>zoomers are nostalgic for GTA V now
Zoomers are nostalgic for GTA V now
That's crazy. Glad I'm in here and not out there.
6 years later and you're still here
By definition, you can be nostalgic about something that happened last week, like a holiday/vacation.
Felt a pang of wistful nostalgia remembering this post:
regardless of the time period, even in 50 years, you shouldn't be nostalgic about something like GTA V though
Fuck guy remember the good old days of this post?
I'm nostalgic about Danganronpa V3 launch
fellas i think a meme was just born itt
It's crazy that GTA V is still consistently a top seller after 6 years
When will everyone who wants GTA V own it
>gtav came out 10 years ago
At least wait until GTA VI is out zoomies
Can you be nostalgic for something that has not happened yet?
yes we get it already
popular thing bad
don't forget you have people who get banned online and just buy another copy.
I don't even remember there being one good song in gta5
Besides that captain save-a-ho one by e40 which is more funny than good.
I remember the good old days when I thought my favorite game would get a sequel like any day now
I remember a lot of them, user
I didn't say it's bad though.
every song is good on self radio
>the act of playing my own music cuts the framerate in half
did they ever fix that shit? That made no sense to me.
You did in a roundabout way.
>2008 was 12 years ago
Turn off automatic scanning for new music.
I'm nostalgic for it, had lots of great times playing it over the years. I don't know why you guys think time stopped moving in 2011
I'm mostalgic about Danganronpa 3, that was wild fucking ride.
J U Z O B O Y S.
But where's the caveman?
do you want nostalgia? here's some
I get nostalgic over the first trailer
Like the game came out 2013 thats like 6 almost 7 years from now on seems zto be a good time to be nostalgic about it
This. People have have already been nostalgic about GTA:SA in 2012, that's about the same timeframe.
5 almost 6*
>youtube comment thread
>that filename
Get a life nerd
nigga dont h8 on 40 water, bitch
I think we need more threshold for nostalgia for modern games since the tech didn't advance like at all. If GTA5 came out today nobody would tell it's a last gen game. If Unreal Tournament 2004 came out in 2010 everyone would laugh at it.
GTA SA had almost 2 sequels at that point while V is still going
>If GTA5 came out today nobody would tell it's a last gen game
It's more of a transgen game.
It was developed with xbone and ps4 in mind but some of the mechanics are somewhat outdated.
rdr2 is really the "next gen" game.
I feel like Rockstar is going for triple dipping again, like they did with GTAV. RDR2 on this gen, then on next gen, then on PC.
>contrarians now gatekeeping nostalgia
Fuck nu Rockstar, And fuck Take Two. Cunts sold out and now look at where we are
>If GTA5 came out today nobody would tell it's a last gen game
They would if it looked like the PS3/360 version.
I still greatly enjoy GTA and RDR online. Never spent a dime on them.
Did they dead?
sold out to what
GTAV and RDR2 are solid games
Next gen is when we finally get a true next gen GTA built from the ground up for the new hardware you'll be able to tell the difference at least as far as graphics and draw distance go it's already better in RDR2
1. GTAV is a great game with top-notch soundtrack
2. 3. Even if you don't agree with 2, you'll still have to understand that recent memory can still be life-defining (especially at such a low level)
4. Hating younger people (I'm assuming here but it probably is true) and popular stuff doesn't make you cool, on contrary, you are not better than the most swinish 70yo+ magachuds
no he said zoomer who like popular thing bad
People that hate "underages" are 20 year olds, they think they have life figured out, but in reality everyone else sees them as retards.
What if that guy was talking about the music in that radio station?
There are some classic songs in there.
Hard to gauge draw distance between GTA5 & RDR2 because one isn't having to deal with literal hundreds of man-made unique buildings, roads, traffic conditions, etc. There's just so much more shit a GTA game needs to keep in mind vs RDR which is primarily just open vistas.
I'm replaying IV right now. having bit of nostalgia even though I was 17 when I played it back in the day.
>grey nothing
Switched between it and V the other day. It's amazing how bad they fucked the PC port.
Starting to believe this too. Underageb& spend so long in the shadows here that once they earn their right of passage they think they're part of a club
lol I was 9 at the time but I still remember a lot of it
why was I even playing that
it came out 6 years ago, user
you can be nostalgic about something that happened 6 years ago, zoom zoom or not
Saint Denis is the closest thing to a GTA style modern city and it feels just as populated except without cars everywhere. The pop-in issues of the past have been eliminated too.
>hey let's just tie graphical settings directly to the screen resolution!
>*shadows become stupidly expensive to render as the resolution hits 1440p or higher*
niggermals will talk about being "nostalgic" for whatever shitty pop/rap song was playing everywhere even just a year ago. not long from now you'll see them talking about how hearing sicko mode "really takes me back".
I have nostalgia for dmc5 already whats your point grandpappy?
What song?
pretty nostalgic for about 2 minutes ago back when I wasn't reading this shitty thread
man those were the days
GTAO's MT's (Sharkcards) are a goldmine for Take Two, They raked in billions alone from them. Ever since they got a taste of that revenue they have become lazy, Like Valve. Why release more games for profit when there is an easier solution? It's common sense. That's why we are going to get live service games that they will milk dry for 10 years. Just look at GTAO.
>GTAV is a great game with top-notch soundtrack
i agree self radio with cliff and andee from lips 106 was awesome.
Completely true. At this point spotting kids on here is as easy as seeing if they decide to call you a zoomer.
I'm gonna be sick
ok Chris
>they have become lazy
they literally released RDR2 last year, and are still working on GTA6 and Bully 2
stop being retarded
People who were born the year GTA IV came out are able to use computers now, and in a years time will be teenagers. How do you all feel about this?
I imagine a girl would do what the song says, it's like she's speaking to me.
GTA V was shit, with shit characters, shit driving, shit multiplayer and shit missions
it was shit
I think we need to hurry up and start a nuke war with Russia and Chija already
great shitpost
but I'm here to be mad about game
You don't know what you are missing, Kid. There was a time when they released like 3 games a year, And they were all good. 1 ok game every 8 years isn't normal for R*.
I'll never forget that one comment I saw on a youtube video that said he felt nostalgic for Fortnite, that was back when the game wasn't even a year old yet. If that isn't peak Zoomer, I don't know what is.
and that he's the sheriff and were out here
>rockstar presents: tabletennis
oh yeah that happened. great game.
it's like games were less expensive and easier to make back then or something
gee wilikers what a knowledgeable boomer you are
True, but it's not exactly something you can only wistfully wish you could return to, at least for most people. Just go and play it, it's still there.
I distinctly remember back when the late 00s-early 10s stuff like icarly, hannah montana, johnny test, cn real, bieber, etc. used to be widely considered the "downfall into shit era" and was ranted on a lot.
But now in 2019, zoomers took over the internet and post childhood nostalgia for that once-hated late 00s-early 10s era, rehabilitating its reputation.
that gap between GTAV and RDR2 is completely understandable if you've played RDR2
Post fav Nonstop Pop songs
>I'm a huge faggot please fuck my smarmy little facehole!
Well... sure?
You can be nostalgic about something you did yesterday.
still blows my mind that they made Vice City in one year
>about the best selling game of the ps4
GTA V had the absoltue shittiest soundtrack of any GTA game.
I couldn't even name a single song, as I gave up half way through the story and solely used the custom radio.
*sip* now K-DUST, Vladivostok, and Radio X, those were some good stations.
yeah I'm still playing RDR2 now
I still can't believe they managed the fit the first games entire map into it and even UN-detailed mexico
he's nostalgic about the music you dumbfuck
remember when we were joking about being nostalgic about san andreas?
>tfw when you hate zoomers because they remind you of your own mortality, especially when the website you've browsed for over a decade starts to fill with them and you're reminded daily of your age
i dont like this feeling, fellas
>making a thread about youtube commenc
you are the zoomers user
The break between GTAV and RDR2 is huge, but RDR2 did take 100% of their global resources.
To be fair the hardest part, which is the engine framework and artstyle, were done with III. Most of the work was creating assets, cutscenes and recording the voices. It's nothing like the huge leap in tech between San Andreas and IV or between IV and V.
The PS2 gen can't be compared to the modern day, as a boomer you should know it takes more years and resources to make a big open world now when they have to detail evey inch of it.
When I see zoomers posting about how they're depressed and want to kill themselves constantly, I flash back to myself at 14
and i was born the year the SNES came out, damn
and these kids born in 2004 and 2007 are still getting laid before me despite me trying to get laid or get a gf since before they were even conceived in the womb
You should stop worrying about people having good memories.
How old?
man made stuff is easier to render desu.
Ever since the switch to PBR in this gen doing nearly photorealistic metals and concrete is a breeze.
I know their money-boner happened because GTAV broke fucking records, but RDR2 is even bigger in scale than TW3.
>zoomer doesn't like being told he's a child
That's a real funny way of saying Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition Remix
>it's like games were less expensive and easier to make back then or something
Why would you choose to spend more money and effort to release inferior products is the real question.
>even bigger in scale than TW3
so rdr is full of copypaste fluff that no one sane cares about?
Very little is actually copypasted it has unique assets and animations out the ass for everything
You're the only child here. You can't even fucking read because the guy in OP's pic is nostalgic over the older pop music on the station.
Yea Forums agism retardation needs to stop. There are stupid young people, and stupid old people. Zoomer rage is just boomers mad that they're getting older.
No. The game is on another whole level. I honestly can't wait for the PC release.
the only non austic correct opinion
GTA5 was also their first GaaS thing, and put all hands on it once they realized GTAO prints money.
It came out 6 years ago, you could've played it when you were 12 just finishing primary school and be 18 now going into collage
I mean, it's understandable.
lmao. is the ban not associated with your ps4 login or rockstar account or something?
I wanted to shit on this zoomer for being nostalgic for a game released in 2013, then I remembered that I can get nostalgic for DARK SOULS II.
Still, Rockstar are an inept developer.
>Yea Forums agism retardation needs to stop. There are stupid young people, and stupid old people. Zoomer rage is just boomers mad that they're getting older
What about boomer rage?
The two best games in the series were made with GTA 3 assets. V should of had spin off games too, I don't like the way the series is jumping numerals quick, Those games should be as revolutionary as 1 or 3.
spin off's would be somewhat cheaper and quicker to make, But just as profitable, You don't have to re invent the wheel every time.
>Rockstar are an inept developer
The fact you mention Dark Souls is absolutely hilarious. Fromsoft have zero quality control.
zoomers laughing at manchildren not wanting to share their toys and getting upset about it
Rockstar games cannot even be described as competent when it comes to gameplay and game design.
>constantly pushing the envelope for decades
>they're incompetent because me no like
You mean Fromsoft?
They pioneered the modern open world and still lead the charge showing up all the copycats
the only correct yet autistic opinion
>6 years ago was 12 years ago
Maybe he's nostalgic about a song on the station and not the game itself
Didn't GTAV come out 8 years ago? Those kids may have been in 4th grade going on college now
how is it autistic
oh fuck off you imbecile
>this coming from someone nostalgic about Dark Souls 2
t. Zoomer
DaS2 fanboys are Soulsfags but worse. Just fucking unimaginable.
Fortnite is my favorite childhood game haha
worthless nostalgia. its nothing but fucking junk.
Well I mean it was 2013, most people here were 13 at that time.
It came out in 2013. That's six(6) years ago.
>andre houle
how come no GTA protag after San Andreas matched CJ as a protag?
I was thinking about buying GTAV but I thought about buying Mordhau