/4DChess/ general

Games with different mechanics, principally the game I'm launching right now (it's a demake of an upcoming online and online FPS trilogy)
This is a 4D-Chess-a-like, a strategy game when when someone shoots you, you go back in time and have a chance to intercept them before they kill you, swinging the balance of the game (meanwhile, they are doing the same...)
- 2-stick or two on a keyboard, lots of options
I'm just a poor indie farmer trying to get this alpha to get some attention so I can lay the foundation for the online version

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Other urls found in this thread:


Someone tell me what you think of the trailer - made it in blender, if anyone wants a 1-jpg tutorial info graphic, it's so so frickin awesome to use blender to create models and then edit the trailer (honestly easier and more intuitive than any editor i've used)
more screenshots

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>This is a 4D-Chess-a-like, a strategy game when when someone shoots you, you go back in time and have a chance to intercept them before they kill you, swinging the balance of the game (meanwhile, they are doing the same...)
So you deploy a piece, the opponent deploys a piece that destroys your first piece, you deploy a 2nd piece to kill the opponents 1st piece, preventing the death of you 1st piece?
What happens to the 1st piece now that it wont be killed by the opponents piece.
Also this reminds me of Clock Blockers, if Im interpreting your game right.

I am so noob at this. The game is FATE rev:eng
more rando screenshots
there's more than one way to kill someone in this game... sometimes the direct route, sometimes through a time-echo, and other times, rare times, by changing the course of events so they end up in the line of the shot instead of someone else

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Yes! It's just like that.
I saw that Clock Blockers after I had already done the first (completely failed) FPS version of this, then I made some demakes to help me through working full time and trying to get this done
My game is a little different, but the principle mechanics apply
I should reply to that youtube thread and invite people to try
Oh, so this game started out when I was stuck in the jungle, not exactly as you'd imagine, there was a small internet cafe with machines with the sides taken off and kids that were completely owning me at AoE and CoD
the killcam was kind of a new thing and I realized that it was hopeless for me to win, but I still got fun out of trying to kill the last person that killed me, to me, that revenge was most satisfying
That lead me to this over some evolutions
But yes! It's just like that (also "kill the kill cam" was a stupid name for a game!)

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I'll keep posting some screenshots, hope this captures some people's imaginations as I am drowning in this effort to launch a few social medias for this!

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Cool, Im giving it a download now, and bumping the thread
Sadly, Im literally just like those kids you played with in that cafe. Im just a third-world teen with barely any money on me.
If I can, I'll support ya. Im somewhat intrigued by the idea.

That means a lot to me man!
Bumps and follows (fateapps on twitter)
and spread the itch.io link would be fantastic
also posting to game forums
streaming, recording your game
it has a real "woah... dude" moment when you play it
even when I was writing the code
when it finally worked
I was gobsmacked..so i hope others like this as much as me!

It looks pretty interesting. It makes a nice change to see devs openly talking about their games here instead of pretending to be interested buyers.

>4D chess
Is this real? how big should be my brain?

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This game has been a struggle, I started it a long time ago, moved many different places, live went on and I finally decided to cut the scope of it and make it smaller and easier to get it out in "one go"
When I close my eyes tho, I see so much
The original I made so long ago
Very bladerunner like
A foot lands in a puddle in the street, bullet-time the camera pans around the splash (I remember modeling a watersplash in blender and making it in unity) and this was the "cinematic trailer"
but life got in the way
Finally I got around to it, and it was mostly anger at myself for letting it slip behind all other priorities that drove me to getting it to where it is now
This bird is my "motivational poster"
along the way I learned how to tame procrastination (anyone want a write up? lots of disinfo out there) and I learned that motivation is a myth and you cannot wait for it, just sweat and get discipline...

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about 6 1/2 cups should do it!

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oh in the upcoming FPS, the cool way I mark time is the sunsetting, neon lights coming on and rain coming down, so as you rewind, you see the rain in reverse, the wet reflections of the neon-punk, then you see the sky lighten and the sunset reverse
That was the best way to make the sense of time fill the screen - I can't wait for you all to see that

Just played it
It is quite intriguing. Could use some online multiplayer for lonely fucks like myself. Certainly has replayability down.

So when a piece's killer is killed before the shot is fired, the "victim" continues on its pre-determined path? It seems to stop once the recorded controls end.

Check it out on fategame itch io - all platforms, this alpha is free - or support (search fate game on indiegogo) and get the inside line on the online multiplayer
Ideally this 2-stick will be some strat esport (the win conditions can also be how much causality you disturbed, how many events were averted) - and the FPS will be some frenetic team event where it's memory, tactics and reflex

> So when a piece's killer is killed before the shot is fired, the "victim" continues on its pre-determined path? It seems to stop once the recorded controls end.
The victim will continue until they reach their last pre-destined point, then they will be available as a playable unit (no longer dead) when time overtakes that path
So if you have a piece killed in the far reaches, but kill the killer at the last moment, that last piece now can come in from behind and take out the opponent and win the game
There is also an option in the online version to "steal fate" where if you avert a death, that player piece isn't bound to the last point it was moved, but the last point it was shot or made a shot
This means you can either shoot up blind alleys, in the hopes of killing the "future ghosts" of the other player (ghost kills)
or you can move without shooting, and if you get shot, but resurrected you can recover the entire timeline to be replayed
This is an OP mechanic as it pushes people to make sacrificial plays
you get to see how people have moved around the map, you take a risk to kill the opponent assassin before the kill
but if you do
you now are sent back to the start, the other player has to watch you have free reign
his pieces flash quicker until they become "operational" and he can make moves to counter your assault, so in those moments it's pure panic as they see you take out some of their kills, and they hope they have one piece still operational to try and counter what you just did
I didn't include that "steal fate" mechanic as it was already a lot for people to get into their heads
If you shoot tho, you limit the "rewind" of fate to your last action that wasn't moving

*checks stats* you're the first person to actually download and play this game (except some accounts testing links)
*wipes away tear*
Thanks, I'll keep posting and answering questions here. What forums are the best for discussing new game mechanics and ideas?
When we have a trilogy of this game and thousand + players online I'll remember this moment!

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Ahh I see. Really a novel idea. Hard to test things out just by my lonesome.
There's great potential in this idea devanon. Potential enough for me to donate. I aint got the dough for indiegogo, so take my paypal donation. Hope it helps

As for forums or internet marketing, I have no idea. Maybe ask around the indie game dev threads? Reddit? Honestly I aint got a clue.

I'm going to get out some old drives and find some of the renders I did of the rain... seriously getting people to notice this has made me all nostalgic for the entire process...
OH, it also can CONQUEST mode, which uses random configurations of line-of-sight blocks, and the longer you hold them the more points you get, but you can delete people's points by killing them back in time, so it's balancing spatial and temporal domination on the map
This game mode can be good for keeping score when playing with people not as dexterous or able to compete on a pure shooting level

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Dude stop fucking pretending there's more than 3 people in this thread, nobody here talks like that.

*tries to hold it together*
ok, I've not used paypal, I have logged in to it tho
I can't see what my paypal address is
Oh you mean using itch io to paypal? Oh yeah I forgot that works too (this is my internal monologue so I remember what a clueless idiot I was)

Oh man, thanks, I see it in itch io, that's awesome
I hope you'll be on a list somewhere I want to send you the beta and online versions, I'll create a thread here when they are available
You're literally the first person to support this
Now if paypal freezes my account i'll get some headlines and end up like notch ;)
You're awesome, thank you

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.. what if... you're me too?

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There's 5 fuckers on this thread. So thats me, the dev, your sour ass and 2 extra anons.

Yea Forums's a pretty hi or miss marketing spot for indie games. Sometimes it hits, but more often than not it misses. Just like this. Shame really, I like the idea of Clock Blockers: the game.

Also the dev doesnt seem to be a Yea Forums native, or at least someone that hasnt absorbed what "culture" there is in this godforsaken site. Someone who does *action* clearly does not know that most anons dislike that.

Dont let the upper part of my comment dishearten you devanon. Hopefully you get more traction in other sites than here on Yea Forums. I dont post on other sites so I cant help you on spreading the news. Maybe you can try your luck on Reddit? They're certainly a lot nicer than this shithole.

> the dev doesnt seem to be a Yea Forums native
I'm a bit of a /pol/tard at times, the only reason I haven't been on Yea Forums that much is because real life has been an absolute sonnufabitch the last years and work has completely subsumed my spirit
> Dont let the upper part of my comment dishearten you devanon
Not at all! I'd consider this a success - 5 minutes after announcing my game on here someone supported me - I am legit stunned and going to post more on forums to open up some conversations, and maybe post some older WIP stuff and email some sites
I've been whoring my accounts on twitter for a week and nothing, but I realize my writing isn't as succinct and to the point as it could be
> Hopefully you get more traction in other sites than here on Yea Forums.
if I do that'll only get better, I actually like that at this off-hour time I got some enthusiastic people! I'll submit some more updates here
> Maybe you can try your luck on Reddit? They're certainly a lot nicer than this shithole.
I've posted to some reddits, OH-YEAH is my un, I'll try to post more now, if you see a post give it an upboat yeah? as you can see I am oldfagaf on reddit so no doubt there eh?
Thanks for this advice, forums, including here, do seem to be better than using twitter at first, the w:r ratio is higher, I appreciate it!

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What do you think of FATE : accompli as a title for one of the FPS versions?
something that's a foregone conclusion, already happened, etc...
I'll try it

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