Are they the bad guy Yea Forums?

What do you have to say for yourself now, incels.

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Other urls found in this thread:

has EA tried not acting like a bunch of bad guys?

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wah wah mister billion dollar company is sad wah

*kills franchise*
*puts out cheap sob story*
*kills another franchise*

EA = Evil Abomination

This is more true than you will ever know

EA is one of the most cancerous companies. Good to see they are self-aware.

sadly legions of burgers have been brainwashed to put the interests of corporate overlords above their own. So you'll have mouthbreathing retards on Yea Forums literally defending these companies while they simultaneously get fucked in the ass by said companies.

They have a habit of ruining good series like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Dead Space and declining to make Kotor 3 when Bioware wanted to. Everything they do is a blunder.

I'd take the money personally, there's no real downside to it as long as they just fund and let you do your shit.

I wish this is true and their good employees just leave.
EA needs to fuck off

feminist literally are bad people

be EA
buy out popular dev studios just so you can milk their fanbase to death having them release completely fucking crap games, and then shut them down
win the Golden Poo Award multiple times
get so bootyblasted at Gaben that you launch Origin, proving Tim Sweeney is a fucking retarded chink fuck since he's doing nothing new with EBIG CAMES
your games are all microtransaction-laced gacha sportsball shit or tranny-infested garbage bioware churns out
actively sabotage your developer studios for god knows what reason so you can shut them down (WHY DOES BIOWARE GET A PASS), probably because you're a shitty evil company
EA executive: "Why do they hate us so?"

They should make a theme park with the companies they killed. Sort of a grave yard people could visit.

Literal paypigs.

They have $4 billion in cash and don't do shit other than making shitty sports games and battlefield. When they do fund something different, they don't even provide oversight and shit like Anthem is made.

Is it really that hard to write a check for $30 million for a new dead space or for some new IP?

>EA out of all companies are playing the victim
Just when I thought they couldn't get any more cynical.

They killed Dead Space, among many others

They're the bad guys

>Is it really that hard to write a check for $30 million for a new dead space or for some new IP?
If you aren't aware, you should look into what happened with Dead Space and how EA ran that and visceral games totally into the ground. Because being a huge success is just never enough.

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>buy out popular dev studios
People keep saying this, but they buy because the devs are one of two things:
-Sellouts, who are the real people to blame
-Companies that cant sustain themselves. If this is the case the company already deserve to be dead because their workflow just doesnt work.

>the BF2 and Battlefield V fiasco
>the ''suprise mechanics'' fiasco
>now this
man EA's PR department is really on a roll this year

bring ME3 and Sims 4 to Steam or Gog and cut the games as service/microtransaction bullshit in your future games and maybe my perception of you will change

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The sad part is I remember back in the late 2000s there was a brief moment of time where all the hatred was focused on Activision, and EA genuinely looked like they were improving their ways because they were actually backing cool new games like Dead Space and Mirror's Edge. That faded away pretty quickly though, because they just can't help themselves and their true colors always shine through.

what is hostile takeover

killed Dungeon Keeper

they can go fuck themselves

there's nothing redeeming about offering deal to shitty indie devs

>act like shit
>be surprised when people call you out for it

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i was always a bad guy op
but i don't pretended to be a good guy at the first place

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>Kills Sims/c&c/mirrors edge/battlefront/need for speed/dungeon keeper/dead space/timesplitters
>Are we the bad guys

Yes. NFL money is the only thing keeping this shit company afloat.

I bet EA bough all those shares from indie developers!!!

To be fair, I think people have EA pegged the wrong way.
I believe they do actually have an interest in making decent games. For instance I think Star Wars is gonna be good.
I think they also know how to jew the normie audience, and all the power to them. Normies eat that shit up, it's free money.
It's when they jew the gamer audience that people get mad at them.

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Do you even know what that means?

>For instance I think Star Wars is gonna be good.
How could you possibly think this?

>For instance I think Star Wars is gonna be good.
Did we watch the same gameplay footage? Holy shit it looks bad.

He is dilating

I don't have to say anything, they have killed more dev studios than any other company.

>For instance I think Star Wars is gonna be good.
lel, compare battlefront 2 to battlefront 2

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Fuck off ea intern. That nuwars game will be a dogshit uncharted clone and you know it.

There are underage posters (and thats a good thing!)

There was this video by a former EA employee, where he was talking about how they see their customers basically as retards to be milked.
Fuck, does anyone happen to remember what it was called?

I know what the replies to the OP are going to be like
And I already know what the replies to this post will be like
>I will ignore the point of your post and I will just call you an EA

Did they try making a good game?

I think it was the leaked investor conference call.
The marketing director basically called sports game fans walking wallets to be exploited with lootboxes

Video game companies in general have been gaining a ton of customer distrust with anyone who doesn't have a pea brain, even your casual gamers know half of the shit these companies are pulling is a load of shit but when it comes down to it people will bite the bullet every time.

Has any single company does as much damage to gaming as EA?

I mean they're responsible for having destroyed some of the best studios the industry has ever known, have and continue to run countless IP's into the ground, treat their customers like absolute shit, treat their devs like absolute shit, I mean fuck they've been responsible for completely destroying the Australian gaming industry a few times now over the last 20 years with their acquisitions and subsequent closures of companies like Pandemic etc

EA are anti-christ levels of "bad guys".

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Im pretty sure that if EA died, the industry would improve by at least 50%. Literally nothing bad would happen if they died. The whole, ''nothing of value was lost'' meme would be for once 100% true. I hope I live to see EA burn one day, and the theme song for that glorious day will be that ''burn baby burn'' song. You know the one.

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The only thing that looks good in that footage is the graphix, everything else sucks, but the worst of all it look so fucking boring I couldn't believe it.
I still couldn't put my finger on why it looks so boring to this date.

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Between them and Gamefreak, I wonder who will win for Most Tonedeaf Award.

it's so slow

Holy shit.

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>Tonedeaf Award
Normalfags are still on the side of GF so probably EA, but it would be a very very close competition.
I personally hate EA way more than GF tho.

They deserve ever little shit they get. Fuck them. Same with all the other AAA companies. They sold Gamers out. They can all go bankrupt.

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>people tell them constantly why they're hated
>they're struggling to comprehend why they're hated

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or, we don't actually buy anything from them but are happy to have them a US company extract money from foreigners and bottom of the barrel gamers. like how 74% of FIFA sales are from europe, vs 10% in the US

Engine limitation I'm assuming. if the character could walk at the speed of a normal person frostbite would violently shit itself like it has with every game that isn't a shooter

This but unironically.

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*stands up, slightly off kilter from the nights festivities and open bar*
FUCK EA and FUCK suprise mechanics

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hundreds of millions of dead people GOOD
a few million people dead BAD

Oh without a doubt I despise EA these days too. I'm glad the government is finally stepping in to check them over lootboxes. There's no way EA can possibly win.

They're slightly better than Konami, but that isn't saying much.

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>happy to have them a US company extract money
why are you happy about this? its not like any major company pays even a reasonable amount of tax

nobody ever thinks there the bad guy.
I'm sure theres plenty of decent human beings lower in the corporate ladder, but the fact of the matter is that EA is an invester first, customer second kind of company.

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Are you joking? Konami is nowhere near EA.


I'm actually really starting to dislike indie devs, they have been incredibly annoying the past year. They have all started shilling for big corporations in the hopes of freebies or funding.
>guise tim sweeney loves video games and loves pc gaming and will save us from the evil steam monopoly and the corrupt gog menace
>dudes ea is actually really great, you should support them, they are genuinely nice people


>That time when EA was getting into hot water financially but Apex legends became a huge hit success at just the right time before anything bad could happen

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>That time when EA was getting into hot water financially
>with FIFA and Madden

they paid millions to streamers to shill the fuck out of it

Yes why would gamers ever treat EA as a bad guy..

bioware and dice are next

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I don't think anyone for the original Bioware even works for them anymore

Casey Hudson is one of the few if not the only remaining high profile golden era employee

You're right I should have just said the plummeting stock prices

Ah, yeah, that definitely, their prices did drop quite a bit a little while back.

Anyone paying real money for anything EA deserves all the bad things that happen to them in life.

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Let's put it this way.
They are the bad guys.

Man this game was my childhood and I still love it. I wish there could be a new Timesplitters

"the ending the fan deserve" - Joe Kucan before EA cut C&C4 up into starcraft zone control

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Maybe if they had stuck to sportsball games instead of using their genre monopoly to buy out better creators and kill their IPs, they wouldn't seem so evil.

>like how 74% of FIFA sales are from europe, vs 10% in the US
I wonder who buys all those Madden games

Man, devs should really avoid publishers. Good thing that the Internet(Steam,Gog,Psn/Live) made them kind of avoidable. There are some good publishers though, like Devolver.

So long as the government doesn't step on me, I'm happy

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lol not so fast ea

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Unless they go full Microsoft by stopping fucking with and micromanage their and other companies for corporate checklists which might as well be made by AI that has no idea what gaming is, just good metrics - they are evil guys. Even if you suddenly become a good publisher for Indies - you're still making bad, corporate ridden boring games

They are desperately trying to save face, even the biggest normalfags hate EA now

And how do u personally benefit from that dumbass ? Your country is the biggest economically but you dont even have free healthcare it’s pathetic

>Make poor games and dumb money making desisions
>A bunch of kids with no grap on reality now think you're Hitler
Don't think EA should feel too bad what a bunch of bored retards who NEED an enemy to scream and act indignant about thinks, to fill that safe bubble's void


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popularity died down massively, apparently it only topped fortnite on players and viewers for 2 weeks tops, then slunk back down again and hasn't recovered

you know, the same thing that happens every time a company like EA squirts out some copycat piece of shit to try and jump on a popular bandwagon, but doesn't actually put the effort into maintaining the popularity

Shitting on EA never gets old
They make Ubisoft look like good guys

Yeah congrats, our economy is not only fucked due to corporate consolidation, but also has no interest in the US consumer.

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*sabotages your franchise*

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EA almost lost the rights to FIFA/MADDEN because they couldn't afford to bid for both.

Could you imagine a world were EA lost sports rights 10 years ago? World peace, cities of gold on mars, her turn. All thats going on in the alternate time line right now.

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Trying not to be evil guys then would be wonderful

EA is still at least pretending to try, while Konami butchered all of their IPs and stuffed their descerated remains into pachinko machines.

I'll never forgive EA for killing good Star Wars games and ruining Pandemic.

May they go bankrupt fast.

ubisoft are shit, but EA is malicious

Under Disney i want them to stay the fuck off of Kotor

>are we the baddies?

Its unbelievable how conceited EA executives are. They don't have any imagination at all and yet they believe they have the authority to tell creators what to do.

>Behind the big blockbusters, EA is still trying to buy karma with money
I guess they realized that awkwardly announcing they were donating money to charity during their video game conference wasn't going to cut it.

Ubisoft at least don't kill other companies
And their yearly AssCreed/Far Cry reskins still take more effort to make than FIFA shit

They're right though. The people that keep buying shit games absolutely ARE retards that deserve to be milked.

this image makes me so mad

Why would GF get a tonedeaf award for giving out the Pokedrones exactly what they want?

exactly, I can ignore ubisoft and whatever they release because I don't care about them, but you HAVE to pay attention to EA because of how many important IPs they bought out are holding hostage and/or raping, then killing

That's right.
You forgot quotation marks around 'people' in your first line by the way.

>free healthcare
I too enjoy waiting 12 hours to see a doctor

he's right, bad guys are cool, jews like him are worse

>EA is still at least pretending to try,
>fifa nhl madden every year
>still selling addons for the sims 4 instead of moving on
In what fucking parallel universe?

you reap what you sow.

Thanks for the laugh

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I'm French, we have "free healthcare" and there's not waiting time unless you live in some part of the country where nobody wants to go anymore.

this picture is 5-6 years old, it needs to be updated

I know right? These American waiting times are terrible. I wish our system could be like when I went to Canada; you can make an appointment less than a week in advance or even just walk in any day and expect to see a doctor within the hour.

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To be fair LucasArts shouldn't be there, that was Disney

>EA is still at least pretending to try
the command and conquer mobile game announcement felt like they were intentionally pissing on my head
it was even worse because there was a small youtube channel I watched that still plays RA2 online matches, and the day after the C&C mobile announcement, he released a shill video for it, and the only way he could have gotten it so soon was if EA paid him to shill it, and I've not watched the channel since out of disgust

People that praise BF 1 and V but didn't play Tittyfall 2 should die in a fire.

how new are you?

And he left for a while

I wonder what magic allowed Monkey Island 3 and 4, Maui Mallard and all those other old Disney games to be re-released digitally. On GOG first, of all things.

>using this outdated image
At least update it with Pandemic and Visceral, fuck.

I'd ask if they have tried merely not acquiring and then running studios into the ground.

>Casey "not an A, B, or C ending" Hudson

I'll never not be mad

oh woe is me, i, little corporation, is so innocent
*kicks you in the nads*

>Are they the bad guy Yea Forums?
Fuck yeah they're the bad guys!
Look at what they did to Dungeon Keeper.

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thats public health care from a nation that actually cares about giving a good service instead of just giving a shitty one aimed at pushing you out of it and paying extra

That only happens if you live in an area with fat old arab and somalian women covered in sheets.


it's funny because the people defending these companies are the ones calling themselves communists

EA are not bad guys, they just make shitty games full of jewish anticonsumer practices.
They are greedy and stupid, but not evil (though the difference is small)

>America nukes, invades and kill millions of people across the planet each year
>But this spesific game company is the REAL bad guys!

I hate /pol/ but even I get turned off when they put a woman at the cover of a WW2 game
They deserve whatever comes to them

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Freedom and free will are illusions, whatever the system someone is going to control you, your only freedom is acknowledging that fact

That might have something to do with Canadian policy not yet being completely corrupted by the profit motive. Some of their social policy is really silly but I think gay parades where people go to fuck each other's asses are a fair alternative to myself and everybody else getting fucked in the ass by big business day in and day out.

>you're a communist if you don't fellate corporations at every opportunity
are you american by any chance?

Look i don't believe in your judaeo christian "good vs bad" nonsense but seriously fuck EA. This corporation is damaging the games industry by killing good developers and exploiting customers so much the fucking government is going to regulate video games.

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EA started being evil at 2004. I would never have believed back then that EA would become one of the shittiest game companies out there, they just keep tumbling down and down, I don't think EA can still be redeemed with their shitty corporate mentality.

This board is for video games. Not discussing world issues you fucking retard

Is this true or did you heard it on Fox news? :^)

>Not discussing world issues you fucking retard
>Looks at catalogue
You sure could have fooled me

Don't act like an ass if you don't want to be called an ass


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I wonder how pissed off some game companies are at EA. If they had some restraint with loot boxes this shit would've never happened and a bunch of devs would still be able to milk players without problem

Shut the fuck up zoomer

Today i will remind them. This is how EA views its target audience. You are retards. Give them your money.

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You shut the fuck up dumb bandwagoner, I bet you didn't even know what Spore is.

>Thinking America is calling the shots
You must be from some 3rd world country

>no literally, not so fast. I'm a fat piece of shit, I can't really run.

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>were not the bad guys
>says the soulless corporate conglomerate

Still gave it a 5/10

You're just saying that because you ascribe bad things to Jewishness and not to the slime and greed therein.
Consider the following: Companies run by people who are not Jews very frequently do the whole secret manipulation of the media and nepotistic hiring philosophy thing and the "Shut it down!" thing that you would almost definitely label as a Jewish tactic, and they've been doing it for over a century.
It's almost as if the problem is that power corrupts and organizations with too much money and too much power will try to use it to fuck you in the ass regardless of how many of them have a six pointed star tattooed across their nipples.
Jews are an insular religious and ethnic group and many of them are in high places doing shady things, but have you ever considered that, whether it's the chicken or the egg, you can't trust people who are in high places in general because they all do the same shit?

You're the one who never heard of Ultima, absolute retard.


its out of 100 my friend

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I think you are reading too much in my joke (and racist) remark.
In Europe jews are traditionally related to usury since medieval ages (mainly because that was one of the few jobs they were allowed to do) There are probably jews in EA, but obviously not the smart kind

It should be legal to hunt libertarians.

I like the lack of fucks this guy gave.
>Whoops, wrong content pack

>not evil
of course not, they just killed several studios and hold all of their ips hostage with zero intentions of ever releasing them again
and hold almost all big sports leagues under contract so nobody can ever really compete with them, not without a lenghty expensive legal battle
which btw is how they took most of those now defunct studios, by throwing them into legal battles, suing them for bullshit reasons and deliberatedly holding on payments for milestones so they have no choice but to either go under or accept the takeover
such good guys

based Steve

The bad guys always say that

maybe if they were cut back on the feminist bullshit, the virtue signaling, and revive dead space i’d give em a chance. the new star wars looks like ass.

Are you breaking the NAP? That is in no way collectively decided, just saying.

EA is one of the few I'd say actually are evil. They aren't your run of the mill greedy or lacking in quality. They're the ones who will purposefully try to fuck with people's lives without any care as long as they get a paycheck from that.
The company is built on "proft at any cost". That sort of mentality doesn't go away no matter how many CEO's pass through it.

Any 00s boomers here who remember EA and Activisons race to the bottom? All those rock band games? Endless spin offs with CoD and BF? DJ hero?

Yeah they soon stopped that when lootboxes came on the scene.

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Why do EA continually try to play the victim card?

Oh yeah, it's super rad, cool.
When are we going to get a share in this deal tho? Or should I act like I give a shit about the rich shareholders getting richer and richer?

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>declining to make Kotor 3
Didnt EA pick up bioware after mass effect already started? What the fuck would be the point of kotor 3 if they were already making a space opera?

Because Jews are always playing the victim card while striking everyone in the back.

>The company is built on "proft at any cost
So they are a prime example of a capitalist society under libertarian laws? I mean, if you want to blame them for acting like that why dont you question the economic and social system you live on?

Of course they are the fucking bad guys, that's like a nazi asking if he's a bad guy when he's wearing black and has a fucking skull in his cap.

>they think we've forgotten they considered having players pay real money for ammo in FPS.

EA is really going all out on the shilling since the lootbox debacle.

The only reason Dragon age and Mass effect were published is because Bioware had already started development on them before the buyout.

EA absolutely fucked up the sequels with executive meddling. This is why all the staff quit Bioware.

>but- but i'm no giving me monee to others people, i can pay me healthcare meeself !
That's what believe most U.S.Tards, so it's hard for them to have free healthcare

>74% of FIFA sales are from europe, vs 10% in the US
>ignores Madden numbers
Absolute fucking mongoloid as expected from a mutt

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different studios


Respawn entertainment is next I presume
>Titanfall 2 was good
>EA timed their big releases in a way to make it tank, and acquired them for cheap
>Their releases under EA so far is battle royale gay nigger simulator with loot boxes and announced Soý Wars title

What the fuck happened in the 80s?

Who says I don't? Trouble is, whoever holds the money holds the power. And it's not you or I that have the money.

You can be a capitalist and not worship corporations you dumb nigger.

>EA's the bad guy

Are they just realizing this? Did not being voted worst company back to back no give them an idea of "Yeah we must be doing something fucking wrong here."

Stagflation, fueled by the two oil crises.


any form of human government GOOD
being the very essence of a human and banding together to stay strongest which is why we have survived this long BAD

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What's gonna stop 10-17 year old boys buying the next Madden, FIFA or NBA?

>wait 12 hours
>pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for basic care
which one is more cucked? you tell me

Unironically the industry would produce much better games without the profit motive salting the tank, overworking the devs, stifling creativity, and frequently pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Think about all those cancelled games you wanted to play. Think about all those exclusive things, proprietary software that cockblocks mods, DRM up the ass, and annual sequels.

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Wasn't it also caused by Reagan's 81 tax cut bill? I forget the details.

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Could be worse, the UKs "free" health care is waiting 1-18 months for a doctor who will then fuck up and poison you because they dont speak english

Dude you're a fucking idiot. EA making billions of dollars globally means nothing for you as an American. In fact, it really means nothing for the 99.9 percent of Americans who aren't shareholders or work for these billion dollar companies. Activision Blizzard saw a record year financially last year. They paid nothing in taxes to this country. In fact, they were giving a massive multi-million dollar refund. Who paid that refund? The American taxpayer did. But I suppose you're an idiot who feels like billion dollar company extracting record monies from those foolish foreigners should be rewarded even more by paying absolutely no taxes in the country they achieved such success and be given even more money to paid for by Americans. That makes so much fucking sense.

Both EA and Konami are fucking suck and shit
Case close

>it will work this time!

I remember thinking Kotick was the devil and yeah, for the time, he was king kike of shekel mountain. But EA has taken that from him without a doubt

>NFL money is the only thing keeping this shit company afloat.
That's only a fraction of what they make off of FIFA.

Eh, without the potential chunks of money at the end of the line most people wont be motivated to work in long projects like AAA games. Not to mention the State would have to be the one providing the funds (and authorizing each game in the first place)
Each system has its ups and down, for leisure hobbies like games capitalism works better.

Not a castlevania fan?

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>deep abyss instead of a soul

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EA doesn't pay taxes. Even more, it's subsidized since forever, so they are ripping burguers too.
Nobody BUT EA actually benefits, specially beacause their working conditions are horrible.

Horny didn't deserve such a ghastly fate. ;__;

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Either he's PR trolling or there's some serious need for self-reflection.

He was shit in DK2 because you just summon him to breech trap rooms then go back to controlling a dark angel death squad

lol they're still salty that they got voted the Worst Company in America twice in a row.

Well, they are. They cancel games, close studios, fucked everything up with Star Wars and Bioware, and still make billions and billions of dollars because they make the only games casuals buy in hordes every year with little to no update, the yearly sports games.
Those yearly sports games enable them to be as shit as they want but still make most money than almost every other major studio at a regular basis.

You realize your tax payer money goes towards EA, despite the fact that EA themselves use tax havens to not only avoid paying taxes but they actually get tax refunds. Activision does it too.
Congrats. You may never buy a EA game and you'll still be giving them money.

what does that have to do with anything?
it has the same title ffs

>You are free to die from poverty and homelessness
God bless.

they get away with killing franchises because no one really cares about hobbies
>"find another one"
but it doesn't change the fact they're literally just one giant cardinal sin pyramid scheme whose work only garners to the top denominator
their employees are slaves and their customers are cattle

Yeah, i remember that era. Activision ruined Guitar Hero (and the whole rhythm games market), Tony Hawk and kept churning CoD after CoD. They suck too

>metal gear
>silent hill
and many more

Third time coming along the way.



Any more reviews by this guy?
>imagine buying games from EA
>buying games in general

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>opening your wallet willingly is slavery

in the same way Epic buying the rights to a game franchise and "buying" the first 100,000 sales is evil, the shit epic is doing is the new EA strategy to reduce and reuse the same shit forever, the difference is EA bought the airline and Epic is just buying all the planes
>seek popular franchise
>acquire it
>exploit it
>exhaust it
>discard it

>Opening your ass willingly is slavery

Wanting equality for all genders makes you a bad person? DOH’KAY!

Maybe doing what a company is supposed to do isn’t necessarily “bad”, but I certainly don’t have to like it. Especially when many of those decisions are clearly stupid and involve an easily pierced veil of lies. I’m not irritated because they’re the bad guy, I’m irritated because they suck at being the bad guy.

>efending these companies are the ones calling themselves communists

I miss mistresses, will we ever see leather and latex in such a beautiful union ever again?

How about I open your ass? Fucking faggot.

>I believe they do actually have an interest in making decent games. For instance I think Star Wars is gonna be good.
Not EA. The devs owned by EA. Electronic Arts as a company can forever rot.

Both of those cases are easy for the publisher, EA, to control. There was a story where EA wanted some studio's racing tech so they pretty much fucked the studio with impossible deadlines, refused to pay them, etc, just so that EA could then buy the studio and get that tech.
What the studio did was transfer the rights to that tech to a new dummy company, just to fuck EA over. I think EA was so pissed off that they went to court for it.


This is exactly why this country has such a massive inequality bordering on a dystopian shit hole. None of our hugely successful businesses pay anything in taxes, and money is extracted from Americans to pay for tax refunds of these billion dollar companies. A handful of people gain from such retardation and this is how you get a place like San Francisco, home to some of the hugest tech companies in the world also being a city filled with shit on the streets, homeless tent cities everywhere and just the look of a third world shit hole. If the richest companies in the history of the world aren't paying a penny in taxes to this country, then it's no surprise our country has seven figures rich stepping over human shit and passing passed out homeless on sidewalks to get to their coffee shop to pay $12 for a latte.

He got blacklisted for those.

I have an assortment of informative yet seething reviewers if you want some different ones.

>playing video games when you should be working on farm or in factory

You are not a very good communist. Off to gulag you go, comrade.

If Americans ban loot boxes, I have no doubts Android Wilson will have an assassin or two sent after him.

The funniest thing about this is the fact that amerimutts protest about incredibly stupid shit in the street ( sjw crap, debilitating dramas and street thug getting killed by cops ) but will never fight in the street to gain social rights or will never unionize because GOMMUNISM BAD :DDD

I'm french and for once in my life I'm proud of it thanks to the gilets jaunes. Please try doing the fucking same.

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>Are we the bad guys?
They are just realising this now?

>unprofitable SJW nonsense would be less common if there was no profit motive

There is only one gender.
Women are objects.

Im really disappointed that there's actual discussion going on and not just 200 posts of

>I forget the details

Your kind always do. Stagflation happened under Carter. That's why he was one of the few one term presidents.

Its the same zionist jew tactics and excuses

>What we do?
>Why Us?
>We are the victim

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Now all EA has to do is pretend that the Germans killed 6 million of their CEOs

Really make me think.

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I'm honestly surprised there haven't been workers going postal in those companies. Imagine you can barely afford rent or you're living out of your car because it's the only way to save money. Then you have a meeting with the CEO who makes more money in a minute than you do in a lifetime.

people in top positions from every facet of institution whether it be government or private company has been fucking over everyone, reason why all the economies are so fucked, imagine how much less problems economies would have if everything wasn't corrupt and greedy. world will have a shitty deep recession to reset the whole economic cycle and start over again while the people who caused it get out scott free. cant bloody wait

>Your kind always do
Nice assumption, buddy.

Reagan happened

They struggle with the perception, user. Not accept it.

You notice how nobody asks the question to how iz-rAil got started up? How could anymore create an entire Country out of nothing right after WW2?

To be able to do something like that you need Millions of people of the same culture/religion to be flooded into to one area within weeks/months, were did they get so many people from to be able to do that?

Its a complete mystery

R.I.P. you were all too beautiful for this world.

Unironically this. When will the world realise this simple truth? Women are soulless beings that exist only to make offspring.

everything they did in the last 10 years was kinda crap

Cool it hot head. This is a shit publisher thread. Also fuck Paradox.

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>business-focused consumer products company who forces children to gamble
yes they are the bad guys, and they have stagnated online multiplayer games into the sluggish FPS shitshow it is now

Where the fuck is Dead Space, asshole?

What is this post even arguing?

t. EA

Woah, woah woah, woah, just because we have been killing beloved studios, behave greedier than the most deviant of merchant, antagonize people constantly, are on the forefront of anti consumer practices, are a soulless mega corporation which lobbies for its cancer all the time, does not make us "bad". Just gigantic assholes who should drink bleach.

But they do? What has EA not done bad from a consumer perspective?


You dont have to white knight for companies on anonymous image boards user.

Yes, yes they are, but so are basically other companies, EA just made hilarious blunders over about two decades or so that added up to utterly and completly eclipse their PR efforts because they shat on so many fans of so many different games and studios, including those of its money cows like The Sims and various SPORTSBALL games, that is not going into horrorstories their codemonkies shared across the years, EA_Spouse or whatever it was called.

Regardless of if you have bad be "Bad at their job" or "morally bad" EA is filled with people of both definition, therefore EA is fulled with "Bad Guys"

Companies are not your friends.

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Did they not watch the South Park episode about them?

>Oh. Well... Fuck em. And fuck you too. I piss in your faces. Now let's part with that old EA saying: Get the fuck out of my building.

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Could have posted dragon age 2 as well.

>supporting gay pride is a silly policy

Consumerist, which awarded the golden poo award, doesn't exist anymore

When people know you as "The Studio Killer" then yes, you're the bad guy EA.

That's why Dragon Age Origins was the last good bioware game.

Do you truly believe it's supporting gay pride? Or is it a calculated attempt to curry the favor of gross animals?

Anyone got the updated image of EA business practices since the beginnig of their existence?

Everything they touch rots, even gold

get woke
go ____

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Stop struggling and just own it, then. Wear a cape, cackle insanely every time you announce your next long-term monetization plan, do a few villain songs. You could be having so much fun instead of trying to lie through your teeth to a crowd that knows you too well.

>Megaman Legends 3 would have gotten made if the fans made it for free

fuck off

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As much as i loathe to admit it, from as far as i gotten ToR apparently ended up as a financial success and recouped the budget in the end after they went F2P instead of Subs.

Not that ToRtanic deserved to succeeded mind you, it is more like when it was ass up after cracking in half a helicopter fleet came and airlifted it to the final destination and it then made bank as a disaster museum rather then as cruiseship.

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This, it would be cool and more natural if EA actually behaved like this guy.

i'm still mad

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Nobody in the history of the universe has ever done something they truly believed to be wrong.

You aren't always the good guy in your own story. But you are NEVER the bad guy. Not really.

>Epic = evil
>EA = evil assholes
It's in the name.

t. CEO of jEwA

It might not be wrong to them. It doesn't mean it's not wrong to everyone else.

>Nobody in the history of the universe has ever done something they truly believed to be wrong.
Based retard.

You aren't alone.

That's literally what he said

Bioware is soon on the chopping block, isn't it?

Recouping a budget isn't the same as a financial success, investors don't want to simply get their money back 5 years later with no interest. It wasn't a money sink by any measure, but it hasn't been the investment they sold it to their shareholders as.

Oh yeah, by the time Dragon Age 4 releases Bioware won't exist anymore

It's very hard to erase a very bad reputation once you have it.
They did shit for decades to garner ill will towards themselves, now they have to deal with the consequences.

Are they only just now realizing that winning the award for being the worst company in america multiple years running isn't a good thing?

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They've got one last shot at DA4 (despite EA cancelling the DA4 project that was started during Anthem's development), but it doesn't look good. EA's apparently going to double-down on long-term monetization in it because they said they wouldn't do that for Respawn's Star Wars game, so even if BioWare manages to sling together a competent game, it's going to be micropayments and time gates out the yinyang.

>they said they wouldn't do that for Respawn's Star Wars game
As if we hadn't heard this before.

People wouldn't devote so much time on making games if they couldn't get money out of them
Not to mention that the profit insentive would just be at some statesman instead of investors. You can't remove it

Yeah, just saying some people oversell how bad the ToR "damage" really was, the situation has since been salvaged and the game is basically in "Profit" mode, with said salvaging supposedly being one of the drives of microtransactions in their other content, including lootboxes

Whether or not it's actually true, it seems like it's the justification they're using for pushing that stuff hard on DA. That, and the fact that Anthem was too broken to even function as a microtransaction platform.

oh I KNOW I've done shady shit in my day I just give a fuck because either I've gotten away with it or I've made a massive plus doing so.

don't give me this "moral evil" bullshit people are just scummy individuals sometimes.

Fuck EA, who says you cannot criticize companies if you are pro the free market?

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they laughed it off when it happened because they thought it was just a vocal minority.

I like EA, they brought Dead Space to gog, drm free. Still waiting for other games on gog from EA

>stifling creativity, and frequently pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Yeah, see how that's working out for Ice Pick Lodge and Pathologic 2. Games great but normalfags don't give a fuck about it, though the shitty marketing by TinyBuild and "journos" complaining about it being the "dark souls of survival games" when the game is suppose to be difficult as fuck and stressful.

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Which countries were nuked each year since WW2?

i hope they go bankrupt. Genuinely. Suprise mechanics my ass

>Hellstar Remina

Pressed sent too early, forgot to say you have good taste user.

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If they actually think making up a different name for it is going to get them past any "lootbox" legislation, they really aren't in a good way.

Could it be because of all the DLC, Season Passes, Microtransactions, Loot boxes, Online Passes and the constant regurgitation of the same three IPs over and over again?

Wait till Mandalore reviews it. Just like Pathologic 1 it'll receive a spike in sales.
I would buy it but I already spent my cash on five copies of Anonymous Agony. Then again I didn't have enough for Pathologic 2 anyways.

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we don't use free healthcare cause we know that we'll end up having to tax the absolute ass out of other citizens you ignoramus

when I read it, I thought that for the first time ever Ito was going to have a story with an explanation and a solid conclusion that isn't existentially depressing, because it was a serialized story instead of a one shot

boy was I wrong, it never even properly explained the cult leader with his oddly long tongue

they type of reviewers don't review shit until the company in question are long out of business.

>"Why are we the bad guys?"
>One of their crowning achievements with the new Star Wars game is that it doesn't have DLC

Yet you still wonder why you will die a virgin

don't forget that free healthcare would just give GIBBE MOAR border hoppers more of a reason to come live here with us for even more free shit.

>metal gear
That was Kojimbo's fault for spending most of his time and resources focusing on making the game engine for Death Stranding

>acknowledging that the only reason we exist on a primal level is to fuck and breed makes you a virgin

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Some of their recent comments have that "want a cookie for not being completely despicable" feel to them, definitely.

Whenever the fuck he releases that. The games such a improvement in pretty much every way to the original. Shit like combat is still pretty simplistic, I find just backing up and blocking to regain stamina quicker and only using the attack that breaks a enemies guard is the best thing to do for it and not ever try to fight more then one enemy but it's still a vast improvement over the originals piece of shit combat. Bachelor fucking when though

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>he believes theres no DLC
no DLC packs but you can pay $10 for some rare loot
no DLC but for only $15 you can sub to some premium missions
no DLC hahaha

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He's said on Twitter he's doing a review of it and it's I think he'll either release it this week or next. There was a few about how he fucked his back up or something so couldn't do shit for a few days.

>I struggle with the perception that we're just a bunch of bad guys

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>Use shitty/manipulative business practices
>"wow why do people hate us :((((((("
Fuck off EA shills

do they unironically exist? who on the noncorporate level would astroturf for them?

Oh, I know they will try to weasel around it but it's just gotten so bad that "We promise not to buttfuck you toooooo hard, maybe" is some great thing in this industry

>Tries to defend lootboxes as "surprise mechanics"
Is everyone who works at EA completely delusional?

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retarded newspeak
egalitarianism is true equality, not your mangled one sex-named variant of cyclical marginalization

If EA returned to times when Burnout 3 Takedown was released it would be one of better publishers by today standards.

Has anyone tried the story mode in that anomaly mod? It adds 3 questlines to the game, the first involving strelok coming back, the 2nd Sin and the 3rd I assume some military thing since it's called operation afterglow or something like that.

fug wrong thread

>Current year
>Still being a libertarian

Hope you're baitin'

EA has long despised the idea of a game you only have to buy once, and their business decisions reflect that attitude. Now they're staring down the barrel of legislative action in multiple countries - they'll say or do anything if they think it'll let them keep selling gameplay-affecting upgrades for cash.

He confirmed he would make a review, he dropped the review he was currently working on the second he heard Pathologic 2 was out and the second he heard game journeys shit on it. Mandalore's not your usual type of reviewer.

Hopefully he releases the review. I'll get the game when I get the chance because it looks fun as fuck honestly.

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fucking top kek

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It happens.

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>getting fucked in the ass by government is bad, but getting fucked in the ass by jewish corporations is good
brainlet take

I'm american myself, nigger. The lengths people will go to in order to defend the "freedoms" of giant corporations to fuck them in the ass with a smile is batshit insane.

After BF2 Disney is breathing down on their necks, while i don't expect them to completely shy away from mtx it will definitely not be something as aggravating as with other EA games

I think Andrew Wilson has said that Disney wasn't annoyed with the Battlefront 2 issues. This is very much EA's problem, not Disney. The Mouse doesn't give a shit.

>Implying feminism is equality
>implying your ideas are wanted in our hobby

Kill yourself cunt. We don't want your trash in our gaming.

A cursory google search tells me FIFA has sold twice the numbers that Madden has. Quit pretending like you fucks aren’t every bit as responsible (if not more) than we are

With all their money and resources it's pretty sad that they just can't figure out how to make good games.

this is literally that "are we the baddies?" screenshot I've seen here. fucking insane.

>I think Andrew Wilson has said that Disney wasn't annoyed with the Battlefront 2 issues.
Nah, it got bad, there were confirmed reports of EA having to explain the situation to one of the honchos at Disney (not Iger himself though), the fact that they removed it shortly after the shitshow got to Disney is proof that Disney wasn't happy with it

you've never worked on a project like this, that much is obvious.

>For instance I think Star Wars is gonna be good.
My dude, I was optimistic when it was Respawn working on it, but every iota of my hype went out the window with that gameplay demo. I have no idea how you think this can turn out well after that.

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>fun as fuck honestly.
We don't use the word fun. It took a bit of getting use to on my part and initially I didn't like how the game treats characters getting infected. I'll offer one peice of advice if you want it I found out from a thread about the game. don't use pocket watches and rings for bartering, sell them. It's worth more far more sold for cash then to use for bartering.

Didn't Disney say Kotor is canon now, though?

The mouse cares about public image (to an extent).
If star wars is abused in that specific way they're going to get a lot of flak

Forgot image.

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oh yeah look at venezuelan and cuban gaming industry, booming

I don't get how some of you equate government tyranny with other free citizens doing what they like and putting out products you aren't a fan of. By all means, explain this.
I'm not even a Libertarian but this is a very reasonable argument. The government has a monopoly on force, and police/military/courts to go after me and kill/imprison me. EA makes bad games that I can just ignore if I want. And I do.

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No, last i checked they were planning to make a kotor series

>it's not a lootbox it's a surprise mechanic
yeah I'm sure he really struggles with it

The lootbox controversy has already surpassed the Star Wars brand. While Battlefront 2 might've been a lynch pin, it's already gone beyond the game itself.
Andrew Wilson having to explain how this works doesn't mean that EA was reprimanded for it. All Wilson had to say was "this makes a lot of fucking money" and Disney will be happy.
They took it out because they saw the shitshow that was about to happen with government looking into it and they had to cover their own asses. EA's ass, not Disney. Do you really think some Disney exec said "for the next game, we don't want DLC or lootboxes in it."
This is just EA trying to recover some sort of positive PR for themselves, despite the fact that we know EA can't help themselves so there will be some sort of DLC or microtransations in it.

Gotcha. To me scavenging for materials and the general bartering aspect just seems fun. Maybe it's just me, then again I enjoyed Anonymous Agony's long two hour fucking "cutscene" and prologue before the game started so I guess I just have weird tastes.

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>not including visceral.

>All Wilson had to say was "this makes a lot of fucking money" and Disney will be happy.
again, there are limits
If all the horrid shit that goes on behind the scenes at disney world (how the staff are treated, etc) was made public you bet your fucking ass disney would be upset. Their whole MO is presenting themselves as a happy and family-friendly company, if the new Star Wars™ game ends up being a training facility for gambling addicts then they're definitely going to care.

heroes live long enough villain etc.

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and by "made public" i mean "on every news outlet for weeks" because of course it's technically "public"

Dj hero was actually decent. It just came around at the wrong time. People were fatigued due to Guitar hero. Activision's problem is that it can't restrain itself when they managed to release a successful IP. They have to run it into the ground. If they've weren't seeking short-term profit those IPs could've been relatively relevant today.

Why you would believe anything WIlson says?

Companies have the power to influence the government. A corrupt government will always chase the money meaning more power to the corporations who are willing to pay, not to the people the government should be looking after.

DJ Hero was good though.

>Am I out of touch?
>No, it's the consumers who are wrong!

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>Cult hit Dead Space games
>EA forces them to change design for 3, ruining it by making it more action oriented and adding microtransactions
>Sets an unrealistic sales goal
>Has them make a Battlefield game which turns out to be one of the better modern ones, released at an inconvenient time in a saturated shooter market.
>More unrealistic sales goals from EA
>Get axed

Fucking tragedy. Devs restrained by shit corporate practices.

I don't believe all the devs are bad guys, in fact I think some of them are pretty based.

EA itself is literally a fucking supervillain. Nobody from that company gets to cry about "waaaaa I'm the bad guy!!1!" while they're still peddling kiddiebucks gambling

>again, there are limits
Disney has their own gacha shit aimed towards kids. They're fully aware of this and they're also taking advantage of it.
>was made public you bet your fucking ass disney would be upset
People already know. No one thinks Disney is the happiest mega-corporation on Earth, everyone knows its a megacorp with too much power. No one actually defends Disney, they'll just defend Disney products.
While they do their best to keep the family friendly image, so does any corporation on earth.

>I believe they do actually have an interest in making decent games.
They canceled the most promising Star Wars project they had because it wasn't a "live service", they give absolute zero shits about product quality, just the business model attached to them.

They're finally right about something.

Epic are the real bad guys, EA is a lesser devil now

Well Pathologic is fucking weird that's for sure. There's plenty of other tips I could give but part of the fun is getting fucked. like theres achievements you get for doing specific things, one you can do on day 2 that isn't really hinted at. All you get is a rep boost and feeling like a nice person. Lara best girl.

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It's worse though EA is already trying to cripple them again, the main demo during E3 didn't even partially show what Respawn is planning they had to post it on a blog to properly present the gameplay.
The reason for that is that EA had to show updates for other games and had to cut the time for Repawns presentation.
I already can see that they will fire major devs and turn Respawn into a skeleton crew that will maintain Apex until the BR trend dies.
Good job Vince you fucking dumbass next time don't side with a publisher that had already fucked you over.
I hope the money was worth it though.

>Disney has their own gacha shit aimed towards kids. They're fully aware of this and they're also taking advantage of it.
What that bean shit? Anyway it's a different beast than the star wars shit.
>People already know. No one thinks Disney is the happiest mega-corporation on Earth, everyone knows its a megacorp with too much power.
yes I was afraid of this pedantic point which is why i posted To upset disney you have to upset the Top-level normalfags, which is pretty hard to do. The thing over battlefront was enough to upset them


Greed is literally one of the purest forms of evil.

Even if you're right, that's really weak and doesn't even answer my question. You've even brought government into it, thus proving my point that only when the government gets involved is there real danger.
Why is EA providing bad services and products similar enough to tyrannical government oppression that some anons here speak about them in the same breath?

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Now this is epic


Disney has enough power to keep themselves off the news if they want. Disney couldn't give a rat's ass towards EA as long as their games aren't low-quality nor can they conflict with Disney's official canon. The lootboxes controversy falls entirely on EA's shoulders.
And why should Disney be upset? They're getting their money's worth. Despite sales projections being below what EA expected, like they usually are, Battlefront 2 still made bank and I'm sure still makes bank, since whales make them more money than 90% of the rest of the user base combined. EA still has exclusive contract for Star Wars games. And I wouldn't be surprised that Disney renews EA's contract after the ten years limit has ended.

>And why should Disney be upset? They're getting their money's worth.
Well I'm glad you seem to be about as smart as EA's execs so we can stop having this conversation

Lyndon B Johnson was right

What good is a government if they stand idle while companies decide the rules?
EA is small fry in the big scope of things but corporations holding more powerful than governments is a serious issue.

>For instance I think Star Wars is gonna be good.
Well, you must not think much then.

Disney can't control people getting worked up into hysteria, no matter how powerful they are. The reason they got mad and stuffed their collective corporate dick down EA's throat over Battlefront was because of the "STAR WARS IS GAMBLING" low-quality jpgs that started circling around Facebook and Twitter and got the soccer moms all riled. They really don't want to fuck up their family friendly image, so it's no surprise that when something threatens that, it gets shut down fast.

As for Disney getting its money's worth, that is likely true, but you also have to consider how much they're missing out on by not farming out the SW license on a by-game basis instead. It's one of the most lucrative media franchises on the planet and EA is dragging its feet with actual releases of substance. I'm certain more than one person over at Disney has had the thought.


Psychopaths need to be removed from society and imprisoned. They just don't get it.

>What good is a government if they stand idle while companies decide the rules?
What rules? What company is stopping you from doing what you want? Do you have an IKEA-brand™ shackle on your ankle chaining you to your bed? An edict that you can only eat Macdonalds and nothing else? Does Wal-Mart tell you when you can go to bed?
I'm legitimately curious. Specifically; what actions can you not perform because of any private company?

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Ad hominem, classic.
Where's your proof that Disney was upset? Just because EA had to explain their actions to Disney? Just because the new Star Wars game seems to avoid any controversies with lootboxes? This is EA's trying to recover some trust by saying "no really, we're good guys"
Disney isn't innocent in this. They don't care for quality anymore than EA does. If they hadn't gotten government attention, Disney might as well have said to push harder on lootboxes.

Good taste but Yulia a qt

Palestine allied with the Nazis. I wonder why we don't see more people complaining that Prussia got handed over to Poland.

some lives are worthless,some people are born without a soul,those are meant to be slaves,this is their only purpose in life.

>by not farming out the SW license on a by-game basis instead
That's not really how Disney seems to roll. Consider all their IP's that they seem to not let anyone touch. Even their superhero stuff through Marvel. Whoever is making that Avengers game is likely in charge of future games as well, at least for the time being. Likely not as long as EA's ten years but I doubt it was just for that one game.

They've always been profit over product/fan base. But, that's capitalism, so you can't really call them the "bad guy" for making money: it's literally the only reason they exist.

Fuck off back to the Stop playing Divinity thread where Marxism is discussed you faggot.

>EVP of rape Jamal Jackson

fuck you I lost my shit

Consider how a small change to Adobe products can potentially fuck entire productions to a grinding halt. Now apply this to any industry that relies heavily on one single company.

Haha, come on guys! E cor-I mean EA isn't so bad.

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>Is it really that hard to write a check for $30 million for a new dead space or for some new IP?
Why would they take that risk when their sports games print money through clueless people buying micro transactions?

A hostile takeover can only be done on a publicly traded company, and the small developer studios EA purchases are not public. Studios willingly sell themselves to EA when they’re either greedy or in dire financial straits.

>that picture
>back when vidya was limited to white male nerds and the occasional high test roastie

If only

based zoomer

>W-we're not bad guys!
Actions speak louder than words.

>Are we the baddies?
Just when you think they've said the stupiest thing ever, they keep talking.

The hostile takeover angle doesn't apply to private companies but if you're in a contract with EA, they hold the power. Just look at Respawn. They only had a publishing deal with EA but that's enough power for them to fuck any changes Titanfall 2 might've had to succeed, specially when the sales competition that week was an EA game with Battlefield. If EA wanted to buy Respawn, the best thing they could've done was make sure the game bombed in sales so that the only alternative was allowing themselves to be bought by EA.

Isn't EA also kill Plant vs Zombie or something?

>What rules? What company is stopping you from doing what you want?
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't MasterCard reject service to people with "wrong" political views?
What happens when all the companies work together and decided to reject people that don't conform? All the platforms that people have become accustomed to will be pulled out from under them, and they'll find that they'll have a hard time living in modern society.

I think I remember it being called something along the line of "Turning Players into Payers". Might be mistaken though.

Yeah, they got their claws into Popcap a while back.

They killed Westwoood. They are blacklisted permanently. There is literally nothing that they could ever do to get me to give them money. I will never play an EA game.

>Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't MasterCard reject service to people with "wrong" political views?
Source? Never heard about this.

its clickbait

facebook and youtube are absolutely considering blocking payments to wrong thinkers.

and thats a good thing!

>We haven't had any major controversies or scandals in a couple of months
>let's hope the list of shit we've done has been memoryholed and we can pretend we're nice again
>release the shills, i want 10 articles before the end of the week

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This was the first result when I googled it.

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Honestly, i'm fucking baffled

EA is fucking bad, but we've reached a point were its not fucking wrong to say it has reached an exaggerated point.

Many other companies do the same shit, or worse, than them but when Ubisoft or Sony or Microsoft or whatever takes a huge dump on the consumers nobody reacts with the cataclysmic rage that they do with EA. So yeah, its fucking unfair, its unfair that only EA gets shat on, many other companies should be shat on as well

of course, don't stop shitting on EA, they still deserve it

Gee i fail to wonder why they consider them the bad guys at tall.

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>EA cries as they shut down another studio and puts innocent devs out of work and giving them no warning

>The villain tries to justify their actions

Motherfucker I'm all for second chances, but these guys have fucked over consumers and game developers alike for years. Their as evil as a company could possibly be. You ARE the bad guys.

God damn, I'm actually mad.


jokes aside, its actually problem. Contrary to what people believe, a lot of people are in jail for small crimes that they absolutely regret. its fair that a dumb kid who had a car accident and kills a grandma goes to jail, but its extremely fucking unfair that he is labelled a criminal and a murderer and have no future for the rest of his life because of his mistake, which probably traumatized him.

>EVP of rape Jamal Jackson

I love it

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That and you add in all the people serving time for possession of weed. Personally I find the drug a waste of time and money, but lets not pretend it's worth anything more than a fine for possessing a couple of joints.

That's indefensible and despicable, but hardly
>rejecting service to people with "wrong" political views
It's one isolated incident that might be resolved in court. Not some systematic denial of services to all who don't vote a certain way like the user I was responding to implied.

I won't speak for that, rather not meddle with the law of other countries
in mine having a small amount of any drug is not a crime because the addict is seen as the victim of the drug traffic crime. True is that if a cop catches a kid with weed of fucking course they are going to take it away and tell him to stay away from it.
Honestly, weed, or any drug, is really fucking bad, don't do it, but I agree nobody should go to jail for consuming (but for selling it)

give it fucking time

Actually I don't care, that shit should be common sense to be labelled as completely unacceptable. It doesn't matter at which scale it happens, that it does is a testament of how fucked up the times we are at.

>tfw Maxis
I feel sad every time I see sims 4

>One isolated incident
It's happened to other people, the title even says "the newest victim" implying there has been others.
>resolved in court
If any of the cases were resolved in courts then the rightwingers would be parading about another victory for "Freedom" or whatever. Haven't really seen any rightwings poping off about won cases yet, personally.
>Not some systematic denial of services to all who don't vote a certain way like the user I was responding to implied
You can't just jump into the water full force without dipping your toe in first. You have to give it time and test the waters before you get people to accept something new as normal.

Just because capitalism is good and communism is bad doesn't mean that large corporations are a good thing.

>my only options are to side with Zionists or Islam, one over the other by default
How do I avoid this hell? I just wish both of them would disappear in a blinding flash of light.

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They're not necessarily bad, they just have a horrible business model.
And so do most AAA publisher companies.

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EA sets the precedent for malicious business practices and actively sabotaging companies they buy out. I would be genuinely surprised if any of the higher ups have even played a game before

I feel your pain, my man
I'm told that because it is way beyond our control and that it supposedly won't affect us ina noticeable way we are supposed to eventually grow up from giving a shit about it, but its so stupidly hard

fuck me, you are right
and people wonder why I'm not afraid to be called a disgusting weeb by defending japanese game companies over western businesses

I will need a spokesperson from Westwood to both announce their return and a new game, then say EA are good guys.
THEN and ONLY THEN will I agree EA does not infact suck dicks.

Want an alternative system to capitalism that would do good games? make one where people are aware that the value of the money itself is driven by what you can buy, this way people would do their best by the buck so they can make their own money more valuable.

Because your understanding of the region is very limited. Right now the zionists and wahabbi sunni are allies against Shia forces (Iran, hezbollah, Yemen) and secular nationalists (rip Ghadaffi, rip Saddam, attempted rip at Assad). And your elites count on your ignorance to keep up our backwards political alliances in the region.

Okay cool, but either way I should probably pick a side because one of these faggots needs to die off faster instead of fucking with my oil.

both are shit in their own way but the pandemic battlefront are more jank than shit

Fuck off retard. Not only are many devs publicly traded and hostilely taken over by EA, but even the ones that aren't were ones that were trusting enough to enter a publishing deal with EA, only for EA to fuck them and their game over as hard as possible to ensure it tanked so that the company would have no choice but to sell themselves off to EA. See: Respawn

They struggle with the perception because profits are down.

No fucking shit.

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P-pilot... are we a dead franchise?

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Fucking killed:
Mass Effect
>Let's cave into feminist bullshit and put incompetent people in charge because lol blue tag on twitter.
Dead Space
>Literally why?
>Lootboxes? Money? Yea, I'll take that bro.
The Sims
>Does your sim sit down to use the toilet?
Amongst many others.

If they want redemption they have a long fucking way to go. Until then, they can get fucked up the ass


Actually fucking DIE. You're apart the problem and why these businesses get out of hand in the first place.