Dude let's take the xbone controller but make it worse and charge $80 for it

>dude let's take the xbone controller but make it worse and charge $80 for it

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How is it worse?

>not just getting the 18 dollar version from Amazon
Thanks, Hori

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Does the D-pad finally work on this piece of shit?

I’d rather pay 100 than deal with that shitty excuse for a d-pad.

>dude let's take the xbone controller but make it better and charge too much for it. Worth it for me but still overpriced.

I bought a cheap version and it was complete shit. I don't know what you got but it wasn't nearly as good as the original

Played Mario maker 2 with it a lot over the weekend and only had one misinput

It's 18 dollars for a rock solid controller, user. If you want to pay 80 for a DPad, feel free.

It’s not rock solid if it has a round d-pad.

>Using crooked controllers.
Dualshock or Die.

For PC? Fuck no, user. Switch Pro or Xbawks for PC. My DS3s sit in the living room with my fat PS3. I don't even own a PS4 lol

dumb snoygger, asymmetric is the best way to go

Where's the xbone controller's gyroscope?

>dude let's take the gamecube controller but make it worse and charge $30 for it

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But it was based heavily on the Xbox S controller and has basically nothing in common with the Gamecube controller.

>real analog triggers vs GCN digital on/offs
>two analog sticks not the weird C stick
>a big, squishy D Pad vs a tiny D pad
>4 matching face buttons vs the Gamecube splatter
>clickable analogs vs non-clickable analogs
>two shoulder buttons vs one Z button

m8 wtf are u on

360 controller is one of the GOAT
GCN controller is pure trash

Fuck this thing.

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>But it was based heavily on the Xbox S controller
Which was based on the Gamecube
>muh inverted sticks
Are the only good thing about the xbone controller and they are stolen from shitendo.

Switch Pro, Xbone and 360 are the Gods of Controllers
Change my mind

The GC controller had analog controllers. It had a lot of travel before going to a click and in a game like melee you can see as you slowly apply pressure that it increases the strength of your shield incrementally.

>Rechargable battery included vs Batteries in 2019


so no

>GCN released in September 01
>Xbox released in November 01
>they both have asymmetrical sticks
>Xbox Duke had two proper analogs with L3 and R3
>Gamecube does not have any of these things
>Yeah, Xbox stole their analogs from Nintendo

You're a retard.

I mean analog triggers. Fuck.

What the FUCK is wrong with the build quality on switch controllers? They're like shitty third party controllers all they ever do is break.

>Which was based on the Gamecube
No, xbox s controller is a revision of the duke, which is based on the dreamcast controller

>all they ever do is break
stop throwing your controllers, user

The problem is morons put joycons loose in their pockets.

>has misinputs still
So no, thanks.

Maybe you shouldn't be so rough on them like a kid user, just a thought

Switch Pro has a bad d-pad. 360 has an absolute dog shit d-pad. Switch Pro is also lacking an audio jack.

90 hour battery life

is that a problem?

dude the d pads on pro controllers suck ass, when you press left or right sometimes itll input down. try playing tetris 99 with it, its fucked

It's actually better though.
Plus the gyro makes it viable to play games that only use a mouse with it. FPS games are janky with gyro, but playing some CIV or Cities Skylines with it is pretty nice. Let's me save that carpal tunnel for actual work like a good wagie even though I'm self employed

hey lads, how's it going?

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The face buttons on the snes controllers always reminded me of sweet tarts ti bi 8ch.

So spend $30 on a dongle and use your PS4 controllers on it instead, problem solved.

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In the trash where it belongs

No, it's a perk as a ps4 owner.

put a vita stick in it

But I got mine for $50 2 weeks ago. What asshole of a region sells it for 80?

To be fair, Xbox 360/Bone has peak controller and no other controller has topped it since. It's the one thing Xbox did right.

So what is the best switch controller that isn't the Pro, because I'm sure as shit not gonna spend 60 bucks on a dpad that has problems.Is it that Hori one in or is it one of those Power-A controllers?

ive got one, bit the bullet when i picked up the mega man x collections and i end up using it on all games i play

xbox checked all the boxes during the 360 era. that was a really good console that had everything going for it

Based bro. God Tier controller for Switch and PC.

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