You're going to church right Yea Forums?

You're going to church right Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't go to mass everyday like my aunt.

I go to the friday prayers at the mosque whenever I have time.

fuck church
I can praise the lord where ever I want I don't have to give money to pedophiles

I have literally never believed in God, santa or the tooth fairy, AMA

Only for funerals
Been too many funerals, lately.

That's pretty hardcore.

Are your kind allowed on this site?

Are you feeling okay?

Every Sunday.

No because i'm not a Jew, i praise the Gods in the forest: the European temple

>who cares if most my ancestors where christian some used to be pagans

I shiggy diggy

Eh, it's just life. Uncle died, another uncle died, aunt died, three friends died. It's been a bad couple years. You find yourself, say, opening the fridge, and you're like, fuck. Fred's dead. You're taking a shower and you're like, fuck. Eddie's dead. That's life I guess.

>most my ancestors
>Jewstianity is older than paganism
This is your brain on the spiritual Jew

I got stuck between two different religious parts of my family and still never really got into religion. Doesn’t mean I’m completely faithless, but I can count on my hand how many times I went to a religious gathering solely of my own accord.

But it's Wednesday?

Jesus user had a hard life. Hope life goes easier on you friend.

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Fucked up the reply, was meant for this kike worshipper:

no thanks

I go to the mosque when I have time.


My dad told me it is written that he and his house follows the lord or w/e so he did force me to attend masses even the youth ones while I lived with him. I never felt welcomed there, it always felt like a play pretend. Later the pastor's teaching were contradiction with the my world views and every mass was extremely boring. The highlight was when I could go out and eat my lunch and talk with the few other outcasts there.
Worst years of my life, glad it's over.

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hey, man, it'll happen to you too. It happens to all of us.

I meant that for generations upon generations they were Christian but who cares you are totally pagan.

ITT: Burdens.

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I do understand wanting a sense of community, but I'm not pretending to believe in a god just to find it, sorry guise

You know you can and should visit the Lord's house any day of the week, right?

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin's?

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My family got pulled into church sometimes here and there when I was a kid, then we started going regularly when my parents made friends with the non-hardcore twelve wives mormons.
So then I had to go to the Mormon Church, was even baptized and 'took the holy spirit into myself'.
iirc if you reject the gifts after you're baptized it's a one-way ticket to eternal darkness, mormon superhell. oops
It's been a real long while though so I dunno what I'm remembering correctly. Never cared much for Church, but if I was angry about anything it did calm me down.
unrelated to white people church:

I haven't been to a weekday service since I left my old public school with its morning hymns and service in its gothic chapel that was mandatory.

I could care less about dishonorable race traitors, it's pagan tradition to erase dishonorable ancestors from the family tree
>He says as he prays to Rabbi Yeshua King Of The Jews

But weekday mass happens when I'm at work. I usually go Saturday nights because I'm a lazy fuck who likes to sleep in, but I still make the effort because impiety and irreligion are signs of social decline, as said. That and God is objectively real.

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Jews are the biggest promoters of occult and paganism, and most pagans are firmly behind globohomo

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Much idolatry in this thread. Instead, recognize your sinfulness and "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." - Act 16:31

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How's the autism, pussy?

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Do you post offtopic, Yea Forums?

The pedo priest meme is a Jewish psyop.

That's where you fucked up, they are for sure 100% kikes in disguise, just like Yeshua's cult

fuck off with the propaganda posting and go back to /x/ or /pol/

Your family has a long history of dying. You should get that checked.

How is it propaganda?

So what do you do, go into the forest and sodomize each other like the Wolves of Vinland?

No, I was kicked out of the Catholic church by a pedo priest.


Never met a good jew

t. Shlomo Horowitz

No it isn't, papist faggot. Your antichrist clergy excuse it all the time.

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My sister got suspended from school after asking a priest, who came to visit and answer questions, why god killed all the dinosaurs.

heart attacks. We die at like, 55. My dad even had a heart attack, and he lived. Hell, we joke about it.
My dumbass dad had a heart attack while mowing the lawn. You know what he did?
He finished mowing the lawn. My buddy came up to him the other day, and told him that he jokes about that shit with his patients. "You know what that dumbass did? He finished mowing the lawn!" Hilarious.

Why did Muhammad receive prophecy only when he was dressed up in his pre-pubescent wife's clothes?

Hey retard, care to tell me what this has to do with video games? Oh right, nothing. Keep posting stupid shit that has nothing to do with Yea Forums and see how quickly you just lose the privileged to post here. Stupid insufferable fucking worm. LEAVE.

Ur mum killed the dinosaurs when her fat ass landed here

Why do you strawman history and philosophy with Santa and the Tooth Fairy? See pic here

I don't enjoy sucking old man dick, so no

Haven't attended mass in almost a year but I'm considering going this Sunday

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Go to confession

Bans don't do anything.

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I'm White, so no.

Based. Post more.

I do, kina makes me feel better after all the insults i throw at niggers, faggots, fat people and other kinds of losers. ;)


I'm more aligned with traditional buddhist ideology and philosophy so no but its cool if u guys do

No, I just read the Bible at home and try to pray by myself. I spend a lot of my time thinking about suicide and how it relates to a believer, and honestly the Bible doesn't say much about it. I really see myself anheroing in the relative near future.

I will on Sunday. Fedorafags are superstitious retards.

>The reality is that the New Atheist campaign, by discouraging religion, won't create a new group of intelligent, sceptical, enlightened beings. Far from it: It might actually encourage new levels of mass superstition. And that's not a conclusion to take on faith—it's what the empirical data tell us.

Thanks for asking.

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You can't stop a boomer on a mission, especially one about mowing a lawn

Even God can't forgive me for the things I've done

No, I practice another religion, you've never heard of it possibly and I'm not sharing.

confess, user

no, I can play fairy tales on my computer instead of listening to them in some cuckshed with cross

I just pray. Even if my prayers are never answered, I still pray and keep Holy Week holy.
I don't go to church unless I decide to go, which isn't that much.
I've pretty much accepted my damned fate.

You guys are quickly becoming the new fedoras.

IP ranged ones will

I doxxed a schizophrenic person for repeatedly harassing my friends group back in 2015
He ended up committing suicide

I will be on monday. For my aunty's funeral.

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>Visit parents
>They insist I go to church with them
>It's one of those NuAge Churches
>You know, with the big open atrium and the auditorium that was probably a loading dock at some point
>They've got one of those big dumb Christian rock bands that ascribe to, "louder makes it gooder."
>They're all pasty white hipster stereotypes or insane bloating hitting-the-wall women of various ethnicities
>Pastor comes on stage, he's some college-educated Theologian type that knows how to sway a crowd, really charismatic
>Get 30 minutes of a Jesus-flavored pep talk

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See God paid the whole price for your wrongs. He wants you to accept that free gift. See also Romans 10:9 and John 6:47

If you want to make an argument about some sort of prime mover or pantheistic consciousness than I'll listen but I'm not going to spend an hour a week worshiping a being I have no idea would even be compatible with human worship, let alone demand it.

few people have a fixated IP, most people just reset router.

No never again.
My ultra religious mother killed herself in 2006. My hypocritical Christian dad cheated on my mom for years with numerous women and ruined my life by physical and verbal abuse. Everything my parents taught me was traditional lies and bullshit.
My son who is disabled suffered for a year and a half and we couldn't do anything and continues to have problems.
Good for everybody else but not me.

Find an independent Bible-believing Baptist church if you're a saved Christian and want to be free from that nonsense, user.

>believing in god in 2019


I'd rather go Catholic.

More spics have Internet than ever before.

Your son is disabled because you're a pagan

There is a Divine Being, what's retarded it's believing the bible

Jews, muslims and christians should be put in a line and be crushed by tanks driving over them.

>My son who is disabled
Mental disability? Physical? Explain

Don't benefit from religion and religion don't benefit from me.

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That's antichrist idolatry and extremely superficial (eg, 1 Tim 2:5, 2 Thess. 2:3-4, 1 Tim. 4:1-3, Rev. 18:4)

eh, its more like thinking of god as a mechanism of the universe. I think most people get hung up on thinking god is a guy floating around. It would be more akin to the laws that govern reality having a concept that ties everything together. The religious stories attribute things to easily anthropomorphized characteristics for lower iq people to understand.

Fuck off, jew worshiper.
Not vidya.

>its more like thinking of god as a mechanism of the universe. It would be more akin to the laws that govern reality having a concept that ties everything together

That's a pretty half-assed justification.

I'd rather go to the temple of Love

Jews hate Christians more than anything. Hmm...

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But Jesus historically resurrected from death: Stop creating your own god and humble yourself by accepting the King of kings.

Talking about god buddy. We all know Jesus actually existed with even accounts written by Romans who recorded everything.

Church is literally only for women and children.
It's a necesary facet of our society to keep them in line.
It's an act of submission to listen to another human being tell you what god wants.
Men are supposed to be intelligent and independant enough to not bow down to anyone but god itself.
Direct spiritual connections with god are far more powerful and useful than any of the bullshit they teach in church just so dumb sluts don't fuck around.
Going to church is simply a femine act.

Nah, I finished Pamela's events.

Judaism and christianity are the same religion save that the second includes more gods and additional walls of text.

Only to burn it desu

>Jesus historically resurrected from death

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Williams Syndrome. Cardiovascular problems. Feeding problems, kidney problems, learning disorders, digestive problems. It's really close to autism and he can't function on his own.

It's that kind of fear mongering that keeps people throwing money at churches.

it's still better than "it's just jew magic bro don't think about it"

Jesus believed that God is a personal being, believed the entire Old Testament (he wrote it, after all) (eg Matt 22:31-32), and he claimed to be God (eg John 11:25-26) and his followers acknowledged him as such (John 20:28)

Your son's also disabled because you're a faggot.


I mean really we should do fun things like lol nothing matters. Those losers persecuted us and keep us from doing fun things like parties

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Even Bart Ehrman can't explain it as anything but the grasping-at-straws possibility of "mass (and simultaneous) hallucination"

I'm gonna take you to church right fucking now

Read what you typed. He is establishing himself as a personification of god.

Okay explain this. People in foreign countries who are never introduced to Christianity what happens to them? Do they automatically go to hell because they didn't follow the word they didn't know or do they get a free pass?

Why, I'm not atheist myself, I just believe in a true religion while you try to push your fake religion on me :^)

One where you save yourself.
One where you do things and things happen.

But humor me, your bible says anything you ask in the name of jeebus will happen, ask in his name that I may convert and I surely will :^)

They go to hell lmao.

Btw good job of not judging others. You'd better pray to God (talk to yourself) or throw around some imaginary Hail Mary's.

Fuck me dude, you had me at Williams syndrome
One of my friend's cousin had that and almost died multiple times from heart failure

They go to hell but they are not punished. They just live outside of paradise.

I can explain it as made up nonsense. It wouldn't be the first time people got themselves snuffed over a lie that was convenient for them for whatever reason. Plus christianity itself is a psyop, it is designed and larped by many to make others think it is true.

See the last clauses of John 1:1 and John 6:40. Read and obey what God says, and stop with the armchair philosophy. I'm praying for you

I stopped caring about that after I was kicked out as a kid for asking to many questions. We were being taught that marijuana was evil and I asked something along the lines of: “If God put all of the plants on the earth for man to do with as he sees fit, then why is that plant evil?”. Pretty sure I left him dumbfounded as all he did was tell me to shut up and then later he told my parents that I could no longer attend due to “disruptive behaviour”. Mom was pissed, Dad thought it was funny and I slowly but surely lost all faith. I always find it funny that if that priest hadn't been so shit at his job I would have ended up as a completely different person.

God I hate sandnigger religions and I think they should piss off to where they came from.

It really doesn't say anything like that. I know there are charlatans that make claims like that to steal from people tho. real interpretations (orthodox) are more in line with what you are saying you believe

No, I play video games on sunday mornings instead

Yeah we've been really close and it's awful. Also my son is deathly allergic to milk and onions so his diet is abysmal. He's also non verbal so when he needs help we are pretty much the only ones that can sort of figure out what he needs.

>people lied before, therefore there is no truth
If you try explaining everything you ask for away, I don't know what else to tell you, user.

onions, onions wtf

I believe in OTHER god, one I met during meditation. And frankly, the things I have experienced and gone through are mostly chinese looking, which means dantians and heavy Chi importance.

Last time I went to church was in 2017, when I was at Mount Athos and I prayed for 5 minutes at the new temple being built on top of the mountain there.
The last time before that was in Rome, when I did my Orthodox prayer in the St. Peter's Basilica, while Chinese were taking pictures of me kneeling. I think it was 2014?

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Ty for coming, that'll be at least 20$ to unicef and other nogs.
Ur a good Christian, aren't you?

>There are Anons on Yea Forums that actually go to church
What the actual fuck is this faggotry?

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the fedora meme caused the pendulum swing the other way


Or, you know, exactly one guy (Peter) lied about it, and others believed him, and spread the lie.
Or maybe he didn't even lie, maybe he was grief stricken, and believed it himself.

Christianity in many ways is Peter's religion, not Jesus's religion. Jesus's religion was basically eastern wisdom + jewish ritual. Peter made it into what would later be the Roman imperial religion, and for two thousand years practically the "white man's religion".

This, trolls trolling trolls is a sight that feeble newfag minds can't comprehend, so they think they are observing truth and join the culture.
Careful when you pretend to be retarded, because there might be gullible people looking, and you may turn them into legitimate retards.

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No. Due to the fact I am a proud white man, I do not worship kike gods.
Daily reminder that the Old Testament is allegory and "Satan" and all its variations are code for gentiles and gentile gods.
Christianity and Islam are both jewish proxies made to destroy gentile culture to the root and make people despise their pagan ancestral lines.
By being a race traitor christfag you're literally believing your entire ancestral line is evil and demonic and that only the ancient jews were right.
You cannot trust jews. New ones, as well as the ancient ones. Making exceptions to the rule because b-but muh bible just means you've swallowed the bluepill. The Illuminati is a hard pro-abrahamic movement that worships Jesus Christ as the superior god and is designed to destroy whatever remnants of polytheism still exist. Bilderberg jews run the world church. To be a christian is to pray for your own destruction. "YHVH" is code for the jewish collective. Wake up.

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>eastern wisdom
Nothing eastern in jesusistanism

You also need to stop listening to traditions that have been bashed into your head. You need to sit back and look for yourself.
You've never seen, felt, or heard God/Jesus and if you have you need medication.
Also Jesus wasn't white you need to learn geography. The churches have been in power for ages look at how much power they had in the medieval ages. Look at the crusades. There was nothing holy about the crusades. God/Jesus says to love everyone and you can't be racist, sexist or against homosexual people but here you are doing that.
You're one of the biggest examples of a Christian hypocrite.

How do you know that is god? What if it is some other entity or the christian god? It's all relative but I feel that both lead you to the right way so that's good I guess but try and find some backbone that can't be corrupted through your fallible self. I think if you act in a good and honorable way you are on the general right path.

How did Peter (who died nearly 300 years before the Catholic Church's creation and called ALL Christians "the holy priesthood" in his Biblical epistles) get involved in your asspull of an explanation? There was no political Roman church until Constantine (whose sons and advisors (eg Eusebius of Caesarea) were Arian, and the Emperor wasn't pleased that the Biblical bishops sided against Arius during the Council of Nicaea) in the 4th century. The "anti-Catholic" Vaudois Christians and their Old Latin translations date back to at least the 2nd century.

>there is a good god above and a bad god bellow
>you should do good deeds to help the good god fight the bad god
>we are in the world of flesh, which is a bad place, but our souls will leave it and go to a good place if we are good
>you should not accumulate wealth, rather share it, and help others
>you should meditate and pray and seek spiritual and mental simplicity and cleanliness, rather than sophistication
>god created all animals to serve man, so its okay to treat them like shit, because thats what they are for; no need to thank the deer for its meat or the sea for its bounty of fish
>god made all people, and in all people is a piece of god, so don't kill people; if you kill people, you kill a piece of god, even the people you dislike and who are objectively bad material like a child rapist

These were all eastern ideas that were making their debut in the west.
Look at pre-christian religions and rituals and temples and punishments, and compare them to post-christian.

The martyr cult was pretty well established before the Roman emperors embraced it as state religion to consolidate. Don't act like Christianity went extinct for a few centuries and then was resurrected. It was there, growing.

No. I tend to push away God when I'm in a sinful place as I am now.

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>not believing in the year of our lord 2019

>there were countless martyrs before Catholicism was created
No shit, Sherlock. Hence why Constantine "became a Christian" to pacify Christianity's spread in his empire.

>How do you know that is god?
Because your inner being recognizes god as God.
>What if it is some other entity
Your being recognizes god when you fuse with him/her in meditation.
>Every way is good
No, most religions will take you shortly to hell and demon posession, this is why there is so much pressure pushing religion, they want something, they are people from hell.
>b good
Not that simple, there are complicated matters of energies and internal alchemy you have to work through, god can gift it to you or make it easier, but the long path is complicated.

>you should meditate
Bible meditation isn't eastern meditation
Becoming dumb is regressing spiritually, spirit and Chi make you smarter, the more of these you have the smarter actually, the lesser the more simple and dull.

Pic related, eastern wisdom that you will not see in the bible, 8000 years old or so, hold this pose for extended periods of time with the proper relaxation and stillness and you will grow in Chi.

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>Mount Athos
you'd enjoy pic related

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imagine being so basic and simple that you think new age american shit is "eastern wisdom"

>there is a good god above and a bad god below
Christians were strictly against Gnosticism for at least the first 300 years of Christianity, moron.

The concept, not literally that exact statement, you cultist.
Again, compare european religion before and after christianity, the eastern influences are obvious in the comparison.

Praying for you, user. Read the parable of the "Prodigal Son"

>Wake up
Not happening bro, these people have been conditioned and indoctrinated from birth until now, they believe in a 100% confirmed made up repigion based on Judaism and then engage in the most pathetic mental gymnastics to delude themselves that Judaism is European because they fear that their foreign God will torture them forever if they don't worship him, they think that we are "Satan" and are trying to "tempt" them
Very few people have enough intelligence and spiritual power to break the conditioning. The subversion is complete

>okay but the concept is the same
Again, Christians and the Bible were against exactly what you believe Christianity to teach. Read primary sources.

Of course, OP. Did you know God is a woman and her name is Eris?

>doesn't understand God as a concept and its value

the "santa, unicorn and what-have-you" comparison is pretty darn idiotic and not even sound. they don't even fit the characteristics of creation.

So what you are saying is that you are an atheist who likes the story?

Christian god or most pagan gods are pretty much mythical characters on par with unicorns and Santa. Atman or some other pothead xuanxue fantasies are sort of different but who fucking cares about this shit?

>new age american shit
Nice meme, Zhang Zhuang is very old chinese taoist exercise.

Personal beliefs aside, the few times I went to church I always felt uncomfortable. And it's not just church, stuff like cross-necklace and Christian ornaments made me feel weird whenever I looked at them. So no.

>very old chinese taoist exercise
>guy who invented it died 1963
You know you are an ancient chinese tradition, when the original inventor lived at a time when computers existed.

fuck no.

I'm sick of being lied to.
but it doesn't matter since it's not like there is anything better. atheists are just as awful, same with esoteric wankers.

5 times a day is mandatory retard

Do you believe in live after love?

religion arrests intellectual development by adopting some creed or cult ideology

He didn‘t. It was the iceage.

*lives in society*

Not really, the whole "intellectual development" thing was already dead by the time christianity established itself.
The notion that there must be growth, and advancement, and your children should live better than you lived, and progress, etc, was just not widely adopted.
The enlightenment and more scientific economics only showed up over a thousand years after christianity took over, they weren't in place before christianity.

That said, even if christianity didn't stand in the way of progress before (since there was no progress to speak of at the time), it is standing now, with its opposition of human genetics, embryo shit, cloning, and in Africa, contraceptives.

Jesus was a prophet, not God. There's only one God.

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