Admit it faggots, you loved this game

Admit it faggots, you loved this game

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of course. it was great outside of the land segments, which i played the bare minimum of in order to do literally every sea mission in the game

the best ass creed game was the one with the least ass creed gameplay, surprising nobody and proving that the formula is great if they just give it a new face

I JUST WANNA BE A FUCKING PIRATE, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?? Why is there no good pirate games? this game got close and so did pirates of the Caribbean online. its so frustrating to have an untapped genre and every time you think you have something, it ends up just shitting in your mouth.

I love being a pirate user


How's the Wii U version, go, lads? Much slow down or control issues?

Stopped when I realized it's all dual wielding.
I can't stand dual wielding

dont know mate

It was the best Pirate game and still is.

it was fun but i couldn't finish it, hated the naval combat and other than the pirate theme it was just another assassin creed game, i was pretty bored of the shit by that point
i don't think i actually bothered to collect anything or do any of the side stuff in any assassin creed game after 2, and i never played any that weren't numbered.

Yea Forums has been admitting ir for quite some time, newfag


thats not a nice thing to say to Adewale

I prefer AC3


AC3 is better, they gimped the combat and removed elements from the game. All melee is swords except for an axe you might find on an enemy, all guns are the exact same with a change in stats

pirated it on release. played few minutes into tutorial and uninstalled. not assassins creed game.

it was ok just because it was something different, the sailing was good change but the assassination parts of the game sucked ass.

Still haven't played it even though I got it for free in the Uplay Anniversary where they gave out loads of free games.

I did at the time, but then I played it again recently and realized that it's pretty shit. I probably only liked it for the way it shook up the Asscreed formula.

I liked it but also disliked it for its waste of potential
Drop the assassin garbage, add more naval stuff including customization, really just make it a fully fledged pirate game and it'd be goat

yeah it should have been a new IP, and just called it Black Flag.


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but literally the best pirates game fegget

Never played it.

I 100 percented it (I guess the online shit kind of made it impossible to truly 100 percent it)

No, but I enjoyed it
It should not have been an asscreed game

>better than Sid Meier's Pirates!
user, no

go away gramps

>tfw never ever getting a sid meier's pirates sequel

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No, fuck you kiddo, it's a better game and anyone with a brain and taste agrees. Ass Creed with a shitty boat does not touch Sid Meier's Pirates!

I loved the sailing and naval battles in Oddyssey, is Black Flag very much like that?

They'll remake/remaster it.

Frame rate is kind of shit, but I don't remember the consoles having that good a fr to begin with.
It's playable at least.

This is one of the best games of the decade despite having horrible combat and missions. Definitely an enigma.

Sea shanties are cringy as fuck so I couldn't stand this game.

Unity after patches, and French audio with English subs, is peak Ass Creed.

it was the last good AC, pretty much

incredibly based post. thank you.

rockstar pirate game WHEN?