What was his problem?

What was his problem?

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He’s black

But he's white

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Oh wow, I totally had him mixed up with Heller for a sec.

turned into a bad guy so the devs could push the "minorities should be in media more" agenda

>Prototype kills off likable protagonist
>inFAMOUS kills of likable protagonist
Both are now dead franchises.

>no game where you can become the ultimate lifeform while uplifting humanity with you without hurr durr cull the weak

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make prototype 2 non-canon and bring him back

I tried playing Second Son recently and fuck me it's just... I don't know, I wouldn't say it's boring but I just drift off and lose all interest in it, none of the powers are fun.
The endgame power that the whole story relies on you acquiring is shit, rock is fucking shit. It just makes you do big slow hits and turn into a ball.

How do you fuck this up? Infamous 2 did different powers okay. Ice jumps were fun as fuck.

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He couldn't wipe his ass properly

Even better
>make the nuke canon
>make "Mercer" getting blasted to pieces canon
>make patient-0, Pariah canon
>make Mercer actually play like a blob of cells than just a dude with special powers, and have his powers to change himself contrast with Pariah
>make Pariah play like a dude who can manipulate his brand of blacklight into more weaponlike aspects like swords, bow/arrow, etc
>give Alex wings and finally let him fly like any God should, what's a deity without a place in the heavens after all
>Final battle: Zeus(Alex)/Jormungand(Pariah)
We could've had the world bros, but as is, all I want is Prototype remade and actually complete. It hurts, but I'll settle just for that.

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I had this problem with Infamous 1. Just felt like a standard TPS most of the time. Didn't help that I played Prototype first.

Literally blacklight

>Alex in P1 just wanted to find out who he was and then live peacefully with his imouto
>implying he should've been anything but "leave me alone, I'm done with that nonsense" in P2
>especially given he eradicated the infection in the end of P1
P2 was a mistake

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It was. But I fucking hate that he can get over humanity willing to nuke lots of people still in the city to stop the infection only for 2 people being shits be the thing to turn him evil.
If anything he should have been a good guy with an attitude of "Humanity is flawed but there are wonderful people who balance out the bad."

That's what he was in P1, for all intents and purposes, the Prototype "canon" under the different writer might as well not be canon because of how garbage it is. Everyone unanimously agrees the writing is worse and at best, is worth a giggle. At worst, it's just disrespectful.

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Wasn't there some guy who made video pitches about a hypothetical Prototype 3? Were they any good?

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No, Whitelight is a faggot. And the other guy was straight up Chuuni

What was wrong with them, I don't want to waste over an hour if it's bad.

>make Pariah play like a dude who can manipulate his brand of blacklight into more weaponlike aspects like swords, bow/arrow, etc
This makes perfect sense when you realize that Pariah is forever stuck as a child. You'd have this seemingly innocent kid making make-believe weapons, but in Pariah's case this is very deadly, because he conjures up weapons from his biomatter.

>>no game where you can become the ultimate lifeform while uplifting humanity with you without hurr durr cull the weak
Literally Infamous 2 evil path.

What really pissed me off about 2 was the rampant anti-intellectualism. Any half-way intelligent character was presented as baby-eatingly evil, and our 'hero' was a complete and utter fucking moron, and it was treated as something charming about him.

I will never not the be mad at the whole 'I hate computers' moment.

>Any half-way intelligent character was presented as baby-eatingly evil
The priest was a good guy. Then again, wasn't he implied to be a former terrorist?

Shit, you're right. What the fuck?

He wasn't implied, he out right says he used to bomb places with some 'friends' of his.

>without hurr durr cull the weak

Did you forget the part where Infamous 2 Evil path ends with you culling the weak

he hated Big Pharma, but also wears a hoodie so decided to act on his edgelord impulses as well


He literally was cancer

More like culling the unlucky. Cole didnt think they were weak. They just didnt have the conduit gene.

Did Heller have eny redeeming qualities? He was just a big, angry black man with a hate boner to Mercer.

He loved his daughter
That's it. That's the only positive point of his personality, and the reason we're supposed to root for him.
Also because most of his terrible personality traits were things the game thought were charming.

>make Pariah play like a dude who can manipulate his brand of blacklight into more weaponlike aspects like swords, bow/arrow, etc
Thanks now I'm mad this'll never happen.

But Prototype 2 came out waaaaaaaaaay before that was a thing pushed by the media.

The hate computers moment is so fucking stupid, they had to ignore a key ability of the virus just to make it happen.

That pissed me off as well
>assimilate a lead scientist in the base
>lol computers dumb
wasn't the point that whoever he snatched, he got his abilities?

Wasn't his daughter a non-issue because he thought she was dead until like the last third of the game or something?

Not, he was literally a virus.
He gets given cancer, then you remove it and inject it into Elizabeth Green who spit it out and makes it into a giant man, that giant man is literally cancer.

Yes. He hated Mercer because he thought Mercer killed his wife and daughter at Penn Station(in the second outbreak).
His daughter miraculously survived the outbreak with no explanation.

>major point of Mercer was being tortured by all the people he consumed
>Heller had no such problem
Also Blackwatch 2.0 looked like shit.

>nuke split Mercer
>Mercer in 2 was just a different part that recombined itself alone
>third game has actual Mercer back

There, I fixed your fucking franchise.

>with no explanation.
wasn't it because she was immune or some shit?

We are never told that, at least not to my memory. Just that Mercer's sister saved her.

Second son controls so much better than 1 and 2 though.

I think they didn't know what to do with Mercer after the first game - he probably came across as too powerful, not enough like a hero, and evil.
That wasn't the case, but I'm guessing the higher-ups decided that he wasn't fit to be the hero.

It's really a shame. They could go all kinds of ways with Mercer, both with his personality and powers, but instead he just turns evil for no real reason. One crappy comic was all the explanation we got.

I really don't feel it desu.

You don't particularly "cull" anyone because everyone is dying anyway. You're just trying to awaken gifted people and non-gifted dying people are killed as a collateral.

They were so over-the-top with the baby raping, civilian torturing and killing and being edgy as fuck in general it was kinda funny.

mercer said her DNA was special and she was to birth the next step in evolution
i also (dis)liked they low key acused him of being a pedo

>he probably came across as too powerful
I mean, they could have done what a shit-ton of other games do. Come up with an excuse why he's back at square one.
Something like "My combat evolutions served no use after a couple years of peace, so they went away"

Considering Mercer wanted to Infect everyone, then I doubt it's that she was immune. Someone immune would be a horrible thing in his eyes then, not something useful to his goals.

Yeah, Whitelight. I don't agree with alot of his videos but he seems like an alright guy and gets a pass for trying to get more people to play Darksiders.

>get more people to play Darksiders.
Good on him. First game was fun as hell.
Never got around to the other two.

But the idea of Fury as a Horseman pisses me off on principle. It should be either Pestilence or Conquest. Strife I can forgive, it sometimes replaces Famine, even if that's rare. But Fury just annoys the shit out of me.

They probably did that because Joe Mad was busy with other shit and they didn't have a decent design for Pestilence or Conquest. Especially since Pestilence is a hard as fuck concept to design a character around.

Agreed. Depowering a character has never been a big deal in games - and it's really easy with Mercer, him being something somewhat undefined. They could easily come up with an excuse. Perhaps he tried to purge himself of the minds he's absorbed and ended up losing his powers. Perhaps some threat tortured him or damaged him enough to reduce him to a drop of virus.
I'm just making guesses as to why they'd do something as stupid as introduce an entirely new protagonist in the sequel.


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Mercer probably wanted to bring about Elizabeth Greene 2.0, seeing as how Mercer wanted humanity to undergo a "rebirth".
inb4 unbirthfags

They replaced pestilence and famine because

>main character in an action game is the avatar of starving to death, an innately slow and horrific thing to see

wouldn't really work

Pestilince might work I guess but after so much vermintide I'm sick as fuck of nurgle-tier LMAO RUSTED GROSS LMAO

I can agree that Fury's a shit though, she's just kinda "War but garbage"

Like I said, I didn't mind the Strife/Famine thing.
Though I do think they could have represented it in a more metaphorical way. Like Famine having a shit-ton of health-drain attacks, healing himself by harming the enemy.

They needed something to sell prototype 2 after getting rid of the neat original protagonist, so they made him into the bad guy you have to kill

It could totally. Darksiders already has lifesteal attacks and lust being more than sex there's tons of ways to interpret pestilence and famine in an actiony context.

They had a different team for the second game and the new writer needed a way to justify changing protagonists by shitting out some bullshit about Alex going full on cartoon villain. Like I know these games don't have amazing original stories but 2 was just way worse in how it was supposed to continue from the first game, straight tossing away shit that was built up.