>hello ladies and gents boogie2399 here coming at you live
Hello ladies and gents boogie2399 here coming at you live
He hasn't lost a single pound after his surgery, thats just sad
isnt he crying about getting tricked into buy a tesla then crying to his "fans" about how they should give him more money to pay for said tesla?
rip boogie1488
>get a fucking gastric bypass surgery
>still gain back all the weight you lost
I don't understand.
boogie with perfect teeth is so fucking weird
Looks like a stereotypical depiction of a basedboy, especially with the glasses and big rosy cheeks.
>also live in arkansas
if anything, he taught me never to get married here
thanks for the life tip, boogie
>he bought a $100k tesla and was asking for donations to help pay for it
he looked better before, never fall for the "healthy" meme qt big boys
If we're lucky Teslas shitty design and poo programming will kill him off
Why would trump deport himself? Is that the joke here?
This is just factually wrong though. Dude is like half the size of he was and is actually able to walk around and go places now.
You guys don't know because you don't understand just how massive he was.
Also, alot of it now is loose skin he needs to get removed.
what is wrong with his teeth?
He went from looking like a depressed NEET to looking like the biggest douche I've ever seen.
I'm guessing her nudes and the one video where she has 2 dildos in her were fake then.
alright ugly girl then i guess
No? I don't understand this LARP where people just make up stuff about e-celebs? Not liking someone popular or mainstream doesn't make you interesting, and it certainly doesn't give you a personality.
They're drilled into his skull.
The man looks like a deflated accordion
Ironic saying that in a thread about the biggest fence sitter on the planet.
It's true, though. He bought a Tesla and is asking for shekels.
Like a walking bean bag chair
Is there any other vidya guy that is as comfy as comfy Boogie?
He's most certainly plateaued though. He has 0 willpower & focus, he'll get back to his previous state in a year or two.
Never forget
God i fucking hope so. Where can i find asian traps?
Boogie is that you?
the joke is that fat people can't be deported because they're too heavy
the got rid of all his decayed teeth and bolted in veneers
theres no joke they unironically want fat people deported
and so do i
All you had to do was not eat shitty foods and sit on your ass all day, Boogie. Now look at you; you look like fucking deflated balloon and your mouth is full of 32 white lies.
Fuck you, Boogie.
>literally the only "article" on this
Haha, fucking kill yourself you npc loser. Holy shit, fucking hate summerfags.
Unironically funny. If you have to commend him for anything, it's self awareness and I can respect that a lot.
He has no delusion about what he is.
goy, never forget. six gillion of the chosen peoples were killed by aryan monsters such as yourself. please ignore the other massacres of the 20th century, they are insignificant compared to this shoah. OOOHH OOYY OYY I MYSELF GOT GASSED OVER SIX BILLION TIMES NAD IT GAVE ME THE MOST SERIOSOJGBB E MMASFNEELJAA!!!! I HAD TO SURVIVE ON NOTHING BUT NWENR ASKDKLQW OQWR TO KEEP MY KQWEJ WQ FROM AAAAHHHOOOUUUUUH OOYYYYYYYYYYOOOUUUUhooohhhhh
He still looks disgusting.
i'm a fag and watch youtube all the time, but i've never been able to watch this dude. what's his shtick? somebody boogiepill me
>mfw boogie bought a fucking Tesla for 100k and now has to beg for money
>is mentally ill, traumatized from his past because of his shit parents and now divorce and has an eating disorder
>surgery to make his stomach smaller was the only thing that helped
>couldn't even walk because his knees would literally snap like twigs
Who? Sauce please.
Is he like 5ft tall too? Looks fucking weird.
>please pay for my Tesla haha
sometimes he acts like his autistic raging unaware faggot nerd alter ego named Francis.
Not that user but it literally took me 2 seconds to find the clip of him begging for money after being conned.
Absolutely seething newfag, lurk moar.
i know this is from a video but i can't find it right now
i did see those, years ago. funnier when i thought francis was a real guy
8 seconds then you can tell he's out of breath.
Unironically Thailand.
I can't explain why but for some reason trannies/traps from Thailand looked better than the rest of the world.
Jesus, you really can't get a normal human body back after going that far in terms of obesity, can'tcha.
At least he can afford to pay deluxe escorts with the twitch bux.
Teslas are fairly expensive, aren't they? I feel like that's the wrong choice in vehicle if you're living off the grace of others. The car salesman truly won.
Still upset over his wife divorcing and possibly even cucking him. Trying to fill the void and become a new man. New teeth, new car, new life?
Has to get all the excess skin trimmed off. The contrast between his huge bloated ragdoll legs and his skinny face is comedic.
Imagine defending this FAT FUCK NAMEED BOOGIE
>giving others money instead of spending what you earned on yourself
nani sooka blyat?
He bought a Tesa like he was a soundcloud rapper lmao
god, he looks so fucking weird now
should've just started working out, then removed the excessive skin and put on a dental brace
would've taken longer and be more work but he'd be healthier, happier and would look better
Would any of you anons believe right was once a guy if you ever passed her by in the streets or something? I don't think I would. And I wouldn't care either.
braces can't fix tooth decay
fucking hell, i thought he had just crooked teeth
did he never brush them or something
Why not just get a cheaper tesla model 3?
how does this guy even have fans. he's a disgusting human being in every way possible
Never thought fake holywood teeth can actually make you look worse.
Boogie doesn't know the meaning of hard work. That's why he's the way he is. Pain is too much for him to handle, always takes the short easy route.
drinks lots of soda
>But Pilav gets banned for showing his underwear
Twitch is dogshit.
how the fuck could he eat so much when his teeth looked brittle and broken as fuck
Soft mushy food is easier to consume
watch his killstream interview, he is charismatic
because he's a fat fucking slob and i hope he gorges himself to death soon because his stomach shouldn't be able to handle large amounts of food anymore
Twitch is easy on those that make them big money.
Why is everyone suddenly hating him?
Well, he looks better.
Not that great, but a hell of a lot better.
He looks like a human slinky.
I never thought humans could fall into the uncanny valley. He looks like a monster hiding inside someone's stolen flesh.