Post a more depressing story in a video game

Post a more depressing story in a video game.
That's right, you can't.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who is Fatty Morgana?

>video game

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Like hell I can't.

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This. Also why do we care about the house she ate?

Here's another one.

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He meant depressing, not edgy.

Planescape Torment
Red Dead Redemption II

>read the plot on wikipedia
>40 hours later finish
What the fuck

Drakengard is both.

Because she ate THE WHOLE HOUSE.

>read the plot on wikipedia
Why would you spoil yourself any piece of media like this? In any case it's worth reading even if you already know the plot and twists.

the only thing depressing was how bullheaded the MC was, I thought the storytelling itself was pretty good and a bit fatalistic so yeah maybe a bit on the depressing side

Sure most of it is depressing, but it all turned out ok in the end

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I'm curious: How many of its endings have you seen?

Just kill me now

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You are just like a little baby. Now, look at this.

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This is definitely the most depressing game out there. Not because it has a depressing story, but because the fact that there are people retarded enough to like this game despite it being garbage in every way makes me depressed.

all of them I guess, it was kind of a linear progression +/- a limb

but muh edge

>the fact that there are people retarded enough to like this game despite it being garbage in every way makes me depressed

Same here but for the chinese cartoon called Evangelion

confirmed brainlet

Yeah, EVA is pretty bad too, but nowhere near as bad as Drakengard.

I'll have you know I played all the Phoenix Wright games, Im almost a professional lawyer to be honest

And Evangelion had no meaning let's be honest here, just winy bitches and senseless plots

You saw all the endings and still think the game was just "a bit on the depressing side"? You and I must have very different standards.

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I guess I just think it was inevitable, and the full ending is kind of the best possible scenario given the circumstances you start out with - not that parts of the story weren't approaching heart-wrenching (like learning about catherine's friends), it just felt a little standard sci-fi fare

but it would be different if, for instance, you held with (and they missed the opportunity for) the idea of something like that "concurrence" principal-turned-faith but with a more reasonable basis: something like a piecemeal expanding of consciousness by copying/activation of neural component analogues at a fixed rate and perhaps subsequent deactivation/death of components in the original as a kind of "live transfer," but they never took it as far as even this kind of coward's way out of the teleporter problem and instead kept the philosophy pretty entry-level for fun and horror's sake

>the only thing depressing was how bullheaded the MC was
His fate doesn't bother you in the least? Whatever you might think of him, no one deserves the kind of hell he ends up trapped in.

>the full ending is kind of the best possible scenario given the circumstances you start out with
If you consider that the best-case scenario, I shudder to think what you'd consider the worst-case scenario.

>Nothing that terrible will ever happen again. I promise.

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let's be real, it absolutely *sucks* for the second simon who spawns in the heavy suit but it also obviously kind of sucked (for less time) for the first simon spawned in the light suit, but in terms of perspective of the final product third simon in the simulation box mission fuckin accomplished

maybe I'm too jaded (and for what it's worth I take big issue with the teleporter/prestige problem itself because I'm really tied to my current "instance" of consciousness) but it's just that, barring some other philosophical workarounds or technological approaches not discussed in that game's world, that was the inevitable outcome and he was stupid not to see this and make peace with it at every relevant step of the way (as catherine seemed to simply take in stride or without looking back)

Fata Morgana and umineko are the only good vns

Not for Morgana

>but in terms of perspective of the final product mission fuckin accomplished
So fucking what? It's not worth what happens to the people in your first two spoilers.

>that was the inevitable outcome and he was stupid not to see this and make peace with it at every relevant step of the way
That doesn't mean he deserves what happens to him. Also, I really don't think it's possible to make peace with it. If I were in his position, I wouldn't bother with any of it.

I think I need to stop talking about this, though. Just thinking about it is making me more depressed than I can stand.

Why, bros?

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Based autist

Good to finally see an adult in here.

well, I'll agree "he" doesn't deserve any of that, but his work went to making sure that a future him had a chance, and when you dissect it using the right lens that's all any of us who can look past the moment are inclined to do (just with less of an impassable barrier in terms of causal identity)

again I think it was good storytelling because these things should fuck with you at least a little if you really contemplate them

planescape was pretty depressing

Because fuck you that's why.
Whole Morgana's life is basically this
Goddamn I cried a lot, HiFM really got me, at some moments I even started bawling a bit

Even for her, she lives with her two favorite humans in 201X.

Read Requiem for Innocence for extreme suffering, if you haven't already


>rockstar shit

VNs are not games.

Sony E3

You need to be able to feel sympathetic towards a character to be depressed about what happens to them.

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They are when you can lose.

Rockstar are the ones who pushed adult themes in vidya the most. If it wasn't for them everyone would be Sony right now.

You can lose in a "choose your own adventure" book. That is what they are.

>anime shit

It literally thanked me for playing in the credits roll though.

fuck, i discovered about the PS4 physical version only 3 days after it went sold out

How are games different from those?

>goes full homo
best end

How is this acceptable in 2019?

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You expect your average zoomer to know that?

But that story took place in like the year 700

>mfw realising if /vpol/ gave a shit about fata morgana it would be considered tranny propaganda

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So? I don't want this obnoxious homophobic shit in my video games.

In this case it's a cute girl turning into a handsome man, which is acceptable for /vpol/ standards.
Besides cute women in real life don't have sex changes, it's only mentally ill men.


It's depressing that you play as a faggot

Wait for the inevitable media generator software then.

People have been shitposting in threads about it over exactly that ever since it came out. I blame MangaGamer's fucking retarded marketing department for the "trigger warning" blog post.

>handsome man
More like a crazy deranged tranny that he is.

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4K patch for the PC version when?

I put my playthrough on hold for a while

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I don't give a fuck about 4k, I just want the new chapter on PC. Fuck buying the whole series again on console for it.

It's not your game, tranny. Dilate.

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Wait, it's not on PC?

Reminder: WAU did literally nothing wrong.

How is it? Is it worth $40? Should I wait for a discount?

Imagine falling in love with an eleven year old girl

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It's one of the best VNs out there and it has an amazing soundtrack. The art is fantastic in general too although admittedly the earlier chapters were clearly illustrated first and look significantly lower quality compared to the later stuff.
If you haven't played any of it before then go for it.

She was the only non-whore Jacopo knew. He made the right choice.

Oh shit it has actual trannies?! Better take it off of my wishlist. Thanks for warning me anons.

It's definitely worth $40, but it's been on discount several times already. I'd wager the console version will also drop in price before long, because only the fans probably even know it exists.

Fuck off zoomers.
Subahibi is unironically uplifting.

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I don't have to imagine it. I see it every day in this board full of pedophiles and their constant pedo threads.

You can make an exception for Michel, he's awesome.

If you like really heady handed misery porn then maybe.

Motorboat Giselle's tits

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The protag is a ghostly amnesiac, and then 2/3 way through they tell you that you were a FtM tranny in the dark ages and your family burned you on a stake. It's kinda stupid, but eh.

Not even male. He is an eunuch. He's got nothing down there.

How about a game where everything is fucked, nothing good happens and you get roadblocked by absolutely obnoxious puzzles.

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great choice, too bad the other two games are not nearly as good as that one.


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When Fata Morgana was released SJWs weren't even a thing yet.

Biologically male. He has everything but the junk.

Nothing wrong with LGBT characters and some representation, get over yourself lmao.

In the console version of this CG her chest and hips are covered with bandages. Was the original like that? Or is this some kind of degenerate shoop?

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Why are you asking a question you already answered?

Apparently this scene was censored on the consoles.
>that one image of Morgana in Requiem being slightly censored

>Subahibi is unironically uplifting.
The true ending was anything but.

>Reincarnation however is the problem. Apparently it's a cooperation between them and HuneX so they don't fully own the rights to bring it to PC.
So what, HuneX is being a dick and refusing to allow it for no reason?

Fucking Snoy
Well, I can understand since Morgana is 9 in this CG.

Yikes. It doesn't even make sense that she is covered by bandages in the context, but oh well.

What are these "backstages" everyone is talking about here?

just some behind the scenes skits IIRC

Bonus chapters that are of the characters interacting non-canonically and talking about the story and development. They were pretty heavily rewritten by MangaGamer to talk about their involvement as well. I'd guess they're not in the console release because there seemed to be some falling out between MG and Novectacle since MG's name has been scrubbed from it entirely despite it using all of their work and the Reincarnation chapter still being translated by the MG staff.

lol, why is Mangagamer such a tragic company? I feel like every time I hear about them is because they've gotten fucked in some new way.
also the translation is pretty fucking phenomenal, I'm glad that didn't change in the additional episodes.

Because MG actually cares about quality and being pro-consumer which leaves them to get fucked by every other company that doesn't give a damn.
>Novectacle is now partnered with Sekai Project for their next game

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I really enjoyed this game. I'd die for Luca.

Gay anime shit.....yikes and cringe lads

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What's wrong with Eva? I watched it and it was a very touching show

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Their new game honestly looks like generic anime trash so I'm not sure I care much about Sekai Project handling it

Are there any other LGBT friendly visual novels that aren't outright fetish fuel?

Of course I can.

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A rant of some zoomer spelling obvious trivia about NGE wasn't worth screencapping.
It doesn't make the show any less entertaining to watch either.

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Sanoba Witch

>every cutscene lasts for an hour

I'd never finish this if story wasn't so good.

Good bait

What's good about it? I hate the anime art

>visual novel
>video game
Pick one.

Jacopo did nothing wrong

He's not a tranny, he was raised like a girl because he didn't have any genitals, which furthers the parallels between Michael and archangel. When the puberty hit he learned that he isn't a girl.

No homophobia towards its lesbian character. If you're asking what's good about the VN itself, I've yet to finish it.

I pick both because they overlap sometimes.

This. Everything went to shit because Odilon got himself killed like a fool.

He was born with female genitals, otherwise his mother would've lost her shit right then and there when she birthed him

>He was born with female genitals
That'd make "him" just a regular girl.

>thought that Odilon was gonna betray Jacopo eventually
>turns out he was best boy all along

Then why did "she" suddenly develop a male physique and a male voice?

Jacopo is a good man who ended up doing everything wrong and that's why he's the best character.

Velnya had a hard life.

Yaoi fanfic magic.

I think she lost it a bit, the father sounded weird in that scene too.

Puberty kicked in? The transition lasted a few weeks if I'm not wrong. He is bedridden for quite a long time.

Lmao he did himself a favor avoiding this overrated piece of garbage praised only by trannies.

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>Puberty kicked in?
>with no balls

>Jacopo did nothing wrong
The only thing he really did wrong was keep Morgana imprisoned after finding out she was the witch. Though by that time, shit was already pretty much fucked anyway.

Anyone else buy the physical edition from Limited Run Games a while back? When the fuck are the copies being shipped?

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>that entire scene
oh god it hurt so good

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Bet you think Umineko is praised only by trannies, too.

What I don't understand is how Morgana doesn't realize she's actually cursing Jacopo's soul when she's living in the mansion. It makes sense that she would mistake him for the Lord when she's imprisoned in the tower and mindbroken, but not when she's a "vengeful ghost" and fully capable of discerning Jacopo from the actual Lord. Moreover, she was convinced Jacopo died in the bandit raid of the brothel. You're telling me she never realized, for centuries, that the one she was actually cursing was her childhood friend? I found that a little bullshit

She was probably still a little insane even as a ghost.

I figured she was cursing him regardless since even if it did turn out to be him and not the lord he was still the one who did it to her. But I don't remember if finding out it was Jacopo was meant to be a revelation to Morgana as well.

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AFAIR she just thought it was weird that the reincarnated "lord" looked like Jacopo and had his name, but didn't think he was actually Jacopo.

It's kind of touched upon in one of the side stories. Jacopo was fucked up as a ghost and could barely communicate. And even when he did, he was much more interested in atoning than trying to justify his way out of further punishment. Morgana was also in full denial mode. She didn't want to consider any possibility that she had the wrong guy, even when he behaved completely differently.