What a great mobile game. Have you played it yet?

What a great mobile game. Have you played it yet?

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I think it's better off if played on the Switch than on your phone, but that's just me.
The story is entertaining, especially considering that the main character is just a Blades fugitive and not a prophetized hero, and I just love Ayleid lore even if I think they're despicable people.

Still not out for my model

This is the framework for future Bethesda games.

Explain your logic, please.

Loot boxes, timers, microtransactions galore. It started with horse armor, this is what Todd wanted all along.


Slippery slope fallacy. Todd stated there won't be any microtransaction in any singleplayer games, he knows people don't like it, and is probably trying to reign in the Zenimax shareholders and keep their greedy eyes focused on ESO and 76.
I know you're just a juvenile child who doesn't care about any of this because you don't like using your brain, so you might not bother reading my post, but I just thought I should educate you on the matter before you throw your next reactionary tantrum. Go ahead and proceed.

>Slippery slope fallacy
Is it really a fallacy when you look at what has happened to Bethesda's games over the past 10 years? They're the ones who pushed for paid mods, then waited a few years and tried it again when they received massive backlash. Eat my ass, Todd.

"We here at bethesda games just like you we too love mobile games" bethesda has been shit for years but this was the final nail for me

They are trying to get hold of something but the things they are trying to get mad money on are retarded and pathetic considering that they are pumpung out mobile games for normies and monetizing mods
Such a shit company with such a fucking dumb normie playerbase who literally enjoys walking simulators

Fuck your mobile game todd and fuck you for being a low effort manlet fag you never made a good game amd never will

>Todd stated there won't be any microtransaction in any singleplayer games
>Creation club

Attached: rian.jpg (220x262, 16K)

b-but they're mini DLCs!
>this is what Toddthesda shills will actually tell you

elder scrolls blades is a single player game.

It's a F2P game with a planned arena. Please use your brain.
It's how mod creators get paid for their work. The idea itself is great, but they could implement it better.

>It's a F2P game with a planned arena
It is, from Todd's mouth, 'an authentic Elder Scrolls experience.'

It's not a fallacy

Yeah, and ESO is an authentic Elder Scrolls experience as well.
Try to provide a counter argument that's more substantial than a "nuh-uh".

I'll never forget how Trainwiz shilled the CC for so long, saying there would be DLC-sized content for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim. What an asshat.

>"they won't put it in singleplayer games!"
>'it is one'
>"they won't put it in a stupid f2p game!"
>'it is described as an authentic and true elder scrolls experience'
>"but but"

Starfield will be No Man's Sky 2, nothing but empty planets you build settlements on and get randomly generated quests to raid draug- I mean, alien dungeons.

Blades isn't a singleplayer game.
It's a free-to-play game, and they have to pay the developers some way.
It is an authentic Elder Scrolls experience because you get to play in an Elder Scrolls setting and with familiar Elder Scrolls mechanics.
It seems like this place is incapable of thinking up actual arguments and would rather use mountains of fallacies and insults to get their points through, and they all boil down to "new bad old good".

free to play games can be single player games. stop trying to redefine definitions.

>and they all boil down to "new bad old good"
When 'new' is a Skinner box for microtransactions and 'old' is an actual single-player RPG, then yes, new bad, old good.

Controls are absolute garbage. The game should have settled for a Legend of Grimrock style setup with single tile linear dungeons. Instead it's this weird point and click where your character can move in every direction which on a touch screen is just shit.

Blades has multiplayer features planned, and its frameworks have been there since launch. Stop trying to redefine definitions.
New will be an actual single-player RPG, just like the old, but you will still complain about it because the New isn't exactly the same game as the Old you grew up with.
People tried to argue that Arthur Morgan will not be a good character like John Marston way before RDR2 came out, and look at all the people stating about how much they miss playing as him when the epilogue started.

Todd lies, people die

>People tried to argue that Arthur Morgan will not be a good character like John Marston way before RDR2 came out, and look at all the people stating about how much they miss playing as him when the epilogue started.
What the FUCK does that have to do with Bethesda's business practices?

Oh OK here's my argument
The slippery slope is not a fallacy therefore you committed a fallacy fallacy

>bringing up the story of a different game by a different dev for literally no reason
Oh no, the ToddBot is malfunctioning.

It's an example of how thoughtlessly reactionary gamers are towards new things they haven't tried yet, just like how the people who grew up with Minecraft and TF2 think Fortnite and Apex Legends are terrible because they're the new popular games.
Still the same level of substance, i.e. none. Try again.
>can't comprehend analogies
>proceeds to think it was brought up for no reason
Perhaps its your head that's malfunctioning, which is what happens when all you care about are titty mods and underdressed underage anime girls.

>The slippery slope is not a fallacy
what the fuck are you saying?

shhh, let them figure that out on their own. their pride won't let them admit they're wrong, but it'll still hurt them just a bit.

What part are you struggling with?

>It's an example of how thoughtlessly reactionary gamers are towards new things they haven't tried yet
Oh but Todd, I have tried your new games. Bad writing, amateurish graphics and animation, terrible shoot and loot gameplay loop, you name it. Pushing for paid mods and having the gall to release the trainwreck that is 76 were the final nails in the coffin.

I've played a lot of shit mobile games but this is legit one of the worst

Fuck Bethesda and fuck anyone who defends this piece of shit game.

the part where you say a logical fallacy is not a logical fallacy

Sorry not an argument

Your gonna have to prove your claim then friend.

What's so hard to understand?

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Let's make this a bit easier for you, but I'm not expecting you to admit it.
Of course, you don't like it and don't know how to counter-argue, so you reject it as a way to protect your insecurity and pride.
>Bad writing
They're not novel quality, but they're certainly not terrible, and the new content will most likely have quality content just like ESO.
>amateurish graphics and animation
Perhaps if you didn't have a potato computer that can only run touhou, you'd notice it's of modern graphic standards. Launch was bad, sure, but the fans that actually play it now think otherwise.
>terrible shoot and loot gameplay loop, you name it.
Then why do people like it, and why do all the feedback they submit get answered and fulfilled?

Just say you hate it because it's not New Vegas 2 and we'll be done, less of a waste of time and you don't get to overheat your two remaining braincells.

I'm sorry friend but predicting a series of events due to a previous events is not a fallacy therefore your source is wrong.
It is not a fallacy

>I think it's better off if played on the Switch than on your phone
It's not. Runs like shit on Switch. Doesn't really matter though, it's a shit game.

>It's how mod creators get paid for their work
You say that as if this is some kind of necessity, mod creators have done just fine in the past working on passion alone. You're also completely sidestepping his point that your claim of singeplayer Bethesda games not having microtransactions is incorrect.

>unironic mobile skinnerbox shill
BIG yikes

Yes, I'm sure Bethesda is going to do a complete 180 and reintroduce actual RPG mechanics in TES6/Starfield and they're totally going to cut down on the CC bullshit.

I'm terribly sorry but your source is also wrong.
Claiming that it's a fallacy to predict z due to a is nonsense. There is nothing wrong with making such a prediction

"Predicting a series of events due to a previous events" is not necessarily a slippery slope, it is if you imply it as an universal truth and not an hypothesis.
A slippery slope is quite literally a fallacy, but I didn't say you committed one, it's another user who did.

Look at the image you posted

sure have todd, it was great todd

>Slippery slope fallacy
it's not a slippery slope, it's a trend in game design, as proven time and time again. todd certainly wanted to fuck with us (creation club, paid mods, shifty dlc's), he's just gotten so much backlash that he has to slow his pace, the investors want more money, pure and simple.
btw if you like pointing out logical fallacys then how about your copious use of ad hominem

>wah wah wah, I want mod creators to keep their passion as a hobby rather than an occupation and fulfill their dreams of becoming game developers and model artists, wah wah wah, give me free shit in an economy that requires you to get paid to survive
And the CC is additional content that weren't included with the base game or its official DLCs. I've lived without it for so damn long, and the only thing I "bought" was the Skyrim Iron Helmet and Steel Sword mod in Fallout 4.
>actual RPG mechanics
Translation: "anything that's not Morrowind 2 is bad!", you have the same thought process as this laughably petty nerd in pic-related.
>I don't like your source because it proves me wrong, therefore, it is wrong.
Claiming that Z will be bad because X had a bad launch *is* a slippery slope fallacy, user. Don't deny it.

Anyway, my free time is over and I got some things I need to catch up to, goodbye.

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>Yea Forums is at it again, send in the cleaners

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>Todd stated

>Anyway, my free time is over and I got some things I need to catch up to, goodbye.
You mean you've been paid for your hour of shilling? lmao

No its not.
If a company fucked up before its perfectly reasonable to predict they will continue to fuck up

>this entire thread

people buy, money flows, it just works

I only play destiny child

Attached: Screenshot_20190703-060712_Destiny Child.jpg (1080x2220, 1.16M)

>And the CC is additional content that weren't included with the base game or its official DLCs. I've lived without it for so damn long, and the only thing I "bought" was the Skyrim Iron Helmet and Steel Sword mod in Fallout 4.
how about the CC updates breaking other mods, how about the share in sales that goes to bethesda, how about bethesda curating what can or can't be uploaded(monetised), how is the CC necessary if you could just donate to mod authors directly, how about the cc prices being completely disproportionate to how much effort goes into the individual mods, how about the cc limiting what mods can do (most bigger mods essentially being the lite verion of a mod than can be found on nexus), etc pp

Don't forget the Atom Store in 76 just reselling Fallout 4 assets.

I got to a full legendary ebony set and finished the main quest, lost all will to play it, the game is garbage

Attached: merchantbuild.jpg (1920x1080, 577K)

There are many better gacha shits than that, why Destiny Child?

name one

Epic Seven
Another Eden
Dragon Ball Legends
And my favorite youtube.com/watch?v=AXXldSJaZd8

Wow dude, you're a fucking asshole.

Wow those are shit. Destiny child because they throw premium currency at you. Plus better art

Attached: SmartSelect_20190401-133057_Destiny Child.jpg (1056x1669, 835K)

There. That's the crux of your misunderstanding.

I see you don't care about gameplay, but even the art in Destiny Child is fucking disgustingly bad.

lol cope

Attached: SmartSelect_20190401-134121_Destiny Child.jpg (771x955, 321K)

Textbook definition of a Yea Forumsirgin.

They are in this case retard

>The idea itself is great
No it's not, what the fuck.

fuck off r*dditor

yes it actually is a great idea
>talented mod authors pitch their idea to bethesda, if accepted they receive a contract to complete it and are given assistance if possible. Likely need a team to finish the mod
>mods are all very high quality and "mini-DLCs", thus justifying being paid
>rigorous QA for them
the issue is bethesda's QA isn't enough and there's no content minimum. You can make a fucking stick and sell it, it's absolutely fucking retarded. The QA also doesn't seem to care for the depth of the content, just the raw statistical quality (X amount of polygons, Y resolution, etc)
In a perfect world, where this system is actually well realized, it'd be a heavily moderated store front where we see actual miniature DLCs pop up, likely Dawnguard sized (or slightly less), made by very talented mod authors/mod teams. Basically shit like Wyrmstooth (but much higher quality). Bethesda makes money, the modders make money, and it's such a large undertaking that spamming out cReAtIoNs isn't really possible.

>todd stated

Attached: evagreen.jpg (339x413, 30K)

The worst part oabout that creation club / atom shop microtransaction bullshit is how skewed the prices are. It's bad enough that such a thing is there at all. But then on top of that, the prices are inflated to high heaven. For example, how much did DLCs cost for FO3, Skyrim, etc? They were like 10-15 bucks in exchange for hours of content, new storylines and side quests, new lands to explore, new weapon and armor sets, etc. And then they also want to charge 5 bucks for some armor set? So 2-3 armor sets is valued at the same as a full-blown expansion? Those are equivalent? And 10 armor sets is equal in value to the full-blown game itself? It's a load of bullshit

It's not a falacy, it has been proven time and again to be true

*blocks your path*

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>I st- I mean uh, Todd stated

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The thing is, the proper way to do "paid mods" would be such that they wouldn't be mods at all.

What bethesda should've done is contract experienced modders and offer them the funds and resources to work on actual DLC equal in scope to the DLCs for oblivion/FO3/skyrim/FO4. And the standards for quality would also need to be up to par with something made in-house by bethesda. So effectively not even mods, just DLC made by contracted outsiders. Instead all they did was find modders who already made their shit on their own, and got them to sign a deal with the devil where they limit access to their mods in order for a pittance of shekels in return.

Don't forget the Christmas emoticon bundle that cost 25 dollars but was immediately put on sale for '50% off', something that is literally illegal.

Is that actually an illegal practice, at least in burgerland? I see that all the time in clothing stores where they'll advertise something as having some huge discount, but it's literally always at the "discount" price, so it's not really a discount at all and they're just trying to make it look like there's a deal to be had to goad people into buying. Absolutely scummy regardless, obviously.

fuck this piece of shit. Any modders who cross the proverbial picket line and hop on board Bethesda's CC bullshit are just as bad as Bethesda themselves.

It wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't illegal there but I know it is pretty much everywhere else.