The leaks are fucking real

>the leaks are fucking real

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want this to be true so much but it sounds too good, too perfect, too just. So sadly it's 100% made up fantasy.

>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.

>No negativity in the dojo
kek too funny to make up

>pic is from June
>pic references health article
>health article is from April
You didn't prove anything you fucking retard.

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Literally and unironically have sex

I can't wait for blizzcon now.
I want to see them proudly announce overwatch2 to a crowd that still expect overwatch to get a story solo mode

>esports were a mistake
woah what a revelation

by not acting and posting like an incel

>btw skins do not carry over have fun buying new lootboxes paypigs!!!

But that link has nothing to do with those supposed leaks in the picture

Please no employee knows that much about every project going on except high level execs.

Fake News

I'm convinced to this day that making a 2 so early (by their standard) is to change the artstyle to something more chaste, with everybody wearing full covering tacticool grey military gear and stuff so it export better in china.

>"the leaks are real"
>posts a link that doesn't prove the leaks are real
based retard

>Please no employee knows that much about every project going on except high level execs.
lol get a fucking job holy shit, all you need is talk during coffee break to know everything about a workplace, including who fuck who and who is stealing all the red markers.

Overwatch players are too cucked to complain about it. You'll have people with multicoloured hair crying tears of joy in the stands of their e-sports arena thing as they play the trailer right before their south-koreans-only tournament.
The only reason diablo immortal got a backlash from people at blizzcon is because diablo fans have been neglected for so long that they've got nothing to lose.


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WoW classic is going to print money so it will make up for all the failures. Anyone saying classic will flop are deluded. I hate Blizzard but I'm stating facts.

I was excited for Tychus being rebuilt and returning to Jimmy, but then I read the rest of that

fake and gay, thankfully

stop being a bot

>that overwatch section
It's bullshit but I believe it.
I really enjoyed OW for a while, but it got stale fast, and the whole custom gamemode thing wasn't on par with TF2's map editor and gamemode creator. Blizz only gave a shit about esports and didn't really care much about the regular game.
If you think about it, there has been NO FUCKING NEW GAMEMODE IN COMP. It's either payload, KOTH, or attack or defense. Hybrid is just a fucking combination of attack and payload. 3 fucking gamemodes for 3 years, with gimmick shit like CTF being removed.
Lucio and Genji were fun to play as, at least.

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>No negativity in the dojo shhhh

This is too fucking specific in my honest opinion, it's the type of shit I heard at my office job when our competition was doing much better than us

It will make them money but theres no initial buy in expansion purchase.

You just have to pay 15 a month for your sub.

classic subs will drop to three digit numbers after the first month


the leak is fake. one person wouldn't know about all those different development teams unless they're very high up and no one that high up leaks.

Hearthstone was free as well and they would have made a boatload of cash from people buying cards. Overwatch was also mega successful.

>Diablo FPS

Cool story bro!

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>"I want them to have a healthy baby because it's great for our business experience," Ezzard said.

Good, activision blizzard is fucking shit.



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Who cares?

if diablo 4 is revealed as described here i will lmao

that's a prayer from a faithful ignorant customer with Stockholm syndrome, not an analysis.

>Blizzard will make the allied races buyable
I am surprised it hasn't happened already, they will start adding races at a faster rate and charge $10 for them, and by $10 I mean $20 because Fortnite has taught us that people will pay fucking $20 to look different

or they just talk together and had a beer with some of the higher ups. get a job.

>didn't really care much about the regular game.
This was the biggest problem. I use to play PUGs in TF2 every now and again but my main game mode was 12v12 casuals doing payload, CP or CTF. Playing 6v6 constantly is stressful and honestly boring.
The maps being designed for 6v6 meant that you couldn't just increase it to a 12v12 without fucking everything up further. The map design was clinical and boring as fuck too, with two chokepoints at all times
Then there's the fact that they artificially changed the meta every few days with patches. They completely let go of the reins and started balancing according to people crying on forums when they nerfed Roadhog. It was clear then there'd never be an organically changing meta.

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>Another game streaming service
Shouldn't they wait to see if this business model is successful before they shamelessly copy it?

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>bb-bbbut that link has nothing to do with those leaks
>literally first sentence they track pregnancy
>bb-bbbbut the API leak was not real the game still has +10 million players

Blizzcucks the reality is this company is doing very bad right now and we know that atleast 70-80% of the leak are real.

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Surprised they aren't doing a battle royale

Classic will succeed, but only because it's an already made game from a competent team that no longer exists. The talent is gone and the management is a shitshow that's only barely managing to re-release a 20 year old game that literal third world slavs living in mudhuts have been hosting and support no issue for years. Any money from classic's success will only go to fund further failures and shitshows.

keh, what an incel

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we all want it to be real you fucking retard because fuck blizzard
but one thing (that has nothing to do with upcoming blizzard games) being true doesn't mean the other 100 things are.

I can't wait to see the MTX they introduce to classic a little later down the line. From where I'm sitting now I can't imagine they would actually sell 60s but you never know

Are you a fucking retard? The article you linked is two months younger than the post, the guy who made up the leaks just read that shit and put it in there. Christ you people are gullible.

>"I want them to have a healthy baby because it's great for our business experience," Ezzard said.
>"Rather than having a baby who's in the neonatal ICU, where she's not able to focus much on work."
This is the most Jewish thing I've read all week.

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Yeah, I was a big player of when it was alive, playing highlander mainly.
I also think the heroes they added are decent to bad.
Ana was good, but she was just the medic with crusader's crossbow. Sombra was good, Orisa was okay but not that original, Doomfist was less hyped up that he was rumored to be but not bad, Moira's damage was fucking annoying, having that long range, Brigitte is one of the main reasons I left, she was just too fucking broken (and still is if I remember), Wreckingball was better on paper, Ashe is decent, and Baptiste has an interesting gimmick.

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>dies a dishonorable death
>in his passing, Overwatch becomes big new thing
>awakens with his mind dead set on surpassing plumber boy
>gets an amazing remaster of his first trilogy, full of soul, loved by the masses
>rides this wave into Crash Team Racing, which is also loved by many
>kills Activision's bastard son, ergo responsible for the unhappiness of neets worldwide
>will carry this and his absolute hatred for plumber boy into Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Switch as the 4th DLC Fighter from the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter's Pass
APOLOGIZE, Yea Forums.

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You already know it's gonna be named something absolutely retarded like Overhead or Underwatch. Also, can't wait for them to keep using Omnics as a shitty reference for beaten down minorities even though they're unintentionally making them out to be psychos because Omnics can randomly get mindfucked and turned into murder bots at any time by the Omniums or God Programs (which are stupid as fuck).

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Ironic that the "get a job" response to this critisism of the "leak" is clearly being made by people who've never worked in a company like this.
People from different departments do often discuss things but if you think someone low ranking enough to get away with post a "leak" on Yea Forums would have such widespread and detailed information on each of blizzard's main cashcows JUST from watercooler chit-chat, you're living in a fucking fantasy.
If the poster wanted to make their larp believable, they'd have made things much less detailed with only a few snippits of info for each department, except for one which they "worked on". It would be a lot of "friend i know working on X says X, Y and Z" and "there are rumours"
Instead, it reads like they're a jaded high level exec who's finally been redpilled and went straight to Yea Forums

I am 100% expecting them to add unarmored mounts, TCG items and box set pets in as microtransactions since they've clarified they won't be in the game. I don't even question it it's just a matter of when. If they're actually serious about preserving the original feel of the game then those are the only things they can possibly add without monumentally fucking everything up. Though store mounts at all would be really bad since 100% speed mounts are one of the only major gold sinks in classic, they would have to make it so that a store mount replaces a mount you already bought in game or something.

>Brigitte is one of the main reasons I left, she was just too fucking broken

Hello Genji/Tracer main.

Why would you care about the opinions of roasties and trannies? They have an inferiority complex around anime, they don't even have souls.

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I remember after last Blizzcon, all the employees were saying in interviews, "just wait for next year, next Blizzcon's the big one! Seriously, I don't want to overblow it, but if you're ever going to go to any Blizzcon in your life, I promise, that's the one to go to."

They've had multiple projects canceled since then and allegedly Diablo 4 was rushed into emergency development, shifting around priorities ever since those interviews were made.

What do you guys think we should be looking forward to from the "most important Blizzcon ever"?

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>literally first sentence they track pregnancy
You have the reading comprehension skills of a 10-year-old child. It's embarrassing.

The "leaks" were posted AFTER the article.
The "leaks" even EXPLICITLY reference THE OP ARTICLE.
The "leaks" DID NOT break the health tracking news first, dumbass.

I hate Blizzard too but braindead retards like you make it easier for people to dismiss criticism as ranting by uneducated slack-jawed idiots. Kill yourself.

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I didn't know they had confirmed no armorless mounts and I didn't even think about TCG stuff, you're absolutely right. I figured they would tie in their other games somehow but I don't know how they can do that without actually adding something totally new and people would freak out.

What ruined Overwatch for me was how godawful the map designs were. Just giant empty hallways or streets with a couple boxes here and there that are too small to take cover behind, followed up by two chokepoints that heavily favor one side. And the Attack/Defense maps were all just two pathways you can take that lead to a giant murderbox or a circle with a cylinder in the middle. I can't think of a single map in that game that I would say is good.

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Also before someone asks, I'm not gonna go digging up sources, it's been months and a lot of it was podcasters who follow Blizzard stuff talking about things employees said to them off the record while drinking at the after-Blizzcon bar parties.

I'm actually down for a PvE focused overwatch

The only maps I liked were koth maps.
Attack/defense and payload were as you decribed

just have sex once with any girl and the guilt will go away.

Agreed. The maps were fucking clinical. Nothing felt interesting to me, nothing felt like a back path and because of the 6v6 "clump up with your team and never leave them" gameplay style of the game, you never got anything out of going rogue in side passages anyway.
Shame, I had some fun in the game but it could have been a billion times better than it was.

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There won't be any microtransactions. I hate Nu-Blizzard with all my heart but even I know they won't do that. Classic's entire reason for existing is to increase sub numbers (same sub for retail and classic) by bringing back the players who got sick of activision scum ruining their game and giving them a pristine environment for them to pay for. Adding in microtransactions would render the whole ploy moot, and they'd have wasted all their time for nothing.
What they are more likely to do is try and incentivise classic players to also play retail and vice versa. How they'd do this I don't know, but it will probably be along the lines of exclusive in-game retail rewards for things in classic e.i. clearing zul'gurub in classic gets you a new mount in retail.

This. I work at an industrial corp with 30k employees and I have almost no clue what the guys even at the other end of my very floor are doing.

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Another thing I noticed about the maps are how hard they cater to Widowmaker alone. I swear every map has a dozen balconies, ledges, and entrances in high up places that only a Widowmaker or a Hanzo could easily get to. It felt like they were trying way too hard to justify even adding them to the game.

Don't listen to the people saying have sex. Before having sex, life is full of hope that maybe sex and girls will make the emptiness go away. Post sex is just realizing it doesn't and nothing will ever fill the hole.

Have sex

>they removed this from the game because fuck you

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Are you joking? I'm a nobody at Google and I know things that have nothing to do with me that would get me sued if I typed it on this Filipino basket weaving forum.

blizzard will never, ever give up on esports ever since they let the golden goose dota 2 slip through their fingers

Overwatch would actually be a good game to me if they just doubled everyones speed.

Still works with me, I don't think you can double jump though

only if Mascot Crash gets a skin in CTR and his smash trailer has him saying the exact fucking quote to Mario

>MRW they will never bring back Ana's speed boost on her ult
Riverdancing Reaper and SFM porn were the only good things to come out of this damn game.

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>I hate blizzard too but I defend them like a good corporate shill

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>Diablo 4
>looter shooter

This shit best be a joke.

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nice pasta chef

it probably isn't

looter shooters are all the rage now

you are aware that the weapon hitboxes are absolutely fucking huge and that webm is literally your silver pharah play right?

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by not caring chief, if everyone cared about what people said about them online we'd be as bad as the 40 percenters

good, genji players should just die in a fire, everytime I see one I just go winston/mei and watch them panic and die

Why not? Borderlands is way more successful than Diablo 3

Yea, you know some stuff thats going on, but are you trying to tell me you've got indepth knowledge of nearly everything google has in the pipeline for the next few years? Because that's what the leaker suggests they have.
Also, if you know that the info you have would get you sued, can you imagine how absolutely fucked a person would be if they leaked so much information after being fired. The "leaker" clearly thinks that once you get fired, you're off the company record and free to do whatever you want.
Blizzard fire a guy and then the next day theres detailed information leaked online under the header "I was fired from blizzard"? If these leaks were true then we'd have heard news by now about a former blizzard employee being found dead with a few of his most valuable organs missing.

>pointing out that OP is a retard means I support Blizzard
>you should always shit on Blizzard even if you use facts that are objectively demonstrably factually wrong

The "leaks" were posted AFTER the article.
The "leaks" even EXPLICITLY reference THE OP ARTICLE.
The "leaks" DID NOT break the health tracking news first, dumbass.

You can just point out that all of their games are shitty and dying. You don't have to embarrass yourself to shit on Blizzard.

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>they artificially changed the meta every few days with patches.
Nigga the meta has been stuck at fucking GOATs for a year, last year Mercy meta forced me to rack up almost 200 hundred hours in fucking Mercy just to keep my Masters ranking. I'm overjoyed now I can play a different support every map and actually switch my hero around based on the point, enemy comp, and map. This patch right now is probably the freshest and closest to the original vision the game's been in three years.

Because alphabet is fucking massive I don't, but I could for my specific subsidiary, yes. I could legitimately, to the level of detail in the OP leak pic, say stuff about my company. (Theoretically google overlords I would never do such a thing)

>looter shooter
>in literally the ONLY blizzard game that doesn't feature guns
Believing something to be true because "it's just so crazy it probably is" should be grounds for public execution

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thats why this leak was posted here you retard.

cause its not like blizzard chases fads am i rite

Well, at least you got me to open your shitty thread OP. Fuck you, I was hoping the pic was real but you posted shit from April. Fuck you.

haha yea sorry i forgot that if you work at a game company you can't access the secret club that is Yea Forums, or see the information condensed into a single image by members of said secret club so they can post it outside of Yea Forums.

That's not how big companies like blizzard work. Employees aren't told more than they need to know.

Don't ever touch those vile succubi called "women". They'll defile your soul.

Instead, go have an "incelebration" that you've remained pure all this time, even if you touched yourself in an impure manner the whole time, it's still better than touching them.

Not even joking. Purity is quite valuable but most people don't have a clue because they're disease-spreading DOGS.

The looter shooter isn't a fad you fucking gremlin theres literally 3 games and one of them is so dead that it's desecrate the earth and made the genre untouchable

If any of this is true, holy maloney. Then it really is dead. Especially OW and Diablo. What makes it a tiny bit credible is that they actually tried to make a Darksouls like Diablo.

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>we know that atleast 70-80% of the leak are real.
how do you know? cause you hate blizzard and hearthstone sucks and they got btfo with diablo immortal? lol
gimme proof for any of the leaks. i'll wait lol

how many moba games were released before blizzard made theirs user?

And theres rumours of OW2 beeing like left 4 dead...

*citation needed*


that's because dojo stuff was talked about in the interviews. The leaker just read interviews and forums and made up a mix of ideas and info we already know

have sex incel

how does naming a blizzard employee prove "70-80% of the leaks are real" LMFAO
i just googled him and he didn't say shit

if that's your best evidence boy you must be a huge fucking retard huh

>Oh, we fired Bob last week
>Hey, some guy that got fired leaked a bunch of shit, I wonder who it was?

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Two. Dota and League.
"Released" is irrelevant as a stat since it's bloated for every genre with the shitty chinese clones that no one plays.

Tell me what kind of employee at blizzard would have access to detailed information about all of their projects.

The leak clearly proves Mike Morhaime posts here, user

>they wont chase the fad even though that's all this shitbag talentless company does now

>The leak clearly proves Mike Morhaime posts here
Uh, how do you even know the leak is real?

>Giving casuals a mode


Nigga have you even seen FCG the fighting game with the most entrants (because smash is not a fighter) literally doesn't even have a tutorial.


Because Mike Morhaime posted it

Uh, how do you even know the leak is real?
>Because Mike Morhaime posted it.
How do you know Mike Morhaime posted it?
>The leak clearly proves Mike Morhaime posted it.
How do you know the leak is real?
>Because Mike Morhaime posted it.
How do you know Mike Morhaime posted it?
>The leak clearly proves Mike Morhaime posted it.

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It links up with other rumours I have heard. But could all still easily be bs.

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Reads like the average Catch-22 dialogue lol.

I was only playing some Hearthstone, but after seeing latest card censorship to please chink party I've deleted it from my PC.

Again, they've never chased fads. They take a genre with little to no competition and make a game infinitely more profitable than anything else out there. It's how literally all of their IPs still exist.
HotS is the only example of it going wrong, and it only exists because blizzard has never gotten over the fact they let valve have dota.

What are you not grasping here?

user there's been a thriving vanilla pserver community for a decade. Not one pserver has come closer than Nost to Blizzard quality. An actual Blizzard Classic server will draw in all but the poorest of the pserver crowd. Classic going to do to WoW what OSRS did to RuneScape.

>mmo little to no competition
>heroes shooters little to no competition
>diablo was done by blizzard north
>card game little to no competition

based retarded blizzcuck

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>self conscious about my virginity
Your virginity means jack shit you brainwashed retard, stop being so easily influenced.

Nothing in the leak proves Morhaime posted it.
Here's how epistemology works:

If the validity of a piece of information is questioned, you have to provide different information to demonstrate its veracity.
If I say "I don't believe the Yea Forums post" and you want to convince me otherwise, you can't just point back at the Yea Forums post. That's tautological. Instead, you would provide evidence (different information) corroborating claims made in the post (initial information).

That being said, there is zero evidence that the Yea Forums post is true. We're well over 100 posts into this thread with zero evidence so there's really no basis to believe it.

>WoW only had to compete with everquest
>Overwatch only had to compete with TF2
>Diablo had to compete with literally nothing
>Hearthstone had to compete with literally nothing
yea, little to no relevant competiton every time they've launched a new franchise, retard, or is contextualising something too hard of a concept for you?
Theres a reason MMOs exploded AFTER wow, and how hero shooters exploded AFTER overwatch, and why Diablo-Clones and called Diablo-Clones. As much as nu-blizzard is creatively bankrupt with the IPs they already own, their trackrecord of starting fads instead of following them is solid.

Is that you, Mike?

Hearthstone competes with MTGO/MTGA

Man Yea Forums really is the dumbest board, it's been known about the ovulation tracking for months before that "leak"


Smite and a bunch of other semi-succesful assfaggots were released before hots.

hero shooters did not explod after overwatch though the fade died once PUBG came out.

>How do I get over this?
have sex

>hero shooters exploded AFTER overwatch
No it didn't, there was what? Paladins and nothing else from what I remember. It quickly got overshadowed by battle royale games

Go see a hooker and let her take your virginity.

>30k employees lol
you don't work, at all.

No it doesn't. No one playing hearthstone is going to even consider picking up Magic, and vice versa. They are in two completely different fields of thought when it comes to online cardgames

Why can't companies just try to make good games? For the companies that were successful in the past, that's why, because they just tried to make the best game they could, and succeeded. But no, not anymore! We have to make something to cater to esports, we have to cater to political bullshit, there's all sorts of things we have to do other than just trying to make a good game. It's ironic, because trying so hard to deliberately create a "financial success" is the thing that leads to failure.

blizz gave up on creating melee character long ago, D3 is already a 3rd person shooter at this point.

The amazing Eternals, Battleborn, Gigantic, and the worst of them all Lawbreakers. Though none of these are really 'hero shooters' and more break offs of MOBAs just like OVerwatch

forum managers and hotline people that are the same for all games and spend lots of time gossiping with employees because they don' really have deadlines

That view is common sense though. A stress-free worker is a more productive worker. They can focus while they're on the clock.

>implying The Post

>A stress-free worker is a more productive worker.
that never happens, a stress free worker is a parasite that spend half his days on social media at work and that tell you you are a "killjoy" if you ask for result before the day of the deadline, where there will be lots of excuses and feelings to explain why they need another week.

>one of the only major gold sinks in classic

It exploded in popularity, but it couldn't maintain and died off, unlike battle royales.

Off the top of my head
>Quake Champions (I'm sorry, it upsets me too)
>The Amazing ETernals

I'd say Apex Legends too, but it was smart enough to stick one foot in Overwatch and one in PUBG.

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>WoW only had to compete with everquest
You must be 18 years old and up to post here

pro tip: you're not an incel when you're a volcel

>Starting fads instead of following them is solid
I think you greatly over-appreciate the talent that Blizzard have. I'm this fella defending your point, but I don't think we're on the same page. Blizzard drones have been brainwashed for decades now to always pick up Blizzard purchases. Of course people are going to make games that imitate Bliz games to try and pick up extra customers. Hell, Bliz fans are so retarded they'd probably pick those games up by mistake too.

Only newfags tell others to have sex.

but the "leak" said nothing about this?

have it.

t. Seething Ultima player

Yeah I don't know if I'd say that counts as an explosion, especially since the only one that survived was Paladins

>It exploded in popularity
It really didn't, Gigantic never took off, neither did Battleborn, or Lawbreakers, The Amazing Eternals never even released, Quake champions only barely got any traction thanks to having Quake in the title. Paladins is the only one that one can say took off but even then it was nowhere near as popular as Overwatch.


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Oh sorry, I meant it more that the genre took off as everyone started making games with similar mechanics to it.

It didn't maintain, which is why either shit got cancelled, or straight up died a few months after release.

I guarantee you that productivity goes up across an organization if they don't have significant outside stressors. The existence of worthless employees is something that will always be true regardless, so it doesn't really mean anything here.

They clearly have, or atleast used to have, a talent for making games that a lot of people hold as the pinnacle of the respective genre.
What Blizzard drones don't want to acknowledge is that they have an equally strong track record of tanking said games with poor decision making and increasingly greedy practises.

It's a miracle that Bungie was able to bail and take Destiny 2 with them.

or you know, DAOC or Lineage 1 & 2 or SWG or asheron's call or city of heroes or a plethora of other games

HR people probably would have. I can also imagine quite a lot of people would be pissed about the shitty management and some would vent to coworkers in other departments making word go around about how the other dev teams are doing

not like 2 was that successful in the first place, was it?
I never thought any dev company could pull that off though, let alone one working with activision

By having sex.

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Technically exploded is a correct term to use, the genre died as soon after it exploded.

It is immoral to support EA. In fact, it is probably immoral to not spread the word that they are actual villainous scum in the classic, almost trope sort of way. They are a cartoon caricature of evil greed and you fucking livestock goys need to stop humiliating yourselves by buying their slop.

>I guarantee you
I know it's bullshit, because I work. "stressless work" is what the incompetent raises all day while the rest of the team has to patch up their shit until they get fired. Without the fear of being fired, people just stop working entirely. You have billions of examples of that vermin, it's called "civil servants".

>Company monitors my fap cycle and knows I'm an incel

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honestly just do more stuff outside and with other people.
if you don´t have friends sign up for sport clubs or group activities at your school or university.
once you talk to more people you will get some friends eventually, get in contact with girls and one day even have enough courage to ask a girl out

I actually think Overwatch is the least greedy of all their modern games. I'm actually surprised that people really shit on it a lot on Yea Forums, but I've got my own theory on why that is.

yeah i was unironically around for that thread and everyone was saying OP was fake turns out he's right lmao.
fuck you shitters :)

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>debra from human resources is given detailed information about diablo 4 because reasons

Please elaborate user, I could use something to read while I download Starbound.

Destiny 2 still made enough to break even. Both games made back more than enough to cover all of the support Activision gave to Bungie, which was one of the reasons why they were able to break as cleanly as they could and still keep the IP.
Destiny 2 seems to be changing a hell of a lot as they're nearing their Steam re-release, especially in regards to monetization and content related stuff, so there must have been a ton of upper management meddling from Actiblizz.

>city of heroes

Big F my dude

>list of games literally no one played then and no one plays now
remain in denial

You pay $40 and get everything that matters. Very simple.

Well Debra is the one who is gonna have to send out job applications since Blizzard has a lot of vacant jobs that need to be filled so if Diablo is an FPS now she'd probably want to know that so she can employ people who have experience in making FPS games.

It worked with Titanfall, I wouldn't be surprised

>weeb is illiterate
makes sense

>diablo 4 being first-person
>final fantasy xiv being a treat to anyone
the most retarded thing I've ever read on Yea Forums
seriously. especially the diablo 4 part.
holy shit. some brainstorming mental diarrhea from some weeb trash who things his trash game with literally 5 players world wide has any relevancy.

One person does not hire every single person in the company and debra from hr is not doing whiteboard interviews. There is no reason why anyone would have that much information unless they're an executive.

>Implying Diablo didn't already die when they shut down Blizz North

Refund it while you still can
And Overwatch isn't that greedy since you pay for the game and get everything except for the gay skins. The problem with Overwatch is that it's barely gotten any content since release


oh no what the fuck

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Just going to chime in to half confirm what you say
>work as a public servant while getting my degree in relevant field
>1/4 of the office are work horses
>show up on time
>get the important work done first
>work at a pace fast enough to generally get more work done than comes in each day
>other 2/4 of the office are average
>1/4 of the office are so unreliable and unskilled they could never obtain long term employment anywhere else
>job security which is a boon to the hard workers means that these cockroaches cannot be fired for anything less than stealing money out of the safe
>after putting one of the people we thought were good into a really important role he starts taking 1 sick day per week
>can't ask for medical certificates for single days unless we put him on a performance improvement plan first
>he would almost have to assault someone to be put on one of these plans
>woman on maternity leave for 5 years so far
>keeps popping out kids
>regular leave accrues while she takes maternity leave
>when she runs out of maternity leave she takes regular leave then has another fucking kid

More on point to what you said
>braindead middle manager can't be trusted to do shit
>senior management take half his tasks off him to give to another overworked manager
>deadshit spends his time working on airy fairy project shit
>gets seconded to project team for like 2 years
>his position will never be advertised because he'll forever be on our books but doing project work
>means we'll have an acting middle manager for however many fucking years this goes on for
Public service can really fucking blow, though it definitely has its good points. I'm counting down the days until I get my degree though.
not vidya

>One person does not hire every single person in the company
You think HR doesn't talk to each other? Are you a neet or just autistic because it seems like you don't understand that people talk about a shit ton of things with their coworkers

Just the thought of you going into your image folder and picking that one, out of all the ones you have saved, makes my blood boil

>everyone just casually breaks ndas and risks a lawsuit like it's no big deal
where the fuck do you work

People talk about their families and what they're doing at the weekened and who is being a massive dick by leaving spoiled food in the fridge.
The office environment has to be an alien concept to you to think that people are leaking details of projects to each other in casual conversation. Newsflash, dickhead: it's not a leak to any of them because they fucking work on the projects - to them it's just work and no one wants to talk about work in their downtime.

>$1 a day in fucking gift cards

This is literally what most companies think you're worth as an employee.

People work better and are more co-operative when they're all in a cheerful mood. You do get the odd one useless parasite that everyone has to carry but they usually ostracize those people.

Pretty much this This is incorrect. You can get every skin in the game for free. There are two Overwatch League skins you can get a year and you can buy OWL tokens to purchase them. You can also get OWL tokens by watching the league on Twitch, even if you're just AFK watching it on your phone, laptop, etc. Everything in the game is available for you to get for free if you just play. i.e. I've got 'em all except a lot of the 100 token skins because the majority look like shit.

I think the majority of people call it shit because of solo queuing and the frustration that comes with it. It's a team game and you really have to work together to get shit done. It's a miserable experience in solo queue a lot of the time when people play characters that don't really work with the rest of the team. That's also the hate that people like XQC always yammer on about. He's a Twitch personality, and Yea Forums is the most underage board. There's this idea that hating something is contrarian, but when everyone on Yea Forums is doing it, I think they're missing the mark. Hell, XQC still plays Overwatch religiously, so even at its worst it's still great.

The game has issues, but they're never really discussed on Yea Forums. People who hate on it but can't offer up any input as to why are retarded. Probably just as retarded as the people posting on Yea Forums that think Mei is anything but a fat disgusting slob.

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>watching the league on Twitch
>everything by playing
You can get these two skins a year for free is my point. I can understand the frustration with having to farm them on Twitch though.

imagine zooming this zoom

If shitty westaboo games like those that Blizzard makes die then good

What age are you and what are your three favourite games?

>company has a no singles policy at the office

It's getting harder and harder to find a cheap whore now that Craigslist is gone

You're in the wrong thread. The DoA larping threads are a few pages down, user

>I know e-celeb, therefore everyone who has no fucking idea who literal who is must be parroting his widely generic and popular opinion
Talk about missing the mark, zoom zoom. Just like you faggot niggers telling others to fuck off to reddit while namedropping their boards.

>refund it

No, I'm pretty sure this is the plastic broad thread.

>If shitty westaboo games
Can you speak proper english now?

Imagine trying to bring your falcon to the singles night at the office and the UK government stops you at the door because you haven't upgraded your porn license.

The whole point of namedropping him was to say it's retarded groupthink.

>Zoom zoom
>Faggot niggers
>Fuck off to reddit

What age are you and what are your three favourite games?

>everyone just casually breaks ndas and risks a lawsuit like it's no big deal
Yeah people do since no one really cares. You think your average Joe will think about some dumb nda when he vents to his coworkers about his job? No he won't to him it's more of a don't go around telling people outside of work about what's going on like on twitter or reddit or some shit.

>no one wants to talk about work in their downtime.
Yeah because no one ever talks about how shit their work is to other coworkers. The office environment has to be alien to you since you think that people think it's verboten to talk about their job when they're not working. Ofcourse they won't talk about their job all the time, people will talk about all manner of things and work issues are a part of that.

29, Jedi Academy, AoE2 and FIFA 16

You're not guaranteed to get the skins you want retard
When you buy the game you get everything but the skins which you have to roll their shitty gacha to get

It's a vastly inferior Terraria, it's like No Man's Sky but in 2d and it's even worse than NMS

There's a difference between complaining about a job and breaking an NDA you signed for a billion dollar company.

>You're not guaranteed to get the skins you want retard
Right, but you get the lootboxes as you play the game for free. You're not buying keys or something to unlock them. If you keep playing, you'll get the skins you want. If not, you're gonna get duplicates which give the in-game currency which you can use to get the skins you want.

t. I've got every skin in the game from just playing it & have never bought a loot-box.

No, that's you projecting your retarded groupthink about literal whos on others.

It's a fucking TF2 ripoff that came out long after TF2 itself was any relevant and had the audacity to charge $60 on top of that. That's (partly) why everybody shits on it.

I mean 15

>Grown men and women weeping openly as births and a few deaths are missed
It's bait, user.

>It's a vastly inferior Terraria
I've already played Terraria, though.

>It's like No Man's Sky but in 2d
It can't be that bad.

yea you being 15 does make the FIFA 16 make a lot more sense

>60 USD
It cost ÂŁ29.99 on release.

Okay, but what's your age and three favourite games? Also, do you think that Yea Forums suffers from groupthink or not?

>It cost ÂŁ29.99 on release.
Just double checked in dollars for you. It was $39.99 on release.

Still far too much blizzard should be paying me


>If you keep playing, you'll get the skins you want
There's still no guarantee you'll get the skins you want and just because you got them all it doesn't mean that everyone else will. You haven't even stated how much time you've spent playing that shit game. For all I know it could be a retarded amount of time the average person won't spend on the game

>It can't be that bad.
It's worse than you could imagine
The starbound general that once existed devolved into a place to document all the garbage things the devs did.

Everything that is shares, Terraria does better, and what is unique is so damn sub-par it's just disappointing. I gave it a good 10 hours or so and it didn't drive me to play Terraria, but I wanted something better than Starbound.
It felt like watching an indie movie, I just kept wondering "What if this was done a little better/more professionally?"
Some interesting ideas, not implemented well.

Are you the type of person who doesn't pirate stuff because it's illegal? Because it seems like it.
No one cares about some nda that doesn't get enforced when you talk about stuff with your coworkers from other parts of the company

What's wrong with FIFA 16, twitch zoomie? I mean there's plenty wrong with, but what exactly didn't you like about it?


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Classics model won't work these days
you see the decline in fortnite popularity? apex legends, even more?
you know why? people demand updates, and if those updates are not what they want, they leave for the next game.
classic won't ever get any updates that change up it's core all too much, so zoomers will leave, even if their favourite streamer is still held hostage by blizzard

It is a retarded around of time and the average person probably won't play for triple digit hours. My point was that you can get everything for free though, but I think I'm missing yours.

You really shouldn't be 29 and using Yea Forums flavour of the month vocab. Or .

Also, not who you're replying to. But you were dumb enough to post and not think people wouldn't shit on you.

>"I want them to have a healthy baby because it's great for our business experience," Lizzard said as his tongue flicked across his lifeless eyes, a hiss following soon after to show his appreciation for the birth of new life which could be used as a slave workforce.

what a powerful argument

Alright, you faggots convinced me to look into this game deeper. I'll take a look at fireden and check out the starbound general and their documentation. Thanks.

this "leak" is Yea Forums tortanic porn, too many red flags, you are all absolutely retarded

Also, Outcast > Academy. For all your talk about other people being zoomers, you prefer the game that rewards you instantly with a lightsaber & with a shit plot.

You can always pirate it too. Give it a shot that way.

have sex

Twitch zoomies love to shit on everything because being contrarian makes them feel special. My boy Asmon took a break from GOING HOME to Classic to read this on stream. It's nice to see he's just like me & Yea Forums approved.

The only people that buy and play FIFA are kids who want to spend all their pocket money on packs, and people too fat to actually go outside and play football.

Why would some random dude know exactly what is happening in every other department and dev team. Has he ever worked in any modern big company? Every department is on their own, good luck some tech support dude knowing what project leads are doing in a separate part of the building. Hell, big offices have multiple security checkpoints just so you won't fool around in areas you're not supposed to be in, lmao.

don't forget Kyle > literally who
Outcast has better singleplayer but that hardly matters in the long run

Shut the fuck up, zoomie. Ultimate team > overwatch loot-boxes

well you can guess which group I belong to :^)

Playing football > simulating football, Fatso

You're never gonna make it.

we're all gonna end up in the same place

I doubt the two of us are heading to government mandated fat-camp, no.

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Don't give a fuck like the rest of us? Nothing anyone says here matters.

Those kinds of people are here because they think what they say matters, because no one ever told them in their self centered echo chambers that their opinion doesn't matter. That is the one thing that Yea Forums gets right and why it upsets them so much, because their opinion and nasty hateful attitudes gets challenged here. Thats why they've made such a concerted effort to troll and try to break this website down, when we've been wallowing in this shit for years. They're literally shitting in a pile of shit, pissing in a ocean of piss. Nothing they do matters here, whether it's leftist shilling, trolling Yea Forums, trolling /pol/ or any other board because we've been fucking with eachother for years and calling eachother the worst fucking things imaginable.

It doesn't matter if they go away, it doesn't matter if they stay. They don't matter.

t.been in this pig pen since 2004.

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I'm sorry user, I couldn't find anything on that damn general. Can you give me a list of reasons as to why I shouldn't play Starbound and the 'garbage things the developers did'?

it's bad dude trust me

you should worry about gamer camps, these actually exist

>but I think I'm missing yours.
I originally said that Overwatch isn't greedy and that you get everything except the skins when you buy the game. Which is true since the skins aren't unlocked from the start and several you can only get from special lootboxes during events and there's no guaranatee that you will get them.

You can also just check the pace at which they release their updates and what's included in them. Because it's only like one patch per year and it's barely ever any good amount of content, usually just a single mechanic like half-assed mechs that are inferior to mech mods that the update breaks.

Here's the old pastebin from the starbound beta general

looks like a bunch of cringy incel seethe

>Diablo 4
>Heaven/Angels are actually the bad guys
sick of this meme

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Thanks for sticking with me so far, that'll be a refund from me. I almost made a very regrettable mistake, it's not even worth a pirate. This shit was too well hidden. I guess I'll go play Elona+ instead.

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Any one talented enough to get hired on by Blizzard seems absolutely foolish to stay there. Just corroborate a plan with your work mates and get the fuck out of there and start an indie studio and let Activision's greed and absolute disregard for their coworkers be their downfall. Why would anyone want to be such a bitch to soulless corporation if their talents could be used for their own personal gain 100%.

I work for an agency of tens of thousands, what you’re saying might be true for piddly shit no one cares about, but big, notable, or interesting projects are always gossip fodder. Or something you hear consistently discussed at staff meetings. It makes sense for Blizzard since they only have so many franchises going and most of them are huge deals in the gaming world.

Both me and my wife in standard or wild have no problem finding games of Hearthstone at any time of day. Yea Forums loves declaring games dead before their time. Though I won't defend hearthstone too much, it's mostly just my digital card game addictions

As for the rest, it seems like it could be legit but who the fuck really knows.

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>I originally said that Overwatch isn't greedy and that you get everything except the skins when you buy the game. Which is true since the skins aren't unlocked from the start and several you can only get from special lootboxes during events and there's no guaranatee that you will get them.
Eh, semantics. I get you though.

>plays Hearthstone, ever
You are an actual waste of life and the reason why this industry is shitting out garbage like this and getting richer doing so

>Everything about Overwatch 2 is real
>Means its coming to Switch too

>Those working conditions
Is Supercell literally the only good video game company where you can work and never feel bad about doing it? I heard things 'bout Nintendo and Sony, and Microsoft seems a boring company to work for

>giving a shit about what a bunch of NEETs think about you
ROFLMAO! If I did that, I would have committed suicide at this point for simply not being white.
NEET opinions literally do not matter.

You need to be 18 to be here user, our mommy's can't make us go to camp.

though I'm sure there's some NEETS that need to listen to mother dearest

You are being baited moron. Stop feeding him.

I can tell it's fake because but of the "get your foot in the door" thing. Using students for work and not paying them (ie. Unpaid internships) is illegal in California.

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Respawn seems to be pretty chill. They struck gold with Apex and let its hype slip away because they have normal work hours with no crunchtime, no 100-hours-a-week high output sweatshop work environment the likes of Fortnite. They can't match the juggernaut in terms of shitting out more monetized carrots for kids to spend money on.

I know a lot of people who appreciate challenging card games like Magic who also played Hearthstone.

I don't think it's ONLY a matter of quality although I agree with you that Hearthstone is a shit game that caters to people who have shit taste and standards. But it has hooked people who are raw fucking addicted to card games (and card game players have to be addicts on some level to even play them) coupled with the fact that Hearthstone is/was the only online and mobile card game. When MTG Arena goes mobile they'll probably drop Hearthstone. Hearthstone succeeds because Wizards' incompetence is unfathomable.

I didn't play Hearthstone on sheer principle knowing it is shit but for some reason my Magic friends will straight up admit it's a shit game yet continue to dump tonnes of hours into it.

It did, but then Battle Royales quickly became the new hotness because of PUBG and Fortnite.

It makes me really sad that’s what games need to be successful these days. It can’t stand on it’s own, it has to be inundated with cosmetics, lore, comics, shorts, fanart, music videos, all that disgusting shit

>I know a lot of people who appreciate challenging card games like Magic who also played Hearthstone.
Magic players play hearthstone because someone with a basic grasp of magic is instantly in the top 10% of hearthstone players. It's just to clown on idiots.

Hahaha have kid if you even knew, I've only spent 5 dollars on that game on the intro bundle like 4 years ago. I live by this picture. My first pc ran windows 3.1 and my first console was a Sega genisis. I KNOW HOW FAR MY FAVORITE PASTIME HAS FALLEN AND HAVE NOT BEEN THE CANCER THAT'S KILLING IT.

At this point I work a full time job raise a kid and keep my wife happy. I don't have time or energy for all night sessions on broodwar or unreal tournament anymore. Hearthstone is mindless fun for a little bit before bed.

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I am preetty sure these are common things in the department since the 90's, only without the ability to do digital fanarts on the internet or the existence of rule 34

This guy gets it, if I'm booting up the pc I'm going to play a good game, not a digital card game. I play hearthstone on my tablet in bed. It's competing with anime gotcha games, not whatever "real" game you wish was more popular.

>lore, comics, shorts, etc.
I know Overwatch had those things but at the same time Blizzard didn't really put in the depth to make those things good. What Blizzard did do was make the characters super fuckable and the hype and fanart followed.

The point I'm trying to make is that the company doesn't have to churn out any more than the basics. They just have to put in the effort to make the characters ultra-fuckable like the Overwatch characters.

>waifus sell better than a good game
I’m not sure whether to blame Japan or League

Retards can't lie without outing themselves as a retards

I want to believe

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>Diabael Primus

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But I'm nearly 30.

I can believe some of it was true, I know an investor shared is disgust with OW direction and many mocked him.

When their shares took a dip he shared with everyone on the OW forums his prior post a year ago. Many were absolutely assblasted

just be yourself bro like confidence and chase your dreams

I can also verify the sub numbers are true as someone i followed was let go from blizz was very shakey on mentioning anything about it due to legal action despite not working for them for a few months

CTF would never work with overwatch. Could you imagine trying to defend the flag from a character with movement skills or invuln, let alone a fucking tracer teleporting on to the flag and rewinding back to the midpoint of the map?

ummm.... you know most games prevent abilities like that from coming into play

The modding scene for most games went to shit after the mid 2000s with the dark ages of every game using automated Matchmaking and offering no mod tools. The community used to be able to entertain themselves and pumped out more unique content that no corporation could ever match, not even now, for free.

I miss when we got our game and that was it. No updates, extremely rare patches in the form of a company mailing a god damn floppy disc to you, and no DLC.
And when we got to the point of games being patched online, you might get a patch once every few months, lucky if it had any actual new content to go with any bugfixes. Instead of DLC, any additional content was in a big Expansion that potentially increased the size of the game's REAL content twofold for which we usually paid $30~ (meanwhile the average microtransaction nowadays charges you $4.99 for a cosmetic and charges you a an extra full $60 for a "season pass" that might have one new item and a couple maps).

AAA is completely rotted out. There will never be another "crash", but there will hopefully be some deflation in the "industry" once the higher ups lose that massive income stream following the likely Lootbox ban.
I'm finding the same spark of the 90s among indies and smaller dev teams who make simple fun shit that happens to be easy to mod. Just buy the god damn game and make your own fun with it.

respawns business model is also shit and probably has lost and is still losing them sales.
fortnite unironically is more consumer and player friendly then respawn.
lots of respawns decisions don't make sense at all.
that and they are slow to roll out patches.
only til recently have they started doing anything with apex.

Just give me Blizz coded and worked BC servers and Blizzard can do whatever the fuck they want with other games.

You can blame both. You can blame Japan not taking advantage of their early competitive advantage to actually evolve gaming. Early on in gaming's history they put in raw effort to break new ground that gave them the advantage in a young marketplace such as gaming. As such, because nobody in the industry knew what they were doing, Japanese games were great even if the visuals and gameplay were substandard by today's standards they were excellent at the time thanks to raw Japanese effort.

Japanese gameplay hasn't changed. They've been trying to sell us the same fucking garbage gameplay from the 90s with a facelift and it doesn't hold up - their raw effort doesn't cut it anymore. Even the waifus can't sell it anymore because their games are intolerable to play by modern standards. And when waifus do sell it, like in Persona 5, it's because they pulled in all the artistic stops to make it look and sound incredible - the fucking gameplay is pure dogshit.

Then you look at League, which has all the advantages of starting in a modern age AND was based of a incredible game like DotA and instead of making a great game like DotA they made dogshit but added waifus and is why they're relevant today. And Valve failed to add waifus to their game, which is why League remains with us today. Hilariously, the Chinese are to blame for League's success but it will also be the Chinese who keep DotA alive; both League and DotA are dying in the West.

And now, both Japan and the West can't make solid gameplay to save their lives. And so any company who can crank out the best waifus will have the best selling game. Fortnite should be a dead game but because you'd rather have sex with a Fortnite character than an Apex Legends character, Apex Legend's superior gameplay doesn't fucking matter. I'm not saying everyone doesn't like Apex for the gameplay; but the vast majority clearly ditched it and moved on because they have ADD or back to Fortnite.

I hope the higher ups will just flock to mobile "gaming", allowing the rest to be made great again. But yeah meanwhile indie gaming is plenty.

Ctf is on their rotating arcade playlist and is one of my favorite modes. The fix is very simple, any ability that give you extra movement or invulnerablitly makes you drop the flag. So even characters are still better then others, but it's a hero shooter what do you expect.

that story predates the post by months, you mong

There’s also the faux sense of community these companies bank on to sell their live services.

Waifus and sexy characters have always and will always sell, there is nobody to blame for human nature. People like things that look appealing, no amount of politically driven bullshit will make people stop liking sexy women and strong, capable men. It will never become a nonfactor, so it is best to embrace it.

Women have gotten uglier and men have gotten weaker since the 1980s explicitly because of feminist/SJW/whatever bullshit screeching hard enough to devalue and demonize traditional attractiveness.

Become volcel.

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I don't understand why something like classic took them such a long time.
They must have taken pages out of EQ 1 and 2 and that game had generation severs and would launch new ones every so often because they obviously saw people playing them.

Meanwhile, Blizzad:
>you think you do but you don't

>casualize every game to the extreme
>it turns out to be a shit strategy because normies are not a long-lasting audience
>now everything's in the shit because you had to go all-in with your corporate brainfart

I've personally witnessed Blizzard's failure at the grass roots with my more normie-like friends: they all went head-first to Overwatch but dropped it after a year or so. Meanwhile I've stuck to TF2 for nearly a decade already. I also used to love WoW and Hearthstone: I am the type of customer who Blizzard used to succeed off of, and they flipped my kind off while striving for the bigger normie audience. In the end, they lost everyone and I am not even sad.

Too think icefrog and DotA could have been stuck with blizzard if they hadn't laughed him out the door about making the game standalone.

It's rarely only one person that gets fired unless they personally fuck up somehow.

>Women have gotten uglier
That is so wrong. The SJW thing is in the minority and you only think women are uglier because the SJW movement is so focused on being fucking gross so you think it's representative of the population.

The population itself is hotter than ever. The Internet has given them beauty tutorials and clothes are fucking sluttier than ever not to mention accessible thank to the Internet. Women everywhere are wearing tights, which more or less makes them fucking NAKED. There is no way women have become less attractive by any measure. It's only that the brain-damaged ones who celebrate looking like crazy people have been given megaphones on the Internet that you cannot ignore anymore. Yeah okay, maybe there are some people out there who shouldn't be wearing tights, but the tights are almost always a net-positive for most people.

Go outside, the fucking women are gorgeous; there are dolled up people walking the streets who are more beautiful than movie stars when they're dolled up.

I'm not saying I fucking like that people are leaning on their cosmetics and neglecting proper diet and exercise and ignoring their personal development, but to say that people are uglier on the outside is just super wrong.

Dota only survives because it’s fanbase is fanatical and Valve doesn’t give a fuck, so they mostly leave it alone. Literally any other company would have tried to shill the fuck out of the game and squeezed the autists for everything they have. And it wouldn’t have worked. The only people who think this is a bad thing are people who care about which game is more popular, which is not something you should care about when deciding to play a game

>Clickbait is making it's way onto Yea Forums
Welp, that's that.

This, just stop giving a shit

The irony is that at the same time they are squeezing autist for more money than a lot of other games.
Or maybe it only seems that way during TI prizepool periods because nobody knows how much other f2p games usually make.

Leave Yea Forums and never come back. If it's twisting your view on reality then it's time to get the fuck away from here. Trust me. It's gonna poison your brain otherwise.

Most sex is shit, stay a virgin and only have sex with people you really fucking like.

Is not worth the headache, STD risks, shame and awkwardness.

I hope it's true, I love reading these.

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as if you'd know incel

Bit of both, I think. Dotards are willing to pay up of their own volition, because I really do think they care far more about the game itself than hats or waifus. You monetize it like OW and they’ll burn the whole thing to the ground, then go off to make a new dota somewhere else. That said, TI seems fuckhuge but I’m sure other games with more aggressive monetization make way, way more. Keep in mind, Valve is funding both the Majors and an ad-free TI, plus how much goes into the actual prize pool. Probably a drop in the bucket compared to that Steam money desu

This hit way too close to reality.

>1st person Diablo
no way they’re that retarded

The best part about loot shooters is that they show how fucking shit diablo always was. Muh loot games are just slot machines. Theyre trash.

>FFXIV no longer to be mentioned
Are they jealous or something?


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As a newfag (January) who feels disappointed in this website, give a prize to this user, for his words spell truth from now until the end of time. This counts for all of Yea Forums not only for Yea Forums.

Implying that doesn't sound awesome and something that's been asked for since at least Hellgate:London was announced

one problem with this: while all women got really good at makeup they also got fucking FAT AS HELL. so no, people are not hotter than ever, especially not women.

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seething leftie

but muh childhood nostalgia

>WidowTracer happening

It make my dick hard but why? Why would Blizzard change a characters already established sexuality?

>Implying 80% of that is real and not just Source: Just trust me.


it's always the same case
the only funny thing is when some fake leaks become reality

hey guys actual leaker here. blizzard is bad. upvotes to the left

>Site link date 10.04
>Image thread OP date, 18/06

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>Starcraft 2 is dead
No, it isn't.

>Even the waifus can't sell it anymore because their games are intolerable to play by modern standards

Their gameplay is better than Western games.

>Give them good bodies
>Give them uncanny dreamworks ripoff faces

I don't see how people jerk it to OW SFM and Blender animations

Look, I'll concede that where you live the women might be fat as fuck. I know this is true in some parts (i.e. neighborhoods) of the United States where you just can't ignore the obesity problem because like 50% of the population is obese. And yeah, I get it, that's really prevalent in the economically shit parts of the USA - those same areas also suffer from high rates of bullshit diseases that even the third world doesn't suffer from. I understand where you might be coming from; you could be standing in San Francisco and everyone is slamming; and you cross the bridge into Oakland and it's an entirely different story.

That problem there is gross economic poverty. Disgusting ugly fat people are just a symptom of that. You're not going to find as many fat people living in the suburbs because hey, if you live in the suburbs you probably aren't dirt poor. And being dirt poor now isn't the same as being dirt poor in the 80s because now you're getting foot parasites and your caloric intake is being fucked and an increase in sedimentary work and life if you're poor.

>Stating facts
Sure, reddit. Blizzards gonna gloat for maybe 6 months before that shit collapses and they're left holding the dilator and tryna cope


Shit man Nu-blizzard clearly doesn't give a shit about the brand, and after immortal it doesn't seem completely retarded.

Obviously you've never worked in IT. IT knows about everything, because, like HR, they're a single unifying factor throughout the company. And they are all gossip hawks.

If I could go back to being a virgin I would do it in a heartbeat.

the fantasy of not knowing how sex is beats the disappointing unremarkable reality of it by a fucking mile.

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yeah right
have it.

Good. Fuck Blizzard.

yes, yes it is.

>reaper is gay
please god please make this real.

Not so much that you wouldn't know what was going on, but it would play out like a game of telephone. I missed two days last week and when I came back people asked me how my surgery went, because somehow a rumor got started i was having surgery done for an injury I'd gotten at work a week prior, but reality was i was just running a slight fever and had a sore throat and didn't feel like yelling over loud machinery to coworkers with a sore throat for 12 hours.

Why do these leaks never talk about mobileshit considering how mobile oriented blizz theyve claimed themselves to be

How the fug do you expect me to believ dis fugging crapp??? :DD

Leaker implies at one point he is pro consumer and then later on in his diatribe implies that he thinks the consumer is trash, which is it fag?
Also, there's no way you would know all this shit even if you were an exec. I don't believe one word, cheers!

>30k employees
Kek, weeb NEETs can't even make believable lies LMFAON

Incel is a term popularized by Reddit. That should be a good enough reason to not get mad and just laugh at the fact that the faggot calling you Incel is more pathetic than what you'll ever be.

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Not only is that bullshit, you both sound like you're virgins. If sex makes you feel empty inside that just shows how fucking shit you are, Jesus fucking Christ.

That's what people at 30 do.

Have sex incel

Have sex incel FREAK

Diablo 4 being FPS strikes this at being bullshit, but at the same time it also isn't because Activision lost their Destiny cash-cow. I think I can see Activision-Blizzards strategy here, just hear me out on this one:
>If the FPS rumor turns out to be true, they can then use this to push Diablo Immortal. Blizzard would very likely slap-dash a PC port of DI and give just enough tweaks to gameplay and economy that they can claim it's the game to play for those wanting "a more old-school Diablo experience".
>Cue the impressive graphs of people playing in the first week (before they realize the game is still mobile shit and drop it) and the articles about how Immortal has turned around into a smash hit and how Red Shirt Guy is the villain of this story, and not actiblizzard fpr re-skinning a game that was plagiarizing their own work

Stop falling for this pasta. Great bait friendo.

It's enough if you're a smoker. I got to know so many people from all over my corporation during smoke breaks and heard so many stories, gossips, news and secrets that I could probably blackmail half of the company and get the stock price tumbling down if I leaked it.

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You can't. You will die a virgin.

as will you.

>hes never had good sex
You people are even worse than virgins

You know what makes this leak really fake. The obvious "we are going home lads" classicfagging. Blizzard is banking everything on gooks letting them break into their market. They don't give a fuck about classic, they know it's going to bomb horribly. Once the zoomer's favorite streamer turns on classic or just fucks off back to live or some other game. Classic will be a ghost town. Blizzard is dying because it is no longer Blizzard and hasn't been since at least Diablo 3 released.

Attached: Classic fags.jpg (807x1557, 378K)

this is either bait or delusion

>"At some point IceFrog approached Blizzard Entertainment about the possibility of developing DotA as a standalone game, but the company was uninterested and asked him to port the mod to their upcoming StarCraft 2 map editor for free instead."
This always cracks me up.

>Diablo 4 is an FPS where it turns out Diablo was a good guy all along.

No. I refuse to believe it.

screencap this

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>Hey, Activision Blizzard really is bringing me tools that can help me out.

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>Blizzard getting roasties, who would otherwise abort, to have babies for freebies


imagine how shitty it will feel for the current wow devs if classic wow beats BFA in player count

As a blizzard employee - Woah, this is a massive pile of made up garbage. Maybe theres stuff outside of my department like this, but the comments about what im working on are absolutely made up.

stop measuring your self worth based on degenerate culture.

Yeah it's unlikely real as with most leaks. And when it's real, normies go "Yea Forums IS NEVER WRONG"

No one can prove you’re a virgin, faggot. Stop telling people you are. No one’s going to ask you to recount your first sexual encounter in full detail. Even if you did have sex people might not believe you. I had people in highschool and college insist that I was a virgin despite me having sex multiple times and informing them multiple times that I’m not. Sex isn’t special. Fucking a hooker isn’t gonna blow your fucking mind. Fucking your gf isn’t gonna blow your mind either, you’re just gonna be closer to your gf. Just jack off if you can’t get laid.


Day of the Treadmill is coming.

>Diablo was a good guy, trying to get ready to fight "The Void."
I fucking burst out laughing. Half of me says that this right here is the biggest flag that these "leaks" are just taking the piss, but the other half honestly has so little faith in Blizzard at this point that I could honestly fucking believe it anyway

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I'm not going to be productive for jews and there's nothing you can do about you fucking vermin goyim.

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They're the only characters who can OHKO most of the cast with their left-clicks and tons of weebs and shitters gravitate to them because they can sit a mile away from the action and potshot people without fear of retaliation, so of course Blizzard caters to them.

>Still seething beyond lunacy
Yikes and Cringepilled

redeem yourself by raping someone from blizzard hq

get off the internet for a week. I promise it will help

not without microtransactions

>borderlands with a sanctuary skin will be diablo 4
come I seriously doubt that but holy fuck the shitpocalypse this would cause would be amazing

the part about killing off tracer's girlfriend is gonna cause a worse shitstorm than the "no black women in overwatch" thing. hopefully it's true.

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>It's voluntary, but we'll reward you if you do!

Top kek. They know people will do anything for a bit more money because inflation and rising cost of living is fucking them sideways, it's not REALLY voluntary. It's like people who say "well you don't HAVE to shop at Amazon or Walmart! It's voluntary!" But they know people will shop for low prices because of stagnating wages, and they know Walmart has the lowest prices (through aggressive business tactics), so it's not like people have a choice.

It's just the illusion of choice.

They killed off Soldier 76's ex-boyfriend and nobody complained.

Started working in foreign affairs last year as a public servant. Pay is great, work is related to degree. The vast majority of people I work are workaholics in their late 20s early 30s, with average job security (no permanence unless you're a boomer, basically).

I get the meme of the lazy, unfireable government worker, but honestly hasn't been my experience so far.

If you have a shit ton of money invest in working out you spineless faggot

>fill the hole
pun intended I hope

This was news before the leak was out retard

>Mechagnome Alliance race
Checks out
>Vulpera Alliance race

wait, the race that openly allied with the Horde, fights the Alliance and is used as a Horde Midsummer Merchant...

Quickest way to tell that this was a fake leak. Come on, man, you don't even play the game.

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Got a place I can see that? Not doubting, just sounds hilarious.

What if it is salted info to btfo leakers?

The guy leaking used "Alliance" race instead of "Allied" race.

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Only logical reason is that he was wrong about that one thing, ergo, he's probably wrong about many more things and working off assumptions.

Or he's lying. What do the percentages say?

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He capitalised Alliance but not races. No.

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okay that proves it LEAK IS FALSE
thanks for finding that out, i can sleep now assured that my beloved blizzard is fine

>dude gets worked so hard he start self harming himself during lunch break
good ol capitalism at its finest

It's not fine even if the leak is fake, lol. Blizzard is cucked

We had a guy commit suicide at my company because of overworking and mobbing. Management tried to do everything to sweep it under the rug, but news broke out eventually.

biggest cope i've read in a while who cucked you?

that's because nobody gives a shit about gay dudes, just gay chicks.

how could you fuck up sex this badly I can't believe it

Literally have sex. It's not that hard. Dress well, smell well and don't sit on your ass all day long and you'll be having it occasionally. Just don't be one of those sloppy dudes that don't do enemas befores sex when you're about to meet a cute guy.

>female employees have to log their ovulation cycles
what the actual fuck



Some company out there will pay for the info so Blizzard wants it

what are some okay paying jobs that don't break my back that I could work in and around L.A. without Education?

it's to check for when those women have their period so bosses don't accidentally critizise them when they're surfing the red wave and get sued

>rising cost of living
>stagnating wages
pretty amazed that you're not already drowned in angry replies
everything you said is 100% correct tho

Has FF actually surpassed WoW now?
Must be quite the shock having another game on the top.

>XQC still plays Overwatch religiously, so even at its worst it's still great

Summarizes the Overwatch audience perfectly. "TwitchFaggot98 plays the game and he's popular so it must be good & I must play it too."

The other half of the spectrum is woke morons participating in the idpol olympics, desperate to out-nigger one another on their quest to find the ultimate wheelchair cripple lesbian otherkin, but they don't actually play the game, so all that's left are underage cretins worshiping e-demagogues inside a corporate sphincter.

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You have never had a job


I live in Germany. Higher education women are also chubby, we've just become used to it. The frog will never notice a change until he boils. But women in USA, UK, Germany and other places are too fat regardless of economic background. The fact that the poor are leading the charge doesn't mean higher education women are at a healthy weight. They know how to work with elastic fabric pants to create a healthier looking shape out of their fat. Any time any board on Yea Forums has a ogling women thread there's massive spam and approval of fat women who hide their disgustingness with shapely clothing and makeup. Posters here have proven over and over that they are not noticing the problem.

>less than 40% of women are overweight
>"they're all fat"

who cares about blizzard i want people to stop making overwatch porn and making street fighter porn instead

You're German so I understand you have autism, but your theory is wrong on account of gross overthought.

>there's a board where random sluts post nudes
>if you flatter them anonymously you receive nudes
>if you tell them the truth or insult them you don't get nudes
>attractive women will never post nudes here, only sluts, many of them fat
>your choice is either fat slut nudes or nothing

This isn't some greater societal woe. Men will get off to anything because if they don't get off they will channel their frustration less healthy obsessions, resulting in them becoming Germans.

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Not going to lie, the Starcraft section sounded kinda interesting... until I read that it is a story shooter trying to "out gear gears [of war]"

Yes, please. Can't believe how underutilized V Chun is.

this, incel is reddit. they are called wizards.

fuck a fat chick and get over the complex. I did it at 25, about seven years too late. had I lost my virginity before 21, I would have gone on to have sex with at least six reasonably attractive women in various situations where they were practically begging for the D but I didn't know how to respond because of my retarded complex. nearly all of these women went on to either get married to or have long term relationships with guys that more or less look like me. now I'm 28 and long since over the complex after fucking two fat chicks a half dozen times each at 25... but after the college years, those opportunities dont throw themselves at you anymore, so now that I'm ready for them, there's none to be had.

Sex is never as good as you imagine it to be while masturbating.

have sex

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Tf2 flopped

I intend to jack off to this image. More?

What does that link have to do with your pic?

Wizards are voluntary

Reforged wil bring back RTS right?
We'll be playing revenge of the niggers with our /vg/ discord friends and stuff...

keep telling yourself that ;)


gotta hav dem snopper roffles

>all that OW Lore
Oh boy, I can’t wait to find all that out in 2022. Blizzard is ridiculously slow with lore progression

Anyone who liked Blizzard could tell it was true. I'm done with them after what they did to hots, and it's pretty clear that their gamble on e-sports failed spectacularly

Shit business run by parasites with no skin in the game develop severe disorders and dysfunctions. What else is new?

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Just fuck a whore if you care that much. Or ignore it.

Stop acting like the internet is serious business.
and have sex incel

What are some real things we can do to hurt/kill Blizzard? Not just "voting with your wallet" but actual stuff?

overweight is a medical term. aesthetically the cutoff is lower. half of all women are below average looking face-wise, and the 40+% fat women are not entirely a subset of those obviously. if we assume that obesity isn't strongly correlated with having an ugly face (and why would we assume anything else?) then we can add up 50% ugly + 20% fat to get 70% of women being unfuckable now. meanwhile, prior to the 20th century nobody was fat so only 50% of women were unfuckable.

Buy games/time from G2A.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder dear user

The only real way to kill a company is not to buy their products. It's called "Running Democracy on Market".

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I feel bad for all the people ITT outing themselves as being terrible at sex. Good sex is a life changing experien e

>half of all women are below average looking face-wise
no shit sherlock
lemme guess, the other half is above average looking?

not in practice. t. science
men strongly agree on beauty world-wide so saying that it's a subjective judgment is true but irrelevant. the outcome is that men find signs of youth and fertility attractive and guess what, obesity harms fertility.


aren't rhetorical questions pointless?

Stop being underage, only the underage and the genetically inferior leftists actually unironically being a virgin means anything.

Why would being a virgin or not change how much I think leftists are all evil and deserve to be executed in minecraft? How absurd.

they make me smile, so they're not

>yfw overwatch 2 is just a convoluted marketing scheme for overwatch 1
>"Overwatch 2 will be free to play! But only if you play Overwatch for 20 hours a week between now and launch!"

my lord
"For Ovia, Activision Blizzard offers $1 a day in gift cards to employees using it. The app allows women attempting to conceive to record numerous personal details from when they begin trying to conceive, through pregnancy, and after birth. That includes sleep schedule, diet and weight, as well as when they have sex, their mood, and the appearance of their cervical fluid. Women can also detail complications of pregnancy, miscarriages, and other information."
it's astonishing how stupid people have become and comfortable they are being totally and completely tracked and their personal data monetized. the profiles that data companies keep and aggregate would probably freak most people the fuck out if they got to see just what they know about us all. seems people just think oh it's just tracking my health, or my location data or my web history, etc not realizing that companies both sell and share data and build massive fucking profiles the likes of which 1984 society wish they could have

That's not how science works bud, nice sources too

seething landwhale

coping incel


it's very pleasing to me how (as we always said) classic wow represents a time when better, more talented people worked at blizzard and when actually tested against retail will fugging destroy it

I was going to ask where HOTS was in this, but then I remembered that Blizz already killed it.

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