Selling gamer girl bathwater

>selling gamer girl bathwater
what's next?

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you and her are really late

I mean. Japan has used panty vending machines, are we going to pretend this kind of degeneracy is a recent development?

Scout's mom's milk

post the pic

Are those things even still around in Japan?

on fucking patreon?

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The depravity of the beta knows no bounds. No matter how he is mocked by the one he oribts, no matter how ridiculous it seems, and no matter what obscene products she puts out, he will step forward with his wallet open. Betas should be killed enmasse and their funds transferred to more worthy causes.

The gamer girl pee industry could be huge

I don't know what's worse, women getting away with this type of shit or the betas who eat it all up

yes you can get them in vr porn shops and some gacha machines

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Panties have an actual use though, even if you are a degeneratewhat do people even do with panties if not wearing them? Ive only ever seen people in animes using them as masks.

Gamer girl piss? Nah.

DSPee? Now we're talking.

Is it really that bad though? I mean as bad as this is, is this really worse than normalfags eating up whatever the mainstream media churns out?
Between a thot getting a few thousands from selling rebranded tap water or some Jews in hollywood getting billions for making capeshit and pushing for minorities, I don’t see much of a difference

Jerk off into them.

ahhhhhhh yes gamer girl pee or as I like to call it the food of gods

>gamer girl pee
also known as the Ambrosia of the Gods

Don't give him any ideas, he's desperate enough that he'd actually do it.

Is it profitable to buy a gamer girl and harvest bath water and pee from her?

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Women already sell their shrink wrapped shit, look it up.

It’s called being a producer and it works for this girls dad. It’s not easy though. Her job is easy but only because a man is doing all the invisible hard work for her. Like they say pimpin ain’t easy.

>Women already sell their shrink wrapped shit

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Gee I don't know
You gotta think about the living expenses: food, make up, anime wigs, good webcam, streamer equipment, a high quality mic, and the list goes on
Plus I hear some are really loud at night

Based max asking the real questions.