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Other urls found in this thread:

Face it, once he's gone you'll only have yourself to laugh at

what does she think of the Sonic movie?

Anything interesting and new with Christine-chan? This is the first thread I've seen about her in a while.

she had a heart attack recently
currently thinks she's developing psychic powers and posts videos of crystals falling out of her hand as proof, since she thinks her mind powers are what's making it fall

The New Adventures of Old Christine

why is cwcki always down

It might be self hosted and can't take much traffic

how can such a horrible creature exist?

the sadest thing about CWC is his father didn't die sooner.
If Bob died when Chris was only 8 he'd at least die optimistic about how his son would turn out.

I don't believe you but I really don't want to make sure

Best thing to come out of the musical.

He claims to have had a heart attack but this is Chris still kinda spooked me, I don't want him to go just yet

Chris will probably outlive us all.
he'll be in the news for being the oldest woman at the age of 142 one day.

what did xhe mean by this
an alleged heart attack according to her, though she supposedly went to the ER

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For five seconds I'd love to live in Chris-chan's world.

>we laugh at Chris now but one day he's gonna be gone and we'll miss the days of Liquid Chris and JULAAAAAY we'll actually miss the autist

>tfw chris is seen as a crazy person
>the day of the merge actually happens
>he accends to being a god and starts his neverending tyrany over humanity because no one could stop him

He later claimed he had three heart attacks, which is bullshit because he'd either be dead or barely clinging to life.

Before people ask, that's Chris role playing as one of his imaginary characters that he imagined he married.

I was just about to ask if that's him pretending to be his own wife. Incredible.

Worse, it's his husband.

hes actually married to 3 people in his world

I keep forgetting that chris is in fact a wamyn now

Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid
What the fuck

>all of Chris's enemies through out the years that got cursed are now in shitty lives
I'm scared bros

They were always cursed, even before they met Chris. And that one jew is well-off, but it could be because he's a jew who feeds off the misery of others.

i doubt all of them
i know liquid became a cuck or something

The Chris-chan curse only works if you get directly involved with him.

Chris Chan is the retarded autistic shim version of Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Can't wait for the Hulu miniseries.

Liquid became a doctor and dumped that bitch that went too far with the cwc phone sex.

but his is even worse

Believe in the OC's!

Mary lee walsh now has to forever be associated with CWC after she left PVCC so it's apparently hard for her to find a job
Bluespike iirc is a depressed shitstain and has a lot of problems
Liquid isn't really a cuck, he's just stuck in an unhappy marriage with a fatty who treats him like shit, his fault for getting married so young though
he's still happy, his blind autismo still makes him happy I guess, like a Child he'll have his breakdowns like at Too many games but he'll get right back up

>Christine-chan is gonna develop mind powers
Oh fuck.

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they had it coming for basing their internet career on one autistic manchild

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can confirm he and his brother have Youtube Channel now and he divorced Kasey, he's a cancer research doctor
he made it fellas

There was a heart attack?

Mary Lee Walsh didn't deserve anything, she was just doing her job.



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Liquid wasn't that bad he was just having a little bit of fun and even made up with Solid given how Solid considers him a good friend

christine rules you swine

I would said Mary Lee Walsh and Megan got it far, far worse that anyone else:
>anytime someone looks at your name will find so weird kid's porn of you, your reputation in education is forever drag into the shit
>Anyone who google Megan's name is going to find she_came_for_CWC.jpg as the first link

>Chris chan is legally allowed to drive
I am glad I live nowhere near him

>The Curse-ye-ha-me-ha actually worked
I've heard he's literally this kind of driver

yall see that video of those kids taking him out to lunch and then to a haunted asylum? and when theyre driving him home he astral projects into the other dimension and channels his ocs for them

Except he’s not

>all of Chris's crazy delusions are real
>the merge is next

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where's chris gonna find a car though

i dont keep up with the minute-to-minute followings, but did anyone see the cwc cameo in that fan-made community collab shrek remake?

He has one with a sonichu license plate.

user dont temp just post

Yeah, that was weird. I'm surprised he will still get on camera and hang out with random people after all these years.

what does this mean

he sold it

Only because they entertain his delusions.

My friend works at a local hospital. According to my friend, who is not me, he called 911 c/o chest pains and was found to have a mild NSTEMI due to garbage diet, etc.

Also, I’m a dog person fur CWC genuinely deserves to be executed for what he did to those kittens.

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*dont tempt, just post the link

>what he did to those kittens
quick rundown?

>Chris Chan has a ghost hunting video, but Mike Stoklasa still doesn't.
It ain't fair.

mspaint tier fake lol
>t. cwc

imagine fighting in Korea to come home and have CWC as a child
i bet Bob wishes those gooks impaled him earlier

He may have also abused his dogs, there's this video where his dog just wails in pain for a while.


>I wish I impaled a gook girl instead of this bitch, fucking bitch gave me a tard

Cunt couldn't even be bothered to go and lookup Farquaad's name before recording. Just did it in one take half arsed.


I’ll just lead you with this. Alternatively, google-fu his animal abuse ignored by the cops because he’s a retard.

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I find the "Obama painting the White House black" joke somewhat funny

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Maybe not abuse. Neglect might be a better word, because for all we know he didn't cut off his dog's paw like he did with his cat.

That boy needs therapy.


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3.6 barks -- not great, not terrible.

What does that mean?

he what

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Why are you obsessed with Trump?

>2025: The police reports the discovery of another heavily mutilated corpse in Ruckersville, VA. They are now sure to be dealing with a serial killer that does not only murder women but saws off their limbs and replaces them with limbs of various animals until they resemble certain fictional creatures known as Pokémon. Notes are left behind at the scene, describing that this is part of a "dimensional merge".

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>do your job wrangling in a retard at a community college
>said retard draws 5 year old level deviantart comics about you being evil
>career ruined
Please tell me that's not true.


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There is no fucking therapist that can handle fucking chris, this thing is too fucking far gone.

When is The Merge happening bros?

Any therapist that goes near that thing would need a therapist and an exorcist.


I have a genuinely been following him since I was underage posting here at tender age of 14. I am now just about 30 years old. This absolute Lee, has not only shits on his father‘s legacy, but also tortured his mother and multiple animals in addition to the collective psyche of our Internet culture. In short, shit sucks.

Im alt right from pol we infect all 4channel pls join our cult or ill call you a basedboy cuck.

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have sex

>t. Abraham schecklestien-rodriguez

Same here. I've been here from the beginning. I just want to see the end. It can't keep going on like this.

>he's still happy, his blind autismo still makes him happy I guess, like a Child he'll have his breakdowns like at Too many games but he'll get right back up
let's see how long that lasts after the law starts really assfucking him for his debts and he goes homeless

You must join our alt right pol cult right now or im calling you the n word. You have thirty-two minutes to comply.

I wish, probably be a lot less trannies and pedos on this board.

Join our alt right safespace cult at pol. If you dont ill scream and wake up my mom.

Truly /ourguy/ til the bitter end.

Godspeed brother. Whenever he ends up shooting up a Richmond EBgames, rest easy knowing we did all we could.

This is painful to watch even for a Chris Chan video.

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I don't even care if you're false flagging you sound pretty based to me user

when is this fat tranny gonna croak?

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>adopted three newborn kittens birthed by one of his strays
>one gets a horrible infection, Chris uses this to beg for money
>everyone and their mom's telling him to give them away else they'll die in his house
>Chris' maternal instinct is stronger than his desire to see these creatures live
>one dies
>another is given to some trusted individual
There's still the third in his care. I fear it's probably dead and Chris hasn't fessed up.

what's wrong with being a pedophile?

Damn that tranny brain of yours is all scrambled.

A useless autist took time out of his day to draw this shit...

t. Triggered cul

Pointing it out every thread is a waste of breath.
Just enjoy the show.

have sex

Not soon enough. I wanna be ____ my waifu.

I'm not sure which is crazier.
That Chris believes his video game franchise universe will merge with ours,
Or that he believes he's physically attractive and desirable


bend over

when the cult member gets triggered...

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>any other ponyfag at leastput some effort into the costume/clothers
>CWC just use his old lady setup with a horn and a tail/sweeter arround the hips

So am I in the club now all of a sudden?

honestly that therapist is going to have the time of his life hearing about all that shit that went down

No, you must first cut off 15 nigger dicks and suck them while our inner circle members recite our rituals.

No your penis is too feminine

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Reminder that Chris Chan has only ever been an outlet for slightly less autistic people to feel better about themselves.

He's literally saying that he's beyond comprehension because he's some sort of eldritch being.

Welccome, brother

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I look forward to the Christine Weston Chandler best seller on the psychology of a CPU Goddess Sonichu.

He is not wrong, no one can help him

Look at my meme so funny

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um sweatie

>having such a large brain that not even a dozen different therapists can properly assist you

How can one (wo)man be so based?

>already talking about nigger dicks
Yeah you're a tranny.

Null is too busy telling New Zealand that they are faggots

I really wish a nine-part Chris-chan biopic epic would be made.
It will be divided into three trilogies, the Original Trilogy, the Prequel Trilogy, and the Sequel Trilogy.
Each film would adapt everything we know about Chris-chan.
The Original Trilogy consists of all of the events from the Megan Saga to the First Exile while the Prequel Trilogy covers everything before the Megan Saga and the Sequel Trilogy covers everything after the First Exile.

Each trilogy will be shot as one film split into three but the entire saga will be written as one gigantic film which is split into three trilogies.

Each film will have a Theatrical Edition which runs for two to three hours per film and covers all of the essential Chris-chan stories and more while there is also an Extended Edition which covers everything about Chris-chan and will probably be around three to four hours per film.
It will be similar to The Lord of the Rings where the Theatrical Edition covers the essential parts of the story and more or less tells a complete story while the Extended Edition expands the lore tenfold and makes for a deeper and grander experience.

The Sonichu comics will also be adapted into in hand-drawn 2D animation, in a similar style as his crayon doodles.
Only the essential Sonichu bits are in the Theatrical Edition but the Extended Edition will adapt the comics in full and they will be integrated into the actual films.

fuck chris chan

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Wonder what would happen if past Chris met current day Chris

t. nigger who got his dick cut

Either it'd be enough of a shock to his system to change his ways or would think his future self isn't the "True and Honest" future Chris.


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quality content

Hasn't he made a comic about that

I'll have your post too.

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

Good afternoon. Im a representative of the alt right pro trump board /pol/. I would like to share a successful family program with you and your family, without any obligation on your part, and with nothing to buy. May I come in for a moment?

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fuck off we're full

A useless autist took the time out of his day to comment this...

I still have German Chris Chan

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Didn't think I'd find something tied to Chris attractive.
Here we are.

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>those legs

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meddel leude