>People unironically think Armstrong's plan makes any sense just because he's confident and he hit the low-hanging fruit of celebrity bullshit
People unironically think Armstrong's plan makes any sense just because he's confident and he hit the low-hanging fruit...
Armstrong was lying, he wanted anarchy so he could go around freely killing people and fighting cyborgs.
I'm sure you're very smart OP
I didn't vote for Trump, so I'm smarter than a significant percentage of Americans that I imagine would vote for this idiot as well to own the libs.
It does and doesn't. It is a plan that wouldn't really work, but did have right things in it.
Armstrong shows that just because you have good criticisms doesn't mean you have good solutions.
Pretty much any plan that involves kidnapping children and extracting their brains so you can put them into war simulations and train them to be child soldier cyborgs is bad, in my book. To say nothing of how many countries Desperado destabilized.
Who would win in an election, Armstrong or Trump?
It probably wouldn't work but he was charismatic. Charisma can take you a long way.
you voted in that election so you lose IQ points either way
Took me a long way into ur mum lmao
Not him but there's a lot more to elections than just the presidential horse-race.
I fucking hate retards who don't vote in the primaries, don't pay attention to the Senate or House races, don't care about their mayor, don't care about their governor, don't look at any of the ballot measures, yet still think they're "enlightened" for not voting because they only focus on the celebrity-tier drama of the presidential race.
I know I personally vote and pay attention to local governments nerd
Armstrong is an actual megachad, Trump is a spoiled brat
So you're a redditor, okay.
It makes perfect sense. He's going to become president on war money, tear down the old order, and thus free the individual from the societal control they've all been subjected to. Obviously most won't be able to capitalize or even survive this, but he doesn't give a shit. The natural order is the weak die and the strong survive and Armstrong wants a return to this. It's a theme the game beats you over the head with for it's entire duration.
why is that fox so skinny
...While transforming children in murdering machines and killing the president to blame rebels
He's a piece of shit, but a damn entertaining one
>He's a piece of shit
I didn't say he wasn't, but that doesn't mean the plan he has won't accomplish the goals he wants to achieve.
Easy to preach survival of the fittest when you've had the silver spoon your whole life and then fucking nanomachines
But Armstrong admits that the previously weak can become the strong through constant struggle, like Jack. And Jack realizes that "protecting the weak" keeps them weak and ensures predators will always go after them. Predators he likes to kill.
Armstrong had fairly humble beginnings going off what the game presents. He went to a state school and joined the Navy out of college. That's not exactly an ultra-prestigious track that sets you up for life regardless of your own abilities like going to Harvard and having well connected family does.
Probably Armstrong. The media would take his side since he's not Trump and I could also see him cannibalizing some of Trump's voter base.
He was right about a few things, but the whole stealing child brains to make cyborg soldiers was a bit of a deal breaker.
Can't fret over every egg, user.
cope lmao
He disliked that current order was rigged by the old and new most cunning people and wanted to give those with a lot of will an dedication another chance for them to claw their way up. Survival of the fittest rule still applies today, the difference is that the game already has even worse biased odds according to the previous players (the "rigged" game mentioned above) and that intelligence is far more useful than any kind of physical strength.
Basically he is a SJW that wants to give everyone a "fair chance" at his new headstart (something unnatural, as strong/smart parents were always more likely to produce strong/smart children) and believes that INT needs a nerf while STR needs a buff.
>6 years later we are still discussing if he was right or not
This game is too good.
He was right. He just went too far in his beliefs, and didn’t care about hurting the innocent.
Funny Valentine
is that a motherfucking
But thats the thing, might still makes right today, the difference is that might has a new form, instead of a big guy with a big club its a bunch of hook nosed people rubbing their hands together and manipulating other players to do their bidding while INTlets complain the game is too confusing
>what am i fighting for?
>who has my best interests?
>who is actually against me?
>how am i supposed to level up?
>how am i supposed to confront my enemies?
Armstrong just felt bad for the shitty weak players and wanted to give them a chance by nerfing INT with the economy collapse, leading to anarchy, where STR is definitely a bit better. Ironically, in his own way, he was also "defending the weak", just not the skinny ones, but the brainlet ones.
so, it's literally nothing?
the weak follows the strong.
>centralization is good
>war can be avoided forever if you are nice enough
Do yourself a favor and read Carl Schmitt. Conflict is inevitable and history shows that country's that do not periodically align against a common external threat will inevitably fall into a state of civil war and revolution.
Humanity gets violent when it is bored and needs some kind of outlet. You have to trick society into behaving itself in most cases.
Well in the large scale, yes, as anarchy lasts very little time and society would rebuild itself, as it is natural for humans to do, and when that happened, the most cunning people would be back in power since its the superior skill (its how we evolved to rule the world) while strength would still be buffed but slowly be nerfed until it becomes shit again like today.
Thats only looking at a macro-view of time and people wise though, in a smaller, more individual scale it would lead to years of INTfags having their shit fucked by raiders and STRchads as they could just fuck shit up with their cyborg bodies, natural strength or weaponry superiority.
He's a good villain bevause part of his beliefs are right, with Raiden also realizing that after the ending.
Raiden realized it midway through the game and also realized by their own and his own belief system he just had to murder them all to get what he wanted.
This is why civilization shouldn't have gone past gunpowder. Before every man would fight hand-to-hand and that was a sport on its own. Now the military is 99% management and every 6 months you get to shoot some faceless mook.
Survival of the fittest doesn't mean everyone killing each other. There will always be people who are weaker than others but still have important uses; those are usually the "weak" people working for the "strong". In return the Strong can promise to protect the Weak and so the relationship is mutual. Then the Weak in this sense are also completely free to seek strength for themselves if they work for it, but nothing is free and no Strong is obligated to provide guaranteed safety to the Weak (the current system).
His goal of shutting down the faceless self fueling war economy, letting people be masters of their owns fates rather than cogs in MGS's fucking insane system and a more transparent society are all noble enough.
His plan to accomplish his goals though was like using a sledgehammer to crack an egg though, it'd work but it's pretty fucking indiscriminate.
Reminder that by killing him at the end you're literally proving him 100% right.
A tremendous amount of retards that voted for trump did so simply because of his supposed machismo, even though he is a huge wuss. Armstrong is practically oozing testosterone.
No it doesn't. Only the wealthy who can afford enhancement would survive.
Armstrong was a fucking idiot. Nothing he said would have worked. Nano machine anarchy would just be the rich elite, pmcs, and the military vying for control.