
Attached: Qm1WpwRTU0.png (1138x423, 38K)

>the event is so fucked, Valve has to manually teleport hare to the finish line

1488 white power

literally doesn't matter
still 12 points behind


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Was the game rigged again? The jump seems way too crazy to be realistic

it's also too crazy to pass as being rigged, you'd normally go for something more modest while still staying ahead

Corgi >Turtle > Pig > Parrot > Rabbit

It's steam we're talking about. Modest isnt their strength

chinese hackers

>pick corgi first day
>win everyday until they add the random team switch
>click it and get put into hare

bunny cunny bros ww@

Hare here, color me impressed. I kinda gave up a few days back when we kept losing. I wonder what leddit makes of this now that corgi is losing despite their numbers

>6000 km in less than 3 hours

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Probably a coordinated superwhale push.

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I told you we can make it, harebros.

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>Jump from corgi to hare
>Hare is full of gays
I just want free games can you guys stop being fags

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What even valve are doing

>Hare full of gays
The fuck you on about nigga?

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>caring about this joke of an event

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Fucking shit parrot can valve please cheat us into first place at least once

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every animal gets at least one pity victory and valve has to nerf the reddit team for those days.

Does pig have a chance to be 1st in this shit event?

does that mean GTA5 will be in top 3 awarded games again?

fuck all you other animals
based hare leaving you in the dust

especially parrotcucks

This event is complete shit from start to finish. If this shit isn't rigged you could've fucking fooled me.

imagine being a corgi shitter L M A O

you motherfucker

Even Valve knows every Corginigger deserves to die.


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It's about time.

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Bet you didn't pull her.

Looks like someone at Valve forgot to turn off Hare's multiplier.

Once a bird dude, always a bird dude

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I made my bet on Cock, and even if they look like they'll lose, I'll stick with them.

What is even the point of letting the dog win then?

Birdbros till the end we going down with the ship boys

It was amazing when you could see Corgi's entire bar being transferred over to Hare in real time. it took about half an hour. corgi didn't take the bait and pay2boost it looks like, while all the low-pop chad teams haven't paid2win this shitty event even once.

>join cockatiel they said
>it's Yea Forums's team, we always win 2nd and 3rd place they said
Fucking retards, we did nothing but lose all these past few days and now the rabbits equaled our score and are about to get more wins and points than us. What a fucking shit fest, now I feel like I should've just joined the hare team like I originally intended and not listen to you dumb fucks.

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I'm hare but i havent completed a single requirement so I wont get any games.

We would be always 3rd if volvo didnt rigged the race. But they are shitting pigs and hares to top which puts us 4th

chirp chirp

All you need is to click button BOOST once per day. Thats it.

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>the current state of pigfags

they must put some sort of boost in for teams that don't place well in the last race? that or hackers?

go to hell traitor fuck, birdbros forever

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but I don't have the boost option open to me.
the only game i own is divinity 2, the others i dont own.

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>tfw just bought 30 bucks worth of games and got 3 boost
>after boosting all three boost got speed steal and use all of them on corgi

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Scroll down even further. There should be converting your last played game cheevos into points. If there isnt, look into your library, find game with most cheevos you have and let it idle (or play it) for 40 minutes. Then wait a bit and you can easily convert all these points to tokens.

You have 8000 capacity, thats like 80 dollars worth of tokens. You can level up your profile noticeably. Dont be lazy faggot, its just few mouse clicks. Filling chapcha here is more work than that.

Chirp chirp chirp birds forever

Hare is now at 130,00, gaining 7000 while all the other animals have gained around 200.

Yes, there is a stardew valley glitch where workshop can be used to gain points

Panicking hard because some anons found the Starbound glitch and ended up getting pre-orders for free

hell, just by playing the game normally I can go up 6 Steam levels a day. Its so weird.