Which console had the most SOUL?

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Sega CD

Sega Saturn


just being unsuccessful doesn't mean something had SOUL, user.

tell that to

Philips CD-i

the dreamcast has all the classic hallmarks of a SOULFUL console.

>weird hardware gimmick

VMU / microphone

>arcade perfect ports

plenty, thanks to naomi.

>strangely ahead of it's time feature that didn't completely pan out

the online

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i don't know which one has the most soul, but the most soulless are the HD twins and the XONE


Xbox 360 had the most soul.

Atari 2600

Fpbp, literally nothing else comes close.

You just posted it.


Whatever console you played as a kid.

In my case.

My first console was the NES, my favorite the Gamecube, and I never owned a NeoGeo, but I can admit it was objectively the most SOULFUL console ever made.
>most powerful for its time when made
>first to have 1-1 ports of arcade games
>most beautiful pixel art ever made
>innovated in tons of genres
>did things for the art aspect above all else, valuing quality of art and animation
>supported for 14 years, longer than any console ever
It’s not even a contest. The death of SNK as a company is a sad one cause they actually put a lot of heart and soul into their games. They were just born in a time where games were niche, and the most powerful console =/= the most successful like today.

Fpbp, there's no console as cozy as that one was. Even trash like Sonic Shuffle was filled to the brim with soul.

>CD pad on mvs

Not really a console, but I really really wanted a Neo Geo Pocket Color back when those were still around.
Just look at that fucking thumb stick. It's super clicky as well.

Had a decent library of games, too.

Attached: ngpc_8310.jpg (3264x2448, 1.35M)

the pad is just cooler than the stick, it's easy to get something like the stick these days. The pad? not so much.

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Playstation 1. Only the SNES comes close.