If a dev moderates by implementing their own filters, it is censorship.
If a dev moderates by providing a word filter to the users to choose for themselves which also comes with the added bonus of resolving false positives, then it's not censorship and the dev is treating the userbase like adults who can choose for themselves instead of needing nannies due to arrested development.
I'd say the best choice is to provide a filter tool to the users and be done with it, while giving a middle finger to urinalists and whiners who don't deserve to be treated like adults by their own admission.
If a dev moderates by implementing their own filters, it is censorship
Oh no, a bunch of Slavs who have no history with black people whatsoever outside of the last 100 years and have no responsibilities towards any race or religion, and also have no responsibilities towards any women outside of their own borders, are not falling for the guilt politics of dumb uneducated privileged nu-western whites and their nu-western urinalists being projected onto a foreign culture!!11!!!!1
Whatever are they going to do for refusing to police manbabies and fembabies online while still selling millions of copies in spite of powerless nu-western urinalist outrage which only gives the devs free marketing?!
racists and worse should be banned though, normal banter shouldnt
No, its just words on a game chat. If you get offended by that mute or move on. Getting called a niggerfaggot never harmed anyone in a game.
I had no intetions of ever buying this game or any intention of caring about it but i will say i am glad they are being this way. Fuck bending knee to actual cry babies who cant handle alittle smack talk.
Banning racists in a game with medieval warfare is tantamount to banning 90% of the payerbase. You can't have medievalfags without racism, the two are mutually inclusive.
Lack of moderation is the best option. People need to stop expecting others to take care of their own insecurities. Assume some agency. Whining about something in an attempt to get others to take action is the worst possible option
fuck off faggot
A word in the chat doesn't harm you in anyway, you also should learn to not care about the chat, over 100 hours in and i've never looked at or even used the chat as i am too busy playing the game.
The game will be dead in a week. The combat is shit, it's like the worlds most retarded brain-dead fightan game with zero depth and execution.
I think you should be killed.
Shut up, wh*Toid. You don't get to have an opinion.
That's great and all but you fighting genre fans need more deodorant than medieval knights in full armor did after 3 days of warfare.
Don't even try telling the manchildren on Yea Forums that. With their lack of social understanding and relationships, they don't seem to realise that a bit of decency and manners isn't much to ask for. As far as they're concerned, if they can't scream and shout obscenities at other people then their gameplay experience is ruined.
Friendly reminder that using "nigger" as an insult while using "nigga" as a compliment is banter and has nothing to do with black people. Fuck off.
>having decency and manners
>playing a game where you murder people with the occasional growl at the enemy that their fathers are camelfuckers
You can pick ONE and only ONE.
Is that title supposed to imply that that's a bad thing? No game dev should ever police what people say in chat. As long as there's a block/mute function no one ever has the right to complain about what other players say to them.
Nah, they're handling it just fine.
Shut the fuck up faggot. I fucking hate all of you thin-skinned "I'm so special please don't offend me" zoomers.
Still smells better than the average Mordhau player.
I don't play this game but in a world where developers treat their users like literal children, I find this really refreshing and great.
is this the kniggas thread?
Rampant racism and sexism is a feature that helps immersion if you ask me.
Hello commie pidor.
(This post was approved of by the Mordhau™ developers)
Would you say half the stuff you say online to the offended parties, offline? Or are you afraid your fat smelly neckbeard ass would get laid out by Giganigga 9k?
Not really interested in the game but they got their moderation correct.
The only thing people who ignore chat filters and demand mod babysitters for their fragile emotions deserve is the mental asylum.
Just let people choose their own servers, done, these problems didn't exist before.
I don't randomly offend people. I only yell at them if they're not playing the game/objective right
I also think the people that do get offended by trolls and and sperg out about getting called a faggot or a nigger on the fucking internet ffs should die in a fire.
Ironic since it's people like you who don't understand banter and fun and are trying to force the world to adapt to your inability to socialize rather than being better as an individual yourself. Anybody can and should say anything they want, if it bothers you assume they're just trying to get your goat and ignore it. I cannot believe it's this hard for you people to understand this. You've turned the entire internet into a no fun zone when it used to be great.
They don't want their own servers. They want every server to be their server.
it's a big world and not everyone is a sissy living in a sheltered white sjw nest. We talk rougher IRL than ingame.
Your kind of like some of the tourists in a foreign country, the fact that it's different is a case for panic.
>Would you say half the stuff you say online to the offended parties, offline?
The offended parties in 99% of cases look like pic related, so why wouldn't he?
Giganigga is too busy slaying western white pussy to care about what happens in online gaymes.
>Move to an all white country to escape crime
>JK it's russia and they're just as crime riddled, and drunk except they don't have black people to blame it for
Nobody likes foreigners. This should be repeated until people stop caring about words
It's just locker room talk. We all enjoy the banter, but you're being autistic about it.
I'd be more inclined to be pro "banter" if I'd ever seen a video game trash talker with even a shred of creativity or cleverness.
But nope, every one of you always goes straight to the well with zingers like "Cheating faggot!" and "I fucked your mom, nigger!"
If it were up to me, you'd all be banned from these games, not so much for being "toxic" as simply being unoriginal halfwits.
Then yell at them for being shit at the game rather than just calling people niggers and faggots you unoriginal boring cunt.
>entire internet
>no fun zone
Are you twelve?
The chad/virgin meme is just Yea Forums online vs Yea Forums offline.
As soon as bannerlord comes out it will kill Mordhau. But of course thats never going to happen.
It's cool that you've found a way to be a bigger bitch than everyone else, well done.
>money stolen
>career ended
>homophobic and racist
Nigger and faggot aren't the only things being censored, so you don't really have a point. You're assuming they're using those words when they never said they did or that they wanted to. Modern game devs are even censoring things like gg ez or any other kind of banter that catches on, to protect people who have no self awareness or social skills and will just find something else to get offended by anyway.
you are gay
Just looked it up numbeo.com
>russia has actually lower crime rate than states
You shouldn't be so forward with revealing how you rely on unfalsifiable memes rather than facts to form your opinions.
Dood i cant have fun unless i can use big boy words like "nigger", "tranny", "faggot" when mommy and daddy are asleep and im up playing my vidya gaems
I am sure this will last.
Nothing is stronger than sensitive people crying to get what they want.
>Generic and unoriginal "I'm above it all" response
Yeah we know. Go listen to more Coldplay.
>getting offended at getting called a faggot and nigger
shut up niggerfaggot
are you retarded? he's right. people are trying to babyproof every little thing on the internet instead of just letting people learn to ignore shit they don't like. it's retarded and kind of disgusting.
What video game do you play where people constantly yell nigger into the mic? Cause Ive never seen that. Sounds like a straw-man.
Find me one example of gg ez being censored, outwith Overwatch which is a shit ezmode game for no skill shooters to win by pressing E anyway. Also waifus.
Shut up nigger
modern Yea Forums everyone
this place died forever with 2005 Yea Forums
Rainbow Six Siege.
>might miss
Everyone but him is saying he'll still play.
You just know that a week from now every single person that worked in that game will get "me too" 'd
Huh, when was this word invented?
Literally not true.
Stop playing babby games for kids.
>can handle virtual murder
>can't handle virtual text
I guaruntee you are white
Yes, it is. You also can't say certain character's names in Spanish and you can't say basic stuff like slope or slant.
Only white race by 2030 nigga
White people:We get offended so you dont have to!
Something that fascists intrinsically fear are ideas. The murder is virtual but the speech and the ideas are just as real. It doesn't matter the forum allowing them to be spoken anywhere can't be allowed otherwise it compromises the narrative.
But niggers cry about being victimized all the time.
Not true but we are getting there
You realize that certain people are making a concentrated effort to turn every single game into a shitty hugbox just like those games, right? That's why journalists are offended by games like Mordhau and try to make it a big scandal that the devs don't ban everyone who says anything off color like every other dev these days. Moving the goal posts just makes you look disingenuous.
This is such a fucking stupid argument. I'm just going to say shooting boolets at a CHARACTER controlled by a PLAYER as the rules of the game dictate in order to win isn't the same as directing slurs and insults at the person behind the screen because you're salty you got clapped.
Come on now son, no need to be intellectually dishonest. Every fucking time someone is being offended on Twitter at the behest of others it's the whitest 1st world dumbshit you can see from an upper-middle class background and upwards, who looks like an atrophied hipster that could be bested by a stronger wind blowing into them or a fat activist orc who is always one step from falling and not being able to get up without a crane.
> player numbers thins out after each week
> Cannot do a porper map for their lives
> Everyone in the community is shitting on them and their game
> probably going to get exiled from the internet after this article gets traction
Is being Triternion suffering?
>omit a few places with certain "environmental factors" like California, Detroit, New York from the crime statistics
>USA becomes one of if not the most peaceful country on earth
That is purely for their own personal gain though. They don't get offended in the abstract.
How else will I get my wish fufillment? In school I get bullied, but when I come home I can really show them online. I secretly cope Dayquan is on the other side, and can hear me calling him a nigger, and it slightly tilts him. Then one day when he's tilted, I can move in and talk to Rebecca. It's the perfect plan.
If you actually played the game you would know that it ISN'T and that it's not the characters name, it's Mira's "Black Mirror" ability which obviously in Spanish comes out as "negro" which is an antiquated and nowadays offensive term in English which the automatic filter picks up because technology isn't perfect.
Multiplayer on Steam is a fucking joke. You see this in all still popular games in this category, Dota, CSGO and uhm... I guess that's it, where you can freely say the n-word, name yourself Hitler and unless you're e-famous or have the worst luck in the world you'll never get banned. So what do you do when your playerbase is full of thirdies, poorfags in general and other inbreds? Serious companies like Blizzard and Ubisoft dare to tell gamers that their shit is unacceptable and it works despite some backlash. Why? Because, and this might shock you, most gamers even in Mordhau aren't fucking nazis. It's just that the nazis scream the loudest and this bigoted minority has a superpower of making each other feel welcome where they are not if left unchallenged. And who's going to? Nobody if not the dev because the majority of non-nazis aren't in the game to fight over fucking politics. The result is that all you hear is how much they miss Hitler and it might look like it's gamers as a whole. Typical stormshittery.
Cleaning up online is hard work but everyone, except Valve, is doing their part. Luckily there isn't a single good MP game coming out on Steam in the near future and this is probably the reason. Forget about margins and all that shit, that matters too, but no dev should want to have their community overrun by racists. However, considering how Mordhau devs act in this matter it's probable that they are racists themselves. The idea that you should "tolerate racism or you're a double-bigot yourself!!!" is a dishonest narrative created and peddled by the people who are the problem.
Ever been on this site called Yea Forums Yea Forums?
More to your point, play a shooter where you're mic'd up with randoms. I've heard this shit on Apex, Counterstrike, and Battlefield to list just three examples. Hell, I don't know if Splatoon has mics, but I can guarantee you if it does you'll eventually run into someone who will hit all the classic notes of lazy vulgarity and bigotry completely unprovoked.
I know. Which is why we should nuke NA and Israel already.
That would also get rid of the crybabies we see in games since I realize it's mostly mutt gamers who sperg out at others and get this offended and triggered at everything. I never have issues on Euro servers.
I suspect you are just a cuckold.
>because technology isn't perfect.
Because the developers are racist and fascist
morons pretending to be virtuous, you mean.
This. The violence is part of the game, it's what's expected and what everyone is on board with. Being called a subhuman nigger because you can't read the carry's mind is something certain players bring to the game, it isn't part of it.
Rejecting ideas /= fearing them, but I can see where you're coming from
>can't handle virtual text
*hands soother*
it's ok :)
They pretend to be offended to get attention (for their own personal gain). They love those little shots of dopamine when someone listens to them bitching.
And it's sad that you think being boring and lame is an inalienable right.
Kill yourself niggerlover jewfaggot
>muh player numbers
>dedicated servers are full 24/7
kek chivfags are so easy to spot
I'm insistent that this is actually the case. Anyone who is "normal" and uses racist language is generally underage and will usually grow out of it when they realise you gain nothing and alienate your peers offline and those that don't are the ones who NEVER got to talk to Rebecca and are still upset at age 30.
Yea Forums isnt a game. Ive played online games for 20 years and never seen this, including CS and BF games. Never played Apex. I especially seriously doubt people are doing this on BF, as you would undoubtedly be banned for doing this. Very few people would ever do this sort of thing, and those players would be quickly removed from the player base.
Yikes, go back to your Minecraft RP forum kiddo before I *hands you your ass*
Bait is way too easy these days.
shut the fuck up nigger. you act like a nigger, your team pulls the trigger. this is how it has worked for eons and it will remain this way in any worthwhile game.
dumb fucking nigger
Too bad everyone is trained to believe it will always work because nothing is stronger than a bunch of people whining.
I've got almost 20 years of online gaming experience and it's not as common as people would like to think. TF and TF2 are up there. Chivalry too. Despite all the non-english speakers, people rarely drop a slur on dota, though that's where the most abusive people are. Overwatch is more "toxic" than Apex, so far.
>the Latin word for the black color is nigeros and niger which is distributed among all Latin family languages that encompass at least 800 million people on the planet
>a bunch of English speaking retards now want languages to censor their fucking dictionaries because of Western SJWs and uneducated blacks
>Nigeria should also change its name as should the river Niger now
This is absurdism and idiocracy at their highest level.
The only reason they are doing this is because their game is such smalltime shit that stuff like this is their only way to get publicity. It is a stunt to seem cool to the kids.
stay in facebook stupid virtue signaling incel
Oh of course but I mean specifically that they aren't going to bother unless there is a tangible gain. If you told a group of them there were no black people in Mordhau you would get a "Dat ain't right" at most before they lost all interest because they would gain nothing tangible from them being added whereas a group of SJWs would make blog posts about it and start a commotion about it.
They just don't care unless they have something tangible to gain.
>you act like a nigger, your team pulls the trigger.
Is this what happens when you stop thinking and go autopilot with a meme folder?
>ITT: Mutts getting triggered at othe mutts
Stop playing on American servers.
Problem solved.
Nice pasta trannygger. Now kys, dilate, etc.
Fundamentally I actually do understand the mindset, but it's always funny to me how much "nigger" stands out in the normie's brain. The way I see redditors cry about the racism in Mordhau is laughable because the word nigger definitely does not appear very often. Nobody is screaming NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER, you might see it once or twice an hour. You also see people telling others to kill themselves, calling people incels/virgins, people calling each other assholes, dicks, fuckers, and all sorts of other vulgar slang. But the nigger word just stands out so brilliantly in their memories, they're so traumatized by the few times they see it that they convince themselves it's an epidemic.
Why do people keep posting this clickbait when the devs literally apologized for the situation and said they were working on implementing filters and so on? They even ban people on sight for the complained about behavior on their forums and discord server.
They're not redpilled. They're just pretending to get you to give them money.
Fuck off crybaby nigger and stay in your government mandated safespace.
>not even burger hours
>still obsessed with them
Right well I've no idea where you pulled that from but are you admitting you're wrong about the GG EZ thing and that you don't even play Siege because you clearly don't understand what actually sets the filter off and you're just regurgitating some shit that you heard on Yea Forums?
>virtue signalling
>on Yea Forums
You're fucking stupid.
>wahh wahh *slurs wildly*
That's it. Get all the vitriol out. Because soon it will all be safespaces.
Implying giga nigga 9k is even spending time playing games lmfao
Hitler's words hurt a lot of people. A pizza place was attacked because of words.
he's actually right. you're wrong here. you will get banned for saying gg ez in siege.
fuck trannies and fuck niggers
Found the Burger that should go to sleep.
I dare you to go into your local mall or even just out onto the street and start shouting that sort of stuff and see how long it takes before someone knocks you out for not only being a disgusting neckbeard with no social awarness but also for being an autistic annoying cunt.
That's not government mandated, that's just normal people who realise that acting like a angry bigoted child isn't acceptable past the age of 16.
The words didn't do that.
Can WW3 come already
I mean, you really are a dumb nigger user. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.
if you still get offended by what some random stranger says in an online game, you really have other very important things to deal in your life beforehand
White fragility keeps getting proven true again and again.
muh poor pizza place ceiling tile :( RIP in pieces 3 gunshots
That is where it starts. You complain about the word nigger, people get banned. Soon fag becomes bannable, then retard, then idiot and so on so forth. Regardless of bait or not I hate anyone who posts this shit.
You can't *ban* certain words. That's ridiculous.
>it's okay to invade someone's property with your AR15 to check if they have kids in the basement they don't have as long as you don't shoot them when it turns out they don't
This is your mind on e-fascism.
You fucking don't, Jesus Christ where the fuck did people even hear that from? If you say it every single fucking game and some salty bitch reports you for it each time then you might get a suspension but that isn't the games fault that's people abusing the report system which is still unlikely to happen if it will at all. You are acting like typing gg ez in chat gets you auto banned by the filter immediately which it fucking doesn't.
you guys must think you're really funny calling us trannies and telling us to dilate. but we are winning, your hobbies are catering to us
that is just something you will have to get used to
I really hate white snowflakes like you who think supporting censorship makes you look like a good person. Dudes out here are getting banned for saying nigga to their niggas, and you're here defending it and acting like you're a friend to black people. Fuck you.
Sure you would big man Vlad.
>With their lack of social understanding
>Waah! Words hurt! Ban them, daddy! Waah!
The irony of your post.
Absolutely based. I wish I was a tranny myself to get in on all this winning.
>i conflate random crazy people that do stupid (and yet not harmful) things one time with literally all opposition to my political beliefs
very not-unhinged user thank you
The level of dishonesty in this post is fucking staggering.
My purpose in life is also to spite the people that have rejected me.
>we're literally fucking ghouls lmao
dude we know
>Sure you would big man Vlad.
It's okay, user. I know a lot of your anger is from losing the culture war.
Post your black face with timestamp retard. AM no friend to black people but it's the way I was brought up to not be a fucking arsehole to someone I've never met beyond an encounter in an online game, regardless of whether they are black, white, or azn. Half the people who get called niggers aren't even fucking black, it's just a shitty thing to say in general.
So you draw the line for what is harmful at death or are you a moderate who would say that a non-fatal bullet wound can be considered harmful? I myself think that it's harmful in itself both to society and the people in question to have guns pointed at you. And when the impetus for the situation is lies told on the internet no one who perpetuated them is innocent.
>call someone a nigger as a joke =/= promote the idea that my race>>>>>your race
it's gets so pathetic that at this point no one really knows what racism is, but racism is way more than saying a fucking word, it's a kinda complex thesis with some partial truths that assumes one is better than the other based on the colour of the skin and i simply can't believe your can shove that propaganda in someone's throat in a 15mins videogame session
Go speak to someone IRL and through in a few casual "niggerfaggots" and see how your social life is after that.
is now
Are you comparing IRL to a online game? How empty is your skull?
i can't express to you how little interest I have in discussing the semantics of my use of the word "harmful" in that post. You're fundamentally stupid and gay, and a peasant compared to me. Prove yourself first and maybe we'll get somewhere.
Do you masturbate at home but not in public?
>it's just a shitty thing to say in general.
Why? It only has power over you if you let it. It's a serious cultural sickness that you let it offend you this badly. There are cultures and languages where there are no bad words, and the only way to offend somebody is to put meaning behind your words. This is the way it should be, but morons like you are holding English back because of your mental illness.
There are actually limits to how far you can talk shit in sports. You'll either get laid out by the guy you offend, or you'll get penalized by an official. The idea that sports is the arena to say everything and anything, is ridiculous. Only turbo nerds who never learn social etiquette believe they're being censored.
Sticks and stones, faggot.
>be matchmaking in RDR Online
>come across a player in Lemoyne called 'the machine'
>surrounded by 5 other players
>makes sexist, racist, bigoted, crude remarks because he doesn't give a single fuck
>decide to follow him as we grief other players
>follows around a woman calling her 'tits' and making outrageous statements
>she's noticeably attracted to his sheer confidence
>fuck around for 10 hours straight drinking beer & following the posse from town to town
>single handledly one of the best experiences I ever had in an online game
Either it's all okay or none of it is, when you have all the tools to mute a player banning them for speech is ludicrous.
Is 8gag down for maintenance or something?
Social etiquette is generally disregarded online. How new are you to the internet?
Sorry, I don't believe anyone who keeps a wojak folder can be anything other than a pasty little skinny bitch who swings with the force of a kid.
Did you really have to use niggerfaggot as your example retard? That's been a meme for like 10+ years. Sure using a word like that with literal random strangers is obviously going to offend people, much like if you walked up to them and talked about how much you love watching incest hentai or if you ran up screaming "cock fuck dick shit". But plenty of people don't have that magic chilling effect when it comes to the naughty no-no words. In private company amongst friends they will be tossed around, usually in a joking manner.
no it isn't
>Sorry, I don't believe anyone who keeps a wojak folder can be anything other than a pasty little skinny bitch who swings with the force of a kid.
>tfw fighting on the social justice side has got me more (yous) than ive ever had in my life
It's hilarious white people can't even have an ethnostate in a computer game with these people lmao
>any and all banter can be muted at an individual player's digression
>but the devs should still introduce and enforce a bunch of retardedly strict ban policies because a vocal minority are being fucking crybabies
Allowing pussy normalfags onto the internet and letting them play vidya was a mistake.
Yes it is brainlet, even moreso when you are not representing your real life identity. Proof: online games and forums.
>Would you say half the stuff you say online to the offended parties, offline?
Taking the bait. This is exactly why people say it online because it's indecent to do so in real life, you get to act like a complete fucking asshole and I think it's beautiful.
Slavs are the only Caucasians aside from Icelanders and a few Scandinavian people who have hulk-like physiques that can pummel blacks in close combat sports and strongman competitions, and Slavs go from lanklet to hulk mode when training with a speed you Westerners can't compete with, AND they have no psychological guilt barrier towards blacks like you Westerners because of a lack of history with blacks. On pretty much all accounts, including inborn savagery, a Slav is the most qualified to state that he would go against blacks face to face unlike you white westernsois. Your NPC script is in the toilet on this one.
Release some DLC so I can buy it Mordhau dev
fuck this board
Why should there be a difference? It's a total misconception to think that the internet is some sort of magical place outside of the world. This is the real world too, and the real world should come with real consequences.
Like CWC says there's a merge going on, but it's the internet and "IRL" and not dimensions. The divide was a mere symptom of technological immaturity but now that the internet is mainstream, it can no longer be its own thing. It's just another facet of society, and you have to treat it and behave accordingly. And you will.
we should just put hrt in the water, testosterone is the cause of all the suffering in the world
Because they want to compete on sports and not emotional control. They know you can tilt your pansy ass sissies with words. That's why they forbid it. It's a handicap for people who have no emotional control same way boxing is a escape for faggots who can't grapple.
If you need a carebear game go play it but don't demand every game to cater to your retarded ass.
That's when you realise everyone in your posse is actually a nofriends bully victim who need to act confident online to get kicks, hence the reason they were sat in the house drinking alone on a fucking videogame for 10 straight hours
what was netiquette and what are the rules every single of those communities have
Highly based anime posters
>posting anime
Every human is racist, child.
>dude why are you upset that i'm throwing litter in your backyard you can just pick it up and recycle it lmao
Mutefag logic not even once.
It's unironically easier to trigger /pol/ posters than anyone else on the internet right now.
>say racist shit to sjws & co.
>1 reply
>"fuck off retard, blocked"
>say "racism is wrong" to /pol/ poster
>300 (you)s later
If I wasn't right you'd timestamp a picture of your non-pasty muscularity rather than posting cartoons that I'm willing to bet look more like you than me.
all estrogen does is make you fat and ugly though. everyone on that shit is ugly as fuck.
you made me laugh you tard.
just close your browser and your eyes
>be smarter than everyone your whole life
>it's relatively intangible and not easy to get immediate benefits from it like being strong, imposing, handsome, charismatic
>go on internet
>learn how to banter from years of experience
>always able to push people's buttons and fuck with them
>they have no recourse because it is purely a battle of wits, nothing else can save them
i really do love the level playing field it creates. People who rely on crutches like their physical strength or appearance or charisma have no advantage on the internet. It reminds me of that copypasta "there are no girls on the internet".
They are there to protect sensitive little zoomer bitches like you from killing themselves. Reality shows however that people in many places don't care about them. Proof: online games and forums.
I played with a cool guy in League. Then my roommate called someone on the other team a dumb nigger and the cool guy left after saying "really?" I felt bad and that's why I keep my insults PG13. The white kind of PG13. I'm pretty sure in black people movies little kids can nig it up so they want and it'll be rated G
>we are winning
i dont know man it looks like there is a global trend towards reactionary movements and authoritarianism lately, and it hasnt slowed down at all
the smart ones never came out of the closet faggot
Not that guy, but you just wrote a paragraph of "I'm too intellectually dishonest for this".
Based /pol/acks making my day.
ok so who's living in a fantasy land again
Is this really that bad of a comment? I personally would ban them if It was on my server, why would you want some guys spouting shit over and over. I like shittalk, but genuine racist shittalking I dont see a problem with banning
Why do PC gamers have such shit taste in games? Why does garbage like Mordhau and Chivalry get so popular yet real fighting games that are actually fun get no numbers at all on PC?
>If I wasn't right you'd timestamp a picture of your non-pasty muscularity rather than posting cartoons that I'm willing to bet look more like you than me.
I love this game, but holy crap they need to get a handle on the rampant racism. I mean seriously, how does game not have a built in, de facto filter/ban feature for anyone that uses the n-word (or variations thereof)? While I typically ignore the general chat, it seems like people are throwing the n-word around (or using homophobic slurs) every time I bother reading the chat. There is a RIDICULOUSLY easy solution to this problem: automatic 10 day ban if you use the n-word or a homophobic slur in chat. You get 3 warnings. If you do it three times, ban kicks in. Next ban you get no warnings and it's a 30 day ban. That's how you get this garbage out of the game. Alternatively, you could just make the server ignore the chat text when people use these slurs, in which case people will get sick of trying to type them.
Imagine going into ANY business and dropping the N-word or homophobic slurs. What happens? Oh yeah, you get thrown out. It could be a department store, mall, restaurant, doesn't matter, the result is the same, your ass gets thrown out. It's sad that people try to justify the same behavior because its an online game, when there is literally zero difference.
Yeah, I have nothing but epic racist friends now and my family doesn't care. Looks like reality is different from SJW fantasies.
this is at least the fifth thread on this since yesterday. what even is there to talk about, who makes these threads? why do I visit Yea Forums?
>and you will
>this is what animefags believe
God I can't wait for all the fucking niggers to die from global warming
>tfw have to leave my home to go pick up a piece of garbage every time someone says a naughty word in-game
ur so right
It's the newfags/ literal kids that came over during the 2016 wave
pretty sad desu
it was actually a pretty facetious post, but no i definitely didn't. He was arguing about a totally tangential element of my post that had no bearing on the main topic.
>say racist shit to sjws & co.
>they try to dox you, get you fired and killed by mobs of unemployed "antifascists"
Because fighting games are shit. Nobody plays fighting games.
Because Mordhau and chiv are actually fun and Fighting games are not?
>real fighting games
You mean the deodorant-resistant shit which has become boring after 20 fucking years of playing it? Well, i've pretty much answered your question.
You are. Proof: online games and forums.
It's not the magnitude of the task left to be me but the idea that it's my responsibility to clean up your shit. Yes, I can and will mute you but that's a band-aid and not a fix. The solution is to remove you. Do you fumigate a cockroach or do you just close your eyes, pussy?
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
Seriously though, why do you guys get so traumatized by it? I play this game a lot, it appears maybe 2-3 times an hour. You might get one sperg who types the word and makes you read it (ugh!!! >_
hasn't happened once yet
meanwhile, YOU'RE STILL giving me (you)s.
this is the reality.
this is not.
the sjws are wrong, and immoral across the board.
this, at least /pol/tard keep it to the internet as banter, so long as it's not something hurting anyone IRL (i.e Bike lock guy)
This is the best argument for not being full of vitriol. Normal life isn't Yea Forums and most people will just find it offputting and not want to play with you.
Correction: you have a legion of vulture tumoral AAA devs preying on retards like you. I play videogames for like 6 hours a day every day and I have an ever increasing backlog of poz-free games. But of course you wouldn’t know because you don’t actually play video games, just bitch about them to earn the respect of your retarderan “friends”
Stop getting offended at words on the internet and just play the game you dumb sjwewed nigger.
but those things have rules, they just don't count in your deluded world
Has happened often enough you basement dwelling weeb virgin.
Good thing I'm already a neet then, state is really nice paying me 2K$ a month for doing nothing. I'm also helping other neets get state money and try to get them setup working for companies paying in crypto
>still work
>paid in crypto
Life is good, state will collapse soon enough
>your shit
here's a little problem retard, litter is a tangible object, it is unusable garbage that has not been disposed in a garbage bin. You are comparing that to words that make you upset. It's a total shit analogy in every way.
Jesus Christ, this is what real mental illness and sociopathy look like. You are a really disgusting person. I guess it's true, the biggest virtue signallers are all horrible people trying to cover up their deficiencies.
So that's at least 3 of these images you have saved, boy you must really have a bone to pick with these imaginary people you're parodying. Can you show me a screencap of your folder so I know just how deep this rabbit hole goes?
Keep em coming.
The end of my sentence doesn't make any sense kek
well you get what i meant.
Or they don't count in most people's worlds in online games and forums which is why some companies are implementing wordfilters and other means of censorship.
>Suggests Offended Players use the Mute Function
That's problematic.
If the things you say online would get you in trouble if your IRL friends and colleagues found out, maybe you shouldn't be saying them in the first place?
Keep getting btfo
>epic racist friends
Confirmed 12.
Pedo confirmed
fuck niggers and fuck cunny
Smash is a party game.
ok so because the rules have enforcement, they don't count? is that your actual unironic "argument"?
They wouldn't get anyone in trouble if unemployed antifa neets wouldn't create a commotion out of it that eventually may be bad pr for someone.
You're not gonna BTFO me by proving me right and giving me free (You)s despite me blatantly admitting to what I'm doing.
You're being obtuse about the concept of words causing harm when most agree it should be illegal to shout "fire" in a crowded theater.
Overwatch started a war against toxc behavior, from what I noticed that only made people more toxic (As far as I noticed anyway), then I got matched up with a team of five that told me they'd all report me and since I knew blizzard doesn't fact check and just goes off number of reports I just decided its better to quit overwatch entirely.
Literally this entire thread has been the 2nd post you linked.
Not all countries are mentally ill but britbongs are at it.
No, my argument was that people don't care about those rules online while they do offline. Try to go over my posts again brainlet.
Makes sense. the only one offended are the fagots that look foe these sort of crap. And other faggots that dont even play games.
Gamers dont care and just play the game.
Not really.
Mordhau has superior combat, while Butterlords only has world map and large battles going for it.
I'm not even sure how I will be playing Banner with it's inferior combat, since Mord spoiled me too mich.
I know that for sure I will be playing Bannerlords for SP and Mordhau for MP.
>get banned for no reason
>call credit card company
Would they be outraged if a developer made it only black women?
Which one is the tranny lol
It hasn't. Good job proving him right, though. You SJW types are always wrong.
>If a developer creates an isolated area where swearwords are not supposed to exist that you agreed to as per the terms of service you were supposed to read when you started the game, it's censorship
and you people are honestly still wondering why leftists and SJWs make fun of you?
Dude where did you get to play the Bannerlord combat demo?
Oh wait...
Not really, they were all pretty normal guys and it's not about being some bitter incel contrary to what Buzzfeed would lead you to believe. It's just pure fun for fun's sake. Only me and the machine had a beer. You don't drink for 10 hours straight that's not how alcohol works lol
Most agree that it should be illegal to shout "fire" in a crowded theater because, invariably, in every instance of that occurring, the utterance of the words will immediately and directly cause a panic that may result in injury, death, property damage, etc.
The same cannot be said of "racist" speech or any other kind of hate speech. Laws around threats are very clear about this stuff. There needs to be a direct and immediate threat against a specific person or persons for language to be unlawful.
Next LGBT month the game should only be transpeople of colour for the whole month
Any kind of moderation is technically censorship. But you don't have a freedom of speech claim against private companies and their products and services.
Who gives a shit, it's more telling that they hunt people for comments online while letting criminals on the street roam free and denying even self-defense. Uk is a pure shithole.
You're seething too hard to make fun of anyone.
>yelling NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER FAG NIGGER FAG FAG FAG NIGGER and having to fear repercussion is a "no fun zone"
you are why we need planned parenthood
How hasn't it? Are you reading the same thread as me? It's just one big argument over whether people should be allowed to call people niggers and faggots online so technically both posts are accurate with the 2nd being the majority?
so because you don't care nobody else does either? just trying to get an argument out of you buddy, doing my best to help. no need to be rude at all.
For now, it might be coming for services that have a majority market share
No? If a developer picks the swearwords it's censorship.
If the user picks the swearwords for themselves it's not.
Case in point for example is that plenty of black people like using nigga and also consciously want to see who is using the word therefore the power is given to them to exclude the word from the filter for their own means and reasons.
It's a pretty fucking clear difference.
>giving me free (You)s
doesn't make sense you are replying to him
EULAs are not legally binding and most of them simply say "we reserve the right to do anything and you don't actually own the game" to give them leverage if they have to go to court so you point is null and void.
>implying the company that I choose to keep requires any sort of gay, hyper-conditional eggshell walking or filters
Get a load of this silly fucking sausage.
Most people don't, which is evidenced by some companies feeling the need to censor and filter certain trigger words, retard.
>Soon fag becomes bannable, then retard
that's already the case in Rainbow 6 Siege
the other day I had my team teamkill each other with 4 players getting the reverse FF debuff so I type "this team is retarded" in the chat and I get a warning saying the message hasnt been sent and my message has been sent for review
couldnt believe my eyes. in an 18+ fucking game
user, his feelings say more than facts ever could.
>>be smarter than everyone your whole life
>Why should there be a difference?
Because what you imagine to be "the real world" isn't. It's a fantasy where everyone else enjoys being what they are not in real life. You incapacity to differenciate between say, the real world, and the world of Harry Potter is the reason why you believe trannies when they tell you that they really are a woman "inside". You are delusional, like a child who can't separate fiction from reality.
You can't cut yourself from the real world, you can cut yourself from the internet. Learn the difference before you try to reproduce.
that's just cringe mate.
so governments maintaining police departments is also evidence most people don't care about the law?
lol you are gay
Are letters not part of the real world? I think they are. The internet isn't fundamentally different.
ok, once leftists get banned for hating white people
You're in luck, most trannies can't have kids
SJWs don't even exist.
I told you several times that people behave differently online than offline. Do you shit in a diaper?
>the internet isn't different
>writes on an anonymous imageboard
Post your name and picture then if this is the real world
You can not please the SJW crowd. If you try to compromise they will push even further. Just ignore them all, in rl they are the biggest losers anyway.
just play the fucking game, I fear for the day you come into contact with actual adversity because you'll be completely unprepared for how to deal with it.
There are no girl on the internet. Stop being a bitch.
Time, place, audience, and activity matters. There are conversations and language that is acceptable to use in a bar that isn't acceptable in a company meeting. This is something that any normal adult human being that doesn't have some crippling social defect understands.
The hyper vigilance to monitor and control all speech is just another way to control thought and dissent.
pointless to argue about labels. everyone knows what everyone means when everyone says "SJW"
but you've failed to relate this to your position that the internet is a wild west without rules
I don't see why that follows. We are anonymous expect us but it's still real. The things we say are real and the ideas we absorb affect us in very real ways.
You're right, I guess bullets flying into your house don't cause any harm unless they actually hit someone. Remember that.
This. I'll be glad when marketers and publishers realize that SJWs are a tiny minority, that they hold zero power, and that they aren't the target demographic anyway. Things will only get better if they just get ignored and mocked instead of kowtowed to.
Has nothing to do with /pol/ you absolute tard anime poster. You are going to a site that has a specific culture and go deliberatly against that culture. That's obviously going to get you (You)s. Go into a bloodborne thread and say how the game sucks, go into a pokemon thread and defend the latest decisions to remove mons, etc.
Bringing up /pol/ without any warning every single time just shows how absolutely obsessed you truly are.
No, you just didn't understand it.
If that's true I'm sure your peers would agree that it's no biggie that you hate n-words because you said it online and not to anyone's face... right?
btw this is why I hate dealing with peasant niggers like you. I give you more than a sentence worth of effort and you stop replying. Stupid black gorilla nigger.
Highly unlikely. Any person is able to voice their own opinions but there is no law or human rights document that guarantees a platform.
If a company does or doesn't allow you to communicate on their platform big whoop. Wipe your tears and move on.
okay another user whose blank assertions i have to accept on his good word alone
What if that
You should play some more overwatch and come back to Yea Forums when your frontal lobe has fully developed.
> The solution is to remove you. Do you fumigate a cockroach or do you just close your eyes, pussy?
You close your eyes and stop going to a place that isn't "yours" to fumigate in the first place.
Not everything revolves around you, you sociopathic pathetic faggot. You ain't all-powerful, but you wish you were so you could remove everything that hurt, and that's why you come of as weak and disgusting to people that aren't as pathetic as you.
Have a nice day, niggerfaggot.
He's right, the internet is a place of freedom where you can say reprehensible things without the fear of social repercussion to complete strangers.
>there is no law or human rights document that guarantees a platform.
There needs to be. SJWs are trying to make some fucked up dystopia by cutting out everyone's tongues.
thanks for the (You)s, I'll have to console myself with those since I'm not getting an argument
quick rundown: internet has rules but I don't care about them so neither should anyone else
What if that company was built using publicly funded tech infrastructure? What if that company receives tax breaks and other publicly-derived benefits? What if that company holds a near-monopoly in its industry? What if that company is an electronic payment processor in 2019 where paper transactions are more and more rare?
If that's okay, why not go a step further and have banks deny service for the bad people. They don't deserve a platform. Honestly, they don't deserve water either, or food.
Games first and foremost belong to people who want to play them, not those who want to use its complementary chatbox as a litter box for their personal issues.
>thanks for the (You)s
Should or should not doesn't enter the picture. Start by understanding the reality that most people just don't.
no it isn't
Wow, you sure are such a good person with this seething burning passion to control what other people say.
You muted the problem and you've already fixed the problem, that's it and that's all, now focus on playing the videogame.
You can't please a crowd that doesn't exist.
Most of you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about. There was never any such movement and you literally blow a few memes or dumb comments way way waaaaaaay out of proportion.
I hate nigger faggots like you. They're just words, get the fuck over it.
What a lazy strawman
Do you really think you're going to trick anyone with dumb posts like this?
Nothing anywhere says who videogames belong to so take your shit elsewhere, now stop being a power hungry control-freak and let people do what they do, there is a mute button that people like you can use.
i think you might just be autistic user. I take back what i said "most people" know what everyone says when they say SJW. There are some retards like you who think we're talking about like an organization or something.
The day it happens is the day people will call the cops because the janny deleted their posts. If you guys can't grasp that then shit you are doomed for life.
Yes it is. I can honestly tell you, a stranget, you're a retard, without any social repercussions.
>my world is correct everyone else's is wrong
okay you're literally delusional
>the more "racist" and "unwelcoming" a country is the less crime and more safe it is
hmmmmm. really made me think.
just mute them you retard
Shut the fuck up nigger
Agreed. Adults can play a game without feeling the urge to yell nigger constantly.
I'd argue that it should be banned on Yea Forums outside Yea Forums too but we're too far gone for that.
Your head is literally getting lopped off in the game and you want to worry about being called a nigger? Priorities
cry more, nigger faggot
nigga cybberbullying isnt real just close your eyes
No, you just want to believe reality has to conform to your sensibilities. As you can see very easily, people behave reprehensibly online more often than in real life.
>nu-western urinalists
hehe urine
i am surprised people even try to use the tiny useless chat in the corner
If they are adults, then yes they would. They would maybe find it uncough, but they wouldn't base 100% of their judgment on private matters alone.
This is why any adult who is secretly disgusted by the act of homosexuality can have a civil discourse, a working relationship, or even a friendship with faggot, and still like them for who they are.
The world doesn't revolve around your gimped point of view, grow up.
racism is normal banter. It's the internet and nothing that anybody says actually means anything
It's getting pretty late for me so maybe I'm tired, but i don't really know what you mean here. It's easy to apply legislation like this to specific corporations and under specific circumstances, something like this would not affect a place like reddit or Yea Forums. It would be things like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
you have problems understanding the reality of those rules you don't care about so don't lecture me please
best way to combat racism is to allow it. if you actively work against racism and try to crack down on racist you give them a reason to organize in their own closed communities. if you let people say the nigger word in video games they have no need to go to stormfront and start planning how they will lynch every single porchmonkey.
Where do you think you are?
How long has PC gamer had trigger warnings in their articles? Rofl
Actually when guys like you unironically use SJW in your argument what you are doing is broadcasting to everyone that you are a hopelessly irrational dumbass.
>n-no you are the one that is the dummy user
Sure thing guys but please remember to change your diapers.
Overwatch definitely made everything worse. You either have games full of oversensitive vaginas/abuse of the report system, or you have full 1488 in games that actually let you.
Have sex
They've been going downhill lately and not just because of the warnings the subject content has just been garbage.
did you know that Yea Forums has a sub page called rules not many do!
The offended parties are all limp wristed white people though.
I have no problem understanding that those rules are there, but most people don't care about them, which is another facet of reality.
based no-argument-having, ad-hominem-using retard
literally pressing 6 buttons on a keyboard
I don't say "SJW" because it's just kind of dated. But I'm just not an extremely autistic person (like you, you are an extremely autistic person) so i understand the sort of politics people are referring to when they use the word
Can you prove it?
I've been tanning, I'm a person of color now.
No but companies like Facebook have other concerns because of their business model. Like if they are serving news they should be held to the same regulations.
wew those goalposts instantly teleported
how do you know about most people anyway? where's the source for that claim?
i kinda wanna buy mordhau now
was waiting for sales
There is a fine line. You don't want to go full Rainbow Six Ubisoft, where they insta- temp-banned everyone who said something from a bad word-list in chat, to the point that people got illegitimately banned, because they were speaking spanish and talking about the in game skin "Black Ice" in spanish (thus using the word "negro" and getting banned), or someone typing "frag" missing the "r" in the heat of the moment and getting banned. Hell, people tricked devs into getting banned. So eventually they reversed that.
But on the other hand if it starts to be a problem, you don't want to be so hands off, that your game gets known to be just /pol/-the game and everyone is just calling everyone else nigger the whole time.
Ah but you see I wouldn't say such things because I'm not an idiot edgelord.
But I suppose peer groups matter too.
I'd expect such language from someone who doesn't have much status in life.
Racism is normal banter.
Nobody argued there were no rules on Yea Forums.
user argued that you can say reprehensible things without fear of social repercussions to complete strangers on the internet, and the website you're using right now is living proof of that.
if your game doesn't cowtow the communist party line, your game will be labelled alt right
So it's all good then. Might as well just tell them how redpilled you are yourself so you'll have more to talk about. Maybe they'll invite you to the local klavern.
You're not autistic but you can't grasp nuance and have to rely on fictional boogeymen? I think you're very confused user, please get help.
Can't prove god or ancient aliens don't exist either.
The source is the observation that rules are put up online because everyone knows that certain words would be uttered all the time everywhere. I told you this too several times. Come to peace with being wrong.
Not everyone lives in a hypersensitive bubble where everyone is afraid of saying a set of ebil nahtzee words.
Or you can just not be a little bitch and not give a fuck and just be based instead.
I fucking hate all you crybaby zoomers. Fuck off and die.
>Are letters not part of the real world?
No. Fiction isn't part of the real world. By your own logic you would and should hate the actor who played Draco Malfoy in the movie because his role made him play a racist bigot.
As much as you would like to deny it, it happens so often that it is basically a easy-to-make free-detector to see if anyone is as delusional as you are.
The letters to write "niggerfaggot" exists, but their fictional impact is next to none. You hardly are a nigger, nor a faggot, are you ? And even if you were, the other guy had no way to know that, so you can infer that he's just trying to trigger you like a leashed-little-dog would yap at you for passing by him while doing your groceries. What ? Do you kick it in the teeth when it does ? Do you admonish it's owner like a sanctimonious asshole ? No, you just go your way and live your life. In short :
You grow up.
okay there's no source it's literally all in user's head again, just checking
SJWs are just as fictional as the alt-right and modern day Nazis
I also feel journalists and internet faggots are making a bigger deal out of this, because there's the special group of autistic people who love having that moderation power over their favorite internet forums, but can't here since the devs said fuck off.
Shut up you literal sub-human nigger. Any censorship is bad. Ideas rise or fall based on their own merit. If your ideas are so terrible they can only exist by having others artificially filtered then they deserve to die in the dirt. Now shout nigger at short spear chucking faggots like God intended.
I told you the source is observation. People with IQs above room temperature rely on that for understanding the world instead of having their handler tell them what to do, like you.
As much as I love Harry Potter I'm afraid we're not in it. You, me, this: it's all very real. You can't go around thinking, reading and saying stuff, online or otherwise, without it impacting you as a person and that's what makes it real.
what if I observe the vast majority to respectful of whatever rules are in effect on whatever platforms they use? what then? see why you need a source to make a claim?
...so not at all?
Watch the democratic primary debate lmao?
Do you think """"""""""banter"""""""""" is supposed to be some kind of clever quip? No, dude. Banter is all about shitting on each other in the most over the top way possible.
If you genuinely believe the internet isn't fundamentally different from the real world then you have severe brain damage
Your stupidity is tiring. Those rules are in place solely because there are so many people who would say things that hurt you otherwise. The rules followed the offenses.
You mean a person of the colour brown right?
>You can't go around thinking, reading and saying stuff, online or otherwise, without it impacting you as a person
lmao cry more faggot. if internet comments actually get to you, you need to reevaluate your life lmao. you'll never be able to make it in the real world without being able to handle banter
China has got it right with their re-education camps and social credit.
>credit too low?
>say the wrong thing online?
>play too much vidya
The entire world needs this
>implying Slovenians give a fuck about some cucked triggered mutts
Fucking nuke yourselves already you pathetic shitstains.
so we agree the internet does in fact have rules, and they matter in spite of them being enforced! Thank you!
No shit it has rules, but most people don't care about them. You're welcome.
>fine line
Fuck that shit.
I'm not white nor American, I love Mordhau, and I don't want the devs to have to lose time and ressources to care about some easily offendable commies. The banter and "free speach" is part of why the game feels so good, having to step back to appease some resetera or gaming "journalists" would be a huge mistake. Those kind of people already have safe spaces already, they can keep them, but they have to leave Mordhau alone.
>not let shit get totally out of hand
FUCKING COMMULISTS! Piss off, Jontron.
Like I said, it depends on how bad it really is. If there's just the occasional bantz, who cares. If it really is just non-stop racism that's pretty bad and should probably be reigned in.
Are you retarded? Of course Censorship is bad. But now letting you sperg out in a video game isn't censorship. Their House, their rules. You are still allowed to make your shitty statements, they are just not required to give you a platform. Like, literally you telling me to shut up, is more censorship than a game not letting people call others nigger.
Speaking of which, calling others niggers is hardly "ideas that need to rise and fall on their own merits" that's just you calling someone a nigger to be edgy.
No, my white genes mean I retain my adorable light skin shade while merely becoming a little toasted.
there's that unsourced claim again
>unironically comparing real life sports to internet shitposting
Kill yourself holy fuck.
It doesn't surprise me at all that the exact same people arguing for disproportionate bannings over words online also support dystopian social credit systems in real life
Niggers are pretty racist and unwelcoming, and Africa is still a crime ridden shithole.
I understand your message, but your point could use some work to defend it better.
There's you being retarded again.
>posting on Yea Forums
Leave and go for your re-education classes bugman.
The people should be as homogeneous as possible to stop conflicts and increase public trust
Ah, you don't get it all. Sorry for assuming you were a bit more... advanced. Point isn't my fee-fees. Don't get me wrong, they matter too but at this point I doubt they could be any more hurt by the stuff you guys say than they already are.
No, the point is what your racism and other problematic behaviour does to you and what in turn what this group of people like you does to society. Being awful online makes you an awful person. You might be able to contain it better around the dinner table but it's changing you on the inside. That might be a problem for me if I happen to know you but I most likely don't; my concern is to you. Being awful might be satisfying in the moment but the awful person it turns you into is not one worth being. Please get better.
anyone who doesn't agree with user is retarded. okay I can see why I should value your opinions so highly.
So was the current generation of young adults never taught sticks and stones? I learned that shit in kindergarten, but these people seem to genuinely believe certain words if uttered or typed have the actual power to harm you.
To be fair, they might not care about someone saying Nigger. Clearly I don't do myself. But they might care about only attracting alt-right folks, or more likely they might care about their game getting known as a racist cesspool, everyone who isn't /pol/ leaving and the game fucking dying. Because as much as /pol/ likes to declare otherwise "People who say Nigger" is maybe not the strongest demographic to have.
>Niggers are pretty racist and unwelcoming, and Africa is still a crime ridden shithole.
yes but nobody who's a leftie will think that which makes the thought valid
This generation got taught participation trophies instead.
You have it wrong, the words let them have power over you
No but you are since having explained how you are wrong just makes you spin on and on on your little retard carousel.
It's not about being a crybaby, it's about not wanting the mood of the game you play in your free time to be killed by constantly having to mute screeching neckbeards.
your entire """""argument""""" pivots around an unsourced claim of tangential importance
>Point isn't my fee-fees.
Yes it is. Opinion discarded.
No, it's very important you understand the reality that is before you go on about what should and shouldn't be.
The only type people who get triggered by nigger and faggot and tranny are americans.
I've never had issues on euro servers. It's always mutts who sperg out at some fag calling them a nigger because they can't handle the bantz.
>they might care about their game getting known as a racist cesspool
Again, the only people who might view the game in this light are mutts since they're the only ones who take this shit seriously.
Is it really that hard to get through your thick skull?
Now read the reply to that post you quoted
>No shit it has rules, but most people don't care about them.
How does this not apply to Yea Forums?
We just need to implement SSN being tied to your IP and create a cyber division to search the web for people with problematic ideas so we can educate them on why they are wrong. It will happen in a decade or two
delete this!
sounds like your reality is more like a desperate dream that you want to be real. aka delusion.
Shit parenting.
In the past, teachers in education systems were the authority and when kids don't behave correctly or have shit stats they get slammed.
Presently, when a child is dogshit their protective feminist mothers and virtue signaling fathers blame it on the teachers for the children having bad grades and when the child sees that the mentality of the world succumbing to it traverses into adulthood where it remains a stunted retarded child in an adult's body.
That's one of the reasons this scandal in USA with parents bribing children into Universities and Ivy League shit at that, is so big.
The current generation is fucked because of teachers turning into cuckazoids and parents believing that it's the world's fault for their children being shit rather than their own fault for being dogshit parents.
You can only imagine how bad things will become when such retarded children become parents themselves.
Amerifats need to grow some balls.
Did you read anything of what I wrote or are you just a massive brainlet ?
>Might as well just tell them how redpilled you are yourself so you'll have more to talk about.
If your faggot friend knows that you are disgusted by the act, he will not "redpill" you on his faggotry and describe how much he craves cocks all the time. Instead he'll talk about movies, games, shows and things that you can share and enjoy together.
You, on the other hand, would gladly restrict, imprison and ban anyone who doesn't like, say, strawberries. Because anyone who doesn't like strawberries is OBLIGATED a klan member of the "Strawberry niggerfaggot hate group".
I don't know what your mom did to you to make such a control freak out of you, but I hope for you to find it in your heart to forgive her, and grow up.
chicken dinner
>But they might care about only attracting alt-right folks
The alt-right doesn't even exist. They're a fictional Boogeyman.
fuckin faggots
fuck right back off to reddit.
That's why there are 355 search results for "nigger" in this thread.
This but unironically
Bigots shouldn't be allowed on the internet.
>the way to solve racism is to make whites as oppressed as blacks once were so its more fair
t. whites
>uses your IP
>posts "problematic ideas"
>to the camp
It's perfect
If you had any social understanding you'd also know there is no need to get offended at everything.
Wow how did I never hear about this? I only live like 10 minutes from there.
I guess I just dreamed up the current state of Yea Forums
Fuck you burgers. Stop ruining everything.
This post is ironic.
I definitely read some of it. My only point is that if you'd get in trouble with your friends or colleagues if they knew what you wrote on Yea Forums, then maybe you shouldn't, you know, post that on Yea Forums or anywhere. For one, they might find out even if the chance is remote and second, why do you want to nourish a part of yourself that could create problems for you if it leaks out? You can definitely manage a "double life" of cybernazi and passable normie but why?
This but replace "problematic ideas" with "insults me on the computer"
The fact that you're equating being told to stop saying the word "nigger" with Jim Crow and slavery makes me worry for humanity.
I avoid speaking to nigs in real life for good reason
The only reason video games exist at all are because of America.
No nigger in the usa is subject to slavery.
In the near future you'll have to confirm your biometrics instead of solving a captcha to post on Yea Forums (or anywhere). To be stored in case your post or behaviour is unacceptable and your government needs to take action.
All the shit that's going on in the world and THAT'S what made you start worrying for humanity?
Video games are degenerate garbage, so no thanks for that
>You can't go around thinking, reading and saying stuff, online or otherwise, without it impacting you as a person and that's what makes it real.
So remove everything that makes you feel hurt ? Why stop at what people are saying ? Why not remove all creative content ? We should totally stop showing concentration camps videos at school then, think of the children !!
Your logic is restrictive, fascist, and downright abusing. Read yourself again, faggot :
>You can't go around thinking, reading and saying stuff
>You can't go around thinking
Do you notice a pattern yet ?
>normal banter shouldnt
I don't speak to niggers.
Sweden had slipped. Goddamn
Look up Viva Frei videos on YouTube if you want a good overview of the shit, he's a former civil litigator who explains popular cases in terms normal people can understand.
The University administrator who is an SJW even insulted the jury on their decision and told them that they are not doing their job right...
>Normal life
You would have a point if the example used wasnt a fucking video game as opposed to a real life social interaction.
Move along, citizens. Assimilation of the human race is inevitable.
>npc meme
You know, I like to think I have infinite patience with you idiots and I have an honest desire to help you get better but as it turns out even I have my limits.
The only reason America exists at all is because of Europe.
Also, the only reason video games and their communities are getting ruined these days are because of America.
this famalam
It's not even about being triggered. Fuck, _I_ don't get triggered by nigger, faggot, sperg, spic, (((jew))), cunt, beaner, coon, monkey, cracker, sandnigger, canadian or any other slur.
The point is: You just don't wanna play on a /pol/ server that's full of people jelling that shit all the fucking time. It's annoying. That's the reason you are on Yea Forums right now, and not on /pol/. Because you want video games, not people yelling nigger non-stop.
And a game that gets out of hand with that shit will inevitable be annoying to play to anyone but the people who ARE yelling nigger all the time.
See it this way: Remember Gmod griefing? Fun right? Now, how fun would it be if literally every server 90% of the people playing were all Gmod griefers? You would stop playing, because you'd know whatever you do, you get people mic spamming that you have to mute, and people actively trying to fuck with you.
It's the same way with saying Nigger in a game. The occasional one is just some harmless edgelord you can mute, who cares. But if it takes over, and half the server devolves into racial slurs and people yelling NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER, it starts to hinder your enjoyment of the game.
Probably also kills it, knowing that no streamers will touch it and a game like this kinda lives and dies on twitch fame.
>noooooooooo don't use Yea Forums memes on Yea Forums!!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOODS!!!!!!
As it should be, also implement ex post facto law to stop loopholes being abused
That's my whole point, isn't it? There's a lot of things you can do that you really shouldn't. Not for me but for you.
>npc meme
Stop being the personification of the NPC meme if you don't like being called an NPC.
>can't say "FUCK ME DADDY" while cybering because it would get you into trouble if said during a company meeting
>My only point is that if you'd get in trouble with your friends or colleagues if they knew what you wrote on Yea Forums, then maybe you shouldn't, you know, post that on Yea Forums or anywhere.
I agree which is why this website should be completely deanonymized and your identity and SSN should be attached to all of the posts you make on the internet
You act like 80% of players yell nigger all the time which is obviously not true.
Just stop playing on US servers or nuke North America if you want it to stop.
Seems like you misclicked a bookmark in your browser.
>things I don’t like a little are ok, but things I really don’t like need to be banned
So this is the power of tolerance
Based commie brother
how do you get offended at some no life nigger calling you a nigger?
You're defo right that most people behave but you only need critical mass of a few percent of noisy alt-righters to fill any chatbox with racism.
>It's not even about being triggered
Yes it is.
Opinion discarded
The need the stasi back, they sorted out people with problematic ideas very well.
You really shouldn't complain about Yea Forums memes on Yea Forums.
tfw can't tell my boss I want 12 chicken tenders for supper
You sound pretty triggered tbph.
I'll complain about bad behaviour and content no matter its origin.
Take me back please. I never even said anything, I used to be the guy that laughed at them
You don't understand that those people need to be punished and educated on what they are doing is wrong. We can't allow people to act this way in 2019
Whites are so fucking weak, little faggy white boys shouldn't care about who's mean to anyone on a fucking m rated game
Then what will they learn? Nothing. They might even inspire new 14 year olds to become like them.
>I'll autistically stick to the same behavior regardless of the situation I'm in
You should have sex.
>this can never happen again
>the magic is gone
>it's all "problematic" now
I guess we will have to wait until colonies in space can revolt and live on their own, earth is gonna be a shithole forever
I don't yell "NIGGER", I just post statistics related to both race and transgenderism in games that I play.
Not yet. The point I originally made is that you need to walk a line between being overly restrictive (like Ubi usedto be in R6), and being completely hands off, because if it continues on this path now, and just gets more and more known as a game where this is tolerated, and suddenly you won't find a single match without racism in it. And that's an issue.
Well, ok if we're dealing in absolutes I guess we gotta ban the game from steam for being/allowing racist stuff. Sorry. (retard)
See, that works as long as it's only the occasional edgelord. We have these everywhere. It works fine. BUT, if it becomes too many people you start having a problem, where people don't want to play your game any more, because they think, "Ugh, I like that game, but if I play it now, I gotta mute at least 6 people per match... eh fuck that I'll play something else". If you let it go so far that people EXPECT to have to mute/ignore a bunch of people when they play, your game has a problem.
Okay but can we also agree that banning loli porn games off steam isn’t censorship either?
It isn't inherent to communism anymore than it is to capitalism. Instead of the state enforcing these social credit style systems it'll be a select few globalist mega corporations backed by the state. You want to sell your social multiplayer game? Well it better adhere to the social moderation standards of Sony/Microsoft/Tencent or else you're SOL. But hey at least you have choice :)
>Yea Forums loves console screamers now
Anything to spite da libs amirite.
why is left wing so authoritarian?
Mute button right there faggot
See That's just fucking bargain basement retards on console voice. Who the fuck would MISS that? That was already unwanted when it was happening.
>It isn't inherent to communism anymore than it is to capitalism.
But only communists have ever done this.
You're comparing the reality of communism to your imagined reality of capitalism.
Why do you feel obliged to correct their behaviour when their parents have clearly failed to raise them properly?
Are you some kind of faggot?
Also responding to their bullshit is EXACTLY what they want. They set out to trigger you. Ignoring them is actually the best thing to do since they have no reason to insult anyone if no one responds.
It works the same with bullies, respond to their pestering and they'll keep at it, if you ignore them they'll realize it has no effect so they'll stop out of boredom and fuck off.
Fucking brainlets.
It's not authoritarian it's just basic human decency. No one should be allowed to hurt others, and words do hurt
It's strange. I don't really play multiplayer games anymore but I don't remember people trying to be offensive all the time when I played quake, quake 2 multiplayer, tribes, and half-life mods. Have people become worse or did I just never care to notice?
>Well, ok if we're dealing in absolutes I guess we gotta ban the game from steam for being/allowing racist stuff.
Sure, I mean steam has freedom of association and the right to moderate their platform just like any other company, you're not entitled to sell your problematic racism-enabling games on steam anymore than you are entitled to say problematic things in an online game chat.
because if it continues on this path now, where steam just gets more and more known as a platform where this is tolerated, and suddenly you won't find a single game on steam without racism in it. The issue is your feelings being triggered (you retard)
There is no issue.
Mutts make it into an issue because they're all thin-skinned specual snowflakes who even get offended at being called an idiot.
Because people need the help of people. If left to our own devices we make mistakes that we deserve to have corrected so we can collectively get better. Banning a kid who's screaming online is an act of kindness to him (yes, I'm assuming his gender) primarily, and a comfort to the rest of us second. Letting people be awful is pure cruelty.
No, people have just become pussies.
I remember repeatedly being called a fag when I played Day of Defeat way back when, and just responded with "lol u wish".
And that was that.
We didn't need an overbearing system of censorship because "gamers are so toxic u guis".
You didn't notice, there was lots of offensive/racist/bigoted comments, more than now. Since now these people can and do get banned in most games, this thread is about why mordhau should also do the same.
>But only communists have ever done this
I'm comparing the demonstrable, proven reality of capitalism and globalization to your imagined version of communism
prove it
All you taught that kid is that you're a spineless faggot, and he's going to grow up to bully trannies like you into 40%ing.
journalists arent western they're (((middle eastern)))
lmao here comes the outsider revealing itself
The only place in the world where "social credit scores" exist is communist China.
Not a single capitalist country practices this.
See Case point that words hurt the trans community and cause real harm
>Why do you feel obliged to correct their behaviour when their parents have clearly failed to raise them properly?
Because he feels empowered to do so, especially when his fee fees are on the line.
Welcome to cancel culture.
No, it's more like Yea Forums is aware that you can just mute the kid saying he fucked your mom instead of wanting to send him to reeducation camp so he can be lobotomized by Ned Flanders.
For the Mutts to be so thin-skinned specual snowlfakes I've sure gotten a lot of angry replies of JUST MUTE! / FUCKING COMMUNIST/ TRIGGERED etc.
Kinda like when Crowder talks about "facts over feels" and then everything he says is just pure feels and no facts.
why are white people so fragile about racism
grow up
Ignoring the screaming kid is also helping him.
After a while of acting like a cunt and people ignoring him he might wonder why people don't respond and will reflect on his behavious and try other methods to get attention.
Trouble is mutts get offended by little shits like this all the time which enables them to act like even bigger faggots. It's a spiral of retarded muttism you've fallen into.
>Case point that words hurt the trans community and cause real harm
No, being a tranny causes real harm.
The chat is there to enhance gameplay, not to serve as an outlet for your personal issues. If you have to mute everyone to play the game then you might as well just disable the chat entirely (defeatist approach) or you can do the hard but important work it is to clean it up so it can serve its intended purpose.
Hitler said they are white
Clearly that doesn't work or there'd be no toxic screamers online. Yet you're everywhere. You need help.
No, you not accepting them for what they are and excluding them is.
actually the speech is digital even through voice chat as your sound waves have to be converted into data to be able for the other player to hear you
The harm is entirely self inflicted though. Being insulted online isn't tantamount to coming to your house and murdering you.
And trying to enforce your twisted and ill defined sense of "basic human decency" by being overly punitive is demonstrably authoritarian.
sometimes theres a rebecca that says nigger
I wifed one
>The chat is there to enhance gameplay
From my point of view it's there to inform of all the ways I penetrated your mom last night.
Blame it on individualistic consumer-focused marketing and the rise of american SJW-ism.
This is what created the special snowflake.
>No, you not accepting them for what they are and excluding them is.
I accept that they're men, it's them who can't accept that. They should stop misgendering themselves.
This kind of view is genuinely sickening. The idea that you've convinced yourself that you're a good person while doing outright evil things is awful, and the world would be better off without terrible immoral people like you. Stop hiding behind your unwarranted sense of self righteousness.
You thought it was my mom
but it was I Dio
but it's a subjective rule, you'll steal my property because a imaginary "muh feels"?
Plenty of capitalist cultures practice it, instead of a social credit enforced by the state you have cancel culture enforced by corporate hegemony.
The harm is caused by doctors and shitty family members who trick them into thinking being a tranny is a legitimate lifestyle. It's not. There's no such thing as a girl with a dick. Just a guy who mutilated himself and made himself ugly.
>If you have to mute everyone to play the game
Then it sounds like you're the problem, you insufferable faggot, not "literally everyone else in the game".
>stopping a kid from screaming in online games is evil
Video game is part of normal life interaction, it's not a dream.
>instead of what we were actually talking about
Wow, you sure showed me.
>Case point that words hurt the trans community and cause real harm
So the trans community is lower on the emotional level than children.
Okay, then fuck off to mental institutions, trans community should be banned from Internet entirely and forced into house arrest if they can't pass an EQ and mental endurance test at above the average score threshold of highschoolers.
>For the Mutts to be so thin-skinned specual snowlfakes I've sure gotten a lot of angry replies of JUST MUTE!
That's just frustration at your lack of critical thinking skills and self awareness.
Policing the entire world's populace's ability to express themselves based on arbitrary and vague bullshit is evil. Saying "i'm just stopping them from being bad because i'm so super duper good" is genuine mental illness and a sign of an actual sociopath.
>day before the 4th
>commies discussing
>re-education camps
>social credit
>problematic ideas
Fuck off
>being unable to use basic services or keep your job because the state considers you too toxic is completely different than being unable to use basic services because globalist companies consider you too toxic
You sure showed me
Quit being dramatic. We're talking about a video game not the "entire world".
Weird, and from my side it looked like I suggested a completely reasonable approach of not going full censorship, but maybe curving that behavior before the game drowns in racist yelling and shittalking to the point that nobody but racists want to actually play it.
Must be the lack of critical thinking skills and self awareness.
People like you would never and aren't stopping at video games. You're trying to apply your cancerous and dangerous viewpoint to everything.
>some kid screaming online is so evil that it must be controlled
>beyond just muting people you don't like, which is apparently super hard or something?
But your method won't stop shit. He'd just get more angry for being kicked and continue his behaviour.
>Letting people be awful is pure cruelty.
Trying to control what other people can think and say is the real act of evil.
Maybe most of the time but once in a blue moon after enough corrections he might reconsider.
So we agree simply ignoring him is more effective? Good. Fucking finally.