What are games with similar level of world design, atmosphere and exploration? Doesn't need to be a metroidvania

What are games with similar level of world design, atmosphere and exploration? Doesn't need to be a metroidvania

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bloodstained, it's also 10 times better than hollow shite

>lmao dude farming


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>boring level design consisting of mostly rectangular rooms with a few platforms and enemies, and empty otherwise
>only difference between each area is the looks
>no logic behind what enemy appears in each area
>samey rooms for area transitions

It literally has every problem SotN had decades ago. It also substitutes exploring with farming.

Knytt Stories, Knytt Underground in particular. It's fucking huge.

zelda 1


Farming is there so that everyone can beat it. You don't have to grind if you're not a shitter though, just play normally.

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it's different when farming is the main way of progression

normal mode is so fucking easy you barely outgrow basic items

that's not a positive, specially when everything aside from normal mode is locked from the start

Are there any good Zelda 1 romhacks? I already know all the secrets and it's a bit boring once you've discovered everything.

You can type in NIGHTMARE as your save name and it will unlock hard and nightmare difficulty modes. Nightmare has no level ups and it's much harder than anything in HK.

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>Mighty No. 9 of Castlevania
>better than an actual video game with care put into it

Try Momodora, I dunno.

>inflated enemy HP pool and damage means hard

I can assure you, it's not hard as HK endgame challenges

ITT: seething

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I refuse to believe anything in that game is harder than the pantheon of hallownest.

>i don't like farming
>what you mean i don't have to farm well that's also shit


>farm enough money to buy the strongest tier of weapons in the beginning area
>roll through the game


>it's much harder than anything in HK
Radiant bosses oneshot little ghost. And most require pretty decent dodging.

that game is kicking my ass

Wow that image surely tells so much. Good job, user.

Dark Souls / Bloodborne is exactly what you’re looking for. DS1 has better exploration while BB has better everything else.

>paying 3 times the price for 1/4th of the content

There aren't any shitty games es this

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i like how you broke faggots gotta argue about which game is better when they're both pretty fucking great

Leave mexico

That's autism for ya.

>AAAYY new hot thing that was hyped as second coming of christ by literally every shitter channel and gamejourno, that came out just a week ago. Padded with farming worse than an MMO treadmill to keep yeets playing and keep those charts up
>vs indie game that went around mostly via word-of-mouth that came out two years ago and that everyone played to death, has no farming, crafting or other padding bullshit

wew lad

Some bloodstained fag really wants there to be a rivalry between it and HK for whatever reason. Maybe they get off when people insult their game.

>HK has no farming
hold on a sec

>what is all time peak

How many players are in game doesn't fucking matter at all whatsoever.
That's like saying "Oh well HK has 2 million copies sold while Bloodstained has 500k on Steam".
These pretentious shitposts are trying way too hard.

If you snag 80% of the Geo you come across, you'll never need to farm. I only ever did it when I wanted to get the lantern and do crystal peak early.

Imagine being so poor you can't afford a video game. Get a fucking job lmao.

Not quite the same level of exploration but Ori has a fucking amazing atmosphere. The OST provides half of it though

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nigga you have to farm just to heal and use magic

>platforming autism in spike filled tunnels
hard pass

I never once stopped to farm for Geo and i finished all of Godhome.

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Try Rain World.

That sounds exactly like Hollow Knight though

there isn't really any. unless you are hilariously bad at the game or are trying to get the lantern right from the start.
anyway, geo becomes useless even before you hit the halfway point.

Nice projection, but not wasting money on shitty games isn't the same as not having any.

cry harder bloodcuck

Fighting enemies on your way is farming?!

HK has no autistic platforming outside of the White Palace. In Ori the whole game is like the White Palace.

>Kill a couple enemies
>Not a lot, like three or four
>Full charge
Have you even played Hollow Knight?

I've played them all except DeS. I felt only 1 had an actual interesting world worth exploring, the rest was rather streamlined.

>geo becomes useless even before you hit the halfway point
>what are unbreakable charms

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It's one shitposter talking to himself and a couple of retards taking the bait. Happens in Bloodstained threads too

Outlands is regarded by many to be superior to the original game. It’s certainly worth your time if you loved the original but I never got very far on it because it’s much harder.

You can also get randomisers for the original which switch up all the item locations, hidden areas and dungeons.

>>what are unbreakable charms
useful for shitters, maybe.

HK fags BTFO lmao

Good game design always wins

Thanks user.

You only need the strength one, the Geo one is only useful for grinding up the dough to get the strength charm and the mask one is not worth the effort.

>Judging games by popularity

go back

>thinking a marshmallow in a cape is better than a masterpiece by one of the best Japanese devs
lmao'ing at your life

not even
hollow knight is far more popular, most people bought it on consoles
this is really desperate digging for a win

>Padded with farming worse than an MMO treadmill to keep yeets playing and keep those charts up
Wait, wait, this makes no sense. You're saying that farming keeps charts up? Well how does that work? You mean to say that because everyone is farming, that it causes more players to overlap their play sessions, thus causing the peak to increase?

If that's what you're saying then that explain how I just 100% Bloodstained in about 44 hours. But it took me about 65 hours to 100% Hollow Knight. Hollow Knight is the longer game. So logically more players would overlap in HK.

Salt and sanctuary

Nuh uh.

It has twice as many players on the PC and sold EVEN MORE on the consoles.

your waifu is ugly poostained fag

this game has some of the most annoyingly designed levels, and some of the most ugly levels, too, like that spiral tower area

that area was even both annoying and ugly, some abilities don't work correctly due to the stupid 3D design and the background was the blandest lowest effort shit I've ever seen, like I could have done better looking maps when I was a kid fucking around with Unreal Editor in 2004

Will the HK autists finally drop it and stop being so jealous of Bloodstained's success? It's fucking embarrassing at this point.

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Well, I guess gachashit is the pinnacle of game design then.

>new game has more active players than game released two and a half years ago
holy shit how did they do it

Why are you retards forcing drama between HK and Bloodstained? What kind of fucking loser takes pride in the games he plays

ALL TIME PEAK, for fuck's sake, can you read you brain dead mouth breather

yeah killing shit i don't need to otherwise kill because of game reasons is farming
going back several rooms to get hits on trash enemies for HP/soul is just as bad as going back and forth for an item

>What kind of fucking loser takes pride in the games he plays?
Evidently, shitstained fags do.

i didn't even entirely hate it but jesus christ LOOK AT IT

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The entire game of HK is padding, anything that's not a boss is boring to death desu senpai. As a boss rush it can justify its existence, but it runs out of steam wayyyyy before the 40 hour mark.

resident evil 1 HD remake

This is prettier than anything in HK though? Not sure if I get your point or you're just being ironic.

Not him but you can't be real.
That looks horrendous.

Dude wtf, HK doesn't even have foreground layers, you can't be serious.

this is some seriously sad bait

implying falseflaggers even play video games

That looks good. What are you on about?

You must be 18 to post here.
>That looks good.
In what world?

Why are HK vs BS threads so common now?

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For all the buglets who discovered metroidvanias with HK.
A metroidvania should never be 40 hour long like HK is without justifying its length through original game design or original puzzle.

There's plenty to play like
>castlevania series post Rondo of blood: SotN, Aria of sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, Harmony of dissonance, Circle of moon portrait of ruin, etc...
>Indie metroidvania on steam, valdis story, la mulana, aquaria, environmental station alpha, Rabi Ribi, Salt and sanctuary
>nintendo metroids and the like, Super Metroid is a holy masterpiece, but the sequels are good too, even the prime series is great

There's also kirby and the amazing mirror that's worth a playthrough.

Stop with the hyperbolic statements and play those.

>In what world?
In this one. I don't see the problem. It has good atmosphere.


>good atmosphere
What a non-answer, go away.

As somebody that has played 80% of this, HK outclasses almost all of it. Bugchads are boastful for a good reason.

How does it outclass them If it literally has less content

they weren't boastful before bloodstained came in with its fat swinging tits
now they have to bark like threatened dogs

Hollow Knight fans have been pretty obnoxious for a long time, it shouldn't be too surprising that the next big metroidvania game also has obnoxious fans, so of course the two are going to clash.

It's just shitposters looking to start some shit

quality > quantity

basically this


What else can I say about it? You gave no real criticism. All you said was "LOOK AT IT." As if insisting extra hard is supposed to be a point.

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>Implying this indie bug game has a higher quality than the games that started the genre
You are delusional. Look dude, If you like this game that's fine, but don't go shitting on the superior games because you either don't like them or haven't played them.
This game is fun but it can't be compared to the real Metroidvania's

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>Hollow Knight fans have been pretty obnoxious for a long time
That was just shitposters. Hell, it might even be you. You shitpost a game to death, and then later claim it deserves to get shit for all the shitposting you did. Moving on to the next game.

That game took the 'soulslikes are supposed to be le hard' pill.

Anyway, I just took a bunch of screenshots. Enjoy.

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Never really saw them as obnoxious except maybe in the Dark Souls department.
Both games are good, it's just that Yea Forums is so contrarian to itself these days they rather suck the cock of anything that contradicts anything
Look at Epic vs Steam, Steve vs Banjo, Sekiro and Dark Souls vs Bloodborne, shit La-Mulana vs Hollow Knight when Hollow Knight first came out.
Fuck it probably even started more so with Boxxy and whoever else back in the old days.
It's just so tiring.

Is Salt&Sanctuary any good?
The art is atrocious and it keeps me away from even trying it out, but Superbunnyhop and Mattvisual keep pushing it on the podcast

the minimap is so S O U L L E S S. jk but it is kinda lame how it looks so out of place from the rest

I was worried about the game, until it got the lighting overhaul. Now it looks good. All the lamps and lighting fixtures weren't lit in earlier showings. But with all the lights on, it added a lot of color to the world. light is bouncing around everywhere.

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If you like the loteral reincarnation of 2D Dark Souls but instead with Salt, and worship mechanics, it's worth it.

I agree. It's a really bad shade of blue too. Even castlevania eventually switched to better colored maps. using this bright blueprint blue is a regression.

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I mean, we used to put children in meat packing factories and use leaded gasoline, just because it got us here doesn't mean it's always worth going back to

What are worship mechanics?

this falseflagging should be a bannable offense, posting the mediocre zones.
the game doesn't look good but atleast post the zones that do look decent, not this washed out shit.

I really like all the lamp lights. How the purple is shining on the nearby environment.

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I heard Rain World is good but I've never played it
I'm excited for Silksong, there was a gameplay demo this E3 and it looked neat, even if the players died repeatedly to the plumy bitch

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Nothing, that's why HK is revered. Here's an equally good experience, though.

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>Washed out
What? The garden area is bathed in blues greens and teals.

And the clocktower interior is bronze, with subtle greens yellows and purples. Get your eyes checked.

I love how reflective this all is. Again, I kind of have a thing for the lighting. Seeing the light play with the curves of the embossed surface.

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Doubt it. Hollow Knight is a 9/10 and the best metroidvania of all time by far. Haven't played Bloodstained yet but I doubt it comes even close. We shall see.

Pretty celestial room is pretty.
That's all the screenshots I have.

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Git gud. If you don't beat it yourself, you will have forever deprived future you of experiencing it as it is meant to be.

>Tfw liked both Bloodstained and Hollow Knight
Why do I even browse Yea Forums? It's always just dick measuring with you weirdos

It's falseflagging shitposters, user.
They need to be shot.

This a stupid analogy, it's more like comparing an old style of food, just because it's older it doesn't mean it's inferior, if anything it is better in more regards than the modern rendition of the formula since they tweaked parts of it so it can be more easily mass produced.
Comparing a 10-20 style of gameplay to a practice that stopped being practiced in the civilised world hundreds of years ago

have you considered not being trash?

Lmfao no

it's better with high res

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HK actually reminds me more of Zelda 2 than any other Metroidvania.

HK fags are such sore losers lmao. Man up and move on for christ's sake.

Can HK do this?

Yeah... that's right. Know you're place formicophiliafags.

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But does it have things worth finding?

How the fuck am I supposed to beat the last colisseum stage. Ive been there for a week now and I want to move on. What amulets should I use.

Just move on. The part where everything becomes spikes is just too bullshit.


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I like it. Its a challenge. But the final boss always wrecks me and I hate to redo everything again.

Focus on the big fella because the bug only fights like a gladiator. If the big fella is defeated first the gladiator will give up and you'll win the fight

it's optional

>small tits


They're both great games that are similar enough if you like one you'd like the other, and are different enough so theres no real competition. What the fuck are you retards arguing about?

You literally need to farm the underwater movement soul to progress the game.
Peak shit design

>the mods still havent caught it