how's that game coming along Yea Forums~
How's that game coming along Yea Forums~
it's doing alright
I want to kiss her cunny!
I've been watching yahtzee's videos about game devving AND i want to give it a try. Problem Is that i know fuck all about coding and programming.
well, maybe you could share with us
First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.
Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is
you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.
Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:
First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.
By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.
Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.
I need this pic in high res, where is it from?
boku no pico
you're really smart op, wanna be my gf
opinions on renpy?
Check out what I've made already
yeah op, do you wanna elope with me?
Pretty great overall, all of the shit you need to make a visual novel is usually covered by a Ren'py command. You can also use python if you want to program more elaborate shit with it.
opinions on my balls?
how would you recommend i start using renpy? i havent done anything with it but i wanted to make something
rather small
I actually finished Curse of the Moon. The first playthrough at least. Not sure if it’s worth the trouble playing it two more twice for the true end.
Pretty good, actually. It's our first major sale since release so the discount isn't too steep, but it got great critical and user reviews, so now that postlaunch bugfixing is out of the way, we're working on new content.
imagine renting free so hard you can't even see an anime picture without immediately think of trannies.
Oh you meant game creation. I assumed game we were playing. Whoops.
Dick around in it until you get a handle of how to change backgrounds, display images, play music and display text. Ren'py's pretty good at picking up errors in your script, so you can usually puzzle out where exactly you went wrong.
I dont suppose youre going to tell us what it's called?
Void Bastards. We're on Steam obviously, just got GOG sorted for those of you looking for drm-free, and thanks to Microsoft we're free with gamepass.
oh shit you got me kid, I'm just slacking off when I should be putting in work
I'll be sure to mention to the twitter blue checkmarks you were here.
This is for CompSci, not game dev. Game dev is an application, not theory and study.
It's going okay. I wrote more of my vn yesterday. I really need to get back in the habit of writing every day, though.
come on mang, don't be like that.
A place like this is where people come to have interesting discussions with zero commitment. Drop in-Drop out.
and maybe learn that multiculturalism and the military industrial complex was a mistake.
You know why quality control in the video game industry is all over the place nowadays with nu-devs putting out shit products and doing a shit job in general?
(was always the case, but it's gotten worse; as the industry has grown, it's also gotten younger)
They say they're gonna Anita sarkeesian their ass.
You can go for it if you want, sure. I'm the only one one on the team that actually uses the site, given that the rest got warded off once the first thread was a nigh-unanimous agreement that the game was awful because one of the prisoners you could roll was black.
too busy fapping on porn of it than actually playing it
Math is gay I'm an engineer
I haven't made a game of my own, but I have made music for a game. Here's a few tracks from it. It's not out yet, not sure when it will be out to be honest
This is just a few tracks I did for fun
I'd eventually like to make my own platformer or old school styled FPS some day.
I already know how to program, I'm pretty alright, but I can't draw for shit. Is it possible to get better? Everytime I try to draw, it gets bad quickly.
Your shit is good. I truly mean that.
Aw, thanks, man! I always appreciate it when people like my stuff. I wish I could find more music work like this, I enjoy doing it more than most things.
One of my dreams is to see my music in a game that garners some decent praise and have one of the big points of peoples reception being how good the music is.
Vergil DLC
Dragon's Dogma 2
You should have a soundcloud or a YouTube channel to gain some followers, in my opinion. If you want your music used, you could also open some commissions.
How would I go about commissions? I'm completely alien to that sorta stuff online.
I should set up a channel with my music on it. I do have a bandcamp page, though I don't know whether I should shill that here.
yeah, uh, no thanks
Some time ago, I used to follow a YouTuber which had a Patreon. If you paid him some bucks, he would do commissions for you. After a while he changed the formula and wanted to be paid via PayPal for single commissions. I would say the latter is the best way, but mind me I don't know the legal minglings it may concern, and anyway you need to be known. Post your damn bandcamp, and set up a channel.
Need to change the banner to actually reflect the full name. I should also put up non soundtrack stuff too. Hope you like everything there my dude!
I use Paypal for money stuff, so I'd do that for comissions too, should I start doing that. But how the hell do you promote such a thing? Sorry if I seem clueless.
I like your style. Probably the best way to be known is having your stuff used by someone, or by yourself even. Even a little game would be alright. It's a tough market for musician, but you need to start ASAP to upload some stuff, you'll gain some viewers anyway somehow. Just don't get down if the start is slow, continue to produce and publish your things.
You're right about that user, thanks for your words! I'll start arranging the stuff on Youtube tomorrow or the next day, depends on any surprise schedules mainly.
I've heard about your game, user. Looks pretty good. Maybe I'll try it out one of these days.
Alright man, take care and good luck.
Starting a new job next month which means disposable income. My friends and I are intending to meet up about our idea soon, discuss high level ideas and the technology stack.
I can't get anything done, Im just a sound/music guy with no motivation
Hey user, share your music! I'm the other music user in the thread, and I got my music job by posting in one of these threads
I haven't made anything in months. It's a horrible dry spell. There's this game I want to make and I made a track for it in a fit of inspiration,but couldn't follow it up with Any more. I'm not at the computer ATM, I'll share it later if the thread is still up. I like it and I like the game idea, but it is just an idea and I'm too lazy to really put in the work
What does proof based mean?(in regards to discrete math)
What kind of game is it? Don't worry about losing an idea, Warren Spector even said ideas don't matter
A side scrolling beat em up, but you are the evil overlord taking up a lot of the screen and fighting heroic characters
That sounds pretty sweet, I'd play the shit out of that. What kind of soundtrack are you going for?
Only if there exists functions B, f, and g such that B( f(x,y) ) = g( B(x) , B(y) )
where f is defined on elements of P, g is defined on integers between 0 and infinity, and B takes as its input an element of P and outputs a number between 0 and infinity.
That said, there is a VERY limited overlap between discrete math and programming, and that overlap tends to be in cryptography, random number generation, and attacks to defeat the two above.
Also, every source existing right now on transistor logic is NOT going to teach you how Intel uses it, because Intel's NAND gate structure does not map with how a pleb with a breadboard would build a NAND gate. I'm pretty sure Intel uses inductors and transformers in their circuits. Do YOU see either of those in a diagram of a NAND gate? Yeah, didn't think so. Those are the MOSFET gates.
Also, you said "Learn assembly". You have no idea what you're talking about. Wanna know how I know you have no idea? Because there is no "assembly". Every single fucking assembly is architecture-specific to the point where assembly that works on Coffee Lake will brick on Kaby Lake.
That is why you have compilers. That is what they do for you.
I do agree that tensor calculus is very handy if you're working with building a graphics engine though.
There ARE people in the demoscene that get really hard in this stuff - chances are you're one of them or at least LARPing as one. But knowledge in the demoscene does not apply to modern architecture.
don't make me get your sister you little shit
It's not