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where da wite wymn @ cracka


whack em

Based Crowbcat dabbing on zoomers

1 year later and Ubishills are still seething.


im a shill
im a fucking shill

Their video's are good, quick being salty.

Just because a game has great graphics compared to a time where dudes made fun games by banging rocks together, does not mean the new fangled vidya is any fun.

Lots of new generation games, talking about Xbox 360/Ps3 on, had a bunch of runoff employees from the movie industry who only knew how to make movies, not games. So they tried to sell games as movies.

This new generation is responsible for hated sections and gameplay features like:

>Walking slowly in an unskippable cutscene while talking
>Awkward and sluggish characters held down by "realistic" procedural animations
>3rd person shooter flood
>1st person shooter flood
>Walking simulators
>badly coded and poorly designed games in general due to the runoff industry importing data system coders from other private sectors (jobs) instead of passionate designer-base coders
>Bloated physics systems a a selling point rather then tightly designed levels
>Open world sandbox game flood, designed as such because they then don't have to design levels, because they can literally pull from already existing and public city 3D models

There were some bad old games, but no one remembers them because they suck. But the fact that people find no joy with the new ones and in fact are fucking pissed that they're constantly and consistantly being handed nothing but bullshit is something that just plain did not happen in the past and it's the fault of the current industry.

The AAA industry is dying. Slowly, but it is. For every good game they manage they make dozens of bad ones. You could say that's how it always was, but that's not accurate. In the past, there were simply less shit games and more good ones.

This is what happens when a hobby industry becomes mainstream and funded with billions to sell to millions. It suffers from team bloat, project bloat, overly strict deadlines and the teams are overworked. There's a point where shitting on the industry can be ridiculous to do, but we're not at that point.

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>resetera still mad about the we wuz kangs bit

Max Payne IS good, faggot.

Isn't that the site with the rampant pedophilia?

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So Yea Forums in general?

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2011 marked the end of good games.

NieR was realeased April 22, 2010
I believe this might have been the last good game ever made, but also wasn't gaming much in 2010.

Any other games after April 22 that were decent or original?

Desert Bus VR.

Why'd he delete his video about Sprint Vector?

gief 1 franchise where this is false



i'm 30

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Nier Automata.

I never got that impression from crowbcat, dude just posts videos highlighting vidya industry bullshit.

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automata also had virtually nothing to do with the original game, the very least of which includes the reason the game was called NieR was because that was the MC's name. Not that NieR is an established brand or anything, but it'd be like a "Super Mario" game without mario in it.

That doesn't sound like something Max would say.

>that was the MC's name
you can name the main character in the first game and there isnt even "Nier" as default name. automata is still shit but nier literally means nothing.

Yeah, that one. Full of pedophile virtue signalers.

off the top of my head some new IPs were
Gravity Rush
Dragons Dogma
Asuras Wrath
Sleeping Dogs
Metal Gear Rising: Revengence
Ori and the blind forrest
Dying Light
Pillars of Eternity
Risk of Rain

nah vidya crash any day now right

prey was shit
dragons dogma was shit
asuras wrath wasn't so much technically a game as it was a movie. really good movie. also was being worked on for a long time and was announced in 2010, so it's a technical free pass.
sleeping dogs was chink gta.
metal gear rising was shit.
bloodborne was shit. Fromsoft never really figured out how to make games that weren't mech games.
splatoon was shit.
>indy shit

titanfall seemed neat but was actually shit because the people who made it didn't understand the implications that a giant mech shooting 40mm bullets meant the humans were actually like 3ft high dwarves, so is shit.

gravity rush is just a girl flying around. whether you like it or not, i haven't played it, but that's some pretty vacant shit.

Max Payne > Max Payne 3 > Max Payne 2

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>asuras wrath wasn't so much technically a game as it was a movie. really good movie. also was being worked on for a long time and was announced in 2010, so it's a technical free pass.
>but also the gameplay was shit*

When a modern game has more TECHNOLOGY! than an older game it's to be expected.

When a modern game has less TECHNOLOGY! than an older game it's something to take note of and make a video about.

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>It's up

afaik he tried to do a positive video once, that got dislike bombed and he deleted it.

crowbcat is a pussy that tries to applease everyone and is scared to give his own honest opinion on things.

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I'm a literal 30 year old boomer. In the past newer games could be expecting to have cooler technology shit (like the melting ice crubes in MGS2). Now it seems like devs don't even try and you rarely find that kind of shit anymore. I never get impressed by the tech in games anymore.

That SHOULD be taken note of and it's nice to see actual video examples of the regression we're getting.

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Your taste is shit and you don't know what the words you use mean, go be jaded in a jewelry store you cunt

>video is
Autistic ESL.

Based oldfags

Nier was trash lol


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Crowbcat's fanbase is utter cancer and every last one of them deserves the rope

Why do black people do this

animalistic mating rituals
in this case showing off their "thangs" to attract female partners

It's more than one person?

The real question here? Is his profile picture supposed to be Claude from GTA lll or Max Payne?

fucking crowbat probably makes these god damn threads

It's a classic display of wealth in order to demonstrate success. It's no different to a North Indian woman wearing a fucktonne of gold jewelry, or a middle-class westerner driving a 4x4 for no reason.

>an AK
>drug money
>thinking anyone finds this appealing

Some anons are accusing him of cherry-picking.
For instance with Crackdown. Just how much examples is enough to simply prove that Crackdown 3 is simply weaker than first installment?

Oh boy do I love my favorite dishonestly edited cherrypicking videos from my favorite youtuber crowbfag

I don't understand. It's a weapon and money. Why wouldn't that be appealing within their class bracket? No shit a middle class person wouldn't be enticed by a shitty room with a shitty computer and a shitty desk and a guy wearing shitty clothes behind it, but that's not the point. The people this nigger associates with have no idea what people better than them prioritise.
This is a class thing rather than a race thing, by the way, and the sooner Americans learn that the sooner they can save their failing nation.

It's amazing how much bullshit you can conjure out of a simple showcase of video game clips and nothing more.

That's obviously Max Payne.

just crowbcat's prefered pronouns

Leftists are pedos, so yeah

Okay, I have a counter point for you.
At what point does it become a waste of resources?
The ice cube shit in MGS2 I'd say is one.
I'd the the blowing up food and ammo in 3 was considering it's only useful for like 15% of the game, 1 being grazny grad and the other being that extremely small part you backtrack through to fight The Fear
Shit like F.E.A.R. lighting/physics I'd argue is needed since it adds to the overall atmosphere of the game and it's not something you need to go out of your way to do

>This is a class thing rather than a race thing, by the way, and the sooner Americans learn that the sooner they can save their failing nation.
Why is it always niggers then?

Because it isn't you dumb fuck.
t. Bong

I'm sorry, but it is always niggers.

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I think you're just American. That's probably your problem.

>I think you're just American.
God, I wish I was from the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

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what the fuck

just cause you don't understand english doesn't mean I don't. That's a (You) problem.

How cucked can you get?

Fuck this degenerate for starting shit like fc2>fc3

better than anything since april 2010.

modern games have basically turned me into a casual non-gamer cause nothing is ever released that is actually interesting.

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I want to be free, I want a leader who isn't a fucking retard, I want to be able to own guns, I want to be free from muslims, I want to be able to call you by your gender you were born with, and not go to jail, I want to be free from the gestapo.


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who the fuck is crowbcat?? this is a max payne thread

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>waste of resources

Game devs have FAR more resources and budget than ever. Are the resources really being used better elsewhere? It's not like the ice cubes made up a giant portion of the MGS2 dev resources/budget, it's just a neat little thing they put in because they cared enough to put in things like that.

Lots of people played stuff like Half-Life 2 ~15 years ago and thought "these physics are neat I bet all games in the future will have this". Than you play a modern Call of Duty and when you try shooting at a bunch of bottles in a bar it's just a fucking un-changing texture and none of the bottles move at all.

Games very rarely give an "oh wow that's cool... haven't seen that before" feeling anymore. Look at the new low-effort Pokemon game that Game Freak is shitting out. They have the resources to do so much more but they're shitting this out because they know people will buy it regardless.

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why do blacks do this?

Why did you bother, user? you knew he was just going to call anything you posted shit

Is he still shilling shitty vr games(experiences)?

Breath of the Wild kind of got me feeling the same way I used to feel about games. All the different systems are way ahead of most of the open world shite other games have today.

What I like about crowbcat is that he doesn’t feed you a narrative or tell you what to think.
He picks the best footage for you to formulate your own unbiased thoughts and opinion.

Old game bad, new game bad, watch out for my balls in your mouth

>cheap as fuck ak with maybe $80s worth of 1s

Ghetto rich nigga


Hard bait. Tarofags are mentally ill.
Just off the top of my head
All FROM games
Rayman origins
Mgs ground zero
I could go on even longer. You're a shit eating faggot.

He made an optimistic video about counter strike ripoff vr which was pretty cool.

>Crowbcat objectively demonstrates that new Farcry game is missing a lot of detail and technology from 10+ year old Farcry 2
>seething Ubishills invent OLD GOOD NEW BAD to deflect criticism
>Ubishills STILL seething about it after all these years

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