any thoughts regarding tales of arise ?
Any thoughts regarding tales of arise ?
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Looks more interesting than the rest of the soulless series
tales of vesperia is better
>still no info on any party members
Skepticism levels rising.
looks like more generic animu sci-fi mixed with medieval jrpg schlock
Tales of A Rise!
Is it going to have actually good gameplay for the first time in series history?
I like the series enough that I'll probably play it before I die. I'm not exactly hyped though.
Looks too much like xenoblade and Zestria
I'll probably buy it.
Vindictive noblewoman featuring her trusted slave: the game?
With Baba gone, and nobody willing to step in, Bandai went down the hallway and picked the director behind the God Eater games. Instead of a real JRPG, he wanted an action adventure game...where everything is a mess and there's nothing noteworthy.
Fuck no it isn't. Tales of Vesperia is down there with the VITA exclusive Tales of games.
It has a lot of action, as far as good, not really. It's up there with other generic anime "RPGs" from Bandai.
character designs look nice, if a little generic. Graphics in the world look good, the combat looks better than anyhtring we've seen from a tales game in god knows how long. I'm bummed at the supposed lack of skits though. I always liked those
it's not even out yet
Vesperiafags already hate it, meaning it looks really promising.
More like Tales of Arse!
Tales of God Eateria featuring Pink Mythra and Gaur Plains from Xenoblade series
what's the deal with versperiafags ?
I'm gonna buy it.
My hopes are that with increased graphical fidelity they won't decrease the amount of landmarks/cities/dungeons.
I also hope that we get more party members this time. Story wise I want more adventure and less damsel in distress plot though the heroine seems to be quite capable though that didn't stop Estelle to be a literal plot device
xbox babies
Vesperia was an Xbox exclusive in America. Due to Microsoft's money, they were able to buy the timed exclusive North American rights to the game on a generational scale. Xbox players were proud to have that one exclusive, despite the game being hot garbage. When it was finally released on PS4, other people had the chance to finally play it. Not only did it predate Xillia 2, but the quality wasn't even remotely similar.
The trailer had party members you retard
I don't know how people can still eat this shit up. Goes to show why the new CoD has insane pre-order numbers.
They're Symphonia/Abyssfags, but zoomers.
popular bad etc etc
>not playing the superior Japanese-exclusive PS3 version with fan translation
The "Definitive Edition" doesn't add anything new over the 10 years old PS3 version but few costumes. The Xbox exclusive was a crippled unfinished game.
still the same shit game but with an annoying loli
It doesn't look like a Tales game. Guess the series isn't for me anymore.
dumb name
cute pits
Patty was actually a pretty good character. I barely even saw her as loli because she acted very reasonable and level-headed. Far from being annoying
Bonus points for being a really fun party member in battle too.
It was a great game that most people loved but now that it's on PC and easy for anyone to just pirate and play it's shitty overrated weeb garbage (just like everything else in the series as Yea Forums will repeatedly tell you)
>stupid name
>shit aesthetic
>generic combat
no thanks
Yeah, Karol is annoying indeed.
she just exists to add needless dialogue after everyone has finished their conversations
Actually Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia are very similar. You would know if you played them but this is Yea Forums. Nobody here plays games.
Tales of Arise has a very different art style so yes many old fags are apprehensive about the new direction.
not a fan of this 3D anime fad
Another misguided attempt to change the Tales series to appeal to the masses. It's just going to be another Zesitira/Berseria with big empty maps, even more mash friendly combat and terrible rpg mechanics.
>Actually Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia are very similar.
You don't say, it's almost as if they were made by the same team, almost like it's the entire point of that post.
best looking tales in 15 years
This always reminds me of how unintelligent the people of Yea Forums are. It's very clear you never even seen a tales game before if you think THIS one looks like it has anything going for it.
Going to get but I want another eternal sonata
the male mc look so fucking lame and edgy I just cannot see myself playing this kusoge game.
>someone hints at change being good
>he must be an uncultured swine who doesn't really know the previous iterations
mc looks like a tard
The girl reminds me of Eruca from Radiant Historia.
Every time, it is always someone who claims that the entire series before this point was trash, and refuses to accept the idea that it might reflect more on them and what they like in games than it does on the objective quality of the series
It was constantly touted as a great RPG but then it turns out it's utter shit in every way except combat (after you've unlocked good skills 50 hours in).
It's very clear you never even seen what THIS one has to offer, but you're overeager to proclaim it a failure already.
Because you lack any critical thinking capabilities of your own, and your brain was just indoctrinated to follow the algorithm of "old good, new bad".
I just want a new game like Vesperia, Abyss or Symphonia. Tales games took a sharp turn for the worse with Tales of Xillia and every game since then has been pretty bad.
The MC looks like shit.
God Eater director? Isn't he doing Code Vein?
Generic or not people just want a good JRPG because 95% of them are utter trash.
Tempest R please
Bamco could make another game that looks like Vesperia.
But they are casting off the old fans and gamble on a new audience. They can do what they want I guess. We will see if it pays off for them.
Just waiting for news on if/how co-op will feature since it's the only reason I play Tales games.
No idea. Tales has needed a good kick in the ass for over a decade, but I have no idea if this is the right move or not.
Featuring Thancred from the FF14 series!
Goddamnit he does look like Thancred
what job do you main, this is now an FFXIV thread
Berseria is still the best unless the new MC is more interesting than Velvet
You mean that Tales with a story that goes to shit 1/3 of the way in and with a battle system that aged like milk?
Played Vesperia in 2009, it was my first Tales but 2009 was 10 fucking years ago.
Based and underrated.
>No Switch to drag the game down
That's a good sign
kill yourself
HAHAAAAAohho now THERES a joke i've never heard before
one day.
Imagine being so mad at a joke you need to dig up the archives.
who's mad? it's HILARIOUS
Fuck off pajeet
tales of arse
Glad we agree.
I've waited almost 15 years for something Legendia related to show up... what's another 15 more? I'm optimistic about the new game mainly because I wasn't too thrilled with Zestiria or Berseria. I hope Arise changes my mind.
what is the meaning of this ?
is any of the Tales games actually good ? or do they all suck ?
most people generally hate the series and might enjoy one or two titles out of the whole bunch.
It means you should ignore soul/soulless shitposters.
its called tales of arise and i never played it
I hope they learn from Vesperia (the undisputedly most popular Tales game) and give the heroine a cute girlfriend.
All of them are good.
I think this might be the most retarded titling of all Tales games.
You brainlets are being awfully vague just to protect yourself from getting blasted in an argument. You know you're wrong which is why you are trying so hard to protect yourself.
This has literally always been the formula, retard. Reveal trailers only show the main hero and heroine. The rest will be shown off within the next few months
Estelle was my singular complaint about Vesperia. Such an awful piece of shit.
You're my singular complaint about this thread and that's saying a lot
Took Tales team long enough to release a game that uses tech from this generation. Both ToZ and ToB look like PS3 tier trash. Applaud the new team for moving away from tired old Fujishima designs. And the voice casting for the two main characters is great. Shionne is sexy.
this still looks ps3 tier
Inomata > Fujishima
Prove me wrong
get your eyes checked. model mesh and poly count, level geometry, lighting etc. tales team may not be pushing UE4 but running at 4K on PC this game will look on par with DQXI
>coo coo
>why do birds fly nigger
thanks for proving my point
Vesperia and Berseria looked fine for the most part. It's mostly the environments that looked like trash and that's probably due to using a shitty engine that can't lod or stream assets. This series isn't exactly AAA tier.
Tales games are dogshit and I don't expect Arise to be any different but it will sell well because "muh graphix"
Vesperia looks great.
Berseria looks like shit.
I miss the days of subtle trolling. Shitposting is just so very lazy..
I've never seen a more divisive fan base than for the Tales series. Guess it's because people like each game on different premises. Some like the autistic combo-stunlock combat, some play for characters/story, some for waifus, some play for the old school games etc. But no one plays these games for the shitty music.