Imagine if Rockstar put their time into a world full of cool enemies and environments instead of yet another generic set in reality game
Imagine if Rockstar put their time into a world full of cool enemies and environments instead of yet another generic...
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Blame Dan Houser. The man's a psychopath and wants everything to be like his favourite boomer movies. He's literally gotten fun missions cut before because they aren't related to a film.
yeah like anime stuff would be really cool
imagine if rockstar still made more than one game
Don't shit post at me friend, Rockstar have LITERALLY billions of dollars to shit out for tons of unique shit and all they do is make realistic crap. Like I can understand RDR because it's a Western but GTA? it's so boring
So you want them to rip off saints row which was a rip off of gta in the first place?
This. Housers grew up watching action, gangster movies and westerns and that's what they use as an inspiration for their games. Even the cancelled Agent was supposedly inspired by Bond movies and Professionals TV series. Fantasy or sci-fi just isn't their thing. That said, Bully franchise has probably the most interesting setting, so we can only hope Bully 2 will be full of interesting things instead of generic stuff.
I remember reading something about them downsizing their projects to AA level stuff after they finished with RDR2. Don't quote me on that though
I'd rather leave imagination to Japan. Westerners have none.
>Imagine if rockstar
stopped reading there. Rockstar sucks horse dick
pick one
Sam Houser absolutely hates fantasy RPGs and has stated many times Rockstar makes what he considers the opposite of that
For SA they had to integrate the RPG systems before telling him
Source: Jacked, the GTA book.
Japs also suck in this regard. Every fucking game is some variation of science fantasy
this even their art style is all anime style meanwhile the west has multiple animation styles granted japan is slightly better at stories but I hate that everything looks the fucking same
>le giant swords
>le cool hairstyles
>le coloured eyes
Yeah... I'm thinking japan is shit
ah yes.
like how you can get shot multiple times and heal up in a few moments from standing in place or eating something.
>all these replies
All West has is generic medieval or generic futuristic.
if Yea Forums made a game
and japan makes everything generic
Cringe. Varying color palettes of Final Fantasy.
I have never seen a single interesting Japanese setting
West is nothing but shooters and crpg
>Muh medieval fantasy
Fuck off
Everything's cockfull of it.
>all these anti-Japan posts
>le le le
I want reddit to leave.
>japanese games
holy kek
japs are generally better at designing gameplay systems but they have 0 imagination when it comes to world building or artstyle
and Japan has generic sci fi anime game X bladepluscore reload# and generic waifu/social life sim 3069
I don't give a fuck. They're the only company making westerns (and the only one doing them well).
All of this is moot though, their golden age has ended with RDR2. Take-Two is forcing quicker dev times on them to shit out shovelware asap.
shut the fuck up you weeb faggot all you people do is suck japanese penor even though they churn out the same fucking games with the same fucking character models, art styles and cutesy voices year after year and you eat it up. Get some fucking taste or kill yourself. No one wants to play the 423425th copy of final fantasy or a dating sim.
I'll take that over another generic western medieval setting or generic futureshooter.
yeah according to westerners you all want is another generic CoD game and skyrim clone
Yeah Mario and Zelda are totally just that
Or Dark Souls and Bloodborne
Or Monster Hunter
Or Resident Evil
The list goes on and on you fucking retard
kill yourself
Funny how it's exactly Reddit to want a safe place where people can't criticize what you like. Go back faggot
no, but they are still better than anything japan ever makes lmao
so what is the problem?
creators create things based on what they know and like.... sounds normal to me.
dont be assblasted just because their vision has become so successful. Western isnt some overused vidya setting either, anyway. Aside from RDR games, you have, what, Call of Juarez and GUN? And there hasn't been an entry in either of those series in many years.
notice how all of these are derivative of western media. Dark Souls, Bloodborne, DMC, Monster Hunter and RE are quite literally all western mythology/settings.
I bet you would retarded weeb virgin
make your own game retard.
The same goes for the West too, imagine thinking Ubisoft and EA are representative of a whole fucking hemisphere
For companies like Rockstar and Valve, money is not the issue, you're right, but another resource becomes your main problem, and it's one you can't get more of - time.
kys fantasynerd weeb
Imagine Body Harvest on modern hardware, that would be so great.
But rockstar is too full of faggots to go that route, they would have to create unique and original enemies, vehicles, weapons, locations, along with a wide variety of real locations and vehicles but why do that when you can go for the lazy, easy and premade route?
damn i love realistic games so much, all the little things, y'know? taking 3 seconds to get in a car, slow getting up after being knocked down ragdoll animations, slow running speed in a giant, empty map. Stuff like that man, hoo, it's the best. I'm so glad I get to live real life in a video game, just like I already am!
Why make games just for nerds when you can make GTA?
>japan does western themes better than the west
They already did. They were DMA Design back in the day. Space Station Silicon Valley was a joy and Body Harvest was conceptually interesting with middling execution. Their step away from the fantastical to humdrum criminal settings is a tragedy. I'm not sure they could do similar work today since the OG staff remaining are probably very few and production costs are such that the risk is almost unjustifiable.
>kill tonnes of people without consequence
>survive ridiculous crashes
>survive multiple bullet wounds
haha yeah it's ultra realistic
nah, japs need western themes to make their games decent enough compared to their usual weeb drivel they shit out
Give me the sauce, Cunt
Did you even read my post? I never said I don't like their games, in fact I love them despite having "generic settings" or being "too real", I was replying to the user who said that GTA is boring and merely explained that Housers do what they do because they like these films. I acknowledge that some people may dislike these settings and I merely pointed out that Bully has perhaps the most interesting setting out of Rockstar games.
the delusional weeb, luckily the rest of the world is sane and not an incel
lel that's like the opposite in reality, these weebs are out of control on their psychopathology
bruh RDR2 is loaded with biome porn
and Dutch is one of the best enemies in all vidya
Ah yes anime boy with spiky hair and a big sword killing bouncing slimes and other unimaginative copy pasted shits
There is no source, just Take Two CEO talking about that games might be shorter now at the release because they receive post-launch support. I doubt the CEO was referring to Rockstar specifically and I doubt Rockstar would even consider making their games shorter. Of course the media interpreted the CEO's claims in a way that GTA VI will release much sooner than anticipated, so no wonder people started spewing such bullshit.
One thing you have to understand is that brainlets/casuals hate new things, they want the familiar indefinitely, the same old GTA, the same old CoD, the same old Assassin's, just with slight tweaks between titles too much of a change too fast angers them.
They don't like experiencing new things, the more removed from reality the more they have to change their thinking and process new information, adapt to new scenarios, they hate that, it's too much to ask of them, too much of a chore.
They just want the same old shit, the more grounded to reality and already established in their minds as things they know, the better.
That's why normalfags love things like Wojack and Pepe and the thousands of variants over the past decade still going strong with them, their minds seek the simple and the familiar.
literally 5 second google
It's the complete opposite you retard, once a company latches onto a pattern of similar games that sell it will be milked until they can't make a profit anymore. It's actually really risky for game makers and the companies that back them to make a completely original title because they chance of it flopping is higher than the chance of the 40th CoD flopping. Once you have a winning formula people stick to it especially when profit is involved.
Read an article there, He does indeed say he wants shorter release gaps. R* is their golden goose, And they used to bang out games every year back in the day. They are no stranger to short release gaps, And with the fans they have today they can rake in billions per game. Not saying it's definite, But when big jew Strauss want's shorter gaps, He will get them.
But user.. there's secret packages to find.