Is it worth it now?
Is it worth it now?
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If you didn't think so before, then probably not. Keep waiting. Such is life when waiting for a fairly ambitious project coming from an indie studio.
Slav devs working out of Steam (so shady refund policies) "working" on a BETA for what? 3 years?
Yeah nothing suspicious at all
It will never be worth it.
If you havent realised this already you are probably an underage western faggot or don't know shit about Russian devs.
Dont fall for the streamer shills when they're doing the same fucking thing over and over and over, because theres nothing to fucking do in this game.
fuck no, broken ass game with millions of bugs you're going to encounter every time you play. Possibly the worst case of desync that I've ever seen in an online game too.
can I get a nice juicy redpill about russian devs?
They are greedy incompetent fools who cant code for shit and are only good at making promises, post-apocalyptic landscapes and mechanics designed to frustrat ethe fuck out of you until you pay to win.
You have a better chance of Star Citizen being a 10/10 than this thing to ever be worth playing.
It depends on who much you like a streamlined STALKER with only bandits.
/k/ loves it
but they're a bunch of retards
Its /k/ elements are mostly really good. The major issues with it are the bugs and performances issues, the tedious progression system they insist on having, and the slow development.
Oh please SHUT THE FUCK UP with Stalker
"That shit overrated slav game"
>I'm mad people like things I don't like, so I will post in a thread about a thing I probably don't like and be mad when someone compares it to something else I don't like
Nyet, tovarisch. STALKER is great game. You are of the tasting poorly.
Some are very based ( Ice-Pick lodge )
And some very cringe ( Battlestate Games )
>some are good, some are bad
wew thanks user
>nice guns
>nice shooting
>garbage everything else
Fuck lads
I don't know what you expected.
the gun modding is really neat, the most extensive one i've seen in video games, but holy shit the rest is absolute garbage
Quickload is a gameplay mechanic.
They either put out scams (Atomic Heart) or they try to put out something that they have no chance of finishing because their country shits the bed (IPL)
>the tedious progression system they insist on having
thats because they know that people stop playing the game after reaching max level and reputation with all traders, because the gameplay in itself isn't good/fun enough to keep people motivated playing it
how atomic heart is a scam?
Lots of people who worked on it have said the game is basically never going to come out because the management of the studio constantly fires people who are instrumental to it being finished. If I remember right they have literally no programmers right now because they fired them all.
Wait for the full release.
The gameplay in itself is plenty fun when people are actually bringing in shit to actually fight with/over. Back when there were no tasks and you just went in, played how you wanted, and fought over loot was the most fun I had in the game. The PVP is great when the servers aren't lmaoing at your life. Tasks have just gradually worn down my interest in playing because it's just the same repetitive, anti-fun slog you have to redo every few months. Thankfully, the flea market exists now.
>The gameplay in itself is plenty fun when people are actually bringing in shit to actually fight with/over.
too bad the progression system prevents that
I'm glad we agree
I am too
mother was a whore
I'm bored
fun as fuck game, people that dislike it are just mad cuz bad
epic troll
nope, i've played it since late 2017
game is barely moving anywhere, there are so many problems with it, that I don't think they can ever solve. It's eurojank trash but at least the gunplay was nice, but then they reworked armor 8-10 months ago as a "placeholder" and it literally is closer to the division now, than a tactical shooter
lets play something
armor is fucking retarded in this game
>helmets that can withstand 57 rounds of any ammo without causing injuries to the head
>when you can finally afford armor, everyone else can afford ammo that easily penetrates your armor
you only need armor against the A.I. everyone else will one or two-shot you
>armor has gotten weaker instead of stronger over time
>somehow made the game closer to Division
Obvious bullshit is obvious. You clearly never played with the old Fort and Kiver combo. Armor has been a joke for ages provided you're using the good AP rounds that ignore it, and there's no good reason why you shouldn't since money is everywhere.
since money is everywhere and the flea market exists*
what the fuck are you on about
new penetration mechanics made it impossible to kill someone with decent armor with anything that is not top tier armor or big caliber, which in itself is fine, but the armor protects your entire body, not just where the plate its
helmets are so retarded, the fact is only 2 helmets in the game can stop someting bigger than 9mm irl, thats sappy plate on opscore, and the new helmet they added, rest of them can't. Yet it can take up to 20 rounds to kill someone even with mediocre helmet. They should make them realistic and drop the prices.
and you think they need this protection for gameplay reasons: don't get shot
doesn't change the fact that armor is unrealistically resilent to bullets in the game
>You clearly never played with the old Fort and Kiver combo
I did and I complained about armor then too, they fixed it, even if unrealistic protection values for some armors, it was a good medium, for when they finally get the hitboxes right and rework chest rigs. and here we are almost a year later since they added 1st iteration of armor changes to that as just a temporary fix
Just shoot their legs, bro, no armour there
The people who play this game are the people who post images of themselves wearing thigh high socks on /k/ and discord.
me irl
delete this
>t. tranny angry he wasted $50
Based fellow stalkers.
>t. Shill
>new penetration mechanics
What new penetration mechanics? All they did was add blunt damage, change pen values (to favor a faster time to kill), and make armor degrade based on material type and overall quicker. In the past, you were never going to pen Fort in a timely manner, even with the best ammo. Now you can get through it within just a few shots of the good AP stuff, and with some calibers even the first will go through 99% of the time. It's effectively nerfed provided you aren't some sort of retard using frangible ammo or hollow points and trying to defeat armor. That said, the mid-tier AP needs a bit of a buff.
>but the armor protects your entire body, not just where the plate its
Which is how it's always been, but I agree that's still something they need to fix. Preferably sooner than later.
It's not so much that as what the guy above you said about it protecting your entire body. Although the armor degradation for some stuff like ceramic may be too slow at times. But with more resilient materials like steel, you could, in real life, dump an entire mag of weaker, non-penetrative ammo with no rounds making it through. Obviously, ceramic would be a different story.
>they fixed it
>but it's somehow gotten worse
I don't understand what you're trying to say. Earlier you were saying they made the armor worse, but here you're saying they made it better and then stagnated. Look, I think we basically agree with what we want the armor to be like in the future with plate hitboxes but realistic penetration values. But I don't think they've made armored dudes more tanky since alpha/beta's start.
armor went trough a few iterations
>fort kiver era
unpennable by anything but top tier, ever, pretty much
>nefed fort + added new shit
was decent, could still kill ppl somewhat even with (((only))) steelcore
>m1a patch
AP top tier ammo goes trough most armors, but AP ammo, has lover dmg as a trade of
other rounds that are not hollow point can still go trough, in around 10-15 rounds.
>patch before 0.9 or sometime
remade penetration formula, armor dmg and some other stuff
even mid tier armor like kirasa takes a full mag to go trough with steelcore rounds, high end stuff takes multiple mags. Combine that with full body protection, unrealistic helmets and you have the division.
unless you run the very top of the line ammo, and spend half your budged on just ammo, which is retarded
Doesn't help that retards on re**it complain when they get killed in their 1 mil kit and believe that gear should make them unkillable no mater what
do you liek games that claim to be realistic then allow peopel wiht a helmet not to die when shot in the head at close range with an AK?
>entire mag of weaker, non-penetrative ammo with no rounds making it through.
it would still crash your ribcage into a million pieces
Hm. I only remember non-AP ammo being good back when 5.45 PS was what people regarded as best, which was also when Fort+Kiver was the dream, and then when 255 Mod 0 and PRS were accidentally fucking amazing. Otherwise, I don't remember non-AP being very effective against Fort. That said, I could easily be forgetting a period. Maybe there was a time when PS stuff was much better. In any case, I don't really wanna argue this with you since I think we more or less agree on the basic principal of what the armor should be like.
Also, I agree that the mid-tier ammo needs love. I won't argue that, and I didn't have that in mind when I first disagreed with you. Currently it takes ~15 rounds of 5.45x39 PS to breach a new Kirasa reliably, whereas the first 7.62x39 PS gets through on the first shot ~94% of the time. The irony, is that the level 3 armor IRL is actually rated for multi-hit effectiveness against 7.63x39 as well according to whatever GOST-R standards I've been able to dig up, though I doubt it'd be more than a few hits. And 15 is too many for 5.45, absolutely.
>Doesn't help that retards on re**it complain when they get killed in their 1 mil kit and believe that gear should make them unkillable no mater what
True, although when you have kits that cost 1mil that are easily one-tapped by shitters who just need to land one shot center-mass with a 35k kit, there is a balance issue that needs to be addressed for the sake of pure gameplay since expensive gear is effectively worthless. That said, I'd rather just see gear and weapon prices slashed across the board, more heavily on the high-end side of things. That way we get better meta-balance, and more people bring cool gear for fun fights instead of faggots running around with either knives.
Prove it. With soft armor? Absolutely, but we're mostly talking about what would be hard armor since rifle-rounds would penetrate a regular soft vest. Hard armor plates transmits less kinetic energy, and in the case of stuff like steel plates, is usually accompanied by a trauma pad or sometimes underlying soft armor.
first year of physics class
Yeah, okay. Not gonna bother arguing with your asspulls when you clearly don't understand what's going on with something like body armor. I'll just leave you with a neat couple videos instead.
Don't bother responding with more bullshit. I won't bite again.
>singular bullets
>no answer
I win!
>That said, I'd rather just see gear and weapon prices slashed across the board, more heavily on the high-end side of things. That way we get better meta-balance, and more people bring cool gear for fun fights instead of faggots running around with either knives.
I agree
the most fun i had was cheap shit event with 100% boss spawn on customs
going squad vs squad, with tactical movements, etc.
Yeah for sure. Geared PVP, especially with group V group or successful solo V big group is the absolute best. Haven't played in a couple months 'cause this was more or less the only thing I played for all of 2018 and the latter third of 2017. How are the raids these days? Dead as fuck or are there people actually bringing shit?
i haven't played in a few months as well, due to wipes and other shit they never fixed. From what i hear it's kinda dead
Not surprising. They're dragging ass on .12, and the last wipe was extremely underwhelming. I'm tired of the wipes, man. Fuck tasks. Least we got the flea market. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your day m80.