Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained...

Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained, I'm expecting Konami to release either an HD remaster of Symphony of The Night with all the cut content from the Saturn version or a new Castlevania (classic or metroidvania, doesn't matter) to humiliate that hack IGA in front of the entire world and to show the public what a true Castlevania is.

What the fuck is Konami waiting for? This is the moment to strike, when the steel is hot

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Other urls found in this thread:


How ya doing?

How the fuck do I jump on lamps in Bloodstained?

You need the double jump shard. It's mandatory so you'll get it eventually.

Bloodstained is good, would still love a complete version of SOTN though

I have the double jump shard. Do I have to upgrade it? Do I need high jump?

is this a copypasta? people like bloodstained overall. this is retarded.

What the fuck do I do after obtaining the Invert grav thingy? All I can see left on my map is that roof with the spikes, so I'm guessing I missed something that lets me walk on them?

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Then all you do is dive kick onto the lamp. After you double jump, press down/down-right/down-left, and the jump button in midair.

Have you got the blood drain shard yet? If not, explore the cathedral more

where do you think you are?

Yes and I've already drained that blood pool

I'll give you the same tip I got. Now that you have invert explore the tower.

Did you explore the clocktower with the gravity shift?

Go to where you fought the twin dragons and look for spikes.

Ahh shit yeah, I know where you are. Invert at the twin dragon towers. There's some interesting stuff up there. Especially at the left entrance of the left tower

Makes sense now, the only place I didn't double check after the grav shift was the clock tower. Guess I'm heading there now.

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Double jump then hold diagonal down and attack to dive kick. If you have boots on you can kill monsters this way.

Got it. Thanks a lot. I saw all those conveniently placed lamps,but I didn't know about dive kick.

I've seen some dissapointment but that's mostly aimed at the meh graphics and shitty Switch port. Most people seem to love the game.

>HD remaster of Symphony of The Night
this is the worst thing on Yea Forums i've read in the past few months

Konami doesn't make video games anymore, expecting a new Castlevania is as much wishful thinking as expecting a new Silent Hill.

I'd rather see a remaster of the GBA games.
>Fix the music from being hurt by the GBA shit sound chip
>Remove CotM's pointless dash mechanic
>Add in some new areas and weapons like SotN on the Saturn
>New playable characters, somehow only PoR got 4

The only disappointment is you making the same bait thread again

>I´m expecting
go home you fukken specialist, have you seen what konami is into? if not go and check their e3 line up, konami generates enough cash in nippon with patchinko machines ya expert, they´ll do fine without your market predcitions.
>overall disappointment
you´re just a joke boi

>overall disappointment

Ignoring the willfully blind, what are shards that are not worth collecting 9 of?

Indeed, it would be an excellent pachinko machine.

Konami said they have some surprises in store at E3 after their turbo graphics 16 mini reveal

>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained

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I honestly don't understand the hate boner towards Bloodstained. It looks fine, it plays great and its only flaw is the one shared by the other Symphony-like Castlevanias: it's too easy.

Fortunately Yea Forums seems to be the only one who hates it so much.

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Most of Yea Forums has been positive towards it. We've had almost non-stop threads for a week after all.
Visually it's kind of jank and the boss fights aren't the best, but it's good.

seriously pachinko jokes have never been funny, so talk badly about konami as much as you want but stop this bullshit, you're not funny and you'll never be.

Is Bloodstained worth the money? How long is it? Replay value?

>overall disappointment with Bloodstained

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>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained

Lol, hold up. People do not hate this game, it was generally decided that it's a good game but it has flaws.

Not them but you're literally retarded if you think Konami will produce a new CV. The closest they've gotten to that is a mobile title with micro transactions. They don't keep staff internally for niche franchises like this anymore, it would just be outsourced to China.

>b-but Konami said they have surprises
Sure, a MGS remake by Bluepoint with David Hayter. And probably a new collection including a multiplat port of MGS4, or a f2p micro transaction version of MGO. Other franchises like Castlevania and Silent Hill sell like poop (especially IGA's castlevania games), they're not worth the production effort. Also this is the same company that booked a timeslot at E3 to show off the turbografx mini, as if it was something fans cared for. That's what they think about when say surprise.

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>disappointment with Bloodstained
lmao fuck off faggot

It's not a joke if it's true.

Blah blah blah HK is better etc etc

Ok we're done here

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>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained
lazy bait

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Based, also 1999 will never happen. Just because IGA is onboard, doesn't mean Konami is.

Have to attack on them (down+jump or attack button) like every other castlevania. Dont need any shard to do it

they also said that before the turbo gfx mini, and look what we got. the turbo gfx mini.

PC-engine was more popular than megadrive in japan and that's where their target is, they are aiming to esports at the moment in fact their 2 big games for these few months are PES for the west and Pro Baseball spirits for japan, what you idiots don't understand is that they didn't abandon the console market in favour of mobile and gambling machines, they've abandoned the west in favour of japan in which mobile games are the biggest thing ever, in fact they make tons of money with boys be dancing, power pro app and stuff like that, they abandoned whiny westerner cretins like you who think that the all world should cater to them for some reason, who buy into every fake "pro-consumer" bullshit narrative and only ask for the same stagnating bullshit over and over again, but don't even care to buy it in the rare cases when it's delivered because developer X or PR Y said a think or wrote a message on twitter that triggered you LMAO. that's how pathetic contemporary gamers have become.

Can you read? No one said anything about abandoning consoles, they obviously make console games for franchises that sell well. The post you're replying to specifically says they don't staff internally for niche franchises that sell poorly like Castlevania (also a franchise that was always more popular in the west than Japan).

The Saturn content for SOTN was shit.

and even so why externalize is considered a bad thing? commision a new sidescrolling castlevania for example to vanillaware and they will make a game that looks 100 times better than shitstained ritual of diarrhea.

except Konami wouldn't commission Vanillaware, Japanese talent is costly, they're far more likely to export to China or even Eastern Europe like Vatra

What's the best gun in bloodstained?

Renee's Requiem after being fully upgraded with 8, 16 and 32-bit coins.

Thanks, friend.

I thought Bloodstained received overall good reception. I mean, I'm playing on the Switch version and even with the occasional lag or load screens it's still a very good game.

>I honestly don't understand the hate boner towards Bloodstained.

filled with bugs
last area is rushed
bland forgettable story/setting
adheres to aria and symphony to the point of "vulgar plagurism"

Sounds very subjective.

>HD remaster of Symphony of The Night with all the cut content from the Saturn version.
Konami a company that barely makes games is going to spend a shit ton of money hiring artists to redo all of sotn in HD. It’s not gonna happen

>filled with bugs
if you have console versions that might be an issue
subjective af
>last area is rushed
as opposed to an entire fucking certain inverted castle
>bland forgettable story/setting
kinda like most of the rest of the series
>adheres to aria and symphony to the point of "vulgar plagurism"
what a surprise, he's referencing his own fucking work

>vulgar plagiarism
I know the italian 6.5 review's points are not exactly incorrect, but there's no need to keep quoting it word-for-word.

>last area is rushed
How does Glacial Tomb feel rushed?
I think what you mean is that it didn't feel like "the end".

>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained

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Is that a maxed out Accelerator?

>do I fit in yet guys?
Kill yourself teenager.

Why are some people so pissy over Bloodstained doing well?


Because mighty number 9 flopped and it was done by the same developer studios

Because Yea Forums is obsessed with failure

All Konami needs to do is remaster Lament of Innocence & Curse of Darkness. It's so easy.

Because this board is full of people who spend hours combing through social media to find topics that upset them and then shove them down the rest of our throats to convert us into their willing minions.

This game proves that a bad producer can ruin a game in that case.

>last area is rushed

In all fairness, the ending sequence in a lot of Iga's games are a letdown in some capacity. OoE probably not so much.

5 studios worked on Bloodstained, and I think 3 of them worked on Mighty 9 as well.

Shame the 3D Castlevanias never did well. A competent remake of Legacy of Darknes would've been cool.
Well, I guess LoS did well, but that's not really what I want.

Which was my point. Iga probably had a better vision for his game compared to Inafune.

But Bloodstained is good. Just rather fucking buggy.
Finished it just now. Was initially put off by the shitty art style but I saw some gameplay and decided to give it a go. Glad I did.

I can see what he's talking about since you get dimensional shift only for it to be used for a single room, and there aren't any secret areas in either the glacial tomb or the xbox hueg area above it. Also like you said, not entirely sure why they chose for the ice area to be the final place instead of the said huge area.

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MN9 was 100% Inti-Creates.

Bloodstained was:
>like 3 others we don't know what they did

Those games are awful.

What even was wayforward involved with? Making the first boss?

Why does he wear the fake nose?

The English voice acting is good

Because he lost against Miriam so he is a fool.

Because he has been humiliated

>not entirely sure why they chose for the ice area to be the final place instead of the said huge area.
It's supposed to be a Dante's Inferno reference, the spot in Hell reserved for traitors (like who you're chasing at this point).

They were brought on to finish the game a few months before release. Never clear what they even did. I did notice that ports were cancelled right after WF was added.

We can speculate that Dico wasn't making fast enough progress, WF is brought on. They say they gotta scale back the game significantly. Then WF is probably finishing the end areas of the game.

Now Artplay and WF are working on the game. Dico has no continued involvement.


It's a great game with more DLC on the way

Stay mad

>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained
okay i'll bite: what in the actual fuck are you on about?

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I wish they would hire the guys who made Rebirth again, that was peak castlekino

The first boss was all IntiCreates, evidenced by her having their trademark screen-filling attack with only one obscure safe spot.

All of the 3Dvanias are extremely underrated

I'm kind of glad in that case. Despite Shantae is so-so, they do know how to make platformers.

I was mostly joking because of Giga Mermaid boss.

Shantae is the third playable character

Inti-Creates made the boat area, and it seems literally nothing else. So it looked okay to backers as they got a demo, but 1 year of progress and a boat area they barely completed did not impress Iga. So he fired them. Dico then worked on the majority of the game. WF worked on the end of the game.

Don't joke like that to me, user.

>I'm expecting Konami to release either an HD remaster of Symphony of The Night

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How to trigger OD's battle?

>literally just the PSP version being emulated
>tfw no proper remaster of SotN with widescreen, both the original and new dubs, and all of the PSP and Saturn content ever

>Can't even properly remap the buttons because it's the PSP version
>Have to hold both L1 and R1 to go to Mist form instead of just one tap of R2

They made a solid good side-game, at least.


You would have to remake the fucking game

Take his best book and then go back to the ice area. You'll see it.

99% of castle discovered lets you lend a Tome of Conquest from him, after that warp to the ice-place and proceed normally, you will find him waiting in a nearby room asking for his book back.

Not everyone owns a Switch.

>to humiliate that hack IGA
U wot m8? Iga left Konami on relatively ok terms. He didn't leave like how Inafune did, saying that Capcom is a dying company destined for failure because the Japanese are shit game devs making shit games.

It's still a great game on Switch, it just has an assload of technical issues.

Tnx anons

When the fuck is Harmony of Despair 2?

Curse of the Moon is what Iga should have made Inti make in the first place. Inti makes great 2D games and shit 2.5D games. Mighty no. 9 is a trashfire while Mighty Gunvolt Burst is great.

I'm skeptical about that 99% map part. I don't remember the map percentage I had when I borrowed it, but I don't think it has bearing on when it becomes available.

I just did it by accident. Take the last book in the list from the library, it's especially powerful. Then warp to ice place and the room is just nearby.

I have seen people say its 99 or 98%. Its definitely based on the map percentage since he doesnt spawn there "normally."

A co-op mode is coming to ROTN, one can only hope it functions similarly.
and isn't buggy as fuck at launch

they''re too busy humiliating themselves with mass producing pachinko machines for their yakuza overlords

I had a feeling it was based on how far you've progressed and that it becomes available after beating Gremory. I'm gonna have to check next time I play through.

IGA was probably the only person at Konami actually trying to pitch new Castlevania games. The last actual games were what, Rebirth and Harmony of Despair? After that MercurySteam did Lords of Shadow, IGA left and the series has been dead for years. You really think that's a coincidence?

>overall disappointment
>96% on steam

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I don't know whether it's funny or depressing how much Yea Forums wanted Bloodstained to be MN9 part 2, funny because it wasn't and depressing because people would be happier to see a game fail than succeed

>IGA was probably the only person at Konami actually trying to pitch new Castlevania games.

yes, he was. His 3D game with Alucard was going nowhere, so Konami opened themselves up to other pitches. The Spanish guys got the contract and Iga's game was cancelled. Iga then pouted and didn't think it proper to pitch handheld games after that. But honestly he probably could have and should have at least tried.

>MFW see the Cartographer achievement pop during the Dominique fight

Was relieved I wouldn't be stressing over that 0.1% of the map like a lot of folks. Now to complete my item list.

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Do not concern yourself with the desires of the miserable and unfortunate souls in this place, lest you become one of them

Wasn't Konami also slashing his production budget more and more with every successive game?

Kikestarter power rankings:
1. Hat in Time
2. Shovel Knight
3. Hollow Knight
4. Bloodstained
5. MN9

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Cuz they weren't selling.

I still want Harmony of Despair on the PC.

It'll be a while until we see sales figures, but it is looking like Bloodstained is very financially successful, possibly near shovel knight tier. Certainly more than a Turd In Bed.

Hat in Time ended up being a very different game than they initially promised.

Shovel Knight is practically THE Kickstarter success story, to the point where other game project beg the character to appear for the status boost. None other can compare.

hat in time only sold well because it appeals to pedos and children

I think 6 at this point in time if you overlook the game crashing ever few hours and breaking is a fair score. Actually thinking about it maybe 5 is much more fair, I hope that Zangetsu plays well though.

That makes sense, but it really could've been designed better. It's just a boring, old ice cave.

We might be looking at something like 1 million sales in a week or two user. That's big time.

yeah, the reddit portraits and giant cats are already bad enough but i almost lost it when i saw Iga sucking Sean Velasco's dick by introducing the shovel knight enemy everywheere

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>reddit cats
>reddit nu-male portraits
>shovel knight

where does it end?

I'll give you that one.

Bloodstained had IGA as an established name. Shovel Knight was made by no-names who broke off from WayForward. SK's success is still far greater for the people involved.

Bloodstained is the top of my list personally but it very much speaks to exactly what I wanted out of this kind of thing so I'm biased.

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>overall disappointment
>it's good so i'll pretend it's bad! look how contrarian i am!
what a fag

that's a photoshop right?

>same developer studios
No it wasn't. Inti Creates just did the 2D game.


It's literally in a few hallways in a single area and he makes a perfect replacement for the Axe Armor from previous games. I know SK cameos have become almost a trope in KS titles but this one was done really well.

At least that one you have to actually go on and look for it. I really don't mind the SK enemy though, and find funny that some people paid to get either their portraits or pets destroyed by Miriam.

What's the hardest boss in Bloodstained you can repeatedly fight?

Inti was fired from the main game and they were allowed to do the small 2D game as a kind of consolation prize.


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I don't understand why they don't just make an upgraded port of Harmon of Despair. Multiplayer Castlevania would print money

>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained
false premise

>Reddit cats

What does this even mean? I liked the different cat variations, personally. I only had a small issue with the dog heads since they were just dog heads and otherwise weren't changed. Came off as a lot sillier to me.


I get this complaint. It didn't bother me a ton but I was pleased that I was on PC and could mod it out:

>Shovel Knight


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8 bit dracula

what in the fuck is this potato language?

Nope, there's cheat codes you can enter when starting a new game. Some give you items.

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>tranny in time

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My 8-bit fireballs kill him before he begins flying :(

seems like turkish

turkish is arab written using the latin alphabet

>Finish the game after farming at least one of every other soul
>Watching credits
>During the backer credits, a dedication to Kamikaze passes across the screen

I was both touched and felt guilty for killing that guy's dead cat.

anuuu cheki breki i v kurwo!

>potato language
no, that's onion language (polish)
and don't think i wrote sóy, i mean onions

>to humiliate that hack IGA in front of the entire world and to show the public what a true Castlevania is.

like hell they'd make a good vania game without iga to begin with


>buy a physical copy
that was pretty fast uh
>begin game
>needs a 7gb update from the store



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>switch version
why do you inflict that upon yourself?

his point still stands.

I think in terms of when you can first encounter them, this is correct. Carpenter is kind of close but I think (not sure) you reach him after you get Invert which nullifies everything he does sans summoning demons.

Really? Bloodstained gameplay is miles ahead of this janky try.

I honestly thought Iga would come back to Konami but after Bloodstained I think he won't.

What did Konami do piss off most of their most prestiged developers anyway? Iga, Kojimbo, Kamiya, Peter Molyneux. Honestly, there must be some terrible stuff happening inside those buildings.

they're already working on a 4-coop castlevania game

imho konami is the good guy here and will outlive both Iga and Kojima:

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>What did Konami do piss off most of their most prestiged developers anyway? Iga, Kojimbo, Kamiya, Peter Molyneux. Honestly, there must be some terrible stuff happening inside those buildings.

Konami jsut decided that AAA games weren't worth it so they tried to shut down that division. Gambling and mobile games only after that.

Japs don't fire people so they try to piss people off so they quit. That caused a lot of friction. Imagine trying to force an entire division to quit.

>already working on further ruining Castlevania
One ticket out of this ride, please.

These are okay games but awful Castlevanias, especially the first. If you removed the title, I'd never guess this was supposed to be part of the CV franchise.

The later games leaned into the lore more but never did it well and the combat was always so boring and hit-spongey.

That said, I actually liked almost every redesign they did and wouldn't hate to see them show up in some form in a future game. Gabriel/Dracula, Trevor/Alucard and Simon all looked great.

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But Bloodstained is universally liked.

Graphics look good, but gameplay looks super shallow and button mashy.

>mobile game
Sounds like a cashgrab, so I don't have high hopes for it. I hope they at least make some new remixes for the game.

Very based. Look at all those dislikes, so many Kojimdrones.

Yeah, at this point I'm just hoping for a CV Collection 2 focusing on Metroidvanias and then I'm kind of just looking toward IGA and his team for my CV fix moving forward.

Hype as fuck for Zangetsu whenever he arrives.

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Its the Xbox One version. Bought it from a Flash Sale with a discount cuppon for 25 euros.

>Alfred on nightmare
What do I do? Fuck that pure, unfiltered, cheating bullshit move where he freezes the floor damn near instantly.

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Do some googling and you will be a happy lad


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That game was a piece of shit. Soma was unbalanced and it remained so till the end of the game's life

>No Risk of Rain

Also there's more than plenty of games that used Kikestarter, the website is like 11 years old.

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Get close with the spear got to go fast technique. He literally has no cqc attack
I just want Soma game to be big again

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is the switch version fixed yet? i want to give this game a shot.

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Has anyone used it? Are they animated at all or just pop out of your back and go back in?

I'm debating on using them cause the rainbow thing kinda fits Miriam's aesthetic but also it looks pretty fucking cool.

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And it probably won't ever be worth a shot due to problems between the switch, in real 4 and the incompetents in charge of the port
Just get it on PC

>What the fuck is Konami waiting for? This is the moment to strike, when the steel is hot
They´re plagged by an all out incompetent president and a board of retards.
They fired Kojima and are focusing on... cell phone games. The next fiscal year they´ll bankrupt and be bought by CAPCOM or SEGA.

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Why are you seeding Branded Azel twice?

I just summon spammed doggos and shat lightning bolts at him, between that and my dullaheads I was able to play keep away

>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained

because it helps noone to be reductive

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Games are only a fraction of what they do. They'll never go bankrupt. Just like how Sony makes 50% of their revenue from life insurance.

Unlikely, fgo made another 3 billion this year off shitty sprites and some bad arts of tits.

Nah, as far as I know their current strategy is financially working for them so they're not going anywhere. The best we can hope for is that the sell or license out the IPs we want for other devs to do something with.

At the very least they could focus on getting their existing games ported to new platforms, like MGS collection on PC and shit.

I remember hearing somewhere Capcom is supported almost entirely by the owners vineyards and the games division is the least profitable

how does it run on PC? mine isn't really good.

I thought the rainbow thing was pretty cool.

>At the very least they could focus on getting their existing games ported to new platforms, like MGS collection on PC and shit.

SH2-4 not being on Steam is ridiculous. But I suspect there's a lot of Konami execs who don't even know what those games are.


>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained
Is this opposite day?

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>Gambling and mobile games only after that.
And don't forget pic related.

Attached: konami.jpg (640x424, 178K)

You're my friend!


They already did OP. Fucking retard

There is a Castlevania Anniversary collection with lots of older titles and Castlevania Requiem, which is basically everything you want. Cut content + Rondo fo Blood.

Stop being retarded

>idiots on Yea Forums so desperately want another tortanic that they'll delude themselves into believing successful games are failures

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>getting my ass handed to me by Rondo of Blood
Why am I so awful? People say this is the easiest Classicvania too, despite me being able to beat CV1/4 pretty easily.

OP’s been at this since Bloodstained came out and keeps making the same thread over and over again.

That's bullshit, the guy who founded Capcom just happens to own vinyards. Capcom the company has nothing to do with wine

What is "it" my dude? Need to know if it's worth congratulating.

>Silent Hill: Homecoming and Metal Gear Survive are on Steam instead of the actual good games of those franchises

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Are you using your backflip to its full potential?

I honestly think OP just wanted a Bloodstained thread and picked a way to do it that wouldn't trigger mods to consider it a general. Alternatively, he's retarded.

>Capcom is supported almost entirely by the owners vineyards
So Megaman, Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Darkstalkers and god knows who others IPs they own make less profit than some Capcom branded wine we never heard about?

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All boss medals on nightmare using no red or purple shards

Nice b8, that's polish there
Turkish has no grammar similarities to that language and even not that much of borrow words
That's also not turkish

Including IGA? That's pretty badass. Good job.

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It's not Capcom wine. Rather the owners of Capcom own like supermarkets and vineyards, and Capcom is just one of their profit makers, and a tiny one at that.


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Newfag here, suggest me more games like this.

I can't blame Konami if their non-videogame business ventures are more profitable and way less risky.
I think I would do the same

>Newfag here, suggest me more games like this.

On Steam:
>Pharoah Rebirth
>Touhou Luna Nights



How the fuck do you deal with iga's lol fuck you splash on his last phase, just abuse invert invincibility?
I also always get hit by those teleport tracking fireballs like a retard or get in a position to be hit by something after them too, fuck
Literally the only boss I had to ''cheese'' by using pots and even fucking food

Is there any timeframe for DLC?

I think it was probably the same deal with Inafune and Mega Man. I wish that hack was still with Capcom

Finally finished this quest last night while switching the dub to Japanese since I beat the game and will play NG+ in Japanese just to see how it feels.

>Miriam says "Yatta!" when crafting and prepping meals
>Says "oishii" when eating new meals

Fuck, my heart. Also, Bloodbringer sounds worlds better in Japanese. I dunno why they went so over the top with "DIIIIIIIIIIIE" when the Japanese dub just says "Shine!"

Using his method I have no fucking clue but Directional Shield is a necessity for boss medals and still help a lot with just surviving the fight. Here's a cheese method someone used (still requires knowing the fight a bit):

Old Castlevanias made by Iga.

Be ready to be disappointed otherwise.

I fucking hated this old glutton bitch because thanks to her I never touched the cooking system.
I remember her asking for onigiri, and the recipe said that I needed rice, but I could not find rice anywhere. Call me a brainlet, but the whole cooking/alchemy system seemed too complicated to me.
After killing the evil nun I decided to get 100% completion, so I went back to the galleon. Turns out I could give seeds to some NPC and eventually harvest fucking RICE. The stupid rice was so close to me but I never bothered going back to the galleon. I guess it was my fault, but fuck this stupid demanding hag, I offered you pizza, but you still wanted your rice ball.


I thought the IGA fight was the 8bit nightmare boss. Is this DLC content?


Honestly, save this shit till endgame. Most of the material isn't available until at least the Oriental Lab anyway. Get your Alchemic Bounty maxed and use that to craft multiples of anything she asks for so you're boosting your own stats at the same time, then you can break down the extras to recoup the ingredients and make more dishes.

PH is Japanese freeware.

Pepper is found in chest after the train area

Underground sorcery lab

Yeah, it's the content of the Iga's Back Pack. It adds Iga as a boss (pumped up Dracula) and you get the SwordWhip as a reward as well as a shard which makes Miriam throw a wineglass to make a Holy Water type effect.

Is there any porn of her?
I thought she was cute.

Attached: hateful bitch.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

reminder that most people here aren't true fans

Both of which suck despite coming from the hardest boss btw

I remember before we updated to the day 1 patch, she had real demonic looking eyes. Also other weird shit, like not being able to go down the well into the waterway

What makes someone a "true fan?"

Now thats bad taste

>Mighty No. 9 on the list at all
There's more than 5 Kickstarter video games total you fucking tard.

Thanks, making a video of it now.

What frustrated me was that throughout the game I collected tons of "ingredients" and once I went back to Johannes I expected Miriam to be able to cook several dishes, but most of the recipes were grayed out. At some point I just gave up I never bothered with it.
Thinking about it, I think it made the game more enjoyable and challenging.

The shard is okay once upgraded.

The whip isn't great.

>he didn't see Konami's E3 conference this year
I'm sorry user, Konami is never ever making a decent video game ever again.

Attached: 1515786960490.jpg (940x711, 33K)

they played even the shit one games

Attached: games should be played twelve hours a day.png (500x359, 199K)

>Putting effort into anything


>What does this even mean?

Anything. Zoomers just put "reddit" in front of anything and expect it to have any meaning whatsoever.

and those are the MVPs

Everyone else is enjoying it. Sorry, Nintendies. Not today.

Kenzo Tsujimoto.
And i don´t think he even PLAY videogames.

Attached: Kenzo Tsujimoto.jpg (699x324, 51K)

>Calls himself a true fan
>Won't even play Vampire Killer, Chronicles or Judgment
What a fucking poser

Attached: 1545099489492.png (534x590, 536K)

If Bloodstained sells over 2 mirrion troops what are the chances for Konami to actually do something with their IP?

Only thing I crafted ASAP were the dessert drinks since they boost MP Regen.

Of note, once you make something you can buy it in the shop (basic incredients have their own tab, meals get added to the "potion" tab) so you can buy one, break it down then duplicate it using Alchemic Bounty if you need a specific incredient, rather than farming for it. Becomes a real non-issue once you can double stack Augment Gold and farm candles.

reddit is a fancy way of saying gay

Other than the upcoming mobile game and a second collection, pretty much none. They have seen the success other companies have reviving old IPs and their only contribution at E3 this year was a fucking TurboGrafx mini.

They pulled out of the industry and they're not coming back.

>browsing TV Tropes
that's pretty gay alright

>or Judgment
Now that's a true, dedicated fan right there.

Attached: 239872-castlevaniajudgement8.jpg (600x844, 106K)

Yeah, I sort of expected that
Too bad companies dont usually rent the rights for their unused IPs to other studios

>konamicucks still trying
can someone post the face of the producer? guy during last E3?

you're getting a gay ass castlevania mobile game and more pachinko
that's it

Konami is taking all of their IPs with them to the grave.

>Ayama Kojima gets steady work from Konami now

Gya ha ha ahha ha. She outplayed Iga.

But Kojima contributed to Bloodstained.

Attached: 443657dc44e4f7af72963f864be26a38_original (1).jpg (700x921, 272K)

She's playing both sides and picking up a steady paycheck from it. She played Iga like a fiddle!

IGA admits he'll go back to Konami if they offer him a new Castlevania to make, though I would hope he passes and focuses on perfecting Bloodstained instead.

I haven't played Bloodstained and don't plan to but almost everyone seems to love it. You just sound like a salty faggot. Castlevania is pretty based though. Hope we get a new one.

>killing Gebel who I assumed was the final boss gave me a game over
Knew something was off with that whore

Attached: B14AEE62CB1041D091BBF72E25F3EC1E.jpg (720x833, 41K)

In an IGAvania, the one you assume is the final boss never is.

did it just add bloodstained or something?

I don't think he'd abandon Bloodstained but may do both if it came up. I don't see it ever happening but he's also said he wants Bloodstained to be a franchise if this one is successful.

I think he, like the rest of us, just mostly wants to see 1999 made.

Attached: tumblr_nr6yy5Vzeu1uvuwofo1_1280.jpg (671x347, 102K)

Except OoE and HoD
I think OoE is the only time Iga ever actually did have the final boss be in the traditional throne room where you always fought Dracula in the classic games

>expecting konami to do something sensible and/or seize a business opportunity

Just remember to read item descriptions for anything obtained during the story.

Man, that fight was the goddamn best. Him walking toward you all imposing and shit, dropping axe kicks and fading in and out of the air. Easily the most badass Drac has ever been in a CV.

Attached: Screenshot_20190703-105325.png (2048x1733, 2.6M)

The two PS2 games also had the final boss in the throne room

What did he mean by this?

Attached: l2tctvezx1631.png (565x636, 849K)


Portrait of Ruin's final boss was also in the throne room

>Outsider Knight
>Is called Blood Grinder Knight in english
I wonder why they changed the name

Iga literally said he would return at Konami if asked for a new Castlevania.
it's probably what will happen.

Outsider = Gajin
Gajin = Western
Western Knight
Some people think Gajin is a negative term.

>overall disappointment

the game is doing amazing, barring review bombs, and is great. You're literally retarded but no one in your life has had the guts to actually tell you.

You spend HoD chasing Maxim and OoE chasing Albus. Both require the usual obscure hoops to be jumped before Dracula shows his face.


meant for

then shut the fuck up if it isn't faster than max rank accel

Axe Outsider's name didn't get changed though, so that seems a bit far-fetched.

I'm not sure about the other games, but Hollow Knight was already in development before they had their kickstarter. They just realized they needed a bit of cash.

>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained
You don't even deserve a (You).

Attached: 1325037903778.jpg (400x573, 47K)

After the double jump hold the left stick in the direction you want to dive kick then hit jump again.

I'm not even the one who posted the gif. Fuck you.

I played only Darkest Dungeon, Bloodstained and Hollow Knight, meaning only these are any good and the rest are doo-doo.

RoR1 was kickstarted? I always thought it was just AVGD user who made it. And then made it out of early access.


Attached: t.png (1280x720, 881K)

Yes, it is. The whole game is essentially one giant JoJo reference.

OoE isn't an igavania, his role was only minor in that one

My name is Aeon. Shall we begin the first trial?

Attached: aeon.jpg (426x600, 66K)

All of the higher value coinage uses that as its icon.

He specifically said he'd go back for 1999 and that they'd have to let him do it IGA style. Which they won't.

despite judgment being shit aeon was so cool I wish we would see him in a normal game fucking around with time as a central mechanic

Miriam confirmed for smash

any higher res versions of these drawings?

That’s a guy?

I recall him saying long ago that he wouldn't do the 1999 war for fear that he would never meet the fans' expectations for it.

Shanoa mod when?

>All the fucking trouble you have to go through to get Blue Rose
>It's fucking Ice element and only like 5 ATK points higher then the bandit blade


Falseflag is the worst kind of OP

Unfortunately no. I asked on the official Reddit but they said there aren't plans currently to release higher res versions but they'd look into it.

It's cool though. And it's special attack is neat.

The Bandit Blade is literally the Alucard Sword. Same hilt design, same teleport slash attack.

that's bizarre, oh well

I'm rocking the Valkyrie Sword for the extra technique. I wish it weren't exclusive to that sword but I like having as many techniques available as possible.

Side question, what's the best Whip in the game? Other than the 8 Bit one you can charge to swap elements, do any have special properties?

They really need to add a FF+Attack technique that whips straight out like classic CV.

I mean, it's a special reward for backers of a certain tier. I kind of get it because otherwise people could just make their own covers with it.

But also, I'm booty blasted because it's fucking beautiful and I want it as my phone wallpaper.

This any better?

Attached: lilbet.png (1400x1842, 3.36M)

How do I use techniques? I keep pressing attack with the rapier, but nothing happens.

>Shadow tracer is upgraded with desserts and sweets

Attached: 1417757212457.gif (380x405, 470K)

you need to master them with specific weapons of that category first.

there's literally a new contra coming out retard
it looks like shit but it does exist
konami is also re-releasing castlevania on all systems starting with the classics and already remastered SotN and RoB on PS4 so how is bringing SotN to other systems that fucking crazy?
Jesus christ does anyone play videogames on this board?

But rapier is on the list of thousand blossoms.

in the case of thousand blossoms, I guess you're not mashing the attack button fast enough.

What is this referencing?

Attached: 1561341541901.png (800x1574, 438K)

Oh shit. Where'd you find that, user?

>overall disappointment
>96% at Steam
someone is salty eh?

Attached: LolElon.png (426x276, 139K)

Zangetsu hauling ass whenever Miriam shows up

Oh hello, Sir. Yes I am also so dissapointed in Bloodstained that is why I am recommending people playing a superior game like Skyrim on the switch or the enhanced version on ps4 or xbone for only $26.50 on Amazon and you can play it for over 10 years like Todd Howard said.

Attached: todd howard it just works.jpg (1280x720, 36K)

Dat manface tho

How do I bully OD?


Thanks, that did the trick.

What the heck does the hair apparent XII green circle do?

high jump, you need Bovine Plume found in the Eastern Lab (pos volcano)

I can never get the damn thing to come out while holding a controller normally. Gotta switch to speed stance.

Attached: tap trainer.jpg (450x300, 40K)

Attached: 871099f72fe33af38b180dfe84f99b643364dd40v2_hq.jpg (576x624, 49K)

there was some option in the settings to reduce input delay or something, maybe that could help you

I found Bloodstained so good do I decided to go back and give a real try to SOTN since I didn't like it way way back then.
I'm really enjoying it right now (though not as much as BS)
Which Castlevania should I play next? Ecclesia looks cool and flashy

I can get it to come out but can't maintain it. They really should widen the window for taps.

Or they can let you just hold the button down after the move activates, like it does for Bunnymorphosis speed kicks.

Ecclesia is pretty good but so is Portrait of Ruin either way you will get that awesome feel from these DS games.

Ecclesia is my favorite Castlevania, it's very fast paced with your MP regenerating at light speed and the rhythm you can get with your alternating glyphs making your DPS higher than any previous Castlevania protagonist. If you can stomach the kinda barebones level design, it's a ton of fun. Absolutely outstanding OST too

He said good, user.

Dud they fix the Switch version yet? I heard it was broke. I want the game but I feel like I need this on a console.

Attached: D387CE14-6313-4341-A582-D59992EF9F73.png (628x581, 446K)

Nice, thanks, I'm doing PoR too

You're the one who wants to eat shit so just do it, don't ask us.

Why isn't there a shard that makes her boobs bigger?

I am a genius Iga hire this man (me)

Keep in mind that if you want to cut down on the tedium with the sidequests in OoE, the only ones that give you things that are particularly helpful are the ones for the chef and the ones for the seemingly lesbian seamstress. Former gives you some really cheap and effective healing items, latter gives you pretty good armor. I think the jewler lady also gives you an endgame-tier crown at the end of her questline, but that's it. The rest just give novelties and stuff that isn't overly useful, although some of them don't require any grinding.

>let's just enlarge and recolor the monsters and call it a new area lmao

As a backer do I have the IGA boss fight already? Do I need to download something? When is it accessible?

Code is in fangamer

It's already on PC and SHOULD be out today for consoles. I would assume Fangamer will send out redemption codes for backers via e-mail.

There are talks about fixing the Switch version, but don't expect it to be out any time soon.

What's the point of reflector ray other than to navigate through obvious forced obstacles?

I just see the code for the main game. Was there an extra tier for this?

Make jumps that double jump cant quite reach before you get high jump / invert

That is the point of it, though you can use it to bypass annoying enemies and do damage

60 and up

I'm playing the glitch-riddled switch version and I love it, not a bad game at all. On PC must be glorious.
>humiliating ANYONE
They can only humiliate themselves with more pachinko.

Attached: 154816507417.jpg (800x450, 42K)

>have to buy loot boxes to get upgraded equipment
>have to buy essences for 2x chances of soul/gold drops
>have to roll for new characters besides the starting Soma and Alucard
>R, SR, and SSR versions of characters with progressively better stats
>stamina meter

HoD2 sounds better already!

Konami couldn't resist boarding the gachashit train too, huh

>for traitors
And Lucifer, whom Goetian demons serve. Though he’s obviously reserved for Chaos-like role

>Given the overall disappointment
I bet you also false flag Hollow Knight threads just to watch the two fling shit at each other.
Stay mad you delusional kike

Attached: file.png (1600x1202, 939K)

>Overall disappointment

Fucking kek, could you plug your ears any harder?

How the fuck do you plagiarize yourself

>Still seething over a decal you can disable

Attached: file.gif (240x173, 150K)


How much HP does Zangetsu 1 have on hard mode? Can anyone with a hard mode save file check? There is basically no info about this stuff online.


Attached: 1444441479315.jpg (1500x1940, 2.93M)

What green circle? The eye detective shard?
Detecting breakable walls.

He got clown’d

Teps oceus

No no no no no. I got the hairstyle XII and a massive green circle appeared around Miriam and I have no idea what it is.

Don't enemies have the same HP on all difficulties? He should have 1000.


Doesn't happen to me. Are you sure you didn't max out Private's eye and making it become an passive bonus you can turn off?

I’m gonna buy the game just because I think it’ll piss this autist off. Is it on Switch or PS4?

You gonna bait there has to be subtlety to it m8

I thought enemies gain an increase in all stats on hard mode, including HP. But I never compared any of the stats so I was not sure.

Thats most likely the case, thank you for your patience.

Ignoring the shiposting but still going to use something from it. Konami are retarded for not chasing the wave and release a collection for Swtich with all the Igavania's. Its not that hard to do it and people would swarm and buy it.

On PC, PS4, Xbone,and Switch. PC version is the best followed by the PS4 and Xbone. Only get the Switch if you have no other option as it's a bungled port.

Easy to miss if you've never used the passive before, so don't mind it.

Why would he come back? I'm pretty sure Konami blacklisted him like what they did to Kojima Productions employees.

Sometimes the green circle just doesn't appear even though the skill is active, so when it does appear correctly it can seem like a completely random effect.

I actually met one of the composer for the soundtrack and what he understood from the office talk, someone with a lower status compared to Kojima who had a grudge against him got promoted and ultimately got him fired while Kojima also bled money with MGS5.
It's only a rumor though.

My bad, I compared a few more entries now and normal enemies do get health increase (as well as more XP), but boss health stays the same.

>trying to do Zangetsu no damage on Nightmare
>that upwards slash has no unique visual or audio cues that you can react to
>fight becomes entire based around him not randomly using that move when you are dodging

Now that is annoying.

Attached: he abhors it.jpg (685x600, 97K)

Thanks m8, will probably pick up the PS4 version.

>started on Hard mode with the code
>been so engrossed with crafting and making everything and getting maxed shards that I just now got to the final area
>level 63

I just can't rush through an Igavania, same thing happened with all the previous ones as I always end up overleveled for the final boss.

Why not play Nightmare, then? Though you still get overpowered shards

You can force Zangetsu to do his chain-jump attack by shooting at him with a gun nonstop.
Evade that attack, get some distance away from him and repeat, he'll either use that chain jump again or his taunt+counter.

Is castlemania anything like trackmania?

>overall disappointment
it did well and there is nothing you can do about it

Attached: 1560059824761.jpg (750x730, 34K)

Is wrestlemania anything like castlemania?

>game is a little janky and sometimes not very pretty
>Yea Forums seems nearly unanimous in their love for it
What gives?
I like it too but this is unlike most threads.

do i buy bloodstained or the DMC trilogy bundle.

Attached: bunnyzen.jpg (560x828, 59K)

SOTN doesnt need an HD version, its perfect

Bloodstained is pretty short if you dont plan on 100%ing it
DMC Trilogy comes with 2 Im assuming, which is garbage.

I want to have fun, no bang my head against the wall. Alfred has bad enough on Hard, I don't even want to think of a forced level 1 fight would be.

yeah, it's 1-3. i've heard 2 is garbage, but the trilogy pack is the only way to get a version of 3 that's not complete trash (the SE version of 3 is really bad, i've been told).

Attached: bunny3.jpg (1920x1200, 545K)

>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained
Are you high?

Attached: bs.jpg (325x328, 55K)

Just don’t swing unless it’s punishing an animation

It is.

Attached: DMC 2 gameplay.webm (666x666, 2.86M)

I mean you could always buy it on PS2

But yes, DMC2 is trash. Take it from me, I enjoy almost every game I play, I have very, very low standards. Just skip DMC2. It’s not even canon.

you have to do something when he dashes at you, and that means praying he doesn't antiair you when you tried to avoid his other swings. It's a game of luck unless actually works


Attached: anne-npc-bloodstained-wiki-guide-300px.jpg (300x169, 11K)

English VA was so bad. Literally different personalities with Johannes and Miriam in different dubs

Attached: Jones FUCKING PISSED.jpg (754x650, 48K)

Can i get a torrent for the castlevania challenge?

Her being taught how to handle shards is definitely going to come into play in the sequel, likely to make her a playable Maria expy.

I want Bloodless to do everything to me

DMC3 is a groundbreaking game worthy of your time, but DMC1 is just kinda passable.
I'm a big sucker for atmosphere and I don't even think the castle in DMC1 was memorable at all.
Bloodstained is great too, I'd say it's a consistent 8.5/10 from start to finish that will last you at least 20 hours if you're invested.
But DMC3 is a 10/10.

Parry also works

Depends on your tastes, user. Do you want constant combos and stylish 3D action gameplay? DMC. Want 2D exploration/crafting and experimenting with different abilities? Bloodstained

2 is fun for a laugh, but only the most braindead brazilians would actually defend it as being worth playing for any other reason.

They did try to steal Igarashi's thunder but all they got were repacks.

I want to know who made that repack, Konami's headquarters must've been completely empty for the past like 3 years

You can do it with Invert too.

Managed to beat Zangetsu no damage on Nightmare. It boilded down to me drinking MP restoration in phase 2 to spam the arrow shard and him not using his uppercut once. Tried using a gun but it didn't work out for me. Probably requires more precise positioning than what I did.

In the end, I would say most of the english actors were fine. Gebel and Alfred were good, Zangetsu was enjoyable because of the inherent silliness of Hayter's voice, and the little girl was annoying in both languages. I'm indifferent about the rest.
Though it did seem like english Miriam felt more emotionless.

I know about the PC fan port, but it was C&D'd before we got the last update

Not even /vr/ likes metroidvanias

M2 made it, they don't have anyone inside to do it.

Can't forget about Alucard as Alucard
What else has Robert Belgrade done, anyway? I know he was Signas in Mega Man X7, but I can't think of any other work he did

Miriam was cute.


I want Miriam to foot my skull!

Ami Koshimizu makes Miriam way more likable. She's the current voice of Mai Shiranui too.

What I don't get is that Iga isn't even the creator of Castlevania. So why is he worshiped as if he is?

Attached: bikiriam.jpg (1424x2000, 1.55M)

Finally took the time to look at the 8-bit coin weapons this a freakin' He-Man reference?

Attached: 20190703160156_1.jpg (1920x1080, 405K)

He isn't. You're a moron.

>overall disappointment with Bloodstained
You couldn't be more wrong.

>be Konami
>be spiteful of all these "traitors" who left after making a name for themselves under the konami banner
>see one of these loose cannons about to release a near copy paste of a game series only available under the Konami brand
>decide to rerelease the most widely available titles under their umbrella and ignore most of the castlekinos people actually haven't played
Missed opportunity for a proper dick move.

I've never seen anyone claim he is the creator of CV, just as a person who kept the franchise alive until Konami killed it.

He's worshiped as a guy who worked on several castlevania games that were all good.
Whatever work he actually did doesn't really matter, he's just the only face the metroidvania side of the franchise has.

He's the co-creator of the Metroidvania style that helped regain interest in the series, and the producer that managed to make good games for the franchise even with Konami's limited budget.



>were all good
Now, let's not get carried away.

>but I can confirm that it's blown all our projections out of the water - 505 Games

Hell yeah.

Probably a cultural thing, but I can't stand hearing the Japanese barber and coachman voices. They just sound like a couple of dimwits. Like not just dumb, but mentally impaired.

Where did you see that?

/vr/ here, fuck you instead

In the Discord someone asked the PR dude about sales and that was the answer.

Fucking awesome.

>overall disappointment with Bloodstained
Bloodstained is damn good but the progression of it is absolute ass, like hell it is one of those "where the fuck am I supposed to go now?" games.

Attached: 1483143357050.jpg (640x427, 57K)

>Given the overall disappointment with Bloodstained
user, I get that you're desperate to think it's shit because it's a kickstarter game, but it's really not that bad.

Attached: tfw you're sick of your chuuni friend's shit.png (968x675, 1.02M)

You fell into his clever plan of rusing you so you would continue to bump the thread off page 10

I think the only big offender is the aegis plate at the twin towers. I only came upon it by chance since I had exhausted every other option, and decided to fill out the map.

He's been the announcer for a handful of Tekken games, but Alucard is pretty much his career highlight.

When you get invert, the first thing you do is check the places you can go up. You will find that the main one is blocked by spikes, so that means you have to check other places. And the tower didn't leave that unexplored blocks up there by mistake.

God bless.

Problem with it is I didn't know that that's where I needed to go. So I went and explored there picked up the Valkyrie Armor, but didn't figure out how to get the chest with the Aegis Plate, assumed I needed some shard from later in the game and left to explore elsewhere. I got stuck for a very long time because of that.

I am well aware, but it's kind of a shot in the dark. The way the circular tower areas filled the map was weird, so it was easy to dismiss them as "oh, I didn't double jump high enough there".

Yeah it’s a metroidvania, dingus

When you’re stuck, check unexplored blocks

What I'm doing wrong? I just defeated the old guy.

Attached: fuck.jpg (1360x768, 342K)

That's what I did, as I mentioned in my other post above. All I'm getting at is that every other major roadblock I could clearly see, but those two corner blocks at the tower were just odd. I wouldn't have had any issue with it if it had been in a separate spot from the circling tower, in a way that it'd leave a clearer vertical line of unexplored tiles.

You can now walk underwater, so you can use reflector ray underwater as well. Get through that small gap in the waterway.

Play Luna Touhou Nights instead

Attached: luna.jpg (460x215, 54K)

You didn't go to the train yet. Talk to the shopkeepr or OD to see if triggers something, then you can go to that big hallway in the middle right.

It wasn't that his Alucard pitch was going nowhere it was that Kojima convinced the higher ups to back MercurySteam's new IP as a new Castlevania instead. Iga's project never even got to start proper development.

So is the train, I will check.

>Kojima convinced the higher ups to back MercurySteam's new IP as a new Castlevania

Why tho. Did she even do art for it?

It’s fucking bizarre that MercurySteam has gotten to make both Castlevania and Metroid.

I beat the game on my first go with the BIGHEAD cheat active. I can not see Miriam without that huge oversized head, and I am forever mad that the doppelganger boss didn't have a big head as well.

>it was Kojima
Bullshit. Konami just added his name for popularity.

Hideo Kojima, not Ayami.

Not Ayami Kojima, they're talking about Hideo Kojima.
His name was heavily used in marketing for LoS.

Why the weird fixation with Buer?

He cute

What is this?

Just fanart, an interpretation of Julius vs Dracula(?) in the demon castle war.

>buer disk armor
>buer chariot
>buer familiar
>summon buer
>fire buer
>giant buer

Attached: 1472175806818.jpg (162x427, 38K)

Not worth it when katana is the superior fighting style. You can spam the katana dash during boss fights and not even get hit

What katanas have the dash?
I had been using the Fish Stick and the Zangetsuto, neither have it.

Giant Buer made me laugh when I first saw it.

This is what is known as "First game for a given library of assets" syndrome

Iga missed on the opportunity on including directional, passive and manipulative buer shards

When's Zangetsu?

Attached: zangetsu.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

4 months.

>did Craftwork no damage on Nightmare in less than 30 seconds by just shooting it with all the ammo I gained from grinding those arrow shards

Attached: dolan1.jpg (308x271, 44K)

>Pillage my shelves as you please...
I feel terrible now.

No way
For real?
Did one of the 505 guys actually say that?

Buer best familiar, you can throw it around, it breathes fire, it even helps you reaching high places by kicking it off.

No, biggest one was the way to navigate water. No other Igavania has had such a necessary soul/skill/whatever be a random drop from a monster instead of being in a hard to miss spot. First one should have been in one of those containers the Shortcut and Silver Knight shards are in with the farmable monster version found underwater later so you can raise it's grade.

>no playable Cirno or clownpiss

no point

>Still whining, O.D. Have you heard enough? I had to listen to this for centuries

Oh yeah, fair point. I just happened to shoot away at those swimming enemies with directional shards, and got the thing, and proceeded on my merry way.

>he don't kill every single new enemy until he gets it's shard to see what it does

So we had a Kid Dracula game. Will get get a Kid Gebal and Miriam game now?

Attached: LilMiriam.jpg (1200x900, 619K)

Some people don't and will just turn around and go elsewhere as the game hasn't hid a necessary movement option in a random enemy. I myself murder everything until I get every single drop table filled in but others won't.

and meant the game hasn't hid a necessary feature in a random enemy before that point.

When do you guys think we'll get Zangetsu on pc?

Konami won't give a shit

Konami doesn't even has any real upcoming games

Raikiri and Mikazuki.

>Konami buys rights to Bloodstained
>Huge announcement incoming
>Bloodstained Pachinko machines

Did you miss the big 3D Contra game that they showed in Nintendo's E3 Direct?

>Make a game

Alfred risked everything to save Miriam so she wouldn't get used for the sacrifice. He then proceeds to tell her nothing in the castle and actually tries to murder her instead of trying to drop hints to just leave him alone and let him do his job of retrieving the book

I hate that the entire plot was so predictable with who was really a good guy and who was really the baddies. Although I give them credit as I expected Johannes to turn on you and they didn't and Solid Snake actually a reason for not trusting you at first.

>Did you miss... Contra...?
Yes I miss Contra very much. Shattered Soldier is my favorite game

Konami isn't a game company anymore and Castlevania es a dead franchise.

That shard Decarabia drops, like circular saw thing, but with Brue. Yuge hitstun.
Backstep augment, increases distance, briefly turns you into Bruer, dealing some damage with hitstun to enemies in front of you
Turns you into Bruer, fast as fuck, can climb walls (if invert shard is obtained), can use flamethrower directional shard.

So water jet is not guarantied after all... I got mine within 2 maybe 3 kills and I had to kill them because they were in my way. Felt like natural way to progress.

You're hanging out on the train when this guy walks up and chain grabs your woman.

What do you do?

Attached: Train Chain.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

This image doesnt really scream "Castlevania" to me

show him a picture of Keifer Sutherland

Why is your Miriam a gay furry nigger?

I love that wolf mask.

Because I couldn't yet get the wings I needed for the beret I wanted.

Supposedly it's scripted to force a drop after 8 kills if you don't have it before then (since KILL THOSE MURDERERS DEAD lady wants 8 of them slaughtered) but I'm sure impatient people didn't kill that many since they are actually uncommon in the area you first find them and you may not have talked to the NPC fin awhile to get the mission.

It actually yells 'Getsu Fūma Den'

Attached: tumblr_mqzpx4b3d91roqda3o1_400[1].gif (400x480, 25K)