki doesn't have to give back all the expensive wine he bought with the money he scammed? Seems like a pretty good deal, shame they didn't offer that to begin with.
That's is the minimum they should do
Just pirate it.
100% shitposters, nobody hates Valve enough to support a worse Valve
No, you see, if we keep lowering our standards of decency, any remotely merciful action in the hands of a corporation is "based".
I like Tim, pretty down earth.
>create problem
>bitch about your competitor not solving your newly created problem for you
Is there a bigger cuck in the entire industry?
They never talked about the plattform pre Kickstarter goal, based pcbrotard
It's a step in the right direction at least
Now let's see if they can keep going the right way (unlikely)
Anyone who makes Steam drones cry is B A S E D.
Yakuza is 777% better than shenmue
I hate Valve so much for this DRM PC landscape, I will support anyone harming them.
>I hate Valve so much for this DRM PC landscape, I will support the DRM PC landscape just to spite them
This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen this dumbass post.
Why are billionaires all such retards?
>If we would support even bigger DRM, problem of DRM will go away
The new game looks like low budget shit, even as someone who loved 2. Being on EGS or Steam wouldn't have changed that.
Yes precisely.
This is not going away, might as well harm the faggot who brought this.
>This is not going away, might as well encourage an even worse version of it to spite the original
What's pathetic is these same lot of "enthusiasts" drummed up the hype mobile to set into motion crowd funding for this game. Then when it comes to release date they absolutely sperg out because they won't be able to autistically line it up on the same shelf as their their other steam library games so they turn on Suzuki. What a bunch of retards.
>People have preferences
>Peoples preferences aren't met and they are mad
>What fucking retards
What else did you expect from Shenmue fans?
>Pull game off steam
>it's steam policy's fault for them not being able to deliver on game they don't even have in store anymore
Autochess is more for the high school to college crowd (all zoomers btw). Fortnite is still popular with kids.
Continue making bank off of Unreal royalties.
Yeah its definetely Shenmue fans, no other game that Epic paid to make exclusive has had any backlash from their fanbase. Just shenmue fans and no one else. Yep.
I hate valve for creating drm, lootboxes, and that shitty paid mods fiasco they're clearly still ass pained about blowing up in their faces.
Fuck steam
Valve didn't invent any of those things.
They went remotely as wide spread before valve started forcing them into everything. They might as well have invented them.
>As noted in the updates and survey at launch, we had originally planned for PC distribution through Steam.
Fuck off retard.
this, it's amazing how much money is being thrown at it and yet it somehow manages to encapsulate all the ugly graphical flaws of last gen
though to be fair I'm more in the crowd of letting sleeping dogs lie when it comes to games with long overdue sequels
I apologize, Tim. I was wrong about you. I will install Epic Games Store when it gets a single good game.
That's intellectually dishonest and you know it. They didn't "force" DRM or lootboxes into anything but their own games, and they were not even remotely the first ones to do so. Bethesda still tries to sell paid mods through their creation club but you will still blame Valve for it.
>I hate Valve so much for this DRM PC landscape
fair enough
>I will support anyone harming them.
Subhuman stop moving the goalpoast
No you, subhuman.
Outer Wilds salutes you
The DRM at the time Steam launched was cancerous phone home limited activation installers and AIDS like StarForce and TAGES on retail discs. DRM schemes installed rootkits and tampered with drivers, breaking disc drives. Publishers saw PC as a dying piracy platform and didn't give a fuck about the people actually buying their malware discs.
Gabes "piracy is a service issue" is one of the few things they did right, PC would look very different without them at the time. Not excusing what they are today.
go on lad, this one's on me!
>Go on lad
These two are right you know. Hate valve as much as you want but don't misplace the blame for shit that everyone else decided to continue and do worse with than before valve made steam. Be honest about it.
>throw a match in a dry shrub during summer
>shrub is engulfed in flames
>firestorm goes out of control
>throw a glass of water
Corporate drones are amazing
>Autochess is more for the high school to college crowd (all zoomers btw). Fortnite is still popular with kids.
How do you figure this stuff out? I'm not doubting your knowledge I just want to know how you learned which groups are enjoying which games