Hmm, I would like to play this videogame

Hmm, I would like to play this videogame.

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Other urls found in this thread:

no you dont fucking liar

It'll be fps of this generation, although that isn't hard.



Me too. I'd like to see it get mod support, but I won't get my hopes up.

I've been playing through 2016 on PS4 for the first time recently and loving it. My only negative is you can't hop around, because the jump is too high and you get stuck in ceilings

My only complaint was the lack of a side-dash, which is nice to see they added in the new one.

I kind of like 2016 but they blatantly lied
>No cutscenes
>But there are parts where you can't skip, somehow this isn't a cutscene


It's no cutscenes in the same way half life is, which is to say way worse than actual custscenes.

>Here gordon/doomguy, stand around for 5 minutes while he exposit fake science at you

Based stroke poster

Like when? Only time I can think of is when you're in Samuel Hayden's office or for a brief time when you activate a hologram of Hayden and Olivia. Both times you're free to move around the area to collect items and admire the level design.

>Bit in the office
>Bit after the office where you're on that platform
>The start
>The bits where computers tell you shit
>The bits out the window where the chick tells you shit

The end of foundry when you just stand and watch olivia use some sci fi buttons
Olivia's pre recorded message in resource operations

I think the only people who would take issues with that are those who have severe ADD. I don't recall any point in which I was getting giddy due to the game holding me up.

>Want to play an action based game
>Have to sit around all day
Imagine if Dodonpachi had 30+ seconds of cutscenes after every stage

You're greatly exaggerating. "Having to sit around all day". How much of the game is what you consider "cutscene"? 8 or 9 minutes, at most.

After a sick demon battle I don't want to go sit in a robots office all day, the original Doom while shit at least had you in control all the time

You don't "sit in a robots office all day". You do so at most for 45 seconds, steep contrast from the hours of pure action of the rest of the game. Original DOOM did it better? Like when they made you read the huge scrolling walls of text right.

>that part where you just stand still and watch Olivia open the portal to hell while not moving a muscle
That just felt weird, like they just forgot about Doomguy. You'd think he'd try to smash the window or something.

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oh fuck off user, there's no reason to not be able to skip it. stop excusing everything

You can skip the text in the original Doom

They need time to load the level, methinks. Take your pills and this might not be such a nuisance to you.

>the original Doom while shit
>original Doom
Yeah, nah. I hope you're baiting. I played it this year for my first time ever, and it's great.

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BROS i just had this sick demon battle guys

I think DOOM isn't as graphics heavy as DOOM 2016, thus requiring less load time.


Well I didn't like it, the only mission I liked was A Simple Task
>Time for some videogames for a mature gamer such as myself
>The Talos Principle? Nah
>Riven? Nah
>Ah Doom, the tongue in cheek game made by metalheads designed for a rip roaring time, that's the one for me

>game where you can bruteforce savescum your way through is great

Your mother designed it, in the same fashion she designed your face.


unironically yes

no they fucking don't lmao, you have no idea how video games work
>t-take your pills
not an argument. I've replayed this game about 4 times, why would I watch the same cutscenes so many times? I already did that the first time around to get the story, now I just want a replay with pure gameplay

is everyone in this thread on crack...

>he savescums

this is really bothering me too, it better be a fucking placeholder


Perhaps you could use the 20 seconds that the cutscene is draining from your life to do something more meaningful and fulfilling. Like play more videogames?

Mr. Perfect over here never leaves the caps lock on by accident

You're remembering it wrong, there was no window. Doomguy wrenches open a door, and about 2 seconds after it's thrown open, Olivia throws herself into the beam of hell energy

>20 seconds
the office scene is several minutes
and don't talk to me about doing something meaningful when we're both on fucking Yea Forums lmao
I don't want brakes in my action game, it's that simple

you don't see your text before you click post?

What do you mean, I think it's great !

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I forgot

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Jesus Christ

I meant the cutscene at the end of Foundry

>He doesn't know about chad maximalism

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>you could simply choose not to do it like a normal person, but you're such a retarded faggot you need the game to lock the option off entirely because you can't help yourself and then blame it on the game when you play like a candy-ass


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This. So much this.

You're the one complaining about a game draining a minute of your life away that you would be losing regardless. You have a low attention span, it's that simple. If you want non-stop action, I suppose I can recommend a good old Call of Duty or Battlefield title. Maybe even Overwatch.

it's fake you ape

I know you dingus but the image by itself is annoying as fuck

Something like Daioujou is pure action you retard

Never heard of that game because I'm not a weeb faggot. Sorry, friend. Actually, isn't that the game the animated NEET was playing in that animation? I can't find the vid but it certainly is. If I find it I'll post it. Not my cup of tea.

you're fucking dumb, user. I'm not complaining about time being taken away, I'm complaining about having to wait
>you have a low attention span
are you retarded? can you explain why I would watch the same cutscenes 4 times? I've read every single log in the entire game, I love absorbing the story and world of games I play. but only once, after that I just want to play

Yep there it is, you got your last (You) shitposter. Avoiding excellent games because they're from Japan, which is possibly the most retarded reason of all time

Alright guys time to call it quits. I'm an avid doom reviewer, been my whole life, you may know my Youtube channel. But this is it.

My issue is having to comb through areas after each battle just in case I miss upgrades or secrets

>Post about Doom
>Thread instantly floods with screaming retards shrieking about how they had to stop moving for a picosecond and there wasn't 200 enemies on screen at all times

How long is it going to be before we can even attempt to discuss these games? We only managed to get 3 posts in before it started, maybe by 2025 we can hit 7.

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the fuck are you talking about

>People complaining they have to stop shooting demons in a game entirely built around shooting demons

a couple of dudes mentioned how they didn't like that, the sperg obsessively attacking them is shitting up the thread. in fact, I think that's you

Glory kills are cancer though

You're sitting on your ass whether you're shooting a demon or watching Hayden tell you to go do something. Only difference is that in one scenario you're moving your fingers on the keyboard. You're probably still doing it in the second scenario because you're impatient and have autistic neurotic hand ticks. That's irrelevant, though.

>"can you explain why I would watch the same cutscenes 4 times"
No, I can't bud. All I do know is that this isn't a problem for anyone else besides a hand few of Yea Forums's finest. I guess all I have to say is you just gotta deal with it! It sucks that you gotta sit though 20 seconds or even A FULL MINUTE of dialogue but sometimes we just gotta do something we don't want to do. Life is tough, I know.

meant for you

>Oh no 2016 said rip and tear
>How could do they this, Doom was the most serious game on the planet before

How to fix D44M:

>played Doom on Xbone when it came out because I didn't have a good PC yet
>Got a great PC that can run everything pretty well
>Bought Doom during the steam sale
>"Alright, time to play! Wonder how well it runs-"
>mfw it's using 100% of my GPU
>apparently it's not optimized for AMD cards whatsoever
>likely not going to be able to play Eternal because of this
Fucking hell

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The sad thing is that for all the bitching about cutscenes, they only happen a handful of times in the whole 6-8 hour run, and only three (Olivia triggering the reactor, Hayden's office, the ending) take any significant period of time. And Arcade Mode skips that shit.

i wish we could talk more about the new designs. it looks like they're actually making an effort to use designs faithful to the original instead of the shitty ones in D16M

It's been like this since 2016 came out you electionfag. Literally every thread instantly trainwrecked by the autistic and people too stupid to not take the bait.

original doom isn't a bad game but it shows it's age
>ai just walks toward you and shoots
>most projectiles are really slow and easy to avoid
>fuckton of armor and health everywhere
anyone who says nudoom isn't better is a contrain
oldoom has the better soundtrack though

>I don't care about it, that means your opinion is worthless and I'm going to be condescending
whatever you say man. I don't understand people like you, you just cannot let anyone have an opinion that differs from yours. gods forbid anyone has a slight criticism and ruins your positivity only circlejerk

>same situation except have to play window or else I get 5 fps and my second monitor flickers

did you even read what I posted? a couple of dudes had that complain, nothing was "trainwrecked" you fucking retard

Nothing wrong with them, other then the occasional bullshit of being killed in the middle of one because you had to stop moving. They do a good job of merging old school and new school health systems, while also incentivizing aggression.

Fuck off cringelord. For as little story as there was it was pretty good and those bits were okay.

>It's cringe to want action in an action game

You're supposed to lurk a year before posting newfag. Don't think you can get away without doing so, you out yourself instantly.

To complain that the overtly short cutscenes which are few and far between are detracting from your gameplay is such an innane non-issue that is feels infantile to even bring it up in the first place. You're fighting demons all the time, which is what they promised. To have to sit through , at most, a 2 minute cutscene is a small price to pay I'd wager.

Nah i'd prefer if the demons just exploded after the last hit. The only way I see glory kills would work it's if you could only perform them with the chainsaw.

when the fuck did I say that? quote me right now, I mean it. it's a slight nuisance that I think they could've dropped, that's it. you're having an extreme kneejerk reaction, you're talking as if I'm saying the game is shit because of it
>no argument

when boomers die off we can discuss the game

Glory kills of all varieties are having a more practical functionality in the new game. Glory kills give health, chainsaw kills give ammo, equipment (flamethrower) kills give armor.

>ai just walks toward you and shoots
Not much different from AI in most other shooters. 2016's main AI addition is that they'll sometimes leap at you instead of shoot, and this is game coming out over 20 years later. Shooters with interesting AI are few and far between.
>most projectiles are really slow and easy to avoid
>fuckton of armor and health everywhere
Depends on the level, but it's not like I was saying Doom is a terribly difficult game. I was saying it's a good one.

>anyone who says nudoom isn't better is a contrain
user, I liked D44M a lot, but it isn't. They're different games doing (slightly) different things. 2016 has better combat, but original has much better level design and doesn't give you shitty RPG progression elements to deal with like suit upgrades.

>you're talking as if I'm saying the game is shit because of it
he's probably kneejerking because yes, most people that bitch bout D16 that aren't on about the glory kills or the Slayer do call the game shit for cutscenes. legitimate complaints are swallowed whole by shitposters galore pullning contrarian falseflagging to bury threads.

I liked the concept of glory kills, but I wish they were way more rare to make it feel special

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all that was initially said was that the devs lied about no cutscenes and it was slightly annoying, I don't get how that is enough to upset people

>2016's main AI addition is that they'll sometimes leap at you instead of shoot, and this is game coming out over 20 years later.
Try AI that are capable of scaling almost the entirety of the environment, besides the Possessed, to reach you nearly wherever you go thanks to experience in AI and environmental interactions from RAGE.

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I don't know if you're that guy I argued with on Yea Forums about Doom vs Halo for an entire night, but I'm not having a debate about why I think Doom is mediocre again
While I disagree with you I understand where you're coming from nigger

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You never used the word "detracting", perhaps because it contains more than 2 syllables, but I can make the assumption that you believe that this feature is detrimental to your enjoyment because you've felt the need to argue it with me for what seems to have been an hour now. Your posts imply that this addition harmed your experience on repeated playthroughs.

Lmao just outed yourself as the autist who can't bare one (1) meeting with a big robot that lasts 2 minutes max. Try taking your pills before playing next time, or get your handler to watch it while you go piss or something.

>Suddenly wants sourced arguments as to why he's being a sperg over piddle shit.
Just rip and tear my sides

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no, it didn't harm anything. it was slightly annoying and was just mentioned. why didn't you just scroll past if you didn't care about it? why do you absolutely have to be right about everything? we could've just disagreed and went back to posting about the game, but you had to be a cunt
and here you go, true autism. mentioning that I'm not a fan of unskippable cutscenes means I apparently have ADD and can't bear it

That's true, but I still don't think 2016's AI is anything special. And I don't think having two more meaningful elements to what the AI can do makes for a significantly better AI.

Nah, I don't go to Yea Forums. It's fine. I'm happy to agree to disagree since neither of us is ever going to convince the other. I do think Halo is mediocre and, in some ways, a step down from Doom though, if that's what the other guy was saying.

The fact the level concepts they already showed off are definitely in the game from the footage we got at E3, I am looking forward to this one.

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I don't know man I guess I'm just a dastardly bastard. To be fair, you told me to "fuck off user" first. According to schoolyard rules, that is the shot heard round the world. It triggered my aspergian discontent, leading me to valiantly defend a videogame I like.

That's okwe can't all have good taste in video gamesi can't tell we're both the argumentative type who gets into heated debates with flourished opinions and i respect you because you for that because it helps me practice my writing/debating skills

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i fucked up my spoiler i'm tired fuck me i guess

I don't think the "cutscenes" are really as serious as they're making them out to be but the people complaining about a few fags complaining about "cutscenes" seem to be stirring up more shit. I think they should be skippable but don't really mind them, just talk about something else if you don't want to talk about them.

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>we can't all have good taste in video games
On that, we CAN agree.
I'm just glad we could have this conversation without simply shitposting one another.

I'm perpetually sleep deprived, so I know how that goes. Get some sleep, nerd.

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I'm still disappointed the heavy assault rifle still has the scope upgrade. Shotgun got an upgrade that matches with how good the grenade launcher is, why not the machine gun?

great idea, you too

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Preordered it yesterday.
Was on the edge for a while but caved in for good goy points on steam

I really wonder what the sword is for

Heavy Assault Rifle has a missle launcher.

I'm just hoping they change the way it sounds.

Seems like all the weapons got revamped visually. We can probably assume the same for the sounds.

Exactly my problem. It had the problem where one upgrade was infinitely more fun to use to the point where it was pointless to get the other one. Shotgun had the same problem but it fixed it by changing the three burst into a gatling mode. Assault Rifle still has the missiles but did nothing to improve the scope. In fact thinking about it I think it is worse since now it gives you one powerful shot instead of giving you the ability to still fire fully auto.

I see what you mean. Perhaps it was a choice in balancing interactivity vs practicality. Firing rockets and shit is lots of fun but sometimes the player may just need a precise heavy hitter to get a job done.

I agree that the scope was worth piss shitall in 2016, and it probably will be in Eternal too. However, something to fill the roll of a sniper rifle could be useful depending on level design, although the level design that would make it useful would have to be totally different from pretty much anything in 2016.

It's probably just gonna be used in specific fights, I wish we could get straight up melee that isn't just instakilling demons with the chainsaw and doing a dumb bash with your gun. When I had leftover berserk after clearing out demons in 2016 and just ran around punching the air it really started to feel like Doom.

I'm a dumbass.

It becomes one of the most efficient weapons in the game once you get the final upgrade. It can kill most enemies, besides the barons, in a handful of shots if you aim well.

Oh, really? Honestly, I never bothered with its upgrades. I stand corrected then.

same, finished the first one last weekend, had alot of fun but it only really got harder after the first boss fight. Think Ill start this one on hard
Only a few worth while weapon alt fires and the straight upgrades to weapons like the super shotgun and minigun make the regular shotgun and heavy machine gun obsolete but you still had them in the way in the inventory
Suit upgrades were basically nothing, why not just have this from the start?
Perks were fun though and actually changed things, the upgraded ammo one gave out bfg ammo like candy that was fun
hell enviornments were Infinitely more interesting and fun than the mars ones

do we have any info on enemy limit? it really bothered how they would gradually spawn in instead of just letting me take them all on in 2016

I hope the marauder encounter will go on throughout the span of the game
each time he gets tougher and more feral
oh and melee only battle with the argent sword

who here going to quakecom europe

this, I also REALLY hope cyberdemon will be a rare enemy instead of a shitty bossfight

and I hope they also redesign spider mastermind, the 2016 design sucked


did you really have to bump the dying thread just to post that?


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