Be loyal fan of the series who has been buying every new mainline game...

>Be loyal fan of the series who has been buying every new mainline game, many of the spin-offs and even the consoles required just to play them
>Suddendly start getting mediocre games with subpar graphics, shitty animations, stagnant gameplay, features that get constantly removed, powercreep, have to pay extra if you want to store pokemon and move them between games
>Forced to eat up shit kiddie-tier plot and trundle along a railroaded path filled with unskippable cutscenes and
>Games increasingly shill the fuck out of the most normie gen to capitalize on the superficial masses who were there only for pokemania and leaves other fan favorites in the dust
>See a bunch of romhacks and fangames you may have wanted to play getting shut down because they fear competition from their own fans
>pray that the series will get better if you keep supporting it blindly by throwing Gamefreak 50+ bucks every year

>Mobile gacha game developed by small studio comes out
>Free for everyone with a phone, so literally everyone
>Excellent graphics and animations
>Does excellent fanservice for every single gen
>Actually replaces the stale gameplay with something new, experimental and exciting
>Has a button to skip cutscenes

How do you pokecucks justify this shit? Last game I finished was BW, I was left behind because didn't get a 3DS for years and by the time I caught up the series was shit and I couldn't even be bothered to pirate them.

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dont act like pokemon was ever good you shit eater

Look at Misty's waist fuuuuucccckkk

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I'd imagine the developer is just tired of making the same shit. Also it is a kids game.

Yes, I'm excited more about a fucking mobile gacha shit than actual mainline RPG. Grats Pokemon. Yes, fuck you, I like it and I want that skinner box in my life. Also



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Anyone who complains about sword and shield and still buys it is a faggot who deserves to be killed.

Pokémon was never that special, I've always enjoyed it casually and I don't care about 90% of the things that make its hardcore fans seethe.

It's funny to me that you think that this mentality doesn't make you a blind fanboy.

Last time I bought a game from this franchise was in gen5.
I never trusted the completely unnecessary jump to 3D and I could smell the bullshit change in dev mentality thanks to that horrible idea of mega evolution.

Piratefag since then and fuck I'm not sure if even that is worthy: playing gen7 still felt like a losing deal even though I didn't pay for it.

>How do you pokecucks justify this shit?
i don't know OP how do you?

Misty is perfect.

I'm not entirely sold on the real time combat, but that's really the only thing
I guess it'd be a disappointment if each trainer is tied to only one pokemon. it'd be better if they were tied to a single type, and you collected trainers and pokemon separately. but we still don't know how that side of the game will work, so I'll wait to pass judgement

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>people saying misty looks good in this pic
Woah, easy there fake misty lovers

>suddenly start getting mediocre games with subpar graphics, shitty animations, stagnant gameplay,...
>suddenly start getting
>suddenly start

What game? Is it out?

>>Be loyal fan
thats the first mistake



yeah even though I love misty in this pic she's not great, but rosa looks like she needs to be ravaged

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Gardenia and Sabrina when

>Forced to eat up shit kiddie-tier plot and trundle along a railroaded path filled with unskippable cutscenes

You literally do it to yourself. You can choose to not play a game made for actual children instead of wondering why you keep seeing kiddie shit in a kid game.

>Last game I finished was BW
I'd say try out XY, I've been replaying them and they're not all bad. It's kind of like Diamond and Pearl where they really could've used a third version to fix some of their issues, but we never got Z.

>all these mistyfags
she doesnt even look that good in the OP

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Easy, one of the creators of Pokemon is working on it, while Sword and Shield is run by essentially unpaid interns.

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why do trannies love rosa so much?

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>Last game I finished was BW
Did you play BW2? They’re the last really great games before the downward spiral of the 3DS mainline entries.

>misty's hips/shoulder ratio

She reminds them of Steven Universe

The fuck dude, Sword and Shield still has Masuda as producer and Ohmori as director. One was among the founders of Game Freak and the other has been working on the franchise since gen 3.


I dont think you know how corporations work, user.

Bla bla bla.
Let me know when my nigga's in.

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Holy based
probably not cause it wasn't developed by GF

>person doing game planning all throughout gens 3 and 4 wasn't actually working

It's a crying shame.
Which sucks because Wes is my favorite player character in Pokemon. I love his game and his great character development, despite the fact that he doesn't say a fucking word.

I want to breed Rosa consensually

It’s almost as if Pokemon GO pulls in more money than every mainline change combined and they have shifted their marketing focus to mobile games. Every franchise you love will go mobile soon enough.

PokeMMO is the future. Im going back to it with my friend on Friday.

Can we just evaluate the way Masters works conceptually?
>battles are 3v3
>Sync moves or whatever they're called are boosts or attacks that function like Z moves or the Wonder Launcher
>Characters from previous titles appear in this like the PWT
Thing sounds like a Gen 5 spin-off that came 7 years late.

Release date when

August or September. 100% not July since they basically said on their twitter that they'll be posting promos all month.

pokegirl cunny! pokegirl cunny!

>skipping BW2
Goddamn you're missing out

>it's old design misty
>but new design brock
>rosa is there

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Then stop playing. You were a child and they were made for children. Let it go.

Pokémon isn't for adults. It's for kids. Just like it was when you got it all those years ago.

Suddenly? Nigga, the last good Pokemon game was Black 2/White 2.

So either you buy Sword and Shield and encourage Masuda to be a lazy shit, or you spite him by buying obvious gach bait and kill the series that way.

Hopefully the movie has knocked some sense into Pokemon Company to show them that to make money you usually need to make it good.


I'm willing to try a new system kf they take out the RNG from the battles, like FEH did
And the "stamina" bar during battles sound interesting and I think they can make it work

it's old design, but not original design misty. it's yellow design brought back for legpee. don't know why they went with hgss brock over his legpee design though

Link to twitter?

Shit son, have a screen.

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she has a completely blank stare though and that's killing it for me. Other girl looks much cuter because she actually has an expression

You’re not entitled to a good game in the same way Gamefreak is not entitled to your money. Nobody forces you to buy bad games and if you think that’s the case then you might have a legitimate brain problem

When is the release? Honestly can't wait to have my pokewaifu harem at the tip of my dick fingers

That really sucks. I want to see a console game where you can just free roam and catch Pokemon, while co-existing with the world's characters.

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>Misty with Eevee
>Brock with Psyduck
>Ash with a fucking Ditto


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This game is going to murder my dick.

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>fangames keep getting DMCA’d
What if a group that’s making a fangame pitches it to the Pokémon Company?

i'm not playing a gacha you fucking drones
kill yourselves