I was thinking of buying Far Cry 4 or Doom (2016) today but haven't made up my mind

I was thinking of buying Far Cry 4 or Doom (2016) today but haven't made up my mind.
What do you think Yea Forums?

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Doom is more open world but far cry has funner gameplay.

Well do you prefer open world games or linear games?

>Far Cry 4
but why

Doom. I have every Far Cry game (except the console exclusive versions) and 4 was my least favorite. The map is awful due to the mountainous terrain making you double back and search for climbing areas. The enemies and story are meh. The stupid hunt animals to craft upgrades mechanic is even worse than in 3. Although the bad guy is pretty cool

OP here. I prefer both.

Doom if you like pure FPS action games
FC4 if you like the Ubisoft open-world formula.

Doom is the better game, to be clear.


I like both really.
I'm just concerned which one would be more fun.

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Well Far cry is your typically ubisoft open world game. do you like them? its more of the same

OP here
>OP here
fuck you

Might as well just wait for DOOM Eternal if you're going to pick DOOM.

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Unpopular opinion: dooms gameplay is not as action packed as far cry but doom is still near the first play through or so. Ultra violence is too hard

>open world
Why would come here and just lie?

Because he's blind.

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? He’s not wrong. Doom has a more open world sense it takes place on mars. Mars being way larger than earth and therefore it’s on a more open world ,

Go FC5 instead

OP here
I've played FC5. It seems more tame than the previous games in my opinion.
So no thanks.

Op here, just bought doom. I think doom is a lil better than far cry lol I just watched some gameplay of both games of the good ole YouTubes!

I would never say that but thanks for trying user.

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mars is smaller than earth.

OP here, yeah finger my asshole baby

>Op here
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.


FC4 is dull as fuck.

>Doom open-world
What? Nu-Doom has nothing of the sort, just lots of shooting, punching, and tearing.

Buy or better pirate Rage 2
Doom 2016 gunplay and violence uniterrupted by mandatory glory kills.
Also, fun abilites

doom is amazing

Doom is short but great game. Farcry 4 is realy long but not realy good game. Farcry 4 is not even half good as Farcry 3. Map is too big and too empty. You will only use mini helicopter because it is too big to walk or drive car. And moust important story is boring. Why do you kill all these people? Just to put ash of your mother on some mountain.

Doom (2016) was dreadfully boring. Don't even bother.

Yea Forums's always lying and dropping contrarian takes
don't listen to the swine above

Doom is pretty boring (probably bc everything is orange and shit) and all guns suck ass, generally feels like an indie kickstarter early access game
FC4 is one of them "easy on your mind" AAA games, you can just pick it up and play as you like

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Haven't played FC4, but I can confirm that Doom is fun for about 1-2 hours at best.

I go with this too.

I bought it in a recent sale and found it extremely underwhelming to a point htat I didnt even finish it.
Its literally just this:
>walk into room
>doors close behind you
>monsters spawn and you have to kill them all to proceed
thats the game.

>the 'I hate doom 2016 and I am going to reply to myself to make the game look bad" gang has shown up

Well. That is still 1-2 hours more fun than Farcry 4.

True. But compared to Farcry 4, moust FPS would win.

OP here (for real this time, I’m not the two shit posters in this thread pretending to be me) good discussions from everybody! I hope you guys keep up the great work and keep the gamer talk going.


Op here, [stop pretending to be me] My awesome ownage is making these haterz jealous of me lmbo (lmbo = laughing my butt off)

Not saying he should get Far Cry 4 instead. He's better off buying Mount and Blade Warband if he wants a good time.

>but it's supposed to be an arcade game like the first doom!!!

First ones had way more variety than this shit.

I think you should kill yourself, Dilbert

I haven't played Doom but I've played FC4 and honestly you'll be doing yourself a favor by not playing it. Get FC3 if you haven't played it and if you have then just get Doom.