The most beautiful lady I ever seen

The most beautiful lady I ever seen

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Cammy's such good friend

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Imagine looking at a drawing of a hamburger and saying, "that's the most satisfying burger ever."
That's when you know you're fucked in the head.

Kolin's russian, dummy

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>I really hate the police
me too

She's also not real. Take your meds bro

sorry user but she's the shittiest girl in the entire franchise by an obscene margin

Haters get the boot

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>she's the shittiest girl in the entire franchise
>not elena
>not menat

I love Reisen!

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I'm not a hater. I'm a doctor. Now take your meds retard.

Haters get the boot

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Menat and Elena are both way hotter and cuter than Kolin, you're just being racist at this point


*hands marshmallow

Real talk. How did Capcom fuck up so hard on her face? She has a body to bring men to their knees, but her face can turn a guy's testicles to grapes

i really need to get that dlc someday

>shittiest girl in the entire franchise by an obscene margin

she not ingrid

Kolin is for men. She's sexy

Haters get the BOOT

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Probably outsourced her facial design to some bitter femcel.

At least Ingrid is somewhat cute and fun to play

She looks like she belongs in Resident Evil as a zombie

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I'm still here. Take your meds.

Go outside

You're not WELCOME here, hater

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Tekken > Street Fighter

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goblinas leave


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I love this one. Great image

Are Russian women normally this fugly?


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>literally a NPC
What a letdown that character announcement was.

You haven't seen many ladies then

You're an NPC

Guile and Kolin are the best DLC characters so far. What are you talking about, fool?

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It’s “The most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen” you brainlet.
But I’m even fucking worse because I’m correcting someone’s grammar on Yea Forums

epic name there, namefriend

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Garbage taste

I like her other outfit better

She looks fine in Story Mode. Don't know what the fuck happened.

>imagine enjoying fiction
oh wow, it's like you are posting on a board dedicated to fiction based entertainment

Based. Virtually no rule 34 unfortunately.

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Love Kolin booty *hugs

I have such bad dysphoria lads. I want be Kolin

>I really hate the police
Every right wingers wet dream

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Why though?

>most beautiful
>in the same game as chun-li


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Good question. I don't fully know the answer to though. Something about her eyes that I can relate with, and i'd love to let my hair down like her, her sensuality is very appealing

So when do we get a new Street Fighter?

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best outfit summer or cop?

Next gen

Office Lady

I knew Capcom were catering to trannies by making the women look like ugly roided men in this game

>not even the best girl in her own game

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>dom attitude and angle

trannies wish they had assets like SFV girls do

Tier list says otherwise, bigfoot


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imagine the smell post-match.

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What tier list?

Is it me or did they downgrade the characters' looks since first beta??

Chun Li has HOOK nose now

Street Fighter V gave me musclegirl fetish. I still don't know i I'm grateful or upset

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well they do, look at it
it wants to be a SFV girl but it can't

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