FFXIV: Shadowbringers

What went so right?

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post yfw


where's the feo ul impreg art

>a MONTH until real content

Are you max ilvl yet? Is this even max ilvl?

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Nothing I didn't buy it because stormblood was shit and boring so this one is probably also shit and boring

XIV as a whole is boring

10/10 writing, fantastic areas, maintained an atmosphere that made you really believe that The First is a dying world, darker plot than we've ever had before, fantastic villain and hype as fuck final boss fight with a stellar lead in.


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>cleared titania ex
>dont want to kill her 9 more times for my weapon

>awaits the tweet from Square enix about how many millions of copies the expansion sold
>knows it will never come because it sold poorly
>cry a little then dilate

You're missing out on the best content this game's ever gotten.

Do I go into ShB with my boy PLD or do I get funky with GNB? I need opinions here

>No Master Recipe VII
>Only four legendary mats

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How do you unlock Titania EX?

If your PLD is already 70 you'll be able to get into the MSQ faster w

So I'm still confused, if Vaulthry was always the lightwarden of Khlousia why did he seem so normal? he barely resembled even the people being taken care of at the place in ahm araang.

It's probably the worst part of the story for me.

so when are we getting crafted sb primal weapons

no I'm ilvl 443 because some of my ronkan gear gives skill speed so I don't use them.

talk to wandering minstrel in crystarium after you finish msq

You're losing str/int/dex for that.


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He was half and half. The ascians can do that stuff because of the power of creaton they have.

Do you not enjoy playing or something?

Talk to the minstrelling wander once you beat the msq

Paladin is stepping ever closer to being a holy knight from FFT. tt's very fun and Intervene and Confiteor are very fun skills (even if they should both be renamed). I've only messed around with gunbreaker a little bit but they seem to be pretty exciting and explosive as well. Flip a coin. Both get access to the kino tank role quest.

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>enter cutscene wearing dwarf caster hat
>when you speak, a part of the beard moves as if your lips are moving beneath it
I kinda wish the eyes weren't just glowing textures, though. I miss blinking, or having any kind of expression.
>the scene where the exarch knocks out a dwarf with dream powder and he snores with his glowing eyes wide open

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Is this game worth playing? I see people praising it constantly. I tried Guild Wars 2, Tera, Neverwinter, Wow and i think they are all boring grindfests with shitty multiplayer elements.

>9 titania totems
>no katana drop
thanks game

can someone help me with the nin rotation i think there are some holes in what im doing somewhere i tried out the innocence dummy and only got it to 15 percent my ilvl is 1 point below what it's supposed to be for the fight but i don't think that much of an issue also when the hell is the right time to use bunshin?

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so uh, just kill her one more time

Free tiral.

Then don't bother, FFXIV it's the same.
It's just the best MMO on the market right now, but if you don't like MMOs to begin with don't waste time.
If you really want to give it a try there's always the free trial tho.

That´s the reason I´m so torn between then. I wanted a holy knight from FFT for so long, but I´m also a FF8 fanboy that loves gunblades and the gunbreaker is really fun. Already have my GNB at 70 as I was helping a friend catch up before going into the MSQ but I honestly can´t decide

Shit man, that's styling.

I'm already bored

Anybody got Amaurot theme?

it's wow with a ff skin, some aspects are better some are worse, take that as you will

from the first trailer to the final boss this expansion has been kino, how the fuck did they do it lads?

just finished, how is it possible to fit that much kino on 4gb?

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FFXIV is boring but not a grindfest

>kill her first time
>Sword and shield drop
>i'm the Only PLD there

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Don't play GNB, play PLD, GNB is fun but the button mashing gets hectic mid fight.

How much of a dps increase is dance partner at 80?

Eden Raids are coming user, so it's obvious how they managed to fit all that kino into such a small size.


>killed Titania EX
>weapon dropped first run
>thought I looted it
>one person was afk after the kill and didn't roll
>had to do 9 more


that's the tank role quest NPC. No idea what armor set it is.

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It's the best mmo out right now. But if you don't like that format then you probably won't care for this game. You also have to commit yourself to the game's world, characters, story etc. If you just view it all as something you have to get through to participate at endgame it'll just seem miserable because there's a metric ton of the above to go through.

Really, worst thing about FF14 is progression being locked behind the main story. This means you MUST play through all the core stuff in sequence before you can access the latest additions or pay to skip which would be retarded. Then again, you also only need one character so I guess it balances out.

thats from the last set of sb dungeons

All the major projects at SE that have been siphoning xiv's budget have been completed

By sacrificing the entirety of SB.

>If you just view it all as something you have to get through to participate at endgame it'll just seem miserable because there's a metric ton of the above to go through.
sounds familiar

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Pretty hyped for Eden raids.
Since they're together with MSQ now that means that the one who wrote ShB story also wrote Eden story, right?
Also liked Titania EX/Innocence EX so they're probably going to be fun too

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I think I made a wrong decision by getting NIN to 80 first, my brain is not big enough for this


>Since they're together with MSQ now
Is that so?

that's still small time
>weekly savage as striking melee
>some mnk joined, got impatient and left
>two (2) accessories fell in my Need pocket because no one else can roll on them

5% constant increase on dance partner, 5% party wide increase every 2 mins for 20s (stacks), 20% crit + direct hit every 2 mins for 20s.


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I'm confused on MCH, do I use Rook Autoturret at 100% or just as soon as 50% battery as it always adjusts the timer anyway? What about Wildfire and Hypercharge, do I press Wildfire then Drill followed by Hypercharge and Heat Blast or auto crossbow for it's duration?

How does Soken keep getting better with every expansion? Is this the power of fried chicken?

>managed to avoid these threads for like a week.
>Finally at the last part
>"I am HADES."
>Pee myself a little
>Friend I was doing MSQ with has to go for a week.

What do I do bros? do i wait for him to do it? or do I just do it myself? I have shivers after that last scene.

>Kill Titania
>Mount drops
>Shitter dps that died pretty much at every phase gets it

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Sucks for you user. I got my katana on kill four.

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I think if you go into XIV with the goal of just getting to raiding it will not make you happy.

A lot of passion, the one that every fucking developer lacks

You gotta do it man, no human being could wait a week to fight Hades after that scene. Learn the fight well and help your friend through it when they get back.

same nin is the only melee dps i use but god i can't for the life of me figure out how to properly string things together at 80 i thought i had a decent grasp on it but i guess i was wrong

>planet has a slight earthquake
>One guy thinks the world is ending
>Fear makes him create monsters
>When everyone else sees the monsters they also create monsters until everyone dies

How did this race survive more than a week?

so do you use skill speed or crit katana this expac

How the fuck can you play this shit on PC when the Square Enix customer service is so fucking retarded and shitty, aswell as their online service?
If you have a dynamic IP don't play these games. They lock you out so they can sell some "security token" bullshit.


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Innocence looks so much cooler than titania.

>mfw last area of amaurot

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As someone who plays Xiv and wow, if you want good gameplay please don’t play a mmo. If you just MUST play a mmo (no idea why) WoW’s endgame is better on the basis of M+ and Mythic raids being rather challenging and having more gimmicks in the Simon Sez than XIV.
t. Tried playing Xiv like wow and it was awful

the one with the higher weapon damage dumbass

probably critical just due to the shift to midare spam and higher inherent speed

Bird box?

i think most people are pretty upset that innocence got the accesory's instead of weapons

The token is free. There's a physical version to buy or there's a free app you can download to your phone

What do people think of Dancer then? Strong, weak? Feels strong AoE, weaker on single target. What to meld? Crit/Direct Hit? Been having fun with it? I enjoy it. The healing is a bit disappointing, 60s cd for ~4k tiny aoe is not great.

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Positive thinking. Did you see how incredibly relaxed and detached those Ascians were when you talked to them? They clearly didn't scare easily.

I sure am. Innocence has a rad design and his weapons would look amazing.

They seem to be trying to establish a pattern where the first story primal is weapon and the second is acc. Was the same with susanoo and lakshmi, can't remember HW.

its in the shed along with scholar and dark knight

Level 80 DNC quest was absolute kino, hope the other ones are as good.

HW they both had weapons, but Bismarck's were weaker so he was obsolete the instant he came out

This is true. Gameplay was literally always the weakest part of MMOs, although you could make an argument that was because of technological limitations at the time. Nowadays it's a choice whether you go for action combat or "round-based".

both had weapons but ravanas was better so there was no reason to run bismark

I enjoy XIV, hell even its combat but if you go into Savage/Extremes or even Ultimate it can get really autistic, specially with the whole hardcore raid culture in this game. But If you go into XIV just to grind its kinda like getting a muffin and only eating the paper wrapping.

How did Yoshida get away with this?

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Weak but the partner thing can make people who are not weak feel even better about themselves. People like feeling better about themselves, so even if it's not worth it in the end, they might still want to bring a DNC.

Shadowbringers has elevated FFXIV to another level. I'm laying here still awake at 6:30 in the morning thinking about how fucking good it is, how much I care about the characters and the world. I dont think I've ever felt emotional attachment like this to anything in a video game, and the most incredible part was a week ago I was here in these threads making fun of what a wet fart Stormblood was and genuinely worried about the shitty "filler" arc we were about to embark on in Shadowbringers.

Godfuckingdamn bros. Yoshi, whatever you do, keep Ishikawa in as your main scenario writer from this point forward please, I'm begging you.


I guess they thought the weapons from Mt. Gulg were enough in that vein?


motherfucker, change your screenshot preference to jpg. ain't no one editing these in photoshop.



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to be honest i farmed the daggers for that exact reason

>Try to do Amaurot with the trust system
>Can't pass the 2nd boss DPS check with NIN
NIN bros...

I been asking that since the loli cats.

where are the mods

How does the BLM staff look?

>Tank WoL
This is the ultimate trust team.

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Maybe you should try not being a shitter

To be fair, pure leveling is weak in FF14. And that's with quests. God help you when leveling other jobs and you need Fates. But if you're not even remotely interested in story this is a bad game to play.


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Why would you take a retard that stands in AoEs?

So how many of you forked out cash for a race change?

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It's our time bros.

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What's the definition of an 'active player' on the lodestone? Someone who has been subbed within the past month? Six months? One year?
I check my own FC's page and noticed everyone still was registered as active

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>dark knight
>gunblade man
tanks have all the main character jobs so it's obvious you're supposed to be one.

He's a cute little bug that minion.

Some MMOs have good-ish combat because they screw the “Massive” And instanced it all as instead just ape a good gameplay from other games.
See vindictus which is either fancy lobbies or an instanced game with optional multiplayer.
Basically computers don’t like having a lot of players in one place, see how wow in vanilla lagged and broke with a lot of people, see how it still does the same to the point they gave up on optimizations and just moved players to other instances when too many existed in one place. Same happens with XIV compare a dungeon to a city or a 24 man.
>Inb4 retards screaming about action MMOs being bad

I don't understand what was so spoiler-heavy about the song that they made sure not to use it in anything leading up to the release, but it was still kino.

'Tis good to see you awake, G'raha Tia.

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>tfw my big brain moment of forgetting phase transitions even exist made the fight even better

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>mfw vanilla WoW raids with 56k modem
People have no idea how easy they have it today.

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I thought you always get one from buying the expac

but i can't type a chat message about my morning shit to strangers between my actions. it's too fast. 2.5 second gcd is already too fast. it's BAD it's not SOCIAL it's not MULTIPLAYER

Soken outdid himself with this one. But holy shit why couldn't Stormblood have a moment like this with it's theme?

>Giving this much of a shit about a story who's main villain legitimately does the same pose as the Vizards from bleach.

You niggas are actually edgy retards huh? the story was utter anime trope shit.

The only thing good about this expansion was the music and cinematography.

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>Solus just put the warden inside a baby instead of having the mayor fuck Obscenity and have her give birth to a true hybrid

I was so disappointed

They made me shed a tear for villains who up to this point had been comically evil with no explanation.

>Can't even download game without active sub

Why? I don't want to waste a day on downloading

it's reddit hype culture. i agree with this though
>The only thing good about this expansion was the music and cinematography.

You're meant to socialized during downtime, user. Which presents a problem when games cut out downtime due to it being boring. Shit, FF14 is a blazingly fast game compared to FF11's pace.

>need to level
>have to find a group
>3+ hours later you know each other's life story

Some of it refers to Solus's line about remembering the Ascians.

It's fucking impressive how they managed to make the Ascians of all things compelling.

That was only Heavensward and from only buying the collectors edition

>there are people who fantasia like faggots
>there are people that did so when this expansion hit
>there are people who went through this MSQ looking at a stranger's face instead of the character they've been with for years

Y'all fucked up

How likely is it that the WoL is actually Persephone?

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Do they ever explain why titania looks like alisae?

>get him down to 30%
>Wow this is epic but way to easy
>playtime is over
>JRock turns into epic score

>Can actually enter the threads and talk about stuff
Feels good that I mostly didn't get spoiled for once.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out they hadn't planned the backstory for the Ascians and Ishikawa was the one who came up with this angle.

They'd better not fuck up Elidibus after doing this.

All the dress up glamor faggots don't really care for their characters past how appealing they are as clothes mannequins. Roleplayers do.

>dat feel when stuck on Omega


Why would I switch to a bunny thot when I already have Elezen perfection?

It was worth not coming to the threads

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please respond

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They most likely have been sitting on this bomb for 6 years and only decided to drop it now.
I wonder.. what else they might still have in store. I find it overall very surprising how much stuff gets introduced in optionoal content and used years later in the MSQ

It was really nice spending a few days not looking at Yea Forums, I don't know why I came back

Used my MSQ-given Fantasia liked I had always planned since I started less than a year ago and kept aspects of my old character in the new one. I will always remember my character's first form, but after watching the 2.0 version go through the entire arc of Shadowbringers I don't regret bringing them out.

Don't you remember the end of original 2.0 MSQ where they all meet in some dungeon room and one of them had Lightning's hair and everyone thought they were going to be evil versions of past heroes?

I dont know what the fuck that even is and I dont care, fuck off faggot.


Superior Jap coding, folded 1000 times.

>He thinks that’s bad
Now you remember expansion launches pre sharding and Wotlk dalaran at peak hours.

>running HoH as DNC
>2 DNC, 2 GUN
>place partner position on other DNC
>other DNC puts it on a GUN

Why would you rush gearing when it's a whole month until savage drops?

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Saving on bandwidth, whito piggu.

Fuck, I remember seeing that when I played through it last year, and I thought the other one had Zell's haircut. I was very confused.

Gaius torched all the Solus clone bodies right? I was just thinking if Elidibus would take one over to fuck with us.

What's the Lv80 SAM rotation?

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You can with a trial account

>runs away from Zenos GRORIOUS DOMAN STEER FORDED OVER 1000000 TIMES
>then immediatly plans to do the exact same thing that failed before
he seems like an utter clown after all the business with Emet

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Considering that Ishikawa was behind the Coil story which made Bahamut incredibly sympathetic I wouldn't be surprised if this was all her.

I hate it when other Dancers don't realise standard finish can stack.

how do I get into this

So about the Ascians. Elidibus says he's the only original left, referring to the top three, but what about the others? I crossed out confirmed dead in the pic that I know of, so were the others killed off too?

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Phase 2 literally makes me well up, it's too fucking good

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So how mad was ethys?

play the free trial

He'd better fuckin' not, he doesn't deserve that face.

I wonder what summon form he'd take if we fight him next expansion?

If they live or if they're dead doesn't matter. What matters if that Elidibus dies, the Ascians have no way of replenishing their numbers and they'll eventually be killed off.

It's a coincidence, they just wanted people to theorize that something bad would happen to alisaie.

>make three lead ascians
>Two of them are dead
>The last one jobbed to Zenos
>There's like 11 random ascians left that can never be really threatening like the leads

This seems like a bad decision

But what if I already have an existing account?

FT is kinda shit, though. Mainly because vanilla pales in comparison to subsequent expansions.

Are you serious, the song's spoilery as hell the moment you learn a bit about the Ascians from Emet



is 5 dex better than 124 crit though

I have no idea what to do with MNK. Skill Speed went to shit so Fist of Fire + Riddle makes me feel like I have no GL at all. Meanwhile with PB at 2min and no more Wind Tackle, the opener feels like garbage, especially with 2 ocgd's I've had for 5 years gone. And I don't even know if I should be in Wind for GL4 or Fire.

Someone wasn't asking emet questions betweens quests.
the other lesser asciens are basically fragmented ones, they were found and raised up to their original offices by the ones that escaped the sundering, if a lesser asciens gets iced they can be replaced by another shards version of them.

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DPS role quest sucked, how were the others?

It's obviously setting up for whoever/whatever caused the original calamity.

I dropped the game in SB and came back near the end but haven't bothered with the expansion but I was wondering what do people consider as the best tank overall? I've been mildly curious but haven't really looked into anything.

don't free trial accounts and actual accounts have two different clients?

Bet you five bucks that if Ishikawa stays on with writing the main plot something's gonna happen with the non-original Ascians to make them a legitimate threat, possibly deviating from the original plans for rejoinings.

that too, how so many people are already starting off playing DNC bad is beyond me. contemplating making a macro to shout FINISH IS AN ATTACK at the start of every run

Tank and healer sucked too.

Healer doesn't even heal, which shows how much they hate the job.

So? Login with trial account and download patches for free before resubbing or using your gametime.

I love it because it reminded me of Heavensward.

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Trial to 35 so you can play through the absolute worst part of the game free then pay for where it starts to get decent by buying the complete edition

Then come back in like 12 hours when you realize 2.x MSQ after the level 50 ARR quests is 3 more Titan retard paloozas and everyone tells you to keep pushing and you get to where HW starts and the kino actually rolls in.

theres probably less of the others because only the big 3 can elevate people to the big boy status and we've already killed off a bunch and i doubt they can just effortlessly plonk someone new in the missing seats

It's fine because The Ascians are going to end up being small time compared to the real final boss anyway.

Hey kid, wanna /ss/?

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I don't want to derail the thread, but does anyone have current dps rankings?

>Think lolifillia is kind of cute
>She keeps calling herself useless
>Keeps whinning about Thancred not loving her
>thisgoes on for several quests.
>She kills Minfillia


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He's wrong.
Everyone with an echo is a shattered original, and we're 9/14 Hythlodaeus the Warden who was by far the strongest ever. Furthermore: shattered Ascians can rejoin which means it's possible to bring pack Laha and Emet.

No I got all that, I just mean the others are still around. At this point they're small time but they might still be involved with the plot. Just wondering if we'll ever meet them.

oh damn this is pretty great, can't wait for the shitty khloe-tier nude mod


Take your time
endgame is not the be all and end all
Its about the whole experience

No. They use the same client. The only difference is that trial accounts can't download the expansion areas/bosses (because they can't go there obviously) but they still have to download the 5.0 patch so you can see the new gear, combat changes, races, sounds, etc.

>Not knowing Finish is an attack
Your finishes are your biggest damage dealer, how could anyone be that fucking dense? It's right there in the goddamn description.

Permanently killing Minfilia is the greatest gift.

The system is trash. Just like their pages are awful to navigate.

Pre-release everyone thought it was going to be the best job in the game. Turns out to be the worst.

There actually is an Altima Ascian, they spoke in that one cutscene in 2.1 or so. Kinda disappointed they didn't show up for Ivalice.
Their whole 10 and 3 thing is that only 3 of them are whole, where as the other 10 were split, so when one dies they just pull another from a shard.

>She kills Minfillia
Damn she's a 10/10 now.

Ryne is better than Minfillia could ever hope to be.

Minfillia uses the normal midlander model, just shrunk down. Same as Alma. So all clothes/emotes work the same way they would work on any other midlander. So default nude mods work.

>She kills Minfilia

They had the basic plot written out years ago, they aren't just making it up as they go along.

lahabrea aint coming back, he was an unsundered, he just wound up weak as shit by comparison because of his constant bodyhopping

>Used to be a Lalafell and be half Alphinaud's height
>Am now a Viera and easily twice his height
It's so fucking weird, I had no idea just how small the twins were.

>alphinaud with an amazonian bunny hes barely half as tall as

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Minfilia was already functionally dead the moment she sacrifices herself to be Mommy Crystal's Word

oh shit

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>mfw they took out TPs
I don't like it. It was flavor, but at least it differentiated non-casters from casters.

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Wait, when or where was it confirmed that we're Hythlodaeus? Or is it just implied?

i sure enjoy my damage juice being maintained by the bard and every dungeon pull sucking shit if you have a respect content party

>join a farm group, DNC partners with me for the first clear
>changes to the SAM after our 3rd+ go at Titania Extreme
I feel cucked.

TP can fuck right off, being able to AOE infinitely on my dragoon is great

Just implied

>"It's finally time to take on the full might of the Garlean empire!"
>Everything that actually happens in the expansion
I'll never get over this bait and switch, I don't care that Shadowbringers was fucking amazing.

it's a theory that is kind of contradicted by his own dialogue but they could still finagle it

the bun idle where she stretches her leg like that is unreasonably hot given how leggy they are

It was useless flavor that served no use except to slow down the game for no reason whenever it was time to spam AoEs

What we do when we hit them with the auracyte and beam is literally sunder them. At which point they forget who they are and enter the life cycle. There's literally a number of laha bits walking around as children right now,

>Alphinaud is just sitting with the Chai's and made a painting of the fat lady

They are going to die aren't they?

MCH is actually fun now

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Hell no TP was completely useless. What separates casters from non casters is casting you retard.

What's the might? The emperor is dead and Zenos doesn't give a shit

potentially implications though its more likely we are the "missing seat" of the 14 Ascians who likely disagreed with the whole summoning Zodiark and split off

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I wouldn't know, I moved on to DNC.


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About to use my story fantasia. I am tired of being a cat boi. So first or second.

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reminded me of this

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CHAD strikes again

anyone know how to fix 90002 disconnects?

I thought we would have gotten some kind of cutscene with the council, considering they were talking about a 14th being added. Also while they didn't actually talk about what the original calamity was, it's probably going to be Eden huh.

do yourself a favor and make an elezen alt to see how they move before you make a mistake

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I used mines and after 4 days I went back to my cat boi. I really miss hats.

was stormblood such a shitty expansion that it makes everything about shadowbringers seem and feel fucking good?

I love long ass names

giraffes have terrible animations


The echo itself is indicative of one's status as a fragmented Ascian, right? Hence why Elidibus tries to recruit Minfilia?
What's going to happen with Krile when she has two people running around with effective copies of her soul, one of whom is already playing Ascian with random bodies to begin with?

He literally calls us "Warden" during the fight which was Hythlodaeus's title. We're also stronger than him at 9/14 which only Elidibus and Hythlodaeus ever were. Furthermore the shade specifically has "you" highlighted when talking about how only bits of a shard can see itself. It's not directly stated, but it's pretty much spoonfed.

they're all good
you can try GNB, otherwise your favorite tank is still a good tank

Try again later

it's more like an okay/good expansion sandwiched between a great expansion and an amazing expansion.

No Eden is going to be about to restoring the parts of the First that are wasteland now from the flood.

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Storm blood is only guilty of being meh. HW and shadowbringer are just really damn good and makes everything look like shit.

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He IS the 14th, user.

The use of the word Warden was in reference to the Warden's Light, which means the light from the Lightwardens we slew across Norvrandt.

They are going to be central to one of the most kino moments of the expansion.

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>only other info we have about Eden is that it's going to tie into the MSQ and has something to do with creation magic
It's gonna be Eden

We still got 5 more story patches to go for this expansion. Like the Dragonsong War in HW didn't end at the finale of 3.0, it ended in 3.3

Tried it. It wanted a registration code. Fuck it. The nips win with their fucking pre 2000 era system and website

>bellybutton is covered
My dissapointment is immeasurable

What even is bards place now since low dps/buff bitch was given to dancer? I noticed that the official job guide still labels ranged as "support" but everything supported related on bard got nerfed?

the expansions never sell that many copies, this isn't anything new

By the time he says it we've already merged and we know he already sees us as our original form.

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I mean after the story. If you go back to Eulmore Alphinaud is there with them

Should I try out RDM as my first caster?

It's planning something

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They stated before that Eden will be about restoring the elements to the world.

But melee are just casters with their cast bars being instant then waiting instead of waiting as they cast...

I'll be so mad if they brought back Gaius only to kill him off.

>scions don't stick around to see you off
well fuck you guys too

You can skip that.

So how many of you use the gamepad? Is it actually viable or just a compromise to make the game playable on PS4?

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Kick their ass
Or have WoL kick their ass


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i think he may have already had an inkling we had their soul before the merge
at an earlier point he reminisces about Amaurot and then ends it on something along the lines of "Ah, you wouldn't remember, would you"

>New expansion
>Only one job in the shed

Better than last expansion at least.

Pour one out for the Astrologians.

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>That tiny bit of Garlemald we got to see
>It's an industrial city with snow

something has to be done, outside of one most of a continent the first is still a light blasted wasteland, most of the planet is white sand.

i use xbox controller on pc. i've had a bunch of 99s with it. the second highest dps in my static, a smn, was later revealed to be on ps4

How about a REAL question - when will Blue Mage get more love and become an actual Job?

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The real question is, what is the best song in the game? And why is it I can't decide?

I think I nailed down why ShB is such a better story than the other expansions. It's because it's the first time the story has actually been about the WoL instead of us just being a vehicle to see and solve other people's problems. Not to mention all of the shit at the end and its implications about us.

>Pour one out for the Astrologians.

Sorry user.

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We let Urianger drown and nobody gave a shit

It's nice, targeting specific enemies when there are a lot of them can be a pain when that's necessary, but otherwise it's great, I'm surprised at how well healing works each time

Create a throwaway trial account to download the game with, I guess.

Very viable, you just need to set it up in a way that works for you.

White Mages won bros...

Its Crystarium Night.

these are really cute anyway, thanks

>everyone now greets with lali-ho on Dungeons, Roulettes and PF
Truly a kino expansion.

HW is good. You have got to be joking. That story is overrated garbage.
>Dragons and elves have war
>Cliche romance between dragon and elf slut ends war by vore
>A small amount of elf assholes gank dragon and steal its eyes for????
>This causes the dragons autism to exploud uncontrollably and he decides to wipe out every elf in Ishgard despite 99% being innocent
>We are supposed to sympathize and side with autistic dragons and the traitors lady icebitch who wants to also get vored/barbed by a dragon
And you faggits claim this story is Tactics level good.

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>no OCE servers

HARD pass for these cheap gooks

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>outdps Tanks and Healers, while still having big fuck heals
SCHfags btfo

>WHM has the best DPS
>SCH has the best Healing
>AST is strictly inferior at both aspects

That's rough buddy.

They'll buff potencies but I think it's fucked.

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Don't stop

Pets used to be a fucking nightmare with gamepad before this expansion. Now it's alright. Make sure to up the UI size.

Do I still meld Crit/DH on bard?

Yeah, but he didn't actually know for sure which original we were until we hit 9/14. Elidibus still doesn't know, or he wouldn't be so stupid as to throw our other fragments at us. We're going to re-form due tomhis own plans and he's going to be very surprised.

The Dancing Plague theme.
Can't get it out of my head.

They're both meta though. WHM only gets taken because it has the highest DPS of the healers. We'd take a 5th DPS instead and solo heal SCH if we could.

Go to my documents folder > my games > final fantasy xiv > open FFXIV_BOOT.cfg > change Startup Completed and EulaAgreement & EulaAgreementNT from the values 0 to 1

I'm confused on MCH, do I use Rook Autoturret at 100% or just as soon as 50% battery as it always adjusts the timer anyway? What about Wildfire and Hypercharge, do I press Wildfire then Drill followed by Hypercharge and Heat Blast or auto crossbow for it's duration?

How is BLM level 70+? I'm still at around level 65, but the stuff they get seem to make their life much better.

Also when are you supposed to use Despair? Seems like a single target flare to me, but I can't imagine it raising your dps

The story constantly btfo Ysayle though, it's just that after she finally learned the truth and accepted what a tool she's been she did everything she could to make things right

my nigga


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HW will always have the mark of shame that is the Ul'dah storyline.

never. they're a gimmick. I would like to see them promoted to a proper job though, yes.

SAM chad owns DNC sluts.

The lalafell getting cut in half was pretty good

How gay are these fucking extremes? Bunch of fags expect me to watch vids and they can blow it out their asses.

>uses misery
>80k crit the entire pack
fuck it feels so good bros

Fuck, 5.0 was perfect. I'm scared they'll ruin it somehow from 5.1 onwards. I'm especially more worried now since the WoL returns back to the Source, I was honestly hoping we didn't return until 6.0

>The Light within Her CHAMPIONS grows faint...

What would the classes for DNC and GNB be called?

Pets were easy before though if only because you could leave the fucks in sic and just let them do whatever they like rather than egi assaults
At least if you were SMN anyway

ahem... fuck dark knight

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Post all the fragment's faces when they realize that they're part of a lion!

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slut and whatever

I'm being spoiled on everything tonight! Fuck insomnia!

That is ARR and that whole arc was the only great thing about post ARR pre HW content.

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streetwalker and fighter

Fuck off gay

Works. Thanks user.

dancers should always partner with samurai. the 20% crit boost is insane, even in the job trailer they show their partner is a samurai.


>tfw Samurai CHADS have all the Dancer girls all over their dick
it's not fair bros

Level with me guys. Is 170-220 ping even playable for dungeons or am I going to get fucked by mechanics that require split second reactions?


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This. I will never understand why it got touted to the heavens. Every side involved in the story was such a bunch of retarded fucking manchildren I felt nothing at all when I finally kicked Nignog's face in and got sucked by the whole town. The setup was contrived. The journey was drawn the fuck out. The finale was cliche and predictable.

look man for normal content I'm always the first one to tell people to go fuck themselves for expecting first timers to watch a guide but that sentiment stops at extreme and savage content, when people are farming for their drops in a fight full of instant wipe mechanics nobody wants to deal with someone who is just the load, preforms will kick you, and randumbs will look for an excuse to eject someone who spends the majority of their time on the floor.

SMN is so boring, what dps should I play?

the only thing i don't like about DNC is the aoe range is so small i can't hit everything in a big pull

you really need to stop,theres a reason nobody likes you

Is Titania the new MSQ Nidhogg? I've had more wipes than clears. It's usually the add phase.

Stay mad, let user post

if your tank isn't bunching up the targets for proper AOEing then he's a poor tank.

if you want something busy try nin

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what about blm?
i'll just level both so i get all the dancers on my dick

if i was forced to play lalafell, i would only wear dwarf glamours on all jobs

people have beaten harder content with 200 ping. you'll just have to react faster and play a job that doesn't have too many ogcds.

God I want to fuck Feo Ul.


but the pics are cute and image cap is never reached anyway, I like his things

>endorsing a pedo

>scrolling through frontpage for 14 thread after not coming on for a few days to dodge spoilers
>all that unrelenting vomit politics and shit
I think once the mod's grace period on these threads has passed I might stop coming here entirely.

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We are the masters of AoE and dps

Going through HW right now, it's kind of eye opening and refreshing when Thancred pointed out Aymeric and the rest sure are being a bunch of leeches what with immediately expecting I'll side with them in the melee, and then how I proceeded to carry the fuck out of them against Raubahn and the rest
It's not like they'll ever give me anything for it either

Got other outfits?

Bros I can't believe he's fucking DEAD
You told me he was gonna make it

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wtf i love that user now

You will, won't you? Take responsibility.

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Apparently you use the turret whenever, the battery to damage is linear so the only reason you keep the battery is when you know there is a phase change. I think this will change after more people look into it.
As for Wildifre Hypercharge, you want to do a GCD > slight delay > Wildifre > Hypercharge > 5 x HB with oGCDs. If you cancel your GCD straight into wildfire and hypercharge, you have about 0.8s where you're still locked out from using Heated Blast. With someone playing at sub 50ms, even I can usually fuck up without delaying it but any lag and it'll help you out.

>Thancred vs Pajeet
Now THAT was kino...

>no longer have to target an ally for Dragon Sight

You better earn that 5% if you want it now.

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>they all just left Urianger to drown in the ocean

We got a lot of good scenes this expansion.

is there a lali-ho emote?

I wanna play house with Feo Ul

i hate ran'jit just for the simple fact that i knew he was going to die like a little bitch

Yeah, hidden behind a questline. Help out the dorf who can't stop spilling his spaghetti.


bodyguard and slut

SAM hits more often so they benefit more from devilment's crit/direct hit boost. But BLM is a good second choice

He eventually got out but now he wants to learn how to literally part the sea.

>In 6.0 we will probably be back at the Source with no Feo Ul and Minfilia
I don't want to go back

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>wondering why we didn't get our own amaro
>find out soon after that you only get one for getting every class to 80

what the fuck

Nothing, its shit.

hop to it

Doing some questing stuff rn, cant really make any more webms.

How’s dark this expansion? I’m just now hitting Heavensward

What was the Heavensward part in the ShB MSQ about ?

>Part the sea
>Almost accidentally end an entire race

i'll get it done in like 2 years

maybe it's just me but I'm not that wow'd by the little green bastards so my part in this is to wander why it's supposed to be considered a big reward for maxing everything.
I mean I'll eventually cap everything anyways but it's underwhelming to me.

its generic shounen tier

how old is ryne

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I can't believe how fucking retarded this was. I thought for sure we would get one from the MSQ.

>mfw I'm going to level every job to 80 anyway but I don't give a shit about mounts

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What's the most suitable party to take along to Mt Gulg?
I get the impression if I have Thancred, I should also have Ryne, but if I have Alphinaud I should also have Alisaie.

Wish we had a Ran'jit trial instead of scripted instance

I could tell from the fucking final trial Active Time Event
What were they thinking

14-16. She seems a fair bit younger than the twins and they're around 17.

It's 8 with Arbert, Senpai. The void wasn't rejoined. Still
>Strongest first man with only over half our original self

For AoE Hypercharge am I meant to do the auto crossbow or heat blast since heat blast reduces my ricochet whereas the crossbow one doesn't.

>not a lalafell

agreed, his final battle might have been the only disappointing part of the whole MSQ

Records of your deeds that Graha had. In the scene with the HW book he was talking about what time period he should pull you from.[/spoiler

"7 times rejoined" means 1+7=8.
Ardbert makes 9.

i really hate how much of a non character he was, hardly even know anything about except that he has kids if going by the last little thing he said when you last fight him

trusts 101, the twins are both shit, alphinaud will drop his spighetti if you try and force a double pull, alisae is a red mage who doesn't use utility or aoe's
y'shtola brings big damage to the table, and ryne brings damage buffs, I hear they go well together but I imagine your a dps so choose one.

did yu rike it?

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literally doesn't matter other than what dialogue text you want to see. if you have alphinaud and alisae in the party they say things, same thing with thancred and ryne.

The one where you see the echo vision of G'raha tia reading Heavensward? He was looking for the place in time during which you died so that he could actually pinpoint your location and actually summon you

>A week or two ago someone mentions Minfillia's outfit looks like Airy's from Bravely Default
>She doesn't get black hair and change her name to Agnes
What a waste.


I thought lalafells were kinda shit design wise, but I'm half tempted to play one and just go exclusively dwarf armor

I would've been fine with him as a boss for the lvl 59 dungeon

i thought that line was implying he trained several minfilias which inevitably died fighting

>Has a perfect death scene
>Survives anyway because we need a tank trust
Easily the lowest point in the story

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Where is he? Cant find him at his house

Those kids were the other Minfilias. He wanted to protect them as much as Thancred wanted to protect the one he found. It flew over my head until the other night, that's how undeveloped he was.

I took Urianger/Alisaie/Y'Shtola(Minfilia if unavailable) every time.
Gotta bring my cinnamon roll everywhere.

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Ryne also needs her dad

What happens when we become 14/14?

I really wanted him to die knowing how wrong he was instead of "muh daughters"

that was the only good part though, every motherfucker and their dog gets a drawn out backstory but for him you get one understated line contrasting how much time you've spent with him and it hits harder as a result. still didn't feel that bad but if he got some monologue about his sad past I'd just be annoyed, only a couple characters have pulled that off well.

do ffxiv fags have Stockholm syndrome or something?
xiv is fucking shit including in every expansion...

The first calamity shows back up and we have to identify and then defeat it.

>everything going okay so far
>exarch's a dick but eh what can we do
>new world seems kinda depressing but not too bad people are holding on
>decide to check on alisaie first
>really upbeat market segment all these fuckers are happy, great attitude
>next is some kind of field hospital
>oh, a bit heavier
>death camp
>don't personally agree but if that's how they've chosen to deal with it th-
>that sin eater transformation


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There just isn't anything better.

king's honor friend

away with you to your smash threads

Who fucking cares about the empire at this point after ShB?

>weebs actually like this cringy dadrock shit just cause a nip made it

wtf i love bfa now

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i liked neither the dad rock nor the generic orchestra

welcome to the club

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go home

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No one will play 8.2

Is dragoon fixed? It felt so shit at the start of SB and the changes still didnt make it seem worth going back to until now

Autocross bow is just better, ricochet isn't as strong as it onces was. Diassemble now works with AoE moves so the potency buff from hyercharge + Auto crossbow is super strong.

kingdom hearts 3 is better than any ff14 shit

it apparently does more damage than sam now

based on what?

And now you know why the Exarch needed you

it has more aoes, a less shitty jump and an abnormally high SSS dps requirement

>Soken actually manages to outjazz Ink Long Dry

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It looks pretty orgasmic to me

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Like which jobs? Also which jobs are 100% out of the running?


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>the most cringeworthy franchise in games
>the specific game isn’t even one of the better ones

What in the fuck
There are streamers who got to level 20 and jumped to 70, skipping everything? What a bunch of retards

Come on in, user

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The writing manages to drive the whole "dying world" aesthetic quite well. Pretty much every zone is built on the bones of some perished civilization in various stages of getting dunked on. Ahm Areng is just fucking gone, Il Mheg has sunken Voeburt, Rak'tika is built on top of Ronka Empire, etc.
And while Ahm Areng is the express course into "We's right snoggered now, mum", other zones have more existential dread and depression to it. Like RakTika Woods that pay host to a tribe of Viera who were guarding their lands for literal millenia waiting for allies to an empire that doesn't even exist anymore (along with, of course, people who got shafted by light so hard that they started praying to darkness instead), or some fey folk being fucking ecstatic over the fact that they can interact with at least _SOMEONE_ over the course of literal centuries.

I want more Alisaie and Nu-Minfillia lewds.

Alright, so how did these niggers do it when no vids were up? Fucking magic foresight? Eat a dick, nigger. Fucking shit came out under a week ago and unless it's a farm, you can shove it.

>and this is our son's room

Is Tenacity a good stat now? Dont want to deal with balance tranny discord

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Black Mage, White Mage, Warrior are great choices if you have high ping. Ninja, Dragoon, Gunbreaker are terrible choices if you have high ping.

It's viable but I'm having trouble targeting and forgetting to hold down the triggers/forgetting to let them go and a whole bunch of stuff. I'll probably get used to it after a week or so but I do miss the intuitiveness of KB+M. I don't know how people tank and heal with a controller.

Get your Sen again
Load up the Double Midare
Then the Hissatsu Senei
Rinse and repeat

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>Bought cash shop bike because I think it looks cool
>That fucking music
What the fuck is this midi bullshit?

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I've just been using the old 3 sen opener and then after that just refreshing buffs by lower timer and using ogcds/kenki when possible

>you cant buy SMN gear if you leveld up as SCH
what the fuck?

That's good since I like all 3 that are great choices. How about Dark Knights, Samurais, or Monks?

What's the chances that it got such a high score because BoA story is straight trash?

It literally says you need to do the role quests to get the gear

>tab back in to credits
you need to do the caster role quest

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Yes you can. Do the caster role quest.

Okay, serious MCH question.
I get the fact that my b'n'b rotation is pretty much split-slug-clean with ricochet and gauss during the GCD and Air Anchor/Drill when they're off CD.
I'm wondering about hypercharging.
On one hand I spam 5 heated blast for 200 pot + 1 part of my rotation, which at best gets all the way 1320 pot without wildfire and restores my off-GCD skills.
On other hand I keep thinking that if I've used my b'n'b rotation during overheat instead, I'd build up battery faster, hence the extra potency from Queen attacks.
What do?

You see it in the fight dummy when you fight with your seven reflections

It also can't happen because it was confirmed in a lore book one more rejoining and Zordiak will be reawakened and Emet stated from there the Ascians plan to sacrifice what's left of life on the source to revive the first men.

>bike instead of fatter cat

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thanks completly forgot about that, now i feel stupid

This was when I knew this expansion was going to be off the rails

you can set the shoulder buttons to toggle instead of hold but this fucks with your extended crossbars
i just got used to it. being able to easily move while using skills without needing to click or use an mmo mouse and not having to move my wrist at all are enough to justify the learning curve
i used to heal back when cleric stance still existed. just muscle memory and remembering that soft target is a godsend

first off, that song is awesome

secondly it's the bike theme from ff7

new dark knight is high ping friendly since you don't have to dark arts every gcd anymore.

samurai requires double weaving to be most effective so not a good choice

monk gcd gets too low with greased lightning 4 and that can cause clipping issues with high ping

If you think about it shadowbringers is just a big analogy to the migrant crisis

>another lame reference I don't get
WoW bros...

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What were the two songs in the job action trailer?

Come on iiiiiiin
Bigdickbitch dot coooom

One is in 80 dungeon.

wait what the FUCK? i thought samurai was single weave throughout all stormblood even with low ss? did they increase their ogcd animation speed?

>Ardbert had to watch the world he fought so hard to protect slowly decay from an apocalypse he accidentally caused while he was completely incapable of interacting with anything and anyone.

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Graha being important is still weird to me. I did CT but what about those who didn't? It's an optional 24man from six years ago, there is no reason to do it for new players other than just doing everything, which to be fair was my mentality when I sat through that hour long queue for LotA back in the day. His reveal is going to mean nothing to a whole lot of people.

This was one of them, I don't know the other

actually the entire MSQ story was just a setup for making the duty finder lore friendly

Imagine being this much of a secondary

Their own fault to be honest.


you get so much kenki at high level that you should be using double shinten or third eye+seigan.

Shame that's pretty much every melee dps out of the running. How about Machinist or Red Mage?

A majority of us aren't interested in the single player games.


I was holding onto hope that he'd have a change of heart or otherwise fuck off. But no, he's just exeprienced old soldier dude who's there to kick your ass for the first few levels of the expack and to drag on every single solo duty he's involved in with his needlessly bloated HP bar.

how much dps is 'good' for Innocence, as a dps class?

I pulled 9.7k averaged across the fight as MCH as ilvl 430 weapon (average ilvl of 428) and if i hadn't fucked a few things up i woulda had 10k. Innocence still made it to enrage cast though so wondering what an ok amount is

>gets to ultimately fix it by fusing with you and helping you slamjam all the excess light into Emet

It was ok

People praising the launch when it was only congested for like a few hours. Game feels dead after day 2, can't really blame them, it's a really boring mmo experience.

It should be enough to hold me until classic but i have 0 hope now on the mmo genre.

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There is no "us", you're the only one here being a secondary parasite.

if you use mudfish like me and play on jp servers you should be able to get around 130 ping

>mainline ff game

Please tell me that Yoshida stepping back comment posted last thread was fake, it can't just make kino like this then leave.

people who haven't played every major patch release day since 2.0 don't deserve shadowbringers

Huh, so what I've been doing may actually be right.
It just felt kind of inefficient/janky, because with the loss of Hagakure I have the option to start with the speed or damage buff. Damage buff slows down your first few GCDs, but gets Higanabana up faster; Speed buff takes longer before you can pop Senei's cooldown.

I'll just keep doin' what I'm doin' until a guide comes out. It's not like I raid or anything anyway.


Remember... that this is going to be the highpoint of FFXIV story wise and everything else will be shit.

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My character was on Tonberry. Is that still the main jp/oce server?

>Yoshi leaving and not reddit fox

Literally a vast majority of people playing through Stormblood didn't do Coil or even the Triad which both factor into why Alisae is suddenly a different and relevant character or why haloman literally never shows up again after the end of HW

Tonberry has gone to shit.
Kujata is the 2nd biggest aussie/jap server and I love it.

t. used to be on Tonberry.
I fucking hated it. It's the DC's Gilgamesh.

>listen to it after patch went up
>note down the lyrics and assume it was about the warriors of darkness
>realize it's about the ascians later but it can be both

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I'm not crying, you're crying.

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If you check the cutscenes in the inn with quest progress unchecked, you lose all the choices that let you address him directly and the scenes lose most of their impact. I feel bad for people that missed out.

Thats what people said about heavensward for 4 years

thiccfilia mod where


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It won't be shit, just not as good

user.. i want you to take 2 steps back, breath in breath out. And never ever type something as stupid as this. The story is garbage and pure fan service, it has no weight cause it has no real sense of loss. They can poop out something equal or better and it still will be a dumb fanservice story.

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Is that guy with the minfillia model around, do you have more?

I still don't understand why they hid his identity for so long, it was quite obvious who it was nonetheless i've already got angry tells telling me my minion is a spoiler as if people are retarded

We truly were the Final Fantasy XIV Online: Shadowniggers, after all

difference with alisae is that she was at least introduced in msq, though it would still be jarring. graha doesn't even exist to wol unless you do ct. not sure who haloman refers to though.

meant for

Malikah's Well can suck my nuts.
The gear is all reskins, the pulls are far enough between that your buffs always drop off, and the final boss (Sorge) is a dickhead who can take his Sacrament rip-off skill and shove it.

I feel like the music in the last zone really captured Emet's emotions, really well done

What's the biggest?

Pretty much. Don't think we will ever get anything better

>going back and doing the other two dialogue choices for the end of the MSQ
It's very obvious which one is the "right" one.

>Paladin! Take my party spot. It's yours!
>We both can't tank this fight, and you know it.
>I always thought I'd be the true main tank to protect the party after 2.0, but I see now that I was wrong. You understood the Ascian threat better than I did.
>Besides, I brought a "party" of my own.
>This oversized 1,236 ponze axe has tremendous stopping power. I can hold them.

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Hey, Storge and Bucket Golem are cool, but yeah the rest of it is shit

>Game feels dead after day 2
I wish. ever since friday it's been nothing but login queues, server lockouts, and cannot enter novice network due to reaching maximum capacity.

shit opinion

Where's the remix of Eternal Wind?

It's our time

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pixies can go fuck themselves


Regula van Hydrus, the guy who gets introduced towards the end of HW and looks like he's going to be Gaius 2.0 until you get Zenos instead

The bit of FF9 nostalgia I got from this just made it all the more kino

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Only three people did CT

Considering how quickly and easy CT is, and them sweet exp bonus anyone who hasn't run it, or aren't regularly running it would be kind of dumb

you use despair before going to umbral

Truly the biggest fantasy contemporary story of our times.

bit scary that people with your mindset are grown ass adults.

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I want to stuff her like the turkey she is

Feo Ul is a good girl(they)

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>mfw I still have the free fantasia back when they were giving it for free if you subbed for like a month or two

I'm happy with my female tomboyish brown cat

The WoL is ready to do their part in replenishing the first's population.

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>Reddit spacing

>i'm crrrrrrrryyyyyyying
how's that estrogen treating you

how are you subbed for 360 days but still end up buying a level boost


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Who is the female elezen?

Literally everyone and their mother did CT, Syrcus literally polluted the raid roulette with a 2 minute queue for a month and a half straight
Wowfugees who bought boosts are not people


Ha, I blow fantasia's to make minor skin tone and eye colour adjustments to the same highlander I've had since 2.1

>double shinten
holy shit

>people not saving a fantasia in case they get isekai'd in FFXIV

it's like you all want to be catgirls and bunnygirls.

It's already begun

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Do you not?

Retarded anime avatar post, retarded long-winded opinion. Checks out

>wowfag purchases a level boost
say it ain't so

Any limits on world transfers right now?

>changing the subject

You know what? you are right, Shadowniggas story is amaaazing and minfilia so so cute xDd sooo kawaiiiii. Man those trial fights were AMAZING, this simply will never ever be reproduced again. We need to put this on a book

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Hydaelyn is a shitty place to live in.

haha yes I too hate everything my fellow cynic, for enjoying things is below me

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>Reddit spacing

>Healers and tanks finally have to deal with DPS queue

She was in the healer role quests, is she not in the other ones? She was a tank.

he's a bdofag tho

it'll even out and already has started to but it was funny on day 1 listening to tanks in crystarium trying to offer to pay healers to party up with them.

As much as I enjoy seeing other races walking around, I´ll forever be a male highlander. That´s my character and anything else will be an impostor

sell materia to raidtrannies

and he roleplays as a catslut while his gf bones him as a catboy

see 5:57

No but for real, you need to be a full on manchild to enjoy the story or be a burguer.