Which fps has the best ironsights?

Which fps has the best ironsights?

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battlefield 2


i would think arma games

modded stalker


BF2 project reality
ARMA 1/2/3 with ace mod

somehow KF and KF2


that looks like a cunny

Also insurgency is pretty good, haven't tried sandstorm yet

I will never unsee that. I can even see the thighs now too.

you fucker

Americas Army even though it's system made it so I could never hit shit because I was an antsy teenager when I played it. I still have that bridge map burned into my brain.

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actually based

>what the fuck is he ta-
god fucking damn it now I see it too fuck you

I remember this game looked photo real to me when I first played it.

Fuck off

Build and Shoot formerly known as Ace of Spades before they got rid of the silhouette for ironsights.

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/k/ has been BTFO forever

Yeh game was good but I always had ping >300, playing from Europe
Bridge and Farm were the best maps

anyone playing?

i don't get it

brb jerking off

Cringe and uncunnypilled

It still looks pretty good

I'm not surprised

we know you don't

and you never will


I got that game for free at an air show and remember it pretty much being the only game that actually ran on my ancient computer. That bridge map was amazing and I'm surprised no other game has straight up ripped it off.

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Modern Warfare 2

pls tell me

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fuck you

>tfw user has his sights on the cunni

It looks like a cunny

fuck no

ace of spades

nevermind, i see the cunny now

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anything that actually helps me aim instead of blocking 90% of the screen

lel /k/unny

based delta force black hawk down


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Actually pretty based.

>when devs think it's realistic but the FOV is all fucked up so it's actually not
AK sights are very clear and easy to see IRL, that shit looks like a nightmare

I cant even see shit.

py m thisssssssssssssssssss

Based. I see it now too

>The RS2 has an issue with sights being difficult to look through
Shit sucks.


how is it fucke dup, it's exactly how it should be.obviously in FPS games you play as a cyclops but other then that that's how an AK sight looks.

I don't about which one is the best, but I know the worst which is Borderlands 2. The majority of them are trash and some of them are barely can be called an ironsight.

oh fuck off

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havent noticed it at first at all

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god fucking dammit user

As for iron sights, I liked World at War and Blagg Obs 1


Any game with spriteguns and supports transparency should be able to have the "best" iron sights.

now THIS is your brain on porn

impossible to deny it though

>Roger papa bear, I've got eyes on cunny, permission to pop the cherry.

how did I never notice this until now?


lol your brain's fired user. Also that would be pretty fat.

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when the fuck are we going to get another Delta Force game?

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How very Freudian

I’m actually very confused how I never heard anyone say M16 iron sights look like cunny during all my time in the USMC

>why are crayon eaters not witty

gee user I don't know

>O-oni chan, don't look d-down there!

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how the fuck do I unsee

Why doesn't anyone tell these game devs that you're not supposed to close your other eye when aiming? Every game with iron sights obscures a needlessly large portion of your vision because the character isn't looking past his gun with his other eye.

Because realism was never the intent.
Originally the focus was on fun, nowadays it's on spectacle and mass-market appeal.

It's too small. Some amount of zoom by reducing the FOV is necessary even for ironsights. In real life you can see a lot more between the posts, and resolve targets with the naked eye, much farther than you can at 90 FOV (and that screenshot looks 100+) in a video game. And then ideally a scope wouldn't further reduce the FOV but provide a zoomed picture within the sight itself.

I'm not so sure. Realism is what everyone thinks but the real reason is probably a combination of that and the fact that console shooters required a reduced sensitivity and increased pixel density aiming mode. Analog sticks are shit to aim with and you need to use the same input for fast turning in navigation and precise adjustments in aiming. Also sitting on a couch far away from a screen means that targets are small. So guns needed a mode where the aim sensitivity is lower and the image is more zoomed in.
Because if they wanted to go for realism as well as for increased aiming precision for console babbies, they could have made the gun model and arms partially translucent as they appear when aiming with stereo vision.


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Depends on what you mean by good. Pleasing to use and look through, or realistic? Even games like battlefield are usually unrealistic, as most iron sights in those games use night time apertures during the day. Which would make you incredibly inaccurate.