Enter japanese player profile on PSN

>enter japanese player profile on PSN
>He has 25 platinum trophies
>including Bloodborne, Nioh, Sekiro and Dark Souls
>me playing since 2010 I only got 1 platinum trophy
how can I recover from this feeling? I'm 32 and I think it's only going to get worse

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Other urls found in this thread:


>caring about achievements

>caring about achievements
cheevos were literally made to exploit autistic people. don't feel bad.

True boomers don't give a shit about achievements

>playing recent games
>caring that much about AAAs
>giving a fuck about trophies
>not pirating shit
>being a completionist retard
GTFO normie

only autists care about platinum

If it's a good game and I genuinely enjoy what it has to offer I'll attempt the platinum. Other than that, they're pretty pointless.

If you actually gave a shit about achievements you'd have a lot more. I think I have maybe 5 that I cared enough to get.

Look through his list.

I have a guy I know who spends literally all day every day working towards Platinums. He's currently sitting at 30. Looking through his list however shows most of those games are "easy Plat" games, and he always gets the same game on VITA if possible so he can get twice the Platinum for the same game.

Now, I'm not being funny, but I'm not doing that. I only buy games I'm mostly sure about so I only Plat games I really really like. Sure he looks like a super cool dude online but someone with that kind of time to spend on vidya probably has something really wrong with his real life.

I'm 34 and I can't possibly understand why you care. If there was a way to turn off achievements on all systems I own I would. It's utterly pointless.

When you did cool shit in games back in the day, you automatically felt joy or satisfaction. Why do you need a pop-up telling you did something.

Cute jew or kurdo nose
Who is he she

the only achievements worth anything are playing the games you love and spending time with your friends

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What's wrong with simply not being autistic?

Games arent hard anymore, so achievements trophies are a way of giving urself a challenge.
Also very hard difficulties are whack its usually lol you die in 2 hits, i guess you cant have real difficulty when 90 percent of games autosave every 3 minutes.

>>me playing since 2010 I only got 1 platinum trophy
It just means you don't actively go for trophies.

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Unironic weeboo on display here.


Stop playing if it isn’t fun, nerd.

>I already complete trophies this game bro , I don't want to play it again .

please tell me thats a grill

white women arent human

Why is the fact that they're Japanese a relevant factor in your post?

Do you have games you enjoy that have a high platinum rate? Go for those.
Also as someone who got into the PS3 late, 20 isn't all that much if you have the right games for it.

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i only give a shit about cheevos on consoles because on pc everyone can just hack them and they give you zero autism because you cant brag about them unlike on psn/xbox


I dont even own that many console games. Seriously theres pretty much nothing to play on ps3/ps4

You're 32 and care for rewardless achievements? You must have gotten into gaming super late. People our age should not give a shit for unwarranted text flashing in the top corner of the screen.

Fuck off old fart.

Achievements really trigger my autism. If there's a trophy I can get from completing some dumb unenjoyable task I won't get it, even if it only takes a couple minutes to complete. Sometimes I have hundreds of hours of gameplay and complete my own elaborate self-imposed challenges but I don't have all the trophies.

The only time I cared about Trophies was that weird era in the early 360 days which might have just been Mass Effect where they actually unlocked in-game bonuses.

japanese man, they have discipline

Productive autism. As opposed to the unproductive autism of the west. The only difference and by productive I don't mean to society I just mean menial goal accomplishment.

>spend half of your playtime following walkthrus looking for 600 bird poops or grinding for some skill that you would never use
literally who gives a shit?

Firstly, who cares? Secondly, how did you not plat GoW and HZD? Nier Automata actually lets you BUY trophies in game, with in-game currency.

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>Buying GoW or HZD

I like seeing achievements as a notion to get the absolute most out of a game.
Sometimes I neglect certain gameplay aspects because I don't want to invest time into something that I might not like, but often enough I'll give it a try regardless for some retarded achievement and find myself enjoying it more than expected.

plats arent telling anything about how good anyone is but about how much time they wasted to follow stupid guides from youtube. Its just telling how much of a tranny an nolife they are.

My dad has been playing nothing but Hitman 1 and 2 since their releases because he wants to get EVERYTHING done.

Dark Souls games have shitty trophies anyway, you're supposed to make all strongest weapons with all elements in the game, which is grindy as fuck and the fastest way to do it is to exploit game, like in Demon's Souls you have a trick to multiply your inventory when intercting with your stash in Nexus. Knowing japanese players, they'd just exploit this shit.

Non autistic people are normies


I get why people could be indifferent about trophies/achievements but why do people HATE them? It's just extra shit to do in a game or like a handy to-do list. Getting the completion means hey you wrapped everything up. I think we can agree the people who just buy guys FOR the easy platinum doesnt make much sense. I wish I had the tenacity to focus on a single game and 100% through and move on to the next.

Only go for a platinum if it doesn’t require too much time or multiple play-throughout.

>Getting the completion means hey you wrapped everything up.
I disagree, trophies/achievements rarely mean you have wrapped everything up or 100% completed a game. Usually they're a list of chores that you can complete with a bit of monotony but the actual interesting or challenging things you can do in a game are not linked to trophies because those would require skill and effort and not everyone could get them.

yea there are games where they got some shit ones for sure. But anyway I dont see the point in hating trophies.

Just play a lego game

>I dont see the point in hating
Hate isn't something you choose to do, it's just how you feel.

Personally I dislike how trophies impact the sales and perceptions of games from the greater majority of video game players.

>how can I recover from this feeling? I'm 32
If you're 32 and still care about video games in that way and are not some streamer or pro who's career depends on it i just don't know what to say.

>trophies impact the sales and perceptions of games
cmon man you know for a fact this isn't true. No one actually gives a flying fuck about trophies other than completionists or someone playing their fav game. Capcom is known for having some autstic trophies but people buy their games like crazy this has to be bait

This. Only us boomers finish it 100%, zoomers have adhd and can't stay focused on one thing.

I dropped this crap a few years ago. I realized they were only there to lock you to a console. Now I just get games on the system on I want.

The "right" thing to do, to continue to lengthen my gamerdick, would be to buy Sega Genesis Classics on PS4 for all those trophies. Instead, I bought it on Switch for portability.

Same with Doom 2016. Trophies want you to buy it on PS4. I bought it on PC for keyboard and mouse controls.

Achievements were a mistake.
It's useless and spoils the game.

You must hate the completionist then

Love seeing faggots in these kinds of threads telling people to stop caring about achievements. Why does it matter if someone works towards achievements/trophies or not? How does that affect you? I'm starting to believe these comments are coming from people who never finish a game or do extra content and so they want others to feel bad for actually playing games

give it up grandpa

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probably you have a life. And achievememts are totally shit

>Nier Automata actually lets you BUY trophies in game, with in-game currency
Are you serious?

why care about achievements?
they're literally in the way of PS2 BC.

If a game has a discontinued trophy or achievement I'll be less inclined to buy it. Hell, the main reason I bought Playstation All-Stars was so I could get the online trophies before they shut it down.


It's true. I don't remember if it let you buy all of them or a select few

Just get good, user.
If you can't even do that you might as well back flip off a building.

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Your dad sounds very based


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