This is why piracy exists

This is why piracy exists

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Get the Total Conflict edition just to be sure, you don't want to miss out

a better example would be literally anything from Paradox

just a heads up, so you dont embarrass yourself again

you have more things to worry about than games, you're entire country is going to hell and run by trannies.


actually piracy is why expensive editions/DLC exist, they need to make up for the loss somehow


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Because of 2001 games released in 2019?

A good day.

despite paradox is a better example does not make OP's example a bad example

What's the difference between these editions? There are lots of games on site that don't even fucking tell you what's in their SUPER DELUXE EDITION

When you're not selling you lower your prices, Punishing your consumers with even more expensive products is retarded.

Paradox and EA Sims edition are why piracy exists
>release a game with major bugs and lacking of content
>put out constant updates that less than 1/30th the size of content of the base game while charing 25% of the price of the base game
>repeats for a few years
>"complete" game is somewhere around 300-400

Does anybody have a direct download link for the DLC? The igg game doesn't have any of the additional stuff.

aw shit it doesn't? I'm already 10GB in

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>using IGG


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Not really, since this is on launch whereas Paradox accumulates only over several years.

If you're too much of a brainlet to understand how the editions are split up you're not going to get far with the game itself.

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It's a popular site with polite admins that screen their stolen shit. Go torrent koikatsu and get a virus, you faggot.

It has nothing to do with anti-consumer practices or absurd pricing or DLCs or anything like that. If there is something you can get for free without getting in trouble instead of paying for it, a lot of people will just get it for free. That's just human nature.

thank you

piracy was more rampant in the late 90's early 00 user and we had no micro transactions, no dlcs... Thieves will be thieves regardless of cost if they is a free alternative.

I'm not having any trouble understanding that. I'm just saying that there are many games on steam that sell a regular and a deluxe edition without saying what's in the delux edition. And the contents are not typically DLC because if they were, Steam would say so.

The EU parliament commissioned a report to find out the effects that piracy had on sales of a game or film. They found that it didn't matter or have any effect on sales & the only people pirating, wouldn't have paid anyway.

You haven't heard anything about it because they were so sure they would find that it did effect sales that they spent over £600k of taxpayers money on it, so when it didn't they cancelled the report & swept it under the rug.

The price is meaningless by itself.
How autistic are they with realism? If they spend ungodly amounts of money on detail there's no way around making it expensive.
There's nothing wrong with it if one dev wants to offer expensive realism.

What's the point in pirating this? The single player of these Eugen wargames is worthless

>t. Eugen systems

Can you share a sauce on that, user? Would love to read

cmon dude google first result "eu parlament piracy study"

It's pretty good this time around, they ripped off Unity of Command.

>piracy exists because this game is $100
>it's not one of the $3500 Train Simulator DLC shitfests

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>red dragon still has more players than this
they just don't get it do they

Post evidence that piracy = lost sales.

You won't be find any.

>pseudo-historical strategy games that focuses on a very specific theatre of WW2, and depicts the military formations that were present with some authenticity
>Military sandbox moshpit where Australian meme units drop bombs on North Koreans and some yuropoor's literally who country gets its representation.

Obviously the latter will get more players, for every 1 person that wants a serious military strategy there are 10 that want memes like