Is there an uglier gun in vidya?

Is there an uglier gun in vidya?

Attached: 1200px-12.7mm_SMG.png (1200x586, 708K)

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y-your mom!


All of the pipe weapons in 4 and 76.
The combat shotgun and by extension the combat rifle.
Compared to those this boxy SMG is a work of art.

Oh and the assault rifle design that's bigger and stupider than the 12.7mm SMG in every way.

Attached: AssaultrifleFO4.png (1536x658, 701K)

'sup fag

Attached: file.png (800x600, 285K)

So what's the purpose of that block in front of the handle when the magazine is on top?

I kinda like it. I wouldn't call it ugly.

The combat shotgun was fine though.

>All of pipe weapons in 4 and 76.
Fixed, very obviously all designed by no-guns retards where reddit Raypunk aesthetic takes priority

>WW1-style water cooled machine gun
>in the retro-future post apocalypse

What the fuck were they thinking. This is a universe where ARs and AKs exist canonically

Attached: 1542218541926.jpg (427x427, 21K)

>drum mad so far forward that maneuvering the weapon to aim would be a chore.
>foregrip so close to the trigger that your arms would cramp up just holding and it can't help with recoil at all.
>Barrel all the way down the gun when the round apparently load into it fire and eject halfway down it's length.

Attached: COMBATSHOTGUN.png (2950x900, 1.23M)

If you just switched the magazine and grip around it would be fine.
As it is it's a nightmare.
The combat rifle doesn't have this issue at all.

I'll add
>ejection part all the way in the back with apparently nowhere for the bolt to recede to because the gun doesn't actually have a bolt

whoops, meant port*

I fucking forgot about that since they fixed it for 4.

>the combat rifle and the combat shotgun in 4 look the same
cool weapons bethesda

all the bethesda guns


>it's not muh realistic AK-M1-B-H-66-JK-14-88 so it's ugly
fallout guns were always scifi shit, zoomer


Attached: bangbang.png (462x269, 193K)

All the ballistic weapons in older titles are reasonable (or real weapons) like the 12.7mm SMG.
The sci-fi shit was in the energy and gauss weapons.
When Bethesda try to make a unique weapon design it doesn't make even a basic amount of sense.

what game is this from?
It's ungodly.

Attached: Aqtq6cV6.jpg large.jpg (663x579, 39K)

I don't know a lot about guns, but isn't the... like little tube that comes out of the top (or bottom) of the barrel used to feed the next bullet? Like, in this gun, does cutting the little tube off with the barrel just make it so it can only fire once before you'd have to manually load the next bullet? I don't see a bolt but then maybe I don't know how AKs work.

Should be a mod for Fallout 4 given the blue tape.

m-47 or ak-16?


I've always like the design of this thing, it looks so chunky

I unironically like the way this gun looks when using it while wearing armor

I kinda like it. only becuase It looks a lot like one of the guns in the old game I used to play a long time ago called "Zax: the space bounty hunter" or sometihng like that
Also the main protag of that game looks a lot like Thanos for some reason

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The Last of Us Multiplayer

Somebody will find something to add to this, I'm certain.

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Pretty much every gun in FO4. A lot of the base skin guns in Overwatch.

Come on, the ejection port is like a quarter inch too high for a kalashnikov. The functional design of that gun is the least of its problems really.

AKs do actually have that cutout to lighten the receiver a little bit

Attached: 1920px-AK_47.jpg (1920x578, 267K)

That's the Fallout 3 version, not the Fallout 4 version. Since you included the combat rifle, a gun which is in 4 but not 3, I naturally assumed you were talking about the version from 4.

>take an ak
>put m16 iron sights on it

Oh fair enough. Guess I'm too used to ejection ports being on the same level as the barrel. I forgot the AKs had them higher.

Neat, I've never seen that on there before. Is it specific to old AK-47s and absent from newer stuff like 74s, AKMs, and the 100s?

That gun is so bland that I can't even remember what its upgrade is. All of the guns in Quake 4 got nice upgrades but all the AR was good for was the flashlight.
Speaking of upgrades Doom4's upgrades are trash and Quake 4 did everything better all those years ago. Play the game. Get a gun. Gun gets better. No perks, no challenges, no menus. Just guns that become objectively better whether you like it or not.

yeah it's just for the old milled receivers, obviously wouldn't work for a stamped one. Big chunky milled receivers are very nice

I stared at the picture a bit longer and noticed that some joker has bolted a piece of metal right above the selector switch, basically blocking the safe position. Also someone chewed off over half of the switch lever itself.
I'm not even a /k/fag. An AK variant is the only gun I've fired because of conscription.

Ah, that makes sense. Cool

>some joker has bolted a piece of metal right above the selector switch, basically blocking the safe position

i dont really like the design of gta v's guns.

Attached: CarbineRifle-GTAV.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

>carbine rifle
It's like they don't know what either of these words mean. Also, I agree, the guns in V were the worst in any modern Rockstar game, they felt like airsoft guns.

Attached: Resolute_Spinigun.png (1680x1050, 1.19M)

*vaporizes you*

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Gta 4's guns had weight just like the cars, and they actually sounded like real guns.

>shotgun grenade
>fucking AR missiles
>double shot for super shotty
>stun grenade
>burst rockets
>motherfucking siege mode
>MORE DAKKA for the chaingun
nigga you retarded
minor upgrades != gamechangers

>Gta 4's guns had weight
haha fuck no

Oh for fuck sake

The part that sticks out is mostly for structural integrity. The bolt mechanisms are housed further back towards the magazine and "body," with want for a better term, of the rifle.

bl2 is a bad example, those are put together from random gen parts that are modeled individiually

Hoot is my favorite Eric Bana character.
The upgrades themselves and what they do is great. How you get them is cancer compared to Quake 4. Who the hell wants to hop around menus during the gameplay of a Doom game?

>m134 minigun
>ak47/74 style stock and magizine

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Borderlands 1 was bearable, Borderlands 2 forward is just fuckin' dumb.

are you niggers new to borderlands or what

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.54M)

Haven't played it since high school. I forgot how ridiculous it could get.


then you didn't play any of the other games

The revolver in GTA: Vice City was always a favorite of mine. Didn't have weight, per se, given it shot on a flat plane with no possibility to aim it up or down. Or maybe it did, and I was too young to realize how to do it.

>given it shot on a flat plane with no possibility to aim it up or down
moving your mouse or stick on the gamepad might have helped with that

>stick on the gamepad
Vice City didn't yet have free aiming for the autoaim firearms on console. That's a San Andreas feature.

oh I didn't knew that

there were SHITLOADS of mods for that

>for consoles
>in the early-ish 2000's

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I love me some SQUARE BLOCK with BITS on it

GTA Vice City was also released on PC, dummy
hell my first memory of VC is driving an actual Ferrari Testarrosa in it

If only you knew how bad it truly was

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

Don't you love an AR that's just a tube with future bits glued on?

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not vidya related, but i never get a chance to post this.

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Basically you're right but it does a bit more. It uses gas to push the bolt back, eject the spent cartage and re-cock the rifle.

Attached: AK47cycle.gif (1400x785, 648K)

This diagram makes the mechanism(s) look so simple. How are people not just building these in their garages?

What does the bit to the right of 5 do? Looks like there's an indent on the bolt(?) but i can't see what it's supposed to be doing.

This one hurts my head. Maybe it's got some weird variable length bolt that lets it feed from one then the other? Why you would go to the effort to engineer that i can't imagine.

Attached: GpeEXny.gif (480x210, 182K)

>rear/front site

they do and are
getting a rifled barrel is hard and drilling a gas port can be difficult so most homemade guns are like the Luty, blowback operated pistol round weapons made of square tubing often with smooth bores

>rear site
>front site
>7.62mm as case, not bullet diameter
please delete, from your hard drive also

Because how do you make a vector more futuristic? Add another magazine.

At least their SMG with 2 mags made some degree of sense compared to this since it was dual barrelled and both mags were on the bottom diagonals of the main barrel

Attached: file.png (231x144, 25K)

Got it the wrong way around since strangely enough it's been like 3 years since I touched the trainwreck of a game

Attached: file.png (1624x1004, 2.22M)

This looks like something out of Borderlands 2.

what would you pick to mitigate muzzle rise?

a mobile breech comprising an inertia block that operates to transfer momentum or forces generated by the firing of one or more cartridges or rounds of ammunition to a direction outside of the longitudinal axis of the gun barrel, where the bolt and slider are articulated so that the displacement of the bolt results in a force component accompanying the slider as it moves along a slider path that traverses a line formed by a linear firing axis of the barrel of the firearm


a muzzle brake cut at a slight angle

Attached: FRQzy9m.png (480x360, 434K)

I am correct in what I perceive from this image, an MP-5 with double horizontal side mounted mags?

I spent a whole 5 seconds googling it. It serves the purpose of explaining the basic function of an AK to someone who knows nothing about firearms with out overloading them with shit they won't understand. If they care they'll look into it on their own.

Attached: (1600x1146, 383K)

the pistol from doom 3
but the reload sound was sexy

Attached: previewfile_1312351528.jpg (500x347, 8K)

Infinite Warfare's gun designs are terrible all the way down. Makes me glad there's an actual UMP and Intervention in the game, even if they're shit compared to other guns.

Essentially. Can't see it in that pic, but there's 2 barrels so it fires from both mags at the same time.

Attached: file.png (884x336, 334K)

Forgot the Sniper that collapses into a shotgun was a thing.

Attached: file.png (1326x341, 330K)

Could be a gast gun type of thing, no?

>.223 FMJ sniper minigun

no need to swap barrels and power armor makes the water weight negligible

It's more of a low caliber Barret with fun switch installed, but anyway it was a bug that was too fun for devs to fix so they let it be.

The VPR (the second one) certainly is designed in that fashion with the dual magazines and barrels and I think it has the fastest fire rate in the game before variants, but I can't remember. The first one is literally supposed to be a "future" Vector

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

Attached: H5G_Render_M6DMagnum.png (1000x1200, 597K)

That'd be fine if it was only used with power armor.

Attached: Roshambo.gif (640x360, 1.72M)

It's like a retarded lewis gun but water cooled for some reason because it wouldn't work with the barrel sticking out like that.

I mean it is a prewar weapon. I like to think it was standard for power armor, and the combat rifle was for soldiers without power armor.

>people still don't understand that borderlands isn't even trying to be somewhat realistic and it's intentionally goofy and over the top

there's litterally a gun that slows your movmeent speed down to like 1% and yells insults at you every time you fire it

doesn't mean that you can't call it out on its objectively retarded designs

I swear the propensity of faggots insisting on responding to post chains with zero clue as to what they're talking about has been on the rise this year.

Attached: 1562146352626.jpg (1680x1050, 632K)

Basically no point in relying on water cooling when things like rotary barrel miniguns exist, besides isn't clean water kinda a valuable resource in the wasteland? I don't think you'd would be able to use water that was too dirty and/or radioactive as I imagine that'd corrode the gun too much.

Water-cooled guns have been obsolete for almost a century.

Looks like it prevents the hammer from moving into a fireable position until the bolt's all the way forward.

>lower handguard
>on top
>upper handguard
>on bottom
retarded fucking devs

I don't know why, but WAAAAAAAAAAGH!

I think it's what initially forces the next bullet out of the notch that holds it in the magazine. It pushes it just enough for the mag spring to force it upwards and then the bolt assembly grabs the round and chambers it. There isn't really an indent on the bolt, the diagram doesn't show the actual outlines of the bolt by itself, but the whole gas piston / bolt assembly.

But don't take my word for it. It's been almost exactly 11 years since I looked inside one of those things.

*actually no, disregard all I said. The 2d gif doesn't give you the full picture

Attached: ak47.webm (1914x874, 2.86M)

Not vidya but yes.

Attached: 1484342434611.jpg (941x410, 111K)

That is fucking brilliant when you look at it.

>still no sandbox game with really good gunplay

ArmA 3

But those barrels are always positioned like that if you get that part

With fluid gameplay and AI too, I meant.

>All of the pipe weapons in 4 and 76.
The ugly looks don't bother me much. No, what really irks is that because of how modular it is, dumbfuck niggers like Todd think that means it's 80 guns in 1. Sothey release that trash, nothing else, and say"look at all the guns goyim! Have fun". Oh yeah, and every goddamn enemy uses them so killing shit never feels worth it.

We want the steampunk audience pls understand

>good AI
pick one