Is it too late? Has the damage been done?
Shenmue Blooper
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Who cares? It's a game stuck in development hell and it looks like dogshit. Kickstarters are 9/10 times wastes of money.
imagine kickstarting a qtefest
>Epic Games has to give money to steam because it already invested a bunch of money to have the game an exclusive
Good one Tim
Look at when they're releasing it. It's fucking dead even without the Epic debacle.
I can't believe how bad the animations in this game look. I waited so many years for this. I feel like they have no drive behind this and it makes me just not give a fuck about it. Epic is wasting their time and money making it an exclusive, they're not making their money back.
People were just blinded by nostalgia, I think. They think that this game will be just as good as the originals, but they can never achieve that same feeling, unfortunately.
the originals are garbage
Part of the problem is it will be exactly as good as the originals were
Seriously you can list the finished like starter games on 1 hand.
>Long Dark
>Prison Architect
>Shadow Run
The balls of these guys jesus.
Waiting almost a month after e3 to reply to thousands of comments....
>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
Beyond messed up.
When will kickstarter die already? How is this legal?
Paying double for a "physical" version, which only has a disc with a epic store installer on it. Insane.
There's literally no point in caring about Shenmue anymore when there's 6+ Yakuza games to choose from that replicate the experience with a lot more polish put into it.
Shenmue deserved better than all this bullshit. Lame.
No it didn't.
Shitmoo deserves worse for introducing the world to QTEs.
>blinded by nostalgia
Every Kickstarter ever.
>However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
What the fuck
>sandwiching the game between giants
the damage was done long time ago, multiple delays, multiple trailer showcasing how bad the animations look, kickstarter fiasco and and now pic related
That's 6 games, you should see a doctor.
>However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data
>Seriously you can list the finished like starter games on 1 hand.
>lists 6
This game looks like it will appeal to the incredibly niche Shenmue fanbase and not attract any new fans.
Wait what, XIII is getting a remake?
>somehow forgetting Shovel Knight and Hollow Knight
>Pokemon and Death Stranding
That's fucking suicide.
Zoomer cunt. Shenmue 1 and 2 were breathtaking back then. It deserves a proper ending. This whole drama sucks and I hate Deep Silver for selling out. Since they had so little money, the game is probably just ok.
the absolute state of kikestarter
XIII remake is the only thing worth buying on that list.
>yar har dippity dee
any pirate bros here?
i dont give a single shit about shitmoo 3 but im gonna pirate just to inflate the numbers
>Releasing it when Pokemon is coming out of all things.
What is with all these retards in the higher up companies even remotely considering releasing near Pokemon, a Rockstar game, or a Sony game? Hell, even shooters from EA and Activision are something you should plan for. It's like everyone just dumps their games at the worst possible times and wonders why in the world they don't sell. Didn't one of the Tales of games sell at the same time as RE2R came out?
And those old fans sure won't have the Fortnite installer.
So theyre literally selling you a virus on a disk?
what about planeescape? hat in time? MN9?
I'm 37. Shenmue is melodramatic garbage.
i love QTEs
>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
Why doesn't Epic just cover the sales lost from the busy release month too? They're pro developper after all, Ysnet has nothing to worry about.
Just make your own happy ending. The end. You don't need to fat midget begging for your money on stage at E3.
But it is good because of it. Just like those cringe Hong Kong movies.
when I was browsing the list of kickstart perks, that one seemed fishy the second I read it. it's not like PC games never had install disk w/ CD keys before, but companies are so dickhard for DRM, it seemed unlikely that they would provide a DRM-less disk for anyone.
hard to feel bad for the people that expected an actual game install disk.
Why are you blaming Kickstarter?
KS didn't force these shady fucks to take an under the table deal from the slimiest distributor around to fuck over the only people who cared about the game in the first place
Wait, does that mean the game isn't actually done yet? I was under the impression it was, and that's why they announced the Epic deal.
holy shit lmao dead before arrival
hallow knight?
It's still a surreal feeling when I got into a store and see copies of it for like $9. I'm so tempted to get it and try it out even though I know the faults. I'm a sucker for really crappy games and seeing them for myself, NMS was one of them where all the things said about it were true but I don't regret the money spent because it lets me warn others with firsthand knowledge.
Best ending desu.
>>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
You... you do realise that Steam games do this, too, right? Many companies either include no data on the DVD or include so little it's useless. Your copy of HL2 is a paperweight.
Add grim dawn to the list
Mutants pls go.
They're out of touch idiots, if the EGS exclusivity announcement that reads like it was written like a fucking alien who doesn't understand human society was any hint.
the actual EL OH EL moment?
>november 2019 release
these niggers are literally in the studio right this second, still in development stages for a game that will release in 4 months.
It's half an half. There are PC game disks that do include data, they just need to connect to steam to install. There's also the game disks that are just steam shortcuts too.
people are laughing because they said the pc physical will contain the game itself, not the steam installer prior to the exclusivity
If you buy PC physical you tend to get a case with a slip of paper in it, no disk of any kind. Welcome to the future.
am I supposed to give a shit that Epic is so desperate for something they are paying devs for exclusivity?
that's fucking disgusting, all DRM is disgusting
>people are laughing because they said the pc physical will contain the game itself
Citation? There's no way that was actually possible. You'd need 14 fucking DVDs for this game.
there's a difference between
>buy game from store and receive cd key on piece of paper, knowing damn well that's what you're getting because it's printed on the box that steam is required
>actually donating more towards the kickstart with the promise of getting a physical copy of the game, but later told it's a CD w/ epic store installer
>>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
>>actually donating more towards the kickstart with the promise of getting a physical copy of the game, but later told it's a CD w/ epic store installer
You were literally never getting anymore more than that. Nobody releases 100GB games on 14-30 DVDs anymore.
>How is this legal?
When you back a kickstarter you have to agree to a T&C that states that it’s purely a donation and the devs don’t actually owe you shit so they can freely pull kikery like this with no legal ramifications.
Wait, are PC gamers seriously so illiterate that they don't release that buying a physical PC game is about the box and stuff? Literally nobody includes the actual data anymore. It's ludicrously pointless when patches are bigger than the game they come for at times.
> buying a physical PC game is about the box and stuff?
Yeah that's exactly it. I wanted my PC game box to have a steam logo on it not fucking winnie the pooh.
They're probably gonna refound with their own store credit, so they're not losing anything anyways
only video footage available at this time though
It would cost Epic about 1 million dollars to refund every PC backer. They make more money than that every day off the mobile port of Fortnite. This is "back of the couch" change for them. A way of subtly reminding people that no boycotts or backlash will be effective because they'll just fix the problem with money.
this but unironically
Makes you wonder why they're so eager to force themselves into the market, you'd think having more money than God would make them be able to play the long game but they're EXTREMELY hungry.
That's honestly why I'm not buying into it, just seems fishy
gonna get it for 10$, when it's on steam sale in two years
Epic Games just won a QTE against the devs
Why even bother when you can just play Yakuza
>Makes you wonder why they're so eager to force themselves into the market, you'd think having more money than God would make them be able to play the long game but they're EXTREMELY hungry.
They are playing the long game. This is what the long game looks like when you have fuck you money.
I could probably add another 5-10 that weren't complete shit, mostly point & clicks from niche guys like the Tex Murphy crew.
Even among those there were stinkers though, like Dreamfall Chapters and Broken Age.
I'd assume it'd be much more discreet, kind of like Uplay, or fuck, even, there's like 7 games on there
>game announced
>original kickstart said PC release without any details about how it would be distributed
>one level of donation was an actual game disk mailed to anyone that donated x amount
>majority of people likely assumed it would be the game on a disk(blu-ray since it's also getting a ps4 release)
>later updated that they would use digital platform
>"oh well, fuck it.. people that buy it on PC will get it on steam, while those of us that spent a little extra will get the disk"
>fast forward to E3
>"e-epic store exclusive! also, the physical disk is just a fortune cookie sheet with your 24 digit cd key and that's it"
this is a rough timeline of events. the people that expected the game install were took, but it's their own fault for trusting these shady nips in the first place.
the biggest scam is
>$10,000 to have lunch with the game creator in LA
oh boy, $5 popeyes box with a guy that probably needs a translator
There is no way people want to pay for this shit
>zoomer larps he even saw a HL2 disk in his life
There's no real reason, the man in charge is just a fucking child basing every decision off his hateboner for valve. If it weren't for their business being on eternal life support thanks to unlimited fortnite and tencent funds, EGS would have been just another briefly annoying blip on the radar like Uplay or Origin.
i literally waited years for shenmue 3 and you know what? i'm never going to play it. FUCK devs who do this shit. i'd rather gotten a slightly less great shenmue 3 at launch without greasy epics chink chode of a cock rubbed all throughout it.
congrats, you fucked up when you lost people like me, who'd given more money, had you asked for it
they'll go cheeper faster since they'll have to get rid of them
It's amazing people think epic wouldn't inflate their sales numbers when they do shit like this
It's so fucking simple yet 99% of the retards on this board seem to miss the point.
Epic is desperate as fuck, they are in hysterical panic mode. Fortnite is a meme among zoomers and won't print them money for eternity. After Fortnite dies they are fucking finished unlike Steam. Remember PUBG? This is the fate of Fortnite in the not-so-distant future.
Hence why they are SO GOD DAMN FUCKING DESPERATE to establish their locust shop as a household name among zoomers as long as the Fortnite wave is still high (the numbers have already started to go back).
That almost makes their strategy even more incomprehensible.
They have fuck you money AND are the creators/owners of what is basically the #1 game engine that exists, and they've still managed to catastrophically fuck this up entirely
the long game meaning they know fortnite is going to burn out and they need a solid foundation which they currently do not have without fortnite
PUBG is doing pretty well actually.
No other company in the PC space has attempted to use timed exclusivity in this manner before. Valve did pay for Steam exclusivity back in 2005, but they don't do that anymore. The likes of EA and Bethesda and Ubisoft use their launchers for their own stuff.
Epic seems to really hate Valve, so they're targeting a lot of these deals specifically to undermine Steam, which is why the exclusivity sometimes doesn't apply to anyone except Steam -- see Metro Exodus.
You'd think they'd try to out "Good guy" Valve instead of shoving their heads further up their asses
>>majority of people likely assumed it would be the game on a disk(blu-ray since it's also getting a ps4 release)
A bizarrely small number of PCs have Blu Ray drives. That was never going to happen. PC publishers just use a DVD.
>Remember PUBG?
PUBG is still the number two most popular game on the entirety of Steam behind DOTA
Don't fall for the "if nobody is playing it on Twitch it's gone" meme
probably got mad that valve had a shittier engine, but was more popular overall in the 90's and 00's and then just sat on their asses and made money
I wonder if Sweeney ever realizes why people prefer Steam.
>abandon PC gaming and shit on it
>come crawling back years later begging people to use your shit
Hard pass
The original HL2 DVD is useless because Valve forcibly upgrade it with their shitty modern version full of bugs. Literally none of that data on the DVD is used.
How on earth are those two things related?
Remember PUBG?
Literally one of the biggest games on the planet right now, and is in fact more popular than Fortnite thanks to the runaway success of PUBG Mobile.
They are, but to devs rather than consumers. That’s why Tim has been going on and on about the whole 30/70 split to try and win favor with devs.
epic will literally collapse without fortnite
they have nothing else, so of course they're going to shill their game service as hard as they can while the cash is flowing
>"Yes, our business model's shitty and shady as fuck, but we aren't liable!"
>"Now give us your money!"
How is Kickstarter still alive?
So many jelly butthurt steamfags ruining a good game I know I'll be installing on the most powerful installer on pc day one, will you?
Oh he knows why, he keeps thinking he's the hero of the story living in his own fantasy land.
kickstarter update #85
Unreal Engine prints money. They don't need Fortnite. Fortnite just helps them achieve their goals.
Epic have fucked up exactly nothing. Their goal is to "disrupt" the PC market and that very specifically means causing mayhem. They're trying to completely fuck the current PC gaming establishment, particularly Steam, and are using their money to undermine it at a rapid pace. Valve will have to do something to respond because Epic have no intention of stopping. Borderlands 3 is going to release in September, and it will sell tens of millions of copies. This isn't small fry indie games that Epic are incidentally the patron saint of now.
Because Kickstarter is not a pre-order service no matter how much some people treat it as such. You may get A product at the end, that's it. Crowdfunding is closer to donations than investing.
>proud of a DRM service you just download for free
who the fuck actually talks like this sincerely and isn't getting paid for it?
>They are, but to devs rather than consumers.
This is a critical point. Literally nothing Epic is doing is designed to help consumers. It is all explicitly designed to help developers and publishers. This is why developers love Epic. This is incidentally why game devs by and large don't like Valve very much. Remember when Source Engine was a thing? Remember the poor devs stupid enough to use it? That roughly sums up the industry's relationship with Valve.
This, they're playing this so that the kids playing fortnite never feel the desire to move to steam, and to get steam users to install epic.
IIRC they said like 40% of their installers don't have steam installed, and I can tell you right now, that's the kids.
I mean technically...
Wow, whoever made that post is going to absolutely blow their own brains out within 3 years.
This amount of jade has to be monetized to old house wives
This was never going to practically happen on PC. That message is likely conflating the PS4 and PC versions and is written by someone who has no idea what they're talking about. On PS4, yes, but literally none of the AAA games you buy that are 50+ GB on PC come with the game data on disc.
There is no way Deep Silver was going to ship 14 fucking DVDs for a 100GB game. And there is no way they were going to ship a Blu Ray when nobody has a Blu Ray drive.
>Unreal Engine prints money.
if it did they wouldn't have needed the games they made before, on the engine
especially lately, epic has massive competition in the engine department and they have no major IPs left that bankroll like fortnite does
>Epic have fucked up exactly nothing.
they fucked up back with gears 1 and 2 and have been fucking up repeatedly since
You forgot the best one
>Remember the poor devs stupid enough to use it?
I've spoken to a guy that moved from AAA to making weird niche immersive sims and he did that. Their team has since just straight up ported the entire game to UE4 because source is a mess.
A lot of people don't have any disc drives any more. I've not felt the need to have one in years.
Fuck the ebin games store but that's a good move, I'm getting my money back. I would have much rather the game be on steam too though.
>especially lately, epic has massive competition in the engine department
They have literally no competition in the AAA engine space. What are people gonna use? Unity? Not a chance. There's CryEngine, yes, which is more popular than you'd think but if you're making a AAA game nowdays, you use Unreal 4. There's a reason VTMB 2 is using it. There's a reason Shenmue 3 is using it. There's a reason Microsoft used it for Sea of Thieves and also Fable 4 and also Gears of War 5. Epic has most of the console/PC games industry in the palm of their hands.
The Japanese games industry was to some degree saved from irrelevance by the appearance of Unreal 4, too.
>thinking Blunderlands is relevant on PC
>they just want to cause mayhem and Valve will have to do something
The amount of cope is unreal, face it, without Fortnite they're fucked, UE is not enough to make up for it and keep them afloat.
you are delusional. it performs at 15% of what it used to at its peak. it's fucking irrelevant. your comparison is relative. Blizzard is listenening to Linkin Park in their offices because of WoW's subscription numbers, yet compared to other MMOs they have no right to complain. Football Manager used to top Steam charts, so much for its significance as an indicator.
>Don't fall for the "if nobody is playing it on Twitch it's gone" meme
Yet that's exactly how it works. They are all short to mid-term living meme games and their popularity comes and goes like tides. Apex Legends is next.
Seethe more yakuck. Anyone who isn't mentally underage knows Yakuza is just souless Shenmue
That is true, but if you're giving people a physical game disc you can reasonably expect a DVD drive. This is what all the publisher do now. They'll typically put 7.5GB of data on the DVD and let Steam/Uplay/etc download the rest. I kinda wonder whether the Epic Store even supports partial installs from disc. The store is fairly slipshod and rudimentary.
>port to UE4 from source
did the sad sack of shit not realize valve's source is like 15 years old now?
In recent stress tests epic games store installed games over 95% faster than steam, you can install way more games easier via epic games store its insane how powerful this installer is you can even get up to 10frames more on average on any game aswell steam cant compete.
Valve literally just has to wait. Epic themselves said current profit split, which is their main selling point, cannot continue indefinitely.
I’m 30 years old and played them all, typical jank shit. Get help.
>>thinking Blunderlands is relevant on PC
There are literally 18,000 people playing Borderlands 2 on Steam right now with a 32,000 24 peak. The game has sold 10-20 million copies on Steam. Borderlands 3 is going to be huge. It's gonna be the real test of how normies handle the EGS situation.
Sure they will retarded steam subhuman, oh wait the whole industry is literally jumping to or using unreal.
lmao, i give exactly zero fucks how they were gonna do it
they said
>the disc will not be just a prompt for an internet download
conflicting or not, just one more additional thing they won't deliever on top of steam keys
just shows how little they care about pc release, i wouldn't be surprised if its badly optimized too
Oh he did, but he made the initial prototype using HL modding tools, and the issues didn't really come up until like half way into development when it was too late to change. The porting only happened after they got well under way into the sequel which is using UE4.
>there's a reason
it's cheap and easy
Epic has NEVER survived on engine licensing alone so I have no idea where you're getting this impression that it is suddenly a main source of income next to fucking Fortnite which is somehow side change in comparison.
They were on the verge of disappearing before Fortnite and they will be again when it's dead.
>Epic themselves said current profit split, which is their main selling point, cannot continue indefinitely.
I'm pretty sure they never actually said that. It's just something people twisted out of an offhand remark about payment processors.
Except both series are worth playing and both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Just because you have an autistic fit in every single thread doesn't mean they're bad games, you just don't like them so apparently everyone has to dislike them.
I played Shenmue as a kid man, they're not really competitors seeing as Shenmue has been fucking vanished for an ungodly amount of time.
However if you sit and play games just to go "This is boring" in your head, then stop fucking playing it, stop discussing it, it's clearly something you don't like.
For your own mental health man, I'm dead fucking serious
>just shows how little they care about pc release, i wouldn't be surprised if its badly optimized too
Welcome to Japanese devs. Deep Silver might put some pressure on them to ensure the PC version isn't shit, but even that I wouldn't count on.
>the whole industry is literally jumping to or using unreal.
the whole industry has used UE2-3 mainly since over a decade ago, it didn't help them then
They literally did, meme games like unreal tournament killed the studio
>a game that's being sold for pennies right now and for the past few years has a lot of players
No shit, we'll see if people are wiling to put up with it
>t.tired gamer retard who never enjoyed games in the first place and only remains here for off topic threads and shitposting.
Only soulful people can appreciate Shenmue.
Why did the Yea Forums hivemind turn against shenmue?
Get your life straight and stop talking from your ass or you might kill yourself when the fat fuck jewben loses the store fight
One hand can count up to 31. You should see a doctor if you have less than 3 fingers
I thought they don't offer refunds if you also payed for the additional dlc milestone stuff. How many people will actually be getting refunds?
If I were Tim Sweeney I'd commit to buying out every game in Valve's top 50 games one by one. Really force my way into steam's userbase.
Payday 2's studio is in hard times so that'd be easy. Rust is doable, as is Terraria.
Borderlands 2 has sold basically every copy they'll ever sell so force consumers onto Epic Launcher by shutting down Steam multiplayer access after a certain date and continuing it only on Epic Launcher.
Maybe buy up more Japanese stuff too out of spite, Konami would make a shortsighted deal and they have a massive catalog for example.
>Epic has NEVER survived on engine licensing alone
It was their primary revenue source since like 1998. Nowdays Fortnite makes them more money, but Unreal 4 is huge business. They make 5% revenue or profit depending on the deal for every game that uses Unreal 4, and that is a never ending list of games. Of course companies that agree to be Epic exclusive waive the fees.
>They were on the verge of disappearing before Fortnite and they will be again when it's dead.
No they weren't. They quit AAA development specifically to avoid pissing away hundreds of millions of dollars on story-driven singleplayer stuff, and focused on their engine, which took the industry by storm in 2014, and also GaaS stuff. Fortnite was a fluke hit, but they were a huge company in 2012 when they accepted a huge investment from Tencent. They're worth billions now, and even if the Fortnite money dries up, they are raking in licensing fees constantly.
Unreal Tournament is and was the only reason they existed until Gears.
After they abandoned it they were basically gone and only licensing UE4, then Fortnite happened.
I know it's hard to imagine the world before you were born but it's true trust me.
Because Yakuza tards are insecure Shenmue makes their precious gem look like a childrens game made for weabos trying wayyy to hard to fit in with the Yea Forums hivemind.
They actually did promise the disk to contain game data.
Pretty sure it was possible with steam, you could distribute game binary along with it.
Its partial not full refund either, that hasnt been explained to people yet
Shouldn't someone sue them over this shit?
>implying they have money for that
lmao the delusion of Epicucks is hilarious, Terraria is not doable since the devs have specifically said they would never go exclusive on Epic and Payday 2 is literally dead and irrelevant along with the dev company.
Hey, remember when games used engines that weren't Unreal 4?
STALKER used X-Ray. STALKER 2 uses Unreal 4.
VTMB used Source. VTMB 2 uses Unreal 4.
The list goes on. Most modern devs don't use their own engine. They license Unreal 4, or they license Unity, or they licence CryEngine. But mostly Unreal 4. Even holdouts like Respawn have dropped Source in favor of Unreal 4.
If they could finangle a port of MGS4 exclusive to Epic Launcher that'd get people on their shithouse launcher day 1.
Delete this post
based epic, saved me some money, i'll gladly pirate it day one now
>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
Holy fuck this is... EPIC.
Imagine you pay money for physical copy because you have shitty copper wire internet and downloading anything over 50 GB takes few days so it's easier for you to just install from Blu-ray disks/sdcard/whatever. And then you get bigass box and inside is one CD-Rom with 33 MB chink spyware launcher and in order to play the game you have to install that shit and still wait 2 days before game downloads.
This is just most hilarious shit what made my day.
>Unreal Tournament is and was the only reason they existed until Gears.
No it wasn't. Their engine licensing business was what kept them afloat. It's why they had such a deep focus on working with devs to make better games instead of leaving them to fend for themselves like id Software did.
I wouldn't be surprised if, for example, any future Metal Gear games were snagged by Epic.
Why are maga tards and epic shills so incredibly insufferable? Are both the same people? Also Yakuza was never good and people only pretend to like them to be feel part of something.
Jesus, imagine thinking that PCfags give a fuck about this, keep your fantasies to yourself.
I like how all these anti kick-starter fagots lach on to the peatiest of sit.
And focus on a handful of failed projects like MN9 Broken age etc
But ignore.
Shovel Knight
Hollow Knight
Divinity 1 and 2
Wasteland 2
Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2
Freedom Planet
Shadow run and its 2 Seamy Sequels.
Rain World
Hyper light drifter
Darkest Dungeon
Night In The Woods
And many more.
This is what you sound like
Delusion hits hard, there is a reasons why a lot of big (non engine programmer) names left the studio. Get a grip boomer faggot
i don't know why you guys need to resort to fantasy scenarios to make a point
don't tell me you're one of the people who genuinely believe that epic financed journey and david cage's ports to pc
Dude I take any opportunity I can to spit on Epic but if they spent some of their chink money into getting the MGS HD collection and MGS4 on PC *I'd* install their piece of shit in a heartbeat
Nobody tell them this
We've now reached a point at which games aren't made for gamers anymore, but for publishers to boost their portfolio.
>Imagine you pay money for physical copy because you have shitty copper wire internet and downloading anything over 50 GB takes few days so it's easier for you to just install from Blu-ray disks/sdcard/whatever.
When did you last buy a Steam game physically? Nobody provides 50GB of data on the disc. They include no data or 7GB of it. This is a bizarre straw man argument that shows that Steam fans really aren't in touch with the physical market anymore.
Those people left the studio because Epic decided that singleplayer story-driven AAA games were too expensive to make and not profitable enough, and jumped ship to make multiplayer GaaS titles.
It's the exact same thing Valve did, with a similar staff exodus.
I don't see anything wrong with Kickstarter, the problem is that small group of assholes what puts their kick-started games as EGS exclusives despite they promised steam keys/physical copies
So transparant in how it's worded
>Epic is the HERO for protecting Shenmue 3 devs against ENTITLED gamers
They can't go bankrupt soon enough
Go look for some sailors, cakeboy.
Banner Saga is pretty good
Not mentioning Shovel Knight or Hollow Knight is just evidence of poor taste
Darkest Dungeon is great
Shantae's game is on a bit of "just ok" side, but artwork is great
>Terraria is doable
One of the devs said they'd never do it because it'd be like selling their soul
The trailer for the next update of Terraria was cut mid-way through the PC Games conference lmao
The difference is. On box IS FUCKING WRITTEN THAT THIS ONLY KEY so you know what you buy.
A hat in Time.
Hollow Knight.
la-Mualan 2.
Apparently, getting it from G2A actually harms the developers. I aim to use it as much as possible. I have money enough to buy games for €60, but I refuse to give devs/publishers I don't like money. Used to pirate most games, but with devs coming out and saying that using key re-sellers like G2A actually harms them made me switch to those. Fuck those greedy kikes. There's only a few developers that actually make games because they enjoy it and want to share, the majority just wants easy money.
And you god damn know Konami would do something shortsighted for cash money upfront.
>singleplayer story-driven AAA games were too expensive to make and not profitable enough
They still made Gears sequels.
It's also strange that they would think that with all the licensing money they were supposedly making.
Epic is fucking toast without Fortnite and shilling for exclusivity with their store. Gears is dying off and they abandoned their other IPs ages ago. Unless they license half the market on UE4 or make the store work it's not going to last.
>The difference is. On box IS FUCKING WRITTEN THAT THIS ONLY KEY so you know what you buy.
Not always. EA and Bethesda and such don't mention that you're only getting a tiny bit of data or no data at all. All Steam games have a blanket disclaimer on the box about needing an internet connection.
>He doesn't count on his hand using binary
Fortnite is managing to not fuck up like PUBG did. Constant support and bugfixing, new content both free and paid like every week via map adjustments as well as cosmetics and battle pass shit, and pumping all the resources they can into it to keep it alive.
And its working, its Minecraft 2.0 among young kids and teens.
>getting it from G2A actually harms the developers
how so? I legit thought them shits were keys that had been paid for and sold for cheap. if not, why would twitch allow partnered streamers advertise the site?
>They still made Gears sequels.
Because Microsoft wanted them to. Their relationship with Microsoft began to deteriorate due to creative disagreements such as Epic wanting Gears to take a GaaS approach with its MP.
Dont even get me started on the amount of crashes and corupt installs ive had using steam but since I switched over to epic yeah you guessed it I've had zero problems I was blown away by how reliable it is as an installer and its speed at installing I would click install blink and its done I was like no way it must be a glitch but it actually installs that fast .
Here's a wild idea
How about we don't use steam or epic store and just play vidya as-is like we used to
Steam at it's core is outdated piece of garbage
are you dumbo? you can count to 10 on one hand. fukken zoomers these days...
>show me master
no google it yourself faglord
>Denying refunds until your lawyers tell you a massive lawsuit is coming
Far too late.
>you can count to 10 on one hand
You can count to 1000 on one hand, but that's not what "on one hand" means, idiot.
Steam is a pretty decent distribution platform, but there's a reason "verify local cache" is the go-to fix for everything. Also, if you download a game, shut down the PC during the download, and the devs release an update, the download starts from scratch. Stuff like Uplay doesn't do this.
There is zero grounds for a lawsuit. Steam keys were never promised. This is a misconception spread by arrogant Steam fans.
Pretty much. Devs were too retarded, if they had refunded immediately the damage would be minimal. But they really wanted to take every penny they could.
>>abandon PC gaming and shit on it
>>come crawling back years later
I want to know more about that, you have pics or something?
G2A is like ebay. You have some niggers doing credit card fraud but most of it is okay.
you do realize that was happening with steam games for a long time? most of PC game disks were just Steam installers.
Epic never abandoned PC gaming. They never stopped releasing games on PC except for a few games that Microsoft prevented them releasing on PC.
It's right up there with "Crytek stopped making games" when Crytek literally released a new game every two years in terms of gamers being out of touch retards.
just look at epic games releases before and after gears of war.
>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
>there is guaranteed to be at least one person on release who’ll get their backer copy of Shenmue 3 on release, break the disc over their knee, & post it to Twitter directed towards Epic Games
I’m blessed to be healthy & living in order to see moments like this.
And PC piracy will do it again.
>Epic never abandoned PC gaming.
Shitty Gears ports don't count, and yes they did.
They literally left UT4 to be developed by the community, which was already still completely fucked and destroyed after UT3 so there it sits in development hell. They made nothing else.
>muuuh steam
There's literally nothing wrong with egs, it doesn't have many features but if you wanna just play a game it won't prevent you from doing so, it's no where near as bad as windows store. Just play the fucking game retards.
Good riddance, they can fuck off back to their braindead console and mobile playerbase they love so much and we'll get less retards and normalfaggots on the PC platform.
Fucking what? They got mad as fuck when Gears 1 got pirated and talked shit about the PC and now here we are with them trying to "save" PC gaming by ruining it.
I legit hope this store ends up killing them and in Sweeny's case literally.
Fuck them.
>Stuff like Uplay doesn't do this.
People in general don't shut down their PC during a download, which then has to start over because of an update released between the time it's off and back on again
The fuck are you even talking about?
>There's literally nothing wrong with egs
>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
There's no way this is legal - Everyone who wanted the "physical copy" were under the assumption that it's either DRM free installer of the game, or installer but with steam.
How the fuck can you even call it physical anymore? it's literally a box with an epic store key in it.
I seriously hope some people sue them, because if this gets a pass, it will become the new norm
is there a single tweet from Tim where he desperately defends his store without mentioning steam or valve?
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
I don't really see the problem here...?
Tim cannot stop thinking of Valves cock. Kinda pathetic.
Only people with no bank accounts are affected by it, and maybe some sandniggers? I don't know, i'm not so not a problem for me
>paying store fees for the store
>don't have internet, no ps4, just a pc
>buys shenmue 3 on pc, physical for $60 (or whatever the fuck the msrp is)
>requires you to download ching chong app onto your computer
>ching chong app needs to connect to internet to download game
>you're fucked
What kind of evil is this?
Apologize right now for calling pirates immoral, Yea Forums.
Without us companies could get away with pulling this bullshit.
damn, you must be blind
Epic makes some users pay more because "that's the only way to operate 12% fee store in those "developing countries""
>can't figure out why charging an extra fee for international payment methods due to "high overhead" could be a problem vs valve's 30% flat
>People in general don't shut down their PC during a download, which then has to start over because of an update released between the time it's off and back on again
>The fuck are you even talking about?
You've clearly never had slow internet and downloaded a massive game that takes 2-4 days to finish.
>How the fuck can you even call it physical anymore? it's literally a box with an epic store key in it.
Most Steam games are literally a box with a Steam key in it and a DVD containing a copy of the Steam installer.
>artificially increasing customer prices just to favor publishers
Good for you.
>You've clearly never had slow internet and downloaded a massive game that takes 2-4 days to finish.
If I did I wouldn't blame Steam for being a piece of shit when it's my own internet connection causing the problem.
>a DVD containing a copy of the Steam installer.
Which games did this again?
Kinda true, the Yakuza games don’t really replicate the feeling of living in a quiet japanese town in bumfuck nowhere though. Closest they got was Onomichi.
I'm not sure whether Doom 2016 came with any actual game data. It was a 53GB download back at launch.
ayy lmao
I'm from a fucking eastern europe and i'm not affected. In what kind of shithole do you live?
Loads of them lmao. I can personally say my copy of Skyrim and New Vegas literally is just a Steam installer. Think: almost every single physical PC game is a single fucking disk. Most of the games don't fit on a single disk.
>However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
Piracy is the only way you can truly OWN a game. Imagine paying money to have a worse product.
This is still the planned ending, they’re just spreading it over fifteen more games.
They do get away with it. And piracy is still immoral.
>missing the point
Good for you.
>They do get away with it
only because of people like you who won't pirate even when devs do the most morally repugnant anti-consumer practices
>And piracy is still immoral.
This. Shenmue III looks like actual dogshit, like some prototype for a fuller game that doesn't exist.
>kickstarting a game that is being funded by Epic Games and doesn't need a kickstarter anymore
>How on earth are those two things related?
Copies they've bought as guaranteed sales + copies they've bought as refunds
>And piracy is still immoral.
Supporting bad business practices is immoral.
Fuck off jew
Explain to me why i should care about niggers in Nigeria.
>my copy of Skyrim and New Vegas literally is just a Steam installer.
As in, you put a disc in and it installs Steam?
>Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2
>Hollow Knight
>Shovel Knight
>Banner Saga
>Shantae Half-Genie Hero
>La Mulana 2
>A Hat in Time
>Camelot Unchained
>Kingdom Come Deliverance
There is a shit ton of universally praised Kickstarter games, you idiots just like to focus on the same three crap ones to try to diminish crown funding.
>Also, Epic Games has been with us from the start of the project when we adopted Unreal Engine 4 for development, and have given us their support throughout the development process.
They knew this was going to happen the entire time and mislead people on purpose.
>*If selecting either the PC Physical or PC Digital version, an option to also receive a Steam key one year later will be available.
>a full refund may not be possible.
Literally a scam, too bad most of the 69k backers won't refund or probably even forgot they funded this shit game.
Yes. And there's a sticker with a Keycode inside. I would screenshot but I haven't had a CD drive in years lmao
Don't know why I even kept the cases this long desu
Stealing is immoral.
>But I'm just copying
You steal answers off a test. Those 1s and 0s don't belong to you, you're stealing them. And now you nupirates are making me defend Timmy Tencent.
It’s not a loss until there are more pirated copies than copies Tim paid for.
I suggest everyone go to the kickstarter page, go all the way to the bottom and hit "Report this kickstarter".
They have broken the following rule:
>Projects must be honest and clearly presented.
>Our community is built on trust and communication. Projects can’t mislead people or misrepresent facts, and creators should be candid about what they plan to accomplish. When a project involves manufacturing and distributing something complex, like a gadget, we require projects to show backers a prototype of what they’re making, and we prohibit the use of misleading imagery.
They mislead people on several items about physical copies and distribution and are in violation of the rules.
A company adding an additional fee to the price just to ensure publishers can take more is a terrible precedent regardless of region. If they choose to put the burden on the customers rather than increasing their cut, you can be sure they will do the same everytime their costs increases.
Okay and? The kickstarter is already over, brainiac.
Stealing from Epic games store is moral
Stealing implies something is being lost. Why do you care if I make a copy of your car?
Kickstarters found in violation of the rules have to refund ALL backers, not just the ones who report it.
have sex
Not when the Kickstarter has been done for ages???????
>releasing a refund announcement 2 days before the 4th of July
Lmao no one is even going to see this. The game has 69,320 backers right now and the comments are 99% trolls. I doubt we'll see it drop below 69,300 backers.
>advertise DRM-free game on the physical disk
>people pay for it
>ummmm actually, goys, you'll get DRM-free epic games store :^)))))))
this is too rich
Because you fucking morons still treat Kickstarter like if it was a pre-order site and not a crown funding one. You don't understand that Kickstarter has its own rules and logic and shit like can totally happen. Its not Kickstarter's faults if their customers are a bunch of clueless idiots.
Nobody but numale faggots care about indie platformers
Why do Segacucks have such a rose-tinted view of Shenmue and their shit consoles anyway?
>Dude just throw money at it lol
Are you implying that's not the Chinese strategy for everything?
Did you even bother reading their rules? Kickstarter's rules doesn't magically stop applying after the campaign is over, dumbass. If that was the case this platform would never be viable, because anyone could literally just pick up the money and run as soon as the campaign was over and suffer no repercussions.
>children on Yea Forums will actually defend Epic and Shenmue devs for this
>getting it from G2A actually harms the developers
that's what they want you to believe so they both get the full money from the third party key sale and then the key remains unsold and you buy the game full price from a store
>we fucked up and used the wrong tool for the job because inexperience
>reeee its valvrs fault for not making source as versetile as UE
based esl shill
Some people found the new ebin troll to defend epic since everyone hates them. Not even steam haters defend epic practices.
This. This place is a shithole when the only thing zoomers do is defend corporations for (You)s. I'm not even ancap
>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
Sounds like standard PC gaming cuckery.
A-a-at least you get a disc, r-r-right?
>uses Unreal Engine
>is a. Epic Store exclusive
Is this meme picking up speed?
This could mean the end of UE, at least a decrease in adoption.
What's so special about it anyway? It's free and epic gets a cut of sales of games made with it. The interface must be retard proof.
Considering Epic pays for these games, it's moral to pirate them.,
i was cackling when that happened, the absolute level of salt at epic HQ
>MHW still this high despite being 1 year old
I'm already sick of getting fucked in the ass by Steam. I will not put up with any more shitty launchers or stores no matter what exclusives they have. Epic Games store exclusive = Will not play
It's moral to pirate any game faggot
>shenmue 3 will only conclude 40% of the story
yu suzuki will die before he finishes his game kek
Cope more EA is slowly abandoning frostshit and sourceshit2 and switching over to unreal (see the new SW game), tick tock steam faggots tick tock
Too bad it's a shit game
>several online game stores
>some games are exclusive to a certain store
>different launchers are needed to play different games
>a percentage of the game cost goes to the store
>you are buying keys and not a physical game in the first place
If I weren't a pirate already I'd become one now, fuck this faggotry
........../....//............................................\\ ..\
.././.. /..../..../. |_...EPIC STORE....|..\....\....\...\. ...\
(.(....(....(..../.) ..)...........................(...(.\....).....)...).)
kek, will there even be a shenmue 4? kickstarter backers' cash wasn't enough since they caved in to get that Epic dough. it wouldn't be a surprise if a lot of backers will have trust issues with the next funding.
I wish they just released the rest of the series as books. Shenmue is meant to be like 6 or 7 games in total, and Shenmue 3 isn't going to do well so we aren't getting more.
go back
so you have 6 fingers?
also, there are hundreds.
Game will be a huge succes. They won't need donations anymore
The new ice DLC is coming so it'll probably jump up a few places.
God your so fucking funny, no one has made that exact brainless joke already in this thread.
>stuck in development hell
what do you mean. both this and final fantasy 7 remake was announce the same day and both has a release date
most people will disagree with that.
better to have argumentum ad populum than no argumentum at all.
Think Epic will fund future games as a publishing partner? Shenmue sales will probably take a big hit due to the poor handling of this whole situation, so I doubt it'll sell anywhere near as well as they would have liked.
Will it? A lot of people are really angry at how this was handled.
good that you are not even trying to adress the part that is the real response to that post.
>Darkest Dungeon
It has a release date, but the game is not finished.
They're literally planning on updating it or selling the rest later, provided they won't just take the money and run
This may very well be the last Shenmue game ever made after this horseshit and the absolutely retarded decision to release this title in November with other big names like COD, Death Stranding, Doom, etc.
Based. Fuck those greedy kikes and raise the black flag!
A Shenmue game in this age will just be worse Yakuza.
whats huber's take on it?
And this is why I never back unfinished products. It was never about the money itself.
Like Phoenix Point, this would never take off if it wasn't for the backers' money. And seeing how easily they change the terms once they found an higher bidder is a spit in the face of everyone that backed them. Pretty much saying to everyone
>Yeah our project would never even exist if it wasn't for you, but now that we have a bigger player to keep us in the black, you're not important anymore. Thanks for the interest-free loan suckers!
PS players don't care, only a portion of pc players care. If anything, now everyone know that there is that thing called shenume
I much prefer UE to Frosbite actually, quit projecting.
My gripe with UE is the texture popping and clay looking faces.
7% that's the amount of people that refunded Phoenix Point. Which shows how many people care about storefront.
>Thanks for the interest-free loan suckers!
Yeah, PP was on fig not on kickstarter faggot.
This always just made me hate the "gamer gurls" they shove into these groups because they're literally just token girl there for incels to jerkoff over and they know fucking nothing about what people are talking about unless its zelda or pokemon.
I dont understand why people keep blaming Yu Suzuki for taking the deal because he has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's all Deep Silver who they partnered with to publish their games on all the other platforms. Deep Silver has a history of making deals with epic just for the sweet cash.
Yu Suzuki isn't getting a single cent from the epic game store deal and what's happening is that it's destroying his game's reputation as well as the reputation of all kickstarter games thanks to Deep silver and epic games doing awful shit like this.
playing that during release, figuring out the puzzles and anons helping each other out was one of the best things to happen here.
>I'm dead fucking serious
yeah vidya is srs bsns
>Play games
>Go to sites dedicated to discussing it
>Drag games you don't like into discussions when the genre itself is so fucking barren more games are welcome instead of competing
Okay man
Why would Metal Gear fags care? 4 is a movie. I've beaten it like 3 times and would like it again on PC but 90% of the experience is on Youtube.
Yakuza isn't the same as Shenmue. It may have fights, minigames, and QTEs, but those aren't what made Shenmue unique. It was the immersion of living in a game world that felt alive. There's a sense of time, unlike Yakuza where side story dialogue just references passage of time, despite you completing the entire side story in around 10 minutes--time of day is frozen because it's connected to the main story. Beyond that, Shenmue was more like a graphic adventure game, requiring proper investigation and exploration without the help of waypoints. Fights could be cheesed with a couple moves, but I still found them more challenging than nearly anything in Yakuza. Plus the fights in Shenmue are tied into the story and usually feel important; no obligatory street fights for XP.
However, I definitely think from a technical standpoint, Yakuza as it stands now will be better quality than Shenmue 3. That's a main reason I didn't want Shenmue 3. Not only will it not conclude the story, it won't be as impressive as those first two games. The nostalgia factor will be nice, but it should do more than satisfy that.
>unreleased kickstarter MMO in his list
Kind of ruins amy argument you're trying to make.
shenmue 3 looks like morrowind with those godawful "better face/body" mods and someone who just found enb and got way too carried away with it. as someone who liked the original games, it looks like shit. I'd go so far as to say people are pretending to like it so far and are trolling people who are pretending to be fans of yakuza who think they're the ones doing the trolling
yes I'm saying """"better"""" face and body mods look like shit, 99% of the time they clash with the original game
Will Tim pay for my meal too?
he will suck your dick if thats what it takes
It's funny what they promised too
>We would like to address the many inquiries concerning the physical version disc data. Development is moving forward to have all necessary data to play the game contained in the disc. Please rest assured that the disc will not be just a prompt for an internet download.
They really shot themselves in the foot selling out to Epic. They pretty much licked their balls willingly and fucked fans.
Cant we just talk about Shenmue and our favorite parts/characters :(
>Nobody releases 100GB games on 14-30 DVDs anymore.
Except Rockstar.
Who literally released a 7-disc physical copy of GTA V on PC.
Sounds based. Yea Forums will somehow spin this into Epic being evil
Deep Silver did a Peter Moore.
Yakuza games STILL use the Shenmue 2 engine, have wonky controls and characters don't even speak.
It's a kickstarter you dumb nigger, the assumption is that obviously the people who were paying for the promise of a PC blu-ray had blu-ray drives.
Uh, no.
How is it based to do something only after people complained constantly and started doing charge-backs?
>buy game
>reward epic store faggotry and shitty corporate business practices
>pirate game
>will never see another Shenmue game again because it sold so poorly
God just doesn't want Shenmue to exist does he?
Reminder if you backed it to get a refund so Epic loses money
>Football Manager used to top Steam charts
It's still regularly in the top 10, even as we speak.
What alternate reality do you live in?
Because they didn't have to do anything at all.
It would have been cheaper for them to do nothing at all.
Bro...divinity original sin 2. Kickstarter produced the best RPG of the 2010s
(Pathfinder: kingmaker is up there but having played actual tabletop pf I didn't care for it as much)
3 has been such a money sink getting investments from so many different parties that 4 won't get made anyway.
Yakuza plays like an early 2000s game...
> The awkward camera
> The blurry textures
> The clunky menus
> The repetive random battles
> The re-used assets
> Text instead of speech
Ah ham. Sure, ignore the charge-backs and lawsuit on horizon.
>there wouldn't be a lawsuit because they never promised a Steam key
They literally posted that originally they were going to give a Steam key. Plus they promised that the physical disks would have data and not be just keys. So while you may try to weasel the first, no way you can do that for the second.
Second, you know that Shenmue brand got tainted by this drama? It would in fact be cheaper to give immediately refunds, but Yu and Epic were too retarded to think that.
"Yes, Shenmue 2 is coming to Dreamcast...but now that I want a job at Microsoft it isn't."
>Yakuza plays like an early 2000s game...
>this is supposed to be a bad thing
There wouldn't be a lawsuit because the Kickstarter terms of service protects against them in situations like this. Do you think this is the first game to cancel a platform version they initially promised?
Even if it didn't, Epic wouldn't be the company getting sued. That wouldn't make any sense. It would be Kickstarter because they are the platform the "shady" transaction went through
Nobody here is old enough to have actually played it back in the day.
Yu wasn't in on Deep Silver doing the deal with Epic.
Have you read those terms? Or are you another user who is posting about something you don't know about?
Kickstarter pretty much said that if developers promise something and don't give it, consumers who feel hurt should sort taking the developer to justice.
Second, Epic wouldn't be sued but Epic was taking the negative publicity. It wouldn't be Kickstarter either since they washed their hands, it would be the developer conform their ToS.
Yea Forums should have turned at the exactly moment they turned to Deep Silver, one of the most hated publishers in the market.
You are moving goal posts, user. You just said Epic had their hand forced because of impending law suits. Now you are saying it's because of bad publicity
And yes, I have read the terms
>Nobody here is old enough to have actually played it back in the day.
Not true.
>hurr it's not like I want it or anything!
Meanwhile in reality I guarantee this board would be plastered with thread upon threads of stupid niggers gloating about how it's a victory for PC that they finally got MGS4.
>Is it too late? Has the damage been done?
yes obviously , if they screw their most hardcore fans just try to imagine what they are capable of.
>being a sega fag in the first place
Looks like Nintendon't managed to Nintendo, faggot. Personally I never could get into Shenmue. It was a neat game but I really couldn't get into it, and I normally like plot-heavy games. Maybe it was how much downtime there was between the more gameplay-oriented segments.
Which e-celebs hyped this? cause I never played any of the games or even had the system they were in, but I still know shenmue is a cult classic, I just don't remember where I learned that
The thing with kickstarters is that it means theres no publisher to kick devs up the arse when they get lazy
>Shenmue 3
Why? I just got sleeping dogs for 2 bucks
When did I say that Epic would be the one getting sued? They did have their hands forced because the developers were going to get fucked, and if that happened it would make other companies be afraid of taking exclusitivity deals besides the bad PR.
Why are you quoting a post saying they'd like it on PC?
That money from the kickstarter wasn't used for development anyway whi they fuck are they lying too
>pirate game
>will never see another Shenmue game again because it sold so poorly
Timmy is paying for your copy, don't worry about it.
I dunno how to break this to ya chief but the sheer number of amazing games that have been released with no publishers involved would make your head spin, so you should probably stop spouting that dumbfuck line before someone thinks you're a retard.
PC players win again.
Best community, the only ones who don't let themselves be fucked
Publishers are a double edged sword. On the one hand, you have devs who can't organize a dev team for shit and the game comes put a delayed clunky waste of money like MN9. On the other hand, getting a publisher means that you are now finded by them and they own your creation as their IP-you are willingly putting their hands on your balls in the hope that they wont crush them as they take your work away. And this is where shit went wrong in shenmue 3
Tim already paid it. Exclusivity deals guarantee expected sales from the wallets of Epic. If you buy the money only goes to Epic until they compensate the guarantee.
That shouldn't matter if they are buying out companies anyway
... because Shenmue has a better ongoing story that never got a proper conclusion? Also the fact that Yakuza only very loosely plays like Shemue? Why do people keep making posts like this?
>Stalker 2
user, you and I both know it will never exist. Don‘t believe the hohol, he‘s just a drunk that misses his glory days.
On Steam, no less
>better ongoing story that never got resolved
Oh sorry, for a second I thought you were taking about megaman X
>Also the fact that Yakuza only very loosely plays like Shemue?
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? The fact remains that Yakuza is better, cheaper and more easily available while having a similar premise and gameplay
> And there is no way they were going to ship a Blu Ray when nobody has a Blu Ray drive.
>people going out of their way and spend more money to get a physical copy
>these people don't own a Blu Ray drive
Ofcourse they do you retard, some people enjoy having physical discs. Those people have Blu Ray drives. People without optical drives don't buy physical copies of games.
Jesus fuck, how stupid are you?
If people were actually interested in MGS, they'd have a PS3/4. Stop strawmanning you retard, nobody really wants a MGS4 port.
>When will kickstarter die already?
How is that Kickstarter's fault?
Epic charges YOU more for using common payment methods, which means its not a real 12% cut, its a 12% cut and they charge the customer the extra %
Jesus christ this cant be real. What clown timeline is this even anymore
Not every company is up to sale, not for a quantity Epic is willing to pay. Exclusivity deals are expensive but much cheaper than just going around buying companies.
>nobody wants a MGS4 port
Yeah n-n-nobody wants shitty console scraps. Right PC bros? B-Bros?
Outrun, Space Harrier, Afterburner, Power Drift, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, Virtua Cop, Shenmue, Outrun 2
Has to crowd fund...
Meanwhile hacks who don't have even a millionth of Suzuki's talent get money thrown at them.
Yeah. They really fucked up by not offering refunds when the news dropped. Now it just looks like desperate damage control.
You need money to offer refunds, i know that concept is difficult for kids to undestand but one day you will. Trust me
blame brainlets who can't appreciate a slow burner
> Sammy is owned by Yakuza gangsters
> Sammy owns Sega
I just beat Shenmue 1 user, what do you want to talk about?
For me, I really liked how the game aimed at so many different targets. They had running around town, playing at the game center, forklift racing/driving, that one unique motorcycle segment to rescue Nozomi, and the beat-em-up system that was surprisingly decent (although they were awful at explaining new moves). My only complaint would be the QTEs really, but it wasn't that bad.
That's a good explanation. The detective work part of it is really novel, and it feels great when you actually discover how to proceed in your journey. It's kind of repetitive when it's just talking to people, but the ones where you figure out what to do on your own are really cool.
I thought Yu partnered with Deep Silver well before any of this Epic Games shit went down. In that case you can't really blame him. However, he still plans to make a Shenmue IV at least to finish up Ryo's story, and I don't want to imagine how rough that will be getting people on board after this.
Why do I have a feeling Yu pulled this Epic Exclusive move because he has no faith in Shenmue 3 making money?
Buggy unfinished mess
Fuck you, I was excited for this.
>You need money to offer refunds
I hope you aren't retarded enough to believe Shenmue ran out of budget.
He did because they run out of money to develop the game further. He really loves this game and he doesn't care about people bitching as long as the game is good
>nothing modern worth a shit
well now he lost whatever's left of his reputation for quick cash. In a long run, its gonna bite his ass and Epic will benefit from it
Yu didn't do anything though. It was Deep Silver that accepted the deal.
5% of mad pc gamers is not going to affect his reputation.
don't forget freedom planet
and bacon man
That's a nice understatement. Totally not said for a bunch of other kickstarter games
They intended to do this from the start, Epic told them what to do same as every other game.
They just delayed to get prolonged press attention, fanboys make great free advertising.
I don't think they meant this but this hilariously looks like he's contemplating whacking the shrine maiden who has the Epic logo photoshopped on her in the back of her head with the bamboo stick
>majority of those games are in Yakuza
user, BL2 sold 10 million in a year and BL3 looks much better than that. It's gonna sell that number or higher.
I can't believe that Timmy is so based that he's going to pay for my refund and my copy! Truly the savior PC gaming needs
Barkley 2 in a few more years
Be real with me, you think how many people care about storefront? As long as it's on pc barely anyone cares, if they went to fucking ps4 exclusive only we would talk diffrently.
Maybe if he didn't spend all of Sega's money on Ferrari's and expensive whiskey and wines then he would have had money for S3.
Adam Koralik confirmed last week that Suzuki had no say in the matter.
Nigga all the devs left. Only PR is left in charge of it, and released whatever's left of the game as demo to prolong the backer money
Did it though?
He worked his ass off and pretty much lived at Sega, sleeping on the floor of his office.
Sega were a nothing company before he came along.
Be real with me. How many people are using Epic vs using Steam?
Again, this is a niche game on top of all that. Putting it on Epic will fuck Yu over if he ever wants to make more games. Satisfactory sold 500k and that's after 5 months on top of the 100-200k pre-orders from epic (confirmed by SNK)
Epic doesn't have the loyal playerbase like Steam, especially when 99% of it is all for Fortnite
You'll be very very surprised in September if this is what you believe
what is that facial expression called?
>user, BL2 sold 10 million in a year
That's not PC only so irrelevant numbers
The chink imitator
The failing reptilian disguise
>losing Faith
They have no reason to continue updating.
They could have abandoned the project but they haven't.
They didn't have to openly admit their troubles but they have.
Where there is will there is a way.
I still believe.
the squintcel
>creators all left
There's hope, and then there's desperation.
The latter is you
>unreleased kickstarter MMO in his list
I'm playing Camelot right now, da fuck your talking about.
This is a niche game which does not attract that "loyal steam playerbase" much. These people will get the game anyway, just later on.Sure, there will be people that will not because of exclusivity but they are a minority
Steam will get it on sale, steam copies will be worth less than 2 Epic copies, hope they have a good first week!
I backed the game. I consider my pledge indirect payment for the amazing Barkley 1. I have lost nothing by supporting the people who gave me something of value.
that's fair I guess
Tons of niche games on steam blew up and still discussed to this day, what are you on about?
Timmy is that you?
>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
How do you fuck up this bad? How do companies like this keep going wothout firing people for dumbfuck decisions like this?
>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
Optimism doesn't have to be naive. Your faith in them might be the only thing keeping them going. Have a good day user.
Finished Shenmue 2 yesterday, it was kino. Yakuzafags plz leave.
What game discs contain actual game data nowadays, to be honest? Unless you make your own, they'll have a steam key or something.
Darkest Dungeon
Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2
>it's ok when steam does it
you too!
I used to buy a lot of physical games and they'd usually have the data on the disc more often than not. Even the steam ones.
>another example of epic games dealing with a problem by throwing money at it
This company is going to be completely screwed when fortnite and/or the battle royal trend as a whole starts to die down
Once again Valve wins by doing absolutely nothing.
I actually don't care about which launcher a game needs (usually because I pirate nearly everything) but Epic is making reddit and Yea Forumseddit mad so I'll throw my weight behind them
That's pretty much now, fortnite is in freefall at the minute. Of course when they were so high to begin with it doesn't look like they're affected at all, but they're down like 40% from last year.
How's it like having six fingers?
I have 5 fingers and a thumb
Real talk, how is Epic Games gonna sustain this method of buyouts in a long run? Their only revenue is Fortnite since they killed off every other game like Paragon and Unreal Tournament. They do have UE4 license profits, but its nothing compared to Fortnite. They're betting on a fad that's already past its prime like how PUBG died off except in chinkland
Once the fad disappears, how the fuck are they gonna sustain this? Are they assuming once the fad is over, they have a storefront as big as steam? because with things they're doing, it won't work. Multiple devs and indie devs already complained about how destructive their methods are in a long run
Stealing is not immoral, is just bad moral, no matter the context it's still a bad moral, but that won't affect the context of the situation.
Pirating this game is a bad moral but the context of this won't be changed because of that.
no you didn't
Their plan is to build EGS to be as profitable as Steam but the problem is that they still have the console mentality. They don't understand that PC users can say "fuck it" and pirate. Piracy is a service problem.
probably by going to 30% and then blaming valve like tim always does
Yes, but do you realize that there is no requirement to exclusivity on Steam, right? So they can make a separate physical version which works by itself and also sell digitally on Steam at the same time. Absolutely no problem doing that. This is impossible with Epic, because it demands exclusivity.
>Beyond messed up.
Every physical game that uses steam does the same thing, stop acting like a retard.
Might be why they took the deal. Maybe they knew what they produced was hot garbage that would not make a decent profit, so better to just take Epic's money for a guaranteed payday.
They're not going to sustain it. They've openly said these are basically suicide bomber tactics that are completely non-viable in the long term.
They're basically another shithead tech startup trying to trainwreck an existing market while living off their existing funds until they end up as the last one standing.
Yes I did. The whole walking segment between the mountains kind of dragged, but as a whole, better than Shenmue 1.
Copying answers on a test is implication that it is your work and is therefore fraudulent. It also has no relevance to piracy.
Is letting my friend borrow a game immoral? Of course it isn't.
Is simply demoing a game immoral? No, it's consumer rights.
I want to try before I buy and in the digital age piracy is often times the only way I can do that. Just because I pirate occasionally does not make me immoral or imply in any way that I will not go on to support the game developers for the effort. If the publishers are unable to trust me as a consumer to do the right thing on my own then I am forced to consider those publishers untrustworthy.
Whats the point of making shenmue 3 when games like yakuza and Judgement exist.. its all nostalgia bait. Shenmue will never live up to its hype.
oh no no no
Shenmue is a niche series, it's not like Suzuki announced the equivalent to Half Life 3. Also Yakuza and Shenmue are not comparable games.
Making a bit of nostalgia bait would have been fine if they didn't fuck things up multiple times
No, I think he knows full well what he's doing. He knows his store is garbage and that's why there are exclusives there. He knows the competition is vastly superior and the only way to drive people to his shop is if the people are given no other options. The whole drivel about how hard Steam is on the poor, unfortunate devs (publishers) has to be just some smoke screen in an attempt to look good in the public's eye.
>hehe GOTTEM
fuck off Tim, nobody believes you
>Pay the developer for store exclusivity
>Cover the developer's loses after consumers leave en masse for breaking promises
How much longer will the Fortnite money last to pull stuff like this? They can't keep burning money forever. At some point they need to make a profit.
>Get phys PC version
>Delete disk contents.
>Burn pirated file after crack on to it.
>Now I get what I was promised.
Fuck the police.
There's always more money
G2A cannot harm them directly unless keys are sold which were initially bought with a fraudulent card or something. But G2A isn't a single shop, it allows people to sell their shit there. Among those there will be some scammers, yes, but not all of them.
based tim
fetal alcohol syndrome
Thanks for the free games Tim!
Your post deserves a 4, and your post number agrees with me.
Go forward
Pretty much dis.
based af
why is his head so tiny?
Thanks for the free games Tim
>>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.
Unironically EPIC
so by this logic, literally everyone should refund it and no one loses their money
This, what a fucking dogshit pair of games, the arcade games within the games are more fun than the actual game.
> Thanks for the interest free loans. sucker.