What the FUCK was their problem?

what the FUCK was their problem?

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didnt get to cuddle puro

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>what the FUCK was their problem?
That's one person.

trump voter

why did they make their brother help them commit suicide

tranny please

The Player served as a bad example.
Or a good example. Depending.

We don't even know the characters gender dumbass. what else do you expect people to say?

>undertale never got a full hard mode

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His as the default

Muffet refused to cuddle

in, what, the game that never specifies?

please respond

Meta memefaggotry. She was supposed to be the MC and represents the player being a munchkin minmaxing the shit out of a silly simple game. Then everyone blew it out of proportions and the meta shit gained personality and melded with the in game character.

Unrironically kys

average /r9k/ poster with superpowers who just felt like fucking everything up

I see neither inceldom nor transvestism from %name%. Is there a third facet to /r9k/ I am not aware of?

>undyne will never ride you like a stolen horse
Why even etc etc

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they got bored with the world and tried to kill themselves by jumping off a cliff. also /they/

It's okay to respect people's pronouns as long as they're sexy.


Very true

The fanbase was so shitty their collective autism permeated the game and turned the main character into an edgelord.