What's a good game where you can play as a Russian. Preferably with an atmosphere like pic related

What's a good game where you can play as a Russian. Preferably with an atmosphere like pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=543460260&searchtext=russia 2035



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Literally Escape from Tarkov

If youre looking for single player games then im not sure.

Arma has some pretty good groups,scenarios, and mods that do that though.

WaW and MW3
Portable Ops and MGSV

I want a chechen game

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Get Arma 3 and then use this steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=543460260&searchtext=russia 2035

escape from tarkov



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Xaxaxaxaxaxa cyкa блять, aнoмaлии!!!!

Go play gta5 as a nigger only.

go try stalker call of chernobyl or dead air
t. ruskie

I thought Stalkers were Ukrainian though

same shit really

UA is a post-soviet country so not much difference

nice going, Hиггep

escape from tarkov

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Anyone seen that video where a platoon of Russian mercenaries in Syria gets mulched by American helicopters? It really blew my mind how one vehicle can kill so many people

хopoшaя игpa

What tarkov wishes it was.

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cтoит ли вcиpaть cвoи кpoвныe нa тapкoв?
3500 дeньги нeмaлыe

Remember, No Russian.

>americanized filth
>"strong womyn" character

Stalker, Escape from Tarkov, Modern Warfare, Battlefield 3, Arma 3, Arma 2, Arma 1, Squad, Red Orchestra 2

>Wanting to play as 21st century nazis.

arma cold war assault: red hammer

Stalkers came from all over the Soviets. They could be Georgian, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Russian. whatever.

>Made by a Russian

Why yes I am an alpha gamer. how could you tell?

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Go outside in grozny during the third Chechen war

Fuck out of here with the goddamn politics. It's every goddamn fucking thread now. Woman this, gays that, trannys and jannies I'm fucking sick of it.

That's not contradictory in any way. A lot of ruiskies are westacucks that think besmirching their own ethnicity and history will earn them brownie points with the great west, when the great west just wants to see them dead so they could take their shit instead and considers them nothing more than second rate subhumans occupying valuable natural resources.

>Wanting to play as muzzies, mutts or chinks

Get the politics out of video games if you want that to happen.

but are the fan blades swastikas too?

>first post was not arma, stalker or metro 2033

Nothing wrong with politics in videogames, you need to get rid of agenda pushing instead. Videogames ought to tell a story, not preach a message or shove you in a specific direction. There's no getting rid of it now, as videogames have become firmly entrenched as a part of the modern media and both the left and the right want to control the media to push their agenda.

>Nothing wrong with politics in videogames
Kill yourself.

I mean Stalker is the correct answer, but i assume you have already played that. There's also Metro and Escape from Tarkov

I wasn't fast enough
Forgive me senpai

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You should play some Deus Ex and cheer up, lil' zoom.

this was taken in game though cyka

Does escape from tarkov even have a single player?

You haven't played many jrpgs, have you?

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You didn't understand my post... cyкa

did they put helis in yet?

Soon )))))))

When are they putting in the fucking shotguns?

Soooon )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Of course

Old OFP mod - Red Hammer. Unfortunately ofp aged like milk


I don't mind counter-culture politics. Bipartisan politics is absolutely garbage and destroys art.

Looks like an EA game.


It's ironic when Russians are mongolmutts with a fair share of alien bodysnatcher mimics thrown in.

Atom RPG
Phucker in the Gulag

But they are asking about Russia, not China nor USA